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Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

Monthly Newsletter


Martin Stefanek  We start.

M. A. Carretero.

After a restful summer break, we are again in a position to inform or echo, through this Bulletin, all the news and events that we are able to know and that are related to glass, the element that, fundamentally, justifies the existence of this publication.

space within the sacrificed environment of glass manipulation in these already so long time of the economic crisis that we have been suffering. Another news that also fills us with satisfaction is the participation of the artist Rafael Abdón in the 14th edition of the BERLINER LISTE 2017

the Valdemaqueda town of Madrid, and has been selected among the sixty best miniaturist artisans from all over the world, four of them representing Spain, but being the only one who performs the pieces in glass.

With their works they are usually present in many craft fairs of our country, emphasizing those And in this publication we celebrated in Christmas the are pleased to include Rafa participates in this Community of Madrid in the information about an event edition of the fair with four of Plaza of Spain of our capital that is going to take place his latest works and goes and those of Reconquistarte, this September: Fulkolor, hand in hand with the Gaudí in the Madrid Paseo de the workshop run by Miguel Gallery in Madrid. Recoletos. Blasco and Reinaldo Zamora in the town of On the next page of this As for its international Valdemorillo in Madrid, will Newsletter we offer you presence, in addition to the celebrate the twenty years some more information aforementioned Kansas City of existence of his about your participation in Fair, Mario Sergio has been workshop with a the German fair. present at the miniature fairs retrospective exhibition of held in Chicago and London Rafa will also be present his works in the House of Culture of that locality and with his work "Vanity" at the on several occasions, reaping a significant sales International Biennale of titled "Passion for the success in all of them. Glass Bulgaria 2017, to be glass", making it coincide with the celebration of the held in Sofia from In the MAVA, Sergio has patron saint celebrations of September 27 to October 4 been present with his next. that municipality. demonstrations of pieces of Valdemorillo's glass history Another important event that glass made with torch in Nuestra sede: several editions of the has been published through will have Spanish Castillo Grande de Science Week of Madrid and six chapters and the last of participation through works S.J. de Valderas has given some lecture in in glass, is the exhibition of Avda. Los Castillos, s/n them is included on page the Auditorium of the miniatures to be held in the 14 of this Bulletin. 28925 ALCORCÓN. Museum. middle of this month of (MADRID) We congratulate Miguel September in The National I am sure there will be more and Reinaldo for their long Museum of Toys and Spanish artists who journey in the world of glass Miniatures, located in the participate with their works in and for the capacity of North American city of glass in other events, both struggle that they are Kansas City. national and foreign, but I demonstrating to open a can only highlight those of In this exhibition will be present Mario Sergio Ramos which we have knowledge through the information with his extraordinary provided by Internet search realizations of miniature engines. glass figures. Mario, along with Mariana Grande, run the firm Vitreus Ignis, are Argentines by birth but have their workshop in

Taking into account the diffusion that this Bulletin is reaching, it would be desirable to provide us with information on other shares.

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Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

S PE C I A L I NT E R E S T: 

Part of the month

With Pedro García

Tvitec with curved glass

Passion for glass

Activities on the MAVA


Our activities

Glass recycling

How does

Order PRA/259/2017, of 17 March, updating five professional qualifications of the Professional Family Glass and Ceramics.


Piece of the month


Established artists


Young artists


With Pedro García


Tvitec with curved glass


Passion for glass


Activities Museums


Activities on the MAVA


XXI National Hall


The glass blower


Factory of Valdemorillo


From glass to shroud


Roman glass in Museums




Culture 2017




Five years growing


The glass in museums






Cultural visits


Culture 2017 program


Interview with Flyppy


Other trends


Tour of Spain


Glass leak in VITRO


Jellyfish by Daniela Forti


Thesis on glass


Jorge Ismael Rodriguez


How do


Glass in Cuba


Glass Pool Table


Ode to glass


The material 21st century


German Stained Glass


Wolfryd expresses in glass 36 Matisse in the studio




The Osborne Bull


Repair broken bones


Dreams in sculptures


Board Of Directors


In accordance with the provisions of the single additional provision of Royal Decree 295/2004 of 20 February, the professional ..// .. ualifications are Article 2 Update of two updated, the specifications of which professional are contained in qualifications of the annexes LV and LVI of professional family the aforementioned Glass and Ceramics Royal Decree: established by Royal Decree 295/2004 of 20 One. A new wording is February, which attached to Annex LV, establishes certain Professional professional Qualification "Automatic qualifications that are online manufacturing included in the and processing of National catalog of glass". Level 2. professional VIC055_2, which is qualifications, as well included as Annex I of as their corresponding this order. ones modules that are Two. A new wording is incorporated into the given to Annex LVI, Modular Catalog of Professional Vocational Training.

Qualification "Development of ceramic compositions". Level 3. VIC056_3, which is included as Annex II to this order. Article 3 Updating of three professional qualifications of the professional family Glass and Ceramics established by Royal Decree 1228/2006, of 27 October, which complements the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications, through the establishment of certain professional qualifications, as well as their corresponding training modules that are incorporated into the Modular Catalog of Vocational Training.


Rafa Abdón in Berlín.

The Gaudí gallery in Madrid represents the Valencian artist Rafa Abdón at the largest contemporary art fair in Berlin. The BERLINER LISTE 2017 celebrates its 14th edition from Friday 15 to Sunday 17 of September in one of the most important historical

avenues of the city. There we can see four of his last pieces that we can now see through this link. Artists can take this opportunity to use BERLINER LISTE as a platform for emerging international art of all genres.

No response from the Department of Culture. 

17-01-13. Requesting inventory of the components of the permanent collection of MAVA.

11-06-13. Possibility of receipt by the MAVA documentation on glass offered by the President of the Spanish Association of Science.

11-11-13. Requesting information on the agreement with the Community of Madrid to install social services in the MAVA.

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Piece of the month. David Israel.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

David Israel, born in Zaragoza in 1973 studied at the School of Art of Zaragoza and "since he was young he went to Madrid to continue his artistic career".

David Israel has exhibited his works, both in individual and collective shows, in the Museum of the Arts of Mexico; at the Raquel Ponce Gallery in Madrid; in the Museé du Nantes The Diputación de (France); in the Glass Saragossa, in Museum of Alcorcón; in collaboration with the the Pierre Cardin Space House Velázquez, of Paris; at the Kloster scholarship in 2004 for a Bentagle in Münster year, which lasted (Germany) and at the another year, for the artist Museum of to study at Casa Contemporary Art in Velázquez in Madrid and Oaxaca (Mexico). awarded him the Prize Santa Isabel de Aragón. Also, his work is present in various collections After the stay at the "despite his youth". House Velázquez "the scholars are given a gift Among them are the that is a challenge: Telefónica DATA expose in Veruela, a Collection, the Jiménez space so imposing" that Arellano Foundation, the sometimes is difficult to Actilibre Foundation, the expose in it. Bankinter Collection, the IFEMA Collection, the EXHIBITIONS OF DAVID MACO Museum in ISRAEL. Mexico, or the Spanish Museum MAVA, where

his work "Untitled" Piece of the Month "in this Bulletin and was awarded the second prize of the IV and last Biennial of Plastic Arts that was held in Alcorcón and incorporated the First International Glass Sculpture Contest.' This event was attended by 50 artists from 12 countries: Germany, Argentina, Austria, Canada, Spain, the United States, France, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and the United Kingdom, which included 84 works. The first prize of the Contest was awarded to the work of Javier Velasco "Corpus de Cristal" and the third to a work by Kathrin Partelli. This jury, unanimously decided to use the € 15,000 of the prize to purchase the works.

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Established artists. Martin Stefanek.

Our web

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

Martin Stefanek was born in 1969 and owns "Martin Stefanek Glass Studio" in Desna in the Czech Republic. He is a perfectionist and in his works follows the Venetian design. He graduated from the Glass School of Zelazny Brod in the Czech Republic.

He has worked in several glass using rich visual qualities of factories and has participated metallurgical glass to formulate in many art festivals. his inspiration in the world of exotic and mythical animals. He was a visiting artist of the Festival of High Temperatures Dynamic movement of bodies in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. in magically realized magical His works have been exhibited colors shows an unmistakable in the Czech Republic, Poland, tension to the smallest details France and China. in the peculiar materials of glass, feathers and furs. His artistic expression consists of excellent craftsmanship,

Emerging artists. Grant Garmezy.

Our web

on jewelry and metals on a small scale, but once he wondered in the glass study, he discovered a love for molten material. Grant has never been drawn to making functional glassware; But he has always been attracted to his sculptural qualities. Grant likes to represent images of animals and natural shapes when sculpting.

His artistic career began when he was very young, taking drawing classes with a local illustrator.

in the arts led Grant to the Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Richmond.

His passion for pursuing a career He originally intended to focus

When he began, he found passion in the challenge of capturing the physical characteristics of animals, but now he strives to capture expression and movement at work in order to elevate the work of a sculpture to a story.

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Interview with Pedro García.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

offers you, what kind of piece you want. If we put together all the pieces, they are made of a single process that has lasted for months. What role did AFA Valdepeñas play in this exhibition?

From elecodevaldepeñ

The Municipal Museum of Valdepeñas hosted from 6 July to 7 August the exhibition 'Pliegues', by the artist Pedro García. A new sample made up of more than fifty sculptures made in a material that we are not very accustomed to see as is the case of glass. In fact, Pedro García defines himself as master of glass. And it is necessary to have a trade, as he points out, to know how to handle this material that allows him to express feelings in an easier way, since it is a material full of light. In addition, it is an energetic material and these sculptures are healing, according to its author. That's all he told us in this interview. He is defined as master of the glass, as well as as a sculptor. Why choose this material for your sculptures? The truth is that I started in 1974, as a child, with a material that was within my reach, since my family had a business in which glass worked mainly. I grew up with it and worked from that material. And on the other hand, because when you start to work with this material has something energetic, some light, something spellbound, that attracts you. And from there you start to investigate with him and it is a material that brings you more things, the more you work it.

