Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Monthly Newsletter
Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN. (MADRID)
M. A. Carretero.
It has been a success in terms of participation performers who have performed six concerts I CYCLE PIANO " VALDERAS CASTLE " .
The choice was also very clear : we had to carry it out outside the Museum.
To do this, the most logical place would be the Conservatory " Manuel de Falla " of Follana July , the President our city, which already had of the Foundation " Miguel previously unsuccessfully Angel Colmenero " long probed the possibility of moago who was very interes- ving one of his pianos Muted in performing a piano seum . concert series and our Association shared that desi- One afternoon , I waited for your director , José Rodríre, so I personally started the search for a free trans- guez Martín Peris , who cafer grand piano for several me to the Conservatory and I construction companies in proposed the idea. Only if it seemed interesting and feaMadrid or trading of such sible to implement Cycle instruments. Center who ran as the estiNo luck in the search. None mate of the specifics of its of these companies were implementation should be willing to altruistically offe- studied at a later meeting ring us one of his pianos, between Martin , Director of arguing that each day were the Centre , July Follana as more institutions were inte- President of the Foundation " rested in the same request Miguel Angel Colmenero and, therefore, had taken "and as President of the Asthe decision not access any sociation of Friends of MAof them. VA . Given our limited financial resources , we could not allocate any funding to the rent of a grand piano .
Although we were not supporters of our activities and info@amigosmava.org shows the scope of MAVA , the choice was very clear: either we developed the activity outside the museum or not we performed.
to be performed between the last Saturday of January and the first Saturday in March at 12 noon . On this last point I think we made a big mistake. We believe now that the schedule has not been chosen the most appropriate , given the scarcity of public who came to the concerts . We thought maybe we should have chosen a schedule late as housework could have limited the presence of people that surely would have been able to go to concerts if they would have made the Saturday afternoon , so we must have it considered for future similar events.
Her answer was yes and we had a few days after the meeting to finalize the terms of the completion of the cycle .
Regarding the level of the performers from the concerts we can ensure that it has been very high. On the whole, been eight participants who have shown admirable quality and preparation. Also the level of the selected works has been very high , having some difficulty implementing a clear and a demand for a highly refined mastery of piano technique .
We quickly agreed on all aspects of it and we had significant support the relationship had remained in the Martin and Julio Follana past, having agreed on some musical events and also had common friends.
In our YouTube page can be viewed several concerts in this cycle , as the rest of those who have played are " uploaded " to " private" and are awaiting their interpreters give us approval to pass to " public. "
Agreed the terms of the partnership , there was only setting the dates of the cycle and the relevant application to the Department of Education of the City of Alcorcón for the transfer of space Auditorium of the Conservatory.
In short, I think it has been a very enriching experience that has made our City a small dose of musical culture that has provided interpreters a framework , totally disinterested in turn, they will serve in the future to more committed interventions.
We agreed that the cycle would consist of six concerts
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Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Part of the month
I Piano Cycle
I Cycle Piano Concert at the MAVA
Activities on the MAVA
Our activities
Glass recycling
How does
Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XXXV) M.A.C. Intellectual Proper- necessary , the ty Law destruction of molds, BOOK III plates , matrices, negatives and other maProtection of the terial elements. rights recognized by this Law
e) The removal or the Two . The offender may seal of the devices TITLE I request the destruction used in public comActions and proce- munication . or disablement of codures pies and material menf ) confiscation , imArticle 139 Termina- possibility and, if ne- tioned , where they are susceptible of other tion of illegal activity cessary, destruction uses, be to the extent 1. The cessation of of instruments, whose necessary to prevent the unlawful activity sole purpose is to fathe illegal exploitation . may include : cilitate the unauthoriThree . The owner of a) The suspension of zed removal or neutralization of any tech- the infringed right may operations . request the delivery of nical device used to b ) prohibiting the of- protect a computer the said copies and fender to resume material at cost and its program . operation or infrincorresponding account g ) The removal or the ging activity. of compensation for daseal of the tools used mages. c ) Removal of the to facilitate the remoillicit trade in speciApril . The provisions of val or circumvention mens and destructhis Article shall not apof any technical tion. unauthorized device ply to bona fide purchad ) The withdrawal used to protect works sed copies for personal use . from commercial or if it is not its only channels , the disa- use . blement , and , where
Part of the month
Established artists
Young artists
I Cycle Piano
The glass is not crystal
Research line
Activities in Museums
Activities in the MAVA
Concert at the MAVA
Congress FEAM
Lalique Collection 2014
Nativity in MNAD
Factory New Baztan
Culture 2014
Concert at the MAVA
Donation to Badalona
The glass museum
Stained glass in Miraflores
Glass recicled
Design by Luca Nichetto
Cultural tours
Culture 2014 Programme
Royal Glass Factory
Other trends (I)
Other trends (II)
Dan Graham
Archipenko with glass
The jewel through the glass 32 Cosmovitrala
Die François Baschet
How does
Reform glass
The Obsidian
Glass and metal dome
Beach Glass
Security facades
Danger in a market
h ) Suspension of the services provided by third party intermediaries to fend them to infringe intellectual property rights .
Glaziers, Endangered? with it the possible restoration of all these colorful decorative . The proximity to France made outside our territory during much of the twentieth century , a reference in this profession with leading workshops , especially in San Sebastian and Irun . The capital of Guipuzcoa , in the last ten years , has gone from having five craftspeople who work with glass to just one . San Sebastián Martínez Javier Morillas who runs the window at the San Sebastian neighborhood Egía " So far the diariovasco.com article published last February 24 .
"Most of the time we mention the word ' window ' automatically come to mind images of huge churches and cathedrals full of small crystals that recreate a religious image . Decorations that give some seriousness and presence that buildings have on their facades. But the master glassmaker profession is in danger of disappearing in Guipuzcoa, and
Nothing is further from reality. The journalist confuses the teacher or stained glass windows with master glassmaker . Their lack of information about the world of glass makes you make this mistake. In Guipúzcoa , specifically Irura works and develops extraordinary work showcase our good friend Igor Obeso , Argia Badago .
Writings unanswered by the Department.
17-01-13. Requesting inventory of parts that make up the permanent collection of MAVA.
11-06-13. Chance of receipt by the MAVA documentation on glass offered by the President of the Spanish Association of Science.
11-11-13. Requesting information on the agreement with the Madrid social services to install the MAVA.
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Part of de month. Kyohei Fujita.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The personality of Kyohei Fujita has great significance beyond its own work due to the important work of dissemination and appreciation of contemporary glass in Japan.
Just as was required by museums around the world as Advisor - Koganezaki Glass Museum , National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo , Ebeltoft Museum of Glass , etc - . Well as jury awards.
Just as ceramics, paper and textiles had been very important fields in the decorative and ceremonial craft of Japanese culture for centuries , never existed a great tradition nor a window industry.
In the history of the Japan Art Academy members have About Aesthetic School -pa only been two artists glass : Rin Edo Period , gets the traKyohei Fujita and Toshichi ditional Japanese décor to Iwata, his teacher. build your own style, particuIn 1944 he graduated from lar and inimitable . the University of Art in TokThereafter the activity being yo , the glass starting to Fujita multiplies required for work as an independent arnumerous events both in Jatist since 1949 . pan and abroad , acting as a This earned him great diffidelegate of his country . culty as it was the only freeKyohei Fujita 's leadership lance glass artist from Jawas exercised for decades , pan, at a time when the inleaving an indelible mark on terest in glass in this country the history of art glass in Jawas very low. pan.
In 1972 he founded , along with others, the Japan Glass Artcrafts Association , being its President from 1976 to 1980 and again in 1982 until his death. Throughout his career he was the recipient of numerous awards both at home and outside .
From the 60 , however , he began to be invited to make presentations , then develop two of its famous series and Flowing Rainbow Color Glass. In 70 starts its series of ornate boxes Kazaribako .
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Established artists. Richard Satava.
Our web
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Richard Satava is a glass artist from California. In the late 1980s , was inspired by Satava jellyfish tank in an aquarium. Began experimenting with jellyfish sculptures in glass and in 1990 began selling glass jellyfish sculptures . The sculptures were selling well , and made more Satava . For 2002 , Satava was designing and creating
three hundred sculptures of jellyfish each month. Satava 's sculptures are sold in galleries and gift shops in forty states , and sell for hundreds or thousands of dollars , depending on size. Satava has recorded several of his works in the Register of Copyrights. Satava describes his sculptures as " vertically oriented , with colorful, jellyfish with tentacles fantasy-like tendril and a
Young artists. Anna Mlasowsky.
round bell wrapped in an outer layer of clear glass that is protruding rounded on top and tapering towards the bottom to form about a bullet with Part jellyfish sculpture filling almost the entire volume of the outer transparent glass cover . Satava Jellyfish appear realistic. They resemble the Pelagia colorata living in the Pacific Ocean. Our web
questions about reality and projection . " "I'm not concerned with the art and technique, do not judge things by how they are made , but how materials I use ," she says . Mlasowsky has a BA from the School of Design in Denmark in Bornholm. Kaleidos received the award in 2010 and was nominated for a European Award for Young Artists Development of glass and Stanislav Libensky Award in 2011. Mlasowsky Anna was born in 1984 in the German city of Bautzen . Growing up , I wanted to be an archaeologist . Instead, he focused his curiosity about the study of the traditions and customs of glassmaking . " The way evaluate a material and the
use of their property is defined by opinions and the limits established by preconceived traditions , "says Mlasowsky . His work seeks to challenge the preformed behaviors and " raise
In 2012 , he received an award from the conference Emerging Artists of the Glass Art Society. His work is currently on a solo exhibition , Traditions Contemporary Glass Museum in Ebeltoft .
