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Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

Monthly Newsletter

René Roubícek . We kicked, but we continue.


On June 14, the date when we should have held in the Auditorium of our Museum the fifth event of our "Concerts in the MAVA", we had to give, much to our regret, the space that we had requested Auditorium for more than two months, because, as we reported, the first Deputy Mayor of our City Council, José Gabriel Astudillo, had given the order, with less than a week in advance, they had to hold in that auditorium, that day and evening, one of the two days of Art and Markets. Since the Conference was responsible for those Coordinator Municipal Arts Center of our City, we got in touch with him to see the possibility of solving the problem we created this exclusion Auditorium.

Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n We agreed that we could hold our concert in 28925 ALCORCÓN. the rehearsal room in the (MADRID) info@amigosmava.org

basement of the Museum.

The next day we received a telephone call informing us that the head of the conference denied us the possibility of

M. A. Carretero.

holding the concert in that rehearsal room, because it would cause "noise" that bother the participants in the conference.

ble for the Castle Small who made the concert could take place.

Some opinions received encouraged us to move the event to another Civic Apparently, he had boCenter in our town, but we wed to the instructions of believe that these acts the secretarie of Culture should not leave our muCouncillor of our City and seum, as one of the three purposes for which we orthe Director of MAVA. ganize is to attract the larAnticipating this possibility, gest possible number of we had obtained authori- MAVA audience. zation from the Small Castle located behind the The other two are: to proMuseum to celebrate the vide our municipality musiconcert in one of its rocal culture and provide a space for young bands so oms. they can show the musical There we learned that the knowledge they have acspace had been previous- quired in their respective ly chosen place to celeschools and conservatobrate the day of Art and ries. Markets since the Auditorium we had booked for As for the few preferences our concert, but the order that components of the received, apparently, the governing of our MuniciFirst Deputy Mayor of our pal Corporation estimates City Council gave the ruin are for music are evident, as they rarely send any reour priority. presentative to our shows Fortunately the concert or those of different was a success even groups of the Conservatothough it was conducted ry "Manuel Falla "in our in facilities that were not town. the most appropriate for This time estimates that, this type of event. being the first time we The members of the group have this kind of mishap were delighted Leganés occurs, we should ignore it Clarinet with communica- and not to take more tion climate that was drastic measures, in the created with the audien- expectation that it was an ce. error of judgment by our From this platform, and as municipal authorities and head of the Association of not back to suffer in the future. Friends of MAVA, wish to express our sincere congratulations and our thanks to those responsi-

July 2013

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Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XXVIII) M.A.C.

Part of the month

The FCNV disappears

the first fixation of an auIntellectual Proper- of it. ty Law This right may be trans- diovisual recording and

Metamorfosis 1989/2010

Concert in the MAVA


 Activities on the MAVA

The right to equitable remuneration shall be paid by the management entities of intellectual property rights.

 News  Our activities  Glass recycling

Volume II — Number 57

Of Audiovisual Recordings.

 How does CONTENTS:

Part of the month


Established artists


Young artists


The FCNV disappears


Metamorfosis 1989/2010


Research line


Activities in Museums


Activities in the MAVA


Concerts on the MAVA


At the Book Fair


The staff of the FCNV


Courses on La Granja


La Granja exposition




Culture 2013


Concerts in the MAVA


Glass in Pamplona


The glass museum


The glass on Burgos


Stained glass in Miraflores


Glass recicled


San Carlos Centro


Cultural tours


Culture 2013 Programme


Glass in Louvre


Journeys in Malaga


Other trends


SECV awards


Lalique in Holland


Glass filter medium


Meeting social networks


Malaga museum


How does


Caixa and Pelli Tower


Munch with glass cube


The chair Corning-ICFO


Gloss to the roof of Bilbao


Malaga Museum Award


Life on a String




The realization of this right through the respective management entities include negotiation with users, the determination, collection and distribution of remuneration and any other action necessary to ensure the effectiveness of that.

copies, including fragferred, assigned or granted under contrac- ments of one and other, and consultation carried tual license. out for 'in situ ". When the distribution is made by sale or other For the purposes of this evidence of transfer of Title, the term loan of auownership, in the Euro- diovisual recordings made available for use for a pean Union level, by limited time without ecothe holder of the right or with his consent, this nomic or commercial right will expire with the advantage, direct or indirect, provided that first, but only for sales such borrowing is done and successive transfers of ownership effec- through publicly accessited within the territory. ble facilities. For the purposes of this It is understood that thetitle means the rental of re is no economic or audiovisual recordings commercial advantage made available for use when direct or indirect for a limited time and lending by an establishwith a profit or direct or ment triggers payment indirect commercial. of an amount not exceeExcluded from the con- ding the amount necescept of rental provision sary to cover its operating expenses. for exhibition, public

The producer of the first fixation of an audiovisual recording the exclusive right to authorize distribution of the original and copies communication from

URGENT NEWS  Bohemian glass. sulting in a wide range of items of exquisite quality, showing the extraordinary efforts of Czech teachers to meet diverse taste of the clients. The colors used in the initial coloring of the glasses were blue, yellow, and pink (the pink was not produced until 1840). A mid-nineteenth century began to work with the opal that would give a tremendous success, many opponents of the glass industry in Europe tried to copy the quick reflexes Bohemian crystal opal without success. The Bohemian Glassware often have hand-cut decorations on glass or fine prints with exceptional detail, like veins can be seen to have a finished marble and gold sparkles.

The famous Bohemian glass is a variety of glass manufactured in the Czech region of Bohemia. This glass is made from the late thirteenth century, but it was to late sixteenth century when its fa- The Bohemian glass is highly vame. lued in the market for its high The exceptional transparency of quality and perfect finish.

glass, imitating rock crystal, is one The exceptional transparency of of the most outstanding qualities glass is one of the most outstanof Bohemian glass. ding qualities. Since the beginning of its existence, the Bohemian glass was precious. Advanced technology allows you to apply the latest methods of molding and surface finish, re-


Recently we have been visiting various production sites and some museums in the region of Bohemia, being able to read a summary of this trip through the link below.

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Part of de month. Javier Velasco. Glass Hearts espinados, torsos glass, glass rain drops ... all me-

July 2013

taphorical contains a contradiction between pain and pleasure, good and evil, beauty and ugliness ... a dichotomy that is present almost always in my work . The idea of liquid fire pit is as close to the glass when it is still in

Volume II — Number 57

that setting liquid. This is the moment when her beauty, almost hypnotic, dangerous draws us to the point of touching that aspect of fluency that presents the material, forgetting the pain we cause such contact. The molten glass red tears I present on this occasion, and the flames, materialized in red glass, we talk about the constant rain of liquid fire spoken of Milton in Paradise Lost. At one point in the narrative, the inhabitants of hell come to be comfortable surrounded by theJavier Velasco was born in La

craftsman and the security of

se elements that make up its uni-

Linea de la Concepcion, Cadiz,

knowing their limits to create a

verse of torture and pain. "

in 1963 and began his exhibition

beautiful universe full of intensity

career in 1993 in Seville.


In June last year 2012 visited his

Throughout these years his proli-

In the permanent collection of

the room The Gallura, in Valen-

exhibition "The seventh circle" in

fic output led him to make more MAVA occupies a special place cia. than one hundred samples per this work of Javier Velasco. In the exhibition catalog, Velasseveral Spanish cities, and shows It's the "Body of Glass" made in his work in various projects around the world such as USA, Mexico, Japan and Germany. Addition there are numerous public and private institutions within and outside Spain which possess his work. In Valencia and in the program of exhibitions Museums Consortium has been part of several


co explained that

A sheet of glass from which

potential structures to bring to

glows in the dark one "X blood"

fruition a project, currently these

chest, shoulders and head of a

premises have definitely broken,

human being.

so that 'the team', even occup-

Ranked one of the spaces of

ying a relevant and discreet

contemporary art that permea-

finally results of the artistic expe-

"considerations to materials and

the towers of the castle and per- background on many occasions, has a capital importance which fectly represents air museum of tes the entire facility.

rience. "

in the collection 'Arts and

In another recent exhibition of

The exhibition was in The Gallura

Health' DKV has been exhibited

the work of Javier Velasco, the

at the Centro del Carmen. Also

artist stated "The use of glass in

present at Valencia '100% ', in

my work I usually serves to ex-

2010, and in' Peregrinatio 'in its

plain the hardness and brittle-

2007 edition.

ness that time may inherently

group exhibitions, most recently

Malea glass with the skill of a

have many ideas that I represent.


until late October, and then traveled to Miami, thanks to the collaboration of the Cultural Center of Spain in Miami.

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Established artists. René Roubicek.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

Roubicek studied at the School of Decorative Arts in Prague from 1940-1944, in the workshop of Jaroslav Holeèek, and the Academy of Applied Arts in 1949-1950 Kaplický Josef. When the government began to rebuild the glass industry after World War II, he left Kamenický Šenov Roubicek teaching at the School Specializing in the manufacture of glass, where he remained from 1945-1952. Like a jazz musician who impres-

sed his young students, Roubicek introduced the revolutionary ideas of blown glass forms and decoration cutting. He worked as a designer in the national glassworks in Nový Bor in 1955-1965, and taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 1966-1968. Roubicek received an award at Expo '58 in Brussels discussed by a very large abstract sculpture made of multiple elements burned. The Czechs felt it necessary to justify this screen as it did

not conform to the principles of socialist realism, and was described on the label not as a sculpture, but as a series of different types of glass materials. A major influence on modern Czech glass, Roubicek has worked since 1969 as an independent artist, often in collaboration with his wife, Miluše Roubíèková. His glass sculptures have been exhibited continuously over the last 40 years in major international exhibitions, museums and galleries.

Young artists. Jitka Skuhravá.

Our web

be traced through his work today. Its décor recorded specifically derives from the observation of nature. She uses birds nest structures, networks or groups of seaweed, grass leaves, stalks or straw Spider drifting in the water or wind. The cycle of seasons has also become a source of inspiration for her, especially for its most successful game decorative The name of the designer and

has experience in both traditio-

glass artist Jitka Kamencová

nal medieval stained glass tech-

Skuhravá stands for natural ele-

nology and contemporary Scan-

gance, elegant and unassuming dinavian design. ways, but obviously luxury.

He started painting flat glass

This original artist, a student of

and linear decoration based on

the famous Vladimír Kopecký,

a graphical approach that can


glass vases called 'Drops'. His cultivated forms arising from the process of melting ice in spring. The colors, the excitement and unique atmosphere are its intoxicating properties, and casts a spell on all who see it.