Anyone to whom you would say this, I would say no, it is very difficult because working the glass really requires a trade, but for me it is super easy to work with. That is, let yourself be carried by the glass. This is an exhibition that has a very curious feature. And there are works that I start from the design to do what I want, as is the case of 'Monoliths of flesh and blood', 'Pubis' or 'blind search'. These are ideas that I have and that I put into practice through the material. But in general, almost everything that is in this exhibition, I have been carried away by the glass. That is to say, I have created a kind of volcanoes of glass with a certain determined colors and from there I decided to leave those volcanos in pieces so that the glass was suggesting to me. Then, each piece has been suggesting a different piece, I have let myself be carried by him. Once you handle it, you can get carried away by the material. And the glass in some works contains other materials, does not it?

In this exhibition, it is very different from everything I have been doing because normally I only work with glass, but in this sample the glass and the iron that accompanies it are as powerful. For example, 'Caballito' is more iron than glass or 'Life in the air' is more iron than glass. They are What characterizes glass versus other pieces in which if you remove the glass, it is almost a sculpture by itself. materials? In this exhibition you can see the glass It is a medium of expression absolutely combined with iron but, as a sculptor, also work with wood and other luminous. It is pure light, color and materials. shapes. To get to express what you want with another material is always And what can we see in this possible, everyone does, but this is a exhibition, 'Folds'? material that, on the one hand, may seem difficult to work, but on the other This exhibition is called 'Pleats' hand, it has a lot of ductility, It adapts because we can see in the works how to what you want, as long as you know glass, when it is fusing like the lava of how to handle it. For me glass is like a a volcano and falling on one another, woman, has many qualities, has a lot is folded like the fabric of a dress, as if of color, but above all, has light and it were the fabric of the old table allows you, with its shapes and variety stretcher. It's the same idea, letting the of formations, express what you want. glass flow, falling like lava from a Is it easier then to express those feelings with glass?

volcano and forming its own figures. From there you have to handle it very well and devise, along with what he

AFA Valdepeñas is the institution that has made all the steps and has promoted that this exhibition could be done in Valdepeñas. And why this exhibition and not another? Because this exhibition are energetic sculptures. They are sculptures created with the intention of giving light, health and healing to the people who have these pieces. So, that person who buys a piece and has it in its environment, somehow, through tests that I have been doing, will generate good dynamics and good energy and will cancel out the entire negative energy system that may be in your environment. Therefore, it has a lot to do with what I do with AFA since it works with minds who have serious problems to meet their origin. Through the folds of glass in my sculptures, I also narrate the folds of the brain and mind to get where it arrives. Therefore, AFA should I am here and Valdepeñas owe them this exhibition is here, not for presumption, but I think it is a unique exhibition. How many works are part of the exhibition? The exhibition is made up of 52 pieces And among those pieces do you have a special preference for some? Yes, there are always some. Among these pieces I have a predilection for 'Life in the Air', 'Classic Preamble', 'Gravitation', 'Furnace Doors', 'Circular Head', 'Blue Swordfish', 'Pendulum' by 'Tense rope' ... They are pieces that come and for which you have a predilection. And then there are pieces that I have made exclusively for this place, like 'Arc of Light'. When I came to see the room, I saw that space and in that same moment I came up with the work, so it is designed and designed for this exhibition. It is also a tribute to great friends who make glass and do it this way, with colors. Do you want to add something more? Just to say that, since it is a very new exhibition because most of the pieces are made this year 2017, it is created almost specifically for this place, I would like to invite people to come to the Municipal Museum of Valdepeñas to see an exhibition that is not only unique but is going to go from here, in September, to the Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid. And then we will try to make it itinerant by different places like Merida, Valladolid, Vigo, that is to say, I think it is worth coming to this exhibition and for that reason I invite people to come and see it. of the R. The images that we capture of this exhibition can be seen through this link.

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Tvitec with curved glass.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

The general director of the company Berti Tvitec, Javier Prado, presented last July the new project that the company will launch in the industrial park El Bayo, between the municipalities of Cabañas Raras and Cubillos del Sil, and that will create a hundred of employment when it completes its three phases of implementation. It is a factory of 20,000 square meters that occupies the facilities of the old ships of Comonor and that will specialize in the manufacture of curved glass, thanks to an investment of more than 20 million euros. In that sense, Prado advanced that the process of preparation and construction of the new infrastructure could be ready within 18 months, after acquiring the first technology machinery that the company will use to produce about 150,000 square meters of curved glass a year . Thus, "the new industrial activity will consolidate Bierzo as the largest nucleus of glass processing in Spain," explained the commercial director of the company, Alberto F. Sutil, who recalled that the company already has 80,000 square meters of plant in the the same polygon, in which about one million square

meters of flat glass are produced per year. Turn nut The managers of the company stressed that the new project is another twist to the "commitment to the development of the region of Bierzo, Castile and Leon and the brand Spain" that the company carries out. According to the director general, Tvitec will surpass this year the 100 million euros of turnover, with a growth of more than 12 percent. In addition, officials predict that 2018 will also be a year of growth for the company, which currently employs 370 people. In that line, Prado recalled that between 50 and 60 percent of the production of Tvitec is dedicated to the European market, which facilitates their departure and transport by road. As far as production destined for Asia, America or Africa, the director general demanded "a faster departure to the port of Vigo or a connection by rail with the port of Algeciras" to facilitate the export of the products. "That would be very good," Prado said. The presentation ceremony was attended by the mayors of Ponferrada, Cabañas Raras and Cubillos del Sil.

For her part, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pilar del Olmo, who attended the presentation of the new project in the company's facilities, valued the initiative as an "example of the support of the Board" to the various business projects in the area, through loans and loans from the Financial Shuttle and the mining land fund. Del Olmo highlighted Tvitec as an "innovative, leading and leading company in the domestic market". In that line, he praised "the talent and entrepreneurial spirit of a family company that does not relocate, which continues to grow, investing and creating employment", making it the largest company in the glass processing sector in Spain, with contracts in emblematic buildings of the five continents. In addition, the minister added that an expert report points to the glass sector as one of the most growth potential for the future. In that sense, he recalled that more than 85 per cent of buildings in the Old Continent are not energy efficient, a problem that may come to solving glass construction and that would have the capacity to create two million jobs throughout Europe.

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Passion for glass.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

All the life surprised by the wonder of glass, its transparency or its colors, forms and objects of glass were always the first to catch their attention, but it was in 1997 when they took the step to enter the exciting world of artistic glass.

found its House of Culture, recently inaugurated, which had been built using the ruins of the old ceramic and glass factory, with its three impressive furnaces and chimneys, now integrated in the exhibition hall.

you enjoy it".

The old ceramic and glass factory Giralt Laporta, now home to the Valdemorillo House of Culture, represented in this relief realized by them in 2003, will host from September 8 to October 13 their The factory was installed exhibition "Passion for the This year 2017 Miguel here by the Kaolin mines, it glass "in which they will Blasco and Reinaldo was destroyed during the make a review of these 20 Zamora celebrate 20 years battle of Brunete in the years of vital trajectory of this dedication and want Civil War. through their works. to remember it celebrating In what was the cave And of course, we will talk it with an exhibition in the where the kaolin was kept about art, crafts, design, House of Culture of a small but very dignified techniques and many other Valdemorillo through a museum has been topics in five meetings, one collection of images of opened. weekly, throughout the pieces and moments of duration of the exhibition. On the occasion of its this history and its first 20 inauguration in March of On the occasion of the IX years. 2007 Telemadrid filmed Science Week held in the As reported on his this report that was emitted Community of Madrid from Facebook page: "One of in the Diary of the Night of 9 to 22 November 2009, the reasons we chose to the 3 of April of 2007. the Museum of Glass Art in come to live in Valdemorillo As representatives of the Alcorcón (MAVA) invited was because when we new craftsmen settled in them to set up their were looking for a house to the town appeared Miguel installation "Peces Armas" live and to be able to put and I, although I do not in the central part of the our glass workshop, we speak in the report. I hope Museum. visited this town and we

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Activities Museums I.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

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Activities Museums II.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

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Activities Museums III.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

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Activities on the MAVA. Next exhibition.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

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XXI National Salon in Berazategui.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

As of last August 10 the registration was open to participate in the XXI National Glass Exhibition in Art, organized by the Municipality of Berazategui, through its Secretariat of Culture. The objective of this proposal is to consolidate the city as National Capital of Glass, by gathering the best artists of the country every year and exhibiting a great variety of pieces registered in the categories Traditional Techniques, Techniques nontraditional and Category Bullseye Glass and Stained Glass .

Complex (Calle 23 y 149). This venue will also be the venue for the opening and awards ceremony of this new edition of the National Glass Art Show, which will run from Saturday, September 2 to Sunday, October 1.

- a 1st Prize in Traditional Techniques (diploma);

The awards

In addition, mentions will be given in all categories.

The members of the jury, whose ruling will be unappealable, will award the following awards:

- a 1st Prize in Non-Traditional Techniques (diploma); - a 2nd Prize in the two categories mentioned above (diploma).

