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Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

Monthly Newsletter


Tim Shaw  It could be.

M. A. Carretero.

On page 5 of this newsletter we report the "pearls" who dedicated Perez, Mayor of Alcorcón, the regular monthly Full Council held on February 23. With intent to despise our Association, we called in one of his speeches, such as "Friends Travelers". In another of them said that we had created "social alarm" over the campaign to collect signatures for maximum possible support to the petition addressed to you for that respects the integrity of MAVA.

Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN. (MADRID)

But what really mattered at the plenary was the information he had to offer the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Arts and Museum, Mr. Astudillo, by the request for hearing made by Councilman IU, Mr. Lòpez Tinaquero, to provide information about the measures intended to adopt the government team of our City in connection with the Museum of Glass Art. Since Mr. Astudillo had said a few days before the plenary Commission did not intend to close the

MAVA and the only thing that would leave the room I was to install in it a space for our elders were to spend some leisure time.

Given that it is more than likely that no more will access the room you are trying to make available at the Museum, due to the deplorable conditions in Indeed, in its reply in which are their access, Parliament, Mr. Astudillo, confirmed the terms of its such as the absence of intervention in that plenary light during the night, or frost occurring in winter Commission. days, or the high In both responses, temperatures in summer Councillor referred to days, its use could have demonstrate their historical an "exclusive" character, knowledge of castles, especially having the walking paths that privilege to access the occurred in the area and door of the Museum their impressions about the private vehicle without risk processes through which of being sanctioned. they had passed the buildings and surrounding The exposed above could be merely a working areas. hypothesis, it is true, but it That reiteration in these would be interesting to see walks gave rise in me the if, over time, this suspicion that, in addition hypothesis became a to looking after the welfare reality. of our elders, may have some personal interest in It is true that there is little suppressing Chamber I of time for the upcoming municipal elections and is the Museum. likely to happen one of two So I agreed to the internet things or both at once: to know the full name of one, that Mr. Astudillo not Mr. Astudillo and then if it get a record of Alderman, was possible to know, and other that the Popular through the White Pages, Party again not get an home. absolute majority and that both the Museum Room I Indeed, after filling the like the process of looting required fields with your information, I could tell that that occurred in his second floor puedieran go the this man figure with opposite way and back registered offices at Viña again become an integral Referendum Grande, a street just 200 meters from part of the Museum of that in no time, they had to be the Museum. separated. Given this area could be the unlikely event that your So I remind our Alderman concern for the welfare of one of "those" of our wonderful wisdom, and our elders was not such, who says "we are and the but rather some kind of way we meet carriers'. particular interest.

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P U N TO S D E IN TE R É S E S P E CI AL : March 2015

 Piece of the month  Friends travelers  Phase out  Clarifications  Activities on the MAVA  News Volume II — Number 75

 Our activities  Glass recycling  How do CONTENIDO:


Intellectual Property Law

3. Conform to the Ministry of Education inspection functions, monitoring and control, BOOK III including the exercise Protection of the of sanctioning powers rights recognized in on the management this Act entities of intellectual property, when in TITLE IV accordance with the Management bodies provisions of the of the rights preceding paragraph recognized in the shall not appropriate Act exercise of these functions to a region. .... The Government, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, established by regulation mechanisms and reporting requirements necessary to ensure coordinated and effective exercise of these functions.

Article 160 Technological measures: acts of circumvention and preparatory acts

Piece of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Friends travelers


Phase out




Activities Museums


Activities on the MAVA


Concert MAVA


Roman glass in Museums


"On both sides"



Dancers glass


A life devoted to glass


Smart window




Culture 2014


Concert MAVA


Chinese Bridge End


The glass in museums


Factory "The Trinity"


Signing of Agreement


Marine animals suffer




Drawings in the air


Cultural visits


Culture 2015 program


Art in La Palma


Other trends


Underwater glass


Sebastián glass


Fire in Dubai


Factory Site Verrie


Luis Arenados


How do


Israeli Glass 2015


Chair project


Carlsberg, goodbye glass


Questioned glasses theories


ARCO rotates Work


Glassware Coba


Artist torch


Board Of Directors


reasonable grounds to know, circumvent any effective technological measure. 2. The same actions may be brought against those who manufacture, import, distribute, sell, rent, advertise for sale or rental, or possession for commercial purposes any device, product or component as well as against those who provide a service that, for any effective technological measures:

a) Be subject of promotion, advertising or marketing in order to 1. Holders of intellectual circumvent, or property rights b) only have a limited recognized in this Act commercially significant may bring an action under Title I of Book III purpose or use other than to circumvent the against those who, protection, or…... knowing or having

Exhibition in Valladolid. Carrero Latorre, Jose Nilo Ojea Medina and Manel Dominguez Puñet. These same artists already presented last October creations in the Burgos town of Aranda de Duero, coinciding with the celebration of the Ages of Man in the city. In this first exhibition and we realized our Newsletter in November last year.

Until the day March 30 will be open at the Regional Centre Craft Castilla y León in Valladolid exhibition of works in glass Acidaglass, Alba Martin Glass Blowing, Fer Dgp, Artis Vitrearum, Juan

We wish them every success in this new exhibition and we hope to continue to submit their works elsewhere in our country so that the culture of art glass is known to as many of our fellow citizens.

No response from the Department of Culture. 

17-01-13. Requesting inventory of the components of the permanent collection of MAVA.

11-06-13. Possibility of receipt by the MAVA documentation on glass offered by the President of the Spanish Association of Science.

11-11-13. Requesting information on the agreement with the Community of Madrid to install social services in the MAVA.

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Piece of the month. Bruno Pedrosa.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

from a realistic naturalism in the design, drawing, line and profile give way to color, to the loose and long, the Fauve expressionism and even the abstract gestural brushwork. At the same time begins to accompany his paintings with sculptures, tapestries and jewelry author. In 1990 he established with his family in a small, quiet town in the Veneto, Bassano del Grappa. The proximity to Venice and its glassmaking tradition is not alien.

Bruno Pedrosa academically how Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where he graduated in Fine Arts, Archaeology and Philosophy (1969-1974).

make several solo exhibitions in the United States sponsored by the Hartford-Bristol Foundation, boosting his international career.

After the hiatus of four His first solo exhibition is years of seclusion in a in 1968, in the Antonio convent in River between Parreiras Museum, but 1976 and 1980, he possibly more important resumed his career thrust in these early years exposing in the US and of his career came from Argentina. the hand of Pietro Maria By the second half of the Bardi- founder of MASP 80s, after touring an São Paulo Museum of Art intense journey of Assis Chateaubriand . reflection and searching Acting as the mentor and completely changes its gallery, Bardi led him to expressive form rising

In 1995 makes forays into the world of glass where, assisted by Master Oscar Zanetti- vidrieros- heir of generations of accomplished teachers move their pieces of Murano glass, color expressiveness of his paintings. "Music of My Soul" is a great example of this latter form of artistic expression Bruno Pedrosa. Recently, his thirty year career have been collected in a major exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro.

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Established artists. Tim Shaw.

Our web

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

Tim Shaw has three degrees in blown glass. After achieving his BA (Hons) from North Staffordshire Polytechnic in the UK in the early 80s, he went to study at the vanguard Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam where he continued developing, testing and creating a unique style of art glass.

His creative talent was recognized by his peers and was invited to make his second MA at the prestigious Royal College of Art in London.

The holes in the piece serve to challenge the concept of boat for spectators as well as allowing the object to be viewed simultaneously from within and without.

Here he refined and perfected their skills further glassmaking, while expanding the limits of their artistic expression.

This process is dangerous and exhilarating at the same time.

This balance between form and fragility, along with transparency, His works embrace traditional forms color and texture of the surface of On his return to the United Kingdom blown felling and cutting with the pieces allow you to create established a glass workshop in diamond saw to carve and sculpt objects that are uniquely beautiful. London, where he continued his the surface. artistic practice.

Emerging artists. Simon Klenell.

Our web

Born in 1985 in Sunne, Sweden He studied at Orrefors Glass School 20042006 and BFA Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design 2006- 2009 Explore our relationships with aesthetic expressions. Things that make you react on why they are so seductively beautiful or sometimes grotesque. Sometimes wants to conquer or make your own. Borrow a "sample" of history. Moving walls and lines to put things into new states. In many cases using accepted or iconic objects and uses them as symbols to be altered on new meanings. A kind of pun speechless.

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Friends travelers.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

Turkey, located in the Asian part of the country. In Africa we have made several visits to our brother country, Morocco. In all these places we have had discussions with people who in one way or another were connected with art made of glass or similar materials and techniques. Therefore, contrary to the intentions of Pérez, we feel and we continue to feel very proud to be rated "Friends traveler".

