Volume II — Number 96
February 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Petr Stacho Special Visits. This new year has begun for us with a good rest period in the Murcia landscapes of La Manga del Mar Menor. We have enjoyed some splendid days and a very gratifying mental and emotional tranquility. But, in addition, we have been able to enjoy three glass meetings that we have found very interesting. The first one was very much wanted by us because we had long been in mind and we had not been able to enjoy it until now. I am referring to the visit we have made to the MUVI of Cartagena.
Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN. (MADRID)
The Glass Museum of Santa Lucía has had several spaces in this Bulletin, because we have been interested in the news that have been coming out in different media about different aspects of its development.
Already in the Bulletin corresponding to the month of May 2009 we echoed the news that referred to the info@amigosmava.org project of the construction of the Museum itself. For our interest in knowing the Museum and for chatting with its promoters
M. A. Carretero.
Manuel Gil and Carlos Calabria the visit was very desired by us.
in his way of understanding art in glass and his concern in investigating different systems to work this We refer to this visit on page beautiful material. 5 of this Bulletin. We met him in the month of The second meeting was March 2010 when we made quite fortuitous, as we did our first visit to his workshop. not know the great master of engraving and Jose Reina, After several times we have but when visiting the had the pleasure of seeing Christmas Craft Fair in him again. Murcia and comment on the stand of Opal Taller Vidriero As we explain on page 7 of this Bulletin when referring to with Carmen and Barti the this last visit, we were existence Of other glassmakers at the Fair, told worried about the discouragement that we us that we could not go without a visit to Jose Reina, thought we appreciated in him at a certain moment and that we did. towards the glass issues, an We were surprised by this appreciation that in this last great teacher for the years of visit we have totally experience he has on his excluded. shoulders and for his great To Ismael Cerezo, Flyppy, mastery of the different we would also have liked to stained glass techniques, pay him a visit and with that especially engraving and encouragement we sent him carving. an email in the beginning of In addition, his contribution December announcing our to the world of artistic glass visit to Murcia, but we through the courses he has estimate that his various taught at the Royal Glass obligations on Christmas Factory of La Granja is dates that demand to be in admirable. several places to the same Time have not made the Therefore, this visit to his meeting possible and we Fair stand was short and we have had to settle for the thought that we could not visit we made to his leave Murcia without a visit exhibition at the Gallery in his workshop, in his own Chys de Murcia, visit to sauce. And so we did taking which we refer in our Bulletin advantage of our trip back last January. from vacation. In another order of things, We refer to this visit on page the publication of number 6 of this Bulletin. 100 of our Bulletin is approaching, and we would On the third visit we also took advantage of our return like the different components of the glass world of our trip and made a stop in country to collaborate with us Albacete to stay with Luis in the realization of a special Machí in his workshop. number to commemorate This glass artist has always said event. had for us a special interest