A unique event that leaves its mark on South America The National Glass Art Hall has been held in Berazategui - a Berazategui Acquisition since 1994 through the Grand Prize "National Capital Municipal Glass School of Glass", which will consist of unique in South America - and 12 thousand pesos, plus since then, it has provided an diploma; annual meeting place to Directed to designers, artists appreciate the technical and - a 1st Acquisition Prize creative possibilities that glass and glass craftsmen from all "Cristalería San Carlos", of 9 over the country, Argentines or thousand pesos, plus diploma; provides as a means of artistic foreigners, with no age limit, expression. - an Acquisition Award the call was open from 10 to 12 Also, due to its recognized Bullseye Glass and Image August, from 3 to 7 pm, during trajectory, the exhibition counts Stained Glass, which will which time the interested consist of a box of 10 billets of on an important repercussion, parties could submit up to a which can be reflected in the choice, plus diploma; maximum of two works participation of national and unpublished in the Municipal - a 2nd Prize of 7 thousand international artists. School of Glass, located in the pesos, plus diploma; San Francisco Municipal

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The glass blower (VI).

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

Justina Rodríguez García.

patron saint, who became The street vending was only St. Michael the Archangel allowed to the guild or family, since glassmakers upon payment of a stipend. separated from the However, in the ordinances esparteros - and activities of of 1659, which nullified those a charitable nature. of 1595, all professional As in all crafts, the categories, including graduation of the workers teachers, were prohibited. had three levels: teacher, The sale of llum glass, both on the street and in own store, was allowed to anyone who had done the four-year apprenticeship and passed the exam for vidrier de llum.

officer and apprentice. The teacher examination was done before three people of the Council of the guild.

and the pieces that have come to us. The glass fair, held in Barcelona on the first day of the year, was an important event in the city. The merchandise was exhibited in the Plaza del Born and on the street of the Vidriería, next to the plaza.

Artistic glass occupied a relevant place in the sample, but common glass was more abundant, given its greater The applicant was to pay 25 demand. To carry out this test, a fee pounds to the treasurer for As the fair coincided with New had to be paid, which was examination and 20 salaries Year's Day (Ninou) it was reduced to fifty percent for to each of the examiners. visited by the concellers, who the children of the brothers. In case of son or son-in-law were going out on horseback of teacher, a considerable Any breach of the through the city. reduction in the rates was regulations of the ordinances It deserves to be remembered was punishable by fines, the perceived. for its beauty, the text that amount of which was The manufactures of Tirso de Molina dedicated in transferred to a fund Catalan glaziers reached a El Bandolero to that sample, intended for the welfare good level of quality, both from which we will transcribe works of the cofradia. aesthetic and technical, only a fragment in the next judging from the numerous It also specified in detail chapter. written testimonies praising everything related to the the work of these craftsmen religious festivities of the

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The factory of Valdemorillo (and VI).

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

L.F. Mazadiego y o. Puche.

In 1893, there was a marked tendency to gradually replace the manufacture of chinaware with that of different specialties, among which we can mention articles for pharmacy, door handles, porcelain paste mortars, coffins for children and very recently, the material for electrical installations, which is called to acquire true importance ", these last destined mainly to the" Company of Electricity of Madrileña "or the factory of accumulators" Tudor "(Magazine Minera, 1896).

one, and ceramic production focuses on hard porcelain for laboratory use and electrical insulators. The factory collapsed in 1936. The mayor of El Escorial had Giralt Laporta's wagons put in a dead end, prohibiting their loading and unloading, because "the staff was not syndicated." All arguments were useless, and as both the fuel and the minerals arrived by rail, everything was slowly immobilizing.

At last they entered, almost in block, in the General Union of The year 1907 comes with a Workers. But it was late: the new recognition to the market was paralyzed and the company: the merit award of the Madrid Industries Exhibition civil war began a few months later. (Sierra and Tuda, 1996) and with a strong predisposition of Throughout the year 1938 a Falcó to leave the business, truck of the subsecretaría de perhaps because of his Armamento made daily trips of occupations in the Mining the town to Madrid, Council or in the Headquarters transferring the machinery of Mines of Madrid, which, usable: the government finally, becomes reality with the needed a glass factory in closure in 1914. Madrid. In 1915, Juan Giralt Laporta bought the Falcó factory. In this way, the industrial activity returned to Valdemorillo, accentuating the manufacture of glass.

In Valdemorillo there were only the ruins, the three porcelain ovens and the medieval tower that served as a water tank. With the help of the banks, the company installed a new plant Two more furnaces are built, of in Villaverde with its own the same model as the existing railway stop.

Current state of factory facilities Scattered throughout the municipal area of Valdemorillo can be seen interesting remains of the ceramic factory. In addition to other remains of industrial archeology, such as ancient lime and brick chimneys of a weaving, the masonry tower where the hydraulic pump of the "Aulencia Society" factory was installed. However, the most representative example of this conservation is the chimneys, all cylindrical except for one that is prismatic and of square plan, whose superior ends constitute the base of the chimney, on which a trunk of cone rises. Its only decoration is a simple imposition of brick, located in the base of the trunk of cone, in the superior third of the element and in the closing fence that surrounds the mouth. The fireplaces, subject to a second degree structural protection of the Subsidiaries of Planning (1987), are perfectly integrated in the village, as a decorative element of the House of Culture of Valdemorillo.

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From glass to shroud.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


without blemish in its iridescent glass, belonging to a burial with In Roman times, and at least in the first centuries of the Empire, incineration of the first century two very different ways of getting and that was found in the excavations that in 1983 and rid of corpses, cremation and burial, coexisted and maintained 1984 were carried out in the site of the Leon street. their own rituals. The island of Ibiza was no exception. And although it seems that the burial had a greater predicament among its inhabitants, in the first century and in the first half of the second century BC, cremation is still a practice that, according to archeologist Benjamí Costa, is well documented. However, "at some point in the second century, cremation disappears, not only in Eivissa but throughout the Roman Empire." The reasons why it was completely relegated and which, in fact, did not return to normal until just a few decades ago, is another of the mysteries that make Archeology a science with a lot of field to explore, but it is very likely to be related with the ritual importance of not making the corpse and the advance of Christianity disappear. uperstitions, beliefs and ceremonies vary over time. In the museum of Puig des Molins exposes a very precious cinerary urn because it was completely whole,

Among the ash that was preserved in its interior were some pieces of bone, small fragments that reveal the quality of the incineration (at higher temperature, the smaller the preserved bone pieces) and that allowed to know that it was the remains of a Young woman, 18 or 19 years old.

And to this must be added the presence of two glass nautilities that were found inside the urn and, according to Benjamí Costa explains, director of the Archaeological Museum of Eivissa and Formentera, are related to the rites of anointing that were practiced in the burials. Often, in the tomb excavations, are the containers that had contained the oils and perfumes used in the rituals.

In fact, neither the presence of the lucerne nor that of the nails and pottery vessels is a rarity in the funerary furnishings of the Its glass urn was deposited in a first century AD; the existence of the three elements converts this hole, covered with a tile and a set, exhibited in the Monographic stone and with other significant objects to its side; bowls of terra Museum of Puig des Molins, into sigillata (an expression referring a type Roman trousseau, with the to a Roman pottery of quality and particularity that the urn of the characteristic reddish tone), and ashes, a prominent piece, has been preserved throughout 20 a curious lamp, a light, which centuries. stands out, first of all, for the reliable representation of a The Archaeological Museum of gladiatorial fight that is shown on Ibiza and Formentera keeps a his face higher. remarkable representation of similar elements, of nails, vessels On the underside is engraved and lamps, in different forms and the name of the manufacturer, materials and different periods of Opius, who had various workshops in Italy and southern history. Gaul. The clay of this piece, placed in the trousseau to illuminate the spirit of the deceased in his passage to the other world, comes from North Africa.

The images of the collection of pieces of glass that we took in our visit to the Museum in the month of December 2014 can be seen through this link.

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The Roman glass in museums in Madrid (XXX).

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


Eduardo Alonso Cereza

The type of glass and its color (greenish or colorless) is very similar in all of them and the technique goes from the cold carving to the molding and polishing. From this period stands a semi-spherical bowl of greenish glass that comes from Fortezza, Knossos (Museum of Heracleion), made before 630 a.C. (16). Closed in the VII-VI a.C. is a semitransparent glass bowl almost transparent and colorless from the island of Rhodes. The technique of molding and carving prevents a voluminous production as occurred in the previous period with the sand core technique.

geographical area in the middle of the sixth century BC. consisting essentially of nails made with the sand core technique in multicolored glass. It highlights the work of Poul Fossing, Glass Vessels before Glas-blowing, Copenhagen, 1940; in it appears a systematic study and classification of all the material known by him, and has established a typology and a chronology that can be considered as basic.

and tearers.

Fossing believes that these objects originated in Egypt representing the revival of the ancient Egyptian industry that used the old traditional techniques. Rebirth would have taken place during the reign of Amasis, at which time there was a resurgence of the Egyptian in nationalism and in the vernacular industries coinciding with the predominance of attic pottery over the Corinthian. The Greek forms can be explained by the fact that the Greek Fossing divides the material chronologically into three great market is the main consumer of these products, being able to periods. The first one goes from the 6th century to the 4th influence also in the Greek century BC, the second from character of the forms the close relations that Amasis had with the 4th century to the 3rd this culture; but we have no The expansion of glass made century, and the third is with the technique of molding constituted by the Hellenistic certainty that in the mid-sixth and carving by the period: from the 3rd century to century BC. a revival of the technique of the disappeared Mediterranean during the first the 1st century BC. Within sand nucleus of the country half half of the first millennium BC. each period classifies the a millennium before would take constitutes the breeding objects by their form in place in Egypt. ground for the expansion alabastra, aryballoi, which will occur in the same amphoriskoi, hydriskai, jugs

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N E W S (I).

