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Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

Monthly Newsletter


Davide Fuin  Adding wills.

M. A. Carretero.

continuing to maintain and develop our program "Concerts in the MAVA" of its features, the program began in February 2013, its development since then, we support pays Miguel Angel Colmenero Foundation and the Conservatory of Madrid, the quality of the However, we were also performers who develop told that the agreements concerts and has good reached at the Full Council reception among the are not binding and, citizens of Alcorcón. therefore, executive, since it is the Governing Board Representatives of the of the City Council three groups agreed that it determines the issues to is an important contribution to the culture of our city be considered. and all that is necessary to And all this, in accordance point to stay and continue with laid down in Law giving concerts until now 7/1985, of 2 April, has been done. regulating the Bases of They also showed great Local Government. interest because students Since that Governing from the Conservatory They echo our request Board is chaired by the "Manuel de Falla" of the first three municipal Mayor and involves the Alcorcón, through different groups cited were made Deputy Mayors, other musical groups participate and had with them the councilors and CEOs corresponding interviews. appointed by the Mayor, is in these concerts, given that, so far, we have only impractical, for now, that had the collaboration of All showed us the great the return of the spaces of the group of saxophones value to them Glass Art the Museum possible. in an extraordinary concert Museum of Alcorcon and given in the month of positive to the initiative But it would be a very we proposed to introduce positive step to ensure that March 2013, despite our the representatives of the repeated visits to the Conservatory to try to majority of citizens of increase collaboration. Alcorcón consider it necessary that the Therefore, on Tuesday, museum again to have the September 29, deposited settings you had before in the General Register of the assignment of the the City of Alcorcón a letter second floor to the Madrid to this Conservatory and also they have reiterating the invitation to expressed this desire in the groups they see fit to Full Council. participate in our program. As reported in the editorial of our previous bulletin last September, we headed a letter to the municipal groups of the Socialist Party, win Alcorcón, Citizen and United Left, which are formed by the opposition groups in the City Alcorcon to request an interview to give us to know his view of the importance for them the Museum of Art Glass Alcorcon in the cultural life of our town, it is one of the two exhibition spaces of art glass that exist in our country and it is a clear world leader when it comes to knowing the works in glass by the most renowned artists from around the world globe.

Nuestra sede: Castillo Grande de S.J. de Valderas Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN. (MADRID) info@amigosmava.org

a motion, either jointly or by one of them with the support of other opinion in the corresponding vote, to re-reinstate the Glass Art Museum exhibition spaces that were suppressed him by decision of the governing Popular Party in the city of Alcorcon.

We also deal in these We hope so. meetings the advisability of

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Piece of the month. Antonio L. Sáinz Gil “Keshava”.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

Keshava, heterónimo Antonio Luis Sainz Gil, studied architecture at the University of Navarra (1969-1975) and stained glass design at the Massana School of Barcelona, the city where he settled in 1983. Between 1987 and 1988 she spent in the United States to study stained glass design with Ludving Schaffrath, Johannes Schreiter, Ed Carpenter and Narcissus Quagliata. As the end of his studies, he held his first exhibition at the Barcelona Institute of North American Studies. Her teaching was spent in the Centre of Glass of Barcelona, whose architectural work supervised, and the Pilchuck Glass School in

Stanwood, Washington, where he also proved to be a connoisseur of the techniques of carving and engraving.

Its dimensions of 25,55m 21,60m high by side make up a huge 550 square m2.

It is located in the office Keshava first participated building of the bank, on in the 15th edition of the Diagonal. Glass Now (1994) the In 1995 and 1996 he also play "Our Planet", later participated in the Glass donated by Takako Sano Now 16th and 17th to MAVA and whose exhibitions. image illustrates this As an artist and designer article. of stained glass for In fact this work is architecture executed nothing more than a numerous commissions in model of the large Catalonia, La Rioja, window that Keshava Navarra and Valencia. would title "The Exhibitions, lectures, awakening of the seminars and Planet" (1992). conferences, were Caja Madrid completing their rich commissioned the professional activity. architect, is made with colored glass glued onto He died in Barcelona in June 2005, victim of an a base glass, etched. illness.


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Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

S PE C I A L I NT E R E S T: 

Piece of the month

Vitrum Glass Festival

Interview with D. Magan

Bienal in Carmaux

Activities on the MAVA


Our activities

Glass recycling

How does C O N T E N T :

Piece of the month


Established artists


Young artists


Vitrum Glass Festival


Interview with D. Magan


Museums activities


Activities on the MAVA


Biennial in Carmaux


Art Glass in Andorra


Ai Weiwei in London


The glass in Mendoza


Roman glass in museums




Culture 2015


The Shard


Plan Renove 2015


The glass in museums




Cultural visits


Culture 2015 program


Sculptures with music


Other trends


Manually cut glass


The "bird" Calatrava


Review the Pelli Tower


Intellectual Property Law

a) Failure to comply e) The significant with the conditions set breach of the procedure laid down by out in Article 153. BOOK III statute in relation to the b) The application of complaints raised by Protection of the systems, rules and the shareholders in rights recognized in procedures for accordance with the this Act allocating the amounts collected in provisions of Article TITLE V an arbitrary and unfair 151.14. Protection of manner. 4. Constitute minor technological offenses the following c) Failure to comply measures and acts: with the obligations information rights set out in Articles 154- a) The lack of attention management 156, 157.1 except for to the requirements of the letters b) and k), the government made c) The serious and under the provisions of and 157.4. repeated the obligation under d) Resistance, excuse Article 157 bis. It is understood that neglect Article 152 default. or negative, for the occurs when the d) Demonstration of collective management entity any fact involving the management entities does not respond very serious breach of intellectual property within a month since it of the obligations of rights, the audit was notified, except for conducted by the Title IV. competent authorities just cause. Public 3. Constitute serious Administrations may as provided in this offenses the following reduce the term of duly Act. acts: substantiated reasons.


Visit to Verallia.

Swimming pool in London 27 Fenaza 2015


How does he do it


A dangerous bridge


The longest bridge


Atlantic tower


Glass on the plane


Glass Blocks


Lamp Baccarat


Globe lamps


Cross Fregenal


The glass of Ballantine's


Junta Directiva


During the month of September it has not been possible to make a visit to the Verallia has facilities in the town of Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara). We will make a new attempt in this month of October, but for this it is necessary that

those who are interested in joining us on the tour informed us of your name and number of the NIF, essential data that we need to send to the Department of Security factory sufficiently in advance of the planned date for the visit, which is on Tuesday morning 20th.

No response from the Department of Culture. 

17-01-13. Requesting inventory of the components of the permanent collection of MAVA.

11-06-13. Possibility of receipt by the MAVA documentation on glass offered by the President of the Spanish Association of Science.

11-11-13. Requesting information on the agreement with the Community of Madrid to install social services in the MAVA.


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Established artists. Davide Fuin.

Our web

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

Fuin Davide was born in 1962 What is generally considered a first master, with his father as on the island of Murano, where punishment, was for him a principal assistant and support. he lives and works. revelation. He found his calling. In the late 1990s, he founded He grew up around the glass in In 1968, he began working at Fuin DF glassware with two Murano, often accompanying Venini and in 1980, a number assistants. Mainly produce his father in his work Barovier of teachers, including his glasses and cups, along with & Toso. father, Barovier & Toso left to reproductions of museum in open his own factory. Venetian style. Although he was too young to really work, I was fascinated by He joined his father and began Although not considered an the activity and interactions to work with the teacher Carlo artist, she is proud of its ability between glassblowers. Tosi Caramea. to carry out the art and language of the forms When he was fifteen, he left In late 1980, Fuin was developed in Murano furnaces high school and, as was considered a young teacher in the last thousand years. required at that time, he went and a new factory, Elite to work in a glass factory. Murano, offered him the post of

Emerging artists. Simone Crestani.

Our web

under the tutelage of master glassblower Massimo Lunardon. As an apprentice in Lunardon’s workshop, Crestani received a strong foundation in the techniques of manipulation. He spent years experimenting and researching new techniques with an emphasis on flame-working. As Crestani’s confidence in his skills grew, so did his passion. In both his functional and sculptural work, Crestani’s aesthetic tends toward time-honored artistic values: balance, elegance, and grace, this despite the fact that his creations are completely novel an unlike anything in glass world to date. Simone Crestani attributes his passion for glass to what he describes as the privilege of growing up near the capital of glass world: Venice. After innumerable

visit to the famous glassworks of Venice and having experienced Murano’s renowned glass creations as part of his upbringing, Crestani entered the tradition himself in 2000


In both the plastic arts and in the world of Italian design, Crestani is regarded as a young luminary with a compelling and diverse body of work. He is represented by galleries in Paris, London, Venice, Milan and New York.

