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Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Monthly Newsletter


Alison Kinnaird  Hard to understand. The truth is that we were already used to the inconsistencies of our Department of Culture, but what happened last Friday, April 17, exceeded all expectations. That day we had scheduled a concert by the Coral Cantoblanco in the Museum Auditorium, within our "MAVA Concert" program. When I arrived at the museum I was told I was not allowed the concert and, therefore, could not be held. My surprise was evident as I had received no notification of ban on the concert.

Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCĂ“N. (MADRID)

In all cases, and with one month in advance, I give in the General Register of the City written with the authorization request concert next month and, except in two cases of the 33 concerts that we held, I have never received any I have written permission and authorization taken by administrative silence. When they arrived Coral components I proposed the alternative of the concert in the Castle Small, but seeing the features of the room

M. A. Carretero.

where they could celebrate, the choristers felt that did not meet the minimum conditions necessary for its acoustic performance.

campaign and the election campaign .

The truth is that having to perform a concert in the hall when we all saw that the auditorium was empty was a very unpleasant, sad and outrageous experience.

Castle was not one to authorize the use of that space and that she was the one who had to authorize.

To my complaint that I had to be warned well in advance to cancel the concert, she informed me With the audience in the that they had tried to hall of the Museum and contact me on several the choristers deciding occasions and that they what attitude to take with had not been able to regard to the conclusion of achieve. the concert, I could contact This information was totally the Coordinator of the uncertain and so let them Department of Culture and know, as my mobile ever he confirmed that he could before had registered a not perform the ceremony call from the Department in the auditorium by and that this could be problems competences verified through the between the Department registry of my phone calls. and the Arts and Museum. He also pitched the Finally, the choristers possibility of holding decided to make his concerts as we planned if performance in the lobby the audience was not busy of the Museum of respect with any electoral act and, for the people who had in the event that any of come to witness his these acts should be held, performance. we could develop the They showed me their concerts in the Castle displeasure at the lack of Small, as we it had formality of the authorized the head of the Department informed me Centre. that they would submit a Given this last possibility, note at City Hall to protest the Coordinator was very what they saw as a slight surprised and told me that against his group. the head of the Small

It did not accept the possibility that the concert The following Monday, if the audience was not April 20, I went to the occupied by any other office of the Coordinator to activity to take place. seek appropriate I think that this position by clarifications about what the government team of happened and informed our City is totally me that the City Council unacceptable and that the had decided to suspend all attitude of rejecting any actions in the municipal possible alternative shows areas on the basis of the his lack of sensitivity in cultural matters.

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Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

S PE C I A L I NT E R E S T: 

Part of the month

Intellectual Property Law

Congress of the FEAM


Problems in the CNV

UK festival

Activities on the MAVA


Our activities

Glass recycling


Piece of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Congress of the FEAM


Problems in the CNV


UK festival


Activities Museums


Activities on the MAVA


Concert MAVA


Roman glass in Museums




Decorate with glass


Creativity and melancholy 16 News


Culture 2015


Concert MAVA


Terrifying mirador


The glass in museums




Cultural visits


Culture 2015 program


Increases production


Other trends


Pepe Reina, carver


TVITEC glazed building


Largest glass Buddha


An art made of glass


Aviles glass


How do


"Sung Glass"


The Magic Lantern


Musée des Confluences


Organic sculptures


Board Of Directors


disabilities in the terms provided in Article 31a.

c) Limit on the Protection of the appointment and rights recognized in illustration for this Act teaching or scientific research in the terms TITLE V provided in Article Protection of 32.2, 3 and 4. technological d) Limit on the measures and illustration for information rights teaching or scientific management research or for purposes of public Art. 161 (Cont.) security or an Such limits are: administrative or a) limit private judicial proceeding, all copying in the terms in relation to provided in Article databases and on the 31.2. terms provided in Article 34.2.b) c). b) Limit on public safety purposes, e) Limit on registration formal procedures or of works by for the benefit of broadcasting people with organizations under

the terms provided in Article 36.3. f) limit on reproductions of works for research or conservation made by certain institutions on the terms provided in Article 37.1. g) limit on extraction purposes of illustration for teaching or scientific research of a substantial part of the contents of a database and an extraction or reutilization for the purposes of public security or for the purposes of an administrative or judicial proceedings of content a database protected by the law "sui generis" as defined under Article 135.1.b) and c).


Javier Gómez in Holand.

No response from the Department of Culture. 

17-01-13. Requesting inventory of the components of the permanent collection of MAVA.

11-06-13. Possibility of receipt by the MAVA documentation on glass offered by the President of the Spanish Association of Science.

11-11-13. Requesting information on the agreement with the Community of Madrid to install social services in the MAVA.

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Piece of the month. Jean-Paul Raymond.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


Although born in France, Jean-Paul Raymond lives in Cologne since 1993, which are not critical data, at least in his case, to qualify their work or in terms of a possible French technique or German, or any other trait "national ".

Geometric Abstractionsigns and graphics, diamonds, drawings herringbone or zig-zagborders and humanforms figuration, sometimes animals, long members-make up the duality of his sculptural language.

Raymond has a very own Raymond does not seek style, that if European the individual but its roots. archetype to build stories that speak of eroticism Work with translucent and strength, humor, blocks tremendously irony and magic. optical glass-like mass of ice. The support of his stories can also be a sheet of Penetrates the glass in a circle or oval, immaculate purity of which he blows and glass with drills, saws centrifuged. and chisels to make their mark, as millions of years Or overlapping cubes of ago the prehistoric men different size with left on the walls of the appearance of caves of Lascaux, one of architectural elements: the sources of inspiration columns, pediments, for the artist. architraves, etc. forming

small constructions merely superimposed. Printed on the sides of these parallelepipeds peek facial details, eyes, noses, profiles, etc. inspired by the formal language of Ferdinand Leger and Picasso. The collage also present, assisted by photographic printing techniques. Finally color, laden with symbolic value, as in the cave painting is dominated by the intense red. The MAVA invited him to an exhibition of his work in 2003. "The boat" framed within his work with optical glass block was donated by the artist to the Museum.

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Established artists. Alison Kinnaird.

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Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


I was born in Edinburgh in 1949. He earned a master's degree in Celtic studies and archeology at the University of Edinburgh and studied engraving in glass with Harold Gordon.

The techniques used by Kinnaird include wheel engraving, cutting, sandblasting, etching and casting.

His drawing is based on details and with an attention to detail builds more complete picture.

One is attracted above all by The copper engraving their great skills in the wheels allows a degree of drawing, even more Kinnaird uses lead glass and astonishing accuracy. Each impressive because of the optical glass. His works are line that records, whether it is technical expertise required in many galleries and private clear and bold or thin and in this environment. collections. tenuous, is entirely intentional.