 Museum of Glass of Bogota. obtained with IBERMUSEOS and the talent of the stained glass teachers of San Cristóbal, who with their knowledge train the United Women in Community Action MUAC.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

A work of the glass community for the community of women who believe in self management. The Museo del Vidrio de Bogotá MEVIBO works to revive the work of the carving

that was lost at the end of the last century and now it is recovered thanks to the prize

See images through this link.

Culture 2017.

This exhibition is designed to show the view of the continent's artists towards all their enormous complexity, their women, their men, civil A few months ago the rights, the collective LGBTI, presidential election in the racism, violence, sexuality ... United States Donald Trump a look that comes from won and this victory is going Canada to Chile and to involve many changes Argentina, passing through (negative) in his own country Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Brazil and around the world, and of course the United especially if he fulfills what States itself. he promised in campaign It is a glance from the past and even if he does the opposite, that their ability to and from the present to a continent where power is contradict themselves in infinite. Last July we visited Casa de Vacas, in Madrid's Retiro to see the exhibition Make America Dystopian Again.

held by people as disturbing as Trump, Maduro, Temer or Peña Nieto, among others. An exhibition that has presented the work of more than eighty artists from all over the continent. The exhibition has been able to visit until the 15th of last July. The images that we have captured in our visit to this exhibition can be seen through this link.

N E W S (II).


Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

Page 18

Margarita Llort, founder of Vitrales of El Salvador, in collaboration with the SalvaNATURA Ecological Foundation and the German Cultural Forum, presents the 2017 edition of VitroNATURA "Immensity". The collection is inspired by the country's coastal area and wildlife.

SalvaNATURA to help them develop their programs," said the artist.

And we learn to take care of who will do it, "Llort deepened on the message he seeks to convey. Previously, her first collection The inauguration of the was inspired by the flowers collection will be held in and fauna of the country, Sentidos Gallery. The then created another on the entrance is free. coffee plantations and this year, the sea captivated her The exhibition will remain for the creation of these open to the public from pieces. September 1 to 8.

"Now we made this collection "We have to take care of It can be visited from 9 in the on the sea and a percentage nature because it is the only morning to 5 in the of the proceeds will go to place we have to live. afternoon.

Five years growing up. in the demand for glasspackaged food and beverages in Europe, have been the main promoters of this growth.

European glass packaging production volume has increased by 2.9% in 2016, according to the latest figures released by the European Federation of Glass

Feve President Johan Gorter said: "The growing demand for glass packaging is a clear sign of confidence in the industry and glass Containers (Feve). This packaging by our positive development for the consumers, helping to year 2016 confirms the growth continue to emphasize trend of the last five years. products in the linear, both The increase in exports, as at European and well as a continuous increase international level. "

Page 19

The glass in Museums: Morse.

Our web

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art houses the most complete collection of works of Louis Comfort Tiffany found anywhere, an important collection of American art pottery and beautiful collections of American paintings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is located in Winter Park, Florida, United States. The museum was founded by Jeannette Genius McKean in 1942 and dedicated to his grandfather, Chicago industrialist Charles Hosmer Morse. The first director of the museum was her husband, Hugh McKean.

The Tiffany collection forms the centerpiece of the Morse Museum. It includes examples in every medium he explored, in every type of work he produced, and in every period of his life. Stocks range from award -winning glass windows to buttons.

1893, with its brightly colored windows, mosaics, Romanesque Byzantine architectural elements and furnishings. The chapel was completely reassembled and opened in April 1999 to the general public for the first time in more than 100 years.

It includes paintings and extensive examples of its pottery, as well as jewelry, enamels, mosaics, watercolors, lamps, furniture and examples of its Favrile blown glass.

It is approximately 12 meters wide and 23 feet wide, rising at its highest point at approximately 7.3 meters.

The Tiffany collection includes the reconstructed Tiffany Chapel created for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in

In February 2011, the Morse opened a new wing that provided gallery space of 560 m2 for the permanent exhibition of its collection of art and architecture objects from the Tiffany Long Island estate, Laurelton Hall.

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Recycling. At home.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


A study carried out by Ecovidrio and the 'Club de Malasmadres' shows the evolution of environmental awareness in Spanish society. Nine out of ten households declare to recycle glass, but in 78% of households the woman is the main person involved in this work For 60% of mothers and fathers, respect for the environment is one of the three priority aspects in the education of children, behind respect for diversity and the development of healthy lifestyles. According to this study, the best way to teach children about sustainable habits is daily practice at home followed by education in schools. 76% report water saving, 73% recycling, followed by respect for animals (64%), energy saving (41%), and consultation with the main

responsible environmental practices that try to instill their children. responsible consumption (29%).

it and 44% believe that schools do not form enough in environmental matters and considers it necessary to devote more time and Nine out of ten households declare to recycle glass, with resources. women being the most The children's motivation for involved in 78% of cases learning and environmental compared to 18% of their education is reflected in partners. research. Stewardship in Spanish households is far from being a reality, as demonstrated by the recent study Somos Somos del Club de Malasmadres, where 48% of women claim to be the main responsible for domestic tasks, for only 10% of the cases in so are your partners.

80% of households with children claim that children teach and share their knowledge about glass recycling and the importance of being responsible to the environment.

Children aged between 5 and 12 years are the most committed to these values in 84% of cases, followed by 92% of respondents with those aged over 13 years children consider it important (80%) and children under 5 to promote knowledge about years (76%). the environment as is done This fact shows that children with calculus, spelling, also play an important role in languages or other raising awareness of the disciplines and values. environment in their homes. However, 23% do not know what the school does about

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September 2017


Volume II — Number 102

This International Committee which originally was focused in the vitrification of nuclear wastes, since years ago, include also the scientific and technological aspects for the immobilization of all type of industrial wastes which considering the possible recycling of all type of wastes (but not for the nuclear case wastes...) as secondary raw materials.

The Members of TC 05 Committee of the International Commission on Glass (ICG) concerned with Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Vitrification, after starting their Meeting in Segovia next 13 sept 2017 with the chance of the conference Crystallization - 2017 organized by TC 7 (ICG).

ICG has the pleasure to invite you to join in its EXTENSION MEETING of TC-05 initiated in Segovia with a scientific session at University Miguel Hernández, ELCHE, ALICANTE, SPAIN to behave and discuss last research on VITRIFICATION and GEOPOLIMERIZATION of industrial wastes for

The program of this WORKSHOP-SHORT CONFERENCE will be developed in two sessions, whose conferences and communications will be edited in a special issue of the prestigious SCI bulletin MATERIALS LETTERS, in order to highlight as short papers the main results and conclusion of the scientific communications. For more information, visit the website http://

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In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2017.

 Cultural visits.

Given that on the occasion of this celebration they plan to hold four conferences with weekly frequency in the House of Culture of Valdemorillo and in which the glass will be the central axis of all of them, we hope to be able to attend the presentation of each of these papers.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

 Our activities.

 CULTURE 2017 program.

In this month of September we will visit the Thyssen Museum in Madrid to enjoy the exhibition The Renaissance in Venice.

collections and museums.

mythological and religious themes, that will allow to Among the artists are great discover the evolution of this names like Tiziano, painting created in one of the Tintoretto, Veronese or Lotto, most beautiful cities of the whose works can be seen world, Venice. riumph of beauty and from the importance of color destruction of painting. and the observation of the 89 works provided by large Some of the most important natural through the image of international collections, artists of the sixteenth power and beauty as many of them never century painting, belonging arguments, until the exhibited in Spain. to the Venetian school, are destruction of the A journey in which the works part of this exhibition that brushstroke and color in the are arranged to be enjoyed brings together masterpieces works of the last years, with the pleasure of the pure of the time from important portraits, pastoral, glance.

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Interview with Flyppy.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


It is written Ismael Cerezo (Murcia, 1967), but it is pronounced 'Flyppy', that with that name has gained a place of honor among the Spanish sculptors. With an almost autodidactic formation, Ismael knew the glass through the Majorcan Pere Ignasi, when already had a long experience with the iron.

Pinatar Park in San Pedro del Pinatar, my adopted town and where I spend my summers and my weekends. I thought this town deserved an event. Where and until when will this show be held? In the Space of Art, in the House of Culture of San Pedro del Pinatar, until the 31 of this month. What do you offer visitors?

In Palma de Mallorca he would A selection of the best fauna and flora of the area. This spend some years in the workshop of S'Hostalot, where exhibition is composed of 72 pieces, among which we find they began to mix iron and egrets, octopuses, light boxes glass in joint creations. of fish, crabs, whales, a lot of On his return to Murcia, he flamenco and myself. opened a workshop and What inspires you before you continued to work with this approach the creation of a material. piece? The pieces that signify bring (Laughter) Can I use the the vision of those who work joker? I do not have to be so fragile element with a professional concept and with inspired by anything because the pieces flow, often starting creative independence. from an iron. And others, the You can admire those who visit piece reaches my head and I until the end of August the evolve until I get the best show 'Become flamenco', result. installed in the Art Space of the House of Culture of San Pedro Of all your series, which one are you most satisfied with? del Pinatar.

romantic world, in homage to my great teacher and friend Pepe Cacho and in memory of Ramon Garza. And what do you think is the one that has aroused the most interest? I believe that my intention is always to innovate and create expectancy with what I do so that the one that interests the most is always the last. Does the Region of Murcia live a propitious time for creation? I'm an alien. I only know how to abduct. But it really can be. What projects are you in right now? A tree I will plant in the clinic Virgen del Alcázar de Lorca, a decoration in the Hospital Virgen de la Caridad in Cartagena and thinking of innovating in technology for glass since my work requires renewal and evolution, but sometimes it can not be lack of the worst metal of all. What is the work of your dreams, the dream of realizing?