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II Festival artisan glass, VITRUM.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

market, the market for local products, and many activities that achieved great success in last year's edition will be The glass blowing added: the drinking contest demonstration by glassmakers with duck in style, children's Xus recognized Rafa Redondo workshops, the storytelling, and Abdon de l'Olleria, guided tours of the Museum of Valencia, will be one of the Glass visits and oven, novelties of the Feast of traditional games glass, Artisan Glass and Poblet popular breakfast or "Abraça't" Vimbodi, Vitrum, an event that initiative, this year with a new will celebrate its second edition format but also framed in the the 3rd and 4th of October. popular street of Hugs a the narrower the state. The two master glassmakers Vimbodí take up technical and "The party maintains acts this craft creations for years year than last year were well developed in their town, long received and includes new and tradition of stained glass, and surprising," says the mayor of will combine their art with the Vimbodí i Poblet, Joan Güell. renowned master glassmaker For his part, Councillor for Vimbodi, Paco Ramos. Tourism and the Museum and Other developments of the Oven Glass, Rosa Albes, next edition of Vitrum will be emphasizes the family nature the musical show with of the various events planned, xalaparta (traditional Basque many of which this year will percussion instrument) glass vest over two days, since the and wood, by Txalaparta party also extend to Sunday. Tarragonako; the workshop Vitrum is organized by the "Sounds glass," a musical Town Council in collaboration experience with bottles and glasses and the sounds made with civic organizations and businesses. by vibrating water by Pere Rubies, and exposure of The event has the support of siphons and old packaging the Catalan Association of Art donated by the Museum of Glass, the Consortium of Lleida distribution company Trade, Crafts and Fashion of Flower beverage Vimbodí. Catalonia, under the These and other developments Generalitat; the Tourism Council of Tarragona Province; the traditional glass craft The glass traditions Vimbodí and of Valencia will join the Artisan Glass II Party, Vitrum.


County Council of Conca de Barbera and brand Cistercian Route. A strong tradition The window and Poblet Vimbodi tradition dates back to the twelfth century, in which there were a glass furnace Nerola area where the lamps were manufactured Poblet monastery, then under construction. The glass production became an industry in the early twentieth century to the 50s, a period that came to run up to four glass manufacturing facilities. Industrial, religious, decorative, especially agricultural and domestic use, works for different uses occurred. The main parts coming out of the glass furnaces were jugs, oil and green and white bottles of Catalan glass, and jugs, salt, drinkers canaries, ratites and other crafts. Currently, the Museum of Glass and Oven, operational since 1993 (the museum) and 1996 (the oven) and the Feast of Glass Artisan Vimbodí and Poblet, Vitrum, testify to the glorious past of the town glazier.

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Interview with David Magan.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015



What are your first contact with the art world?

work you watched from their different points of view.

Today I discovered more materials that serve me in the same way as methacrylate, I often use in my work depending on whether it fits better to certain needs that can not cover the glass.

Glass as the main compositional element of your work. How you It was from the age of 13 I started to start working and interested by this go often to the house of some friends material and when you see all the where the father is an art historian and possibilities that can offer this The geometry and color are for you painter mother. element when performing your job? a style, a way to express what your job. Does one complements the Unwittingly I started to soak in that After studying art for seven years and other? creative atmosphere where the specialize in metal and wood paintings and sculptures of Spanish sculpture, glass discovered after a Of course they complement and are, in artists occupied every corner of the brief one-week course on stained my opinion, one dependent on the house. glass windows. other. For me, the geometry is open to Your work combines multiple possibilities, you play with space, with chromaticism, with geometry and light - both his own and that which projects the work -. Tell us about how your work is part and where the initial idea. It is difficult to know where the original idea started because, in my early days as an artist, spent many things, it was a time of pure experimentation and creative explosion. I guess I started to develop my own artistic language when I discovered the glass and the possibilities offered me into the sculpture. You could use flat sheets of translucent color and play with them in the space of a completely different than it had done so far with other opaque material way. This allowed me to create layers of color that merged in space through light, generating a series of mergers that transformed the chromatic as the

It was then that I became obsessed to develop a technique based on the leaded stained glass, but it was three dimensional and that allowed me to close objects from a geometric pattern. Little by little I became increasingly open space and creating more unrelated to the concept of solid and closed object works. But there is something that allowed me to give a 180 degree turn to my work: the voltages across the steel cable. This allowed me to create sculptures in which each element depends on each other in terms of integrity. In addition, so I felt I had arrived at a solution that allowed me to raise the glass to a point where the material takes on a more ethereal state if possible.

the search for a universal language in art door, where all symbols linked to the mundane reality disappear and new visual possibilities are created. The different planes of translucent colored offered me, through their merger possibilities, a set of chromatic events that break with the idea of a monochrome, dull and heavy sculpture, to create a fusion between different languages: architecture, painting and sculpture. They come together to create works that play with light and its possibilities in space and the perception of people about it. Believe sculptures where the same composition projects an artistic dialogue in the space occupied by either the shape or the light, which in turn is observed as it is different each time.

Being totally suspended in the air, had managed to accentuate those qualities Yes, for me, the sculpture is that that I both fell in love with this changing ability that makes it so material, it was as if this time the color really had been trapped in the air.



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Interview with David Magan.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

..//.. special and try to fully exploit these possibilities. I have tried to study how the work with space and people walking around to create situations in which the movement of the people creates a unique visual experience perceptions interrelate. It is, above all, in site-specific projects in which I pay special attention to the interrelation between architecture, the work and the viewer. It is light, as you point, the main character in my work, because it is able to transform the space around the work through reflections that are generated, and is what makes the flat sheets of translucent color transform at overlap each other, getting chromatic mergers like the palette of a painter in question. Parts of compositional elements such as glass flat but the end result is three-dimensional works, a visual game between form and color with many variants in the same work, a complex composition overlapping spot colors ... Always interested me to create sculptures that are built from the repetition of the same element and to explore the endless possibilities this offers, the plan allows me to play different geometric shapes that play in space and built, in an orderly manner , structures, following different compositional patterns. In a way I feel like a child playing with Lego.

Light and color are the stars of your job as the combination of both elements, together with the geometric composition itself, presented the work under different viewpoints. Looking for that game premeditated the same job or be presented well in the end result? I always have in my mind the play of color, but when I design a work floor focus more on the form and subsequently conducted several studies and select the color that seems more interesting to me.

During this 2015 you expose your large format work at the Palais Rohan in Strasbourg, a work presented in large public outdoor space that is part of the International Glass Biennale. How has this experience in this type of exhibition space? How has the public reaction to your work? For me it has been a very positive experience because I was able to carry out my first work for large format outdoor, practicing a technique that had long been investigating.

Some works call me a primary game, others work better with more or fewer colors, and even some use a single color, but always thinking of the color fusion occurs between the different layers.

Also the location is amazing and the reaction of the people was very positive. Moreover, he had just come from Denmark to install a larger sitespecific in the Hempel Glass Museum, which was double satisfaction.

Have some artists or styles of reference you have had an influence on your style and your work?

What are the next projects that will see your work and where you can see your work soon?

Of course, I guess we all have. It is the art that you love, I guess, that leaves a residue on your subconscious. But I think that not only the visual arts that have influenced me, but also the music, design, fashion and film. By naming you some, say, Rodchenko, Soto, Kenneth Snelson, Anthony Caro, Cruz-Diez, Alberts, Sol Lewitt, Sobrino. Also, it's funny how as my work has evolved, I've discovered artists that there are commonalities, and this fascinates me.


Right now I'm working on several largescale projects for private collectors. In February you can see my work in ARCO and in Zona MACO (Mexico). I am also preparing a couple of solo shows here in Madrid, one in the Cayon Gallery and another at the Art Center of Fuenlabrada Tomás y Valiente. Besides, I have work exhibited at the Cayon Gallery in Marion Gallery (Panama) and Espace-Expression (Miami).