Emerging artists. Steven Ciezki.

Our web

This ability grew and developed it further through their art classes in high school. During his career at Illinois State University, experimenting with drawing, photography and glass blowing they changed their view of the basic twodimensional world.

Steven Ciezki born in Calumet as a glass artist. City, Illinois and currently lives As a child, I was fascinated and works in Phoenix, Arizona, with the art of drawing.

Steven received his BFA in Glass Illinois State University and plans to travel the world and continue to learn from the artists who have inspired his fascination with glass. His works have been exhibited at SOFA Chicago commercially.

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Congress of the FEAM.

View photos

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Between 24 and 26 of last April was held at the Museum of Altamira in Cantabria, the XXIII National Congress of Friends of Museums, organized by the Spanish Federation of Friends of Museums (FEAM). As in previous years, our President and our Secretary attended this important event for the Association of Friends of Museums. In the beautiful setting of the Museum of Altamira Congress began with the presentation of new associations incorporated into the Federation. With the privilege of a guided visit to the Museum of Altamira and a conference, both held by the Director of the Museum, ended the first day of Congress. The beginning of the next day was marked by two conferences, one given by the Director of Cultural Management program at the University of Barcelona, and another offered by a member of the Spanish Association of Fundraising. He continued in the morning with a working session of 35 minutes in which intervened Congress attendees and very briefly in which issues related

to membership recruitment and other operational policies of the Association of Friends were treated.

through some of our interventions in various assemblies and through some of our bulletins have shown our disagreement, considering the After lunch the Annual General many problems that afflict our Assembly of the EGF in which Associations. the Board informed of the activities of the Federation was This time our representative held; of planned projects; has withdrawn continue to Balance Sheet and Income stress their displeasure Statement for the year 2014; towards the organization of the Budget 2015 and the Congress because we believe nomination to host the next it will not change the policy, Congress, it was decided to perhaps because the rest of perform in Soria and will be the Associations prefer to enjoy organized by the Association a moment of rest instead of of Friends of the Numancia devoting an entire day to Museum. perform work sessions. Guided trails and Santillana del Mar Collegiate Church and Cloister of Santa Juliana views, a reception by the Mayor at the Tower of Don Borja and a concert harp completed the second day of the Congress.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, our representatives estimate that the Congress organization was perfect, the conferences have been very interesting and guided both as Santillana del Mar Museum, enriching visits.

On Sunday guided tours Museum of Archaeology and Prehistory of Cantabria and the Maritime Museum of that autonomous community visits took place.

We also want to congratulate the Friends of the Museum Numantino by having the organization of the next Congress in the city of Soria and we are sure they will get to make a good program.

As shown, the Congress was full of alien and problematic operation of the Associations of Friends of Museums activities, recurrent policy followed by the EGF and

Our thanks and appreciation to the staff of the EGF led by its President, Elsa Amatriaín, for his work on behalf of the Association of Friends of Museums.

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Problems in the National Glass Centre.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

The CCOO union has complained that the National Glass Centre (CNV) of the Royal Site of San Ildefonso owe payroll in March to their workers.

National Glass Centre" point. Sergio Jimenez rejected the existence of any other The union states that problem, and said that "no "National Heritage has funds available". fulfilled its commitment to repair the decks. The squad As for projects to promote has proved that we can and disseminate the Real In a press release sent generate resources, and Fábrica de Cristales de La yesterday, the union said therefore it is time for the Granja, commented that that "today, despite regular National Glass Center of La "everything goes through, operating expenses and Granja begins to take off and although with some delay." wages have been reduced to this requires strong support The manager of the a minimum, the day the from all their employers and, Foundation said he has Centre remains complicated, of course, the involvement of spoken with members of the both so, we have been our administrations, both council, "to tell them that all experiencing delays in the regional and local levels. " is well". payment of salaries for many For its part, the manager of Already last December, the months, and has not taken the National Center secretary of the Foundation, the payroll of March ". Foundation Glass, Sergio Jose Ramon Alvarez, he From CCOO said that the Jimenez, admitted yesterday observed that one of the School of Industrial that he has yet to payroll last problems that arise in the Organization (EOI) month to workers, but daily life of the organization submitted in the autumn of argued that the cause is the is that the contribution of 2013 "a good project, in delay of payment of public authorities are made which workers felt excited contributions by employers later, which also involves a again." Foundation. delay in the development of "This project is made under "By relying on public funding, the strategic plan envisaged the ERDF, but requires a the organization is awaiting a year ago, "but the situation commitment of the input from employers, is more calm and balanced. government so far are not usually slow, but in the first seen in the case of the quarter."

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Glass festival in the UK.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

The next day May 25 will move us to the British town of Stourbridge to enjoy the Festival of Glass which has been held in this city every two years.

For many years he has developed numerous unique pieces of glass as with his art practice.

Also with your partner, who has We will be until 31 and is a nice a business of supplying way to enter the exciting world of materials to glass artists. artistic glass manufacturing in Your class will explore in depth the UK. the particular benefits to all It's a great opportunity to meet levels of ability to use the torch many artists in this Biennial that does not require Conkinect British glass of which only knew an oxygen supply. from photos of their work. JanHein has refined the design The International Festival of Glass has a program of lectures and use of this particular kind of torch for maximum fuel glass is managed by teachers efficiency. and glass professionals worldwide. The JanHein teaching style is relaxed, knowledgeable and This year those conducting seeks to promote individual masterclass are Seattle, exploration of the techniques Germany, Philadelphia, taught. Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Sessions will include demonstration, technical The master classes take place discussions and personal from Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 May at the Ruskin Center and experiences in practice. the University of Wolverhampton. The program this year has a full By popular demand JanHein van daily schedule of conferences during the Festival. Stiphout scheduled classes on separate days that can be taken This year we are fortunate to see alone or in series. international artists such as Dante Marione, Cappy All classes will benefit from his Thompson and Chris Rakov and wide experience of 40 years UK artists with an international working with torch, hot glass reputation including Katharine furnace work and glass Coleman, Keith Cummings, Lisa sculpture. Pettibone and Colin Reid to give

lectures on his work. There will also be an opportunity to learn on the glass in the European context, with talks by Barbara Derix and Cornelia Lauf who will be talking about the panEuropean project "Glass Experience Europe". Bohemia connection with Stourbridge will be explored by Charles Hajdamach, and Ronald Pennell will speak about the life of Jiří Harcuba, not to mention Christian Schmidt of Germany with a presentation of their own work. The local context and heritage will be explored by writers such as Jason Ellis and Graham Fisher, Kate Churchill archaeologist and artist Steve Field Borough who will be giving a fascinating talk on the work of Edward Bainbridge Copnall and the famous Churchill screen. Most of the lectures will take place at the Glasshouse Arts Centre and the Ruskin Glass Centre and the entrance to the conference is free with our Pass Festival (unless otherwise stated). Therefore, we expect to spend an unforgettable week enjoying the exhibits, workshops, galleries, conferences ...... ..

