Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Monthly Newsletter
JIRI HARCUBA . Sixth year. Newsletters
M. A. Carretero.
With the publication of this issue of the Bulletin began the sixth year of his career in the broadcast world news glazier.
pects: knowledge dissemination for the largest possible number of users of our Newsletter and contribute to the much needed expansion of the glass culture in our country.
Fundamentally, dedicated its pages to the news related to a type of art The pages of the most imthat has as main support portant museums in the to the glass. world with glass funds are also represented in our How could it be otherwiNewsletter and through se, are also present news the pressure corresponrelated to the world inding to the pointer in the dustrial glassmaker in the corresponding image, you researcher. can access their virtual pages. The figures of the artists and exalted for his long career in art and pop those trying to break into the elite are also important when them a tribute in these pages. Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCĂ“N. (MADRID)
As one of our main pillars of associative action is the dissemination of the culture of glass, we also include pages dedicainfo@amigosmava.org ted to disseminating the various techniques by which they perform their jobs glassmakers. We use the published by respected researchers and thus cover two important as-
CULTURE Our program aims to provide the public the opportunity to join in many cultural visits we programmed, both related to the glass as with art in general. As we do not believe that can harm our knowledge of other museum museum spaces also offer glass funds globally, including information about the characteristics of other museums also offer visitors artworks made with glass.
Glass recycling is a fundaAs the saying goes a pic- mental aspect that should ture is better than a thou- impress upon all users of sand words, dedicate a packaging made from this page to include images of material. So one of our pathe techniques used by ges is devoted exclusively renowned glassmakers to to providing the dissemiperform their works. nation of the need to practice this essential citiThe diffusion characteriszen behavior. tics of the works in the permanent collection of our As can be overly wordy MAVA is a fundamental entire contents of the Bupart of our Newsletters. It is lletin referred to the world the treasure which is our glazier, include page pride as citizens of kno"Other trends" to report a wing holders AlcorcĂłn co- specific event and has ocllection modern sculptures curred recently in the made of glass most impor- world of art in general. tant in our country. We hope to continue for a We also echo the upcolong time with the dissemiming events that will ocnation of this virtual envicur in our Museum to enronment and we thank our courage their knowledge readers for their interest in and reach the largest pos- this medium. sible number of users of this medium.
Jun 2013
Page 2
Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XXVII) M.A.C.
Part of the month
Intellectual Proper- January 1 of the year following the time of ty Law
Javier Gomez exposition
Tour to Czech Republic
Rights of producers.
Concert in the MAVA
This right may be transferred, assigned or granted Producers' rights expire TITLE III. under contractual licen50 years after the reAudiovisual recordings. se. cording was made.
Activities on the MAVA News Our activities Glass recycling
Volume II — Number 56
recording, publication or communication to the public.
clusive right to authorize the reproduction of the original and the copies.
How does CONTENTS:
However, if the phonogram has been lawfully published within this period, the rights shall expire 50 years after the date of the first lawful publication.
Audiovisual recordings means fixations of a scene or sequence of images with or without sound, whether or not creations could be classified as audiovisual works.
The producer of audiovisual recordings the right to authorize the public communication of these. When communication to the public takes place by cable and in the terms set out in paragraph 4 of Article 20 of this Law shall apply the provisions of that article.
Part of the month
Established artists
Young artists
Javier Gomez exposition
Tour to Czech Republic
Research line
Activities in Museums
Activities in the MAVA
Concerts on the MAVA
If during that period is not lawful publication if the phonogram has been lawfully communicated to the public, the rights shall expire 50 years after the date of the first lawful communication to the public.
FCNV remove to ERE
All terms shall run from
The President FCNV
The “large bouffe”
Culture 2013
Concerts in the MAVA
structure and properties of glass,
Film Festival
antique glass and archaeologi-
The glass museum
Reflect a scientist
Means an audiovisual recording producer, the person or entity who has the initiative Users are required to pay and assume responsibito performers and produlity for said audiovisual cers appropriate comrecording. pensation, in accordanThe producer of the first ce with the rates establisfixation of an audiovihed by the managesual recording the exment entity.
URGENT NEWS Course at the CSIC.
cal provenance, the medieval glass in the Christian and Islamic, Venetian glass and illustration.
Staiend glass in Guadalupe 21
Classes are also dedicated to the
Glass recicled
development of glass in the eigh-
A house with legs
teenth century: the Bohemian
Cultural tours
crystal and glass, and is comple-
Culture 2013 Programme
ted with the study of contempo-
The FEAM Congress
rary glass, both in windows and in
Glasstress 2013
other artistic work, reviewing
Other trends
Joke with result
Capel in Almeria
trends Art Nouveau and Art Deco. Finally we explain the pathologies and mechanisms of degradation
The amber breaks theories 30
of the glass, and the criteria for
The Sea’ Museum
Glass in New York
How does
Neolithic glasses
Specialization course GLASS IN
Stained glass at Lyceum
Delicate glass cube
CONSERVATION who teaches His-
Awards Cirilo Rodriguez
tory Institute (CSIC) together with
Magic formula
the International Association His-
ERE in Mieres
restoration and conservation. The course is complemented by
tory of Glass (AIHV). The course is dedicated to all the historical overview in Art Glass. It covers general topics such as the
three technical visits to the glass collections of the Royal Palace of Madrid, to the windows of the crypt of the Cathedral of Almudena in Madrid and the windows of the Bank of Spain. Be announced shortly the registration procedure for this course.
Page 3
Part of de month. Lino Tagliapietra.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The figure of Lino Tagliapietra is especially important in the history of Studio Glass to be the bridge between tradition and innovation. Born in the mythical island of Murano in 1934, at age 12 and attended as an apprentice to the Master Archimede Seguso in his "fugina", earning himself the title of "Master Vetraio" at the early age of 21.
Glass School in Stanwood. Thereafter, begins a new stage in his life, Professor of blown Ve-
The nineties was an especially productive in the development of his work alone.
netian techniques, do not inte-
In 1998 during the first of the in-
rrupt until many decades later.
ternational exhibition titled Vene-
Throughout these has taught courses at the best schools and study centers of glass in the world: French CERVAF, the Rhode Island School of Design in
zia Aperto Vetro, Lino Tagliapietra presented an installation which was celebrated for its technical quality as for its elegant aesthetics.
Providence, the Studio of the
Corning Museum of Glass, the
2004: XXXIX) calls only Lino Ta-
Over the next two decades he
Toyama Art School in Japan, the gliapietra's contribution to the
worked as a designer and tea-
Urban Glass in Brooklyn and the
development of American con-
cher Venetian blower distinct
University of Sydney, to name a
temporary glass.
signatures as Galliano Ferro, Ve-
nini or La Murrina.
His talent and teaching commu-
In the mid-eighties transition oc-
nication skills and has provided
In 1979 he was called by Dale
curs more traditional work as a
guidance and inspiration to ma-
Chihuly - his former student in
teacher blower and designer,
ny young glass artists.
the Venini factory-professor at
the independent artist.
the newly founded Pilchuck
Page 4
Established artists. Jiri Harcuba.
Our web
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Jiri Harcuba born in Harrachov, in what is now the Czech Republic, where he was apprenticed to the renowned recording studios in the region, the development of hand and engraved portrait medallions.
techniques, Harcuba has taught worldwide, at institutions including Pilchuck Glass School, the Corning Museum of Glass, in the Royal Academy of Art in London, and the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague.
In addition to the founding of the School of Dominik Biman an itinerant glass studio dedicated to teaching traditional glass
He is the recipient of the 1995 Rakow Commission from the Corning Glass Museum and Awards For Musical Excellence
Young artists. Sean O’Neill.
UrbanGlass and Glass Art Society. "All my ancestors worked with glass. I'm showing [the] relationship between prehistoric and contemporary art size. We are the link between the past and the future. "
Our web
By using the vessel as my canvas, stones and use diamond blades for cutting my compositions into the glass. These processes refer to the marks made in nature and result in random order. Making marks is also a slow and rhythmic and through these actions, patterns emerge. While each pattern is intentional, the process often reveals subtle variations to respond to it, maI get my inspiration in the lands-
slow and deliberate processes
cape, climate and patterns of
that have shaped our world.
king each piece unique. In the current era, the change
I have tried to convey the fee-
occurs at a fast pace, I think I
Seeing the forms emerge
ling of those old forces by inci-
can create these works as con-
through incessant repetition of
sing my own patterns on the sur-
templations less fleeting against
natural phenomena, often re-
face of the glass.
the forces that shape our world.
minds me that there has been
Page 5
Exposition of Javier Gómez.
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Ver video
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Javier Gomez has exhibited at the Palace of the Verdugo in Avila, an impressive collection of glass pieces.
The parts installed in the courtyard of the palace, lit by the sun as it changes position, giving you new impressions the viewer anticipate the uniqueness of the The framework of the exhibition sample and are complemented could not be more successful. by those in the upper floor, forHis impressive courtyard and ga- ming a kaleidoscope of figures, sometimes exquisite, always of llery and first floor rooms have great delicacy, that the viewer been allowed to present the does not get tired of seeing. pieces of a splendid way. The magnificent play of light that create transparencies studied, and overlapping glass opacities, even more than the winding and sometimes hypnotic ways, focus the interest of the original and attractive exhibition that the Avila Javier Gomez opened in the Palace of the Verdugo an appointment in which over a dozen pieces demonstrates his mastery in handling huge item expressive capacities in its fragility (at least apparently) one more point of interest so it is special.