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Activities Museums I.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


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Activities Museums II.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


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Activities Museums III.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


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Activities on the MAVA. The Tuesday Mava.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

The September 29, 2015 to June 14, 2016 The objectives to be met with activity to students of colleges are: To value the Museum of the city, making them aware of the need to preserve and safeguard a heritage that belongs to everyone and we have to be proud of. Bring them closer to the concept of museum and how the MAVA responds to this model: collection, artist, donor, etc. Work on what is appropriate behavior and attitude in such spaces. Insert the Museum as part of the Cultural Services of the City Council Treat concepts as the arts, creativity, artwork, etc. Review the nature of glass, their household, scientific and technological

applications and compare From the day following the them with the artistic they are activity, Wednesday, and at seeing. any time during the visiting To whom it May concern? hours of the museum, every child, accompanied by their Students in 5th year of parents or family, you can primary school, public, come to the museum to get private or charter schools, his piece. primarily the Municipality of It will be a good opportunity Alcorcón. for the children to museum The activity description guides to their elders. The group will comprise a How to participate, when, maximum of 20/25 children what it will cost ...? (one class). You need to book in advance It is divided into two, make a by calling the Museum: 91 tour of the museum's 112 76 30, opening hours to collection visit and perform the public. other glass workshop with The activity will be every two monitors Collective Tuesday instructional school Vitrium. calendar from September 29, After about 40 minutes the 2015 to June 14, 2016, groups exchange their between 12:00 am and 10:30 activities. am. All they come together and The activity has no cost, discuss their experiences, except that it can generate doubts, questions, etc. the transfer of school What about my work on children to the museum. glass?


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Bienal in Carmaux.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

The Biennale of Verriers is a public event organized by the museum / Glass Art Centre and supported by the Community CarmausinSégala Commons. She got 10 years on 1 Contemporary Glass Exhibition in France. It contributes to the influence and attractiveness of the territory beyond the borders of the Tarn. In 2013, she hosted nearly 10,000 visitors in three days.

glass festival with demonstrations at program initiation workshops, exhibitions, a panel discussion, the screening of a documentary film ...

Chagnon, Claude Baillon, Murielle Vissault, Antoine Brodin, Célia Pascaud, Martine Bruggeman, Olivier Mallemouche Carole Chauvelin, Kazumi Tai Satoshi Okamoto, Gaëlle The exhibition and sale is Serrier, Lise Gonthier, Yukie taking place in the Great Inaba, Sylvie Freycenon, gym, the Domaine de la Vincent Sweater, Antoine Verrerie in Blaye-les-Mines. Rault, Valerie Vayre, Chantal Hoenig, Yves Braun, Julie Open daily from 10h to 19h Gonce, Ingrid Solé Vivancos, Rates: free Friday, Saturday Nicolas Guittet, Marie-Hélène and Sunday € 2, free up to Gleizes, Blandine Lassalle, The 7th Biennial Verriers is 12 years Didier Saba, Geraldine organized at the Domaine de Duriaux, Jean-Michel Verdier, Access to the museum la Verrerie, Carmaux and Nathalie Massenet-Dollfus, between Blaye les Mines, in (same hours 10h-19h) with a Isabelle Baeckeroot, Jeanspecial rate Biennale: € 4 the Tarn (Midi-Pyrenees) Charles Dean, Artverre instead of € 6 Friday 02 to Sunday, Suzanne Philidet, Pierre October 4, 2015. Restaurant on site Guérin, Norbert Tritschler, This sales exhibition brings Information: Museum / Glass Pascal Philibert & Maryline together some fifty artists Art Center: 05 63 80 52 90 / Girardon, Xavier Carrère, Florian Rose, Regis and craftsmen of art glass, museeverre@ccAnchuelo, Lagrange representing all the carmausin.fr Roselyne White Bessière, techniques in the field of 50 designers will be present Laetitia Andrighetto & Jeanglass: blown glass, stained Charles Miot, Pascal glass, fusing, thermoforming, at the show. 50 exhibitors representing various creative Lemoine, Georges Stahl, casting, glass paste, glass techniques in the field of Véronique Carvalho-Magny, torch, etc. contemporary glass Eri Marion Fillancq Lascour & More than a show, the Maeda, Valerie Fanchini, Vincent Yannick Connan. Biennial aims to be a real Anne Donzé & Vincent


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VIII Days of Art Glass in Andorra.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

features are presented, such as street entertainment and This year's speaker will be creativity lab that will take place Silvia Levenson will analyze some of the resources that can on 7 and 8 October. The street entertainment will be used to make objects take place on 3 and 4 October visible to a certain point only in the square Coprínceps hand A conference that was exist in our imagination. slogan: "Life is glass and crystal structured around Besides this paper, over the glasses are" and Claudio presentations by guest artists, weekend there will also be presentations and new this demonstrations and interactive Inferno with "Trenófono". year shows the street and a And creativity lab "Invisible and workshops run by Ferran creativity laboratory on 7 and 8 Collado, Xavier Asensio or impalpable" artist Yukiko October. Murata. Silvia Levenson. The 3rd, 4th and 5th of October Escaldes held the VIII Conference of Arts organized by Textile Glass Workshop Glass and EscaldesEngordany.

Charlemagne Island.

The opening shot of this conference will take place on Saturday at eleven o'clock with the official reception of the exhibitors, speakers and the inauguration.

Exhibitors artists participating in the conference are: Yukiko Murata, Ricardo Llopico, Fernando Garzon, Fina Balp, Comglas Joaquim Falco and Meritxell Tembleque, Merche This will take place at the Art Stained, Maria Picanyol, Center of Escaldes (CAEE) Kazue Taguchi, 40 pens and where you can visit the dozen Bianca Daniel Orquin exhibitors will take part in this Rebagliati and Vitròlics of conference. Mayte Estevez and Carlos Similarly, in the CAEE you can Fernandez. also enjoy the exhibition of All events and activities are students and Textile Glass free and take place at the Art Workshop of Scald from 5 to Center of Escaldes (CAEE) 26 October and an exhibition and the Co-Princes Square. of pieces of glass in the In this edition, two new


The VIII Conference of Glass Arts are part of the events organized by the Joint Workshop Glass StairEngordany born in 1995 with the aim of incorporating a new technique, leaded stained glass in the existing textile workshop since 1983 . The Glass Workshop has been growing and increasing its range of glass working techniques. Currently the techniques of stained glass with copper, glass fusing and thermoforming are also taught.

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Ai Weiwei in London.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


Ai Weiwei seemed lost under his giant installation of trees in the courtyard of the Royal Academy (RA) in London; Chinese artist for 58 years is something new to be present at the opening of a major retrospective of his works.

received in late July unexpectedly passport.

whose walls are written the names of some 5,000 The Chinese authorities held him schoolchildren who died during the earthquake in seven years. since 2011, when he spent 81 days in jail. He now lives mainly The sculpture in the form of seismic wave leaves you in Berlin. speechless and forced into The retrospective, which opens Even seems "unreal", he in London provides an overview silence, says the museum. "Ai recognized the director of the RA, of his work from 1993, when he looking for opportunities in the destruction," says the curator, Tim Marlow. returned to China after more Adrian Locke. And in the last five years, the than a decade in New York. persecution to which the Chinese Among the 48 works of artist SACRED also moves the project, authorities subjected him dominate large installations: the in which the artist documents the prevented him from being present avenue created from the remains persecution and imprisonment by in around one hundred rebuilding prison cells. of dead trees transformed into exhibitions of his works in various sculptures in the courtyard of the Visitors can see through the corners of the world. RA called to stop and reflect. small windows inside the six "My art is inseparable from my activism," he said before the inauguration.

Like the rest of the works.

starred an act of solidarity with refugees.

nearly 100 tons, was transported The visitor is then "released" in the clear light that casts a huge by boat to London. chandelier made from bicycle It is made of steel bars of schools that collapsed during the frame and glass.

boxes containing the figures of Ai and vigilant in half the actual size Curiosity about the Chinese artist and activist is great. Before and the bathroom, the bed or closet reproduced as if a house The exhibition in London, he the inauguration, students of a are represented they were dolls. says, is as extravagant as he had school used as a background The work demonstrates the imagined. installation of a picnic. ongoing monitoring of prisoners The artist and architect Ai talent to create something cooperated intensively remote new out of old through a "poetic for food, sleep, or even in the toilet. video, Skype and by email in the modification of materials", thus conception of the exhibition "Ai questioning the values of The last room of the exhibition is Weiwei" which opened to the contemporary China, helps to bordered by a golden carpet with better understand the history, motifs dedicated to the public a few weeks ago. culture and present, considers persecution and freedom, as a Also, Ai drink these days the Marlow. logo of Twitter, wives or London art care: with his fellow surveillance cameras. Anglo-Indian Anish Kapoor The installation "Straight" of

And also it opened a facility 10 meters high, consists of more than 1,200 bicycle frames in the City of London. Honorary member of the Royal Academy of Arts in London,

2008 Sichuan earthquake and according Ai, is a real monument. So perhaps it occupies the central space of the exhibition,


Glass, explained, has the same origin as the lamp that illuminates the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, home of the Chinese National People's Congress.