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Activities Museums I.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

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Activities Museums II.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

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Activities Museums III.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

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Activities on the MAVA. Conferences.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

During last April, the Director of the Museum of Art Glass Alcorcon scheduled two cultural events in the Museum Auditorium. On Wednesday 15 the documentary "The mystery of the giant crystals" on the investigation conducted by crystallographers and Spanish geologists led by Professor Juan Manuel García-Ruiz was shown. This research began in 2000 in the mines of Pliny Segóbriga and since then the team has been studying these and other locations on the planet where giant gypsum crystals appear.

After the screening Sol Dr. Andres Lopez, a professor at the Faculty of Geology at the Complutense University, responded to questions from the public attending the event. The following Wednesday, April 22, again at 19 hours and in the auditorium of the MAVA, the second conference prepared by the Director of the Museum was held.

to transform scientific knowledge into innovation. They could transform a region from a social, economic and political terms, so that the glass became the economic rationale for a nation. Political power in the Republic of Venice it became an affair of state to maintain a monopoly of manufacture. Spy networks were developed, in part, to protect the mystery of its manufacture from a strategic standpoint.

Eduardo Juarez introduced his two novels based on his research on glass and manufacturing secrets, acclimated one in Venice and The author illustrates this material through the origin of one in La Granja. the economic war and the The glass in the fifteenth The research has helped emergence of modern explain the formation of the century was a symbol of intelligence services. fabled giant gypsum crystals luxury and power of He spoke of two of his novels European royalty. Naica, and their physical "Venice and the secret of properties and applications. The mystery of its glass" set in the Laguna and manufacture was in the The documentary was "Verrum" published in 2011, hands of craftsmen directed by Javier Trueba, similar theme and set in La glassmakers in Venice, brother of the famous film Granja eighteenth century. director, and has 50 minutes which stood out for its ability

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Concerts in the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


Last April 17 was held in the hall of MAVA a concert by the Coral Cantoblanco, directed by Beatriz Arenas. The Coral Cantoblanco is based at the Institute of Materials Science and is formed by people who serve on the Institute and others that are alien to the institution.

So, thanks to the understanding and desire to offer their music the large crowd that had gathered in the MAVA, the Coral Cantoblanco agreed to play their songs in the hall of the Museum.

In the same way that our Association, the unpleasant surprise that the Department of Culture of our City Council banned the realization of the concert and had not informed, nor in time, neither was properly brought. When we arrived at the museum, not responsible for their safekeeping he reported that was not allowed the realization of the concert on instructions from the Department of Culture, which also is not the one with the skills of the Museum, as these skills are the Department of Arts and Museum. Conducted telephone negotiations that were possible, we could not get a favorable for the realization of the concert resolution, although the auditorium was empty and without any activity.

The public is aware of the efforts of the members of the Coral concert develop in such conditions, he rewarded the group with warm applause at the end of each of their songs.

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The Roman glass in museums in Madrid (VI).

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Eduardo Alonso Cereza

The water.

The oldest fragments of glass vases have been found in Mesopotamia and correspond to the sixteenth century BC


This view is supported by L. Pérez Bueno who emphasizes Accelerator is an element the importance of the reactions. manufacturing process other Grains agglomerated mixture 2. FIRST NEWS. CRAFTS AND GLASS in Mesopotamia manufactures and influence, but and acts as a solvent of the argues that it was originally and Egypt soluble components. chance. Older about glassmaking In antiquity a partial fusion was information are found in a clay M.T. Ruiz Alcon believes this performed in sodium glass theory is supported by the tablets that appeared in the around 1000th due to the Middle East: Tell'Umar tablet, following facts: inability to obtain fuel with higher temperatures available. located in today's Iraq and for a) The nitro Phoenician could the seventeenth century BC, have had such a quantity of Plasticity is greater than the the Seleucid Tigris and that It sodium that was free may react potassium base glass, is in the library at Nineveh with the silica (beach sand) at although the latter does not Assubarnipal. the temperature of ashes red. need such high temperatures We also get references on this in classical sources, but the The immediate background of information they provide about the glass are found in the glassmaking is vague: vitreous layer covering the Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny, ceramic jewelry, wall friezes Theophrastus and Strabo, and vessels. though with different variants Oldest objects correspond to including establishing its origin opaque glass beads color, that in Phoenicia, particularly in the were found in Syria, and for Belo mouth of the river. the V millennium. All these sources refer to the In Egypt the oldest correspond appearance of glass to mid-fourth millennium. to melt.

b) The Bellus River has its origin in ancient Hebrew word meaning melt. The sand would have been taken from ancient to melt. c) Asher is an Arabic word for glass. Aseritas would come from, who extended their territory to the area of Belo River.

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Viarca, a passion made art.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Very close to the Museum of Glass and Crystal of Malaga, in what aims to be the artisan neighborhood Funtanalla, the teacher Alberto Cascón glass works with expert hands. Draw, plumbed, cut, stained glass melts to fill with color and meaning churches, restaurants, houses and warehouses. He has made an art of passion that woke him three decades ago and has managed to move it to his two sons, who follow their steps in the workshop. The company pioneered Viarca recover for Malaga in the late 80s, a missing craft and now hopes to repeat the feat. His project for the future, be the first to introduce in the province blown glass furnace. Meanwhile, orders are accumulated after years marked by crisis. "Between 96 and 98 began to make churches throughout the Spanish geography and until 2007 had a lot of work, up to eleven people were employed in the workshop," says Alberto Cascón, who learned in Segovia workshop Rafael Davia but was always a 'hands ", as defined, entirely selftaught. He studied industrial electronics, but the drawing, crafts, handicrafts fascinated him since he was a child. And

at school, "a pesetillas" is pulled selling marquetry boxes to their classmates with children's drawings. "I showed my work at a fair in the Paseo de la Farola and there I began to emerge orders" recalls Cascón. It was time to drop everything and focus on what's important. "I saw that I could live my passion and decided I would dedicate to this," says the very day which celebrates its 50th birthday. He always had and still does-with the support of his wife, Mayte Cuenca, although it is teacher also was conquered by the glass. And now that of their children, David and Nacho. Another couple of employees work between workshops, street and street Hair flushed. "We had to reduce staff much, but now we have a lot of work that we almost scared," acknowledges. Two churches, several private and three very interesting projects in Madrid and Cadiz to leave have them constantly. "Our biggest customer is the Church," he says and points out that for six years was the master glassmaker in charge of the restoration and creation of new windows for the

Cathedral of Malaga. The leading edge work, one of the oldest techniques, Tiffany, tin and copper, and fussing, linking the different windows by hot melt in the oven. And one of his specialties is painting the fire as traditional decoration technique. In it, by cooking the grisaille and enamel is vitrified to maintain quality for hundreds of years. Here, precision and expertise in the design are key. His eldest son, David, 24, also craftsman is the social manager of the company and is responsible for graphic design and implementation of technology for previewing projects. Nacho, 20, studied at the College of the Royal Glass Factory of San Ildefonso in Segovia. There have learned the techniques of hot glass that transmits his father now. It is already creating its own catalog of female accessories made of glass but wants to step over. "Put an oven to make blown glass is expensive to create and maintain" say Cascón, but this would go beyond the two dimensions of the window to create objects and "sculptures". "It would open another artistic field," said the family who respects the tradition to fill with blood and new purposes.