Page 5

The FCNV may disappear. To the closure of 57 public and up to 90 observatories.

July 2013

Good news

Volume II — Number 57

The mayor of the Real Sitio de San Ildefonso, José Luis Vázquez, held yesterday that the Royal Glass Factory and the National Glass Centre Foundation to become managed by the government "firmly and decisively" following the administration reform passed yesterday in the Council of Ministers.

The director of the National Glass Centre Foundation (CNV) of La Granja, Aurea Juarez, emphasized the future integration the Foundation of the Ministry of Industry.

"Today is a great day," said the alderman, for what he considered a "Real identity project Site only throughout Spain and Europe."

"We will have a single owner," insisted the manager, "it was not This was stated in comments repreviously defined." ported by the agency Ical during business awards Segovia BuAurea Juarez recalled that this siness Federation (FES), where he was one of the objectives of the was accompanied by the MinisFoundation of the CNV, "and I ter of Agriculture and Livestock, The news came yesterday to the think core stability ensures long Silvia Clemente, and the presimedia, when it released the reterm." dent of FES, Pedro Palomo. port of the Commission for the Despite the lack of "details to Reform of the Administration, Vazquez thanked "the commitpolish" and realize the integrawhich was approved by the ment and coordination" in the tion of the Foundation, Aurea Council of Ministers. administration reform implemenJuarez said yesterday that it is tation from the government, Specifically, the report states "very good news". "led" from Castilla y León by the that the management of the "I think we depend on a being Chairman of the Board, Juan ViNational Glass Centre Foundavery prepared (Industrial Organi- cente Herrera, and remembered tion will be assumed by the Inzation School Foundation)," he those who lost their jobs in the dustrial Organization School said. Royal Glass Factory during its Foundation under the Ministry of ERES Employment (ERE). Industry. By chance is this Foundation which is developing a feasibility The mayor of the Royal site launAurea Juarez said the governplan for the CNV, after so agre- ched in May harsh accusations ment's decision, "and that we ed at the meeting of the Board against CNV Foundation presiwill rely on a single ministry, of Trustees on May 7. dent, Francisco Salazar Simpson, which is very good to clarify the who criticized "for endangering situation." As for the consequences that the viability of the Foundation." the new plan will operate the Remember that, currently, the center glazier for workers, who In our opinion, the management Board of CNV is composed of have already had several job change National Glass Centre representatives of four ministries, layoffs (ERE), the director was and go the Foundation currently six departments of the Junta de confident and said that "for wor- manages the Centre's manageCastilla y León, the Provincial kers is fundamental this change ment could also fall into a diffeDelegation of the Board, Natiobecause they will have to stop rent person, in full confidence of nal Heritage Segovia Provincial and get a stable sacrifice. " the new Foundation manager, Council, and the City the Real so we see no reasonable joy of Sitio de San Ildefonso. The measure adopted by the the current owner of the address, Government is included in the Aurea Juarez. cost savings plan and no duplication.


Page 6

Metamorfosis 1989-2010.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

After the sample Javier Gomez, our Honorary President, exhibited at the Palace of the Verdugo in Avila, between the 6th and 29th of last May, the collection now moves to the Centro Cultural de Barco de Avila. In this center the new exhibition opened last June 25 and will last until July 14.

21. To end this journey, failing to confirm the exposures of El Barraco and Piedrahita, from September 23 to house the shows in Las Navas del Marqués. Avila County Council is making

has selected sculptures created between 1989 and 2010, a period which shows a evolution in which sensitive, experimenting with the material, has been able to create the necessary sensitivi-

best artist with works made of

subtleties that sometimes almost

glass and is ensuring that all the

hold in the air.

work and know Avila can be

hibition will be in Sotillo de la

proud of the figure of Javier

Adrada, Avila, and then move

Gómez, Pedro Bernardo, Avila.


veling exhibition Javier Gomez

this exhibition a true tribute to his ty or pure fiction figurations full of

From July 16 to August 4 this ex-

to Arevalo from 6 August to 2

and mentioned that for this tra-

In our last Newsletter May inclu-

We hope and wish that this exhibition a success of public at all locations, so far, have echoed the initiative of the Provincial Go-

de a report on the first exhibition vernment of Avila and those that

Later, travel to Candeleda, whe- of the work Metamorphosis

can be incorporated into this

re it will be from 3 to September


1989/2010 in the city of Avila


Page 7

July 2013

Line of research: Inclusions (XVI).

Estefanía Sanz Lobo

The three rings mixtión baked at

There were no defects mixtión

 Gum arabic.

600 ° C and produced this ef-


With it went a layer of gold,

In Fig. 2, the same glass with

and a silver top. Also burned to the 600 ° C, and the result was better than

Volume II — Number 57


another over after baking at 835 ° C (detail).

the other mixtión, but silver is

We will see the flakes, but no

actually loose on the glass,


and goes to touch her gently with the fingertips.

In Fig. 3 we see a silver pan superimposed on gold leaf, both

He turned to cook with a glass pasted with gum arabic to clear float glass, which has been batop.  Special mixtión high temperatures. In two different glasses, placed four layers of gold and silver respectively with the

ked at 600 ° C to remove the adhesive. In Fig. 4, the same glass rebaking another over 835 ° C (detail). Bubbles are seen.

help of this mixtión, partially

In Fig. 5, the test was put directly

covering them with a glaze

on the glass, using a mixtión ce-

Degussa house special, which ramic, fine silver bread. is used in ceramics on silver Payón.

Arenas Let's call this way a set of materials presented powdered or granulated and non-vitreous. Between them, they have experimented with silica, rutile sand, mica colors and pumice. SILICA SAND. Silica sand is usually presented as silicon oxide (SiO2). Is one of the main components of the glass. However, this does not mean that it is a suitable material such as inclusion. One of the first questions that produces sand mixed with silica

Above it has sprinkled a transpa- glass is the difference in the melrent glaze for ceramics, resulting

ting point (1600 ° C) and the ex-

The baked directly to the mel- in a dull and patchy.

pansion coefficient of silica,

ting temperature, without any

much smaller than that of glass.

prior cooking to remove mixtión since not coated with another layer of glass that would prevent venting. Although not protected the metal pan to another glass, once baked to melt temperature was very strong to the touch. In Fig. 1, you can see a gray float glass Glassware Spanish with

Silver bread is fully molten base glass, and has transparency

The first tests were a disaster

which acquires when fired bet-

sands by entrained air bubbles

ween panes.


In the test of Fig. 6, has been ba- Subsequent experiments with otked golden bread alone (left)

her silica sand mixed with crus-

and in combination with silver

hed glass gave better results.

leaf (right) between two glasses.

It is also interesting mix of silica

The difference with other tests

sand with enamels or fried sand-

resides in the use of ceramic for

wich to create internal textures.

fixing mixtión.

gold leaf over medium deta-

It is cooked directly, without


needing to burn first mixtión.


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Activities in Museums I.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


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Activities in Museums II.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


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Activities in Museums III.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


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View images

Activities on the MAVA. Dialogues Exhibition.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


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Concerts on the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

Due to the occupation of the Museum Auditorium for one of the days of Arts and Markets, the concert Clarinet Group Leganés place last Friday, May 14 had to be held in one of the rooms of the Castle Small. In our Publisher is a broad reference to this fact. The Group made a magnificent reading of classical music composed from the seventeenth century to the present day, going from music to Vivaldi to Mozart, Tchaikovsky, RimskyKorsakov, Prokofiev, Dvorak, Dubois, Holloway, Mancini and to end the American Thompson.

All interpretations were based on the adaptation for clarinets of different passages of famous works of the authors mentioned above. The coordinator of the group, Rafael Herrero Anton is a former professor of the School of Music of Leganes and the other members of the group are former students of the Centre. As explained Rafael Herrero, currently the Group as such has no connection with the school and make music together when they feel like it and find it interesting working with a project like that once we present.


The whole audience applause demonstrated the magnificent reception that had different interpretations of the Group, which have promised a new concert in the Auditorium of MAVA and, if it could be, with a repertoire of zarzuela, following the request of one of concert goers. You can see the recital recorded images through this link. We have asked the Department of Culture of our City Auditorium for booking the afternoon of the third Friday of the months of September, October, November and December of this year, recabándoles a reply to that letter because in the past we have no answer given.

Page 13

Presentation at the Book Fair.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

The main attraction for the reader is undoubtedly contemplation of works of art, so all the credit goes to the artists who made them. Francisco Capel said he had found very attractive the vicissitudes through which it has passed through the collection of the Museo del Prado, theft, fire, transportation, etc.

On May 4 was presented the book "The glass painting Museo Nacional del Prado" in Madrid Book Fair.

One feature to highlight in the collection is that the kings were art collectors and they were leaving his estate to his heirs, so that was disintegrating after the distributions of the estate and works of each artist took very different paths and Prado Museum is concrete.

Our Association was represented by the presence of our President and the Vocal Rosa Garcia.

The collection on which they have worked begins with the Catholic Monarchs and showed us a series of projections on variFollowing the presentation of the ous tables and focusing on glass objects that exist in their compoauthors, José María Fernández sition. Navarro and Francisco Capel del Águila, the first of which Capel was making a neat hisstated, in schematic form, torical exhibition of new addithanks to the instances that tions to the Museum collections have made possible the publiand successive deprivations sufcation of this book, since I fered, with particular reference started work as an intern has to disaster occurred with the Nabeen dedicated to the scientific poleonic invasion and the seistudy of the glass, found in zure of paintings by the French, painting of all time graphic by the state and by their offimonumental valuable luxury to cials. know the customs of glass objects from different eras, has He explained the difficulty that more than 1500 reproductions of painters should have to reflect paintings with glass in composion his canvases the transpartion. ency of glass, must show both

ing with such an exceptional item. Then, Fernández Navarro was projecting and discussing some of the pictures contained in the book. It is important to note about this book that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has failed Awards Best Edited Books in 2012. These awards have no cash prize but are highly valued by publishers implying recognition and prestige to his editorial work, as well as by diffusion involved, to be included in actions to promote books and exhibited at major exhibitions and abroad. The jury considered 196 pieces in total, including five clusters. Within the cluster Art Books, the 2nd prize was awarded to this book, "The glass painting Museo Nacional del Prado", published by the National Research Council. Co-published with the Museo Nacional del Prado and the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass. The jury was chaired by Teresa Lizaranzu, Director General of Policy and Cultural Industries and the Book, as vice president intervened Monica Fernandez, deputy director general of Promotion of Books, Reading and Spanish Literature.