Metamorphosis is the title of this exhibition for which Javier Gomez has selected sculptures created between 1989 and 2010, a period which shows a significant evolution in which, experimenting with the material, has been able to create the necessary sensitivity or pure fiction figurations full subtleties that sometimes almost hold in the air. The exhibition has been visited until May 29. Some members of our Board were at the opening of the ex-
hibition and showed him the Mayor of Pedro Bernardo, town of Avila and the birthplace of our artist, our impatience to see implemented Museum is considered undertaking the works of Javier. Alberto Sánchez Navas they ratified the wishes of the Municipal Corporation and Avila Provincial realize as soon as possible the project of the Museum dedicated to the works of Xavier, but the current economic situation does not allow carry it out the urgency that we all desire. Moreover, he announced the steps it is making from the Mayor for the sample that has been exposed in Avila can also provide the people of other important towns of the province. It seems to have been interested in the municipalities of Arenas de San Pedro, Ávila and Piedrahita boat.
Page 6
Our trip to the Czech Republic.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
This past May, between 21 and 29, were visiting the Czech region of Bohemia to see the works shown in museums funded in glass and some factories that continue to reflect on their accomplishments extraordinary stained glass techniques developed by master glassmakers of this area.
School and the Museum of Glass.
On day 23 we travel to Pardubi-
27 and 28 we moved to Liberec
ce in the morning to visit the
to see Czech School, Museum
East Bohemian Museum. Back in
and Factory in Zelezny Brod
Prague, in the afternoon we visit
Lhotsky. After visiting the Museum
the exhibition that inaugurated
of Glass and Jewellery in Jablo-
Pokorná Gallery Vysehrad Park
nec and return to Prague.
works in glass by Vladena Klumpar, Jiri Suhajek, Rebecca Huerta and Eynar & Jamex de la To-
And on the 29th in the morning, return airport transfers and Alcorcon.
The development of our trip was
rre. We had a very nice chat
the following:
with Vladena and the owner of
It was an extraordinary experien-
the Gallery.
ce and we have been enjoying
Once at the airport Vaclav
a very relevant for all our visitors.
Havel of the Czech capital at
On the 24th we went to Karlovy
noon on the 21st, we drove to
Vary to visit the Museum Moser
We must emphasize the kindness
the Hotel Ibis Praha Mala Strana
in that city and in the afternoon
with which we have tried in all
and in the afternoon we took a
we visited different places of
the places we have visited, ma-
walk around town.
Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cat-
king special mention of the treat-
hedral, Golden Alley and the
ment received by the factory
We took a tram around the hotel and headed to Mala Strana Square to tour the Charles
beautiful gardens of the palace. responsible Lhotsky in Zelezny On the 25th we moved to Nizbor
Bridge, the Old Town Square, Tyn to visit the factory during Rückl
Brod, Vaclav Rezac, who in these pages we give our most expressive thanks.
Church and other tourist areas
CRYSTAL morning and in the af-
of the city.
ternoon took a nice boat ride
Since the photo shoot and our
on the Vltava River, back in Pra-
impressions of the trip take up
much space, edit a special issue
The 22 day visit in Prague's Museum of Decorative Arts, the Jewish Quarter with its many syna-
The day shift 26 Novy Bor to see
gogues and the Jewish Cemete- the Museum of Glass and then ry and Museum and Gallery Mo-
Kamenicky Senov to see the
of the Bulletin to display photos and texts on our journey.
Page 7
Jun 2013
Line of research: Inclusions (XV).
Estefanía Sanz Lobo
llow tone to the glass like a colo-
When that temperature is rea-
First, the process enables control
red glass in question.
ched, the money does not have
of the fine silver fusion: putting a small amount of gold on a layer of silver leaf prevents crystallization of this, namely that no white film is formed as mentioned
gravity stretching technique, in which glass forced elongation about 10 cm. The inclusion of gold and silver
Volume II — Number 56
In Fig. 2 a fragment of a work by
Secondly, golden appearance
had this texture.
oxygen around, and that reducing atmosphere not produce the expected change in tone, but it retains its metallic appearance. In Fig. 3 the loaves of fine gold and fine silver were placed in a
improves just by putting a sheet
The loaves of fine gold and silver
transparent glass and a red bull-
of each class, the money paid
in contact with other glasses.
seye, the result can be seen
to the mixture yellow-amber tone that acquires to melt, while gold makes its metallic appearance. The result is a pretty intense golden tone.
As noted above, the effects yellow, amber and metal made with fine silver have been made
same time, and is cheaper and easier to work.
gone. Moreover, the absence of gold
after firing is related to the chan-
It looks the same gold that when glasses do not get the same results. put five layers of fine gold, but rent, shiny and metallic at the
glass changed color. Gold has
using the float glass Glassware
We have seen that with other
instead the glass has a transpa-
here: silver is not yellow and red
In a glass baking Bullseye, which put silver and gold bread together between a red and a trans-
ge in color of transparent red brown glass: selenium glass containing the gold reacts with producing this color. Other ways to work with gold leaf and silver leaf.
parent glass white, we note that
Although we believe the most
In Fig. 1 is blown thin silver foil
no silver leaf turned yellow tone,
effective way of working with
with small portions of fine gold
but kept its metallic gray ap-
metallic breads as described so
leaf on it. The result is an intense
far (that is, between glass wit-
metallic luster in areas where both metals are in contact, in addition, silver is not whitish tone has turned off occasionally ac-
Meanwhile, gold is not appreciated, and transparent red glass was dark brown. Respect to silver leaf, the expla-
quires. Both gold and silver breads false, like fine gold crackle acquire quality when stretched to be
nation for this result is in the glass
However, the fine silver continues to provide transparent ye-
work with them in other ways. When put on glasses, with different types of mixtiones results were as follows:
melting temperature Bullseye,
• Mixtion for gold leaf (mark 3
lower than float glass.
rings), nonspecific high tempera-
The melt before the two panes
hout any glue) has undergone
between which the silver put enclose a lower temperature than that required for it to reach, in turn, its melting temperature.
ture. They put four layers of gold leaf on the surface of the glass and baked to 600 ° C in order to burn the lock mixtión before the bread between two glasses.
Page 8
Activities in Museums I.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
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Activities in Museums II.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
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Activities in Museums III.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
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Activities on the MAVA. Summer school.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Page 12
Concerts on the MAVA.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Within our "Concerts in the MAVA", the 10th of May we had the pleasure of hearing the interpretations Conservatory Choir "Teresa Berganza", Madrid. The group of singers performed a total of eleven songs of the most varied, among which are distinguished by their emotional side, "Can you hear me" by Bob Chilcott, a work that speaks of a deaf child and describe how it the world around him. Its director, David Carrero Gala, we were commenting at the end of the concert and space to allocate to questions from the audience, which only tested one and a half a week of time that we consider very little to prepare with an appropriate level the repertoire of songs that
often develop in its various outputs. He also informed us that no set minimum or maximum age for membership in the choir, as it is a subject in the Conservatory program and can assist any students. Chorus components easily rotate and currently more than half of the current members are new this year, with all that implies in terms of the difficulty of maintaining stability. His repertoire is around fifteen songs and this year acted in three other centers besides our own: Pozuelo, Moratalaz and Goya in Madrid. They would be happy to make exchange of performances with
other choirs, both nationally and internationally, because this would lead to an enrichment of the group. Its director tries to combine the discipline coral, always necessary in such groups, with the expression of motions that it believes is innate in these youth. Considers that the coordination of body movements, at the same time it makes the interpretation of the songs, it's very important for a complete musical education. Escape the traditional seriousness choral groups, both in attire and in his attitude, especially considering the age of its components.
Page 13
The ERE removed FCNV.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
the record that contained either the written communication to the start of the consultation period and the outcome of negotiations ( that according to the committee were not carried out), inter alia, lack of clarity in the criteria for the selection of jobs to extinguish, all severe procedural defects. Supervision In fact, the new ERE, apart from fulfilling all requirements and be sufficiently motivated, will have to be supervised by the FoundaThe Board of Trustees National plate, did not hide his disaption of the School of Industrial OrGlass Centre has decided to pointment at not having yet offi- ganization (EOI), an agency unwithdraw the Redundancy Emcial communication or a call to der the Ministry of Culture that is ployment (ERE) that presented convene the committee: "It is responsible for developing the the April 2 to fire 17 workers. another example of the respect plan viability of the National they have for workers, we are Glass Centre Foundation as the The director of the center, Aurea upset that we're to find out beBoard also agreed to the proJuarez, confirmed that the decifore the press that direction, posal of the ministry and with the sion was taken in the meeting "said personal capacity. endorsement of the representaheld on Monday afternoon in ortives of National Heritage, the der to "avoid any defect of However, although informally Junta de Castilla y León, the form" of record. known part of what was discussed at the meeting, declined County and the City of the Real The Board also authorized the Sitio de San Ildefonso. further assessments of the presaddress, with the vote against entation of the ERE. This agreement is what the mayor of Royal Site of San prompted the mayor grajeño, Ildefonso, José Luis Vázquez, to However, the decision of the José Luis Vázquez, to declare present a new ERE, which means Board to withdraw the ERE filed starting a new period of consulApril 2 confirms what they com- that the request to the Foundation EOI viability plan "is a way of tation and a proposal to termimented a few days ago the recognizing the failure of the renate the contracts. committee and the UGT and sponsible management of the CCOO, that documentation Juarez said patronage decisions had serious deficiencies and the Board and management of the were unanimous, with the exNational Center Glass'. proceedings did not meet the ception of voting against requirements required by Royal For the mayor, the fact that Vazquez, noting that the new Decree 1483/2012, so that could management has had to withERE will start with all the requirehave ended with the rejection draw the ERE "is another examments "that what is done is alby the labor authority or with the ple of the disastrous managemost final" and, although he did subsequent declaration of nullity ment" that "has broken the econot specify more ends, he of the 17 layoffs by the Labour nomic viability of the project and added that "the figure may Court. has jeopardized the reputation vary" of redundancies proposed. Nothing tastes even the Works of The correct form, as unions chal- of the Foundation, which transcends the local or regional bethese agreements. lenged, are specified in the cause it is a unique center in the documentation provided did José Luis Duque, president of the not include the authorization of world. " representative body of the temthe Board at the address to start
Page 14
The President of FCNV on a tightrope.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
sed the position of the Minister of Finance, Pilar del Olmo, in the negotiation. In the meeting with the Works Committee last week, Del Olmo conveyed his displeasure with the president's, for the situation that has led the National Glass Centre, to ignore their recommendations to develop a plan viability, and disregard their agendas at the time of convening the boards.