On February 23 regular full City Council was held Alcorcón. On the agenda of the plenary session was a request of Councilman José Antonio López Tinaquero IU, for the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Arts and Museum of the City Council, José Gabriel Astudillo, explain the current situation of MAVA. Answers Mr Astudillo we highlight as the most important, that is not going to close the MAVA. It was a well-founded fear of our Association as the Director of the Museum had received from the Department of Culture indicating that the Museum should be evicted within a month, and that the City would yield to the Community of Madrid. In his speech, Astudillo confirmed that the room I Museum, one in which is about fourteen sculptures made of laminated glass art exhibit, and among which are three of the promoter of the Museum, Javier Gomez and another of Pedro García sculptor based in Alcorcón, was going to leave to make it a center of higher and would move the works of the room to the ground floor of the new City Hall next to the Museum of Ceramics. At the turn of replication of opposition groups, different councilors agreed that the installation of a senior center was an idea supported, but it should not be used for this one of the most emblematic rooms of the Museum of Art Glass Alcorcón, and that was a nonsense because the conditions in which they are adjacent land to the Museum are not the most suitable for older people come to play a game, read the press or other entertainment. Among the defects that the area has highlighted the absence of streetlights.

But we feel offended when Perez said had caused "social alarm" over the campaign to collect signatures Perez, mayor of Alcorcón and Chairman of the Plenary intervened in support of our request addressed to him for our museum exhibition to dedicate, in a derogatory manner, the label "Friends traveler" spaces are not reduced. thinking which carried out an attack Do you think that this act of on our organization. defending the integrity of our Museum, supported by much of But like many of his interventions, artists and craftsmen in the world of also this time it came out the glass, not only in our country but backfire. others like Argentina, Italy, Canada, For us it is an honor to be USA, France, Britain and India, recognized by the highest authority causing public alarm? of our town as "Friends traveler", as it is one of the activities we do with Do you think that the support of members of the Higher Council for greatest pleasure. Scientific Research, the Spanish We walked the name of our City Association of Science or ICOM Museum and Art Glass for several Spain, among others, cause social cities and towns in Spain and unrest? several countries in Europe, Is not it true that what really causes America, Asia and Africa. social alarm in our town are the cuts In Europe twice Glass Biennial that are occurring in culture, Strasbourg (France), several education, health, employment and museums in London (UK), various the business sector? factories and museums in the Whereas the two "pearls" Czech Republic, Venice, Murano and Rome (Italy), Museum of Glass mentioned above had been expressed with offense to our Ebeltoft (Denmark) , various organization, our President rose museums in Istanbul (Turkey from his seat and asked to speak by European), Valletta (Malta) and allusions. But Pérez ordered silence Marinha Grande (Portugal). and said he did not know him at all. In America we made a visit to the A very undemocratic and protected Dominican Republic. in the clamp which requires the assistant to the Plenary public In Asia we highlight the visit we behavior. made to the School of Glass in

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Phasing Museum.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

Article of EFE.

The Association of Friends of MAVA Alcorcon denounces the "phasing out the museum." Miguel Angel Carretero, President of this group, said that "a few months ago, we have proceeded to reduce their facilities continuously"., with more than 700 signatures today-to ask the Mayor to reconsider its decision, "continue not severing the spaces of our Museum and to do everything possible to give it back to the settings it had since its opening ".

These signatures were delivered at City Hall. Carter has appealed to The opposition has claimed that citizenship "to prevent further supports the claims of the Association. eliminating the cultural life and heritage of our town, we will not let a The Mayor explained that a room of museum bearing almost twenty years the museum is devoted to the largest as a leader in Alcorcón, and our of the municipality and the sculptures country is removed without any will be relocated in the building. justification ". The President of the Association of Friends of MAVA explained that "instead of betting on further develop this museum and cultural life of this city, the Mayor has decided to reduce its structure by implanting in the top floor of a service Family Counseling Madrid. "Furthermore, he added that the museum does not object" to more services are created, but it is done at the cost of eliminating this cultural space and underestimate the heritage which has this museum and therefore, our city ". Miguel Angel Carretero noted that "such structure is going to 'cut off' one of its most important members, Chamber I on the ground floor of the building to be occupied, it seems, by a room dedicated to spreading our higher ". Given these facts, the Friends of MAVA has launched a campaign via

will give the museum space to the Community of Madrid. It is a museum reference to national and international level and therefore should not dismantle reactivate and have it forgotten as does the PP ". Given these accusations, David Perez, mayor of Alcorcón, explained that "to be used a living museum for older Alcorcon, but elements of that room is going to relocate within the building with several floors and many rooms" .

Perez said that "culture is very important and very valuable Glass Museum, but is also very important to provide services to older Alcorcon, The PSOE the municipality wanted to which carry a lifetime paying taxes to rule before this controversy. Natalia the city. This is your castle and This is Andres, a spokesman for training, said their neighborhood. " that the decision to David Perez, In this regard, he added that "give "represents not only a clear disregard room for elders is not to put anyone for the culture and heritage of this city collecting signatures" and assured that but incompetence, ignorance and a occurred "derogatory comments from great awkwardness when managing these groups to the elderly". cultural life of this city. Now we denounce almost a year ago that the The Mayor has made clear that this government had removed a plant of group was "well before" the Museum of the museum to cede to the Glass in Alcorcón. "I think it's a very Community of Madrid ". sensible decision, done simply to find a Therefore, he has said his party supports the demands of the Association of Friends of MAVA to "the intentions of the Mayor of plunder this museum, dismantle their facilities and reduce it to a residual expression." In line shown Jesus Gamonal spokesman UPyD, ensuring that your training "can not agree that the City

place for those over this city." David Perez has been very critical of the collection of signatures undertaken by the Friends of MAVA and lamented that "for years when not logged virtually anyone to visit the museum, I have not heard them collect signatures to promote these views as well who do not mind the museum. "

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Clarifications Perez.

March 2015

"The elderly group was long before the Museum". Of course, the MAVA is from 1997 and the first settlers in the area were during the Iron Age (VIII C. centuries V a.).

Volume II — Number 75

"Sensible decision, find a place to older". But elsewhere, with a less inhospitable environment without harming the Museum. "For years he has not entered anyone in the Museum" But who told you that aberration? It is very poorly advised and above pays you say such a thing. You can view the statistics of the Museum, are public. Alcorcón, February 7, 2015 EFE Agency Avd. De Burgos, 8. 28036 - Madrid In connection with the statements made by the Mayor of Alcorcón in the press conference he gave to the Agency on day 6 in relation to the reduction of spaces in the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon denounced by our Association, we have to the following points: "The MAVA has many rooms." Most of the Museum was ceded early last year 2014 to the Community of Madrid to install a Meeting Point, thanks to professional private enterprise that takes the service and in the absence of a suitable infrastructure to provide such delicate service, only stayed in Family Counseling service. "Culture is very important."

must ask people there at that time on the street, at the risk of being reported incorrectly. Another example. The office of the Director of the Museum, where they must receive visits from important people within the field of art glass, suppliers, etc., is located in what was once the concierge of the building, a very small at the entrance of the museum space without any kind of measures providing the slightest confidence. Another example. The Museum does not have any allocation in the General Budget this year, when the Museum of Pottery, again in our town, has a budget of € 60,500. "It's very important to give services to over Alcorcón". Of course, who can doubt. But not at the Museum. The City has many stores in the area where you can provide that service to seniors with more and better effectiveness.

"There have been collected signatures to encourage visits". Because it has not been necessary, because it is a lie that no visits in the Museum. It is true that not everyone would like, but you must understand that require capital Madrid Museums, due to their proximity, all the attention of tourists. However, all foreigners who come to Madrid and belonging, in one way or another, the scope of artistic glass, visit the museum as it is a world reference, by the Tech Museum of La Granja (Segovia), only in Spain exhibiting contemporary sculpture in glass. "Do not mind the Museum". Another statement which confirms the absence of information from our Mayor and his lack of interest in our activities.

Our Association performs at the Museum free guided tours, "Older spent their entire lives develops a web itself, issues a paying taxes in this city." monthly e-Newsletter over 40 pages that reaches all the planet museums Yes, that deserve anything better, exhibiting funds made in glass and not a room on the MAVA. Not in a have access to the Internet, is building where, to access, must traverse a large space going cold in present in Facebook and Youtube, performed every month, except in "It is very valuable Museum of winter, hot in summer, darkness August and September, classical Glass". from the eventide, unprotected in concerts, we performed a series of case of rain, etc. The facts show that, in his opinion, piano and a classical guitar, we is the opposite. For example, the "The MAVA is his castle". have offered a cultural associations HVAC system is completely package consisting of a conference Not only older, too young, and the inoperative. In our Association at the headquarters of each performed concerts in the Museum unemployed, and workers, and association, a free guided tour of Auditorium people should have the officials, and housewives, and the permanent collection of MAVA coats on the low temperature of the school, etc. and a visit to the Prado Museum to room. In summer you should see "The glass painting permanent "Giving a living for elders is not quickly make the visit to the collection of the Museo del Prado". to collect signatures". exhibition of works on the second We thank you for your interest in floor by the heat accumulated in the If that is attacking the CULTURE this issue and appreciate them last floor. and integrity of MAVA, sure. advertize these corrections for more Another example. No warning "There have been derogatory and better information for citizens. notices Museum at the outputs of comments towards older". Yours Faithfully, the station near Metro Museum, or It will on their part, because our the train station "San José de Miguel Angel Carretero. Valderas" so that visitors who come course not. through these means of transport President. The facts show that our Mayor CULTURE confused with entertainment, which is a very different thing. You can review all the events planned by the Department of Culture and made so far in the municipality.