They have acted as vocal Sara Grande, at the proposal of the the content and the continent. Business Federation of Printing InThe aim of this study was twodustry of Spain, Pilar Egoscozafold: to fulfill the request of the He said the delay in completing bal, by the National Library of Prado Museum for cataloging all the work for the book edition Spain, Jose Felix Salinas, by glassware containing his paintwas motivated, in an essential Emeritus Graphics Club, Mauricio ings and be able to track the part, by the research work of Santos, by the Federation of Pubevolution of glass objects the museum itself, which had relishers Guilds of Spain, Javier Ortiz throughout history. sulted in the variation of titles Docampo and Peace, apand authors of the works, with The book is not intended to pointed by the Director General the consequent impact on the delve into artistic reviews or critiof Policy and Cultural Industries texts of the book. cal judgments about the paintand the Book, and Marta Saenz, ings. He thanked the museum for the an official expert of the Ministry facilities they had received in of Education, Culture and Sports. Then he went to report on the their movements entering and composition of the book in reOur heartiest congratulations on leaving the site and to be worksponse to the shapes of objects winning this award. and their annexes.


Page 14

The staff of the FCNV.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


The staff of the National Glass Centre Foundation (FCNV) has offered its willingness to help make possible the center, once it has been known that will take care of it, the School of Industrial Organization, under the Ministry of Industry.

management seems to know anything. "

"We hope the Industrial Organization School or whoever will manage the Foundation, end Regret in writing that the only response you have received the with this abuse of power in the shortest time possible." Works Directorate in this regard is that "they know nothing". Conclude by noting that workers In this mystery add that they do are available to public authorinot know "when we will charge ties to achieve viability of this insIn any case, from the Committhe monthly and other paytitution and give it the boost it tee on the FCNV company have ments owed to us." deserves. expressed "concern" about the The Works Committee seems "The cooperation of workers is "continued lack of seriousness in right that public authorities take amply proven, as evidenced by the management and organiza- all measures they consider apagreements concerning ERES tion of the center." propriate strategies to ensure Employment and wage adjustIn a statement provided by the Works added to the media that "We believe that this neglect is attributable exclusively to the management of the Centre, that even in these times when the Escuela de OrganizaciĂłn Industrial (EOI) is taking care of the

the viability of the project, "but we are workers in limbo without knowing all the consequences for jobs and for the collection our payroll. "

ments, but we have the impression that the reduction of jobs and wages has been useless, because you have not changed in any management model has led to the ruin of this institution ", ad"Continue in the dynamics of comparative grievances, favori- ded in the letter sent to the metism in collecting and managing dia. payroll."


Page 15

Courses in La Granja de San Ildefonso.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

Presentation of the course


The International Courses II and III Cultural Heritage of the Royal Site of San Ildefonso 2013 are oriented to the training of specialists from different disciplines who interact on a common project, as part of a multidisciplinary team by conducting intervention and restoration practices on Cultural Heritage in Historic property with different pathologies and disciplines common to the vast majority of works under the supervision and guidance of the Directorate General of Heritage of the Junta de Castilla y León and the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain.

EPC S. L. Cultural Heritage School National Glass Centre Foundation. Royal Glass Factory of La · A theoretical and practical traiGranja. ning of multidisciplinary nature, by performing intervention work City of Royal Site of San Ildefonand projects on Cultural Heritaso (Segovia). ge properties that are then offered to various administrations Adviser: and entities for execution, and if General Directorate of Cultural so directed or performed by the Heritage. Castile and León. students. · 25 ECTS. Cultural Heritage Institute of

The courses are designed for licensed professionals, graduates and students of Architecture, Technical Architecture, School of Conservation and Restoration of Heritage and Fine Arts, historians, researchers and technicians of Glass.

Second Course: Summer 2013: July-August.

The headquarters of the courses is the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja and will be taught in Spanish. Promoted by: University of Valladolid. Segovia Campus.

Spain (IPCE). Partal Academy (Free Association monumental restoration professionals). Course scheduled:

Third Course: Fall 2013: OctoberNovember. Enrollment Options Intervention Workshop Architectural Heritage. 330 hours face. 25 ECTS credits. Heritage Restoration Workshop Furniture. 330 hours face. 25 ECTS credits. Workshop of History and Cultural Heritage. 330 hours face. 25 ECTS credits.


Glass Restoration Workshop. 330 hours face. 25 ECTS credits. With each course you get:

Purpose of intervention: The project to be developed in the different workshops is the study and restoration of movable and immovable property of the Royal Glass Factory, chattels of the Chapel of the Venerable Third Order (VOT) of La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia), studies historical and documentary that support these interventions and the development of research and learning about the techniques and glass restoration criteria. DOWNLOAD HERE THE INFORMATION IN PDF

Page 16


La Granja exposition. of ...".

July 2013

Through a meticulous technique but amazing results, Fredy E. Wubben shows small pieces where glass fused with other materials such as brass, steel or wood.

Volume II — Number 57

The result is spectacular and can be seen at the Museum of Glass Technology in La Granja, until 22 September. His glass sculptures are usually based on a combination of mixed materials. His artistic training began at the Free Academy in The Hague. Wubben received recognition with the master construction Geert Gouda Art Prize in 1977, which she could exhibit regularly at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Wood, metal and glass are put together in buildings, creating a total way. Fredy Wubben, bent metal, wood and glass pieces create elemental forms that arise in relating the presentation of sculpture to its environment. Simple forms Wubben sculptures represent complex issues, which are field-wide association possibilities. The water can be represented by the rain, and rain can portray raindrops. A drop of water may reflect a complete cosmos.

The sculptures of the artist Fredy E. Wubben are scattered through different parts of the world but is in L'Alfas del Pi, municipality in the province of Alicante, where he settled for years this Belgian artist, attracted by the climate and the character of its people.

Similarly water with this example, you can create the sculpture that speaks to the simplicity of the cosmos or the ceiling of the sky, as in the sculpture "Noet above Geb".

His personality is reflected in each of his works as you can see in this collection entitled "Eternal The polarity above and below, Procreation". day and night, heaven and earth, is set in a sculpture. To understand better the artist lay hold of a scene from "The To get an idea of the works offeTempest" by Shakespeare to rered in La Granja exposure you mind us "we are of the same can see this video of a previous stuff that dreams are made sample frax Foundation.


Page 17

N E W S (I).

 Why is the bottom of the bottles of wine are convex?.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

grounds, are a bit more expensive, because the wine producer's investment is higher in these bottles, but the price does not determine quality.

From the seventeenth century, with the discovery of champagne and sparkling wines, wine bottle underwent some changes, leading artisans using stronger materials like a thicker glass, and looked for ways that helped to withstand the constant pressure carbon, so the convex bottom, this helps to tolerate the

pressure on the walls of the bottle. It proved to be a good choice for both bear the constant pressure of 4-5 atmospheres, otherwise resisting the push, for providing better stability to the bottle. Perhaps bottled wines in this type of garment, with deep back-

Today seen this hole by practicality while you rotate the bottles in the cellars and also provides the service, giving ideal to introduce the thumb and have good control of the bottle. Winemaking, for aesthetic value better disguise this form precipitation in wine aging, and facilitates ensuring decantation, compared with other bottles.

Culture 2013.

The Sorolla Museum presents a

ter, and the largest of the sce-

On the very edge of the sea un-

new exhibition featuring 66

narios: the sea.

covers the infinite shades of co-

works of painting from his own

The sea became Sorolla's favori-

lor, textures and shapes that wa-

collection, some never before exhibited, and various objects

te subject, the more personal

ter reveals the beholder with in-

and possibly more representati-



Optical phenomena such as

In his desire to face reality with

transparencies, reflections, re-

The theme is the one that gave

the clean look of prejudice, So-

fraction and the mirrors of water

fame Sorolla: painting the sea.

rolla look closely, and with pas-

on the sand, and seduce as vi-

On June 25 we saw on our tour

sion, "natural".

sual puzzles as reasons for his

related to the practice of painting.

his intense and passionate study of color in the media fussier, wawww.amigosmava.org


Page 18

N E W S (II).

Concerts on the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

In this July and August our program is suspended "Concerts in the MAVA" due to the summer break and deserved rest, both components of our Board of Directors and the various musical groups that collaborate with our project.

To do this, we have asked the Department of Culture of our City Auditorium Reserve MAVA for on September 20, October 18, November 15 and December 20.

who wish to collaborate with our project through this musical instrument.

Of course, the transfer must be such that no economically The concerts will continue to be violates our meager funds, liheld at 19 am each of those dates. miting our contribution to the To try to complete the range of installation of the relevant In the last quarter of this year possibilities of incorporating all mu- brand advertising partner, 2013 we will try to perform consical instruments to our shows we both in the auditorium and in certs on the third Friday of each will take steps to some of the com- hand and programs in the various communications on the of the months of September, Oc- panies that you market pianos to tober, November and Decemtry us to temporarily cede one of corresponding event. ber. them in order that we can meet the requests from some performers

Glass in Pamplona. glass a crowd that throng around the works of her husband, the artist Agustín Aguirre. "Sales have been weak, but we are very happy because it has served to raise awareness of our new store in the street Bergamin and courses we offer," says Maria Angeles. "At Pamplona are loving the art of Augustine and interested in the initiatives launched from the

It's time to put art in boxes, lea-

happy for the welcome, but low

ving the Castle Square and


road" he says.

Lamps flexible and unbreakable

In August, the artist draw up a

back to the shop. Also, the time to take stock.

glass, napkin rings created with

Artisans VII closed the Pamplona a wine bottle melted or crushed Craft Fair, organized by the Asglass paintings. sociation of Artisans Naparlur, with some bittersweet aftertaste:

window of 800 live parts in order to "bring art to the public and show that you really are the hands that create these unique

M ª Angeles Aguirre attends and pieces." explains the secrets of the art


Page 19

The glass in Museums: Carmaux.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

The constitution of the Museum's collections is the result of a combination of donations, purchases, deposits of objects, fragments of objects, sculptures, documents and files collected since the late 1980s. This was the CEPACIM (Centre des Activités Promotions ECLATE of Culturelles, Industrielles et Minières du Carmausin), an association of former miners, led by Jean-Pierre Izard, who gave the first impulse along this decade. To improve industrial heritage linked to the exploitation and marketing of coal and show its derivatives, such as glass, was created in 1985 the Musée du Château au Domaine de la Verrerie. Previously, the area was sold by Thibaut Marquis SOLAGES, the City of Carmaux. The community gave the District Carmausin Urban area (UCR) in 1967. Over time, the work was continued by members and employees of the association.