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Decorate your home with glass.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


The play of light reflection is essential in the decoration, which is why the use of glass is basic. Glass is used by the functions offered: color, figurative or geometric figure and brightness. You can find transparent, glossy, frosted mirror with engravings, among others. GREAT FIGURES Uses large glass objects and decorate it with objects of nature. Create small environments within these objects with plants, stones, wood, earth and flowers. Place them as centerpieces on the dining room, in the room as decoration and furniture in the hallways. Currently there is a tendency to use figures or oval pear shaped allowing you to place objects inside without complications. OLD BOTTLES

Collect those little glass BELLS jars that have at home and Use bells (cover glass) on give them a new use. the set. Decorate it with ribbons, Groups pieces inside them paper, beads or fabric. You and will achieve renew will create new pieces to those small spaces at be those divine details home. ambienten small spaces. Placed within them: plants, PORTAVELAS objects of various sizes, Create a little romance with dried flowers or ceramics. glasses, using them as Use your BULBS holders. Upgrade and follow the It's just a matter of trend of the spotlight turned gathering various sizes of into pots. glasses and place a small The base is clean focus, candle inside them. taking the inside from the Use different colors of tip. candles and decorate the Hence, fill with water and glass with a ribbon or place a beautiful plant that flowers. has roots. CREATE AN OIL LAMP REINVENTS Reuse bulbs or bottles Use those old vases or shaped bottle creating a glass vases and creates beautiful oil lamp. the base of a lamp. Simply clean the piece, paraffin as fuel is added, a You can reuse a lamp you want you can renew or wick fits (may be a shoelace) and closes with recreate an adapted with a nice screen and a basic a nice cork. You can also wiring. use alcohol as fuel.

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"Creativity and melancholy�.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


From 13 to 22 this May presented in the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid the exhibition "Creativity and melancholy", where our Honorary President Javier Gomez will present one of his works. This exposure draft is motivated by a doctoral thesis whose reading will take place on the dates of the application and the culmination of work carried out over several years. Therefore it is exposing the work of artists featured in this research and who have a proven track record. The study of the relationship between artistic creativity and melancholy, commonly called depression, have a long history, not only for the mysteries that still holds creativity but by advances in brain science. Since the last century, researchers have realized the importance for science and for

human beings control of altered states of mind, and its apparent relation to increased productivity.

artists active; with their contribution and participation, using appropriate interviews and tests, to show us the dimensions of personality in The brain, the producer center contemporary and confirm of our speculations, feelings artist, based on the spectrum and actions, is the reason for of light and shadow, the research, through thinking instruments if they can really and approach to the work of be considered "Sons of Saturn" contemporary artists. or conversely, a true artist is a Through this study based on stable being, committed to his the dimensional time, and likely produces psychobiological theory of addiction that love to work is personality R. Cloninger regulated by a high self(2004), intended to find direction and a functional answers to the restlessness impulsivity. that moves them, that is to With this timely research want determine firsthand what has scientifically approach the been assumed for some time, reality of this problem in the although this issue is quite arts, through an approach to complex and there are many visual artists with a rather questions to be solved: that extensive (over fifty and active) creativity and madness may path to measure the be intrinsically connected and dimensions of your personality therefore the creator be part of and confirm or rule out the all "melancholicus". relationship between creativity And they intend to do so not and melancholy. only from specialized artistic Opening: May 13, at 13:00. and scientific literature, but studying the life and work of

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N O T I C I A S (I).

May 2015

Glass is from the Czech Republic, a nation rooted for centuries in glass crafts and recognized for the high quality and beauty of your product. This is similar to the legacy of the Matryoshka doll and is also a product of skilled craftsmen.

Volume II — Number 77

 Lamp Matrioshka.

The new pendant lamp consists of pigmented domes of glass, hand blown around a light source.

British Innermost will venture into study Matrioshka Stone Designs. new territory with the introduction Matryoshka doll feature is reof glass lamps in his collection, imagined in glass. one of which is designed by the

Both artificial and natural light passes through glass filters and surrounding objects, colors converge to form new ones, resulting in a light environment that constantly changes with their surroundings.

Culture 2015.

Last April we visited the exhibition of Rogier van der Weyden in the Prado Museum in Madrid. Never may explain definitively and in all its complexity works as the Deposition, the triptych of Miraflores or the great

Calvary, works that rise high above the circumstances of everyday life, or as the Seven Sacraments Altarpiece, in which the figures, dressed in the fashion of the time, occupy the space of an equally contemporary church.

On them such a high cross that borders the vault of the nave and in which there is a daunting Christ stands. Of very different sizes, none of the other characters Triptych keeps the scale of the building.

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N O T I C I A S (II).

Concerts in the MAVA.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Due to the closure of the Department of Culture of the City of Alcorcón holding our "Concerts in the MAVA" is interrupted. This interruption is motivated, apparently, by reserving all municipal spaces for the different political groups of our City 

so they can celebrate the acts that have scheduled for the next election campaign.

the next government team of our City.

Given the holiday period that follows, we can not Whether events are held in resume our concert the auditorium of our program, if the new museum or not, the government team Department prevents us authorized by us, until next from realizing concerts October. until after the election of

Terrifying mirador. opened in 2014, connects two separate mountains about 300 meters and giving away a cliff 180 meters deep.

Lovers of thrills do not have to 1,400 meters high require not jeopardize their lives to have have vertigo and a good dose a good dose of adrenaline. of courage. Suspension bridges and viewpoints of glass on top of buildings or bridges over

This suspension bridge located in Pingjiang area in the province of Hunan (China),

Of no more than five and a half wide and sustained with fixings without pillar, the bridge produces a sense of movement, which adds more excitement to the intrepid visitors who on more than one occasion have needed psychological help to cross the stretch of glass 10m.

Page 19

The glass in Museums: Anthropology, Mexico.