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Activities Museums I.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

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Activities Museums II.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

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Activities Museums III.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

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Activities on the MAVA. Temporary Exhibition.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


While the temporary exhibition of the artist's works Evaristo Bellotti and the work done by students of the workshops have been conducted under his leadership had set a

closing date of the 9th of last February, at the close of edition of this Bulletin are still displayed in the Museum. No news of the planned new date for withdrawal nor that it will open any

new temporary exhibition. So, short of remarkable during this month of March activities, return to play in this space some of the images that are included in the above two issues of our newsletters.

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Concerts in the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

Last February we perform in the Auditorium of MAVA two concerts of classical music to the "Concerts in the MAVA" program of our Association of Friends of MAVA. The 20th was the group of "Opera Unusual" set that is based in the neighboring suburb of Carr, who delighted in his arias.

Berganza", Madrid, who performed an excellent concert. He began the concert with an accordion duo (Aaron Carrión) and clarinet (Susana Pérez).

They performed "Nuances two" Portuguese composer Paulo Jorge Ferreira; Hellenic Suite, the Navarre Under the direction of Miguel Pedro Iturralde and finished Ferrando and with the with Two Tangos, the support of Francisco Javier Gipuzkoa Gorka Hermosa. Sanchez piano, various The second part of the performers began his concert was played by a performance with seven clarinet quartet (Mario arias from the opera The Martínez, Alejandro Moro, Magic Flute, WA Mozart. Ana Perez and Susana They continued Mussetta, La Pérez). Boheme; Canzonetta, Don They executed the overture Giovanni; La Mamma e to the opera The Magic morta, opera Andrea Flute, Mozart, and Chénnier; Simon Bocanegra, Papageno's aria, of the G. Verdi; Rigoletto Quartet; same composition. Duet Lakme by Leo Delibes, ending with Casta Diva, the They ended with the interpretation of "Romanian opera Norma by V. Bellini, Dances" by Hungarian who played all components composer Bela Bartok. of the group. The day 27 were students of the Conservatory "Teresa

audience and the performers in which they described, as we have already heard over previous concerts, the difficult situation being experienced by the musical landscape of our country and the almost total absence of future perspectives in the interpretation of classical music, which, like many young people, and think they should emigrate if you have not taken a radical turn the cultural situation of our country at the end of their academic preparation. They are in the final year in the "Teresa Berganza" which is medium grade and are very excited to achieve a place at the Conservatory of Music in Madrid to complete their studies.

As before, we show our special thanks to all the interpreters of these two concerts for its totally unselfish collaboration to successfully carry the "Concerts in the MAVA" After the concert there was a program of our Association. brief discussion between the

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The Roman glass in museums in Madrid (IV).

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


Eduardo Alonso Cereza

given me the structure or skeleton of the study, and I think it's a very didactic the strict sense of it, and method as part of helped me to appreciate comprehensive knowledge aesthetic, iconographic and which will allow us to analyze specific productions. symbolic in addition to the purely formal, in regard to The expansion in the Roman glass as craft or number of objects in some artistic creation. cases charges a repetitive tone, but with the same, For treatment of the pieces I despite seem monotonous, had the help of D. Martin familiarize ourselves with a Almagro Gorbea, which number of important features gave me the opportunity to to differentiate from each Catalogue of Roman glasses other, at the same time we Real Academia de la delve into other who, for Historia, material forming various reasons, may be part of the thesis, and I It relevant. has been very useful as a Pretending that my research method of analysis. I contribute more profitable 1. CONCEPT OF GLASS. literature explanation of ITS COMPOSITION certain terms and different rates with the hope that can From the middle of the first be useful both to people who century A.D. vitrum the Latin are interested in the subject term used to designate the glass. as those who are investigating. The first references to this material in Latin literature we The thesis would not have find reflected in Lucretius been realized without the direction of D. Fernando De and Cicero. Olaguer-Feliu, who has The glass became a

common material in the Roman daily life and resorted to as baseline for qualities such as brightness, transparency, fragility and, when broken, the effectiveness of its edge. The glass is defined as a noncrystalline substance translucent rigid and generally transparent. Arises as a result of the merger at high temperatures of the mixture of the following described by Ortiz Palomar: a) Basic elements: Silica. Represents forming substance. Usually consisted of sand with varying natural impurities, accounting for about three-quarters of the mixture. The purity is highly valued; stand in antiquity the vitreous sands found in the mouth of the river Belo, at certain points of the Syrian coast, in a location near Alexandria and the sands of Volturnus river.

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Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


An artistic project concept and international goodwill, work of Jean-Simon Troter (Canada) and Montserrat Duran Muntadas (Spain). Installations made mostly of glass and inspired in plants that transgress boundaries, where the seed becomes metaphorical image of freedom.

Pending close calendar with other galleries, is scheduled to travel to other countries in the coming months installation.

Supplementary materials (cement, barbed wire, rubber, steel, etc ...) are added to the glass to participate in realism, The work of Jean-Simon Troter in the manner and in the symbolism of the sculpture. and Montserrat Duran Muntadas focuses the discussion on different borders, with its problematic individual and their own seeds.

Are those traveling seeds that One of the issues that concern inspire forms having the and employ millions of people pieces: sculptures made worldwide. mainly in blown glass and An artistic proposal to reopen complemented with different the debate: borders that come materials that refer to the to separate the human stories characteristics of each border. necessary? The hot working glass, solid or Borders cruelly celebrated as the wall between Israel and Palestine, Mexico and the United States, or natural boundaries judged as insurmountable, as oceans and deserts, are easily crossed by seeds: windborne, floating on the waves, subject to the skin of animals and no form to complete. The installation can be seen from February 19 to May 15, 2015 at Galerie Espace Verre space of Montreal (Canada).

They have been carefully matched to the characteristics of the border and are used for their evocative power. Exhibition: Semina Percurrenta Authors: Jean-Simon Troter and Montserrat Duran Muntadas. Where: Galerie Espace Verre, 1200 rue Mill, H3K 2B3, Montreal (Canada).

blown, is the vital organ of the sculptures.

Gallery hours: Monday to Friday from 9h to 17h.

Its flexibility makes it the best material to make complex shapes.

Official opening: February 19 at 18: 30h.

The fragility of glass also symbolizes the vulnerability of each individual who tries to cross a border. Its clarity is ideal to symbolize the ease with which a seed can take flight, the transparency of an unobstructed path where nothing alters its tranquility.

Opening online: videoOpening streaming with artists on Friday February 27th at 15h (Canadian time). For more information or high resolution images: Barbara Barrera M. 620,207,518

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Dancers glass in New York.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


The art facilities can range from completely abstract things without apparent sense, even concepts that involve the viewer in the artist's mind, where the basic idea is to alter the space and convey emotions with elements of daily life brought to our reality.

newspaper, magazine or even drawings children's books, including all kinds of electronic components and materials.

millions of strangers in the world.

Each of the 15 pieces is formed by hundreds of thousands of items placed This under the concept that carefully on clear glass each of us is the sum of panels, which when several elements that the attached form the distance form a whole, but silhouette of a dancer, but the approach can look in when looking through the detail each of these objects various angles gives us During these days will be in order to understand the that sense of movement held at the Lincoln Center nature of the individual. and dance together, as if it in Manhattan season Ballet Profound concept and were a choreography in in New York, but this time something intense. real time. will not be like before, But important part of this Most impressive is seen as because now not only it is a installation is how it has the identity of each piece dance exhibition, but also been created and how it can dismember, where we incorporate a stunning art looks together, since for can see those little details installation dancers made this third series of that make life that glass panels. 'Psychogeographies' the silhouette copper and The installation is done by idea is to create dancers integrated into the artist Dustin Yellin with elements drawn from choreography. responsible for a historical books, classic As mentioned, this facility successful exhibition is images, paintings, and will be part of the season of called these materials gradually Ballet in New York and for "Psychogeographies" that inundate our lives, like all those who are on the seeks to recreate human smartphones, monitors, island can admire daily in bodies from small objects computers and objects that the Lincoln Center. we encounter in our day to make're connected to day, from clipping from a

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A life devoted to glass.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


In the "city of the dead", a popular district of Cairo built over a century cemetery Khaled insists, as did his father and grandfather, in keeping alive the tradition of blowing glass, shaping lamps, vases, cups and different ornaments. The workshop, created in 1973, is located near the historic Qaitbey mosque, built by the Mamluk dynasty in the year 1435 and considered a masterpiece of Islamic architecture.

Between intense heat from the oven where the glass is melted move, normally, Khaled, his son Ahmed and an employee. Khaled recalls that after the death of his father, reformed the workshop, which produces a daily average of forty pieces of glass of various colors, and began teaching profession their children to prevent burn out.