Francisco Salazar-Simpson Bos, president of the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja, has not been stopped, but he shall not fly the plan's feasibility National Glass Centre Foundation (FCNV).
duct a study, with the aim of maintaining the viability of the National Glass Centre Foundation".
EOI input a Foundation whose honorary presidency SS.MM hold the Kings of Spain, has been one of the main resolutions taken by the Board emergency meeting in La Granja (Segovia) to bring order to the mess in which has become the National Glass Centre, with management scandals coming to light, with a debt estimated at two million euros, and immersed in a serious dispute.
of the Real Sitio de San Ildefonso, José Luis Vázquez (PSOE), the Council called for the resignation of Salazar-Simpson last week, was speaking: "Here what has primacy by the president is the persistence of himself at the head of an institution which I understand is not authorized or legitimized by unsuccessful and unfortunate management has been developed. Unfortunately, the legal uncertainty in which the Foundation is involved is something I restless ".
Another agreement was reached earlier suppress ERE, whoThe charge will be the Escuela se irregularities detected and de Organización Industrial (EOI), Territorial Working Office, and a kind of public business school submit a new file "in a timely founded in 1955 and dependent manner." on the Ministries of Culture and At the end of an unusual meeIndustry. ting of several hours, the mayor
On the streets of La Granja twenty have passed the 'remarkable' as part of the Board, who include the Princesses Secretary Carlos García Revenga (accused in the 'case Nóos), Pedro Ramon Gomez de la Serna (popular deputy by Segovia), Ulpian Gomez Acute (Saint Gobain), and representatives of the central, regional, provincial, local and national heritage. The Ministry of Culture itself thus confirmed the decision: "You have asked that the School of Industrial Organization to con-
In this regard, he referred to the types of employment, supply, income and expenses whose irregularities have come to light under the direction of Aurea Juarez. "It's like there are two views of reality absolutely parallel"
Asked about his resignation, Salazar-Simpson himself has acknowledged that "the mayor of La Granja has asked for my resignation, which it has done repeatedly for many years, but it was the unanimous decision of the other employers that do not none of that ". For his part, the president of the council, José Luis Duque, emphasized that "this is the first Board in which at least has been debate about the institution, and has lasted more than twenty minutes to three quarters of an hour, which was normal. " He regretted that the Board has not served to begin a new stage in the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja. Have you considered the stoppage of ERE "another example of mismanagement" and reiterated the call for resignation of President and CEO. "Let's see what the consequences of the decisions that have been taken, what matters is the survival of the institution and its workers," he said. By the way, Jose Angel Frias, the provincial coordinator of IU revealed FCNV irregularities such as major discounts to the Infanta Elena lamps, threatening to go to court before it is answered in the House of Representatives to questions.
The mayor has also made men- For now, the director Aurea Juation of the differences of opinion rez has reported to the Civil within the Board. Guard barracks of La Granja for alleged libel. Claim now would "It's like there are two views of paralyze "not to give the UI more reality absolutely parallel," said Jose Luis Vazquez, who has prai- minutes of fame".
Page 15
Outstanding accounts Salazar-Simpson.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Posted in Vozpópuli.com.
Although states that has a law degree from the San Pablo-CEU, however does not appear their partnership with the lawyer Jorge Trias Sagnier.
Very active in all types of social networks, he has posted on his LinkedIn profile that has been Director General of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Director of the Security Administration in the Ministry of Interior.
For example, a former employer, Arthur Fernandez (CEOE), is now charged in the 'case Bankia'. Salazar-Simpson himself has been appointed member of the Board of a failed pitch of Caja
Segovia (now Bankia), Golf included at the foot of Guadarrama, Francisco Salazar-Simpson Bos called Segovia 21, which also should 20392.81 euros to the Nacoincided former patron of the tional Glass Centre Foundation FCNV Jesus Merino (accused in (FCNV) which he chairs, as rethe Gürtel case) next to mesetacorded in the accounts at the Francisco Salazar-Simpson Bos is rio media magnate José Luis Uliend of 2012, it is assumed that related to the former chairman barri (imputed Gürtel) and a lar"pieces for gifts", suspects the of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, through ge bouquet of personalities. template. his sister Bliss, widow of Ramón Rato. Today Segovia 21 is in the proIt is also critical that a charge cess of criminal investigation, flaunting volunteer, copper fees Among the bad business that with the former president of Caja for attending meetings. the National Glass Centre has Segovia and charged in the made under his leadership, the And last winter, because it was 'case Bankia' (among other veterans recall the operation of no heat in his 'casoplón' of La things), Atilano Soto, head. Aldeasa, whom he canceled Granja, with all heaters arrampló the contract in 2005, "which cost For his part, the Director, the AuFactory. "For him it's like his farm", the CNV thirty million pesetas." rea Granjena Juarez, came to lament employees. sound as a possible President of Bankia Relationship President of the Royal Glass Facwhat little is left of the former Catory of La Granja since 1998, Sa- The linking of the Presidency, the ja Segovia: its Foundation. lazar-Simpson combines this pre- address and some of the paSegovia Known as "liquidation" sidency with Hello Bye Cars and trons of the FCNV with Bankia was not ultimately chosen. Cars SLU Simpson. not minor.
"He left to settle the Foundation of the National Glass Centre and will to settle the Foundation Caja Segovia" say it to local media. Coincidentally, the largest creditor of the two million euros owed the FCNV is Bankia.
Page 16
The 'grande bouffe' Salazar-Simpson.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Posted in Vozpópuli.com
Miller, Bombay Sapphire Gin London Number One, Citadelle and G'Vine Floraison (containing the ephemeral flower grape).
As the advertising slogan of a famous brand of whiskey Segovia, La Granja and vicinity for people without complexes proli- The tonic that accompanied feration of Bourbons down. them, nor were maimed: FeverTree, Seagram's and Schweppes This is the case of Francisco SalaOrange Blossom and Lavender. zar-Simpson Bos, new president Some graciosillo is agañotó one of the Royal Glass Factory, who Superb. last March 22 'invited' to stick the large spread to ten people at The highlight of this grande boufthe Parador de La Granja on fe that cost is not much in drinaccount of the National Founking as in food, which is saying, dation of Glass (FCNV), ie, on nor to serve the world's most exaccount of the treasury. clusive spirits, not even the cast The guests at the table 7 of the Parador de La Granja, four forks, tasted beef tenderloins, loins of turbot and Tenderloin, crumbs pastor and the famous beans from La Granja.
so long that ended at 18.12 hours. No. The most striking feature of this grande bouffe is that the bill of 300 euros in 'gin and tonics' the Foundation paid a Glass endeudadísima the same day it was decided an ERE that has proven to be irregular.
To go through the gullet so precious legume, not content with running water and house wine, but they drank water and Tomas It was the shocking conclusion Postigo Premium Bezoya upbrin- of 17 dismissals by a drunk caste ging. power, numb and the pain of the tragic reality that she cauAfter the assortment of desserts, ses. ice creams and coffees, came a desktop paired with the best Sources within the Foundation's gins in the world: Bulldog, Martin fall feast at a meeting of the or-
ganizational structure, in a day when he was visited by Thomas Burgos, Secretary of State for Social Security, which, by the way, the Foundation has a peak. Vozpópuli has been in contact with Social Security to confirm whether Thomas Burgos actually stayed until mid-afternoon on The Farm on March 22, presumably comfortable negotiating a payment plan, but has given no answer. On Monday (May 6), SalazarSimpson gave another demonstration of his lack of complexes. After intense Extraordinary Board which had to sheathe the ERE by misuses, in which the central government took over the Viability Plan Foundation, Regional Administration and forty sang the Local Government asked to resign, yet employers sought to be secretary of the princesses Carlos García Revenga included, the Parador de La Granja to eat. To which the secretary and attorney Fernando Vizcaino replied, "Not applicable, president, not applicable".
Page 17
N E W S (I).