A 20-meter praying mantis mobile for Santa Isabel, where How did you come up with this I have no discretion to reproach any of them. All are it was 'the penalty', would carry new exhibition? my daughters, the color blinds light in the eyes and would It occurred to me when I me, the forms inspire me and make threatening movements planted the sculptures of the the infinite takes me to a frigid- to passers-by. flamencos at the roundabout of

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Other trends. Limits of Art.

September 2017

Registration fees have different reductions depending on the group to which they belong, which must be documented in the registration application.

Volume II — Number 102

The communicators whose proposals are accepted must pay the corresponding fee to the group to which they belong. In addition, it is possible to book in advance the monograph that will be published after the Congress for a special price of € 15 for all categories of enrollment. Finally, a significant reduction in rates is planned for all those registered before September 25. As a complement to the congress, a book published by an impact publisher will be coordinated, which will include a selection of The MUSACCES contribution through the call contributions in a short book Consortium (UCM-UNEDto communications. chapter format to be made by UAM) invites to participate in In addition, the congress will the editors. the International Congress have thematic tables, The monograph "The limits of "The limits of art in the specific seminars and the art in the Museum" aims to Museum", which will take intervention of specialists of serve as a testimony of the place on 28, 29 and 30 international renown. congress, as well as writing November in the city of The proposed International the most relevant Madrid. Congress aims to become a interventions. The Congress aims to create forum for reflection on the The texts will be evaluated a space for exchange and conceptual problems of art in by two blind reviewers and discussion between the current museum. other quality collaborations managers of museums, Organizers hope that the may be included. It is teachers, researchers, permeability of expected to be edited artists, students and cultural interdisciplinary intellectual throughout 2018. professionals about the frontiers (art history, The congress will be held at boundaries or limits in the museology, art criticism, the Faculty of Geography conceptions of art, especially aesthetics, communication, and History of the in its transformation to the education, technology, Universidad Complutense de museological reality. conservation and Madrid. The participation modality restoration, etc.) allow them C / Profesor Aranguren, s / n. foresees the open to caress and overcome the 28040 - Madrid (Spain) limits of art.

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Cycling Tour to Spain.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

Ecovidrio and La Vuelta have organized for the third consecutive year the campaign "Recycle glass and pedal", in which the winning cyclists of each stage are receiving a trophy "fruit of the participative action of the citizens", which symbolizes the effort of runners and citizens to care for the environment. The non-profit organization responsible for the management of glass recycling in Spain, has reported in a statement that 13 municipalities will join again to Ecovidrio as active participants in glass recycling. With glass containers recycled by local residents of Tarragona, Alcossebre, Sagunt, Cuenca, Castalla, El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, Alhama de Murcia, Gérgal, Tomares, Monachil, Logroño, Gijón and Riosa are being developed in the Royal La Granja Glass Factory recycled glass trophies for the winners of those stages. "The trophies are the result of the contribution of each of the neighbors of the localities where La Vuelta takes place," said Ecovidrio's director of marketing, Borja Martiarena, in a statement. For this new edition the Entity has designed a new mini-igloo inspired by La Vuelta, with which the organization aims to contribute to the donation of bicycles 'Handbikes' - threewheeled bicycle that propulses, is directed and brakes with the arms- in benefit of the Foundation of the National

Hospital of Paraplegics for Research and Integration. The fans will be able to buy the containers through the web page and in the zones enabled by Ecovidrio at each stage. For every 500 units sold the entity will donate a handbike to the National Paraplegics Hospital of Toledo. In 2016, the Spanish recycled 753,509 tonnes of glass packaging waste through the green container, an average of

16.2 kg per inhabitant and 62 containers per person, representing a recycling rate of 70.4% glass, according to MAPAMA official data. The Spanish cyclist and champion of the Tour de France in 2006, Óscar Pereiro, is, for the third consecutive year, the ambassador who accompanies throughout the Vuelta this initiative that combines the values of cycling and recycling of glass, highlight their drivers.

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Glass leak in VITRO.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


Vitro Group executives evaluate the damage caused by the glass leakage accident at one of its plants in the United States (EU), so it temporarily suspended production at the plant.

leak belongs to the Architectural Glass "Vitro has insurance business. This oven is policies that cover this one of seven that the type of eventualities," the company has in the US company said. for glass and for this David LĂłpez, Corporate product; however, kiln Communication and production capacities Corporate Responsibility vary, so one should not The company reported Manager at Vitro, said think that one-seventh of that the accident that since the incident, Vitro's capacity will be occurred at its Carlisle manufacturing was under repair, "said one facility, located in interrupted and are analyst who requested Pennsylvania, which was currently in the process anonymity. acquired from PPG of determining the impact Local US media reported Glass; in October 2016. of this incident. that the incident was He asserted that there According to analysts, announced on the were no casualties in the architectural glass is the morning of Thursday, incident, but for security most profitable product August 17, around 10:30 reasons the decision was within the Vitro Plano am, a fire was registered made to temporarily close Glass division. Its Ebitda that then triggered three production in the two margins are between 24 alarms. furnaces of this factory and 25 percent, while the producing flat glass. Company executives in margins generated by the the US reported that "The company is in the original automotive glass around 4:00 the next day process of evaluating the are around eight to nine the fire could be impact of these damages, percent. extinguished. as well as the time it will "The furnace that had the take to reestablish its operations in that plant."

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The jellyfish of Daniela Forti.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


It is the new and dazzling collection of an Italian artist who portrays the marine species and transforms it into amazing furniture.

shapes of jellyfish, marine animals that are bell-shaped and whose presence often causes chaos among the passers-by who see them.

presents immeasurable similarities with the tentacles of the sea creature.

The artist residing in Tuscany exhibits Despite the fact that permanently at the Hotel Daniela Forti has been Through a unique Palazzo Tucci in Lucca, involved in the wonderful process, the Italian artist where her name has world of glass for more Daniela Forti, 57 years managed to reach than 30 years, only in the old creates incredible and citizens from all over the last few days has her invaluable translucent world, who have triggered name been able to cross glass tables, which that the cost of their borders and position besides fulfilling the works is higher. herself as one of the functions inherent to this The exhibition of his art most demanding artists type of furniture, works began in the year 2000, around the world when it perfectly as a decorative nevertheless its last comes of the amazing object. exhibition has been the glass art industry. By strategically melting one that has summoned The reason refers to his large pieces of glass, more amount of visitors, latest collection entitled Forti combines colors who are highly attracted "Meduse", which deals and other solid structures by this type of art, which with glass tables that to carry out the support without a doubt is unique perfectly assimilate the for the furniture, which in the world.

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Thesis on glass in architecture.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

In a solemn academic session, the architect María Elena Cortés Hernández, a professor at the Universidad Vasco de Quiroga (UVAQ), received her entry in the Mexican National Academy of History and Geography, in her chapter Michoacán, after exposing her thesis on glass in the architecture, where he highlighted the stained glass windows of the great Gothic cathedrals.

the Elder, Roman historian. He said that the first known uses of glass are in beads and jewelry, then in containers and glass. Its transparency and green color earned it the name.

Ages from the 12th to the 15th centuries that many of these cathedrals were built with large stained glass windows that surmounted colorful light and a series of figures.

Over time, it had a decorative use. He had another use in Rome; in Pompeii was used in some windows, was not the most common. Its use was in small dimensions.

These were known as stained glass. He pointed to numerous examples such as Notre Dame and the King's Chapel in Saint-Chapelle.

He pointed out that the rosette was very common in The president of the branch Gothic cathedrals, because He explained that in in Michoacán, Gloria architecture, it was first used they represented the infinite Angélica Álvarez Rodríguez, of God, like the Pictures of in the Romanesque period, read the minutes and the Pantocrato, as it is although very little because agreement of the State recognized to represent God of the heavy construction, Directing Council of May of in Byzantine art. however they achieved a 2017, where the professor's master's degree in the After the protocols, the admission was approved. construction of vaults and architect was integrated in Facing members of the arches. the Mexican Academy of academy, the architect The speaker said that in the History and Geography. It presented the theme of closed with the musical Glass in Architecture through Middle Ages the long participation of Edgar Miguel windows begin to open, an History, where she pointed example was Saints Dennis, García, with themes for out that glass is a material simulating the heavenly light classical guitar by other that is part of our daily life, authors and their own in the house of God. and has been for centuries. themes. Its origin is narrated by Pliny It was in the High Middle

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Jorge Ismael Rodríguez.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

The plastic artist Jorge Ismael is a glider, but not because of his taste for planning, but because he lets the air guide his movements. It has led him to Japan, Brazil and the Czech Republic, but now he returns to Veracruz, Mexico, with "MassCriticism. Reservoir-Xalapa ", an individual sample composed of pieces of obsidian carved that are modified when interacting with them and seek the transformation of their viewers.

several projects in countries like Canada, Japan and Colombia.

The critical mass. A physical term, which refers to the amount of material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction. Also, a sociological concept that points to the set of people indispensable for a concrete phenomenon to occur. A reservoir. The place that houses viruses or bacteria that can cause an epidemic.