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Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


Located in Chapultepec Park in Mexico City, the National Museum of Anthropology (MNA) is one of the most important museum institutions worldwide.

and the most important in Teotihuacan, between Latin America. 500 and 700 AD.

We show here one of its most valuable pieces from the plastic point of artistic view because, in the voice of the Its remarkable collection specialists, it is extremely of archaeological pieces hard to replicate, even that recreates the history using the most modern of the region known as techniques and "Middle America" from the machinery. first millennium BC and to Monita obsidian close the year 1521, has earned for itself as one of Obsidian is a volcanic glass that during prethe 20 most important Hispanic times, it was museums of the world really traded on the powerful city of

And for post-classical times (between 1325 and 1521) it is known that the Aztecs considered it a precious material. With it, the same could give life to the sharp edges of their knives and spears, to create works of art as this vase in the shape of a monkey (female, even pregnant) requiring patient and careful carving of the artist, and hours to achieve a delicate polish.

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Recycling. 700,000 tonnes of glass.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Despite these data, there is a great regional differentiation in the recycling of glass, according to General Director Ecovidrio, is due to "geographical dispersion, This indicates that recycling per at different levels of person in Spain increased by 1% environmental awareness, the compared to 2013. difference in specialization Jose Manuel Nuñez-Lagos, among the pickers various local General Director Ecovidrio, is authorities or the waste optimistic about these figures: "A management plans have been lack of data submission by the most effective in some regions ministry, I consider that the glass than in others. " recycling rate will reach 70%, However, studies carried out by exceeding the 68.9% which is Ecovidrio conclude that 75% of the last official figure available in Spanish households recycle 2012. " glass always says and 78% Thus, Spain is in the middle of believe it contributes to recycling in European countries economic and social progress of and above the requirements that Spain. makes the European Union According to data submitted by (60%). the company in 2014 extraction The ratio of number of containers of 833,000 tonnes of raw has also improved over the material is avoided, which previous year, with more than means avoiding the emission of 195,000, equivalent to one for 465,000 tons of CO2 into the every 240 inhabitants. atmosphere. Each Spanish recycled half 56 glass containers during 2014, resulting in 14.8 kg of waste per inhabitant.

The autonomous communities that recycle glass kilograms per capita remain stable. Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Navarra and La Rioja are in first place.

By this it means saving 1,875,000 megawatt hours of energy. Fruit of more than 6,000 prevention and eco-design implemented since 1998, has been reduced by 10% the average weight of glass containers.

Also, La Rioja, Balearic Islands, Andalusia and the Canary Islands are the autonomous communities that have increased One of the points where the its recycling rate per glass. success lies in the recycling chain is "the responsible

consumer" according to Ecovidrio. Therefore during 2014 7.5 million euros were invested in 309 campaigns to raise awareness about this practice. With regard to these plans, José Manuel Núñez-Lagos indicates that such campaigns "shape the future of recycling. It is important that children, like learning English from learning to talk, aware of recycling. Nor we forget other sectors of youth. Recycling run contests between universities and festivals are present in Arenal Sound or FIB, important sources of recycling and awareness ". Another niche performance of the entity is the catering, and that 48% of single-use containers consumed in this sector. "In 2015 Ecovidrio establish collaborations with 87,000 catering establishments will join the Summer Special Plan for the collection in coastal areas," he said. The CEO of Ecovidrio notes that the objective for 2015 is to "accelerate the growth of the glass recycling rate. For this 46% increase in investment in containers and by 21% in awareness campaigns, "says Núñez-Lagos.

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 Our activities.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2015.

 Cultural visits. Ocejón west peak, on the border between Madrid and Guadalajara, he is Valverde de los Arroyos, emblematic town that leads to the path of black people.

its beauty and Palancares Almiruete.

After returning to Madrid, Cogolludo well worth a visit, a short walk and contemplate the facade of the Palace of the Dukes of The village shows a typical Medinaceli, jewel plateresca the fifteenth popular architectural century, or the Collegiate complex of this region, Church of XVI century. where the slate is the building material par Both buildings will last excellence. important idea of this Other people succeed on population. this route, most notably for

 CULTURE 2015 program. In this May we will return to Casa de Vacas Madrid's Retiro Park Cultural Center to visit the exhibition "Colors of Milonga" by the artist Maria Jesus de Frutos. Touches the soul Love, feel, touch, aroma soak up the brushes to slide off the canvas. The blank canvas, you will soon have a story to tell. First strokes with coal: drawing, perspective, composition ... Fight ... You can now is, work. The black becomes blue. The colors glide smoothly across the canvas, creamy, unctuous, with strength, determination, doubt ... Light, color, shadow. Blue and orange, yellow and violet, green and red, ocher, white ... that vibrate like musical notes on every stroke. Shadows in dark and cold. Zigzag colors are intertwined with feelings, untold stories, love, heartache, life contained, corners full of mystery ... Looking, looking, looking ... Look away, to forget reality, feel free. Create, create, create ... Feel, feel, feel ... Live, live, live ... My new creation ... you're part of my being. Soul by spills blank canvas filling it with beauty, bits of history, life.

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Glass production increases.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


Production of glass containers in the eurozone rose 1.6 percent last year, according to the European Container Glass Federation (FEVE).

percent, exceeding the European average of 2.9 percent in the southeast and 2.1 percent of the central zone.

growth trend compared to other exercises.

Ernst & Young has been commissioned to conduct this study to analyze the Outside the European social, environmental and Union the country that economic impact of registered higher growth, container glass industry in That production was the report said, was Europe. around 22 million tons, Turkey with 14.8 percent which translates into It presents to the industry a year earlier. 50,000 million glass as an example of circular containers distributed "These data are even economy, which means around the world. more remarkable when less waste, less use of virgin raw materials and Industry annually spends taking into account the decline in European energy as well as less more than 610 million consumption and the risk environmental impact, euros, 10 per cent of its of deflation in most promoting new jobs. operational costs, to European countries", he invest in innovation and "Our model allows us to said in a press release maintain a European develop circular economy network of 162 plants that the president of FEVE, and keep abreast of Vitaliano Torno. provide 125,000 jobs market demand, both direct and indirect. Data refer to glass remaining competitive containers for food and and growing at a steady The industry has a drink and perfume pace," said the general positive impact on the secretary of the National trade balance of 21,000 bottles, cosmetics and Association of million euros in products others dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry, Manufacturers of Glass packaged in glass. highlighting a more stable Containers (ANFEVI), Poland leads the Juan Martin Cano. European growth to 7.4

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Other trends. Maya Plisétskaya.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Suddenly, in the words of her widowed troubled, composer Rodion Shchedrin, he died at age 89 of a heart attack at his residence in Munich (Germany), the great dancer, ballet diva true twentieth century, Maya Mikhailovna Plisétskaya.