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I Piano Cycle "Castle Valderas”
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Between January 25 and March 1 was held on I CYCLE PIANO " VALDERAS CASTLE " .
What has been the cause of this weak public assistance ?
This activity had to be located outside the enclosure MAVA for not getting a grand piano for free to any place in the Museum Auditorium .
Each of the events has been announced in the five community centers in our town , School Conservatory own " Manuel de Falla " at the Museum of Glass Art , Center for the Arts in Public Library Carretera de Leganés , Little Castle , in the Casa de la Mujer , in the Senior Center " Salvador Allende" , at the Senior Center of the Community of Madrid, at the Sports Park in Lisbon and in the city of our city . In each of these centers have been advertising the event through posters with information on each of the concerts.
For our part, we believe that the Developed six concerts on Satur- publicity given to the six events days at 12 noon in the Auditowhich composed the cycle has rium of the College - Conservato- been as wide Socioeconomically ry " Manuel de Falla " Alcorcon. our doctors have allowed us .
Our Association had two alternatives : either take the musical activity outside the museum or not do it. The choice was clear , so we requested the collaboration of the College - Conservatory " Manuel de Falla " of our City and it was no problem to hold the cycle in its dependencies. We welcome , therefore, the support received by the Director of the Centre, José Rodríguez Martín Peris , and the facilities provided for the cycle we were able to perform normally and with the greatest possible decorum . We also have to thank , how could it be otherwise , the collaboration of the " Miguel Angel Colmenero " Foundation and its president , Julio Follana , without whose support would not have been possible to hold this piano cycle . The level of participation of pianists has been very high , so this cycle I Piano " Castle Valdez " was a success. Not so the level of public support , which has been rather limited.
or at least , we have not been able to do more . Perhaps the time has not been chosen the most appropriate. To perform domestic work in the morning may have influenced the lack of audience. Perhaps, if we had concerts scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday , the number of people could have been greater. Collect this experience so that similar events in future , decide to change the schedule of concerts , see if we can attract a wider audience . We must also reflect on the kinds of events at issue : free environment of a school , programmed by a cultural entity and absence of famous artists, classical music.
Among the most successful citizens Alcorcón populous musical performances (not cultural In addition, 350 have been sen- events) requiring payment of moding e- mail to all your contacts ney (which may be synonymous who might be interested in atten- with lower free ) , programmed by ding these concerts. entities known in places where By the Office of Citizen Participa- you can show off the palm and tion of our City have been senmade by artists or groups already ding e- mail to your entire datalofty or at least exotic . base we can estimate that over a Against this kind of primacy is not thousand email addresses. worth anything to bulk advertiIt has also been advertised on the Facebook page of our Association and that of our President , as well as on the website of our Association. The " Digital Alcorcon " digital newspaper echoed the conclusion of these concerts . Therefore, estimates that less has not been able to do more ,
sing, the lack of interest is the key event of the absence . It is unfortunate , but it is what it is and what, not only did we undaunted in our proposals , but it serves as an incentive to keep hitting the nail harder until it as much as possible on wood and get gradually that the contribution of our bit to achieve increasingly penetrate the minds of our fellow citizens.
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The glass is not crystal.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The crystals are behind the drugs "Everyone I called glass to what we are healed and new technolo- it is not, the window glass , glasses or glasses ... but between a gies around us. The power of crystallography go- diamond and amorphous carbon es far beyond the beauty of a dia- ( glass ) can be a difference of mond , which is what we usually 12 million euros ," said with senthink of when we talk about crys- se of humor. tals , "he said yesterday at the Club FARO Juan Manuel García Ruiz , director of the Laboratory for Crystallographic Studies of Granada .
"The difference is , he added, in the order of atoms in crystals , like an army in formation, and the mess of glass, like an army in disarray .
the healing power of crystals that healers are served. " Well, I said smiling, I have a theory of healing or giving seductive power crystals that give away a jewel , which leads to crazy , but if we get serious would say that what is truly cure crystallography ."
He explained that the teacher actually crystallography is the discipline that studies the structure of His talk on " The Wonderful Crystals are ordered material matter, marked by attractive symWorld of the crystals and their im- with fantastic properties , since metry that describes how the pact on science , culture and art " its morphology, the canonical be- atoms are connected in molecumanaged , with informative desi- auty that fascinates us. les , materials , allowing decipher re , give the public notions of the There is in them an internal ortheir properties and behavior. immense importance of the crys- der , impeccable geometry and "The structure is what we seek , tallographic studies. know crystallize creates certain he says, when we try to undersPresented by Rosa Carballo structures . That is the job of tand anything. Rial , Professor of Inorganic Che- crystallographers . " All science is built upon this semistry at the University of Vigo , After going to the etymological arch , investigate how cells are García Ruiz gave some examhistory that the origin of the con- constructed from network mateples of the true power of crysrial , cytoplasm, chromosomes, fusion between crystal and tals : "For example , he says, glass , García Ruiz, author Jahow crystals , as the atoms are energy storage , solar cells and vier Trueba a Spanish video that held , how electrons constitute a lasers are powered by the crystal throws the current International chemical bond between atoms structures. Year of Crystallography 2014 are added. Also a good chocolate should crystallize in a very particular way and the quality of cosmetics depends crystals that form . "
was understood , was giving ideas to the public that settled their basic message : currently crystallography permeates virtually all The placement of atoms is what sciences, has led to the discovegives you the power to this mate- ry of numerous medicines , for rial, says the director of the Labo- example. ratory , who explained to the pu- And in the last 100 years have blic why the order of the atoms of been awarded 25 Nobel prizes the crystals makes the difference for discoveries in physics, chemistry , biology and medicine to with other materials. some degree dependent crystaGlasses are something else llography . Really began his talk this reputed CSIC researcher , distinguishing With his keen sense of humor García Ruiz came to that belief between crystal and glass .
We want to understand and explain the observed facts in terms of structure " (atoms , molecules, macromolecules) . The physical understanding of our world , the researcher said , is due in particular to mathematics and the teaching and application of it is essential to deal with multiple key challenges for development of mankind. " That's why we ask crystallographers solutions from a multinational to a pharmaceutical aesthetics ."
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David Magan in “La Vanguardia”.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
What to see in Arco? How not to get lost in this huge creative proposal that Madrid become a benchmark in the international avant-garde art from 19 to 23 February ? Luis Gordillo , Herminio , Mateo Maté, David Magan (shown sitting on the picture ) and Juan Lopez are five artists that can facilitate the assimilation of what the show will tell. There are five schools, five ways of understanding life and art, five life trajectories and four different languages and generations. And at last , five different works each other, but which together pose a manual to decode Arco. The five declared fortunate to be in Madrid quote " and living in the arts today, with which it is falling ." They repeat a joke from his usual scene : "We are all now coming artists , so artists in a state of emergency." ........... But the genius of emerging as David Magan ( Madrid, 1979 ) , protected by Cayon gallery and likes for his work , dubbed by some as the spirituality of the light is also expected . .......... The quintet of artists was organized by the Magazine five weeks before Arco. The fair arrives, another edition , with uncertainty " if still possible " collecting has declined in Spain and the budget of the museums , which makes them very bad time for art , and there is a very dangerous
proximity to Maco , Mexico Fair , when the natural market of Spanish art is , above all, the Latin American ... At least some good news: the 10% cut in VAT art announced by the Government to prevent the escape of collectors.
With the latest avant-garde looks around. The art object has disappeared from the artwork , and it seems that anything goes. "
Think you could be an indication " of the path they are taking things" . And the fairs , including Arco. " That's fantastic ... - points - I've always thought on that topic. And sometimes I conclude that , as has happened with religion , which is passing away , someday I will touch the art .
that many talents would be boosted to flee. As Secundino Hernández ( Madrid, 1975), which " sold everything " in the last three editions of Arc from Berlin and now attends a difficult demand to satisfy.
It's a fight to Magan or the new vanguards . " It's just a reflection - points out . A finding of long ago , from the moment he arrived The first artist that comes to the Duchamp 's urinal ( refers to the appointment Magazine is Juan source , 1917). That was the turLópez . ning point , and since then eve.......... rything has changed until, like I Magan and Lopez were not do not even remember when I known. "We all know each other, stopped believing in God , so sure, but does not mean we conow any nonsense seems wonincide . Always a pleasure to gre- derful . There goes the art lately . et another artist, we know that " we will understand for sure, " "In Arco is now more talk of buillaugh . ding economy . But you have to .......... understand ... you have to live , When the five artists venture into and for that you have to sell , the dialogue , the priority is art, "says Maté . That does not mean no doubt. " So you 're the gaps ? prostitute artists gallery owners " Causes John Gordillo Lópezand collectors . "Not at all ! He author of the street art of the pro- adds . We are true to our art, only posals - combined , and then in- that we must sacrifice a lot of titerrogates everyone about your me doing our work managers rattraining. her than for it. " .......... .......... This leads to Gordillo to ask otFor further create is expensive . " hers if they are artists. At the time, many artists were in Magan 's response that says " I Barcelona because it was cheap , do this because I can not do it was almost level with Berlin, but anything , but I'm not an artist , now everything has it complicaI'm a craftsman ... My works are ted. And many are gone , "says my toys " lets you worried. Magan . The five say understand
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Activities in Museums I.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
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Activities in Museums II.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
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Activities in Museums III.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
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Activities on the MAVA. New exposition.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
On Friday, March 7 at 19pm, opens at the Museum of Art Glass of the exhibition GLIMPSE Alcorcón. A group exhibition comprising the work of five artists, painting and sculpture with glass. During the opening there will be a tour of the exhibition accompanied by the artists and then be invited to a glass of wine. The artists exhibiting their works are: Javier Gómez, José Pinar, Santiago Picatoste, Semón Zabell and Stefan Annerel.