He says his attachment to this laborious activity is due, firstly, to He is very proud of his work in his and played his grandfather and, small glass factory, Khaled Ahmed, secondly, to its uniqueness, and about 50 years old, by which he will that he says, there are very few attend this month, as it did last such workshops throughout Cairo, October at an exhibition financed a megalopolis of twenty million. by the European Union with artists "When a tourist comes to talk to contemporary Europeans and me, seeing as work and ask some Egyptians, and craftsmen of Cairo. of my product, but of course, I'm Khaled, who speaks with quiet happy because I'm unique." leisurely explains enthusiastically The traditional glass industry is an their work, more like a hobby that ancient craft in Egypt whose keeps him trapped, than a work to conservation is maintained from which he is tied for life. generation to generation. Its raw During their conversation, it does material is sand or glass waste is teach brochures exhibitions in recycled back. which he has participated or local Khaled and his companions melted magazines in which photos of in a gas furnace glass waste yourself and your business are collected in different neighborhoods collected. of Cairo, at a temperature of over Most of the production workshop 1000 ° C. explains, is sold in shops nearby "I will continue with this profession neighborhood of Khan el Khalili, because it is a heritage and artistic where the souk of the same name work," said Ahmed, 28 years old, which was founded in 1382 by the who speaks as if he lifelong Mamluks rises. blowing glass. The place is cramped, old and full The future heir to the business of remnants of broken glass in ensures proud, like his father, different colors and newly "there are people coming from manufactured parts. abroad with designs drawn on paper, so we we produce."

However, he admits with some concern that in recent years sales have fallen significantly due to the lower number of tourists visiting Egypt for the troubled political transition in which the country is engaged. Along the workshop, Khaled has two small shops where carefully exposed their products: from plates to lamps with glass tears, to water jugs, glasses or any type of silverware. Some are transparent, blue, green, red and brown. To give the desired works color, mix the liquid transparent glass with oxides of copper, cobalt and manganese, or blends used the same color glasses. For the director of "Habi" Center for Environmental Rights, Mohamed Nagui, professions such as those exercised his son Khaled and rooted in an ancient tradition of recycling. "Recycling is an ancient Egyptian behavior that goes back thousands of years. In Egypt pulls anything," says Nagui, before pointing out that this behavior began to be abandoned with the advent of capitalism. Nagui Khaled praised the workshop that, in his opinion, "reminds us of the importance of recycling as a basis to ensure environmental and sustainable resources." However, he regretted that the reuse of used objects has become an isolated phenomenon and that "government efforts in this area are still weak" when it should be a public policy.

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Smart window “low cost”.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

In the homes of the future we can control the temperature and optical range, the door will open from Mobile and blinds are an unnecessary element. Instead, the windows themselves control the entry of light and privacy Interior becoming opaque or transparent at the user. Although there is still a long way from commercial adaptation and implementation, all these systems already exist today. Some, such as home automation, are already reaching many homes because there are products with prices to suit all pockets. Smart windows, however, are too expensive technology, costing several thousand euros per square meter. A research team from the Institute of Materials Research Madrid, belonging to CSIC, could be causing that smart windows finally reach our homes thanks to a new system that would have patented this technology dramatically cheaper. "The price down a few thousand to a few cents per

square meter," said David Levy, professor of Photonic Materials and one of the researchers who developed the invention. The key is the price difference in materials used.

for now, is cheap, it is an affordable system for any home or business." That porous film would be between two sheets of ordinary glass, which would isolate it from the humidity so it does not affect the operation of the invention (if not, no way to darken the windows in Almería or clarification in Galicia).

Typically, in this type of windows capable of being opaque or transparent is a composite structure of two elements: two glass sheets between the two transparent So with a simple switch we conductive layer and liquid could make use of these crystal. smart windows with a more than reasonable investment, Both materials are very although it remains still see expensive, especially the the type of installation you latter. need those windows. "The liquid crystal is suitable Researchers have obtained for small areas, like the patent system, and are clockwork, but a large scale currently in phase matching is too expensive". investment partners. Levy and his colleague Mark His idea is commercially Zayat research sought to exploit the invention. rethink the whole system based on their physical Levy says that could be used principles, searching for a both in homes and offices, method to achieve the same and not only in the exterior with other materials. windows. What they have created is a porous component that goes from transparent to opaque depending on their exposure to wet or dry air.

"It could be a decorative element, or even serve to change the configuration of a space. Imagine an office or meeting room that you could do just dull when you need "To put it simply, it is an inner some privacy. " coating that consumes water, since water, at least

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N O T I C I A S (I).

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

 Tradition and recycling. cultures.

Where waste someone sees another person sees Also, thanks to people like the art and rebirth, a way of artist Nikki She Whitlock, we are understanding reality that witnessing a new form of art, in could apply to our daily which tradition and recycling lives. mixing. Nikki is a very visual She Whitlock has built various London artist. decorative objects, such as While the West is increasingly tables or charts, which seem to Since young, creativity has influenced and love of oriental be covered with beautiful been experienced in the art culture day, we are still many gemstones, however when they world, with special devotion who have to learn about his are formed by pieces of glass to the glass. philosophy of life and its origins. and glass carefully selected. Self-taught and enthusiastic Mantras, Yin and yang or the Zen This artist shows that any object environmentalist, 95% of art are just one example of the can be given a new and even his work is made from myriad of concepts that have turn it into something beautiful, recycled materials. included seamlessly into our however simple or banal to be vocabulary and theories that his way and end earlier. have been absorbing ancient

Culture 2014. But above all, the MAN battalion deployed here your masterpieces. You can discover the reconstruction of a argárica home, including skeletons buried under the ground, walking under a model of the mosque of Cordoba and stop trying to read a table of Roman law from Málaga.

While moving his appointment with the Lady of Elche, the star of archeology, the user encounters as well known as the treasure of Last February we visited the Thus, the ground floor Guarrazar or pot Zamora features a reconstruction of National Archaeological parts. There also remains the skeleton of Lucy, a Museum. hominid back between 4 and ready for the inauguration, Two huge panels with the famous reconstruction of 2.9 million years, and images of human evolution the Altamira cave. another of a woman and archeology give the first Neanderthal, spear in hand After that, the exhibition welcome visitors and and redhead. continues treading in the inaugurate the exhibition. footsteps of the history of From there, the user begins On the first floor of MAN, protohistory, the Roman and Spain until the nineteenth a tour of 40 rooms and medieval appear. There is a century. But MAN also offers history of Spain from the monographic rooms of missing links between apes gallery of large heads of great men of Rome. There is Greece and Egypt. An area and humans to almost the also a room dedicated to the dedicated to the importance present day. of the currency. That really is mosaics. not passed.

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N O T I C I A S (II).

Concerts in the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

In this March also will be two concerts we plan to make in our "Concert MAVA" program.

today, or as it would be more correct to say, "Contemporary Instrumental Music".

So next 13 act Alberto Barandalla who plays something a little different from what we are used to hearing.

Then on the 20th will be the Association of guitars "Con Traste" in the first part and Raul de Frutos in the second which

This is classical music

they make for an excellent

evening with excellent performances of his guitars. Raul de Frutos is the leading direction and makes arrangements of works which interprets "Con Traste" group

End Bridge Chongqing. 718 feet above the ground, has an overhang of 26.64 meters long. It is longer than five Skywalk Grand Canyon meters and is expected to open in May.

The project, with a total investment of 35 million yuan (4.9 million Workers place the last Chongqing Municipality on euros), started in March glass plates in a cantilever 11 February. 2014. bridge in the scenic area The transparent structure, of Longgang in Yunyang,

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Our web

The glass in Museums: Kids Museum Of Glass.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


With the first design museum in China, still on track, "Coordination Asia" now presents the first "Museum kids design" in China: "Kids Museum of Glass". This educational design space, which was a former industrial workshop, is characterized by kaleidoscopic patterns, natural materials, and elegant glass surfaces blackened in contrast.

children to explore the theme of glass independently. Multimedia installations, easy to use, invite children to touch and play; actions and simple gestures allow them to discover, for example, how light can create glass, how a prism or how smart glass works.

Furthermore, Kids Museum of Glass has a space dedicated to the holidays, where the plenary larger school groups, private birthday parties or events of brands focused on families giving presentations. In two integrated project cafes, visitors can recharge or take a break during your visit.

Between play and learning, children can relax and watch Sustainability and welfare are a movie at the Teatro del carefully considered as Materials inspired by the Fuego or the Cycling-up factors in the design process. street; such as plain plywood theater. The colorful museum space and boards sterling, give the Creative children can is a converted building has space a modern, dynamic practice their skills by special air filters to ensure a and welcoming air. drawing a piece of art on clean and healthy air during The "Kids Museum of Glass" one of the facilities "Draw playtime. is the latest addition to the me". All materials within the space growing G + Park, one of the In the exhibition, the were selected with a creative centers trendsetting crosslinks are made with two sustainable perspective, to in Shanghai. other functions in space: the ensure a better future for The exhibition is constructed workshop of "do it yourself" young visitors who engage in as a "City of Glass", which and the gift shop. space. consists of various thematic Visitors are alerted to the A playground, an art space, a units in the city analogies fact that they can try second classroom and an easy to understand, like activities and buy items that event center: in total, Kids 'beach', 'Circus' and 'factory'. are in place. Museum of Glass is an Children are faced with the size information of Collation, while playing with different themes facilities in glass.

The workshop "do it yourself" and the gift shop located on the first floor, offering a wide range of The museum experience is specific children workshops based on intuition and invites and museum own line of products for children.

exciting and multifunctional new experience, which aims to become the new cultural destination for families with children in Shanghai and beyond the territory.