Jun 2013
workshop was conducted using the methodology based on the analysis and creation of proposals for different design types. In Vitrics exposure, may see the work of 14 great professionals:
Volume II — Number 56
Antonio Sciacca, Maribel Navarro, Ferran Picornell i Maria Busquets, Marta Claverol, Joan Serra, Lucia Bruni, Xavi Vega, Nuria Torrente, David Gibernau, Jordi Vidal, Ferran Collado , Francisco The exhibition, which opened last May 27, is the result of innovation Glaziers course organized by the Catalan Association of
Glass Arts. The course, which was conducted between 2012 and 2013,
Ibanez, Claudio Hoffmann, Ginesta Tolosa, Josep Roman and Guillem Ferran.
consisted of a cooperative
Culture 2013. The proposed visit one last look at the exhibition "Gardens of Light" in which everything mature painter has given us in these months of exposure. His painting and ideas accompanied us on this journey, in which we delve into the arguments of the artist toward the subject of the gardens. Sorolla faced his last works, the gardens of his home, with sincere simplicity and the extreme refinement of an artist full, still mulling over the possibilities of painting. Parallel to the large orders rushing in those years and especia-
On May 3 reserved teníammos
your workspace, is a staff retre-
participation in a tour to mark
the closing of the exhibition
It is inspired by the Andalusian
"Gardens of Light" in the Sorolla Museum.
gardens in the courtyard garden concept, close, intimate, partly
This exhibition has collected the
tiled with a large presence of
last works of the painter, inspired
water and sound.
by the gardens of his house,
As we consider the Sorolla Mu-
which he designed and planted in the capital.
seum director Consuelo Luca de Tena, "That intimate space whe-
Exposure comprised a total of 56 re the light collected is renewed oil paintings, 24 of which belong
and you can also hear the
to private collectors and many
sound of water along the scent
of them had not been exposed
of flowers, that combination of
smells, sound for him was really
The garden of his house, where
the representation of paradise ".
his domestic space Sorolla met www.amigosmava.org
lly the decoration for the Hispanic Society of New York, in Sorolla matured through his paintings of gardens, a poetics of silence and privacy, with amazing concomitants with the sensitivity symbolist / modernist time. We have to honestly thank you to the Museum the excellent work done by the guide who accompanied us on the visit, not only for the wealth of knowledge about the work of the Valencian artist, but also as teaching the way we passed the knowledge.
Page 18
N E W S (II).
Concerts on the MAVA.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
On Friday, June 14, the group of clarinets Leganés Music School will offer a concert with a wide repertoire of works by Vivaldi, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, RimskyKorsakov, Prokofiev, Dvorak, Dubois, Holloway, Mancini and Thompson.
This will be the fifth concert that our Association program in the Auditorium of MAVA and corresponds to our project "Concerts in the MAVA".
project for our Association, thanks to the collaboration of the Fundación Miguel Angel Colmenero, we have carried out and we hope to continue offering involving schools and This concert will end the cycle of music conservatories througthis academic year we hope to rehout the Community Madrid. sume after the summer holidays. "MAVA Concert" was an important
Film Festival International. tiles, paper and many other specialties. It will be from 7 to 9 March 2014 in the auditorium Le Corum of Montpellier (France). To be in the competitive category movies need to have occurred after 2005. Those that do not meet this condition may arise out of competition, which is open to both professionals and amateurs. The deadline to complete regis-
The international film festival on
With the new format will host
ceramics and glass created in
around 30 films from around the
1998 by Ateliers d'Art de France,
world, aiming to highlight the im-
becomes the 9th International
mense diversity of the techni-
Festival of Films on Art Trades,
ques used in the craft: ceramics, tion, forms and bases: glass, wood, metal, leather, tex- www.fifma.fr
and Crafts, for his edition of 2014.
tration of films is the June 28, 2013. More information, documenta-
Page 19
The glass in Museums: Zelezny Brod School.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The High School of Applied Arts
ers, managers, businessmen as
mentally form the knowledge of
for Glassmaking in Zelezny Brod
contemporary appearance and
was founded in 1920 as a connection with the new republic
Students, who learned during
lead up the school.
four years how to understand
Every year the school familiarize
glass, think about glass charac-
with students´ works at school
teristics, work and represent it
competitions including the
It is the first Bohemian Glass
and have considerably success
school presentation in New York
School whose aim is educated
in attending not only Art universi- last year are without parallel.
glass professionals.
Nowadays the studies take four
Thorough teaching glass tech-
efforts to support and development of traditional industry.
School is developed also in other point of view: the school building
years and are concluded by the nology take basically specializes
from half of the 20th centuries
school - leaving exam.
chemical fields in demand.
was waited to see exacting
Students obtain their education
The High School in Zelezny Brod
in two fields: Glass arts treatment has made its generally reand Glass technology. The High School of Applied Arts for Glassmaking in Zelezny Brod takes a hare in cardinal manner
changes until the end of 20th century.
spected reputation especially
There was new studios built and
on teachers' personalities from
modern annex, which is archi-
the very beginning until these
tectonically estimated, was
grown with modern gymnasium, laboratories with the high quality
of unique international educa-
To the school history belong the
tion system of glass schools in
most distinctive generation of
the Czech Republic.
artists, who become members
Specific atmosphere and the
of school recently.
pedagogical staffs´ best results
Although it is specially oriented institution, which prepares com-
Enthusiasm, dynamics and new
pletely artists, workshop masters
ideas of young artists, who lead
and technologies into practise,
each studio, follow dignifiedly
the graduates assert as a teach- their more famous colleagues and predecessors and funda-
equipment and a lecture hall.
express interest in study at the High School of Applied Arts for Glassmaking in Zelezny Brod from foreign countries and it gives the school European measurement.
Page 20
Reflections of a scientist.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
cant in their final ends and another industry (in this case of glassblowing) closes as told in the story of MAVA (page 5, number 55, May 2013), but is the knowledge generated is possibly better used by other European partners of the project consortium Why this country is endeavoring to give "punching the air" when they are not given "themselves same "... with this progressive dismantling of our industries? … What will be the next "victim" of this dismantling of the glass industry and its craftsmen in Spain? … Best wishes
In relation to the news we published in our bulletin last May, Jesús María López Rincón, President of the Spanish Association of Scientists, Staff Member of the Institute of Construction Science Eduardo Torroja and partner of our organization, we ran the following letter, that the importance of the data it contains have seen fit to publication, after requesting the appropriate permission of the author. "Dear Friends of MAVA I saw with sadness the recent closure of THE MEDITERRANEAN in LÓllería, Valencia, an industry leading and historic art glass in our country, which unfortunately closed, and sadly, because I had the opportunity to work with this industry and to visit numerous times with project reason the EUROPEAN UNION GROWTH in which we collaborate with the company in the years 2001-2004 on a European consortium led Poland and with the participation also of Spain (CSIC-Instituto Eduardo Torroja (IETcc)), Hungary and the UK. It was an innovative project that from the ashes and slags vitrified industrial waste plasma, were designed and prototypes of pla-
telets obtained glass ceramics in that it took an innovative coloring them to demonstrate that the process designed I direct the laboratory in IETcc - CSIC, was industrially feasible regarding coloring methods which THE MEDITERRANEAN's contribution was crucial to the success of this R + D + i.
PD. - Project data and the cost assigned to the job of R & D conducted in Spain (CSIC-IETcc + THE MEDITERRANEAN) EU-DG XII (GR01-2000-25038) Ref CSIC: GROWTH / 992/0596 Ref DG XII: GIRD-CT-2001-00468
Execution Center: Partners: Poland, United Kingdom, Hungary Were developed scientific pha- and Spain (IETcc, CSIC, J. Ma ses of the process and the know- Rincon) ledge generated would have re- Principal Investigator: Zbigniew sulted in new products that Kolacinski, Iniv. Lodz (Poland) Tycould have been marketed in pe: European FP-GROWTH V the construction sector. Title: A GENERIC PLASMA-ARC Unfortunately, the lack of additional funding to develop a pilot plant level and larger scale production this process for architectural concrete applications, it was not possible since no institution supported in later stages it would have been necessary funding effort . Then there was the economic crisis in its heyday as at the present time, but it is envisioned that this country was bleeding financially in projects and corruption which then led us to the current situation.
PROCESS FOR TOXIC WASTE DESTRUCTION WITH CO-GENERATION HIGH VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (WASTILE) Start-end date: 2001 - 2004 Funding: € 137,098.00 Out of curiosity I suggest you compare these figures working four years With recent headlines in the Spanish press They are gone by "the sewers of the corruption of all kinds and depth" ....
Do you still some people think Once again history repeats itself, that R & D is expensive and it is the effort of R & D has been va- not profitable????? "
Page 21
The Treaty of Guadalupe Monastery Windows (and XIII).
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Figure 4. Glazier box with tools very similar to those described in the treaty of Guadalupe. Swiss eighteenth century. Figure 5. Drawing of two stretching glaziers lead profiles in the same manner described in the treaty of Guadalupe. Switzerland, the seventeenth century. Figure 6. Glass Medallion representing glass workshop where there are different materials and tools (soldering iron, triscadoras, etc). Hans Wiss, Switzerland, 1615. Fernando Cortes Pizarro.
that luck is cut bidrio. Facsimile Finally, the author, to the possibi- of the Royal Monastery of Guality that some do not understand dalupe Real Issue of Provincial Archive of Badajoz, Department his explanations decided to inof Culture, Museum of Fine Arts clude a brief addendum entiin Badajoz, Royal Monastery of tled "Examples for traçar winGuadalupe, Rescue Collection dows more easily than it is to say", which includes a couple of # 4, Indugrafic, Badajoz. very simple exercises with their Nieto Alcaide, V. (1998): The corresponding picture , so that Spanish glass. Eight centuries of students can practice and "... work safely without embaraço". light. Madrid, Ed Nerea. Bibliography
Feet of illustrations
Cañellas i Martínez, S., (1996): "Exàmens of mestrage Vidrieres Painter of Barcelona at the end of XVIII segle" in Historics i Estudis dels Arxius of Protocols Documents, XIV, p. 273-304.
Figure 1. Stained glass geometric white or eighteenth seventeenth century. Huesca Cathedral.