Two works of MAVA. tourist interest. To Councilman Luis Galindo Culture , " is a collaboration between two entities whose pillars of its defense work everyday culture and especially in this case , art , contributing to the world of expressions , ideas , emotions , feelings, aesthetics ... of the residents of our cities grow. "
Freshwater coexist 700 works of different artistic disciplines such as paintings , sculptures , ' Red Cloud ' Jaromir Rybak Festivities and Municipal Scho- photographs, videos, installaand a piece of David Israel tra- ols of Alcorcón the Galicia City tions and ethnographic objects from 140 national and internaveling from the Museum of Art of Culture Foundation , which tional prestigious institutions , Glass Alcorcón , MAVA Muorganizes the exhibition cited including MoMA will present seum Center Gaias in Santiago time through the Cultural Ac(New York ), the Victoria & Alde Compostela to integrate ex- tion. bert ( London), the Rijksmuposure Auga Doce ( Sweet seum ( Amsterdam ), the MusWater ) , to be inaugurated on Freshwater VIII created to ée D' Orsay ( Paris ) , Reina March 21 and closed on Sep- commemorate the centenary of the pilgrimage of St. Francis Sofia and Thyssen- Bornemistember 14, 2014 . of Assisi to Santiago de Com- za in Madrid, as well as pieces Two pieces of MAVA travel to postela. from major museums and coGalicia. llections Galician , as CGAC of For this reason, the Xunta de Santiago de Compostela the These two glass sculptures are Galicia has developed a cultudeBellas Arts Museum or the in the permanent collection of ral program stating that the Museum Coruna Pontevedra . the Museum of Art Glass Alcor- events related to the celebraIn this art scene will be present con - MAVA and were provided tion of the Centennial will be the Museum of Art Glass Alcorby the Department of Culture , declared as an event of great con - MAVA .
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Concert at the MAVA.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
On February 21 we celebrate training to its development. the eleventh concert of our " To do this, we do a story Concert MAVA " . about the biography of the This time there were two authors of the works to be ingroups who participated in terpreted and an analysis of this event. the various aspects of such The first was a trio Raul Gu- works. tierrez ( Flute) , Clara Ramon (Viola ) and Gabriel Manzanares ( Guitar) . They performed the play " Trio for flute , viola and guitar " for Diabelli . The second group consisted of Maria Martin ( violin ), Laura Gómez (Viola ) , Aida Bauer ( cello ) and Yolanda Ortega ( Flute) . They performed the play " Flute and String Trio Op.25 " by Paul de Wailly . As with all our shows , we continue providing a strong component
musical training, instance .
Taking advantage of the second group of performers for this show three of the components of the quintet was the winner of the series of concerts conducted between February and June last year Also on this occasion , and 2013 were , did they deliver as proof that this concert the gifts we had prepared for program will increasingly consolidating , the attendan- this occasion, and that it was ce was very prominent , ent- a sculpture of " menina " made of glass by artist Aura Rehusiastically applauding each of the works that these dondo , a diploma of this young performers masterfu- award and a DVD with the summary of the proceedings lly executed . of the various performers In the end, as in all our assowho performed concerts that ciation organizes concerts , were developed during this the audience had the opporperiod time . tunity to ask the members of the two groups who had any At the bottom of this page we incorporate a picture of doubts about the different the gifts were delivered . aspects of the works that had interpreted or their
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Congress FEAM.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Every year the Spanish Federation of Friends of Museums ( EGF ) celebrates a traveling conference that brings together representatives of all member associations .
National Congress of Friends of Museums held in Jerez de la Frontera , from 28 to 30 March under the theme of innovation success .
In the afternoon there will be the General Assembly of the EGF will be able to enjoy a flamenco recital.
For companions of Congress is scheduled to perform duIt is expected that on the af- ring the morning of that day a tour of the Cloisters of This forum aims to find foster ternoon of March 28, a visit debate on current issues of to the Municipal Archaeologi- Santo Domingo , and a city cultural interest as well as cal Museum is made and at- tour visit, while the working the management of partners- tend a lecture by the Director day is done Congress . hips in themselves and their of the Museum , after which In the afternoon , the compaactivities in support of the a Spanish wine will be sernions will have a tour of the museum. ved . Cathedral and visit the catAt the same time, it seeks to The next day there will be a hedral treasury . highlight the work of Friends presentation on The challenOn the morning of Sunday, of Museums in the Commu- ge of innovation, partnersthe 30th, both congressmen nity in which the conference hips Workshop Innovating a and their companions make is held and establish new dialogue between friends, a guided visit to the Alcazar partnerships and relationssharing and conclusions directed by Laureano Moya hips with cultural institutions from the previous workshop , Aguilar , Technical Municipal in the region . a visit to Warehouses TradiArchaeologist Jerez Archaetion and a cocktail. ological Museum . This year 2014 the XXII
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David Magán in Castellana, 89.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Magan David was the artist window playing with color chosen to intervene in space and light in fragments of flat Side of Castellana 89 for Ar- glass . co. He has appeared in national After his involvement with a and international fairs like monumental work in Seong- DEARTE , Open Art Fair, nam Art Center in Seoul last print, PT, and since 2011 no summer , Magan presents a ArtBo fault ARCOMadrid . work of color plates suspenSolo exhibitions we found in ded in space in which the im2010 and 2013 in the MAVA pact his space research on (Museum of Art Glass Alcorthe effect of color plane. con ) CEART ( Centro de ArIn 2001 he finished his stute Tomás y Valiente de dies on Arts Applied to Wood Fuenlabrada , 2010) and and Metal in 2004 to , but a throughout the Madrid geoyear later when they specia- graphy. lize in what has then been With exhibitions have travethe focus of his career , led to Korea, Spanish Art Glass . Collective - Seongnam Arts Magan experience autodiCenter. Jul / Aug 2013 . Sedact tradition from the ongnam , European Glass
Context in Denmark ( Bornholm, 2012) , or among many other destinations to Belgium Choose Glass Week , LVEF The European Container Glass Federation - (Brussels, 2009). We can find his works in the collections Davis Museum Barcelona , or LVEF (The European Container Glass Federation) and the MAVA Collection (Museum of Art Glass Alcorcón ) . In March he opened with a solo exhibition The Color Invented in The National Glass Centre Foundation in La Real Fabrica de Cristales de La Granja and the EGE (European Glass Esperience ) Group in Finland.
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Lalique Collection 2014.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Three generations have passed since René Lalique in 1885 created his first jewelry store in Paris . Since then, the iconic Parisian house still maintaining quality , unparalleled creativity and savoir faire of its founder. Although the French brand has been renewed through the decades, it has never been away from his main source of inspiration : nature.
Subsequently , attracted by the art of sculpting glass and in collaboration with the creator of modern perfumery François Coty , I designed the first artistic perfume bottle , a work that evokes the essence of the fragrance. In 1920 , René Lalique became famous for his work made glass art deco style of the time.
to continue giving life - and movement -a flagship handcrafted signature pieces . Equestrian pieces from his latest collection, all handmade , limited edition include Equus vase , a sculpture by 38 inches high that fuses two wild horses.
This beautiful work of art, which requires 30 kilograms of raw glass and five days to complete , The interior design of the Church is valued at $ 26,000. of San Mateo Millbrook in Jersey, Normandy, known as , A sensiti- There are also other luxurious True to its origins, Lalique has vity and creative genius illumina- pieces of unquestionable artistic presented his latest collection value : the stunning horse head ted glass walls and the elegant inspired by the Chinese calencarved in three days from a sinand colorful glass dining codar , the astrological sign for lumns and the great ocean liner gle piece of black glass and who2014 is the horse. se price exceeds $ 50,000 , the SS Normandie lounge should Mustang vase embossed with seThis collection compose a series Church of Lalique crystal , and veral horses , and the Kazak horof sculptures and vases that cap- home of the legendary Orient se , a sculpture of black glass , ture the strength, grace and poi- Express train, among many otgold or transparent. her masterpieces . se that characterize this animal. It certainly was a visionary in his This magnificent collection of LaConsidered a master of glass day that turned the art of sculp- lique pieces not only meets their art , René Lalique was equated decorative function , but also conin his art with artists like Monet , ting glass in a luxury industry . veys the free spirit that reprePicasso and Modigliani. His son Marc Lalique, and later sents the horse, as well as balanIn the beginning was highlighted his granddaughter Marie -Claude ce , discipline and strength that Lalique, continued the legacy of evokes. as a jeweler , an art of which he the founder of the French maiwas a real expert with fabulous New Lalique horse show , once son . pieces designed for Cartier and again , the ability to reinvent the Boucheron , among other houHis predecessors have raised Paris home after more than a ses of fine jewelry. the glass art more exclusive lecentury old . In 1890 , shortly after starting his vel when Marc changed the ma- But this collection also proves own business , his name was al- terial hitherto used , glass , for how the legacy of artist René Lathe delicacy of the glass. ready recognized as one of the lique remains to capture sometgreatest jewelry designers to lea- Heirs of the sensitivity of its pre- hing as cold and hard as glass ve his mark on the art nouveau . decessor by nature, perpetuated beauty of movement . the identity of the house Lalique www.amigosmava.org
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Nativity, of Archímedes Seguso (V).