Plisétskaya was a figure that remained faithful to that was his only religion, ballet, struggling in a relentless theater and bureaucratic in which thanks to his exceptional talent was able to defeat attempts to ostracism and detriment to his career and personality .

Child prodigy who began dancing with only three years, was born on November 20, 1925 in Moscow in a family of painters, actors and dancers of Jewish origin and of great renown and prestige.

It considered the prima ballerina was headlining a unique generation of classical dance in which also stand the Cuban Alicia Alonso (which survives 94 years) and the British Margot Fonteyn (who died in 1991).

As a child he suffered savage repression of Stalin, who ordered the execution of his father, and saw his mother, an actress, was sent to an internment camp. The genius of the artist took off at four years, accompanying her aunt Sulamit scene Messerer. Maya studied six years with Gert Elizabeta, who cultivated his nobility and stressed the remarkable plasticity of his arms. He also worked with Agrippina Vaganova course and at 11 years appears in a variation of the tale of Sleeping Beauty at the Bolshoi. He went to his first ballet Spanish theme in 1941: the Grand Pas from Paquita, and then came the Queen of the Dryads in Don Quixote. And the legend was on.

canons and conventions; Uncle Boris Messerer painted the sets and Rodion Shchedrin prepared a beautiful suite on the issues of the eponymous opera by Bizet. With them, Maya gave the world the history of ballet and a unique character and an example of universal homeland in the art. Would extend the powerful influence his authoritarian dance certainly was able to score, in unwavering fashion, a whole epoch in the development of academic dance of the twentieth century.

1934 entered the Moscow ballet A Plisétskaya has surprised him the school in the Russian capital and in death packing to move to Lucerne 1941 was already part of the cast of (Switzerland), where May 15 was to the Bolshoi Theatre. receive the first of a series of After graduation, he made his tributes that would culminate in professional debut in 1944 and only London in November, on the a year later appeared as soloist of occasion of his 90th birthday. Bolshoi, accumulating roles as Plisétskaya went through Spain and Myrtha Queen of Wullis in Giselle. left the imprint that allowed him, he In 1948 he became prima ballerina directed the National Lyrical Theatre Galina Ulanova after replacing in Ballet from 1987 to 1990 and fought Swan Lake. to regain the lost heritage of Spanish academic dance. His indomitable spirit found fulfillment in 1967 with the ballet He was awarded the Prince of Carmen, who choreographed for Asturias Award for the Arts in 2005 her and express his custom Cuban with the ballerina Tamara Rojo also. Alberto Alonso. He was awarded the Gold Medal of Carmen represented the Fine Arts and since 1993 had overwhelming desire to win and Spanish nationality. enforcement of women above

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Pepe Reina, glass cutter.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


The general manager of Consumer Affairs, Commerce and Handicraft of the Autonomous Community of Murcia, Ana Cobarro visited the artisan's workshop Pepe Reina, Santiago el Mayor (Murcia), where he could watch their creations makes this glass master carver.

process of creating conducting master craftsmen of the region."

characterized by their high quality in both design and execution. "

"From the Department of Industry, Tourism, Business and Innovation want to see first hand the work done by craftsmen and what their needs to get involved more actively in promoting and supporting their work," added the head of Crafts.

He also recalled that "the three regional centers Arts in Cartagena, Lorca and Murcia are always open to publicize the craft creations". Pepe Reina

Pepe Reina is a graduate of the Pepe Reina has the distinction of Royal Glass Factory of La Granja "We consider this activity Master Craftsman granting the de San Ildefonso, where he also combines art, craft and tradition region and is a renowned glass taught courses and workshops on and craftsmen are its supporters" artist. the ancient craft. Cobarro said, adding that "these To develop their work using all artists and professionals to a He has also participated in types of glass, between which double challenge, because on several exhibitions organized by are the Bohemian, the Murano or one hand they have to preserve the regional houses of Murcia in the French windows. jobs linked to tradition and Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, regional history and, on the other Valencia, Lyon (France) and Le Also applies various techniques, hand, should advance the Chaux de Fonds (Switzerland), among which are the carved incorporation of new techniques, as well as assistance to samples around the surrounding processes and materials that as FARCAMA fair Toledo, the embossed, engraved and tinged bring an element of innovation to Alicante (IFA) and Euroarte of sand. their work. " Madrid. The director general of Arts The director general said that In turn, Cobarro recalled, "is one stressed that "the end result of "from the Ministry support the of the oldest, active and dynamic their work is excellent and print presence of the artisans of the participant in samples organized the entire process of carving and region in fairs and exhibitions, or sponsored by the Department engraving high quality". both within the Community and of Consumer Affairs, Commerce other regions and even in and Handicrafts". Cobarro Ana explained that the international events, as they are visit to the workshop of Pepe In addition, Pepe Reina was Reina aims "to know in depth the the best showcase for some awarded the Mercury Award for products which they are Crafts.

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Tvitec glazed skyscrapers of New York. Permasteelisa.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

This large building, which rises in Lower Manhattan -very near World Trade Center, will be completed over the coming year and its unique glass facade was the subject just a month of an extensive article in The New York Times does.

The company berciana Tvitec leading architectural glass processing high valueadded, processed from its factory in Cubillos del Sil glazing one of the most exclusive residential skyscrapers in New York.

and a special layer of solar control that meets the criteria of sustainability and energy savings prescribed by designers incorporated building. "

It is one of the projects that develop Tvitec in the United States, as the berciana company already has finalized contracts of several similar works in this country, while Canada is starting to supply architectural glass for which will be the tallest tower West of the country.

With these projects, the multinational Tvitec has And it Tvitec manufactures glasses of managed to become the last six years in the This is '50 West Street ', different shapes and a tower in which the price large sizes for this work, largest processor of of the apartments ranges in which the aesthetics of architectural glass in from two to 16 million this element is a principal Spain, and one of the five most representative of euros and for being component thereof. this type of glass of high supplied 15,000 square '50 West Street 'will, technical quality meters of glass different when completed, 240 transformers worldwide. references. meters high and 64 In this regard, note that According to reports from floors. since the company is one the company they are It is a project of a of two manufacturers in "double glazing with prestigious architectural Europe with the capacity laminated and tempered firm, Helmut Jahn, and is to transform glass parts glass, to ensure the developed by the up to 12 meters long. safety of the envelope, multinational

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Buddha in the world's largest glass.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


The statue of Buddha in the world's largest glass was created by Loretta Yang, Taiwan, and is displayed at the Grand Gateway Plaza in Xujiahui. The statue is 2 meters high, with a thousand arms, and plays the Guanyin cave mural 3

Mogaoku, the complex of Mogaoku visited for the caves in Dunhuang, first time in 1996. Gansu Province. In the last 20 years he The mural tiene1.000 made repeated attempts years. to make the statue. Yang, also a sculptor and Which it is now exposed award-winning actress, his latest creation. decided to carry out the According to experts, colossal statue from Yang sculpture Buddha sculpture largest glass.