Rodríguez explains that "MassCritical. Reservorio-Xalapa ", part of his concern for national and global reality. "We are in a horrible time, there is not a place there that you want to go, we are having a bad time. But to talk about how bad it is all the journalists, in real life I'm very worried about everything that happens and I'm very human in terms of what happens with politics and society. Already in my form of expression, I intend to establish well-meaning dialogues with the people who go. "

The exhibition "Mass-Criticism. Reservorio-Xalapa "by Jorge Ismael Rodríguez, a plastic artist from Mexico City, is a set of all this. There are obsidian sculptures that need to be seen, touched and reflected to be complete. For the artist it is important that people know that you can interact with objects, although the rules of the Ramon Alva Gallery (RAC) of the University of Veracruz, say otherwise. It is this enclosure that receives the individual sample of the sculptor, who reassumes in Mexico after

"They are stones carved of obsidian. It is a glass, it reflects like a mirror, for the old Mexicans it was the mirror of the soul. When you hit it acquire spectacular edges, then it was used to make sacrifices, say for surgeries. Or if you put the obsidian in the sun and then on a wound, it heals you. It is a material that lives after the man puts the hand, "he says.

they do not know it or do not want it, are going to have a transformation. " The exhibition will be in Xalapa until September 3 and Jorge Ismael already has proposals to take it to other galleries, including Mexico City, in a couple of months, a site where artistic proposals are in bulk, but Are these quality? As for his favorites in international contemporary art, he mentions that the proposals of the Chinese painter Cai GuoQiang, the Serbian Marina Abramovic and Yayoi Kusama, "make him crazy". "In Mexico the panorama is effervescent, wonderful ... There are many, a lot of serious art schools, very excited kids reflecting, lots of exhibitions every day and everywhere, some very interesting. I love Mexico, yes it is a spectacular place in production.

In the world Bogotá is also effervescent, are working in groups, here we are in individual. In Japan they are very individual, And although he says he is but they are people who love proud of all his works, especially their work and do things very of the greatest, he confesses thoughtful and felt. Right now the that he is now "deeply in love" world is full of art, what I find with his current work. "I want to worrying is that there is so much do what I did right now, to be and so close that it is difficult to able to know that even if I am see something that you have not not, the piece is transformed with seen, but you always stumble the presence of people, that the upon something wonderful, "he whole space is transformed and says. that people who enter, even if

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How does it.

This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Grant Garmezy.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


Page 31

Glass in Cuba.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

With the brothers Sanchez Prieto a brief conversation is impossible. Mine an hour with thirty minutes - was not the exception, and David and Dasmián hypnotize the clock with stories starring the essence of his works: glass, aesthetics and lighting. Both transform, from his workshop Daluz, clarity into meanings, in glassy colors and in cozy environments as if they were alchemists of light, but their work has simply defined them as glassmakers. The approach to this office occurred more than 15 years ago when, along with several friends, they started an adventure making lamps. The first was not as expected. "We took the mold from a cauldron and on top we pasted several pieces of glass with gasoline and foam. It was a total disaster, "said Dasmián, a civil engineer. However, David, a graduate of architecture, explained how constancy was always a good counselor who pushed his goals: "We did not know how to cut glass, we did not know the techniques, tools and materials most appropriate for its realization. Being a beginner was a disadvantage, but we never surrendered: we traveled against the wind and tide to Havana in order to document ourselves and we became total apprentices of the method of trial and error. " An opportunity to drink from the experience was the emergence of the artistic collective Huellas de Vidrio, who spent some time in the Lodge of Perseverance. In the project, destined to the rescue of the stained glass window in

Camagüey, the brothers intervened in different community tasks like the approach of this manual to children of the school Emilio Luaces and the free restoration of lamps to the population. Then came the time to completely collapse into the world of stained glass. They debuted in the restaurant of the Hotel Santa Maria, requested by the real estate of Tourism, with the installation of two works of three meters of width by 1.74 of stop. In the first, they represented images of churches in the city and, in the second, the Santa Cecilia Events Center and the Ignacio Agramonte Christmas House.

"thankful with the soul because when we used it, later, the result was positive." From classical music and the work of Sánchez Prieto we talked for a long time. The main theme of this "absurd" mix was the commissioning of the Office of the Historian of the City of Camagüey (OHCC) to materialize the three stained glass windows of the concert hall José Marín Varona, inaugurated on July 22.

The brothers, as synchronized in a single idea, remarked: "We were guided by the neo-Gothic design of the architect Yaxelys González Carmenates, which meant a challenge because we had not previously worked "One day a site worker told us that cold tones such as greens and blues some visitors after climbing the stairs, and, moreover, we had little experience tired and moodless, applauded in the making of geometric forms. excitedly after appreciating them," said When we saw them the opening night Dasmián, who never forgets that joy. of the room, we also observed the The hotel commissioned new spiritual gift to our effort. " successes such as the placement of As in an exercise of abstraction, the minimalist design stained glass in the glassmakers moved me to their provincial telecentre, the Folkloric workshop Daluz, located in Javier de la Ballet of Camagüey and the setting of Vega between Avenida de la Libertad the Hotel Encanto La Sevillana. and Calle Cuba. In this building they immortalized three Before me, the soldering iron, the glass scenes typical of the Spanish region: cutter, the pliers and the skill to shape in the hall they recreated two flamenco lead beams, almost with the same dancers, and in the interiors a woman techniques used in the Middle Ages, of that land leaned on a balcony and a were de fi ned. bullfighter in full play. They confessed to me how much In the meantime, the brothers grew concentration they require for "on the march," some of their old "everything to come out"; the peace practices were replaced, sometimes that generates the birth of a work, but by occasional carelessness. as true alchemists, they kept the secret Still surprised, David narrated how of how to carry the light, first to the one day the sawdust to clean his stained glass and then to the soul. creations got wet by chance, but

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Glass pool table.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


Playing billiards can be the most transparent sport in the world if practiced at the ultra modern X1 Everest table manufactured by the Australian company Elite Innovations. And be one of the lucky ones who can have it at home, a luxury within reach of few. Its new futuristic design, patented in 2016, with transparent glass base and also glass lid gives the feeling that the table floats in the air, making us enter a new generation of pool tables. A unique and exclusive design of which only five pieces are produced per year, but which give the guest a great deal of personality, which is well worth the long wait and for a price higher than 90,000 euros. And that leaves the typical green mat on slate that we associate with "recreational games room". Elite Innovations, a design house based in South Australia, has been developed by expert designers and inventors, which has developed this jewel, novel and inspirational, all transparent except the edges. This game or sport, as it likes to define it to the professionals, seems that already it was practiced in Greece in century IV a.C. with balls on the ground. Many

consider it the origin of billiards.

so that the glass does not suffer absolutely.

Then there is discussion about whether it was the English or the French who began to popularize it on the table.

What's more, it's designed to be multifunctional. It is not just a pool table, it is a luxury piece of furniture that gives a lot of But what is indisputable is that play. King Louis XI of France, in the Thus, you can ask for a net fifteenth century, already and transform it into a table played at home on a table. tennis table, or, when the time And in 1510 the billiard table is comes, exercise as a nice already used as fixed furniture dining table. in the most noble houses. Regarding the finishes, being From there, the green was giving way to the blue and now has acquired a new dimension with glass. The transparent, elastic and adhesive surface of the X 1 Everest, created by the Italian company Vitrik, specializing in the production of technologies applied to glass, makes the feel similar to that of the traditional rug, reproducing the rolling resistance of the felt and providing a cushioning layer for the glass underneath, with the difference being much more beautiful.

such a limited production, they are customized to the extreme, ensuring the privilege of having a pool table unique in the world. In fact, among the finishes offered, is chrome or 24 carat gold, and all are polished by hand. And if you want to curl the curl, you can add the LED lighting option. It has a wifi remote control with up to 26,000 colors to choose from.

The preset programs also allow you to easily scroll through the colors and change the timing of the sequence to match the They also distribute the carton music you have also chosen. holder in the same material. American pool or pool, always And the horizontal legs on associated with bars, spending which the table rests, are also time with friends and movies, made of glass. especially since we saw the One of the main fears when acquiring these billiard and glass tables is the fear of breaks, but the adhesive that Vitrik puts on it absorbs the impacts of the balls, the tacazos and the failed blows,

handsome Paul Newman in "The Hustler", is a very social hobby that, practiced in this way, can become the best claim so friends do not want to leave their home.

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Ode to the glass.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

factories that copied this technique," he says.

Important pieces by Émile Gallé, René Lalique and the famous Czech Moser factory are part of the exhibition "Relieve and Transparency: 100 Years of Glass", which is being presented at the Museum of Decorative Arts, on Recoleta Avenue in Santiago de Chile .

series of art deco objects that are part of a toilet set and were made with the technique of pressing, probably in the Czech Republic around 1930.

The curatorship was in charge of Manuel Alvarado, a graduate in History and Aesthetics in the UC, and A fascinating sample that student of the master's allows to learn about the degree in Theory and elaboration with this material History of Art in the U. of in European lands. Chile. Forty-four pieces of glass are the protagonists of the exhibition "Relieve and transparency: 100 years of glass" that is being presented at the Museum of Decorative Arts. The exhibition is a magnificent synthesis of the work that was done in Europe with this material, from the pieces produced between 1850 and 1870 in the region of Bohemia with the technique of free blowing and decorated with enamels and golds made of gold, to a

The professional tells that three main axes were defined to group the pieces: Victorian eclecticism, art nouveau and art deco. And, in turn, each of these three styles divided according to the techniques of manufacture or decoration. "For example, in the case of art nouveau there are glass cases with iridescent glass, half pearly, and another with cameo glasses made by Émile Gallé and other

The pieces exhibited have a high aesthetic value, since they were made to seduce sight and touch, and although they are all important, there are some notable, such as a vase made by René Lalique in the 1920s with much emphasis on the design and that belongs to its series "Ferns", made with the technique of pressing. According to the director and museologist Ximena Pezoa, the exhibition is part of the institution's policy of displaying its collections independently of the temporary exhibition, through two thematic editions a year. The first half was exhibited the oriental collection and is expected to organize for next year the metals and furniture. "We want to install a more modern vision, because the collections are very much anchored to the eighteenth and nineteenth century, and have not migrated forward, we have few current things and the emphasis is to acquire parts that are in the logic of design, which comes after the Bauhaus, "explains Pezoa. The exhibition will be open from Friday, August 4 to Friday, October 27, 2017, from Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

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The material of the 21st century.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


The tendency to use glass in both public and private construction has grown steadily until it dominates the modern urban landscape of the 21st century. It is undoubtedly a trend that shows no signs of slowing down, especially with new advances and innovations in glass technology that allow even more complex and elaborate designs. VARIOUS USES Glass is a material that, in construction, has several uses: we find glass bricks and glass plates, for walls; glass floor tiles; and flat glass, for openings. There are different types of glass that are used in construction and are obtained through various manufacturing processes, and adding different materials to the basic raw material of all glasses: silica sand, limestone and carbonate or sodium sulfate. There are many types of glass sheets. Each receives a special treatment that changes its composition, for a specific use: there are photosensitive glasses, which react to light; endothermic glass, which absorbs infrared rays; tempered or tensioned glass, of greater resistance to blows, tensions and sudden changes of temperature; metallic

glasses (it has a metallic layer on one of its faces), used especially in facades because it allows to control the light and the energy, and is very decorative; among others.

engineer). Glass provides many solutions for both the interior and exterior of a building.