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Article by Maria Josefa Almagro. MNAD.
.. / / .. The animals The ox and the mule. N º s inv. 7008 and 7009 . Dimensions: 7x23 cm . Ox Figurine laminated clear glass of red in the belly and upper legs , with gold in the rest of the body with a sheet of glass with rough thick layer of gold dust in the upper spine. Snout, tail and lower legs in colorless glass clearer light golden color with sheet ( Fig. 1). The mule is also made of clear glass with a sheet of red glass throughout the body except in the region of the snout , tail , the tips of the ears and lower legs are slightly golden colorless glass laminate .
Rugged glass with intense gold dust on the mane and the top of the spine.
N º s inv. 7010, 7011, 7012, 7013 , 7014, 7015, 7016 and 7017 .
The Angels
Dimensions: 8x3 , 12x 4.5, 12x 4.5, 12x 4.5, 11.5 x 4.5, 11.5 x 4.5 , 10.5 x 8.5 x 5 to 4.5 cm.
Eight Angels are incorporated in the assembly of this Bethlehem should not belong to it and maybe even , even to shop Seguso . (Fig. 2) As we can see here , the technical characteristics of these differ from the more colorful figures above . They're made of the same blowing them and modeling them so then also air on glass or colorless crystal but in this case just rolled very lightly golden and just offer a layer of gold spray more intense for some areas unlike what happened in Figures typical of previous Seguso , who had gold dust throughout the body .
Of these eight figures of angels , three appear kneeling on oval pedestals, two of which have acceded hot small rounded glass corpuscles simulating clouds , as we see in some of the figures shelves . All angels are dressed in a robe of very marked vertical pleats , belted at the waist by girdles which ends with tassels consabidos fall almost always by the side of the figures. Halos on the heads look circular shaped crowns.
Some like No s inv. 7013 7011 or carry in their hands outstretched, His style and technique is remia bowl -shaped vessel with a It also offers gold foil dust throug- niscent of the angels created by round hole in the center , sure to hout the body with different inten- Lino Tagliapietra was 1960 , an bring a candle, object to disappesities according to the golden artist who was an apprentice and ar because some figure as No. s . areas. Rugged glass with gold disciple of Seguso between 40inv. 7010 or 7014 who have now dust intensio horsehair in the up- 50. lost the ends of the arms and per spine. hands.
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Factory New Baztan (and VII).
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
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N E W S (I).
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
David Magán in Arco 2014. From our partner, David Magan, present the works that accompany some pictures.
The Cayon Gallery presents 2014 ARCO works of artists Palazuelo, José Guerrero, Fred Sandback, Jesus Soto, Herminio, Marco Maggi, Cruz-Diez,
Enrico Castellani, Magan David Marti Cormand, Jan Dibbets, Eduardo Chillida, Josef Albers and Donald Judd.
Culture 2014. responsible for Mary of Hungary , sister of Charles V and governor of the Netherlands , who asked in 1548 to four large canvases Tiziano these characters to his palace in Binche , on the outskirts of Brussels. The choice of subject was responding to political interests , as the Furies , eternally punished for defying the gods , symbolized the German princes who had rebelled against Charles V and whom he had defeated in 1547.
Last February we visited the exhibition that the Museo del Prado dedicated to " The Furies " . An exhibition, sponsored by the Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado, depicting the birth , evolution and decline of the theme of the Furies from its entry into the European art in the midsixteenth century to the late seventeenth century. The exhibition includes twenty works, among which a drawing by Michelangelo from the Royal Collection in London , and paintings by Rubens, Rombouts , Glotzius , Assereto , Pink or Langetti .
All these works illustrate why the success of the Furies for 120 years , when the rulers of elected as political allegory and painters as an excellent vehicle to represent the hardest difficulty in the art, both in its formal aspect ( they were huge nude figures in implausible ) foreshortening as expressive as representing the epitome of pain. It is known as Furies four characters of classical mythology : Tityus , Sisyphus , Ixion and Tantalus, who were among the many convicts who populated the Greco-Roman Hades. It was however in the Renaissance when these characters were charged entity as a whole.
The Museo del Prado brings his copies of Titian, Ribera and chained Ticio Gregorio Martinez, ac- His emergence as such in the history of art is dated to the midquired in 2011. sixteenth century and was www.amigosmava.org
Something similar to what is happening now with the crisis that we are choking , which seems a punishment of the great leaders of the world economy by excessive advances, in his opinion, made by workers over time . The aim of the exhibition is to show the birth , evolution and decline of this theme in European art between 1550 and 1700 over twenty works of Italian artists , Flemish, Dutch and Spanish , which include the aforementioned Titian, Miguel angel, Cornelis van Haarlem , Rubens, Ribera , Salvator Rossa or Langhetti . The various works are distributed around a copy of the Laocoon , Doloris exemplum par excellence and inspiration declared most of these artists. The exhibition has been curated by Miguel Falomir , head of Italian and French Painting Museum and author of the accompanying catalog .
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N E W S (II).
Concerts in the MAVA.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The next day 21 celebrate a new concert in the Auditorium of MAVA . This will be the twelfth and we have been programmed in our project " MAVA Concert " .
and works that are to be interpreted , describing the origin and development through history of the instruments that will be used in the event.
And at the end of the concert , the audience will engage in diaGiven that our concerts we deve- logue with the artists on the valop in teaching plan , this time we rious aspects of their training , will also continue to include an activities, etc. . overview of the most important aspects of the lives of the authors Note that from the Department of
Culture of our City Council has informed us that we can not make an application that includes various dates for the concerts , but we have to do each month to apply for the program we want to show the following month. We believe that this decision increases bureaucracy and no advantage in the application process .
Donation to the Museum of Badalona. device used to record the frosted glass. In addition, there is an extensive display of productive diversity of the company, as spare lamps, globe lights, spare bathroom, vases or bottles of perfume. They have also been able to keep catalogs, part drawings and photographs.
With this material, the collection that the Museum has acquired over the years and Badalona Museum has recei- ries the city was factory sup- one that testifies industrial sectors has released the naved a grant from the defunct plier of the Spanish Royal factory 'Cristall', located in Family and many embassies me of Badalona for over 150 years, the manufacture of the district of Canyadó, inclu- around the world. blown glass expands. ding 200 pieces of glass. One of the highlights of the During the 90's, this centuloan fund is a pantograph, a
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The glass in Museums: LednickĂŠ Rovne.
Our web
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The Glass Museum is a specialized museum Slovakia , with a national scope focusing on the production of glass in Slovakia. Its collections hold various materials of great historical value only . The museum was created in 1988 in a place with a rich tradition of glass making , and also with modern production. It is located at the headquarters of renowned former owners Schreiers .
A stately Renaissance palace from XVI century, a rectangular building with hardwood floor with a shield embossed on the front and a balcony over the entrance. The farm where the museum includes a large park in which there are several rare exotic plants.
liest recorded times to the present . The oldest part of the history of glass production in Slovakia represent findings from archaeological excavations.
The most important collection is represented by the glass from the seventeenth to the nineteenth The permanent exhibition centuries. of glassware transmits a Contemporary glass propicture of the history of duction is represented by the development of glass products on the Slovak in Slovakia , from its ear- glassworks.
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Swarovski Tirol Oscars.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Talk of cut Swarovski glasses is talking about . The Tyrolean brand has over 100 stores in Spain with over 40 franchised figure and a very strong brand image throughout the peninsula . In addition, the desire of the firm to innovate, and has several different lines of business as Daniel Swarovski Paris and Swarovski Jewellery Swarovski Home Decor .
In the late 70s , thanks to the experience gained, Swarovski launched its first jewelery line . Currently , it combines the timeless, classic designs with modern and latest trend. A strategy that allows you to reach a wide customer profile . Meanwhile, in 1976 , an artisan brand created by chance a piece shaped mouse when hit parts of their lamps.
its appearance both on the red carpet as in the movies , say they will not go unnoticed. The relationship with Hollywood began with the mythic red shoes that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz in 1939. Years later , cooperation continued in films like The Devil Wears Prada, Moulin Rouge or Nine . We have also developed special collections for Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burton or the two movies Sex and the City .