Page 15

The glass in Mendoza (Argentina).

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

He sensed that this challenge would from November 25 to Daniel Rueda Art be difficult because I had to learn a Gallery. In Latin America there are prominent language, not to mention the distances Daniel Saber artistically passes not glass artists like Chile and Mexico and costs. only glass, but has managed to make Josefina Muñoz Ana Thiel, There I met my first teacher, Loretta him one of his favorite materials. Thus, internationally recognized for his Yang. This followed arousing curiosity creates sculptures in glass techniques sculptural objects with this material. and every year I've been putting such as blow molding, die-casting, Additional exhibition spaces are together my career as a sculptor in melting, casting and old casting dedicated to the discipline as the Glass glass learning different techniques of modeled in glass paste. Art Museum of Alcorcon in Spain, and casting and cold working. I have spent the Corning Museum of Glass in New more than six teachers who have been In retrospect, the artist narrates York that has a collection that houses polishing my language as a sculptor. " regarding their route: "I had a parallel artistic and technical secondary from antiques to contemporary As for what he calls the material, the education, which allowed me to learn sculptures in this material. Meanwhile, artist says: "Discover the spirit of the and experience the technology of in Argentina, since 1994 it takes place materials, this helped me a lot in Berazategui the National Exhibition glass from its initial alchemy comes from the earth and fire, was that the especially during my tour of the of Glass in Art. best gift I could receive as an artist. university. A sign of the rise of discipline is the My first group show I did in 1983 in increasing number of artists exhibiting The fire light and color done every time I think about it fills my heart with Mercedes, San Luis, where I was born. their work in the contest annually. emotion and desire to work. " As a Then I came to Mendoza to study, The province of Mendoza Argentina is result of work and distance traveled, since I have participated in several no stranger to this movement and Alexander received in 2012 the Grand provincial halls and the region also in convene within two artists with different Acquisition Prize at the XVI National group and solo exhibitions. " styles and techniques and representing Exhibition of Art Glass in Berazategui. As for the choice of glass as an two generations leave their mark in the The last series in which works are expressive material, he says: "I know discipline. currently "Interventions" and the glass like substance of artistic The work of Alejandro Herrera Guiñazú "Reflections of Light". Regarding the expression since childhood. In the '60s, is one of the most amazing art glass first, he explains: "It is a series of due to domestic mills at the time, the worked in that province. Decidedly sculptures made from glass and market Murano and Mexican teachers contemporary, it features the game of stones Mendoza river. was used. transparencies and colors that enables The techniques used are varied, I always felt attracted by the magic of material. among them is the melting glass, the arts of fire and mutated forms, His most recent pieces like stones carving, rolling, polishing. It is inspired transparencies, color and light, but interventions intervened with local by natural forms made by road of when I met the work of René Lalique geography glass and "Light stones in the river over millions of and Louis Thompson, the Spanish Reflections" series feature an years. ". Javier Gomez and Emile Gallé, my interesting expressive synthesis. As for the "Reflections of Light" series, eyes opened. Regarding his artistic career is that is purely glass sculptures. Have the possibility of using planes, extensive and has been professional in "In this case use mostly optical glass, semiplanes and contained forms, the the discipline. likely outcome is always an which is used to carry lenses abstraction, only limited by the "My journey as a sculptor in glass telescopes, among other things. The imagination and the availability of begins in 2009 after some experiences technique used is basically cold space, supported iron to create with other materials that aroused my working. compositions combining these interest in getting lost wax sculptures in It starts from a glass block, cutting, materials. glass. In 2010, after an unsuccessful laminating, carving and polishing, "he search for Argentina, Chile and Spain concludes. looking for a school to teach what I needed, I found The Studio at The One thing not to miss is the Corning Museum of Glass, New York. "Interventions" series will be presented Extract losandes.com


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The Roman glass in museums in Madrid (X).

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


Eduardo Alonso Cereza.

With respect to glass in the Middle Bronze colored glaze it applied to the exterior of certain objects terracotta was performed.

for creating jewelry, seals and small vessels.

The stained-glass artist, to get the imitation of precious stones, acquire some significance because perform In the Late Bronze glass paste sufficient production to meet demand, although these pieces are made; in its small colored glass pastes represent beginnings they were like lower quality stones against jewels and jarritos. the real. The glass paste was achieved in the mixture of sand, mineral At this stage of the Mesopotamian glass and vegetable dyes ashes craftsman he has won the first deposited in the oven and opaque and colored glass. cooking experienced several phases. Its development, along with With it, called mekku in West Semitic and ehlipakku in Hurrian, imitation of precious stones that are difficult to obtain due to the decline in population in the Iranian plateau which causes the crisis of manufactured work and the flow of these is achieved stones; colored glasses will be acting as substitutes.

certain skills and expertise, important in knowing what we would call chemistry required.

If in the Middle Bronze certain parts were covered with glazed terra cotta color, this work may be done by the potter with advanced chemical knowledge or any person skilled in such treatments, but in any case, would mean the The stones have greater value, germ of craft work glass; this seed also should be added the but imitations are used more work of opaque colored glass paste.


At present the development of the chemistry that affects the glass and its color is produced, but the color will also extend to the tissues. Similarly experiments in treating perfumes are made. Making glass paste objects extends occupying the Upper Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine; from these regions it will spread to the entire Middle East. The palaces appreciate these products obtained with the molten glass because they are quality. They also maintain contact with each other and carry out exchanges of specialists who contribute to the diffusion of technology. In addition to contacts between palaces and exchanges of professionals, quickly extending the manufacture of glass paste also due to treaties consist of written texts concern the manufacture of glass paste.

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Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

N E W S (I).

 Concerts in the MAVA. City. We hope not to have bureaucratic problems for the realization of these concerts, as they still are not very clear about the responsibilities of the various Councils on the governing body of our City. We continue with the invaluable collaboration of Miguel Angel Colmenero Foundation for the participation of musical So we've made the request The next day October 30 will begin the concert season, in our Space Museum auditorium of the groups for these concerts. Department of Culture of our "MAVA Concert" program.

Culture 2015.

In September last we visited the exhibition "Zurbarán, a new look" at the Thyssen Museum in Madrid.

recovered in recent years and have never been exhibited in Spain canvases.

his son, Juan de Zurbaran, represented by its refined still lifes.

Contemporary of Velázquez, realistic and mystical vision of his painting and his peculiar way of addressing the various issues have become a major painter who has been recognized by modern trends in painting.

Mythological works and portraits completed the extensive production of religious themes throughout the seven rooms of the exhibition, jointly curated by Odile Delenda, art historian and specialist painter and Borobia Mar, head of Old Master Paintings of the Thyssen -Bornemisza.

This exhibition has offered to Museum visitors in the summer of 2015 a select tour of Extremadura production artist from his first commissions to the key works of his mature period; a new view of one of the most The exhibition confronts his important painters of the Spanish Golden Age thanks to work with that of his best the presence of unreleased or disciples, gathered in one of the rooms, as well as that of


N E W S (II).

The Shard.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

Page 18

Formerly known as London Bridge Tower. It is a glass tower with 87 floors and extravagant form of transparent pyramid. Designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, it is one of the most striking buildings in London, the highest in the European Union and the

third highest in Europe. The Shard has 310 meters. Since its opening in July 2012, the silhouette of The Shard has determined the London skyline forever. The viewpoint of the building, known as "The View" has become beside the London Eye in London

best place to watch from above. In its 87 plants, 72 are used, The Shard has offices (floors 3-28), restaurants (31-33), the luxurious Shangri-La (3452), apartments (53-65), a gazebo (68-72) and needle (73-87).

Plan Renove 2015. From the 8th of September, the Basque Energy Board (EVE), began receiving requests whose term will remain in effect until the exhaustion of funds. To qualify for this grant is an essential requirement to submit the complete documentation specified in the public databases available on the corporate website of the Basque Energy Board (www.eve.es).

Already published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country bases governing the granting of aid under the Plan Renove of Windows 2015 will have a budget of € 1 million for renovation of exterior glass enclosures by

They are valid all those substitutions renewal invoice This program aims to improve the from January 1, 2015, but in energy efficiency of homes located no event later than the bills in Euskadi commonly used to be budget exhaustion date is reduced heating energy accepted. consumption through increased thermal protection abroad. others with reinforced insulation.