Subsequently, the changes are significant to illustrate the commitment of the Community of Municipalities of Carmusín to support this project memorial, cultural, political, social and economic development of the region. It is assessing the Domaine de la Verrerie in full, focusing on the theme of the glass. In this sense, a study of landscape development was conducted in 2003 by the Southern Territory landscape architects (Albi). In 2003, the Community of Communes initiates and carries out the first glass Biennale, a major exhibition brings together for 3 days about fifty European glass. In 2005 a law was passed to make the direct management of the museums of the Community of Communes. The new address is conducting a comprehensive restructuring that includes movement towards contemporary art in glass and to professionalize the management of the museum and the implementation of a quality annual exhibition.

designed as a whole, its development and its offer. Since 2008, the museum puts the issue of contemporary glass in the context of creation in a broad sense, not limited to the field of crafts. It is in this context that the operation of the workshop has been redesigned. The latter was previously devoted to demonstration and production of functional and decorative items for sale in the museum shop, so it will be open to artists. In 2009 he opened an artist residency. Since then, two glaziers are selected, one who works for the production and demonstration, and the other to create a work. It is in 2010 that homes are more widely open to artists and designers, in collaboration with the Art Center MILK (International Tarn Artistic Laboratory) and the GMEA (National Center for music).

The year 2012 marks a new stage of evolution. Following the development of cultural and scientific project carried out jointly with the DeIn 2001, the Castle Museum bepartments of Conservation of musecomes the Museum of Glass after ums, the services of the Region and glass exhibition dedicated specifithe DRAC Midi-Pyrenees, seemed cally to carmusin. This exhibition that two complementary entities Under the leadership of the Commarks the will to highlight the imcould be created as part of the munity of Municipalities of Carportance of the glass industry in mausin glass center should play an same overall one: one "museum" Carmaux basin and its major imand a "glass art center," united in a important economic, cultural and pact on the identity of the same. tourism to serve the country by pro- center of museum / art glass center, in which one justifies its exisIn the first half of the 2000s, the mu- moting the area, the Biennial, the tence precisely thanks to the other, seum becomes an interpretation Museum, the glass workshop and in which one makes the conservacenter open to contemporary glass exhibitions. tion and appreciation of the collecart creation in 2001 in the former At the same time, it has established tions, and the other performs conchapel of the Domaine de la Vera new tour of the museum and a temporary creation. rerie, glass workshop which preprogram of temporary exhibitions. sents demonstrations of the stained Through a first draft renewal and glass techniques. extension of the museum, it was re-


Page 20

Glass in Burgos.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

VENUE: UNIVERSITY OF BURGOS Faculty of Economics and Business Pza Infanta Elena, s / n 09001 - BURGOS Tlfno: 947 258950 AMOUNT OF TUITION: (The groups that may benefit from the reduced registration form are available on the Enrollment Form) Payment made until June 21: • Regular: 75 euros • Reduced: 50 euros Payment made after 21 June: • Regular: 100 euros • Reduced: 60 euros Free Registration: External tutors Practices UBU students and disabled persons, be justified in both cases. GENERAL INFORMATION: • 1 credit will be recognized for the students enrolled in the Official Titles adapted to the European Higher Education Area (Degrees) as well as 3 free credits to students enrolled in ancient Plans. In both cases shall be subject to the assessment process will be communicated by the Directors of the course in the presentation. • Further, all attendees will receive a certificate of attendance provided that justifies the 85% of it. • The University reserves the right to modify or cancel the conditions or the development of the course up to 48 hours before the start of it. Communication to students enrolled in the event of cancellation, will be made by email. This is subject to an expedited address. From not being able to provide, the University is exempted from liability. • This course was initially accepted for recognition by the Provincial Department of Education Teaching Teachers College no. OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this course organized by the University of Burgos (UBU), in collaboration with the Institute of Ceramics and Glass (ICV) of the National Re-

search Council (CSIC), the University Jaume I (UJI), the School of Alcora Pottery, Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass (SECV) and the company CRICURSA, is to present the role of the glass over time, in language and architectural aesthetics, from the Gothic windows to XXI Century Architecture. This course is structured in the following manner in order to achieve these objectives: a) To hear and examine the history of glass and stained glass. b) Study technically constructive elements of the windows. c) Understand the historical and artistic aspects of the construction, restoration of stained glass conservation. d) Analyze the use of glass in Modernism and Contemporary Architecture. e) Display the "glass architecture" in the XXI century and learn about technology trends, aesthetic and construction of the future. The aim of practical activities will teach students the techniques of designing and manufacturing both leaded stained -Tiffany/fusing- as well as recent digital techniques of decoration. The course will share the experience gained and the concerns of the participants in order to develop ever better ideas for tomorrow and stained glass are the result of collaboration between professionals, students and companies linked to the world of architecture, the Heritage and Glass. DESIGNED FOR: Students in Art History, Fine Arts, Architecture and Materials Science and Technology; glass industry professionals, manufacturers of windows, architects and all those people in the arts and culture. Monday, July 8 16:00 h.: DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS 16:45 h.: PRESENTATION OF COURSE HISTORY AND STAINED GLASS 16:30 h.: "Five thousand years of glass history" Professor: D. CAPEL FRANCISCO EAGLE


18:00 pm.: "The stained glass in the arquitecturea. From the Gothic to the present " Teacher: Ms. PILAR ALONSO ABAD Tuesday, July 9 CONSTRUCTIVE ELEMENTS OF THE WINDOWS 09:30 h.: "Glass: nature, composition and coloring mechanisms." Professor: D. FELIPE ORGAZ ORGAZ 10:30 AM.: "New proposals glass: types, shapes, colors and textures" Professor: D. Joseph RIVERS flowers 12:30 PM.: "Paintings and grisaille enamels for glass artwork" Professor: D. ENRIQUE BARRIO SOLÓRZANO 16:30 h.: "Design and fabrication of a classic stained-glass window" Professor: D. ENRIQUE BARRIO SOLÓRZANO Wednesday, July 10 CONSTRUCTION, RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION OF WINDOWS 09:30 h.: "The windows in the architectural framework" Professor: D. PERE Valldepérez RIPOLLÉS 10:30 AM.: "Restoration and conservation of historical works. Development of new materials " Professor: D. ALFONSO MUNOZ RUIZ 12:30 PM.: "The conditions of the new types of construction on the use of glass in contemporary architecture" Professor: D. PABLO MUNOZ RUIZ 16:30 h.: "Design and fabrication of process windows for cold and hot (thermo formed and fusing)" Professor: D. Llorente DEL VAL RUBÉN Professor: D. GONZALO FERNANDO GARCIA VIVANCO Thursday, July 11 MODERNISM AND ARCHITECTURE AND MODERN 09:30 h.: "Glass and stained glass in the Catalan Modernism" Teacher: Ms. MIREIA FREIXA I SERRA 10:30 AM.: "The glass in modern architecture and contemporary" Professor: D. CAPEL FRANCISCO EAGLE Professor: D. FELIPE ORGAZ ORGAZ 12:00 PM.: "Interior design in glass: new approaches. New Realities " Professor: D. MARIANO MARTIN DOMINGUEZ 16:30 h.: "Digital printing and laser as new decorative technique." Professor: D. Nebot ISAAC DIAZ Professor: D. JORGE bakali bakali Friday, July 12 ARCHITECTURE IN GLASS IN THE CENTURY. TECHNOLOGY TRENDS, AND AESTHETIC CONSTRUCTION 09:30 h.: "Architecture and design in glass. Great projects. Leading exponents. " Professor: D. JOSE LUIS RUIZ DE VALDIVIA Area Director Sales Department. CRICURSA. 11:00 AM.: "Glass and bioclimatic architecture. Participation in energy saving glass " Professor: D. PABLO JOSE CALVO BUSELLO Architect. Consultant. 14:00 h.: DELIVERY OF DEGREES AND CLOSING COURSE Course Directors

Page 21

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

 The stained glass of the Cartuja de Miraflores (Burgos) (I).

The Bulletin of the SECV.

as potassium-calcium glass transition between medieval and Renaissance periods.

It was precisely the Queen Isabella which express custom ordered This paper presents the results of in 1484 imported directly from the physicochemical characteriFlanders, the windows of the zation and diagnosis of the cuThe results indicate that these Cartuja de Miraflores, which cerrrent state of conservation of a glasses have experienced sevetainly is a credible witness to the representative sample grisaille re disturbance with a strong suimportance they had commerglass and windows from Flemish perficial dealkalinisation, structucial and artistic relations during S. XV of the Carthusian Monaste- ral destruction glassy network this time between the Netherry of Miraflores (Burgos). and forming insoluble deposits lands and Burgos. from corrosion products, which The main objective of the study can be attributed to the synerThe set of windows located in was to determine the mechagistic effect of the chemical de- the church is made up of large nisms and causes of the imporgradation processes and biolocompositions, which occupy the tant processes of degradation gical activity. entire window dedicated to the and alteration observed on the passion, life and glory of Christ. surfaces of the glass used in the- 1. INTRODUCTION se windows, in order to propose These windows were made with The Flemish glass Carthusian Momeasures for preventive consera mastery of the art, a detailed nastery of Miraflores (Burgos) are vation. representation of detail and rich mainly located in the nave of chromatic in highlighting the Selected samples were charac- the church, although there are constant use of silver yellow. terized by optical microscopy other, smaller windows in the (OM), absorption spectroscopy, cloister. According firms suggest discoveUV / Vis, X-ray fluorescence red in three of the windows, the The monastery was founded in (XRF), scanning electron microswindows may have been prepa1442 by John II of Castile and its copy field emission (FESEM) and red by the master glassmaker Niconstruction was completed in conventional (SEM) and energy colas Romboust, one of the most 1488 during the reign of Isabel dispersive microanalysis of X-ray prominent glassmakers s flaminthe Catholic, one of the most (EDX). gos. XV. prominent Gothic sets late s. XV. The chemical composition of the glasses studied can be classified


Page 22

Recycling. Return system.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


Greenpeace in Australia has

Coca-Cola itself and tried un-

- Denying the severity of the pro-

produced a document that di-

successfully to veto the Return

blem when in Spain are dum-

sarms the myths with which the

System through the courts a few

ped, burned or leave 28 million

packaging industry, led by Co-

months ago and now, with a

packages each day.

ca-Cola, trying to scare the citi-

deployment across Australia

zens to combat packs Return

ever closer, desperately tries to


circulate all kinds of hoaxes to

The 82% of Australians asks Return extend the system already

scare consumers. It's the same scheme that Spa-

operating in South Australia and nish packers, grouped by ECO-

- Scaring the consumer-and trade with a price rise totally false. - Preaching a nonexistent benefits of all containers on the current system.

the Northern Territory to the

EMBES, being implemented in

An article by Greenpeace in

whole country, but the packa-

our country so boorish.