The unexpected creation pro" All in the eye of the beholder ved a resounding success ra" or so had to think when Da- tio even served at the Olympic But Swarovski has gone beniel Swartz in 1892 invented a Winter Games in Innsbruck. yond . Since 1999 , the brand machine that allowed him to With this discovery , the glass is deeply linked with the Cancarve glass with high precibegan to see with a new pers- nes Film Festival , and since sion. pective and gradually released 2000 , the Oscars . Born in 1862 in Bohemia, now to market different animal , The brand also makes its conthe Czech Republic, Swartz fruits ... as the collection " tribution glass quotes prestibegan as an apprentice in a Happy Ducks " or " Lavlots " ... gious cinema as the Golden glass factory where his father and later with pure glass Globes and the Grammy worked. After he moved to sculptures and more elaborate Awards . Wettens (Austria ), where the works, such as the Chinese The brightness and elegance seat currently . zodiac signs . So Crystal Liof glass is also visible on the Gradually, the student became ving Collection was born. red carpet : Jennifer Aniston , a teacher , to become what it Following the popularity of the- Sharon Stone or our most inis today: the world's leading se figures, in 1980 the Collec- ternational actress, Penelope producer of cut crystal. tors Club , which now has mo- Cruz , among others, have re than 450,000 members in Swarovski encompasses all chosen sometime Swarovski 130 countries was created. that glass can give: from jeweparaded before hundreds of lery to art objects. This past With Swarovski already fully flashes on the prowl great fashion accessories or interior established in the market , in events. decoration ... 1989 a new mark of distinction All the months of December , is created : the Swanflower . A Elle magazine , edition Spain , And is that with 1,800 boutiques worldwide , many of them swan represents light , elegan- surprised with liner : actresses ce , strength and femininity to- Paz Vega and Elsa Pataky franchised , the firm has led gether with the values of the flashes of their products to Belén Rueda or clad only in company, which are the creathousands of customers. these glasses . tion , innovation and perfecA conquest that has lasted for tion, resulting in the most imToday, this brand working on over 100 years all started in portant principle of teaching : " an ambitious project to open its 1895 as a family business in exclusive boutiques in major Take the good and even betthe year of its founding their shopping enclaves of Spain , ter. " work consisted mainly in provisuch as Store of the Gran Vía . Walking down a red carpet. ding design industries, with Exclusive Swarovski glass glitcustomers of unquestionable ter make it very photogenic, so pedigree as Chanel or Dior.
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Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
 The stained glass of the Cartuja de Miraflores (Burgos) (VIII).
Bulletin of the SECV.
centage for use as blue Sample M- 6 violet XRF ana- chromophore. lysis which could not be ma- In Table II are included as otde to have an insufficient her components copper oxiamount , coloring due to the des ( responsible for the red presence of manganese in coloration ruby plated samoxidation state III (Fig. 1 ) . ples bent glass or M-7 and This could indicate that the Flemish glassmakers of s . XV distinguished between " colorless glass " (with slight yellow hue containing manganese oxide impurities bleach iron oxide ) and " Purple Glass" ( with a higher proportion of Mn3 + ions and intense violet hue ) . Fe2O3 contents agree well with the expected percentages of these impurities in the silica sands aportadoras used . On the other hand, was only detected CoO , as expected , in the sample of blue glass M-3 on a regular per-
caused the detachment of small fragments of glass in the form of layers or flakes, which are particles of earthy appearance and powdery .
In areas where even some smooth or almost smooth M-8 ) , strontium , zinc , ba- texture , typical of what might rium, etc. . be the original unaltered glass, numerous cracks and They usually can be regarpitting appeared smaller , ofded as oxides of impurities ten covered with debris was provided by the raw matepreserved deposits from , rials used in making these probably , of products corrowindows, except for copper , sion of the glass ( Fig. 2a, the inclusion was clearly in2b) . tentionally to provide the coloration . The sample M-3 provided , in the least impaired smooth 3.4. And surface observatexture , a decrease of alkalitions by FESEM -EDX mine oxide and alkaline croanalysis (Na2O , K2O , CaO ) and a The outer surfaces of the relative increase in network glasses analyzed showed forming oxides (SiO2 , Alabundant pits and craters of- 2O3 ) with respect to the initen interconnected macros- tial glass composition (Table copic size , depth variable II). but often enough to have
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Recycling. Green Glass.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
During this 2014 hope to extend the physical spaces in which to market their products , entering the windows of other shops and trade opening his own store on Chilean soil .
recycling center of the Cistern .
" If they get paid about $ 10 for each kilo of glass, are now receiving between $ 20 and $ 40 for the raw material for our enterprise ," says Mu" A friend asked me if I could ñoz . cut a glass bottle and there But the ability to work with to make it all began ," reglass is part of the family counts a young entrepreneur culture , because their paSTRATEGY Cofré Oscar rents have their own craft Muñoz . company in fused glass, This is a company founded to create products based on recycled glass.
which has been operating since 1997 under the name Calypso Chile.
"We seek to return the bottles to the people in the form of product and with an ecological message . We glasses, lamps , necklaces , rings , ashtrays . All this , with bottles in the trash would be if not for Green Glass " he says.
Marcela Cofre and her husband , Oscar Muñoz, who run this are SMEs.
This venture is supported with ten people working making toilet in different bars and pubs of Santiago , who are paid for each bottle delivered.
polishing glass, a commercial value of $ 300,000. Then he awarded a Seed Capital Sercotec $ 1.5 million , which was able to acquire a new and improved polishing machine $ 2 million. The product prices range from $ 2,000 to $ 20,000. During this 2014 hope to extend the physical spaces in which to market their products , entering the windows of other shops and trade opening his own shop. Also expect to continue to expand abroad.
Green Glass and shares customers in Sweden, GermaGreen Glass was started in ny , Austria and the United early 2010 when a freshman States with Calypso Chile. Muñoz Commercial EngiTo date, its main sales are neering at the University of via internet, with offices Chile , where he currently throughout Chile. Its annual continues his studies . David turnover is U.S. $ 40,000, but Solis is now the main partner annual growth rates this year in this venture. could reach 40 %. Start Projections
In late 2013 , Green Glass To start, just needed a capi- won third place in Chile tal of $ 25,000 , according to Jump , gaining $ 2,200 mithe student account , as had llion , money they invest " in They also began working the basic tool for cutting and a good camera to take pictuwith people who are part of a res ," as he says. www.amigosmava.org
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Luca Nichetto luminaire designs Fondue.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The sum of different traditions , Southern Europe and North - is the starting point of this luminaire created by Italian designer Luca Nichetto for Swedish design firm David . This time , the inspiration has come to Nichetto the culinary field and to design it was inspired by the old, potbellied pots used in traditional fondues , which remain suspended over a heat source while the cheese melts slowly. Similarly , the diffuser of handblown glass , a technique well known Luca Nichetto since its first products made in Murano glass is suspended with the help of a thin metal frame that holds the screen and the light source . One of the peculiarities of Fondue is the solution designed for the output of the power cord that usually hides or disguises . Instead , here becomes a
feature of the luminaire , and Stockholm. is at the bottom . Customers include Bosa, CaThis allows the lamp to be samania , Cassina , David connected to the floor or cei- Design, De Padova, Discipliling and is easily adapted to ne , Established & Sons, Fordifferent living situations . nasarig , Foscarini, Fratelli Guzzini , Gallotti & Radice , Fondue is available in seveGlass, Globe , Italesse , La ral colors for both the glass Chance, King's , Kristalia , and metal parts. Mabeo , MG Lab , Moroso, Offecct , Ogeborg , Petite FriLuca Nichetto was born in ture , Salviati , Skitsch , Skulthe Italian city of Venice, tuna , Tacchini and Venini . where he graduated in Industrial Design . During his career, Nichetto In 1999 , he started his pro- has received major international awards, including the fessional career designing his first products in Murano Design Award 2008 , the Good Design Award from the glass for Salvati . Chicago Athenaeum MuThat same year he began seum of Architecture 2008 , his collaboration with Fosca- the iF Product Design Award rini , which also assumes the 2008 and Elle Decoration role of design consultant for Design Awards 2009 ( EDIthe search for new materials DA ) as Designer of the Year and product development Talent category . ( 2001-2003). It has also organized worksIn 2006 , he founded his stu- hops in various universities , dio, Nichetto & Partners , both national and internatiowhich offers industrial design nal , and has participated in services and consultancy in various exhibitions in Europe, the field of design . In 2011, USA and Japan. he opened a new office in
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Our activities.
Cultural Tours. glass. Only Spanish representative in the European Glass Experience and participant in ARCO 2014. Light is the true engine of his work, and his sculptures conceived in the constant process of experimentation with this architectural space in which they fit. The viewer's eyes complement this fluctuating movement of light and his work.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2014.
During the months of March, April and May, the Tech Museum of Glass hosts the exhibition The invented color sample of the most
recent works of artist David Magan. His work has been exhibited in various parts of the world, becoming a leader in the world of
The inauguration will take place on Friday, March 6, at 17:00 pm, in the Chambers of Lights, Royal Glass Factory of La Granja.
Culture 2014 Programme. lectic between outdoor work and studying . This dialectic is reflected in turn in the relationship between landscape and still life. In the work of Cézanne , the landscape is the dominant genus , identified (as in her Impressionist colleagues ) with the practice of painting outdoors. During this March visit the exhibition " Cézanne site / non site" in the Thyssen Museum in Madrid.
set of almost abstract forms.
Faced with this formal simplification, Smithson stressed the need to reIn 1969 , the artist Robert gain physical reference in the painter's work , their Smithson proposed a new interpretation of the strong ties to certain parts of the territory of Provenwork of Paul Cézanne ce . (1839-1906 ) . For Smithson , Cézanne's painting had been misrepresented by the Cubists , reducing it to a
But , unlike the impressionists , Cézanne also provides critically important to a genre of workshop: still life.
Cézanne painting to cultivate both genders throughout his career and establish an intimate connection between them, in his still lifes introducing landscape features and, The subtitle of the exhibi- reciprocally , leading to tion site / non-site evokes the order of landscapes a pair of concepts forged still life. by Smithson in his own creation , raising the dia-
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The Royal Glass Factory.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The Royal Glass Factory of La Granja should quadruple its sales to be viable and not be forced to close if there is no financial support from government support it now .