Diaz Miranda, B., (2007): "The Treaty of windows of the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe", in Bulletin of the Royal Academy of Extremadura of Letters and Arts, Volume XV, p. 339-366. Diaz Miranda, B. (2010) tried to traçar brebe the bedrieras and
Figure 2. Stained glass geometric white or eighteenth seventeenth century. Sasamón Church, Burgos. Figure 3. Illustration from the book "L'Art de la Peinture sur verre et de la Vitrerie" where you can see different Glazier work tools mentioned in the treaty of Guadalupe. Pierre Le Vieil, France, 1774.
Figure 7. Glazier craft engraving, represented at the time of placing or repairing a window with rebar. Jan Luyken, Netherlands, 1694. Figure 8. Church Stained Valpuesta very poor (Burgos), seventeenth or eighteenth century. Figure 9. Stained glass colors including geometric. Monastery of Santes Creus (Tarragona), seventeenth or eighteenth century. Figure 10. Illustration from the book "L'Art de la Peinture sur verre et de la Vitrerie" drawings of panels representing different "white" geometric. Pierre Le Vieil, France, 1774. Figure 11. Illustration from the book "L'Art de la Peinture sur verre et de la Vitrerie" drawings of panels representing different "white" geometric. Pierre Le Vieil, France, 1774. Figure 12. Stained white geometric pattern equal to the Treaty of Guadalupe 19. Burgos Cathedral, seventeenth or eighteenth century.
Page 22
Recycling. Campaign in Alcorcón.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
As part of the national educatio- The initiative promoted by Ecovi- In this way, around 500,000 chilnal campaign developed by
drio, nonprofit association that
dren in Spain will become little
Ecovidrio to promote the recy-
manages the recycling of glass
ambassadors of recycling at
cling of glass between the sma-
packaging containers deposi-
home, knowing the importance
llest 1,700 children Alcorcon and ted in Spain, in collaboration
of the simple act of separating
researchers are authentic glass.
with the city of Alcorcon, visited
waste at home, and deposited
a total of 18 schools and taught
later in their respective contai-
over 70 workshops with the aim
The Agency Research Scientific Glass has visited a total of 18 schools in Madrid, providing about 70 workshops since last April.
of converting the smaller glass genuine researchers. Thanks to this educational cam-
The smallest are the major prescribers of recycling at home and it is important that they are aware from childhood.
paign, about 1,700 children in 2nd and 3rd cycle of primary education in the town, have learned the important role they play in the glass recycling chain,
For more information: Ketchum Agency - Ecovidrio Communications Office Sara Fernandez: 91 788 32 52 / Julian Ramos: 91 788 32 41 sara.fernandez @ ketchum.com; julian.ramos @ ketchum.com Switchboard: 91 788 32 00
This initiative is part of the natio-
from the hand of specialized en-
nal educational campaign that
vironmental educators.
www.ecovidrio.es -
The smallest are the major pres-
Ecovidrio run until 2015, getting around 500,000 children in Spain become little ambassadors of recycling in their homes.
cribers of recycling at home and it is important to be well informed from childhood therefore
The public school Alcorcon Barn Ecovidrio has launched an eduLane has hosted, for one day in
cational campaign which will
the month of May, the last of the run until 2015, conducting eduvisits Scientific Research Agency cational workshops in 10,000 of Glass has been doing since
last April, at different schools in the suburb .
http://twitter.com/ecovidrio http://www.facebook.com/ reciclavidrio http://www.youtube.com/ reciclavidrio http://www.yoreciclovidrio.es
Page 23
A house with legs.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
If museums are great art capacitors, the houses they lived poets, architects and thinkers appear today as a shelter or a romance in itself, spaces that allow low flying vision of interpersonal transactions between the curator and the artist, something as thoroughly modern as when Pissarro painted the streets of Paris from the window of your hotel or Baudelaire described the urban landscape as the bustle of the "city full of ants". La Casa de Vidro, designed in 1951 by the architect Lina Bo Bardi (Rome, 1914, São Paulo, Brazil, 1992) in São Paulo, is presented these days as an expanded field (a new experimental space museum, as Rosalind
an Italy ruined by war. It was also the first modern residence built in the Garden Morumbi, in those years, an area of the southwest of the city populated by humble people, now converted into one of the most exclusive neighborhoods, and building "specimen" for future construction along Brazilian geography (the Museum Ocean à Beira do in São Vicente, the House Cirell). Resonant and powerful, Casa de Vidro was thought in terms of architectural beginning of a cycle in Latin America: a pavilion adopts a very fine structure of concrete, but it preserves the natural ground, partially
forest moves, walks and absorbs entropic force of the elements that would be introduced in the garden. And this is precisely the meaning of The interior is on the outside: in this show, "the house is the landscape", a concept that Bo Bardi said in a celebrated essay ("Architects and Nature", Domus, 1943), which already advocated popular before finding simplicity in São Paulo native forest the place to do nature and culture dialogue. A Bo Bardi, who had a lot of artist probably would have liked this tribute coral conceived by Obrist, many of whose participants met in life.
raised on a hill surrounded by emer-
The show, which according to the
ging "kills brasileira", allowing full vi-
commissioner "not only takes up spa-
sual continuity with the landscape.
and landscape architecture no-no
The most striking feature of this tem-
it is an event that occurs in time", en-
landscape, the sculptural and the
ple is in the center of the inner court-
tered its first phase last September,
sculptural no, order and entropy,
yard: a tree that existed before the
was developed during the austral
work and event …
construction of the house and helps
summer and is expected to close in
distribute through the different ro-
the month June.
concept Krauss) where it is possible structuralist analysis of art, his continent and its contents: architecture
Obrist presents, distribute and discuss the works of 36 artists within the space that was private and workplace Bo Bardi for decades. The Swiss curator has chosen this house for his emphatic simplicity: it is a glass house on stilts, a tribute perhaps to the author
oms. The staircase, designed as a lookout, is a round access designed to move the inhabitants of the house, as was the architect with the actors on stage in their scenographic projects.
During the tour of the whole building and the forest, the public will stumble Barateiro Pedro facilities, Adrián Villar Rojas, Juan Araujo, Redondo Laertius, Renata Lucas, Cinthia Marcelle, Pedro Reyes, Dominique Gonzalez-
and Pompeian palafitta "cottages
Bo Bardi also worked with tools intan-
Foerster, and the testimony of archi-
with legs" of the state of Amazonas,
gible disregarded the last place, lis-
tects Norman Foster, Paulo Mendes
soon describe as "cafes fluctuating
tened to the locals, and their le-
da Rocha and Rem Koolhaas.
liquid streets of Manaus ".
gends fantastic information helped
National architectural monument, Casa de Vidro was the first project undertaken by Bo Bardi five years after his arrival in Brazil after leaving
him to create an order dynamic network of roads connecting the pavilions of the farm as a sign that the place was constantly evolving. The
The interior is on the outside. Several authors. Casa de Vidro. Morumbi. São Paulo. Brazil. Until June 2.
Page 24
Our activities.
Cultural Tours. The next day, June 4 will see the launch of "The glass painting Museo Nacional del Prado". This book by Professor Francisco Fernández Navarro and Eagle Capel, a member of our Association.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2013.
They will be present at the event, in addition to the authors, different personalities of the Center for Scientific Research, the Prado Museum and the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass. We wish the authors of the greatest success in this presentation.
Culture 2013 Programme.
The Sorolla Museum presents a
The museum goes well with their li-
possibly more representative.
new exhibition featuring 66 works
ne of go choosing various aspects
In his desire to face reality with the
of painting from his own collection,
of the artist's work to study more in
clean look of prejudice, Sorolla look
some never before exhibited, and
detail, enriching them with additio-
closely, and with passion, "natural".
various objects related to the
nal material and documentation to
practice of painting.
make them more understandable
The theme is the one that gave fame Sorolla: painting the sea. You can see the route their intense and passionate study of color in the media fussier, water, and the largest of the scenarios: the sea.
and accessible to the public. Jose Maria Lassalle, Secretary of State for Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports inaugurated the exhibition.
On the very edge of the sea uncovers the infinite shades of color, textures and shapes that water reveals the beholder with intensity. Optical phenomena such as transparencies, reflections, refraction and the mirrors of water on the
The sea became Sorolla's favorite
sand, and seduce as visual puzzles
subject, the more personal and
as reasons for his painting.
Page 25
FEAM Congress.
View images
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
From 17th to 19th of May last was held in Toledo the XXI Congress of the Spanish Federation of Friends of Museums (EGF). Our Association was represented by our President and the Vocal Rosa Garcia. The inaugural conference of the Congress was made by former Defense Minister Eduardo Serra, who noted, among other things, the need for future Patronage Act. He also stressed the "great example" that involve associations of friends of museums, taking responsibility and perform actions such that the political can "download". The inauguration ceremony was also the president of the FEAM, Ana Luisa Delclaux, and the honorary president of this group, Carlos Zurita, the director of the Institute for Military History and Culture, General Enrique Vidal de Loño, and the acting director of Army Museum, Colonel Anson Jesus. The concert was planned then by the Military Academy Band had to be suspended due to rain and be organized in the open courtyard of the Army Museum. Contributed greatly to the success of this Congress the interesting lecture by sociologist Enrique Arnanz on "Smart Strategies for an active civil society and transformative". The working sessions of the Congress were this year, in our opinion, very well organized and very helpful. We must also congratulate the EGF in the absence of active participation in this Congress of Museum Directors, one of the goals of our Association re-
peatedly requested from the Board of the Federation. In the workshop "Civil society: change agent" created several working groups to answer two questions: - What is or would be our role as an Association of Friends of Museums in the improvement and transformation of our community or our environment? - What goals do we ask in these changing times to inject new life in our Association? The spokesperson of each group then outlined the conclusions that had been reached with regard to these issues. Regarding the first question in the questionnaire, our President made the following conclusions: - Dissemination of the problems of each of Museums. - Awareness of the local population of the existence of Museums. - Start of this awareness through the school population. - Transfer of knowledge across the board.