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The glass in Museums: Leerdam (Holand).

Our web

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


The new museum of glass in the Netherlands is a project of architectural bureau SLA.

The Glass Museum began in 1953 at the home of Petrus Marinus Cochius, director of the association of manufacturers of glass and founder Leerdam Leerdam traditional drink.

The National Glass Museum collects, analyzes and proposes all kinds of art exhibitions and glass design since The museum occupied 1850. two separate villas in an idyllic environment, but It serves as storage for on the contrary offered the treasures of the visitors a concatenation Netherlands, laboratory of stays of domestic and documentation scale. center on everything that has to do with glass.


The combination of the two buildings would be making more consistent exhibition halls with a museum of this kind. The connection is more than a runner, it is the exhibition space itself and becomes part of the visitor experience. In addition, the bridges connecting internal spaces serve as storage space museum. Lingedijk 28-30 Leerdam

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Recycling. Recycled glass and pedals.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


More than 105,300 users have joined the initiative launched by Ecovidrio and the Tour of Spain 'Recycling glass and pedal' through social networks have contributed to the donation of two bicycles 'handbikes' to benefit the Foundation of the National Paraplegics Hospital for Research and Integration, Toledo. With this delivery, the hospital already has six bicycles for spinal cord injuries. Marketing director Ecovidrio, the nonprofit entity responsible for managing the recycling of glass packaging waste in Spain, Borja Martiarena, and Oscar Pereiro, Spanish exciclista Tour de France in 2006 and ambassador initiative, have been responsible for delivering these bikes to the managing director of the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM), Regina Leal.

The aim of the initiative was #Reciclavidrioypedalea raise public awareness about recycling glass containers with the participation of cyclists in the Tour.

For his part exciclista Martiarena Borja he has confessed that when he proposed to be an ambassador for the entire back of this initiative was the first thing he noticed was "not For the first time in the doing well", referring to history of the race, Ecovidrio recycling, and has warned has placed a green that a glass bottle takes container on the podium for 4,000 years to disappear. the winners of each stage bottle deposit with Meanwhile the managing celebrating victory. director of SESCAM has said that sport is a very important In addition, Ecovidrio has process in the care of people been present in the meeting admitted to the National point for the daily passing Hospital for Paraplegics tool cyclists as well as public and that the health center is areas where more than the largest pool of athletes 12,000 people have known with spinal cord injury in the environmental benefits of Spain. recycling and the importance of acquiring the habit: save Thus, it is recognized that energy, avoid the extraction there are over 200 SCI who of raw materials, reducing have started their career in the volume of waste going to Paraplegic athlete and landfill and minimize CO2 officials who are enrolled in emissions. sports federations, which many patients with spinal Marketing director Ecovidrio cord injury who practice has relied on these bikes recreational sport for other donation contributes to the reasons add up. daily activity of patients in the center.


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Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

 Our activities. In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2015.

 Cultural visits. The II Festival Artisan Glass and Poblet Vimbodi, Vitrum, has the support of the Consortium of Trade, Crafts and Fashion of Catalonia (CCAM), the Tourism Council of Tarragona Province, the Regional Council of the Conca de Barbera and Brand Cistercian Route. In this second edition will be present, along with Paco Ramos, soul of the Museum of Glass Vimbodí two glassmakers of L'Olleria (Valencia), Rafa Abdon and Jesus Redondo. The next 3rd and 4th of October will be held in Vimbodi (Tarragona) "Vitrum", the second edition of the festival glass artisan in Catalonia.

city as a reference in Catalonia blown glass.

The festival will feature craft activities, leisure and commercial streets and squares scattered, The Borough Council Poblet Vimbodi and drives this new annual centered at the Museum of Glass event with the aim to consolidate the and oven.

Our Association will be present at this event through our President and our Secretary, in order to enjoy and take notice of this event to provide a comprehensive report of its development in our next newsletter.

 CULTURE 2015 program. of the classical world, to which is added the skill in carving mineral, made with closely guarded methods in an environment of constant experimentation close to the ideas of Leonardo da Vinci.

In this October we will visit the exhibition "Art transparent. The size of the crystal in the Milanese Renaissance ", to be held from 14th in the Museo del Prado.

From the point of view sculptures they stand out for their aesthetic and technical quality, and figurative representations in them. As intellectual elaborations, it consider reflection of Renaissance thought and Renaissance tardo-, even to visually interpret esoteric and to overcome, who enjoyed the common admiration of his magical affairs. contemporaries, with an The main objective of this economic valuation much exhibition is to present to higher the great creations of the public a concept of art the painting of his time. with which you are

Aimed at large princely Since the mid-sixteenth collections are, at once, century, artists and sculptures and useful objects, workshops of the Italian city strange and wonderful of Milan stressed in size rock unusual inventions whose crystal, a natural gem, proportions evident in many creating masterpieces difficult cases, a thorough knowledge www.amigosmava.org

unfamiliar, for what have been selected fourteen of the most beautiful parts of the "Treasure of the Dolphin" (part of the estate of Philip V Bourbon), which works by first rank from Florence and Paris meet.

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Sculptures with music.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

It all started with inflatable guitar François Baschet invented in 1952 to travel the world lightweight luggage.

For over half a century, François (1920-2014) and Bernard Baschet (1917-2015) explored the acoustic materials to give musicians new tools of creation, interpretation and dissemination.

and are of different materials and sizes.

The exhibition is aimed at all audiences. The members of the Taller d'Sonora Baschet It was the germ of the Sculpture UB -driven by instruments of the self-François BaschetBaschet brothers, His work is recognized are responsible for considered the most innovative contribution of worldwide both in the arts guiding the audience and science. along a participatory way. the twentieth century in the field of musical Among his works is the "Visits are tailored to each acoustics. famous Cristal Baschet group to combine (also known as the glass historical explanations An exhibition in body), an instrument that acoustic, aesthetic, Barcelona provides an produces sound by technical and musical opportunity to discover, oscillation of 54 glass demonstrations and listen and sound the cylinders. interaction with deeds," works of these two explains Martí Ruiz, pioneers of sound Baschet sound sculpture Doctor of Fine Arts, sculpture. exhibition brings together musician and expert in 18 unique pieces that The exhibition can be the Baschet. seen at the new Parc de combine sculpture and les Sodicals Humanities music, a constant in the Can Jaumandreu. Peru, 52. Tuesdays and and Sciences of the UB, work of both artists. Thursdays from 10.00 to located in the old factory They belong to different 14.00. Free. Can Juanmandreu. periods, ranging from the 60s to the XXI century Address guided visits: marti.ruiz@ub.edu www.amigosmava.org

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Other trends. Aliada project.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


When surfing the Net, a research culture should ask simple questions to search engines to find consistent results. What if you could perform complex questions like: 'What art museum there on the early Middle Ages on the tourist route between Barcelona and Valencia'?

programs, but in incompatible formats and therefore not visible in Internet searches. Allied software resolves these obstacles.

The idea is to contextualize the information to the machines themselves can understand and interpret what the user is looking.

Javier Iriarte, head of The program creates a file development and finance infrastructure to unite under Artium, explains that through a single Internet architecture Allied "when a user is that automatically created to interested in an artist, be published related. Internet returns the greatest wealth of relevant resources Or you could find the works Tecnalia, a private on him." "The project is of Picasso never exhibited in foundation applied and enabling us to deepen the Spain, for example. expert in semantic web relationship with other research, and Scanbit, cultural institutions like the From 2016, these responses specializing in document Museum of Fine Arts in can be found through Allied, management company, have Budapest," says Iriarte on the a project that links data from teamed up to promote this participation of Vitoria center, museums and libraries and project. specialized in contemporary made available to everyone art. for free. It is funded by the Contextualize EU. As a result, museums open Allied converge in these their own windows to European cultural institutions technology companies and exchange ideas and build hoard an immense artistic libraries and, for the heritage and literature moment, the museum Artium relationships that will serve to documenting its history. of Vitoria and the Fine Arts in launch other projects. Budapest. http://www.aliada-project.eu/ Most of this information is cataloged in modern


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Manually cut glass.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

Raul and Eduardo Vidal are brothers and craftsmen. The excellence of his work, carried out in his workshop in Gerli (Argentina), has placed in the category of artists.

Used machines that have many years but they work perfectly thanks to the care and maintenance of them do Vidal brothers.

closure of most shops and factories they were small and medium-sized motor of the economy.