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Glass makes an art.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


A torch and glass is all that Ascension Francisco Faustino need to develop their figures made from glass technique torch. Originally from Puebla, Francisco, 45, she said she learned the trade at age 10 and since then became the first craftsman of his family.

within the Third Meeting of Artisans, held in Las Misiones Mall. Roses, birds, hearts, among others, are some of the figures that brought Francisco to meet artisans.

Behind those parts that seem simple at first glance there is a process of "I was the first craftsman of development that requires the family. It was a flame patience, precision, and glass workshop, that I began above all taste for work to learn and eventually I matter. adopted as a profession, The procedure explained "she explained. Ascension Faustino, it At first, he said, he took it as begins with melting special a hobby and then became glass cylinders to work with his livelihood for the past 25 heat and gradually into the years. desired shape. "I liked it as a profession. Before that he worked in many other things, but nothing I liked as much as the art of glassblowing, "he said. Francisco Ascension is the third time visiting JuĂĄrez,

the same heat of fire. Once completed, you have to wait for the glass to cool to color, with special glass paint. Francisco said the time to make the figures glass is varied depending on the size and the complexity of the piece. He said that the way that time has led him to was a boat, which took an entire day to give all the details. Although his work requires great skill and is completely handmade, artisan said it is unappreciated.

"Some people ask the pieces too cheap and is not an easy "Upon contact with the torch, job. Crafts in Mexico has not the glass gets soft and it can seen, "he lamented. begin to draw," he explained as a piece of glass melted to Francisco Ascension was in town until next April 15, produce a rose. when the meeting ended According to the figure you artisans. can do in a single cut, or, do piece by piece, which bind to

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Aviles glass.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Not that Aviles is Venice or Prague in the glass thing, but few cities nationwide so much tradition and glass production as Avilés.

During the civil war its ships were converted into concentration camp prisoners Republicans.

It was located in the neighborhood It is something that does not fit the avilesino popularly known as The Arbolón. One of his limits coincided stereotype Industrial avilesino, still with the end of the current street photo of metallurgical industries, Llano Ponte, in his left sidewalk ignoring the glass began one (where today is located the Center hundred and sixty years ago. for Art and exhibitions or CFM) and Looking at the records of 1864 on merchant ships then left the port of occupied a large part of the urbanization is now known as Aviles, they are counted until ninety Puerta de la Villa and which is a -one (seven of them European separate episode. destinations and five American But apart from this window there ports) which were in their wineries were also launched in 1883, that of export products, extracted or 'Ibarra, Galan and Company', in the produced in the region avilesina: neighborhood of Sabugo, on land zinc, coal, cider and glass. Industrialization had been launched situated opposite the current station Aviles. with the extraction of coal in the underwater mine Arnao (1833). It was like if he had touched the alarm for creating other manufacturing plants. And in 1844, Antonio Orobio and several more partners are launching a glass factory, called in principle 'Orobio, Alvare, Mas y Cia' and then 'Antonio Orobio and Company', although it was always known as La Vidriera. It was the first glass industry Aviles. And of Asturias. It grew to 120 employees, some specialists (manchoneros) coming from Belgium. Flat glass in the window, shingles chandeliers apart from being a pioneer in the stained glass was manufactured. Operation disruptions and meanings had ups and downs in production.

In 1900 she worked in eighty workers and some of which, as in the case of The Vidriera- were specialists "manchoneros" (or blowers) Belgian and Dutch nationality. Directed by Julio Galan, primarily manufactured window glass, flat glass and lights. It closed in 1913 and its facilities, located between present avenue of looms and street Marcos Torniello were exploited for years by the hardware firm Garcia Fernandez (of the family that also I run the hardware 'Los Castros' in the palace Camposagrado ) and is currently the site is occupied by residential buildings and the new park Luz Casanova. So that no two without three, Aviles block. Since the middle of last century, the city was chosen by the

French multinational Saint Gobain to mount in 1952 (almost coinciding with the arrival of Ensidesa and Endasa), glassware factory Spanish SA, another episode apart. This time they came not Belgian or Dutch experts to make glass. This time came almost a full Burgos town, called Arija, where the factory had been installed glass and whose land would be flooded by a new reservoir with water from the Ebro River. This were the real reason or outside the industrial strategy of the multinational, the fact is that most modern factory in Europe flat glass rose in Aviles. And the vast majority of workers moved to Avilés Arija where they built houses owned factory, fatter as neighborhoods places like Garden of singing and Ling. We should exploit more fame and power window Aviles production because goes a long way. Examples there to stop a car, starting with the car windows, where (ten years ago) it was estimated that seven out of ten windshields of cars circulating in Spain were produced in the factory avilesina. And ending with plasma screens of televisions and other devices that enslave us both. And not to mention the mirrors private or public addresses that have been manufactured in The Maruca (small sea) Aviles. Or of glass produced here it is applied in the construction of modern buildings.

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How does it.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Alison Kinnaird.

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Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

27 TO 30 MAY 2015. In the Exhibition Hall of the Corn Exchange in Bilbao. In this video projection ten minutes on glass with sound echoing from a glass plate, the image of a man singing on a number of pieces of glass hanging in a dark room is projected.

Distorted, pink and green fragments of his face are reflected from the rotating prismatic glass on the walls, giving it a ghostly presence. The singer seems to struggle with each sentence issued an instant too late. Or is he is fighting the dissolution of his own self? His fractured glass

image represents mere ephemeral loss in a torrent of sound. The deconstruction of the image and the sound is cathartic, and opens the door to a new reality. The media, however, show a simple elegance with glass acting as a means to convey both image and sound.

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"The Magic Lantern and Don Quijote".

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

SALA ACUA in Cuenca, from April 24 to May 31

those aimed at children up to the professional use.

if the lantern was portable or fixed.

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, a magic lantern is a "amplified optical apparatus with which, by means of lenses made to appear, on a canvas or a wall, painted in brightly lit glass strips figures".

It can trace its origins to the mid-seventeenth century, although it was not until the second half of the nineteenth century as it is widespread among all strata of the population, due to social changes that allowed leisure and education, and technical advances that facilitated their production and improved image quality.

Each type can relate, respectively roughly with a public or private use.