It has even been used, for several years, combined with OPTIONS steel or iron, in the very The type of glass to be chosen structure of large buildings. will depend on many To be used in a construction, it constructive aspects, such as must meet four essential the surface to be covered, the characteristics, which are the required safety or resistance to application of technology to compression, flexion, traction provide security, support and and tension, the desired durability, ability to generate comfort conditions: noise comfort and contribute to the control, temperature, lighting, architectural style. saving energy, among others. Among the different categories Nor can the aesthetics be left of glass are tempered. aside, because there are They have a higher structural metallic, colored glass, strength than glass treated at ceramic glass, laser glass, printed, tinted, among others. extreme temperatures. It avoids cuts of gravity, since in Glass of paved or glass brick front of breaks it is fragmented is used, in general, for interior into small pieces. and exterior walls. So-called insulation has the They are blocks of 20 x 20 property of insulation against centimeters (the most usual) of temperature and sound. They translucent glass, which can are usually used in spaces and be colored or not, with or buildings where maximum without texture. As the interior concentration is required. is hollow, it results, at the For their part, safety glass is same time, acoustic and resistant to blows, explosions thermal insulation. or bullets, when broken glass Floors or laminated glass are grouped into an adhesive panels (high strength) are film. used thick and heavy. There are also polarized The thickness and size of the glasses with UV protection, tiles depends on the load to be which thanks to a sheet protect borne by the floor, a the eye and skin sensitivity, as calculation that must be done well as reduce the intensity of by a professional (architect or light.

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Restoration of German stained glass.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

Within the Cathedral Basilica of Puebla (Mexico) for 6 years a constant maintenance and restoration work has been carried out to ensure that the site is considered one of the most beautiful nationally and internationally, preserving the heritage legacy that the constitutes a milestone within the State of Puebla. Since April, these works have been directed to the 17 stained glass windows of varied style, size and quality that are inside the monument, highlighting for their manufacture those located on the three doorways and those flanking the Altar of the Kings , found in the base of the same the German firm of FXZettler, "Real establishment of Bavaria for the manufacture of stained glass" that at the end of century XIX were chosen by catalog and that thanks to its pictorial way, the handling of lights and shadows and the use of idealized naturism and spatial realism, managed to implant an international style called "Munich" developed from 1827 under Louis I of Bavaria (17861868) who sought to turn his capital into an incomparable center of art and culture.

The final part of the project will include the integration of eight new stained glass windows in the chapels located on the Epistle and the Gospel ships, the designs will be according to the dedication of each chapel and seeking integration with In an initial diagnosis of the other stained glass stained glass, the vast majority windows present in the were found to contain Basilica. accumulation of dust and ash, dirt due to runoff, salt deposits, We will work on the four glasses of the transept and the fractures of the pieces and one located on the main façade loss of section in the glass, integrating the Mariano deteriorations that in many cases prevented clear reading anagram, emphasizing the of the message represented in invocation of the temple: The Virgin of the Purísima the image. Concepción. The restoration project that is The union of diverse wills, the carried out consists of the deep cleaning of each element enthusiasm of professionals directed to the conservation that composes the stained glass and the consolidation of and restoration and the use of specialized labor in the the support structure of the cathedral area, has made supports that support the important advances in the pieces, in order to guarantee their permanence for a longer matter of its preservation and diffusion, contributing to the time. enrichment of the unique and For this, the stained glass irreplaceable, represented and windows were removed and protected in this case in the taken to the workshop installed most representative and in the same Cathedral for its emblematic religious restoration and after having monument of Puebla. recovered its translucent state and colors, to be put back in its place. The rest of the stained glass windows are of a different style ranging from images composed entirely of small pieces of colored glass, to the use of completely enameled glass to give color.

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Wolfryd expresses in glass social causes.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


sculptures and canvases: "I According to Barry Wolfryd, his show an ice cream, which can exhibition Common Ground is make you think of the innocence of children, but an artistic inquiry into contemporary iconography, the melting in a pool of blood ", He says. symbolic charge, and the ability to form narratives The artist, who participated in through objects. the MILLENNIUM Mural The artist says he uses them to create messages about our experiences in daily life, politics and love.

project, says that the reinterpretation and cynical use of objects recognizable to most people has allowed him to humorously dialogue with his audience.

Exposed at the Royal Factory of Crystals of the Farm, in For Wolfryd, glass sculpture Segovia, Spain, the sample gathers eight canvases and 13 has given his work a degree of social cause, bringing it closer sculptures in glass. to issues such as war, the loss The pieces were made in of childhood and the pain 2014, after the artist Adriano experienced by people in Berengo Murano invited him to different parts of the world: "It experiment with a material that is something that allows me "works hot and for a short time conceptual art: work with ideas [...]. I like to use glass because that tell something about it is very spontaneous, reality. Part of the universal although, of course, one works communal experience is that with glassmakers because it is today people are receiving the a very refined technique. " same images if they are in Uzbekistan, France or Chile; Common Ground explores Certain things, like a can of warning themes: objects that Campbell's soup, are going to already have a number of be recognized by everyone. connotations become They are given clear values. " contradictory in Wolfryd's

On the exposed canvases, José Manuel Springer, art critic in Mexico, said that in them "we find a criticism of the origin, since nothing of what is embodied in this predominantly visual world in which we live is original. The identities that are formed from the image are only fleeting. "Perhaps the only thing that could be said with certainty about the paintings of this artist and the world is that everything is a fiction, a half-truth, a lie sweetened by humor." Wolfryd commented that the reception of the pieces in Spain has been pleasing, as he observes how they generate diverse opinions and even found. Common Ground will remain in the Royal Glass Factory until January 2018. N. de la R. The images that we have taken of the inauguration of this exhibition can be seen through this link.

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Matisse in the studio.

September 2017

for objects to be moved from Paris to Nice.

Volume II — Number 102

Among the curiosities exhibited by the London exhibition are a green glass vase purchased in Andalusia in 1911 - the painter visited in our country, Madrid, Seville and Granada - which appears in two of his paintings, or a pot of chocolate , a wedding gift, to which is added the object that the painter most longed for through time: a baroque Venetian chair with silver-backed backrest and dolphin-shaped armrests, which was also immortalized. They are different sources of inspiration for an author who considered as muses the models that hired to pose for him.

"I have worked all my life with the same objects. The object is an actor. A good actor can participate in ten different works. An object can play a role in ten different paintings. " The phrase pronounced by the French painter Henri Matisse in 1951, summarizes the central role that objects represented in his works and in his life. Matisse loved objects and his collection was eclectic. Chinese porcelains, screens, teapots, chairs or African masks made up their universe. The utensils did not have to be valuable or rare if they did not arouse an emotion in the author and detonate the creative explosion as inspiration. The exhibition "Matisse in the studio" at the Royal Academy of Arts in London (August 5 to November 12) delves into this

Another section of the exhibition of the British capital is dedicated to the collection of African sculptures, which offered the Fauviste artist a fascination through 35 objects new perspective in Western art and 65 paintings, most of them to portray the human figure, from the Matisse Museum in focused on the female nude. Nice, showing how the artist The Two Women sculpture, represented the utensils in created from a photograph of many different works. Objects the gala magazine L'Humanité exert as versatile actors, as féminine, shows two Tuareg they reappear in various forms women, the Berber people of in periods of their career. North Africa. An interesting selection, never "Matisse was enthusiastic before exhibited, which brings about North Africa after visiting the visitor closer to the global Morocco and Algeria, with its working method of being culture and art from Islam," Ann considered as master of Dumas, one of the curators of volume and color in his the exhibition, told EFE. drawings, and one of the most The exhibition gathers some collected and quoted artists in articles of Islamic culture and the world. art that the artist painted in Fascination for Islamic culture numerous works and which Matisse created surrounded by were always present in his work place. An accentuated his acquisitions in his study. reason for his trip to the He took them with him on his trips, where he often bought at Granada Alhambra, where he markets or received gifts from got to sign in the guest book, which captivated the precursor his friends. They were vital creative stimuli and in many of of the contemporary avantgarde and decanted it towards his letters to his family he Orientalism. frequently included requests

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Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

The City of Arts and Sciences and the Oceanogràfic of Valencia, the new La Fe Hospital in Valencia, the Pamplona Museum of Fine Arts, bioclimatic housing conglomerate in Oxford (United Kingdom), the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses in Malabo Equatorial), hotels in Balearic and Canary Islands, emblematic buildings in Algeria and Morocco, the Administrative City 9th of October of Valencia … All these projects, among innumerable, have been executed by Cerviglas, a Valencian company with its production plant in Turís, whose creator, Vicente Cervera, has evolved to become the third in the glass sector within the national scope and the first of the Comunitat Valenciana, with a workforce of 105 workers and turnover of 12 million euros per year. It is the circumstance that this year celebrates the anniversary of its 35 years of history, after successfully navigating the economic crisis and reassembling it with vigor. The origins of this entity, familiar as many of the Valencian Community, go back to 1982, when its manager, Vicente Cervera, was only 19 years old and dedicated to mounting shutters.