Australia explains in detail what

ging industry, led by Coca-Cola, try to avoid circulating with powerful speakers false myths to

The main priorities are: - Try to make the system very

are the 11 urban legends that Coca-Cola and packers used to mess Return System in Australia,

scare citizens and veto a system complicated return.

so it's worth checking out and

that makes them assume all its

check the similarities with what is

responsibilities as producers.

happening in Spain.


Page 23

San Carlos Centro, in Argentina.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


Law N Âş 26.866, Argentina decla- ginal group settled in San Carlos, craft, handmade, which is a herired the city of San Carlos Natio-

where they continued with their

tage of outstanding and renow-

nal Capital Centre and Artisan


ned city in the country and the


Among them was Gaminara An-

The City has a long tradition and selmo, the youngest of that

world, and each year generates large numbers visit students and tourists from different latitudes.

history in terms of crystal handi-

group, and designer glasses,

craft industry.

who in 1950 founded with other

This company is the only one in

artisans ligures the "Glassware

the country today made using

San Carlos".

traditional glass.

In late 1940, a group composed of fourteen young Italians called

TOVA (Technical Laborers Altare Thanks to these entrepreneurs

Through this activity is keeping a

glass), from Altare, a village in

craft that is passed from parents

took home the glass industry,

the region of Liguria, Italy, came with techniques from Altare

to children and that currently

to Argentina in order to develop school.

allows to work together four ge-

industry glass, building a tradi-

nerations of craftsmen.

tion in the practice of this profes-

With the founding of the "San Carlos Glassware" marked the

The declaration of National Ca-

beginning of the diversification

pital Craft Crystal City positions

They embarked in Genoa on

of the productive structure of

on a privileged stratum, both na-

September 8, 1947, aboard the

the area.

tionally and internationally, provi-


"Mendoza" Argentina flag, and the 24th of the same month arrived at the port of Buenos Aires, from where they moved directly to the town of Santa Fe St. George, where he founded the glassware they called SAICA (Artistic

This glass factory pioneered the region, along with other industries, helped make San Carlos Centro a major job generator pole in the center of the province of Santa Fe.

Glass Industry Limited Compa-

Currently, the firm maintains the


historical and cultural legacy, as

Later some members of the ori-

heir to the art of glass making


ding the opportunity for production, art and the name of San Carlos Centro across borders rover taking one of the factors that distinguishes them as a people work. See article published in the blog with Glass Objects.

Page 24

 Our activities.

July 2013

In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2013.

 Cultural Tours. Once past our summer holi-

of the Morana, which is its pri-

days during the month of July, mary Arevalo. we will approach Arevalo to see "Credo" which is the name of the eighteenth edition of

days to visit the exhibition of works by the name of Meta-

the Ages of Man held in this

Volume II — Number 57

Also take advantage of these

morphosis 1989/2010, makes

City castellanoleonesa.

our Honorary President, Javier

The exhibition is housed in the churches of Santa Maria and

Gomez in the same city. As reported on page 6 of this


bulletin, this exhibition is tra-

The exhibition features 90 pie-

veling for various locations in

ces of religious art in Spain

the province of Ávila, sponso-

brought and give special im-

red by the Provincial Govern-

portance to the entire region


 Culture 2013 Programme.

During the month of August next

of the group (the only one that was

painter itinerary and the unique-

visit the exhibition on the work of

in all) of 1874-1886.

ness of his work within the group.

It was, in short, a generous guy.

Much of his work is founded in

But time slowly sent to a sort of se-

landscapes 'plen air', of course.

Pissarro organized the Thyssen Museum in Madrid. Pissarro worked on the inside so that Impressionism took root in the history of art as a 'community' of complementary creators.

cond division impressionist.

But landscapes that have to do

A limbo that began to emerge until

with the area you chose and whe-

the 80s of the last century and now

re he settled, nomadic alien to fe-

claims Thyssen again until next Sep-

llow travelers.

He was the first editor of the 'laws'

tember 15 in an exhibition of 79

of what became the movement.

works by artists in all their shining

Participated in the eight exhibitions


And thus vindicating as an artist of 'genius loci'. That is, an impressionist inland.

Page 25


Miguel Angel glass in the Louvre.

July 2013

But there is still more specific issues, such as the presence of glass, unusual employment, but it matches the work of some Italian painters such as Raphael and Bronzino or other German or Flemish late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. Also modern touches have been detected due to a recent restoration. But offer no specific attribution.

Volume II — Number 57

In short, there is doubt about the origin of the sculpture, but nothing is clear about the artist. Addition, according to the museum, there is no known work of the architect, sculptor and painter Italian in similar format and with the same materials to raise the doubt. If Michelangelo's finally out, it would be an early work in the path of the author of La Piedad. And would coincide in time with the Crucifix of Santo Spirito, a sculpture of the young artist found in the sacristy of the Basilica of Santo Spirito in Florence.

The small crucifix has details that speak volumes. Her hair is made from a plastic called pastiglia with this relief is achieved as realistic. Following the tour of the body, his torso is perfect and shows a "remarkable finesse" in the anatomical details, hich transmits almost scientific knowledge of human musculature. The varnish smell Renaissance and the glass insert to embody denote skin color exquisite care by the realism of the piece.

The museum, before delivering his official laboratory, the Center for Research and Restoration of France (C2RMF, for its acronym in French), called the analysis of five independent experts of the Renaissance period, three Italians and two Frenchmen. Different conclusions Marc Bormand, chief curator of the Sculpture Department specified that two of them attributed a strong approach to the work of Michelangelo, according to statements he picked the French newspaper Le Monde about it.

The sculpture, polychromed wood, was conducted between 1492 and 1494. Compared to 44 inches of the piece analyzed now, it measures 139x135 centimeters. The Louvre ensures that the question of authorship remains open for the "lack of certainty". Yes confirms that, while it may not belong to the very Buonarroti, by the date and origin should be considered regarding the artist's artistic work.

The sculpture will go through a light restoration and in a few months will have a place in the Michelangelo Gallery of the museum, along with other figures They are only 45 inches in polychrome such as his rebellious slave (215 cm) wood striking accuracy: only a talenAnother disagreed specialists consideand the Dying Slave (229 cm). Altted as Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475- ring that it is rather "an artist who has hough there is no certainty about the 1564) could be behind such a perfect set" in the work of Italian; quarter neitauthorship for now, on the plate of FIG body. her considers expert anyone, even comprise the Italian artist between inwith argument "more moderate" in the Or not. Some experts say that the Itaterrogations. words of Bormand. The last one does lian artist could be the author of this Peter Silverman, who lives between Panot even suggest any names. small crucifix donated to the Louvre ris and New York, is a collector of art for Museum, but others are not so sure. The C2RMF it carried on the analysis of forty years. the figure and developed a technical Yes no unanimity, however, that the study (observation with direct light, ul- It became known for having sculpture is a "high quality" which coin"discovered" a portrait of a "beautiful traviolet, infrared and X-rays) that cides with the techniques of Renaisidentified materials used in the Renais- princess" which he attributed to Leosance Italy. nardo da Vinci and purchased in New sance. According to expert analysis, the work York in 2007 for $ 19,000. According to the results, the figure was was developed around the year 1500 made from a single piece except the Even published a book of his discussion and by a Florentine artist of "great taarms, attached to the shoulder height. trying to convince the world of art dislent". Everything points to Michelangecovery. Details lo. This noble knight, whom the Louvre apThe figure, Christ on the cross, is a doSome details, such as the mass compreciates your "generosity", proposed a nation to the gallery two Canadian posed of calcium sulfate and vegetayear ago give the Christ on the cross collectors, Peter Silverman and Kathle- ble glue used to define the hair and Parisian museum. en Onorato, who acquired it in 1985. outer varnish layer, are those that I had acquired in Germany and sugmatch, no doubt to the specialists, It is a wooden polychrome 44.7 x42 with the procedures used in Italy in the gested that it could be a Michelangeinches, "probably lime" as experts say lo, said the museum curator LibĂŠration. fifteenth. they have analyzed the work. Some people have a trained eye.


Page 26

Journeys in Malaga. work of the deans, faculty and

July 2013

students of the schools involved. Day After the opening ceremony has developed three presentations and a panel discussion. The first

Volume II — Number 57

of the lectures have been given by the teachers of Urbanism, School of Architecture, University of Málaga, Juana Sanchez, Susana Nuria García and Nebot, entitled "Funtanalla deserves a special plan". Then the lecturer in Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine The Hall today welcomed the

the enhancement of Malaga

Arts, Jesús Marín Clavijo has spo-

Chancellor 'Day for the recovery area very rich cultural heritage.

ken on the glass as a model of

and enhancement of neighbor-

So, Antonio Guevara pointed

artist-craftsman collaboration.

hood Funtanalla craft', which

out that this important project

aims to achieve social rehabili-

have strongly welcomed the

tation, economic and crafts-

teachers and students in an al-

manship of that space.

truistic way.

This is the first activity that takes

Meanwhile, Santiago Quesada

Matias Merida, delivered the lec-

place after the signing of an

stressed the opportunity offered

ture "Crafts and urban revitaliza-

agreement between the UMA

by this proposal to work in a

tion. Few international experien-

and the Glass Museum, adjoi-

cross and from different fields


ning the neighborhood, whose

such as urban planning, archi-

aim is to carry out various studies tectural and graphic expression. related to rehabilitation, archi-

Finally, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Malaga, and member of the Association of the Museum of Glass and

La Jornada has continued the panel discussion on "the craft as

According to Salvador Haro this

a tourist attraction for the rehabi-

initiative to highlight the impor-

litation of a historic district. Pro-

tance of one of the most impor-

blems and Opportunities", where

tant artisan quarters of Malaga,

they participated Carmen Peral

and these days "show the struc-

(archaeologist dela City of Mala-

They have participated partici-

ture and richness of the neigh-

ga), Maribel Calero (Vice Presi-

pate in this meeting a group of

borhood and sensitize the popu-

dent for University Extension

professors from the University of

lation about the importance of

Málaga University), and John

tecture, art, planning and tourism promotion, and the application of information technology.