- Promote to the business network of the area of influence of each museum using the figure of Corporate Liability. Fundamentally, this workshop was a greater and better understanding between the components of each of the groups and the work was carried out in an atmosphere of cordiality and collaboration truly exemplary. Then various Associations of Friends presented the details of the experiences they were having success within each of their respective organizations. On behalf of our Association, the President outlined the success we were getting with our "Concerts in the MAVA". In the General Assembly approved the incorporation FEAM new associations of the Federation, the Activity Report of last year and the current Program, the economic balance of 2012 and the budget for this year and the conduct of the next Congress in Jerez de la Frontera. Part of the evenings of 17 and 18 and the morning of day 19 were devoted to the realization of tours to various places of interest in the city of Toledo.
- Using current technological means for disclosure.
This is one of the areas in which our Association is insisting that lawmakers ti- Ensure that the Museum is a focal me devoted to sightseeing in the afterpoint to disseminate knowledge of the noons of Friday and Saturday are dearea where it is located. voted to work sessions and incorporate visits exclusively to the program com- Promote that which has the unique panions. and differentiating Museum. Regarding the second question of the questionnaire we discussed: - Transmit the interest citizen should have their own cultural backgrounds.
In summary, we congratulate the organization for the success they have obtained in this Congress.
Page 26
Glasstress 2013. Lettere ed Arti (Campo S. Stefano) and Berengo Centre for
Jun 2013
Contemporary Art and Glass (Murano), this year adds the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro Confraternita (San Marco). The 65 artists participating in Glasstress 2013 are: AES + F, Alice
Volume II — Number 56
Anderson, Polly Apfelbaum, Ron Arad, Ayman Baalbaki, Miroslaw Balka, Rina Banerjee, Fiona Banner, Pieke Bergmans, Budicca, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Loris Cecchini, Hussein Chalayan, Mat Chivers, Oliver Clegg, Mat Collishaw, Tony Cragg, Tracey Emin, Paul Fryer, Francesco Gennari, Recycle Group, Cai Guo-Qiang, Dmitri Gutov, Stuart Haygarth, Mona Hatoum, Charlotte Hodes, Shirazeh Houshiary, Shih Chieh Huang, John Isaacs, Michael Joo, Ilya & Emilia Kabakov, Kiki & Joost, Joseph Kosuth, Hew LocThe third edition of Glasstress, will variety of colors, surfaces, trans-
ke, Delphine Lucielle, Alastair
open its doors to the public from parencies and reflections.
Mackie, Jason Martin, Kris Martin,
June 1 to November 24, 2013.
Oksana Mas, Whitney McVeigh,
During the 2009 edition of the
Curated by Adriano Berengo
International Art Exhibition - La
and James Putnam, Glasstress
Biennale di Venezia, Adriano Be-
2013 proposed to the participa-
rengo conceived the idea of
ting artists working with light and
creating Glasstress to allow the
heat, glass and intrinsic aspects
glass "escape" from prison orna-
of their work.
mental and return to the creati-
The glass comes from the creati-
ve process of artists.
ve and destructive power of fire, Many of the artists invited to
Aldo Mondino, Mariko Mori, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Tony Oursler, Lucy Orta, Mimmo Paladino, Cornelia Parker, Javier Pérez, Jaume Plensa, Karim Rashid, Ursula von Rydingsvard, Thomas Schutte, Joyce Scott, Conrad Shawcross, Sudarshan Shetty, Meekyoung Shin, Helen Storey,
which transforms the basic che-
participate in Glasstress had ne-
Zak Timan, Gavin Turk, Koen Van-
mical elements in a fluid molda-
ver worked with this material.
mechelen, Joana Vasconcelos,
This year the exhibition unfolds in
Martin Walde , Zhan Wang, Zak
three places.
Klonowska Ové and Marta.
The result is a solid substance
with a molecular structure chao- To the already known, such as tic light provides an unlimited
the Istituto Veneto di Scienze
Ron Arad presented the special project Last Train.
Page 27
Other trends. The Venice Biennale.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The 170 cubic meters of concrete, mortar 85, 152 concrete 150 gravel debris come from Venice. They will stop the tank Malcontenta, in the industrial area of Marghera, distant about 45 minutes by boat from the Biennale Gardens. And to get to the pavilion were necessary 100 trips. Octavio Zaya Commissioner considers that the question of money dedicated to the Spanish pavilion due to a campaign "against the culture right, that does not ask the bankers accountable, much less to the Church." The Venice Biennale every two years invested 13.5 million eurosEL 85% comes from sponsors and private sources-in the organization of the event's most vibrant contemporary art. There is a huge row no flag countries willing to pay to have their own space. This year, Argentina has spent two million euros in the rehabilitation of the former arms room of Arsenal, which is the national flag during the next 20 years. Venice is one of the most expensive cities in Italy. Here everything moves by ship, which affects the final price of each item.
Yesterday in the gardens of the Biennale began the party for artists who are crowned his dream. The Spanish Lara Almarcegui (Zaragoza, 1972) looked a little nervous and happy at the same time represent his country in the flag for which they have been artists such as Antoni Tàpies, Miquel Barceló … When asked about the controversy in Spain around the cost of installation of six tons of rubble, the smile disappears for a few minutes. "Actually I am very sorry to have to talk about costs and not art.
The same criticism I have seen in the Netherlands and they generate is a hatred to contemporary art. The cuts to culture will bring consequences that much The flag of the Vatican, is partici- damage, "he says. pating for the first time, been Almarcegui spent years living in used 700,000 euros. The flag of the Netherlands, says that afthe United States, less than one fords you a tremendous headamillion euros. che exclusively read negative The Netherlands, 450,000 euros, news from Spain. the same as that of Israel. "If you "My job is not a metaphor for want good art, you pay". The Spanish crisis, talks about the phrase belongs to one of the coordinators of the flag of Israel, past and future of the construction, which also happens real eswho prefers not to mention his tate speculation," he explains. name. If it gets into the context Venetian Spanish flag cost, amounting to 400,000 euros, is one of the least expensive.
Of the 400,000 euros famous, detailing, 200,000 were used in the assembly and transport of the installation, the video project about the history of the artificial island of Sacca San Mattia, Murano near where the debris will end glass factories and construction, the six work trips to Venice artist, plus two visits of the commissioner and professional fees. "I am responsible for 200,000 euros detailed," says Zaya. Of the rest, has no details, because, he says, are travel expenses of participants from the Ministry of Culture, the catalog, electricity and caretakers of the pavilion, which will remain until the end of the Biennale, on November 6. Countries without their own space have to get away looking for a needle in a haystack a church, a conservatory, a venue to expose college. This year there are 170 exhibition venues outside the Arsenal and Gardens. With so much demand, prices have risen 40% over two years ago. Cheap rent a warehouse varies between 240,000 and 500,000 euros for the entire period of the Biennale.
Page 28
A joke with expected.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
A few days ago Guti had the typical blunder famous on Twitter.
talk of recycling". "And a lot Meddle not with me," he adds.
Tweeted "you waste the time to recycle glass? I do" and of course, everyone threw up so uncivil that proved to be.
Then yes, it has dispatched like saying, "for those who insult, for largemouth and to those who have no life of their own, remember: the green container glass and poppies for you."
He said it was a bad example. A lot of media echoed the controversy. The little jokes that emerged are easily imaginable normal if all the glass it generates, that if he is emptying the recycle glass if ‌
Come on, that Guti has avenged all the times in which the media have talked about it. It has done for him and for the rest of celebrities. The joke was so great that he had created a campaign to collect signatures on line to recycle.
There things stood until Guti returns to tweet: "Of course we recycle the glass consumption. BeThe campaign has already raihold". sed more than 500 signatures. That accompanying tweet a link to a video in which he confesses From Ecovidrio, Marketing Directhat everything is a Ecovidrio tor, Borja Martiarena, said, "It campaign to promote recycling. was lucky to have someone so well known and so active in soIt also includes a video that excial networks like Guti". "Thanks plains that the former player will to your cooperation, has been write a 'tweet' that "certainly able to generate a great congoing to cause some controver- versation about recycling glass sy." He then states that recycles via Twitter", he stressed. "all-consuming glass house" and is confident that "there is much
Martiarena also wanted to show their appreciation to the player for their assistance in this campaign while given "thank all the people who have sent messages to convince him to recycle glass has great environmental benefits." Data collected by Ecovidrio, in 2012 in Spain were collected through 683 254 858 kg containers of glass containers, equivalent to 228 million containers of this material. This means that, over the past year, every half-Spanish 14.5 kilograms recycled glass containers. It's very interesting what happened. It is a great advertising campaign and it is a lesson for everyone, especially for those who tweet funny and to the media. Also because it has made clear that we can not trust almost any tweet, as it can be a hacking an account, an advertising campaign, a fake account ...
Page 29
Francisco Capel en Almería.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
From its origins to the present, the glass has undergone major changes to adapt to the needs of the moment. " Art and Glass In 'The Glass painting in the Prado Museum' Capel and Jose Maria Fernandez, collect the indissoluble link between the Madrid museum painting and this element.