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More on Glass Factory La Trinidad.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

The patrimonial jewel of the Seville neighborhood Retiro Obrero back pages of local newspapers today.

We have always criticized the lack of equipment we have in this area of the city, our neighborhood does not have a The Glass Factory La Trinidad, civic center, for example. located in the Miraflores This old factory, consisting of Avenue and whose central three ships and about 10,000 nave, furnaces and fireplaces square meters, meets all the are protected as cultural conditions to host a cultural interest (BIC), has ensured space of these characteristics. that the local governing body Our proposal is this: for the of the Consistory recently oldest ship of Luis Rodríguez approved an amendment to its de Casso believe advisable to special plan Interior Reform install a civic center since the (PERI) which extends space is open plan and not protection to slave ships, the have to alter the heritage. curtain wall and patio The second ship, the enclosure operation. renowned architect Vicente Behind this news is our hero Traver, is very different to be today, Basilio Moreno together made whole structure of wood. over 150 partners form, since We believe that it could host a more than a decade, Historic neighborhood library or a Workers' Retirement cultural center for conferences, Association (AHRO). exhibitions, conferences and ...... book presentations. One of the star promises Finally we find the largest ship, Zoido, Mayor of Seville, in the Ramon Balbuena, the author Macarena Cultural District is to of the building Laredo. This provide the old glass factory was built in 1926, and in the La Trinidad, the Miraflores great expansion of the factory avenue, what are your at the time, and we believe equipment Proposed Cultural that ideally recover, through a Interest are? school workshop, glass I am very pleased to do me that question. If our first fight was short and intense, as I remarked a moment ago, the fight for Glass Factory La Trinidad is long-lived, quiet and effective.

We believe the future of La Trinidad is written what is needed is to finish signing the document. Have you taken these ideas to public institutions? Yes, and we are getting very heavy base and insist. We had to fight both the City of Seville as the Andalusian. On March 18, 2011 we got in a municipal Plenum, the three political forces at that time (PP, PSOE and IU) agreed unanimously to implement the conservation of the three ships of the factory, and for this he had to modify Special Internal Reform Plan. Finally on Friday 6 February, the board of municipal government approved this amendment and increase protection of the factory complex. Also are the founders of the Platform Saving Glass Factory La Trinidad ...

Yes, when we made the second annual conference of AHRO, dedicated to the factory, we concluded that it was necessary to protect the building. Therefore, we met production. about 13 associations, among Also could launch in this space which are Velázquez in Seville, a museum of handmade glass, Ben Baso, Adepa or Ecologists in Action, and created the by reference to the Real platform with the aim of Fábrica de Cristales de La presenting arguments for full Granja in Segovia. preservation of the Factory. This is the project that we have raised.

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Signing of Agreement.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

Signing of Agreement between the Alumni Association and the Museum of Glass and Crystal.

agreement with the aim of broadly promote cooperation between the two entities.

Both institutions have It promotes general among their purposes cooperation between the boosting the productive two entities and economic fabric of the city of Málaga and The president of the the promotion of Alumni Association of the education, culture, UMA, Carlos de las research and Heras, and the president employment. of the board of the entity Glass and Glass Art With this type of Space, SL, Gonzalo agreement the parties Fernandez-Prieto have intend to value the subscribed collaboration geographical area where

the museum is located, and enhance their wealth. This agreement will strengthen relations between both parties and enable the electronic distribution of information Museum of Glass members of the Alumni Association, besides distributing advertising Museum. Meanwhile the Museum will offer a reduced entry to members of the Association of Alumni price.

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Marine animals suffer from waste.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


Waste of human origin as plastic or glass have been found in almost 700 species of marine animals, according to the most comprehensive impact study in more than a decade.

the Marine Pollution Bulletin, the authors Sarah Gall and Richard Thompson presented evidence gathered from a variety of sources on cases of entanglement, ingestion and physical damage ecosystems.

loggerhead and hawksbill, and northern fulmars.

The plastic fragments were the most consumed substance, with the green turtle and the northern fulmar again Laysan Researchers at the albatross, the Californian University of Plymouth Overall, they found that lion, the Atlantic Puffin found evidence of 44,000 they had documented and the shearwater animals entangled or 693 species where they among the most affected ingesting junk, after had met wastes, of which species. studying the reports filed nearly 400 had suffered "We found that all known worldwide agencies. entanglement or species of sea turtles, ingestion. Plastic accounted for and more than half of all nearly 92 percent of These incidents have species of marine cases, and 17 percent of occurred worldwide, but mammals and seabirds all the species involved is most often seen in the had been affected by were found to be coastal and western marine debris - and that threatened or near North America as well as number has increased threatened on the IUCN Australia and Europe. since the last major Red List, including the study," Sarah said. The plastic ropes and Hawaiian monk seal, the nets were responsible for "And nearly 80 percent of loggerhead and sooty the majority of cases entangling this had shearwater. entanglements, with a resulted in a direct injury In their study on the high number of incidents or death." impact of waste on affecting northern right marine life, published in whales, green turtles,

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Recycling. Circuit 5K Jardí del Túria.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

dream, now begins to be real. Our goal is to provide Valencia, as City Running, a new circuit training for all. It's very positive for runners and The first section located at the for those who are no longer contributing to order the'tráfico' height of the bridge was in the river, "stressed Elena inaugurated d'Octubre Nou. Weaver, who thanked" the Section 1, of 341 meters in collaboration of the total, and received, the first departments of Parks and footsteps of the popular Gardens and Sports that have brokers. turned to the project. " The circuit 5 kilometers which The project architect, Carlos is fully funded by the Trinity Campos, explained the details Foundation Alfonso-the entity of the work, "Lane consists of that presides Juan Roig plans three layers: a gravel or to invest between 1.5 and 1.6 compacted gravel another and million in the project-ready in a third pavement aggregates full at the end of August . from recycled glass earth. This The Circuit 5K Jardí Turia, running training circuit that will cover much of the old course of the River Turia, begins to take shape.

advantage of the renovations being done by the council to the rail at the same time to avoid inconvenience to citizens. " Although the surface of section 1 is already completely finished, there is still many details to be installed at the last minute, "the kilometer rail signaling and light points will be installed at the end, when the entire circuit is finished." It is also planned to place indicative at the beginning and end of the trail panels, "we also give you a tourist value so señalizaremos all points of interest in passing the Circuit '.

Sports Councilman Christopher Grau said the 5K Circuit Jardí del Turia as "a necessary infrastructure to contribute to Valencia Town remains Until the end of August will go Running" and thanked the inaugurating the different Trinidad Alfonso Valencia sections: "we are not following Foundation contribution to a linear order for various sport and running in particular. reasons. We had to accelerate the construction of the section The Circuit 5K is being done in The director of the Trinidad 9 for Fallas have it before as it collaboration with the Institute of Biomechanics of the UPV, Alfonso Foundation, Elena coincides with the firing zone "have been commissioned to Weaver, encouraged all fans of the castles. running to test the circuit, "this Sections 3 and 6 are also well analyze the surface to be fully adequate to run." project a year ago was just a advanced and we have taken The inauguration of the first tranche of Circuit 5K Jardí del Turia attended Trinity director Alfonso, Elena Weaver Foundation; Councillor for Sports, Christopher Grau; Councilmember Parks and Gardens Valencia, Lourdes Bernal and the president of the SD Runner, Paco Borao.

is a very durable surface that requires no maintenance cost and with very good drainage which prevents waterlogging. "

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Mexican creates patterns in the air.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

The Mexican artist José Dávila presented his solo exhibition "tectonic Acts of doubt and desire," which highlights four sculptures with which "draws in the air" from the equilibrium and gravity.

balances and severity "because it is one of the points basic architecture, "which also relates to the abode of man.

"We always will be in some way taking into account the gravity, is one of the main issues when In an interview to mark this solo working with sculpture and the show in Madrid from February 27 matter is something that can not to April 30 at the Four Crossing be denied and wanted to talk Gallery, said figures is from about it," he said. stones, glass and large straps as He said that you are interested in a unifying element. finding new ways and that the "The idea is that all elements limits are the pieces can be work structurally, which are sustained, especially given the sustained, and the result is that fragility of glass. sobrepesan and balance. With "I like it, like all artists, excite the the straps (bands) is a way of viewer from visual or intellectual, drawing in space and make a or more intuitive part; but the sculpture, "he said. intention is always to connect "he He said that the stone is a said. material that has always The artist said that this exhibition interested him "because it is the is very meaningful to him, as is first was built something in the 10th anniversary of his first history, while the glass is quite jobs in 2005 when Mexico was the opposite, it represents guest at the International fragility and modernism". Contemporary Art Fair (ARCO) "With an allegory sculpture and made a statement on the modernism, found the stone was facade of Casa de America. created," he said, emphasizing "It is a summary of 10 years of that all four parts are the work in Madrid because finally summary of the quest to create since I exposed this time every something with the three year I come to work something in materials together. this city, which has been a On the forms created and its professional platform," he said. relation to space, Dávila (Mexico, Dávila said at the headquarters 1974) is interested in the of Crossing Four in Guadalajara,

Mexico, held another exhibition in November, but it will be with different pieces to the discussion in Madrid. He revealed that a part of their work also consist of an intervention by the American Mark Hagen, the monument of Fernando González Gortázar in Guadalajara, known as "The Gun". "It is an intervention that space and not to the work of González Gortázar itself; it is a project for dialogue with this sculpture I find personally one of the most interesting public sculptures that exist in Mexico, "he added. Dávila lives and works in Guadalajara, Mexico, has participated in solo and group exhibitions both in Mexico and abroad; has been awarded the scholarship for young creators FONCA 2000-2001, FECA 20042005, annual Kunstwerke residence in Berlin and supported by the Andy Warhol Foundation. Among the places where his work has been exhibited include the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Marco de Vigo or collection of the La Caixa Foundation Collection ARCO Madrid Foundation and the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M) .