Malaga led by the deans of Fine this project," he said.

Barnabas (Professor, Department

Arts, Salvador Haro, Tourism, An-

The opening ceremony ended

of Electrical Engineering UMA).

with the intervention of Jose An-

Antonio Guevara has been in

gel Narvaez, who noted that

charge of moderating this panel.

tonio Guevara, and Architecture, Santiago Quesada. The event was inaugurated by

projects like this can prove to so-

the Vice Chancellor of AMU Uni-

ciety that "the transfer of know-

versity Coordination, Jose Angel

ledge is acceptable for all are-

Narvaez. Also present delegate

as, and not only by the techno-

of Education Government of

logy." The Vice Chancellor than-

Andalusia, Patricia Alba, the de- ked especially the dedication puty Mayor of Málaga, Ana Na-

and commitment of Gonzalo

varro, Gonzalo Fernandez-Prieto

Fernandez-Prieto, when it comes

and deans of schools listed abo- to value this neighborhood. Furtve.

hermore, the cooperation of the

All participants agreed on the importance of this project for

Government of Andalusia and the city of Malaga and selfless


This evening ends the day with a visit which will start from Picasso's Birthplace, and under the title "Rediscovering Funtanalla neighborhood", will create a tourist circuit different, visit the exhibition of urban recycling projects in the neighborhood , performed by students of the School of Architecture, and the visit to the Museum of Glass and Crystal.

Page 27

Other trends. Mas del Vent.

July 2013

In that case, the Government could act directly without delegate to the City Council to declare well cataloged. But there is more. The state could declare a cultural and therefore protect the cloister, in the event that the Government does not do and consider who is in danger good.

Volume II — Number 57

Following the judgment of the Constitutional Court in 1991 against the Spanish Heritage Act after the appeals filed by Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Government interpreted the State left in the hands of communities to protect their heritage. But in reality, the ruling did not change a single comma of Spanish law and the Ministry maintains its concurrent jurisdiction with communities. "He has good skills in private ownership just in case of spoliation or illegal export. It has no jurisdiction to ask the Government to protect it, unless it look dereliction of duties, which may arise in which either endangered ", say from Culture. Since the judgment of 1991, 99.9% of the initiations the communities have done. But there is a recent case in which the Ministry has acted despite opposition from local authorities: the Cabanyal neighborhood of Valencia. The city council, by permission of the Valencian government had approved a special plan to open an avenue to bring down more than 450 houses in this fishing village.

After a year of jumping to the media from the edge of the pool in a Mediterranean seaside estate, there is no impediment for the current owner decides Palamos cloister disassemble, pack it and take it wherever he wants, because no administration-or Ministry or Government, or Council-could prevent it. Only the Generalitat enrolled, last August, in the Catalan heritage inventory, a list that does not recognize legal protection. Also, being registered as twentiethcentury work (and not as a piece built in the twelfth century in Salamanca, next to the Romanesque cathedral, according defends professor of Medieval Art History Gerardo Boto), it would be necessary to seek permission to export to the Board of Assessment Ministry, being a good with less than 150 years. Following the report made public by the Government of Catalonia in late July 2012, in which it claimed that the cloister was a recreation of the twentieth century with Romanesque, it was clear that the Catalan government was not going to protect as a Cultural Asset National Interest (BCIN), the largest category of protection, which hold over 2,200 real Catalans. It is identical to the protection enjoyed by Cultural Interest (BIC) of the Heritage Act 1985 Spanish.

In the same report, "considering the uniqueness and importance", yes urging the City Council to consider the cloister Palamos an asset of local interest. That would ensure "in the first instance the preservation and study." And it was because Heritage Catalan law of 1993 provides a second category of protection that allows real estate can be categorized local cultural goods (BCIL) by municipalities over 5,000 inhabitants, if Palamos, while furniture is exclusively a matter for the Government. After almost a year, the town council recognizes that it has fulfilled the mandate after meeting separately with the Government, the researcher Boto and owners of the cloister. It is to be fixed, say from the council, the date on which the full debate the report of the local technical heritage and decide whether or not you register as BCIL category with 43 other municipal property between churches, chapels, houses fishermen or groups of apartments. Heritage experts consulted by this newspaper claim that an element that is part of a building that has been disassembled and reassembled elsewhere and has lost its original function context and can be considered as chattel.


Then the Ministry of Ángeles GonzálezSinde stopped him by decree in 2009 to ensure their protection. The Valencia has resorted to constitutional, however, the ministerial decision. The ministerial statement or BCIN BIC autonomic allow inspection and public visit the monument at least four hours a month. BCIL The city declaration, the only running for now, just requires owners to preserve it, guarantee a compatible use with conservation, inform the council intends to sell and provide access to specialists for study, one of the major impediments to date. According to sources in the department of Culture of the Government led by Ferran Mascarell after last July's report not done anything about the faculty: "We have done everything that could be done", claimed last week to see the new Boto thesis. If that is so, the Government has not fulfilled its own recommendations in its opinion. At the end of the text is talking about new research in the future "for a deeper and more complete". Among them: contrasting analysis to determine which parts were original and modern ones, to determine the origin and study unique or different restorative workshops that could be related to the work in order to gain insight into their chronology, among other objectives . Apparently the provisional opinion has been definitive.

Page 28

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


SECV awards.

Award of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass at the Seminar for Young Researchers LCI 2013. The winners were: 1st Prize Nerea Mascaraque Alvarez For the quality of its scientific research and maturity shown in the exposition and defense of the same.

- Prize: Diploma, free registration and invited lecture at the 53rd Congress of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass to be held Alcora 23 to October 25, 2013. 2nd Prize Maria Oset Exposito For the industrial relevance of their work and scientific projection.

- Prize: Diploma and free registration at the 53rd Congress of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass to be held Alcora 23 to October 25, 2013 The awards ceremony will be held during 53 th Congress of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass to be held in L'Alcora from 23 to 25 October 2013.

Nerea Mascaraque Alvarez, the

fluorine anion in lithium phosp-

excellence of their work and

Institute of Ceramics and Glass,

hate glasses".

maturity demonstrated in his

winner of the first prize for his work "Replacing nitrogen and

The jury awarded the scientific

Maria Oset Exposito School Alco- using layered double hydroxide ra Ceramics, winner of the sewash. Obtaining ceramic pigcond prize for his work ment ecoprecursores". "Elimination of Cr (VI) in waters


presentation and defense.

The jury awarded the industrial relevance of their work and scientific projection.

Page 29

Lalique in Holland.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

The modernist designs jewelry and decorative objects of the French master of Art Nouveau and Art Deco, René Lalique, the largest exhibition focusing Holland has dedicated and opens to the Municipal Museum of The Hague.

As industrial glass producer was linked to the French perfume industry, who knew of near-, and managed to give your customers a feeling of "oneness of products", which is known as "modern industrial estate," said Booij.

"Lalique is the discoverer of luxury marketing. Already in 1905 knew how to sell the concept, giving its guests the feeling of buying something unique even though production industrial age," he told Efe the curator of the exhibition, Lennart Booij.

Although each of the models in glass runs could reach 200 or 300 pieces acquired customers found unique items that were distributed throughout the world in a way that did not repeat in the countries, said the curator.

Known for their advanced designs in jewelry, Lalique (18601945) was also the pioneer of the "modern industrial estate." The French master creations were highly appreciated between a wealthy clientele who at the time was looking for "the good taste and quality", two of the quintessential elements that characterize the production of Lalique, said the expert. Lalique is also synonymous with avant-garde: in your jewelry, decorated with motifs of nature and female forms, unusual materials used at the time by replacing gold diamonds and semiprecious stones.

Also innovated in the use of technologies, applying its parts size reduction methods applied by artisans medalists or glass pressure techniques typical of the French wine industry. With a selection of over one hundred pieces collected in the Netherlands and loans from private collections, the exhibition looks back at the French master's work, illustrating his "artistic evolution, from designer jewelry to a glass industry", in the words of director display. It also reflects how their work was received in the twenties in the Netherlands, where his glass production successfully sold both in department stores such as "Metz & Co" or "Focker" as in


"small shops in Rotterdam, The Hague, (West) or Leuwaarden Groningen (north), "according to Booij. "We found customers who bought pieces, people with an international orientation, good economic position to Lalique bought because their jobs were a kind of code of good taste," said the expert. His work was also popular in the former Dutch colony in Indonesia, counting the sample with an enlargement of a photo of a store on the island of Java in which selling Lalique glass pieces, some of which, recovered for display , are exposed against his former point of sale, described the conservative. To Booij, the most prominent part of the sample is a plate made by Lalique in 1907 to award as prizes in a competition sailing and that comes from the collection of the Rothschild family. It is a special piece, made exclusively for the winner of the race, "said Booij, Lalique whose interest dates back to a day when at age 16 he ran in a street market with an object" excellent quality "of French artist .

Page 30


Glass as a filter medium. vital feature to receive this tech-

July 2013

nology is moldable. Using a unique manufacturing process can be obtained at will a particle filter of a specific size and morphology. This particle is the starting point

Volume II — Number 57

calibration technology. These are selected in a subsequent process to configure a calibrated particle size distribution curve according to its purpose. Posted in Nature Works.

glass has a smooth surface be-

In recent years it has begun to use glass as an alternative because it provides a number of generic advantages: Economy is based on a product

cause of its amorphous structu-

MC2 Calibration Technology is

commodation for the bacteria.

The compaction which is ende-


mic in the glass occurs relatively

re, which in itself provides no ac- anti-compaction technology.


from the recycling is therefore a

The appearance of the glass as

sustainable product.

a filter medium is definitely a

Ecology: to come from the recycling industry, it is necessary to exploit natural resources for their preparation. Moreover, the glass has countless lives, it may be melted again and again without their basic properties are altered. Free silica: unlike silica sand, glass does not contain free silica that is potentially harmful to health, and it is much safer to use in any industry. Amorphous structure: a microscopic level, the silica sand has a cavernous area due to the formation of the crystalline structure. The characteristic of the surface holes are ideal for bacteria, which proliferate easily. Generic

Another basic characteristic:

quickly due to the effect segregation. As the material is segregating for

breakthrough, because of im-

use, namely the finer particles are

tion of the calibration tech is a

losing performance.

real innovation.