Almeria Studies Institute has organized, in collaboration with the School of Arts of Almería, '5 conference 000 years of history has taught the inverstigador Vidrio'que at the Institute of Ceramics and Glass National Research Council, Francis Capel Eagle.
around. In fact, his lecture began with the time of Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago and continued for Egyptian times.
"In the mid-sixteenth century. BC, the Egyptians developed the téncica glassmakers core sand for the manufacture of During the ceremony, which was hollow glass, and by the end of attended by the director of the the second century. C. the inIEA, Rafael L. Aguilera, the autvention of the cane for blowing hor also presented his book 'The glass revolutionized glassmaking Glass painting in the Prado Muthe world. " seum'. During the conference, Francis Capel toured various art forms in which the glass has been
And, in this work are described, among other aspects, that are 815 works of 390 authors and anonymous painters hundred in which an object glass plasma. "Painting transparency or brightness of the glass has been of interest to many painters who have wanted to make in his works the challenge to capture on canvas such complex material from the pictorial point of view."
The total number of glass objects represented over a thousand of which an important part of glass table and part to windows, glass, "Glass has accompanied man in mirrors, decorative items and his way in the world allowing you watches. to combine beauty and utility.
Page 30
Amber breaks theories.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Fact or Fiction?. Windows present in medieval cathedral become thicker at the bottom because the glass moves across time.
"For example, this would be im-
the lack of divergence, contrary
portant for people who own a
to received thinking.
fiberglass boat, or flying in an airplane made of composite materials based on epoxy. Information like that can help predict
So they decided to up the ante by performing similar experiments with much higher glass stability.
For years, researchers have had
whether that will still be flying in
They chose Dominican amber 20
their doubts, but now a team of
jet 30. "
million years old and calorimetric
Texas Tech University is further
The idea of this research came
experiments performed stress re-
evidence that the glass is not
from the qualifying examination
laxation and samples.
going anywhere.
of a graduate student, McKen-
"The glass transition is related to
na said.
the behavior of materials, either
Gave this a problem in relation
inorganic or organic polymer
to the divergence of time scales
glass," said Gregory McKenna,
using polyvinyl acetate, a subs-
professor of chemical enginee-
tance often found in adhesives.
ring at Texas Tech
Their results were consistent with
"What we found is that the relaxation times do not diverge amber," said McKenna. "This result challenges the classical theories of glass transition behavior."
Page 31
The Maritime Museum of Santa Pola.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The Maritime Museum has added to its permanent exhibition 32 new pieces recently restored by specialists who belong to Roman and Iberian. Glass amphorae, urns and bottles are funerary objects belonging to the treasures that are part, as of now, the museum heritage of the fishing village.
ration experts set out to return to its original state through an exhaustive process, the pieces that were found in the fishing town throughout history and for the first time will be on display in the town.
"It represents a major advance because they have been trained personnel responsible for carrying out this restoration proThe director of the facility, María ject and it is a very striking for its José Sánchez, stressed that bulkiness," said Maria Jose San"these pieces were recovered chez. for exposure MARQ Archaeological and now we in Santa PoIn this sense, after taking more la". than 200 pieces to the museum for the sample Alicante summaAccording to the director, restorized 30 years of archaeological
research fishing town, the material has returned to the Castle Stronghold spaces where stands the Sea Museum. Now, after the success of the new exhibition in Alicante, the director of cultural agencies in Santa Pola notes that "we hope to receive many more visitors now that the show has been known throughout the province and really liked it." The Maritime Museum houses a permanent exhibition that brings together pieces found in Santa Pola from prehistory to the second half of the twentieth century.
Page 32
Tiffany glass in Nueva York.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Over thousand pieces of colored glass were found in the place where the new building will be located in an elementary school in Queens, New York.
tion. "Archaeology is central to the proposal. I was interested in the history of the place, and hoped to evoke imaginative stories
McBride, who was born in Iowa and currently lives and works in Düsseldorf, has specialized in monumental works varied styles and materials.
The site was occupied from 1901
from real materials "says the ar-
Between May and September
-1932 by a factory of the presti-
2012, first exhibited in Spain,
gious Tiffany jewelry, hence the discovery of parts.
Tania Duvergne, director of the program "Public Art for Public
shows Public Offering / Public Tender at MACBA made through the sponsorship of AXA Founda-
With unearthed objects, the ar-
Schools" in the Schools Construc-
tist Rita McBride build a large
tion Authority (SCA) in New York
sculpture that can be seen both
talks about the selection of
The exhibition transformed the
from the school library and from
McBride from other artists: "One
Richard Meier building, modif-
the street.
thing we liked about his propo-
ying the exhibition space by pla-
sal was trying to evoke a ar-
cing the same level as the works
chaeological excavation occu-
of art it houses, reflecting on the
rred in the same place, revea-
relationship between sculpture
ling the remains of Tiffany glass.
and architecture.
Curiously, the sculpture was designed from the start to be built with Tiffany glass, but until these were not found in the excavations of site cleanup, McBride did not know where I'd get the parts.
But this was before we knew we would find all this stuff. " Meanwhile Mrs. Duvergne and
The order of the work is intended to honor the history of the neighborhood, so the finding works perfectly with the initial inten-
his team continue to search for fragments to the work, which McBride plans to make over the next two years in New York.
About his current work, the artist forward "riding a frieze hope modernist structure of another era." The work will be a piece of 100 feet long divided into 4 or 5 segments and aims to finish strong in 2015, when it opens primary school.
Page 33
How does.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Jiri Harcuba.
Page 34
Black glasses Neolithic. are exposed. An interdisciplinary team of ar-
Jun 2013
chaeologists, geologists and technicians in museums has studied and identified questions as the source of the raw material, the way it is produced or jobs for which they were used due to its
Volume II — Number 56
high quality cut like knives, sickle pieces and arrowheads. In the Iberian Peninsula have located pieces of this material in several prehistoric sites, all located in Catalonia. We know the existence of six copies, appeared in burials as part of the regalia that accompanied the dead of communities that lived mainly on agriculture and livestock. Archaeologists have studied and The Sabadell History Museum
have determined that it is basi-
opened an exhibition of great
riaux, National Research Center, cally tools. Museum Ossidiana (Peace), GaThey have always known that va and VINSEUM Museum
scientific importance, entitled
(Museum of Wine Culture, Vila-
Black glasses Neolithic. Where
franca del Penedès).
(San Antonio Street, 13) has
volcanic materials that were made was not native, but must come from a remote place, and
Obsidian is a natural glass, shiny, also for its rarity, could have a This show makes available to the black, gray or dark green volca- value beyond the functional. public the results of relevant
scientific and archaeological research to expand knowledge
In the Neolithic Age, 6,000 years ago, was highly valued and
The six pieces, which are set together, have been found in five
prehistoric communities in the
sites: Bòbila Padrón (Can Tiana, much of the Mediterranean was Ripon), Bòbila Madurell (Sant used to make cutting tools. Quirze del Vallès), Gava Prehisto-
Mediterranean area.
The only parts of this type are
of trade and material circulation networks between Neolithic
This research is the result of collaboration between different institutions and museums in Ca-
known in the Iberian Peninsula
ric Mines, Can Gambús-1 (Sabadell) and merganser ( Vila-
are in Catalonia and are guar-
franca del Penedès).
ded by three museums Network
All date from a period between
Specifically: City of Sabadell,
Local Museum Barcelona Provin- the end of V millennium and the cial Council. first centuries of the fourth millen-
Centre Nationale de la Recher-
The Sabadell History Museum is
che Recherche Scienthifique-
the more pieces keeps in his
South Institute of Archéomaté-
back, a total of 4 of the 6 that
talonia, France and Italy.
nium BC, ie between 6,200 and 5,500 for years.
Page 35
Stained Circle of the Lyceum.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The four stained glass design was carried out by Josep Pey (18751956) regular contributor to Gaspar Homar and Sebastià Junyent. For its realization took as models foreign examples, mostly drawn from foreign pictorials: the magazine Jugend (1900) The murmurs of the forest, on illustration model Reinhold Max Eichler and as for the charm of Brunilda, this was done under Model Release Poster Die Walküre at the Paris Opera (1893) by Eugene Grasset. The four themed stained glass windows dedicated to Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung Cycle (Der Ring des Nibelungen), artistically designed and conceived by Oleguer Junyent, drawn by Josep Pey and workshop conducted by Antoni Bordalba glassware art for the Circle of the Lyceum, are Sets one of the most important Wagnerian iconography of the Catalan Modernism.
That is why an institution like the Circle of the Lyceum Theatre as linked to the Ramblas, opt for the Wagnerian theme when performing these four large windows (1903-1904) and, this time for the complete cycle of Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung), which in those years was highly topical and popularity among the local public.
Música Catalana, Wagner returns to a prominent place in the bust of Eusebi Arnau dedicated to the composer in one of the facades of the building , besides the impressive cavalcade of Valkyries that crown the proscenium of the concert hall designed by the architect Domènech i Montaner.
rrer de Sant Pau: Alberich and the Rhine Daughters (Das Rheingold), The Enchantment of Brunilda or Wotan's Farewell (Die Walküre), The murmurs of the forest (Siegfried) and Siegfried's funeral march (Götterdammerung ).
The Bordalba Antoni artistic workshops were conducted by combining several techniques inspired mainly in medieval stained glass.