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In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2015.

 Cultural visits. Last February we could not make the visit we had planned to shop vitreus Ignis, the sanctum sanctorum of Mariana and Mario Sergio, in the suburb of Valdemaqueda, near Robledo de Chavela, for the problems that brought us the MAVA's current situation, so we will try do it in this March.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

 Our activities.

Mario Sergio, while continuing performing masterpieces through the torch, as different types of

insects, has specialized in the miniatures, artistic space in which it is getting to be a real expert at international level. It has recently been in several fairs in the United States and Britain. Plans to attend another show in Germany and its portfolio of projects continue to keep various offers to attend such events abroad.

 CULTURE 2015 program.

In this March visit the collection of works exhibited at the Casa de Vacas Cultural Center in Madrid's Retiro and entitled "From Niger to the Ganges," the artist Irene Lopez de Castro, one of the most prominent representatives of figurative painting African theme and current Spanish India. This is a project designed specifically for this space.

A sample of large format paintings and travel books that accompany the artist in his travels to Mali in Africa and populations as Varanasi in India. A subtle exposure where the landscape of both continents, Africa and Asia, have their focus prominence around the great rivers of life, Niger and the Ganges,

being the protagonist of the work population. Pictures, living environments. Following his passion, his wandering soul and his co-responsibility with the essence of the earth and its inhabitants. Pictures, living environments and a message of solidarity in the focus of the birth of civilizations.

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Art in La Palma.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

"I have the control with Doubt" Hernandez reflects Tomaso was the title of the series: "Still each work process, dominated Life glasses and fruits". by "control and doubt" with The project is structured glass as the protagonist of his around the projection of two creative period since 1996. videos: Control of silences and "It started with drawing and Or did they, of "Still Life of painting, later I used paned and fruits" series, work photography and finally performed between 2007 and culminated with large video 2008, accompanied by projections"; describes the photographs and resulting palm artist changing its play of collages his creative process. light and shadow.

period currently living also revolves

The exhibition was produced by the Atlantic Centre of Modern Art (CAAM), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where it was exhibited in November 2010.

"Tomaso Hernández is part of the great Spanish interpreters still lifes," wrote Dr. Peter Cherry, from Trinity College Dublin.

"With painting could not translate everything I wanted: the game of opposites as an expression of the times we live in."

And that was how Tomaso In January 2011 he traveled to Hernandez said the concept of Digital Skylight Room The opposites using different Contemporary Art Museum of techniques and formats. the Canarian Government at The projections of large format the Museum of Fine Arts in video have reached 20 meters Santa Cruz de Tenerife. wide at the altar of the Subsequently discussed in Cathedral Sacre Coeur in Barcelona, in the Noble Hall of Casablanca in Morocco. Rellotge Edifici. And finally To translate the concepts of landed in March 2011 in The construction and destruction, Palm House Salazar capital with the support of the Cabildo order and chaos, positive and negative, the author uses the de La Palma. destruction of many windows In September 2014 their video in this creative process. creations were at the In a chat with Tomaso in International Museum of December 2014 in Puerto Contemporary Art MIAC, Naos, where he lives Castillo de San José, seasonally, had that creative Lanzarote.

around fragility: "At the stage of" I have the Control of Doubt "Shock broke many windows, but also collected every once was shattered. In 2010 the protagonist concept was chaos, and since he could perform new compositions that led me to reconstruction. Create out of chaos. "

The critical and skilled artist said he had the ability to turn the still lifes in an "exciting and unique experience." "Tomaso has given life to a new language, a new form of representation between figurative and abstract." The catalog contains the most significant samples exposures Tomaso Hernandez in the Atlantic Centre of Modern Art in Las Palmas, CAAM, in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Tenerife, the Salazar House Santa Cruz de La Palma, cathedral Sacre Coeur de Casablanca and Central Convento Santo Domingo de Lanzarote Art.

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Other trends. A "Picasso" for 30 â‚Ź.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


A Picasso painting stolen in 2001 in Paris, whose value is estimated at several million dollars, has been located in the United States, where he had been sent as a Christmas present for 30 euros, as confirmed by the judicial authorities in New York. Cubist painting The coiffeuse (Hairstylist), painted in 1911 and owned by the French government, had disappeared from the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. The package was sent from Belgium to the United States on December 17, with the words "Art Craft / 30 E / Feliz Navidad", suggesting it was a Christmas present that cost 30 euros, according to Loretta Lynch said the prosecutor. The box 33 cm x 46 cm was intercepted by

customs, and sent his HSI division that investigates international trafficking in works of art.

"The fact that the work has recovered poses a direct message to thieves trying to sell on the black market antiquities stolen "We found a real in the United States," said treasure," Lynch said a charge of HSI, noting Thursday, who did not that his services were elaborate on the recipient determined to return of the package. stolen goods their The canvas is kept "in a owners. conditioned space" in the The coiffeuse theft was area of Brooklyn, told discovered in 2001 when AFP a spokesman for he was asked for a loan. HSI. Pompidou staff detected "Given the blatant the theft when the piece smuggling in this case, was not located in the this painting is now warehouse. subject to forfeiture in the United States. The painting had been seen in public for the last Such confiscation has time in Munich when he prevented the work falls was exposed as part of a into the hands of the loan Kunsthalle der Hypo black market art and may in-Kulturstiftung. be returned to its rightful owner, "Lynch said, A civil lawsuit has been thanking the French filed in Brooklyn for the Government and the purpose of returning to Georges Pompidou France, an administrative Center for their obligation that may initiate assistance. steps for the box back to Paris.

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Underwater employing glass.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


Japan is developing an unmanned submarine able to dive to a record depth of 12 kilometers and intended to explore the seabed, the Japanese newspaper "Asahi" reported. The submarine Shinkai 12000 Dubbed be able to dive at 12,000 feet deep below the 10,911 meters to the deepest point of the ocean known to date in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific is located.

he said the Japanese Agency for Science and terrestrial and marine technology development project leader. The mission of the submarine and agencies will seek natural resources in the seabed. The cabin crew will be a hardened glass sphere two meters in diameter with a thickness of between 5 and 10 centimeters.

The challenge of the The submersible, which is project will ensure the being developed for durability of the glass, scientific purposes, which at extreme depths should be operational by may break with the the end of the 2020s, as

slightest scratch, the agency said. The bathyscaphe will seat six crew, will feature bathroom and a lounge area and can perform missions in two days. So far, the submarine of these more powerful features in Japan is the Shinkai 6500, established over 25 years ago and can dive to 6500 meters. Countries like Russia and France have operating submersible that can reach depths of 6000 meters, and China has one which reaches 7,000 meters.

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Sebastian performed works in glass.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

A review of the past 14 years of work by sculptor Sebastián, better known as Sebastian, offers the exhibition "Enigmatic" which can be visited until May 9 in Contemporary Hispanic gallery Mexico City.

You can see that their work is guided by the geometric and abstract, however, said, every piece of evoking a figuration of that talk.

"For example, the Coyote did it from a cubist reasoning, but that does not mean that I am The sample was comprised of Cubist, it is only an evocation 20 sculptures in small and and a solution that helps me medium format, showing some do that animal, where is also of the works that the artist has present my Mexican tradition made from 2000 to 2014. with a prehispanic character and images of this animal in According to the National our ancestors, to dogs that did Council for Culture and Arts Tamayo, and while remaining (Conaculta), between the parts deeply geometric to be a that the public can appreciate Sebastian, "he said. reproductions are in small format of his monumental The sculptor, who owns a sculptures. guided tour of the geometric language, allowing you to Such as: "Puerta del Sol", create a code which include which is in Chihuahua; volume, shape, size, and color "Coyote fasting" in space, recalled that since the Nezahualcóyotl; "Eagle 70s and 80s has been Bicentenario", located in immersed in mathematics, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas; molecular biology, string "Sailfish" in Manzanillo, theory, geometry and physics, Colima, or "Quijote" piece of to create from scientific 13 meters, its located in Alcala solutions to their quantum de Henares, Spain. fields. Furthermore, "Enigmatic" This has led him to have includes five unreleased amazing conversations with quantum fields, which are part mathematicians like Dr. José of the sculptural project in Miguel Yacamán, physical and which the artist has become specialized in the field of obsessed in recent years deep nanotechnology, and NASA into theories of physics, specialists, who maintains mathematics and quantum, in exchanges with their findings. order to produce parts that achieve the viewer a poetic "I want to understand not only effect or a sigh. space where I live, but outer space and the micro is now my According to the famous main interest in deciphering sculptor in this sample

riddles and make them understandable in sculptures that viewers can see, touch and explore from different perspectives. Hence the title of this exhibition, "he declared. Regarding his future plans, Sebastian said works in some of its fields to make them in glass, pieces done in collaboration with experts from the Royal Factory of Glass and Crystal La Granja. And this year has scheduled exhibitions in the United States and Argentina, and hopes to find time to be in his study of San Antonio, Texas, and end his project to create a sculptural car that has its seal. "If it did fashion and my works successfully marched in Paris, I am confident that by the end of the car also go well," he said. Sebastian, whose name is Sebastián (Camargo, Chihuahua, 1947) has to his credit more than one hundred monumental works spread over much of the country and the world, in countries like Spain, Japan and the United States. With nearly half a century of experience, this neat artist has developed in solo exhibitions in countries like Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Japan, Egypt and France, among others.