From 2003, the situation began to Eduardo takes care of the less reverse and and products coming Practice glass cutting technique creative tasks, but also essential from the East, mainly China, are hand over 40 years. to ensure that customer orders not the most sought after. are fulfilled on schedule and with The Faena Hotel in Puerto Raul says enthusiastically "We the quality expected. Madero and El Porteño produce only products that are neighborhood of Recoleta, "We can go into the houses of not made in series and so we among others, have local décor well recognized families of the seek not only families who appreciate having a centerpiece pieces for them. city of Buenos Aires thanks to the trust we have earned by our or a game of bowls carved by Today they are called as artistic hand, but also a young audience work," he says proudly. collaborators for exhibitors in the that each Again appreciate these largest exhibition of Argentine They are working alone most of products for decoration. " design that takes place annually the time, as they explain it very While the technique of handin Casa FOA. difficult to get trained for the hand-carved glass staff. carved glass was highly There brings together the most developed in Eastern Europe, important studies of architecture "In the 60s you could find three including Ukraine, the former and decoration to present trends workshops for apple engaged in Czechoslovakia and Germany, then reach many homes. this work. After the policy of currently in those countries economic liberalization carried craftsmanship has given way to Raul began learning the art when out by the military government the series production. I was 15 and today, with more that ruled from 1976-1983, made than 50, it deals with the design imported products began to enter The Vidal brothers continue with of the pieces that decorate local industry and suffered a lot. their art, maybe in the future mirrors, glasses, vases and But the death blow gave him the delegated to their children, but furniture. neoliberal policies of the '90s we today allows these artistswere there virtually no work artisans de Avellaneda be skilled "It's a process that takes time, "distressed remember those in the art and, therefore, because you have to cut the years where the domestic references in this office. glass, biselarlo, carve, industry underwent a process of sometimes burn and finally desguazamiento that led to the espejarlo".


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The "bird" Calatrava.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


The big metal bird Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava has built at Ground Zero in New York is about to take flight.

in the new complex stands. But among the pieces highlights the double white linkage designed by Calatrava: two composite wings of huge Every 11 September, glorious pieces of steel. Throughout the for 102 minutes, between 8.45 month of August they were painted white scrupulous and 10.48, the oculus, the Projected on aerial gondola large skylight 355 feet long, will open; 224 glass panels set operators. into forty, big steel rods of the Asked by the Wall Street skeleton that rises above the Journal, which gave him the Transportation Hub will charge opportunity to explain, its real sense. Calatrava said: "This has not been easy for me: I was The work, budgeted at the beginning 2,000 million, comes treated like a dog". to an end after almost ten years of delays, budget struggles and merciless criticism. And it will cost twice 4,000 million.

You can almost say it is not victimhood: there has been publication of the city of skyscrapers that had an architect specializing in vilify We know all the controversy in the editor. Steve Couzzo, the New York Post, did not know Valencia at the cost of what to invent after saying that Santiago Calatrava and his the work of the Valencian born works, all the scandals, on purpose to frighten accusations and allegations children. about his way of working, small stay with the story of his "Glorious waste" and "selfrelationship with the Port indulgent monstrosity" are two Authority of New York, which of the most complete niceties owns solar the two buildings that have been written about destroyed during the terrorist Calatrava and a work took six attacks of September 11, years and the end cost 4,000 2001, south of Manhattan. million. It's more money than what it cost the entire Freedom Fourteen years after the Tower; and many remember bombing, the site of the two that a manager of the project towers is occupied by two said that, after all, "what we impressive memorial wells a grown garden and a memorial are doing is just a fucking train to Jersey". museum of victims; and keep

the marble floor, 'smell' intensely Calatrava. The Valencian air of his work is on the winged shot in the skylights, in a dome like our Agora and the underground floors that plunge into the bowels of Manhattan. Andrew Rice, the smartest of the critics who had BenimĂ met teacher, has written that "of course, you can admire while design ambition and wonder if it was worth." And also that "Calatrava proved himself a master in the art of changing political dynamics and love and win a decision maker after another." It is true: they were offended at all costs and, above all, to say that he was not in charge of budgets. All, when the truth, as happened to Lerma, Zaplana, Olivas and Camps- "fell in love" of its envelope kindness, his way of demonstrating the genius that assists him. Because, among other things, Santiago Calatrava, the poet of architecture, can say about Oculus, the skylight that September 11 will operate for the first time, things like this: "In all weather conditions, the audience will experience a subtle sense of human vulnerability. "

tourists queue to get on the However, it is much more than And the skylight will open floor 102 of the Freedom that. The clean lines of the during the duration of the Tower, 541 meters, the highest ceilings, the bright white color, double attack.


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Caixabank reviews the Pelli Tower.

October 2015

bring the ceramic component to skyscrapers. In fact, one of the possibilities is a weighted combination of ceramic and extruded aluminum slats with the same color: terracotta.

Volume II — Number 81

A similar appearance, but not the same. Glass and porcelain tiles were in principle until the decision is finally adopted, the star material, despite the use of ceramics is unusual in skyscrapers such as CaixaBank, consisting of 178 meters in 43 plants. They were, in fact, one of its main features, now in the air. To get an idea: it is as if a glass window is placed a Venetian blind brown with which the impact of the sun is damped Caixabank is reviewing the security requirements, more and therefore, the heat inside lining of the facade of the Pelli stringent even than when it tower and, today, is not even was conceived project back in the building, thus achieving energy savings (less use of air clear that one element that, in 2007. conditioning). Outwardly, then, principle, would forge the When CaixaBank assumed the not the typical metallic gray appearance of skyscrapers, promotion of the tower in skyscrapers (glass and ceramic plates shield against August 2012, the whole concrete) can be seen, and heat finally go to register. building approach started from nothing to do with the design of It is not about cost savings, scratch, both in technical the already completed Cesar according to sources close to engineering as your calendar, Pelli tower also conceived in the most important civil work is and always of the architect. Bilbao for the power company undertaken right now in Seville Iberdrola. Such a review also involved city, but a final check ?? of materials. It is not a matter of The glass used is transparent, foreign materials to calibrate cost, stress the sources. double layer and low their security, and this emissivity, namely that in magazine is going under the It could be the fact that the winter reduces the output of direct supervision of the final coating of the facade be the internal heat and in Argentine architect who gives more expensive than the use summer allows great thermal name to the building, Cesar of ceramics in the event that insulation from the outside. Pelli. they be discarded. On the fourth floor will and glass windows and no sign of ceramic slats mounted as if they were a patent, must confer earthen color, or light brown, parapetarla the tower and the sun.

Any of the materials used must combine safety, functionality, environmental and energy sustainability, design and aesthetics, but first things first.

The fact that the placement of the glass (the large windows in The same sources explained this mass of concrete and that until two or three weeks glass) without hint of pottery will not be decided if not does not mean that it can be installed and ceramics do not retrofitted to look, assert the know yet because all the same sources, however, claim outside elements are to be aware of innovative and undergoing further validation of unique character that would


The coating accumulates delay due to the bankruptcy bankruptcy of one of the suppliers of materials, eventually replaced by the Catalan bank, promoter of the skyscraper. Last February, the bank, did not want to gamble more with its tower, claimed all the slope to end one of the most important construction companies in the country, Dragados work.

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Glass pool in London.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

The Nine Elms, a project on the south bank of the Thames has become a symbol of the growing gap in the London property market. And the great project that Boris Johnson promised to help regenerate the area, looks set to even more divisions, after the architects added a pool of glass suspended 10 floors above the street for the exclusive use of residents of the block. Prices in the 2000 Ballymore Embassy Gardens complex are well above the reach of ordinary Londoners - smaller flats come with a price tag of £ 600,000. Owners will have the use of a "world first" and the concept of

the pool resembles a giant aquarium in the sky, which acts as a bridge between two apartment blocks. Developers told the pool would measure 90 feet by 19 feet, with a depth of 4 feet. Eight inches of glass keep swimmers away from crashing into the ground. The houses in the Nine Elms project, described by the mayor as "the most important story of regeneration in London," recently appeared in advertising billboards and newspaper ads throughout Asia. You attempted to cause concern that the houses were bought as


investments abroad and they feel empty, instead of being "the heart of the newest residential section of London," as the project is described by Ballymore. Sean Mulryan, president and founder of Ballymore, said he had come up with the idea of the pool and which will also be accompanied by a cover and a bar with sun loungers for the summer. He said: "We set out to create places and spaces that are more than bricks and mortar The pool is testament to this philosophy and gives the development of a single character".

