Volume II — Number 86
March 2016
Monthly Newsletter
Petr Novotny Yearnings.
M. A. Carretero.
According to the Dictionary dela Royal Spanish Academy of Language, "longing" is remembered with regret the absence, denial or loss of someone or something dear. This feeling is what comes out in my brain it impossible to continue programming activity "Concerts in the MAVA" that our association has been developing since Feb. 22, 2013. Three years have already served since that day in which the tenor David Romero Luengo inaugurated the series of "Concerts in the MAVA". After it is scheduled over 24 regular concerts, a cycle of six piano concerts and another cycle of Spanish guitar consists of five concerts. As I reported in the editorial of the Bulletin last month, the Department of Entertainment of our municipality informed me by telephone on 19 January that we could no Nuestra sede: longer continue programming Castillo Grande de these concerts in the S.J. de Valderas Auditorium of MAVA because Avda. Los Castillos, s/n this space was reserved for 28925 ALCORCÓN. conducting civil weddings. (MADRID) info@amigosmava.org
I'm still waiting for the Department confirm to me in writing the reason or reasons given for that we can not continue programming our
educational concerts at the Auditorium of MAVA.
totally void, since there are other places throughout our better equipped and better This written confirmation that I located City for the elderly have already announced in the neighbors can enjoy more phone call that I mentioned favorable offers leisure. above is necessary as we document to initiate actions we Faced with this absurd deem appropriate to request measure of our Department of the necessary support to make Shows, and as has already reconsider the position that our been four months since our last City Council has adopted in concert, I miss the activities we relation to our program. had been doing each month for scheduling events. Because I am sure that, in the case of Castillo Grande de San He began our work with the José de Valderas where the application of space to the MAVA is installed, there is an Department for conducting the internal struggle in the concert presented next month government team of our City in the General Register of the Council to clarify that Alderman City. I have to say that we were or Councillor can stay with forced to make an application powers over this inviting space for each concert, because "they to devote to other things. meant a lot of work" receive for various events. This policy of "scorched earth" has already begun at the Continued consultation with the beginning of 2014 with the Miguel Angel Colmenero transfer of most of the second Foundation program that had floor of the Grand Castle to the been prepared for that month, Community of Madrid for a along with some of the private company installing it conservatories, to make there a Family Counseling, relevant advertising through bringing the Museum he lost various cultural and sports much of its exhibition space, centers, the own City Hall, the lost his library, lost some churches Municipality, School offices and lost two rooms of Music, School of Adults, dedicated to workshops. People's University of Senior Centers, the information panel Then, at the beginning of last of MAVA, our website and year 2015, they converted the Facebook, and the realization room that is located on the of the playbill to deliver to ground floor of the building concert goers. where the exhibition of sculptures made with the Also, being educational technique of laminated glass in concerts, also it had to prepare a space of use and enjoyment the information to be for our seniors was installed, transmitted before the start of replacing sculptures by the the concert itself on the appropriate furniture so you characteristics of the works, can play a game or can read curriculum interpreters and any the free newspapers that are other relevant information, as distributed in the municipality. was the case of individual chapters on the history of Over time we have found that classical music. the use of this second space dedicated to our elders is