" What I do with a factory that produces it? Well put money . If not , it is clear what needs to be done , "admitted general manager of EOI , who gave a press conference in the County of Segovia along with the To this end the Board appropresident of the provincial adved last October a strategic ministration , Francisco plan that will involve three or Vázquez , in turn , acting chairfour years , after which the Centre should have reached a man of the Board National self-financing capacity that still Glass Centre ( FCNV ) Foundation , the president of EOI looks distant . and undersecretary of the MiNot surprisingly, the Director nistry of Industry, Energy and General of the School of InTourism, Enrique Hernandez dustrial Organization (EOI ) , Bento , and Deputy for Econoan organization that took over mic Development, Rafael Cathe management in June sado. 2013 , said today that he found " a chaotic and incomprehensi- The Board met today precisely ble situation further ," a debt of to address issues such as cultural project , monitoring the nearly four millions and even implementation plan of the constant power outages and works or the report of planned gas by default . activity for this year, and to acAnd this is the need to invest count for what has been done around one million euros betin recent months regarding the ween April and September this payment of debts . year to renovate a structure " The Challenge " selfand outdated organizational financing level as both productive and museum facilities . The EOI absorbed Foundation " Now we are in a much more last June, the Spanish Founcalm and balanced situation , dation for Innovation of Crafts we're fixing " noted Fernando and assumed management FCNV with the commissioning Bayon quoted by Ical . of a feasibility plan for the RoSales of glasses Farm currenyal Factory . tly amount to 400,000 euros per year and will need to check The goal, which regained its status as " national reference in at around 1.7 million to be for crafts and culture of glass viable. www.amigosmava.org
and crystal " and " first-rate tourist motivator , especially in Castilla- Leon and Madrid" in addition to " industrial heritage of historical significance , unique in Europe and the world. " In the words of Hernandez Bento, is " refloat " . "I assume as a challenge, looking forward to that in the next two years we have a new Glass Real Factory , rejuvenated , where no longer need to spend the troubles we encountered when we arrived, and can be self-financing and self-manage " explained . " All public administrations are on the Board ( Central Government, Board , Council and City of Royal site ) are on the line and hopefully in a year and a half or two years we achieve that goal." While this period may be longer , as the president himself said Acting Board even "three or four years." In fact, dragged FCNV debts Finance, Social Security , energy companies , suppliers and employees for a total value of about 3.8 million. " Now the workers have already paid their wages after enduring many months , has taken the debt to Social Security and Treasury, and also is trying to ... Continued on next page
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The Royal Glass Factory. (cont.)
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Continued from previous page .
"Today museums are different , are interactive , not just ... Negotiate with energy companies to continue these parts warehouses . They are cuts are not producing, " said a place of experience serVazquez. " In recent months ving visitors and want to adapt to these new conit has become aware of the cepts. " situation and now we look ahead ." Production changes and As for the works, which inter adjust template alia include the renovation of Changes will also be notable all matters relating to infras- production level, although tructure gas furnaces and the technique of blowing resrestructuring of the museum pect : "The production has at to make it interactive , they the moment is purely handare expected to begin in made , but the years of Mariabout three months. castaĂąa , and must be put at The will undertake Heritage, the present time . And with "which has been a series of security guarantees required to work with pieces of high legal activities that have tarisk , because we are using ken a while ," and " are essential for the plant to conti- a glass out of the furnace temperature to a brutal and nue in a state of being visited by someone or someone can not allow or tourists or workers have minimal risk , to work on it ," said CEO of "added the CEO EOI . EOI . "The deterioration of the building is large and the- " I wish I had ovens eighterefore they must be done ur- enth century and one of gently ." brass. The blowing technique will continue , but one In principle, if unforeseen thing is with a Bad item ... events do not arise , work could begin in late April with Somewhere appeared half a period of initial implemen- covered with any walls or tation of five months, and re- new glues "he said. quire the partial closure of The economic situation in the center and the transfer of which it is and the current some units like the mustrategic plan will also imseum : "It is only in Spain , pact on employment. but has a structure of many There will be no ERTE ERE , years and make a new " but an adjustment , as with "continued Bayon . any company that has a
change in its business model ." Currently has 46 workers who " have endured exceptionally well " defaults, and debt with the template " were the first that we are covering ." Because defaults, as Bayon admitted , was " to give and take " when they took over management . "We have solved the very urgent problems , energy issues that cut our gas and electricity all the time . We met with a chaotic situation and also incomprehensible , but we are now arranging and fortunately we are in a much more balanced and quiet location . " Asked by the chaos to which he alluded , Bayon declined to go into more detail : "When a management disaster occurs many things happen , not just bad management." In any case, the chairman of the Board of FCNV stressed that " distress situation has completely disappeared " with the new management and implementation of the strategic plan " not only to wipe all debts, but also to provide future in the Royal Glass Factory " .
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Other trends (I). A great chorus of complaint.
March 2014
Madrid paleontology at while architects members of associations for the defense of cultural heritage attendees explained the historical and artistic wealth of the ride itself.
Volume II — Number 64
A string of dancers form a continuous courtship between Plaza Cibeles Columbus and aligned against each facility, with specific interventions to the passage of visitors.
The world of culture prepares a colossal act of protest on March 9 . Several thousands of musicians , singers , dancers , painters and filmmakers , as well as booksellers , architects , writers, actors , librarians, archaeologists and neighbors, promote this act which, by its breadth and content vindictive - "We are all culture" - lacks unprecedented in the history of Madrid .
man of the 87 founding organizations the act.
All performances and recorded on the spot , many of them designed for children , performances will be filmed.
Ten batucadas gradually will guide attendees to the The organizers expect to receive thousands of peo- Plaza de Cibeles and Alcaple against the Fernan Go- la Street , where 30 polypmez Cultural Center in the honic choirs , some 1,200 Plaza de ColĂłn. There will singers and three hundred attract attendees from 150 more different vocal groups , in addition to a synchronized percussion symphony orchestra with a batteries, seated on carhundred teachers , everyopets which will then be ne under the baton of conpainted by artists. ductor Luis Cobos , interJust a heartbeat away, pret different polyphonic over eight tablados , orworks , culminating with the chestras , bands and Choir of slaves Nabucco by Its purpose is "to attract the groups provide the public Giuseppe Verdi, in a perforattention of society and the music of all kinds , seven mance that , for his choral authorities, to claim the other adjacent spaces offer participation promises to be right to culture as a herita- short pieces of performing memorable. ge of all citizens, against arts. Sources include organizing budget cuts and increases While librarians and book- a rehearsal will take place decided unilaterally on pusellers convenors associa- in the immediate theater blic cultural activities in retions provide you contidates in Madrid football stacent years , especially the nued reading out loud in dium . The members of the rise 21% of the value adnew scenarios deployed singing groups have a webded tax (VAT) at the along the Paseo de Reco- site, todossomosmusishows , and as a critique of letos , also conveners arca.com where they can the neglect of the other chaeologists belonging to know in detail to interpret state, regional and municithe Archaeology section of scores . To round of the pal governments to imporCollege Graduates and event, I will read a protest tant social dimension of Doctors , will show tours manifesto. public life , "said a spokes-
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Other trends (II). Opening the MAN.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The work took off in 2008. ced through a press release that the center will At the time, it was anticiofficially reopen on March pated that the National 31 . Archaeological Museum show its new face in sum- The Ministry says it has become "practically in mer 2011. another museum." However, it was then that the center closed its do- " After six years of work, of which only two and a ors to visitors . half has been closed to Meanwhile, the lethargy visitors, the Museum will was extending . present a completely new And came the first promi- and attractive image," ses of reopening. " 2013 " adds. was the date established The renovation of the until a few months ago center has cost more the official website of the than 65 million euros. museum. Among other things, the But 2013 happened and works , directed by the now that same page loarchitect Juan Pablo oks more generic " countRodríguez Frade have down " . removed architectural baAlthough the account is rriers and expanded pufinally over . The Ministry blic areas. of Culture , Education and Sports has announ-
For this purpose , the document provides some data. The usable area , for example, goes from 19,280 to 23,303 square meters , an increase of 13%. Similarly , the showrooms increase their area of 7,000 to 10,000 square meters. There some 13,000 artifacts , ranging from prehistory to the nineteenth century are displayed. The Ministry said that " the building has been restored from the ground to the roof " and argues that remodeling " the museum located between the major European institutions."
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Dan Graham and his glass house.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Multifaceted artist , Dan Graham (Illinois, 1942 ) plays the leading clubs ( the performance of video art , installation, film essay , architecture , feminism or rock ) from his vigorous approach to popular culture. In his equally fit the tradition of Jewish humor, Dean Martin , Sartre , Patti Smith or the airport in Los Angeles. A cocktail of references he puts into action to build a bright collage of ideas, images and words.
glass pavilions in which art, architecture and expertise become a subtle sense .
tion on architecture , urbanism U.S. landscape and mirror games of modern art opens .
The artist, who offered last day 18 a talk at The Lit House Madrid in the cycle Artist Talks , landed in Madrid by the hand of the Danish Nicolai Wallner gallery which exponuso in one of its buildings Arco glass pieces he refuses to label as sculptures to define as public buildings in which perception and play each viewer are a substantial part of the work.
Graham, who lives in New York, was also an artist bridge scene and the punk rock city , friend of Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon, Steve Reich fan , his film Rock is my religion (1982 ) weaved from Patti Smith 's hand his theory of music as new youth creed from the fifties.
Theories also materialize Behind those halls , a in his famous minimalist kind of fine houses or and conceptual pieces : glass houses , all a reflec-
His huge eco young American artists and musicians make many Graham in one of the most influential living artists .
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Archipenko with glass.
March 2014
his biographers , is considered one of the main repositories of modern sculpture elements.