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Fenaza 2015.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

Single area of the National Fair of Zacatecas (Fenaza) 2015, is undoubtedly the National Craft Pavilion, in which local and national Mexican daily creators strive to provide true works of art made with variety of materials. Zacatecas National Fair was held during the month of September, between 3 and 21. Hidalgo has offered a varied amount of pieces in rock crystal and obsidian stones embedded.

Moreover, Oaxaca has presented beautiful pieces of metalwork, costumes, shawls and leather goods. State of Mexico showed plenty of classic toys. It michioacán also featured with figures of blown glass. Chiapas brought bracelets, typical costumes with embroidery; while San Luis Potosi has had unraveled embroideries like Aguascalientes.

Puebla works in jewelry palm goods, marble and Each work tells a different onyx, and Jalisco bid figures as plates and story. They also have massage therapy soaps. glazed earthenware jars free of lead.


Note the great work of artists from Jerez Zacatecas, Tlaltenango, Jalpa, Rio Grande and Fresnillo among others; They gave ingenious creations like beans and corn necklaces, earrings peanut bark, weaving and textile techniques such as saddlery and jewelry. It was a good opportunity to attend the Craft National Pavilion Fenaza 2015 and support and promote the talents of Mexican artists, advancing the most original Christmas gifts, birthday or just tap to make a gift to a special person at extremely affordable prices .

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How does it.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Davide Fuin.


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A dangerous bridge.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


The bridge architect Santiago Calatrava made in Venice and can be considered in its own right as his work failed.

highlighted at all times that it is a "precious" construction "a spectacular design" that has a higher cost at 11 millions of euros.

firm and discovered that dry right on the recommended limits, but water is less secure than a tire on ice. "No wonder people fly out."

At least he has that title. The new program of Discovery Max, Big failures of engineering dedicated one of his episodes of its first chapter to the bridge of Valencia.

Also it points out that only during the first three weeks ten people were hospitalized for falls.

Moreover, as he tells a local journalist, Erla Zwingle, from its opening there have been more than 5,000 complaints against the bridge by citizens who have fallen.

In its analysis of the construction Cunningham is surprised because engineers The program began airing in "will not consider them Spain, although it was occurred baggage" as it was released in August in the UK. a bridge designed for It analyzes from the collapse travelers arriving in the city. of a skyscraper to the Thus, it is strange because it miscalculations of aerospace has been designed with engineering. steps that hinder the rise of Great failures of engineering the bridge with bags. discover some of the blunders that have made a major project on the plane in a major failure in practice.

While praising their views ("is not all bad: as input to Venice this bridge is really wonderful"), it emphasizes Defective buildings, disaster that the down slope is demolition, oil derailed trains slippery. moved on the coast, sinking So describes as "strange" airports, etc., nothing and "dangerous" choice of escapes the critical eye of glass as a main element of the engineer Justin the floor of the bridge, and Cunningham and his team. the distribution of awkward steps. For the Venetian bridge, Ponte Della Costituzione, Cunningham, at no time quotes Calatrava,

Cunningham makes an analysis with a special tool which is the subject of the


"It's very dangerous," he assured the British popularizer. "There is a bridge for people to pass over it. I do not know what it is, frankly, because walking on it is a problem, and also drag the suitcase or cart. Everything is quite unusual and disturbing, "said Zwingle. After speaking with a Venetian who fell down the bridge, Cunningham, recognizing at all times spectacular building and it is a "feat of engineering", described as "an example of how sometimes raw form over functionality ". And even offers a simple solution for the bridge to stop being so dangerous, that is to change the glass surface by another etched.

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The longest and highest bridge in the world.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


Zhangjiajie National Park, in the Chinese province of Hunan, has become one of the flagship destinations for tourists and not just part of the great set of Wulingyuan, declared World Heritage Site by Unesco or have served as inspiration James Cameron to create planet Pandora in the movie Avatar. Now boasts the bridge floor longest and highest in the world glass.

Opened to the incredulous looks of the many tourists who rushed to the scene, the bridge has a length of almost 300 meters through a canyon from a height of 180 meters above the ground and, processing, glass panels were used 25 times stronger than a conventional window. This platform linking the two main guns designed by the Israeli architect Haim Dotan, who also conceived the Israel


Pavilion for Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Dotan ensures that the bridge will also serve as a gateway for fashion and can hold up to 800 people at once. It is expected to bridge the Grand Canyon of Zhangjiajie offers the leap "bungee jumping" world's tallest, which snatches the title to the attraction at the Macau Tower, at 233 meters high.

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Atlantic Tower Business.

October 2015

offers excellent protection to the heat produced by the direct incidence of the sun's rays while let enough light, achieving an optimal balance of comfort.

Volume II — Number 81

Additional to the above glass is insulated with an inner tube which, together with the property low emissive glass, a very low value U of 0.27 BTU / hr ft2 F is obtained, which means a very low heat transfer through the glass. The energy performance of the glass will help better functioning of air conditioners, reducing consumption and size of equipment, compared with a glass that does not have characteristics of high efficiency.

They will be 193 tons of glass those required to wear the facade of Atlantic Torre Empresarial, the modern corporate building to be built in Barranquilla (Colombia), in the Alto Prado, and already looks beyond its foundations in construction which 10,843 m3 of concrete and 1,171,601 kg of steel will be used.

Tecnoglass invited to become a supplier of glass; Obviously, the quality of their products and services but especially because both companies will point you to the same thing: the development of new Barranquilla growing in all indicators and lives sustained foreign investment process.

With 32 thousand square meters, 16,000 of which correspond to offices, and developed in an area of 2,250 m2, the building will have 21 floors with 91 meters height.

Evolves at the pace of corporate trends of the moment imposed wide spaces of interaction and service here represented by 1,300 square meters of public areas, a corporate floor of over 1,500 m2 equipped with support areas such as boardrooms, Designed to be an icon of the For Atlantic Tower Company, auditoriums, employee city, Atlantic Business Tower its developers selected a cafeteria , gym and terraces, is part of the good things that glass having a coefficient of common areas be provided are happening in solar gain or SHGC of 0.33, in each floor bathroom and Barranquilla, so choosing with a light transmission of the project will provide a allies, Provalor, project 51%, making it ideal for the supply of deposits to file. management firm, climate of Barranquilla that


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Glass on the plane unbilled.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


Each year more bans harden around the baggage of the aircraft and increase the list of prohibitions and restrictions of objects in hand luggage what belongings can carry in your hand luggage? What glassware and glass are allowed on the plane unbilled? Rules and restrictions on baggage Although most countries in the world have a law similar restrictions on hand baggage, some countries can not enter certain products.

measures for liquids, hygiene and beauty products and medicines, in which case the liquid medication must be accompanied by an official prescription. In addition, it will also be presented in a separate control, baby food that can be used during the flight. While the containers in which the products we are fully closed and meet the necessary legal, we would not have problems, but can carry a perfume in a glass container on the plane unbilled? The answer is yes, as long as the container is to exceed 100 milliliters and not this measure.

Sharp objects are examples of items that can not carry on luggage, such as scissors What glassware and glass and nail files, can not be are allowed on the plane carried in the aircraft cabin. unbilled? In addition to passing through airport control we have limits and specific

Other glass products that can carry on the plane and that exceed the legal


measures in Europe are, for example, bottles of wine, beer or spirits or alcoholic beverages as long as they are purchased in airport duty free shops one Once we have passed the control and not used during the flight. In addition, we can also carry decorative glassware and crystal, such as vases, vases or figures, provided they are packaged with the corresponding safety seal. Remember that the product of glass or glass on a plane going unbilled as hand luggage or within it, can not exceed the following dimensions: 56 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm. It is advisable to check the condition of the airline operating the flight, as these conditions may vary depending on the class and the destination and origin of the flight.