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Fire in Dubai.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


A raging fire in one of the tallest skyscrapers and luxury the planet, The Torch (Torch), Dubai, UAE, sparked panic, but an efficient evacuation of hundreds of people prevented fatalities, at least as reported so far.

The fire started on the side of the tower, but to begin to break the windows, holes worked like a giant bellows, with strong winds of the storm penetrating and fanning the fire from within.

apartments, mostly foreigners reside. According to its occupants, strongly structural and service failures are recorded. According to some residents told local press this week the fire alarm had jumped on at least three occasions, having tried to false paths alarms.

Mostly even drove The fire, which originated burning furniture to in the 50th floor of a total adjoining buildings. of 79, started at 2 am But the greatest danger local time and forced the was caused by falling evacuation of the molten glass, debris and Several witnesses told the skyscraper of 361 meters furniture from the tower, BBC that there are "debris and the surrounding so that Civil Defense everywhere," which still buildings. closed all the streets near fall to neighboring The images were horrific the building. buildings. glass tower, the red and The picturesque tram In social networks have threatening flames were service was also shown images of glass seen from several suspended in six and fragments falling from kilometers distance, amid seasons, as announced the top of skyscrapers, a strong sandstorm that by the Roads and often burning or the country suffers from Transport Authority incandescent. two days ago and whose (RTA). The sinister Torch came winds fueled the fire. Dubai Police said that only a day after another At least seven people "there is suspected that serious fire located in an were injured by smoke the fire was caused". industrial area Musafah in inhalation and even At the Torch, which Abu Dhabi, which caused hundreds were opened in 2011 with 676 10 dead and eight evacuated from their wounded. homes.

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Glass Factory Site Verrie.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


SO-IL, in collaboration with FREAKS freearchitects, have won a competition to redesign the historic glassworks Site Verrie, France. Located in the Natural Park of the Northern Vosges, the new proposal focuses on three elements of the industrial past of the place, while providing a dynamic cultural space with a glass museum, a workshop and a gallery space of this ancient glass factory eighteenth century, located in northeastern France.

host an art center for both applications of traditional and contemporary pieces of glass, and Cadhame having a space for art installations and public meetings. The new design revives this historic industrial site and aims to connect these identities that are now separated, with a new central public space that allows free interaction.

location. A folding tapestry of concrete clarifies the complex topography and establishes new connections between various activities while creating a central square for the environment and the population of Meisenthal. This new public space re-establishes the historical prominence of place, but also introduces a highly flexible space to accommodate a variety of events including performances, outdoor theaters, festivals and Christmas markets.

Tucked away in the magical Northern Vosges Natural Park, the Site Verrier Meisenthal is an active Site Verrie factory, which cultural center located on the By unifying the landscape, produced pieces of premises of a former glass the design reveals and glassware and ornaments for factory. It is organized amplifies the unique qualities Christmas trees Handmade, around three entities: of each existing structure. closed its doors in 1969. He A glass museum a living New features are introduced returned to Meisenthal Glass memory that tracks the below and above the Museum opened in 1978, history of glass in place; tapestry, as a reconfigurable while a former workshop of CIAV an international theater for 500 people, the complex became the center for art glass where space for storing art, new center International Glass Art traditional craftsmanship offices, areas for workshops, (CIAV) in 1992, used for the meets contemporary classes, a cafe and a presentation of contemporary practices; and Cadhame a restaurant. The architectural and traditional designs glass. multidisciplinary cultural intervention feeds a dialogue The new design of SO-IL and space hosting art with the historic character of Freaks Architects maintains installations, events and the place while defining a three distinct areas; a concerts. new contemporary identity museum of glass, for the institution. reminiscent of past activity in The design gives a new life the area, the CIAV, which will to this industrial historic

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Luis Arenados, glass artist.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


The personal business card says: "decorative designs in glass, tinted mirrors, screens for baths and customizing glassware and cutlery." But more than that Luis Vega is a Cuban Sandblasting glass artist. "From a young age was linked to the work of craftsmanship in Guines, but economic reasons away me of something I really liked," said as we talked in his study of Avenue 95. "I was slowly creating the necessary infrastructure required to work with glass. I have some machines that were built with the most diverse parts and mainly with lots of initiative friends who helped me. But it was hard to get away from what I really want and then made the decision to open the workshop.

New forms of work force in finding much information as the country motivated me possible about it. to hit the trail he left Eusebius himself invited behind. me to mount a solo The glass always caught exhibition in the historic my attention because of its center of the city, structure, which can be something I never thought, achieved with it and be an from there my life changed. infrequent activity among Today I am part of the artists. record creators of the It takes effort and constant country, there is a modest search for information on recognition of the work I do, what to do and how far you but more than that, my aim can move forward. " is to continue learning and mastering the glass. Despite the short time it takes Arenados Vega I can not fail to mention the activity, his name known guys who accompany me among quite a few lovers in this work and also dream of this art form. of art and admiration of the public in the first place. " Eusebio Leal, Historian of Havana, was a work of The symbolic prizes GĂźines creator and awarded by the Egrem immediately contacted him. artists that have accompanied in his 50 "It was a joy to know that a years of created, were man of such broad culture designed and developed by was interested in my work, these restless creators as who valued what he did, stated by the Spanish poet and that gave me Antonio Machado made by encouragement to keep on walking.

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How does it.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Tim Shaw.

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Israeli Glass 2015.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


The exhibition will showcase the works of 62 local artists selected for the past four years.

backgrounds working in a the papers ranging from wide range of media, figurative to abstract sometimes in glass. sculptural statements, the illusionists realistic works, The exhibition, from small concerns and personal This is the third time the and intimate objects to issues related to interEretz Israel Museum is large sculptures, human level aspirations, holding an exhibition of tapestries works to floor from the narrative this kind (previously in and ceiling, and facilities Personal critical 2007 and 2011), in an large room to conceptual comments on universal effort to examine the local texts. social policy and all topics scene of the glass and The exhibits show a using both aesthetically draw an updated picture variety of sources of and metaphorically glass. of contemporary artistic inspiration, thought expression in glass . The scope and diversity patterns and artistic of the works show The exhibition groups practices, along with a innovative approaches already established glass wide range of work and participation on artists who have processes (blow torch issues of contemporary exhibited their works in through glass heating art as well as creative and the Museum on several techniques such as imaginative ways of glass occasions in the past, molding, melting and being exploited by Israeli alongside emerging slumping, to coldwork). artists as a means of artists as well as artists Refer to different fields of artistic expression. from different knowledge and culture of

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Project Chair glass workshop.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

A project presented by the Chair Glass Workshop Visual Arts Department was selected and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Argentina Nation for funding.

National University of Arts under the Call 2014 Projects Linking Technology - Academic Skills for Production Development, was selected from over three hundred from all the Universities.

connection with the glassware San Carlos in the province of Santa Fe.

We must congratulate the teachers Carlos R. Servat and Ma. Eugenia Castillo, project managers, and team of Analia Donadio, The Secretariat of Graciela San Martin, University Policies (SPU) It was developed from Cecilia Gimenez, Garriga of the Ministry of the Chair Servat, Auto Chair of Applied Sciences Education's Office Glass I and II, website with Glass approved by Res. Department of Visual Arts Objects, Edgardo Bortoli 1793/14 SPU project "Prilidiano Pueyrredón" and Romero Gurman execution "Adaptation of and consists of a Studio Glass. vitreous material as a systematic research that Coming a call is made product for new seeks to determine the through the website of the applications" Cristal San best answer that glass Department for scholars Carlos. can provide in your who are interested in application into molds for The project, which was taking part in this different parts . raised through the research. Department of Thus the SPU provide Development and funding to conduct Institutional Linking research that is held in

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Carlsberg, goodbye to glass bottles.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


When you go to buy a beer container has two options: glass (bottle) or aluminum (cans), being both very comfortable to wear but leaving a question mark over whether there could be a third participant there.

a new one that is already Technical University of in development. Denmark, and reach the market in the next three This brand new bottle of years with an added value beer is made from wood that others do not: it is fiber and pulp and is 100% biodegradable. visually similar, and touch, the material used Unlike the traditional in egg cartons and bottle, this is underweight protective packaging for and comes equipped with Perhaps Carlsberg has electronic products. an internal liner whose the answer as it mission in no way affect The new "Green Fiber announced the arrival of a the taste of the popular Bottle" was created in new package named Danish beer. collaboration with the "Green Fiber Bottle" with ecoXpac, the Innovation In turn, allows cold beer its classic Jubilee seeking Foundation Fund remains longer than in green glass bottle to enter Denmark and the aluminum cans.