Volume II — Number 64
He studied in his native land but later traveled to Paris to complete his studies at the École des Beaux -Arts , however , he soon left this institution to become part of the most radical circles , especially the cubist movement , as provides a brief biography Encyclopedia Britannica .
The Russian sculptor Alexander Archipenko (1887-1964) , pioneer of Cubist sculpture, lives in the memory of fans , especially those of his famous sculpture of multicolored glass circus " Medrano II " (1913-1914) , which reduced the human figure in abstract forms.
working with materials such as glass and steel for new effects sculptural . " Medrano II " is one of the most unusual works of the artist, it is the only surviving example of his figures in motion , which introduced the concept of collage in sculpture , stressed the official website of the Guggenheim Museum in New York.
The sculptor managed an incredible sense of the vitality of the minimum means , as in his piece "Boxing Match " (1913 ) , in which he conveyed the raw and brutal power of the sport in non- figurative forms , cubic machinelike and ovoid .
His biographical data refer to , besides the creative process he developed throughout his life , Archipenko taught art at various institutions of Berlin The eminent sculptor , between 1921 and 1923, who met on 25th halfalso worked as a teacher century late , define your the rest of his life in the cistyle through the ages, ty of New York , where he A native of Kiev , Ukraihighlighting ways the conne, Alexander Archipenko died the February 25, cave outer limits of sculp1964 . was born on May 30, ture and empty spaces , 1887 , and according to
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The jewel through the glass.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
cold working
And also the combination of two or more thereof. Exhibitors: Since 2000 , Debora and Marco Romero Gurman work together in the city of Mexico , creators of the original line of jewelry made in the techniques of fused and torch assemblies combined with exquisite silver and other metals.
In the Railway Museum John Murray dictate the conference " La Joya through Glass " / Debora Gurman and Marco Romero. Despite being a very old material, glass has characteristics that make it modern and mysterious.
versifying and growing over time .
They also perform their own equipment : furnaces for glass cutting machines, grinding and polishing and drilling machines .
This pair of artistic and technological developContemporary jewelers have found work in glass, ment was given by the need to make the glass the possibility of single pieces , no need to stick as material having all the necessary tools to handle to the existing stones , it. since glass can be formed and molded to suit It will be at the Railway the artist / jeweler who is Museum Murray Funes. designing the piece. Tomás de la Torre 1726 -
Concerning glass jewelry as Tiffany, Lalique and Today, all glass working Swarovsky show us that techniques are used in this is a branch there for jewelry : years , and has been di-
Funes ( Argentina ) March 4, 2014 at 18:30 pm.
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Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
More than 500,000 pieces of magnificent and colorful ' fildifferent colored clothing ters ' . The play is called your roof and walls. Cosmovitral " and evokes the human relationship to This beautiful structure was the cosmos ; topics as life commissioned in 1910 by and death, good and evil , engineer Manuel Arratia to the materialization and deshouse municipal Art Nouvetruction, among other human au style market in Toluca , philosophical concerns , are State of Mexico , under the drawn along the space . framework of the celebrations for the centennial of In- At least 2, 300 square medependence. ters of stained glass make this site one of the largest in The building is characterized the world of its kind . by its large windows, inspired the artist Leopoldo FloFor its creation 60 artists res, who designed a model worked for three years, from of stained glass to decorate 1978 to 1980 . the place and turn it into a The work consists of 70 mobotanical garden. dules , covered with more His idea was echoed and to- than 500 thousand shards of day the building houses over glass and 28 different shafive hundred plants that are des , which gives the site a decorated with light from the dreamlike and surreal aspect www.amigosmava.org
as well as a refined touch of psychedelia. The main stained glass window on the roof : it is a kind of vertical strip that runs the place as a major air corridor . Another band inserted in the middle of the walls vertically, is drawn with a light and bright view for each visual perspective. To accomplish this work 75 mega tonnes of metal structure and 45 tons of blown glass were used. The Cosmovitral is obviously a great place , shame that has not been sufficiently publicized in Mexico , why still awaiting first- visit of millions of people hardly forget the premises.
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Die François Baschet.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
The French sculptor François Baschet sound , creator of innovative tools such as Crystal Baschet , died at age 93 in Barcelona, as reported by the University of Barcelona (UB ) , which features a Sculpture Workshop Sonora that bears his name.
In order to improve this guitar, replacing the soundboard by a balloon and had a folding handle , Baschet began conducting sound experiments and allied himself with his brother Bernat, an engineer by profession .
Both realized they had told each "From the workshop the teacher historical period with their own helped create , we will continue instruments and musical languaworking to preserve and develop ge of the twentieth century requitheir ideas, just as he has always red new sonorities. wanted ," said the University of Since then, his research focused Barcelona on their website . on exploring the acoustics of maThe sound sculptures of Bernard terials to give musicians new to( 1917) and François Brothers ols for creation, interpretation ( 1920) Baschet can be conside- and dissemination . red the most innovative contribuThe work of brothers Baschet tion of the twentieth century in was structured around three core the field of musical acoustics. principles : sound aesthetics , The first instrument was François aesthetics of form and social and Baschet an inflatable guitar, ineducational function of art . vented in 1952 to travel the world Today his work is recognized lightweight luggage . worldwide in contemporary artistic and scientific field .
The legacy of his work includes the sculptural design , interventions in public architecture of cities around the world, a new children's musical education and social action aimed at both disabled persons and persons at risk of exclusion . One of his most notable contributions is the Cristal Baschet , a musical instrument that produces sounds by oscillating glass cylinders . Baschet Glass , also known as the glass body , is composed of 54 glass rods , which are rubbed with wet fingers to produce vibrations. Instrumental theories Baschet and connection between sculpture and instrument he cultivated has inspired many contemporary musicians , including Cabo San Roque Catalan side .
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How does.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Richard Satava.
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Reform glass.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
In a manor house in the UK, the architectural firm AR Design Studiole added a spacious open plan conservatory leading to the whole building a modern atmosphere. The funny thing is that Roman remains are found during construc-
tion, who moved to the local museum.
that the current owners considered manageable.
The property is situated in the city of Winchester, ancient Roman capital of the British Isles.
Love these by glass built a simple ladder of this material and said extension, which opens to the garden.
The project consisted of converting the servants because it was a space
An ancient, narrow space now seen the light, especially in public areas.
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Obsidian. Natural glass (II).
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
natural crystal, Sahagún recorded in his monumental For the inhabitants of ancient Florentine Codex : " They alMexico , obsidian was reso said that if a pregnant womarkable medicinal applicaman saw the sun or moon tions. when eclipsed , the creature Regardless of its biological that was born in the womb effectiveness , its medicinal nicked the bezos ( cleft use was due in large part to lip ) ... so , pregnant do not the burden of their rituals dare look at the eclipse, raand their attributes particular zor clam poníanle one black physical properties , as hap- stone in the breast, he toupened with the ochalchihuitl ched the flesh. " green stone , commonly caIn this case , it is remarkable lled jade. that obsidian was used to As an example of this magi- fashion a protective amulet cal and curative ideological against the designs of the conception of obsidian , Fat- gods sponsoring this celesher Duran says : " They ca- tial battle . me from everywhere to the There was the belief also dignities of this temple ... that because of their resemTexcatlipoca aplicasen them blance to some organs such to divine medicine, and so as the kidney or liver, obsiembijaban them with it part dian river pebbles they had where they felt pain, and felt the power to heal those noticeable relief ... heavenly parts of the body . thing seemed to them . " Francisco Hernández recorFor his part, also referring to ded in his Natural History sothe medicinal benefits of this Medicinal use of obsidian
me technical and medicinal minerals with healing properties aspects . The knives, swords and daggers used by the Indians as well as almost all cutting instruments were obsidian stone called by the indígenasiztli . This dust and its black translucent blue hues , white and mixed with powdered glass also , removed the clearing clouds and glaucomatous eye. The toltecaiztli or stone knife black mottled russet , had similar properties , the iztehuilotlera a very black and bright crystal stone brought from the Mixteca Alta and belonging undoubtedly varieties deiztli wings . It was said that chased away the demons away snakes and how much was poisonous and also conciliated the favor of princes.
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Under a dome of glass and metal.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
A dome formed by a metal frame shoots from the last 17 yards of the four having Tabakalera , which will serve as the entrance hall through access that build from the subway Atotxa .
to transmit .
However, currently , " layers of nanometer thickness are deposited molecules based silver alloys ."