It is, therefore, based on a painted lighting that will replace glasses mechanism, which allows the screening of consecutive images to create a There were different names for story in front of the viewer. this device, which reflect the different technical possibilities: The image was projected onto with generic names' magic a white wall or stretched lantern ',' megascopio 'and' canvas or paper in a dark Solar microscope 'existed' room. episcópicas lanterns' (those who performed the projection The greater the distance reflection), ' diascópicas between the torch and the lanterns' (when the projection surface on which it was planned, the greater the image was for transparency), 'epidascópicas lanterns' (they size but less sharpness. used both methods In this exhibition you can see simultaneously) or' four magic lanterns belonging lampadoscopios' (the external to the Centro de Estudios de lighting is applied as a lamp). Castilla-La Mancha (CECLM, There was even the possibility UCLM) and private collections. of combining several flashlights, one above the Each of the selected devices other, to create more. belong to different times and for different purposes, from

In turn, this classification can be completed with another, as

In the private sector, young audiences was the big user of magic lanterns, which explains the popularity of transparencies on classic tales. However, there were other issues for screenings at home: find documentaries transparencies (monuments, travel), educational, religious, etc. It is here that we find the glass plates for magic lantern selected Don Quixote between the fund owns the (CECLM, UCLM). In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had created a highly competitive between different companies producing magic lanterns market, which led to the creation of catalogs, registration of trademarks, the availability of services or hire, hire purchase and secondhand market. From 1910, this whole industry developed around the magic lantern went into decline, replaced by the first theater devices.

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Musée des Confluences, in Lyon.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015

Crystal cloud made of glass, concrete and stainless steel, this immense futuristic structure, located at the confluence of the Rhone and the Saone in Lyon, falls short of an ambitious project: providing all the keys to understanding the complexity of our world.

Meteorites, Ammonites, birds of Cochin, Senufo sculptures, jaw Homo Sapiens, samurai armor ... All the pieces presented in the isthmus between the Rhone and Saone rivers show an unprecedented view of human adventure, from its origins to the present day .

This museum has more than 2 million objects collected in All allow you to attract a the period from the sixteenth wide audience interested in century to today. the sciences and engineering, archeology, Is the biggest attraction of ethnology ... the museum? Two dinosaur skeletons, complete 80%, Glass base and cloud that will delight visitors eager From an architectural point to understand life on earth. of view, this museum lives Aimed at a broad audience up to its ambitions: a glass floor stands in the heart of More generally, 3,000 pieces the building. will be presented in four permanent exhibitions: The hard floor that can support a significant burden "Origins" outcrops 15 meters from the "Societies: the theater of surface. men" Structure, reflected in the "Species: the plot of the water at the confluence of living" the Rhone and the Saone, two blocks clearly emerge: "Eternity: visions of the afterlife"

The "glass", to the north, where the main entrance, glass, clear and monumental; The "cloud", main body, formed by 8 exhibition halls opaque. To experience Inside, apart from the permanent exhibition spaces extending over 3,000 m2, surfaces devoted to the presentation of temporary exhibitions, workshops, digital and experimental spaces (plus two auditoriums of 328 and 121 seats) complete the offer This museum aimed at offering a real experience. A little hungry? Food services fall short of the place: a brasserie, a self-service restaurant, a cafe terrace and a book store-to conclude a unique cultural visit. Practical information Musée des Confluences 86 Quai Perrache 69002 Lyon

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Organic sculptures Alison Sigethy.

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015


Recycled, craft, beautiful, dynamic, current, personalized, etc., so are the sculptures that the artist Alison Sigethy designed to interpret a piece of discarded material living sea, changing nature or simply nature even employed as Art Therapy, his sculptures being present in some hospitals and whose purpose is that patients keep in touch with nature. Ecological art from recycled glass (which she crushed and forms a molten glass to give it a new form), recycled glass and metal fragments of the fallen nature naturally and recovered by the artist to create his magnificent forest Creatures .

the cylindrical sculptures emit light beautiful thing to add to the soothing sounds and the movement of oxygen bubbles. The sculptor transmutes glass (inert and inorganic material) in different shapes reminiscent, both aquatic and terrestrial organic beings. As the glass cylinder (Centre for Tropical Sea) containing structures that resemble marine flora, created by hand with different glass sculptor also hand painted. Fossils, plants and different ocean organisms are artistically recreated by Alison and immersed in distilled water surrendering his personal tribute to the seabed in various parts of the world; Additional water movement and lighting of the piece gives it a smooth dynamic.

Passionate about the sea and its agencies, interprets life contained in glass tubes inspired in samples taken by scientists to study the oceans. Alison Sigethy has been selected to show their glass The artist christens this sculptures in the 3rd Annual collection as Mar Cores, each Festival ArtFields held in South fully customizable piece from Carolina, from April 24 to May the size to the different colors: 2, which will display one of its

parts centers series of Sea to enjoy of all attendees. Also, as committed to ecology and sustainable art person, he has participated in the exhibition "America Recycles" in the United States. Painted by the artist, previously recycled glass is crushed and shaped to achieve these beautiful organic sculptures that, in itself, constitute little gems that remind us of nature: not in vain called Sea Jewels. The love of nature and the beauty inherent in it are the backbone of the creativity of the American artist. The sea, as the origin of organic beings and in life, is the passion of the sculptor transmitting it in the form of sculptures of great aesthetic and ornamental value. His works are present in many public and private collections being appreciated for their originality, beauty and its relaxing effects.

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Our Newsletter is worded in:

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with current management.

Castillo de San José de

May 2015


The purpose of this Association is to

Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN

promote, encourage and support many


cultural activities, in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities

When glass culture

of the Museum of Glass Art Alcorcon.

Volume II — Number 77

Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities in the promotion, protection and dissemination of art and culture. Our members may be fees, benefactors, Full and juveniles. 

Presidente honorario

Evangelina del Poyo


Diego Martín García

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Francisco Martín García


José María Gallardo Breña

Secretaria Rosa García Montemayor


Javier Gómez Gómez

Pablo Bravo García 

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

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Congreso FEAM (I).

Volume II — Number 77

May 2015











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Congreso FEAM (II).

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May 2015











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Congreso FEAM (III).

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May 2015









Page 38

May 2015


Congreso FEAM (IV). Photo description: 1 and 2. Museum of Altamira. 3. Presentation of the Congress. 4. Congress. 5 and 6. Visit the new cave of Altamira.

Volume II — Number 77

7 and 8. Workshop at the Museum. 9. Conference Director of the Museum of Altamira. 10. Opening ceremony of the Congress. 11 and 12. Conference Program Director for Cultural Management. 13. Congress. 14. Conference of the Spanish Association of Fundraising. 15, 16 and 17. Work sessions. 18. Presentation of the findings of the working sessions. 19. Annual Assembly of the EGF. 20. Presentation of the candidacy for Congress in 2016. 21 and 22. Visit the Collegiate Church of Santa Juliana. 23. Visit the Tower of Don Borja. 24, 25 and 27. Visit the Museum of Archeology of Cantabria. 26. Visit the Maritime Museum of Cantabria. 28. Concert harp.

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