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Question formation theories glasses.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015

these materials have led physicists to an unexpected conclusion: although current models predict glasses stop Catalan and Italian scientists flowing below a certain have succeeded in linking temperature, the results of this ultraviscosas liquid properties study show for the first time, in (experimentally inaccessible at reality, is not it, so that current sufficiently low temperatures) theories about the state of the with the elastic properties of art may not be correct. The researchers, who glass, obtained quickly by Scientists have shown published their work in the optical and synchrotron experimentally that glasses journal "PNAS" have devised a radiation techniques. balanced flow appreciably at method for measuring the These properties are finite temperatures, calling into viscosity within minutes of a measured in terms of aging of question one of the pillars of glass, a measure that would glass, so that, theoretically, it the theories of the glassy state. require an impractical time is essential to use samples observing human scale The advance in the knowledge that have been aged for perhaps millennia to be of these glasses, called geological cycles. observed , from its elastic ultrastable, also has practical properties and which questions However, researchers have implications as they may be the validity of current theories used ultrastable glasses important for applications such formed in short periods of time of formation of the glass. as the development of (from minutes to hours) using pharmaceutical compounds As explained UAB scientists, a technique called "physical more stable against the glasses are solid, but with vapor deposition". crystallization. such a disordered structure that could be considered as an The glasses synthesized by Also has implications for researchers at the Department extraordinarily high liquid organic electroluminescent of Physics at UAB Cristian viscosity. devices because of their higher Rodríguez-Tinoco and Javier thermal stability and less Flow like liquids, but at lower Rodríguez-old rival in stability degradation to the gas temperatures the molecular amber naturally aged for tens absorption as water vapor, mobility is so low that their of millions of years, allowing allowing these devices could experimental observation is viscosity measurements run longer without suffering the impractical. glasses equivalent to those effects of environmental According to scientists, the found in the asthenosphere, disturbances. glassy state remains one of the area above the mantle. the great enigmas in science Viscosity measurements of Researchers at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), MATGAS research center at the University of La Sapienza in Rome and Milan Polytechnic say in a study that current theories about the formation of glasses could be wrong.

Condensed Matter, as their understanding is far from satisfactory.

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Work broken glass in ARCO 2015.

March 2015

the artist, one of the most visited galleries in sharing work with artist David Peña were displayed.

Volume II — Number 75

Adriana Marmorek has studied Masters in Fine and Visual Arts at the National University of Colombia, as well as Social Communication at the Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia). Communiqué of the artist and gallery

Late in the afternoon of Saturday February 28 broke by negligence of the works exhibited in galleries ARCO, notably in "The Gallery" (Hall 9 ARCOCOLOMBIA) whose director is Luis Aristizabal. The work belongs to a series of works in glass accredited Colombian artist Adriana Marmorek entitled "Anima". The fact that this was one of the works that admired the kings D. Felipe and Letizia's opening day is given, and the queen showed a fondness for her. The accident occurred shortly before the close of ARCO when a family was visiting the booth and one of the children caused the fatal accident. The artist showed desolate as it was one of his favorite work and was specially selected for exhibition in this edition of ARCO whose guest country is Colombia. The work was inspired by the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights

We regret that this Saturday, at the end of the day, during the Contemporary Art Fair of Madrid, ARCO, in which Colombia is the guest of honor, the work "Anima" quoting "The Garden of Delights" work of El set out in the Museo del Prado Bosco found in the Museo del and was a glass bubble with Prado, of Bogota Adriana two gold leaf inside moving Marmorek, fell to the floor and driven with a fan and was was completely destroyed. valued according the gallery at $ 6,000 (5,000 €) and already The work, which was built on had a buyer interested in it, but one of the walls of the exhibition grounds, was one of had not yet been formalized the pieces that caught my sale. attention of the Kings of Spain The gallery made aware of the in particular, as quoted by local direction of ARCO-IFEMA this press, queen Letizia Thursday. accident and was waiting for "It's very special to me this the security services undertake the required expert invitation and this piece is very important in the context of the report. dialogue that built the Garden The artist complained to of Delights. Working with revistadearte attitude of fragile parts and accidents can parents, since throughout the happen, but laziness is what day had to be calling attention hurts me most, "said to the many children who have Marmorek, who also said he visited ARCO with their was aware of the installation of families and whose parents do the same. not pay much attention to the attitude of small compared to Safety equipment and IFEMA are responsible for clarifying works of art. the situation. Adriana adds that parents should teach children respect "My interest is not in generating for the art and should explain public pointing to a fact that surely was an unfortunate that they do not come to an accident, but I would like it if entertainment center. there was a charge accept and Alongside this work other than I apologize."

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Glassware Coba.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


The Coba art glass is not only a famous label founded by Vietnamese, also encompasses traditional cultural imprints.

then looked ashen due to the lack of different colors, until in 2003, Vinh was a type of paint hard and shiny glaze to decorate the glass.

Exemplary entrepreneurs of Thang Long-Hanoi, Vinh Pham Hong, director of the company Coba Art Glass (Glass Art Coba), contributes greatly to the art glass industry in Vietnam with its innovations.

Vinh decorated the first frame of durable glass with a dragon using enamel paint, which was later gifted to one of its partners.

According to Vinh, the glass was originally recorded by hand. But in 1991, he discovered the method of etching sandblasting at high speed carving in glass and form an image.

With their line of work, Vinh is well known in Vietnam as the founder of art glass with unique national style paintings. After more than 10 years, Coba art glass has strengthened its position, becoming a product widely used in public and private places.

Vietnamese cultural traces in all its products. Some topics of the works are history, national heroes, landscapes and traditional customs. Vinh stressed that wants to preserve all Vietnamese cultural factors in their artistic pieces. The Coba art glass is used in virtually everywhere baffles, balustrades, ceilings, windows and doors. Coba products help create vivid and fresh spaces that are modern and stylish.

After nearly 20 years of innovation, artistic glass Coba Pham Hong Vinh has Since then, this method has demonstrated his mastery in been used with manual work Glassware Coba has to create art glass paintings. received many accolades for the art industry in glass and mirror Vietnam. However, the artistic glass its strategy to reflect

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Artist of lampworking.

Volume II — Number 75

March 2015


How a piece of glass is transformed into an exquisite jewel? You can become a bright ornament, a bowl of colors or an amazing sculpture, but how to start? It begins with a true craftsman diving to his creativity to build an incredibly wonderful. Now it's your turn to become the artist you never thought possible when designing your own masterpiece in Mark Payton Glass Center in Louisville, Ky.

adding color variations and with a remarkable product torch.

the child, his attention and react to the torch ".

Payton was part of the initial group Glassware opened the September 1, 2001.

The Walk-in Workshop allows groups to design your own piece.

Through the years, he had studied in Lyndon and Bardstown Road. Last March, he opened his studio in the building Glassware offers tours, lessons and practical activities. Run Gallery Flame, whose workshop and store are in the same location, is included in the ticket price of the tour.

The busiest times are the summers and holidays, and reservations are recommended. Monthly and seasonal projects are chosen. With Payton Louisville, which caters to the horse industry, providing parts and horse-themed pendants.

The Centre can accommodate large groups glass in his The opportunity to visit his workshop Walk-in, studio, create your own piece A visit to the Center Payton glass accommodating conventions and with its Walk-in Workshop, or is truly an experience where an corporations who come to the working closely with him to call atmosphere of "view, create, city. his own memory. learn, appreciate and participate" "We will make it the items topped Located in the building is created. the day at your hotel or ship it." Glassware, Mark Payton Glass Payton is excited by the Center offers a unique idea for Mark Payton Glass Center business incentives, celebrations tremendous growth of the flame. provides opportunities for or visitors to the area looking to "I like people to gain practical students. "Internships provide an recover a little gem of Kentucky. experience. You can see from educational experience the other side, but there's introduction to various forms of A native of Louisville, Mark glass blowing." He adds, "Once nothing like it," says Payton. Payton is a self-taught artist you learn the techniques, you glass that has been nationally "You can feel the tension in the have to practice to become recognized for his commissioned glass and see that stretch like technically competent." works of art for over 25 years. taffy." Payton plans to expand its glass Payton original starting with a Children as young as four years center in the near future, offering cold piece of glass made with 2/3 old participated in the flame ", more space for activities from sand and 1/3 boron oxide, but Payton warns," It depends on hand to hand. "It really is number one in the flame torch."

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Our Newsletter is worded in:

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with current management.

Castillo de San José de

March 2015


The purpose of this Association is to

Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN

promote, encourage and support many


cultural activities, in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities

When glass culture

of the Museum of Glass Art Alcorcon.

Volume II — Number 75

Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities in the promotion, protection and dissemination of art and culture. Our members may be fees, benefactors, Full and juveniles. 

Presidente honorario

Evangelina del Poyo


Diego Martín García

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Francisco Martín García


José María Gallardo Breña

Secretaria Rosa García Montemayor


Javier Gómez Gómez

Pablo Bravo García 

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

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