The solution was to install horizontal braces that pull down and generate a voltage that retains all the The manager himself acknowledges support . " that the price of the whole structure , corresponding to two-thirds and Resistance tests have certified that one-third to glass -metals . The operation, carried out by the crane 35 meters high and 500 tons the structure complies with the regulations, that " collects all load ca- transparent cover in weight , is part of the sealing of ses that can receive the structure the building that will undertake the " One feature of this system is that it depending on its location , height refurbishment of the interior of the is very transparent . Unlike traditioand other parameters, such as old tobacco factory , before reopewind, snow or other inclement we- nal double-layer space structures ning as a center of contemporary that weave a dense network of ather ." culture June next year. bars , including diagonals , ours is The steel and glass structure is the Regarding the steel bars, "in addi- monolayer without diagonals , allotion to the usual protection , anotwing glass cover it and keep the work of San Sebastian Lanik engiher bonus feature fire to prevent brightness of the space , "says Barneering firm , headquartered in the structure from collapsing in the badillo . Mundaiz Road , a few meters from event of a hypothetical fire. the Tabakalera own . And at this point , says that "one of That is, apart from the antithe virtues of these structures is that For Tabakalera basically it is the corrosion paint , the structure has we can make them in any way imadesign, manufacture and installaan intumescent paint that swells in ginable. Unlike conventional , which tion of patio deck , and installation sometimes may not fit the curvatuof glass, inside the cover closes the case of fire, allowing the structure to continue to work at high tempe- res or offer more difficult to achieve building , " says the engineer Josu ratures and collapses. in our case can come to adapt to Goñi . any shape, from structures that siHow long is perfectly collected "It is a deck with a system designed mulate a football or even more irrecould endure if it were the case ", by Lanik . It is a system of industriagular surfaces , as is the case of the says the manager of the engineelized screwed and manufactured City of Madrid ', whose cover also ring firm of San Sebastian , which with advanced machinery , which made Lanik . has extensive experience in several solves any geometry , even in very countries. On the relationship with Jon and large areas , so serving the same Naiara Montero architects, authors for stadiums or industrial buildings Regarding glass triangles 186 , are of the rehabilitation of the building, that spaces like the courtyard "of performed on a range that has so- Barbadillo explains that " every prothe old factory tobacco . me peculiarities " are special glas- ject is different . Normally , there is In data structure 279 is summarized ses because they have several always an architect in the design functions . On one hand, the ' isolain hollow steel bars "normal , but phase is the one with the architectubility ' , both water and air . They quality " nodes 103 coupled by ral criteria . We bring our expertise screws over several thousand kilos are sealed with silicone. and industrial architect has the last weight each, all triangles 186 coaword in aesthetics matter. In this caAlso, glass is a camera which inted glass which is nearly triple the corporates an air layer inside. And se , what we have been is an advice weight metals . " The glasses weigh finally , the most sophisticated is from Lanik architecture because in more than 50 kilos per square methe end they do not know what to the antisolar surface treatments , ter and the metal frame is less than ie , working as a pair of sunglasses do , but on the other hand , the deci20 . In total , the second reaches sion on the heights and the shapes that filter solar radiation, both visi11.5 tons and 35 tons first added , ble and infrared and ultraviolet , so they take » . 'says Goñi . spend most of light and the least Lanik manager concludes that "for radiation , "explains Joshua Goñi . us , that the surface is regular or Lanik manager states that "the main complexity inherent in the The objective " is to allow the pas- irregular means no more work . In transaction is that it is a renovated sage of light, but not the power be- fact, the harder the surface , the building , which means that a condi- cause otherwise the greenhouse better for us and the smaller are the tion that can be entered are rather deadlines , too. There is less comeffect is created ." restricted , not by law but by the vepetition and to make the structure ry ability of the building to when en- A few years ago , continues Barba- conventionally, either bolted , not dure . welded if I say , it 's crazy because I dillo ' screenprints were used with flecks of paint or even painted with never hold the exact position of the In this case, there could be introdu- transparent layers , yes filtered piece . " ced in Tabakalera large horizontal sunlight, but all frequencies in the loads in spite of that the arcs tend same way . "
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Beach Glass.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
In the world there are hin the MacKerricher Stabeaches of all types, sha- te Park. pes and colors. The beach is near Fort There are spectacular Bragg, coastal city born beaches of rare colors : in the nineteenth century. pink beaches, green beaThis particular beach is ches , red beaches, white formed from the inhabibeaches, black beaches . tants of the city for years The color varies accorthrew garbage from its ding to the composition of cliffs . the sand and so, if you In that garbage had lots have a lot of iron will be of glass, automobiles and red , if it is black volcanic appliances, according to sand if coral is pink and if the season . you have some green alBy the late 60s this place gae will . was a dump , so the state But there is also a sandy closed it and started sebeach of crystal or glass. veral cleaning programs . This particular beach is These programs work itlocated in California, witself dragged joined sea ,
broke, moved and took tons of garbage. Finally, only glasses and ceramics were shredded and continuing erosion was born a new type of sand. And so came the Glass Beach , a beach with warm sand composed of glass and ceramic powder made . In 2003 the beach was opened to the public, after being incorporated into the state park. Today there any litter is thrown and people get to enjoy the beach and the unique arena.
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Security glass facades.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Current technology allows to build great walls of translucent glass or transparent to fully take advantage of natural light and reduce energy cost of lighting systems installed . But you need to ask for their safety and how to respond if such massive failure , such as that caused by a shock wave , and how can this affect breakage people who are on site . To try to analyze these aspects , German researchers Ernst- Mach Institute ( EMI ) have paid attention to this aspect in the construction of a new complex of buildings in San Francisco. In this city, like many others around the world is constantly changing , constantly buildings are demolished to build another in its place , giving way to new structures . This city is developing a new complex of buildings, the first of which will be located where until recently the Rail Terminal San Francisco Transbay was placed , and will be a structure of five stories high with glass facade over an area twenty thousand square meters and park conservatory roof . In a second phase a skyscraper will be built , and in order to find out if the glass structure would be able to withstand a bomb or other explosive , a firm of engineering Yorker commissioned a study on its safety to a research team from the Institute Fraunhofer High Speed Dynamics ( Ernst- Mach Institute, EMI ) , located in Efrin-
gen -Kirchen , southwest Germa- waves is well known, there are only a few tunnels like this ny . around the world," Millon said. Essays shockwave "The extreme high pressures that The researchers analyzed the occur in them causes its manusafety of glass structures by facture and use possess enorusing the tunnel for producing mous complexity . " shock waves Blast -STAR . It tested the resistance to the pres- For example, the device must withstand abrupt pressure chansure produced by explosions at ges in the whole extension of a different distances , analyzing large surface and glass sections different structures on glazing , explained Oliver Millon, EMI re- that can be tested may reach nine square meters . " Furthermosearcher . re, it is necessary to generate a The technology used has a drive flat wavefront collision section section ( high pressure ) and a glass studio , or what is the satrailing section (low pressure) se- me, the shock wave has reached parated by a steel diaphragm . every part of the glass at the saThe air is compressed in the dri- me time." ve section to a pressure up to 30 To achieve pre-construction tunbar . nel computer simulations were This configuration allows the ob- performed and the results were ject of study subject to a charge verified by measurements at the pressure of 2.3 bar. When opera- facility once built. tors reach the desired amount of pressure the steel diaphragm is Certify materials broken, the air escapes at high Research conducted in order to velocity through the traction choose the most suitable glass member and collides with the ob- structures for the San Francisco ject under study , at the end of Transbay terminal have been the tunnel , as a wavefront plane completed , and there shall be crash. additional new unademostraciĂłn certified for resistance to shock At first the glass back and then to give the pressure , suffers an waves of the panel types selecabsorption process forward. The ted during the construction. pressure checked by the team in the propulsion section to simulate detonations of explosives with different amounts of the building at various distances from 1002000 kilograms of TNT at distances of thirty-five to fifty yards of the building.
The project notes that Europe is at the forefront of ecological deconstruction technology and promotes the development of sustainable building techniques . European researchers continue to study the safety glass panels under extreme conditions to ensure " Even though the tunnel techno- sustainable construction reaches logy for the production of shock the highest levels of security.
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Danger market Barceló.
March 2014
moons .
Volume II — Number 64
Now , every tear , torn pieces like knives in the side where the blades are attached and as they fall to someone who is walking around you can mount a very serious problem , both for the market and for the City of Madrid, after a guerrilla spent millions on this deck . What are warning and no one pays attention to us . If something happens Barceló Market will not be responsible , "said Manuel Ocaña , president of Barceló traders .
Still not opened but it will be new Barceló delvandalismo Market and suffers accordingly.
Behind this complaint is general and another is that traders believe Barchosen for the building, celó in the building of the fears for the safety of new market , the archiyour future customers tects Nieto and Sobejano and that of their partners , and they have pro- has dominated the design tested in writing to the Ci- to usability . ty Council without recei- They would be wrong , ving Municipal reply . they say, but believe that
On Saturday February 22 , the launch of an empty beer bottle broke one of the slats lining the glass facade of the buil- The "skin" of the market, ding . white opaline linear consists of molded glass, 50 Not the first time it hapcm in width. pens , and certainly not the last . "Since we have opted for a glass facade , they The merchants associahave to be up for that if tion that manages the broken and not fall into market is in total disasmall pieces into large greement with the coating pieces , as of old cars
as soon as you move to new facilities start to surface fault that may have been avoided had asked for the opinion of those who were to be his tenants when designing the building , something not remember made .
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Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en:
La Asociación de Amigos del MAVA fue constituida el 21 de junio de 2003 de confor-
Castillo de San José de
midad con la ordenación vigente.
March 2014
La finalidad de esta Asociación es pro-
Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN
mover, estimular y apoyar cuantas acciones
culturales, en los términos más amplios, ten-
Al vidrio por la cultura
gan relación con la misión y actividad del Museo de Arte en Vidrio de Alcorcón.
Volume II — Number 64
Nuestro objetivo es desarrollar actividades y colaborar con otras entidades públicas o privadas en la promoción, defensa y difusión del Arte y la Cultura. Nuestros socios pueden ser honorarios, benefactores, numerarios y juveniles.
Presidente honorario
Javier Gómez Gómez
Evangelina del Poyo
Diego Martín García
Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez
Francisco Martín García
José María Gallardo Breña
Pablo Bravo García
Secretaria Rosa García Montemayor
Mª Angeles Cañas Santos
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Nativity. Images.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
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Ya. Images.
Volume II — Number 64
March 2014
Fig. 1
Fig. 2