To this effect does not occur

provements which by its very na- placed at the bottom and thicker at the top, it compacts and ture provides, but the applica-

The possibility of designing speci- should be mixed only certain particle sizes in a very particular, the fic filter media, with specific yields for specific applications, can completely change this hy-

selection process is very laborious but imperative for a product that

draulic engineering, tailoring

has to last forever.

each one of your designs to our

Finally, the particles go through a

filter medium that has virtually no limitations.

process of removing edges, cracks and pores which are res-

The MC2 Calibration Technology ponsible for subtracting resistantakes advantage of the features ce to glass. that the grant performance glass in its generic form is unreachable. The glass, as well as being an economical, ecological, and amorphous silica-free is another


Often surprising fact about the high hardness of glass with a value of 7 on the Mohs scale while steel conforms to a discrete value of 4.

Page 31

Meeting on social networks.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

The Director General of Cultural

So, highlighted as "fundamental" "We see the national picture of all

Policy, José Ramón Alonso, an-

the use of social networks like

that is innovation in museums and

nounced that the Board is wor-

Twitter and new technologies to

art centers," insisted the organizer,

king on a project for placing QR

spread the work and programs.

who noted the presence of Goo-

tags at all centers Museums Network of Castilla and Leon, so that visitors can quickly obtain more information about the work and the artist contemplating.

The meeting was attended by more than 130 specialists from major foundations and art centers, he noted the organization responsible for Araceli Corbo, which detailed the assistance of

QR Codes are similar to a barco- representatives of, among ot-

gle and its project 'Google Art Proyects' experts on creative license and two companies dedicated to mobile applications and new projects for Ipad as TF and McPixel Interactive. The presence in social networks

de that can be read by devices

hers, the Museum of Contempo- and Internet art centers is vital to

for image capture

rary Art of Barcelona (MACBA) ,

bring art to the people and there-

'smarthphones' and 'tablets'.

Museo del Prado, Thyssen-

fore insisted Corbo, is very impor-

Bornemisza Art Center 'La Pane-

tant task of updating

ra' of Lleida and the Mapfre

"permanent" because the net-


work changes very fast and you

"It helps us get to the company and explain the magnificent funds have our museums," said Alonso, who participated in the

Corbo said that this year's mee-

need to "surprise" the user.

Third Meeting on social networks ting focused not just on social

He highlighted the consolidation

in museums and art centers that

networks but in the use of the

of this event which celebrates its

houses the Museo de Arte Con-

Internet and introducing innova- third edition and the MUSAC has

temporaneo de Castilla y León

tions such as virtual tours, aug-

(MUSAC ) of the city of León.

mented reality or the use of new technological issues. devices.


become the "focus" of these

Page 32

Expansion of the Museum of Glass in Malaga.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


Environment of the Church of

an industrial area or medieval

owning and environment adja-

San Felipe Neri. Historic center of

Islamic ceramics production

cent plots next to the existing


factory as evidenced by nume-

museum, promoting the cons-

rous archaeological finds with

truction of its expansion and ur-

ceramic kilns of different stages

banizing the road layout of the

of the Muslim era in acceptable


Constructed area of the project, 2,350 m2. Urbanization road surface, 450

condition, worthy of restoration


and integration for its value.

Estimated overall budget of the

The archaeological zone added te urban intervention to two mu-

work, 3.300.000 euros.

the Glass Museum of needed

nicipal lots that permeates the

expansion and recovery of the

plot with the opening of a pe-

neighborhood by installing craft

destrian road and the construc-

activities related to the produc-

tion of two buildings, one for use

tion of glass and ceramics, all

as an extension and attached

Public Promoter: City Hall of Malaga. Located on the site of the old

The project manager for an architecture of Malaga is a discre-

suburb of Fontanella, outside the led by the Director of the Mu-

museum to the current and the

walls of the medina quarter Mus- seum itself.

other for installing furnaces con-


temporary workshops and visited

The timing of the Hon. Malaga

The site belongs to the plot of

City Council to promote the re-

the baroque city arranged on

covery of the neighborhood is in


with interest.

Page 33

How does.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by René Roubicek.


Page 34


CaixaBank reviews the Pelli tower. to bring the ceramic to skyscra-

July 2013

pers. In fact, one possibility is a combination weighed ceramic and extruded aluminum slats (although with great resistance modeling) with the same color: terracotta. A similar appearance, but not

Volume II — Number 57

the same. Glass and porcelain were, in the beginning and until the decision is finally adopted, the materials star, although the use of ceramics is unusual in skyscrapers such as CaixaBank, formed by 178 meters tall at 43 floors. They were, in fact, one of its main features, now in the air. To get an idea: it is as if a glass window is placed a Venetian blind with light brown that cusCaixaBank is reviewing the lining "When I took the promotion of the Pelli tower facade and,

CaixaBank tower [in August

today, it is not even clear that

hions the impact of the sun and, therefore, the heat inside the building, thus achieving energy

2012, just as there was the effec- savings (reduced use of air conone of the elements that, in prin- tive integration of Banca Civica, ditioning). ciple, would forge the appea-

conglomerate which included

rance of the skyscraper, the

savings Cajasol Seville, in the

Outwardly, then, is not seen the

shield against heat ceramic pla- Catalan financial group], all ap- typical metallic gray skyscraper (glass and concrete), and nottes , will eventually be placed. proach Construction started from zero, both in technical en-

hing to do with the design of the

gineering and in your calendar,

tower and also concluded that

and always in the hands of the

Cesar Pelli conceived in Bilbao


power company Iberdrola.

city, but a "final check" of exte-

This review also implicated the

The glass used is transparent,

rior materials to calibrate your

materials. "

with double-layer low emissivity,

It is not about cost savings, according to sources close to the most important civil work is undertaken at this time in Seville

safety, and this magazine is going under direct supervision of Argentinean architect that names the building, Cesar Pelli. On the fourth floor and the windows are glass and no sign of the ceramic blades, mounted as if they were a latent, should

It is not a matter of cost, the sources stress.

namely in winter reduces the output of the internal heat in summer and allows a large ther-

Could be the fact that the coa-

mal insulation from the outside.

ting of the front end becomes

The coating accumulates delay

more expensive than the use of ceramics in the event that they were discarded.

due to the suspension of payments, bankruptcy of one of the companies supplying materials

confer earthen color, or light

Any materials used must combi-

eventually replaced by the Ca-

brown, to the tower and para-

ne safety, functionality, environ-

talan bank, developer of the

petarla the sun.

mental sustainability and ener-


gy, design and aesthetics, but

Last February, the bank, not

The same sources explained that until two or three weeks I

first things first.

wanting to gamble more with its

will decide whether to install or

The fact that the placement of

tower, awarded all pending

not ceramic - "do not know yet"

the glass (the large windows in

work to finish one of the country's

- since all external elements are

this mass of concrete and glass)

largest construction companies,

going through a new security re- without hint of pottery see does

Dragados, attached to ACS, alt-

quirements validation, even

not mean that it can be retrofit-

hough companies Seville and

stricter when the project was

ted, assert the same sources,

Cordoba application Azvi Mag-

conceived back in 2007.

which, however, say they are

tel as narrow technological part-

aware of innovative and unique ners. www.amigosmava.org

Page 35

Munch will have its glass cube.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013


Norwegian cultural institutions join forces to celebrate in style the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Norwegian painter, expressionist magician and author of 'The Scream', very famous and coveted painting in the 'top ten' of the universal history of art. The National Gallery and the Munch Museum Norway offer the largest exhibition of the artist. It's called 'Munch 150' and bring together nearly 300 pieces that should have been shown in the ultramodern Munch museum designed by Juan Herreros. The Spanish architect won an international competition in 2009 whose implementation has been shamefully blocked until last Tuesday and got the green light to five days of the opening of the historical sample. It's a delicate wavy glass cube concrete not harbor the legacy of Munch 2018. The Munch Museum Juan Herreros should be the cornerstone of the 'Lambda', ambitious urban intervention to open the sea an area of the Norwegian capital closed to the public. Will rise in the neighborhood of Bjorvika, former industrial port of Oslo, next to the new Opera House and the National Library, where the architect designed home eight blocks and two large parks in as many islands. The disagreement between the neighbors and the political battle in the city of Oslo left everything in the air until Tuesday. The Progress Party withdrew its support for the project day of Herreros. Backed by leftist parties, shuffled several avenues to take to other areas. A long dispute that recalls the tribulations of Se-

ville Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz suffered before seeing bright completed its refurbishment of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam recently opened. No date for the beginning of the works, which should be completed in late 2017 or early 2018. With a cost around 215 million euros, which will contribute in part to the Norwegian Government, the project has had on Stian Rosland, Mayor of Oslo, one of his greatest supporters. Rosland said it was the best alternative in terms of cost, quality and performance possibilities. The proposed Herreros beat the other great architects like Tadao Ando and Zaha Hadid. The jury praised the simplicity and elegance of a building to which he referred as "a statement of art" and praised his "public accessibility to the fjord". Sustainability mark a project which uses clean and renewable energy. Herreros designed a large bucket of concrete lined with wavy glass top tilted forward. With three different waves, the facade will be a great lookout over the city. Along the legacy of Munch Stenersen house the collection, the largest Scandinavian country's contemporary art, so it will be an iconic museum in Norway. The current director of the Munch Museum, Stein Olav Henrichsen, celebrated the release of the draft Hererros much as the Minister of Culture, the Labor Hadia Tajik, nice to have a modern and effective alternative to obsolete Munch Museum. Opened in 1963, with budgetary constraints, shows serious defi-


ciencies in space and security to house the collection of 1,100 paintings, 3,000 drawings and 18,000 prints donated by the artist to the city. Among all, there are two versions of "The Scream", one of which was stolen along with 'The Madonna' in a spectacular action in 2004. Were recovered two years later. Until the autumn the Munch Museum and the National Gallery will house the Great Exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversary of the birth of the painter. Both institutions want to offer a presentation "complete and united" to review the accomplishments and creative capacity of Munch. Presented more than 270 papers distributed between both museums, alternating Munch's major works with the least known. A historical sample that is enriched with large loans from public and private collections worldwide. "We want to celebrate Munch and expand knowledge, curiosity and enthusiasm for life and art," said Stein Olav Henrichsen. "With paintings like 'The Grudge' and 'The Sun', Munch emerged as a landmark of modern canon. His work responds to questions of the relationship between art and reality, the artist's role and impact of public art "raises Audun Eckhoff, director of the National Gallery. The historic retrospective reviews the long and influential creative adventure of Edvard Munch, spanning six decades since its inception with only 20 years in 1883, until he hung up his brushes shortly before his death in 1944.