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Glass Blocks.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


This keeps the sink away from the area of hygiene WINDOWS and also provides some Because their textures and privacy for those who share patterns, it is difficult to see a bathroom with another through the glass blocks, person. With new styles, textures, but since they are Install small lights inside patterns and colors, the translucent, light can flow the brick wall gives a warm possibilities offered by the freely. glow that can provide an glass blocks in a bath are Use where there used to exchange of light colors endless. be a window is not only a able to match any mood. SHOWER great way to enhance the Individual bricks Building a shower with appearance of the In a single brick, it can glass bricks is a wonderful bathroom, but also the make a hole in a slightly way to make a bathroom energy saving design will smaller than the total length look bigger, let in the light help reduce heating and of the same edge. and give a more modern cooling costs. and elegant in appearance. The space between each With care, the edges are The showers with glass side of the glass acts as a filed to remove sharp protrusions areas and can blocks can be installed in plug to temperature many ways and can fit changes and insulates the use the brick on the ledge to keep toothbrushes, almost anywhere. building from outside. combs or creams, etc. Once the enclosure walls STRIPPERS These bricks can also be are constructed, just add a You can use a small wall of decorated with ornaments, door to the shower and it glass bricks as a room as desired, and a hot glue becomes an impermeable divider if the bathroom is gun to add our own area that will keep the large enough to separate personality. water in and out of the the bath area. Learning to use glass blocks in a bathroom, it will create a bright space without sacrificing privacy, as necessary.

bathroom floor.


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Lamp Baccarat.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


The French glassware, Baccarat, is anniversary and to celebrate are spending all this year to present collections and limited pieces created by the most prestigious designers of the firm.

the manufacture of luxury glassware began its journey. And today remains at the forefront of design, craftsmanship and luxury.

Over the years, Baccarat realized he should advocate for innovation and development and thus became, in 1839, in the house pioneer in the creation of stained glass.

It all started in 1764 when the This way is like his famous first glass factory was opened hallmark was created, ruby red. Thus was born the largest in the French town of Lorraine. chandelier lamp that have In 1920 the French company been developed. Baccarat productions were of changes its artistic director, different categories, from putting forward the great The lamp in question perfect glassware, to jewelry, Georges Chevalier. measuring 8.4 meters high and to all kinds of candlesticks and 4.6 meters in diameter. Baccarat suddenly becomes an decorative accessories. icon of design, modernity and There are a total of 410 lights His fame made the firm was art. that illuminate with 176 hired several times by the branches and 26,500 pieces of In 1948 the firm designed a most influential people of glass better. fabulous glass clock had at his every age, with its famous home in Manhattan Marilyn His weight amounts to two royal commissions in the Monroe and Arthur Miller. tons. The chandelier is the world. work of Japanese designer To celebrate its 250-year He created glass services Morita Yasumichi that featured history, the company has Louis XVIII, Charles X and the most skilled craftsmen returned to produce an Louis-Philippe Napoleon III. from Baccarat to place by impeccable way. hand each of the glass pieces Outside France also he knew Contemplating the glass of this monumental chandelier. getting around the top, being creations of this luxury brand is hired by Tsar Nicholas II of To show their hallmark, lamp a pleasure for the senses. Russia for its famous hangs a ruby red eight-sided, chandeliers. This shows that art can be the emblem of the French firm. latent in any field. Baccarat has Franklin D. Roosevelt had its Baccarat: 250 years of history filled the history of great parts Baccarat glasses engraved that have become impressive It's been 250 years since the with his initials. objects of desire. French company engaged in


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Lamps Globe, a round revival.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


Originally created in a practical sense to keep the flame of the first oil lamps, luminaires with glass balloons, huge role and presence throughout the world during the 60s and 70s, have become the essential fixtures for the perfect decoration. This has also contributed increasingly making sense of their craft and be signed in limited editions by great international designers.

of these lamps is currently is another major job creator the American Linsey Adelan. and architect of the glass. The New Yorker has made his mark in just over 10 years in the "holy of holies" of enlightenment and its parts are present in the most important projects in the world. Manual processes with new materials processing mixed clearly define its aesthetics. An image inspired by the organic forms of nature.

The designer par excellence In Europe, Jeremy maxweel www.amigosmava.org

The American and French descent who lives in Paris, has an exquisite glass production and Clouds lamp model is your best business card. Other producers, such as the English Rothschild & Bickers, opt for models that continue the traditional production of this lamp but also dare to light new forms of expression.

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Cross Fregenal.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015

For hundreds of years it remained stored in the Parish of Fregenal de la Sierra, though time had taken its toll on this unique work of art of the sixteenth century, in need of a complete restoration that just occurred. Numerous frexnenses had the chance to enjoy the return of this magnificent piece of silverware beautifully decorated, one of the great treasures of the local church jeweler.

illustrated by the parish priest of Santa Maria, was previously the restaurasen. The management took this work Augustine Velasquez, Episcopal Delegate for Cultural Heritage of the Church and Javier Cano, Director of the Center for Conservation and Restoration of Personal Property of the Board of Extremadura. Major damage

"It is thought that was donated to the St. Mary Parish by a local Indian who wanted to honor his parish of baptism with this valuable present," as says the pastor of the population, Andrés Román García. "According to experts, it is a cross of inestimable artistic value for its exquisite technical quality and aesthetic taste, its age and the small number of copies of these characteristics that remain today, only two or three in the world."

The damage of this Latin cross arms cylindrical shape and rock crystal with silver gilt ends as the central crosspiece and the Eternal Father bless showing attitude, were very important, the report of Ana Iruretagoyena, Tekna restorer Conservation and Restoration. The initial conclusion is that "the piece had to suffer a very strong judging by crushing the left side of some items fall and crack knot rock crystal base, the upper and lower arms having replaced core The November 20, 2014 the paths interventions, each with a collected in Fregenal, towards different crystal. One possible the Art Exhibition Centre Canal in hypothesis is that had been Madrid, where he could be seen vandalized at a certain time from December 3 to May 3, 2015 (perhaps during the Civil War) in an exhibition on the itinerary of reconstruction having been Hernán Cortés and the Aztec necessary. empire, but the commitment, as


With the treatment completed, "we proceeded to removal of the upper and lower arms, removing the upper tubing methacrylate played no part in the case of the lower glass rod massif greenish, fragmented into several pieces that was meaningless to respect, to be added that detracted vision of the piece and that was very fragmented. " Moreover, "they proceeded to clean all metal surfaces by wet swabs, removing accumulated dust and dirt in the interstices of relief. Squaring arms and linearity of the cross with respect to one of the planes of the base has been a key aspect in the assembly. For future conservation and transportation has recommended a package in which the piece go upright, with the immobilized figure and support in arms and rings on small pads ". The jewel, of anonymous author, is dated 1560 and has 34 x16 cm. Currently, the appearance of the cross after a restoration valued at 3,000 euros, which has not had to bear the Frexnense parish, is splendid and recovered for jeweler Fregenal one of its most important specimens.

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The glass of Ballantine's.

Volume II — Number 81

October 2015


The Ballantine's firm designed the glass SpaceGlass, a prototype designed and tested in microgravity in ZARM Drop Tower in Bremen, Germany, which allowed to drink whiskey and keep it in optimal conditions in space. The SpaceGlass is a glass with an integrated spiral convex base and a gold plate, which create surface tension so that the whiskey stays in the bottom of the glass.

Another nozzle is inserted into the bottom of the vessel and through a check valve at the base of the glass, the problem of waste liquid is solved in microgravity conditions. This allows the whiskey to flow perfectly from the glass bottle of Ballantine's the glass without spilling a drop.

manufacture of SpaceGlass, which heralds a new era in spatial design and is a reference point for the future of whiskey. "Our task was to develop a glass of whiskey to work under conditions of microgravity, the scientific term for zero gravity.

It was important that we focus on creating a ritual "This cup is not only about how to drink whiskey innovative, solving Ballantine's Space Glass, in fundamental scientific questions of how fluid moves order to achieve what we are used to here on Earth; the in zero gravity but is also Connected to this reservoir beautifully designed to follow end result is that ritual is a propeller and a small exactly the ritual of whiskey elements from entering the liquid glass to drink it, "said canal that runs down the and drink your way." Said James Parr, SpaceGlass side of the vessel to bring Peter Moore, Global brand creator and member of Open the liquid to the nozzle made director for Ballantine's. Space Agency. of pink gold, where the James Parr Open Space space traveler waiting to Agency, led the design and drink the liquid.


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Our Newsletter is worded in:

The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with current management.

October 2015

Castillo de San José de Valderas.

The purpose of this Association is to

Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN

promote, encourage and support many


cultural activities, in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities

When glass culture

of the Museum of Glass Art Alcorcon.

Volume II — Number 81

Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities in the promotion, protection and dissemination of art and culture. Our members may be fees, benefactors, Full and juveniles.

www.amigosmava.org 

Presidente honorario

Evangelina del Poyo


Diego Martín García

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Francisco Martín García


José María Gallardo Breña

Secretaria Rosa García Montemayor


Javier Gómez Gómez

Pablo Bravo García 

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

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