Specifically is performed under the combination of cathedral glass, patterned glass, glass American and use of the technique of grisaille and enamelunusual in modernist artistic All operas were premiered cycle glassmaking but in words Pey except for Das Rheingold (The "the fact industrialize and vulgariThe historic entity focused reRhinegold) not presented in pro- zed the use of enamels in creational time of great interven- gramming to 1909-10 season. (modern times) has greatly facilitions in the early years of the The rest, Die Walküre (The Valky- tated the manufacture of staitwentieth century, this reform resned glass decorated with colors. rie) 1898-99 season (with contiponding to the addition of the nuous presence in all settings ex- " great artists of Catalan modercept that of 1904-05), becoming The scenes chosen are key monism as Ramon Casas and Josep the most popular operas of ments in the action of each opeRiquer Alexandre de Pasco and Wagner, Siegfried (offered in ra and very rightly narrate the others. 1900 - 01) and Götterdammeepic Der Ring des Nibelungen. These make up one of the best rung (Twilight of the Gods) in the decorative cycles around the dates of 1901 to 1902 coinciding The theft of gold and the curse world of music created in mowith the newly created Associa- of the god Wotan, the punishment of the best of the heroines dernism, along with the three tion Wagnerian. and daughters of God, Brunilda, panels of Pau Roig for home The order was made to Oleguer the birth of the fearless hero, Cassadó & Moreu musical instruJunyent (1876-1956) who, by Siegfried, only able to break the ments (1900) with references to then, he had worked his iconocurse and death, with the fall anGluck's Orfeo, the Ministry of Begraphy Wagnerian Götterdam- nounced the world of the gods. ethoven and Wagner's Lohenmerung condition set designer grin. These vidireras are, without for the Lyceum (November 16, Similarly, also in the great temple 1901), although his role here de- doubt, one of the great examCatalunya musical moment mo- corator develop these four ma- ples of iconography wagneriana dernist jewel is the Palau de la jor windows overlooking the Ca- time.
Lourdes Jimenez © Curator of the exhibition "Richard Wagner i Adrià Gual. Panels l'Association Wagneirana lost. " Visiting hours: From May 13 to June 15. Monday and Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m..
Page 36
Delicate glass cube.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
embedded in the ground in a seAt some points, the glass body touches the stone wall. In others, ries of profiles recesses guide. accompanies him on his path. On the upper a series of stiffening ribs laminated glass cover And in others, set a gap that edge, arranged to coincide with It joins the rest stress when seam- opens onto a courtyard with less minimalist architecture. This is lush trees and herbs that resem- the vertical joints of the glass. demonstrated with the new go- ble their original function. There is a system of steel that vernment building in Zamora. The feeling of the material gives hold the cover glass with solid suBehind thick stone walls lies a no combining a double envelo- rround the decks. glass cube extremely fine. pe laminated glass sheet, perIn addition to sunscreen interior formed with a 75 cm separation courtyard trees and stone walls Architects: Alberto Campo Baebetween each of them, and the themselves prevent the hot sun za, Pablo Fernández Lorenzo, horizontal edge of the cover too much office space. Pablo Redondo Diez Gaisán Alglass also executed. fonso González, Francisco BlanInside, the minimalist design conco Velasco, Madrid There is not a single profile in tinues thanks to homogeneous sight to disturb the minimalist de- surfaces and white translucent Location: Zamora, Spain. sign, because the leaves are at- glass. The thick walls a meter thick of tached by silicone joints and the new building for the Junta de Castilla y León in Zamora still traces of the ancient walls surrounding the garden of a monastery on which the architects worked like a box they were open to the sky. It's the year of Alberto Campo Baeza. The Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize 2013 is the fourth major award for this year.
The new building is constructed with the same clear sandstone that was used to lift the Cathedral and is located next to it. Only a few openings around the building communicate with the "Hortus conclusus".
Page 37
“Cirilo Rodriguez” awards.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The journalist Mónica Bernabé,
red by knowing complicated
Carcedo reporters, Ramon Lobo
correspondent for the newspa-
coverages combine with every-
and Felipe Sahagun.
per El Mundo in Afghanistan, has day life or denunciation of won the Journalism Prize XXIX "Cirilo Rodriguez" for media correspondents Spanish or sent abroad, which has been failed in
human conflict. A key work of Barnabas is repor-
Among the jurors, Pilar Valero were (Agencia Efe) Elsa González-president of the Federation of
ted not only conflicts but everyt- Associations of Journalists in hing that happens in the coun-
Spain-, and Enrique Ibañez Alco-
try, with reports of everyday life,
verro Thomas, winner of the pre-
Barnabas, forged in the local
and even goes out dressed as
vious edition, where desempa-
press since 2000 resides perma-
an Afghan woman more, also
ñaba his work as a coordinator in
nently in Kabul (Afghanistan), alt- works in points conflicting, some- editing table Efe Agency in Bohough hedges in Pakistan with special emphasis on the rights of women.
times embedded with the army.
The finalists will receive thousand Previous editions have been euros and a similar figure, accor- awarded journalists Manuel Le-
They have been finalists for this
ding to the jury, who have been
guineche, Carcedo Diego, Feli-
award, in memory of journalist
part of the president of the Press pe Sahagun, José Virgilio Col-
Cirilo Rodriguez, the SER corres-
Association of Segovia, Alfredo
chero, Rosa Maria Calaf, Javier
pondent in Brussels, Griselda Pas- Matesanz, the director of Radio
del Pino, Joaquim Ibarz, Soledad
tor, and sent to El Periódico de
Segovia (SER), where he began
Gallego-Díaz, Eugenio García
Catalunya Marc Marginedas
his career Cirilo Rodriguez; Luis
Gascón or television equipment
conflict zones.
Antonio Hernandez and Diego
consisting of Angela Rodicio and
The prize, worth 6,000 euros and a figure of the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja, was delivered during a ceremony that also has paid tribute to reporter Enrique Meneses, who died recently at an event that has led the photojournalist Gervasio Sánchez. Mónica Bernabé, author of "Afghanistan: chronicle of a fiction", is the only journalist who reports regularly from the Asian country, according to the jury, and his chronicles be remembe-
Jose Luis Marquez.
Page 38
Magic formula.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The dream of the alchemists to
This facility to behave as a me-
Thus, the excellent mechanical
convert compounds into gold
tal, attached to the useful featu- properties of ceramic materials,
and silver is closer.
res of this cement vitreous inclu-
by this synthesis technique in the
The desired transmutation now
de better corrosion resistance
future they may be used in elec-
achieved with the aid of a po-
than the metal-to undergo oxi-
tronic devices.
without touching its walls-, and
fluidity to be molded and its in-
werful laser fire, a crucible capa- dation when exposed to the we- Its advantage over metals is less ble of holding the levitating mol- ather-; less fragile than conven- loss of energy as heat dissipation, ten liquid two-thousand degrees tional glass to silica base, more and therefore, less pollution and control of oxygen in the atmosphere, so that the crystals form upon cooling possess electronic properties "on demand", as you
novative electrical conductivity make the new composite material very attractive for more robust and durable electronic de-
want to be more or less conduc-
tive of electricity.
In the words of Chris Benmore,
Thus, it has succeeded in making Physical Energy Department of the United States, the importanthe cement in a glass capable of being used in electronic devices. This procedure opens the door to the creation of new glassy materials, which are insulators standard procedure due to rapid cooling (not allowing the passage of electric current). With this new synthesis process, free electrons are trapped in small cage-shaped structures to conduct the current, giving the glass metallic properties as the copper can be used in power
ce of this work, carried out in collaboration between scientists U.S., Japanese, and German finladeses, is the understanding of the mechanism by which the glass traps the electrons, " cement becoming a liquid molten metal properties. " This process, which has not been explained in detail so far, is capable of breeding with other insulating materials to make them semiconductors at room temperature.
less electromagnetic interference with other devices. The results have appeared on Monday, May 27 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, concentrating the work on aluminabased glasses and using as calcium oxide flux. "This new material has many applications," according Benmore, among which is "the thin film used in liquid crystal displays or LCD" basically flat panel containing the computer screen from which, in all probability , you are reading this news. Today, the old dream of turning base metals into gold passes for manufacturing mobile devices or tablets with a screen enamore attractive to users.
Page 39
ERE in Mieres.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
The company Starglass, automotive glass division Rioglass group, will present a seventy extinction ERE plant workers seated at the site of Sovilla (Mieres). Union sources have said that this measure means a cut of 40 percent of the workforce of the company.
The meeting between the plant management and the unions represented in the company, SOMA-FITAG-UGT and Workers Commissions (CCOO), was scheduled for one of these days.
"difficult situation" through the firm. According to union sources, Starglass has "a million dollar debt" pending and no external funding.
The plant problems were comAccording to union representatipounded by a cut in the last orves, this meeting was to be der he had received. "final" to decide the future of the The company, still according to company. Specifically, it was intended to the same sources, plans to disproduce 450,000 pieces of glass pense with all temporary workers Representatives Starglass temfor a well known automotive and more than forty workers with plate had reported a few weeks brand. permanent contracts. ago the sale of machinery in the plant. A few weeks ago, the factory This move comes after Starglass management told employees fired last April all weekend worMoreover, the management of that the order was at 250,000 kers and stop employees have the factory had warned of units. six contracts to work.
Page 40
Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en: Castillo de San José de Valderas.
Jun 2013
Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID
Volume II — Number 56
Al vidrio por la cultura
Presidente honorario
Javier Gómez Gómez
Rosa García Montemayor
Evangelina del Poyo
Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez
Diego Martín García
Francisco Martín García
Pablo Bravo García
José María Gallardo Breña
Secretaria Teresa Fernández Romojaro
The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture.
The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.
Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos
Page 41
Line of research. Images.
Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
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Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
Javier Gomez exposition. Images.
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Volume II — Number 56
Jun 2013
FEAM Congress. Images.