Page 36

The chair Corning-ICFO.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), a research center affiliated to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC), has signed an agreement with Corning Incorporated, the world leader in specialty glass, to create a joint venture chair. On June 17 opened the new laboratory Institut of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), a research center affiliated to the Universitat de Catalunya Politènica • BarcelonaTech (UPC), because this institute agreement with the North American company Corning Incorporated.

The chair will be directed by Professor Valerio Pruneri, ICFO, specializing in nanostructured optoelectronic materials.

working in 60 laboratories, supported by units of nanofabrication, mechanical engineering, electronics and advanced imaProfessor Valerio Pruneri Corning ging. OTI has worked in Italy, an expe- The ICFO research groups are rience that introduced him to part of European networks of exthe field of industrial research cellence in the fields of optics, Corning. quantum information and nanophotonics. Pruneri leads the Optoelectronics research group at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), a research center specializing in photonics technologies for energy efficiency, optical telecommunications, sensors, aerospace technology and quantum cryptography.

The new lab aims to accommoAbout ICFO date high-tech equipment fabriThe Institute of Photonic Sciencation and characterization of ces (ICFO) is a center affiliated glass. to the UPC focused on research Corning Incorporated, a leader and training of doctors and in specialty glass, ICFO has been technologists in the field of phoworking with for over two years tonics. in various activities. The Institute aims to research, This collaboration was born the teaching and industry momennew Chair Corning-ICFO. tum in the field of science in "This alliance with a multinational light of all the disciplines in with a high spirit of innovation as which photonics are insignificant Corning makes us feel very fortu- in optical nanotechnology, innate. formation technology, biotechWith the new lab and new chair nology, health sciences and life, bring our cooperation to a new the quantum information techlevel that I'm sure will greatly be- nology and laser systems. nefit both partners, "explains Lluís The Institute is home to 300 reseTorner, ICFO director. archers organized into 23 groups


This institute hosts the Business Partnership Program that aims to create synergies between ICFO and companies, as well as foster the creation of technologybased companies. About Corning Incorporated Corning Incorporated is a world leading U.S. specialty glass that is headquartered in New York. With over 160 years of experience in materials science and engineering processing, Corning designs and builds key components for electronic systems in consumer technology, emission control telecommunications and life sciences. Some of the products manufactured by Corning include glass substrates for LCD televisions, computer screens and laptops and substrates and ceramic fibers for emission control systems mobile.

Page 37


Gloss to the roof of Bilbao.

July 2013

kaia Gas, in The Corn Exchange, Miribilla church, Mercado de La Ribera and La Salve Bridge in Bilbao. Provided that accompany weather conditions, the cleaning process takes about two months and takes place twice a year.

Volume II — Number 57

For safety reasons, a mechanism will prevent the gondola starts its descent if wind gusts exceed 50 miles per hour. "Once you catch the wind, makes the pendulum effect. Sometimes, the gusts are so strong that shake the basket and cleaning have to stop and wait until it passes hung "they warn. In a day of work, clean and restore the four-story windows. "Each glass weighs 250 kilos. It requires a lot of balance, "warns David Yapuchura while scanning the horizon. "Sometimes-reveals-stay with my daughters to call me after school. Them from the market in La Ribera and I from up here, we salute with the arm. "

A 165 meters high above Bilbao is an Angel surnamed Balderrama enjoying superb views and lives his work as a constant challenge.

be cleaning, window per window.

Although considered "a more Bilbao, took more than 13 years here," was born 35 years ago in Cochabamba, Bolivia, a valley of fertile and productive land surrounded by fields of crops and Inca ruins.

The task is difficult, slow and ma- In total will go about 300 liters of de for rugged hearts and bomb- this compound to clean the top designed by Cesar Pelli, the seproof. venth of Spain in height. "If you look down inevitably, the When lunchtime arrives, the legs begin to tremble. windscreen wipers of parked One is abandoned and leaves Iberdrola the gear and take the everything in the hands of the sandwich. machinery. "To not have to rise again and " Blind trust. The gondola, capa- resume work immediately, we ble of carrying two employees, had lunch in the car." moves up and down. And at the end of the day, AnSome 'buttons' placed througgel and David can not resist the hout the facade allow this infras- temptation to take pictures from tructure catch on each floor of the roof. "On this side, a little the building. mountain, and this other city.

Harnesses secured to the end, reinforcement belt, helmet and windy, Angel Balderrama, a simple man of high future, if it could be measured by the height at which it operates every day, along with another 'angel', David Yapuchura, Bolivia 30 years and like him, in charge of cleaning the outside of the Iberdrola Tower 5500 glass pieces made exclusively across 20,000 square meters of facade-, and replace one by one the crystals show some breakage. They are also two of the few 'spiderman' ready to hang at 41 floors and overcome vertigo.

As for the material used, no big The company Garnica has been secrets. A mixture of ammonia commissioned to install the devi- dishwasher is the best way to let the facade pristine. ce.

Its range reaches only few meters from left to right. To revamp the entire colossus is required numerous descents. In the clouds, Angel and David do not consider their work as a distraction or as leisure.

The slightest mistake can be fatal.

Together they spend days in the skyscraper, hundreds of meters from the noise of the city, and The building that houses the cordown along the edge of the porate offices of the utility has a building to make it shine clean gondola gondola or sleeping on and make a living, as they did in top of the tower, next to the heliother giant glass and steel as pad, and, when needed, will Isozaki towers in new biodiesel pick up the front like a spider to plant in Santurce, in BahĂ­a Biz-


We continue to work on the new pat San Mames. We have a picture of the flag in the nacelle put on that Athletic played for Manchester. The English team players were staying at the Hotel Carlton and expected to be seen from there "feature. David Yapuchura starts listing the mountains that look. "Artxanda Pagasarri ...". They know because they also have to work felling trees. "We are in love of Bilbao", they say. The villa responds to compliment unapologetic reflected in the skin of the tower.

Page 38

Award to the Museum of Glass in Malaga.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

TripAdvisor ®, the largest travel

museums, 10 parks and 10 Spa-

has been awarded nationally in

website in the world, presented

nish amusement parks, among

the 8th position.

the winners of the Travellers'

which 16 have been recognized Finally, in the category of "Parks", with awards in Europe and the Maria Luisa Park in Seville

Choice Attractions. In its first edition, 1,263 awards


and Paloma Park in Benalmade-

fête of the main tourist attrac-

Andalusia has been recognized

na (Malaga), have also been

tions, parks, museums, amuse-

by these awards positioned in

awarded at European level ran-

ment parks and water parks in

very good place internationally,

king positions 17 ° and 20 °, res-

the world.

rewarding yourself Andalusian 9

pectively, and in 4th and 5th pla-

These awards are based on re-


ce nationally.

commendations and valuable

Five have been recognized with

As for "Amusement Parks" Magic

comments TripAdvisor travelers.

awards at European level.

Island have also been awarded

The winners are in 39 countries

In the category of "tourist sites",

in like 9 of Spain.

the Cathedral and Mosque of

"To inspire travelers to begin their

Cordoba has been awarded

summer travel, TripAdvisor has

the # 1 European level, 6th in

named the main attractions

the world and 1st in Spain.

around the world based on the

Also, the Alcázar of Seville and

valuable feedback of millions of

worldwide, including listings for Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Central America, China, Europe, India, Mexico, Middle East, South America, the South Pacific and the U.S.

the Alhambra in Granada have

travelers from around the world,"

The awards Travellers' Choice at- been recognized at European tractions were determined balevel, ranking 6th and 7th place

says Blanca Zayas, head of com-

of views received by the trave-


"Awarding more than 1,200 win-

In addition, the Plaza of Spain in

ners, these places offer an enri-

with 7th place and 10th.

From these pages we send our

As for the category "Museums",

warm congratulations to the Mu-

sed on the quality and quantity lers about the attractions in each destination. Spain is ranked among the top internationally. In fact, in the first edition have

been awarded 10 tourist sites, 10

munications for TripAdvisor in

respectively, and 2nd and 3rd in Spain .

Seville and Seville Cathedral also ching and fun for travelers of all have been awarded nationally ages."

Museum of Glass and Malaga


seum for this award.

Page 39

“Life on a String” in Corning.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

Creativity in the development of glass art leads us to know a little more about the history of civilizations.

ornaments, as symbols of power and wealth, commercial goods and object rituals.

The sample is offered until the Through this technique are reday January 5, 2014 at the Corflected in various designs entren- ning Museum of Glass, Steuben ched iconography, which conCounty town of New York, near tributes to the conservation and the Chemung River and four promotion of cultural heritage hours and fifteen minutes from worldwide. Manhattan. A technical and chevron millefiori venetian jewels, mosaics and Roman sculptures, West African ornaments, Egyptian crafts, ornaments Chinese, Japanese tableware, gemstone beads that mimic bohemian-style clothing in North America, contemporary objects inspired glass slippers Cinderella, are part of the exhibition "Life on a String" ("Life on a Chain") that explores the use of glass through fashion and

The name of the city is due to Erastus Corning, financier and railroad executive of Albany, who spent all his life in the development of that community. The museum offers thousands of objects representing various artistic expressions located in three -story high space. The cultural center also offers screenings of documentaries, live samples of different glass working techniques as engra-


ving and acid wheel, blown, mold blown, glass paste, pressing, reposado and sheet glass. Art lovers can learn some of these techniques through workshops for children and adults offered by the museum. For those who are scholars Rakow Library offers a number of historical materials on the art of glass. Also if you want to take a little break during your tour can visit the Café GlassMarket and for shoppers the museum offers a variety of art objects. Guided tours are available individually or in groups. For more information, please visit the Internet www.cmog.org.

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Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en: Castillo de San José de Valderas.

Jun 2013

Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID

Volume II — Number 56

Al vidrio por la cultura

Presidente honorario


Javier Gómez Gómez

Rosa García Montemayor


Evangelina del Poyo

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Diego Martín García


Francisco Martín García

Pablo Bravo García

José María Gallardo Breña

Secretaria Teresa Fernández Romojaro

The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture.

www.amigosmava.org 

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

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Line of research. Images.

Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Volume II — Number 57 July 2013

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Ceramics. Images (I).

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Volume II — Number 57

July 2013

Ceramics. Images (II).

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