At present it is composed of 105 people and this year finally recovers the figures prior to the recession to which they survived "on the basis of work, innovation and a strategy of expansion". They chose to stop being glass installers and focused only on transforming it into all possible final products. They reconverted the workers and extended the scope of manufacture to the rest of Spain and abroad. France, Germany, England, African countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea or Côte d'Ivoire and South America like Peru or Chile.

smallest to the largest customer." Cervera insists on the qualities of glass. "It is a product that does not age and when it is broken it can be recycled. It does not pollute. A substitute has not yet been found ». Both he and his partner now calmly look forward to the future of their company. Their children have obtained a university formation that they could not accede and they begin to be involved in her. Cervera did not go to higher education and has been learning based on a lot of effort. "I only got to BUP, but I do not stop learning."

They have also carried out works in the Caribbean through Spanish companies that are working there. His cover letter is the hundreds of works in which the glass is the protagonist.

Trust that with your experience and the knowledge of those who come behind the company march on the right track. "Pasito a pasito and with the feet planted in the ground".

There are so many that Cervera has difficulty saying if he has a predilection for any. However, he admits that he is especially proud of the last award he received, the National Architecture Award, in the glass solution category. Cerviglas has an R & D department in which we work continuously to improve one of the issues that "most concern humanity, to achieve better energy efficiency to reduce carbon dioxide emissions."

It also defends the importance of forming a company in which the worker feels at ease. "We do not call them workers, but companions. Everyone has a voice and a vote. We listen to everyone. We are proud to be a great family. When we have to tighten the belt, we tighten it all. "

He learned to install the glass because that was what the builders of his town It ensures that glass is one of the with whom he worked. products on which more research and highlights the great advances He found a business opportunity and achieved. decided to start a business with his brother-in-law, José Cervera. In 5 Glasses that protect from the sun's years they hired the first operator who rays and, therefore, cause less air is still in the workforce. conditioning to be expended or that act as acoustic insulation. They increased the number by two to three a year. In 1996 there were Also much safer, bulletproof, antialready 40 people and they were glare, curved or as an architectural growing until 2008, when the crisis solution, decorated with digital prints came and "work disappeared from the and paintings. "There's nothing we face of the Earth". can not do and we serve from the

The future is not written, but he trusts that 2017 will be the year of consolidation and above all that the mistakes of the past will not be repeated. "We were all deceived and participated in the crisis. We fall into temptation. " He regrets that it is not easy to be an entrepreneur and in any case, he claims the strength of a company that has never received public aid, contrary to what happens in other autonomies. "The key to success? Fight, much effort and sacrifice.

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The bull of Osborne.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


The iconic Toro Osborne celebrates its 60th anniversary with a new figure illuminated with recycled glass, a new look that rejuvenates while appealing to the struggle for conservation of the planet.

recycled glass.

Thanks to the collaboration of Ecovidrio, the new Toro has been embellished with a tile made with a by-product obtained in the process of recycling glass that has the The new figure, the number 95 property of absorbing and of which are distributed on storing sunlight during the day Spanish roads, has been and illuminating at night thanks installed in its hometown, El to the accumulated energy. Puerto de Santa Maria (Cadiz), The president of the Osborne next to the headquarters of the Foundation, Tomas Osborne, wineries to which this famous stressed that the Osborne Bull figure represents, created in celebrates his sixty birthday 1956 by Manolo Prieto and promoting sustainability has become an emblem of the because it is "a contemporary history of Spanish design and symbol that adapts to the advertising. times." To commemorate its 60 years Borja Martiarena, marketing on the Spanish roads, this new director of Ecovidrio, explained Osborne bull has become a that it is "an honor" that Toro "road eco-fence" that shines Osborne joins the call to raise with its own light to raise awareness of the importance awareness of the importance of recycling glass, a key of glass recycling. element in the fight for climate The fence, of the same change. characteristics as the rest of According to the data of this the Bulls Osborne, 14 meters company, in Spain they high and 4,000 kilos in weight, recycle some 752,000 tons of is decorated with 300 kilos of glass per year, approximately

16 kilos per inhabitant or 62 containers per person. Thanks to the glass deposited in the green containers, in 2016 the Spanish managed to avoid the emission of 504,000 tons of CO2 and saved 1,670,000 MWh of energy, according to this company. This initiative joins the many reinterpretations that this emblematic figure has generated since the installation of its first fence in the town of Cabanillas de la Sierra in Madrid sixty years ago. Since then, the silhouette of the Osborne Bull has inspired design lovers and artists from around the world. Artists such as Keith Haring, Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton and Richard Avedon, among others, have made their own versions, a collection that is exhibited in the Toro Gallery, the museum space of the Osborne Foundation dedicated to the history of the Toro in El Puerto of Santa MarĂ­a.

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Glass to repair broken bones.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017

transfer strength to the bone cells that will support body weight, as if it were a signal," says Jones. "Our body builds its own bone and the architecture it requires, as if the cell feels the mechanical environment created with the implant." "So, to create parts of the bone, with the features that are needed, you need to be able to send the right signals," Jones points out.

The idea of using glass - a material by Later Hench moved to London, where nature brittle - to repair something may he was finally able to develop the sound illogical. revolutionary bioglass, a whole innovation in the field of health: from But this is not just any glass. orthopedic surgery to dentistry. "If you put a piece of window glass and put it in the body, the material will During the last 10 years, surgeons have used bioglass in the form of be covered by the tissues, but then it powder, which looks and feels like a will begin to move and eventually be sandy putty, to repair bone defects expelled," explains Julian Jones, a that arise from small fractures. bioglass expert at Imperial College London. Since 2010, this same putty has been "When you put bio-glass in the body, it marketed on a large scale as the key component of Sensodyne's Repair begins to dissolve and release ions, and Protect toothpaste, the largest which have a kind of communication worldwide use of any bioglass based with the immune system to tell the material. cells what to do." "This way, the body does not reject the material, and it can stick to the bone and tissue around. This creates a good feeling and stimulates bone regeneration," says Jones.

When people brush, the bioglass dissolves and releases calcium phosphate ions, which stick to the minerals of the teeth.

Over time, this material is slowly Thompson has used bioglass plates in stimulating regeneration. more than 100 patients who have For many scientists, the surface of the suffered accidents in author or multiple uses of bioglass is barely motorcycle. touching. "The bioglass works better than bone implants from the same person, because we have discovered that it is slowly extracting sodium ions as it dissolves, killing bacteria in the area." "This way, almost by chance, we have this mild antibiotic effect that eliminates infections," warns Thopmson. The bioglass was invented by American scientist Larry Hench in 1969.

This material is designed for what is possibly the Holy Grail of orthopedic surgery: the repair of a cartilage. So far, surgeons' efforts to repair a cartilage on an arthritic hip or an injured knee are limited to a complex procedure called microfracture. This involves clearing the injured area to discover the bone, then cutting it so the bone marrow releases cells that stimulate regeneration. However, this operation leaves a scar on the cartilage and, as the years pass, the original problem returns. As a solution to this problem, Jones is looking for the way to produce bioglass that can be printed in 3D, and then placed in any kind of damage to the cartilage.

In order for the cells to accept it, this new material must retain all the properties of the cartilage. In order to evaluate its effectiveness, Jones has used a simulator (human knees) taken Today there are new medical products from cadavers donated for medical that can revolutionize bone and joint research. surgery like never before. "We simulate walking, bending, and For example, Jones shows a small knee movements, and we make sure cube-shaped object, which he calls that the bioglass preserves its position "elastic bioglass". in the joint and acts as "If the results are positive, then we will test it on It is similar to the material that is animals and then on experiments with marketed now, except for one small difference: thanks to subtle alterations humans." in the chemical composition, the material is no longer fragile. Instead, it bounces, "like a toy ball," says Jones, and is incredibly flexible.

Hench was inspired by a conversation he held on a bus with an army colonel, The key to this modification is that the who had recently returned from the material can be inserted into a Vietnam War. severely fractured leg, allowing the patient not only to support his weight The officer told Hench that although at that extremity and walk without modern medicine could save lives on crutches, but to dispense with nails or the battlefield, it could not replace other implants. limbs. From that moment, Hench decided to put aside his research on intercontinental missiles and dedicate himself to designing bionic materials that were not rejected by the human body.

Other alterations to the chemical composition of the bioglass have made it softer and with a texture like rubber, much like a piece of squid.

At the same time, the "elastic bioglass" also stimulates and guides the regeneration of the bone, while it is slowly assimilated by the body. "It's really important that a bioglass implant in your leg allows you to

This same material may have additional use, which would help people suffering from chronic back problems from For now, surgeons perform procedures in which they replace the affected disc, with a bone graft that fuses the vertebra back into the column. And although this eliminates the pain, implies a significant loss of mobility. With the bioglass, the implant could be printed and simply replace the affected disk. "It would seem obvious. However, so far no one has been able to synthetically replicate the mechanical properties of cartilage. We believe that with bioglass we will achieve it, "says Jones.

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Dreams in sculptures.

Volume II — Number 102

September 2017


In the renovated Allegro gallery, the dreams and concerns of two artists are exhibited in the form of sculptures. The pieces of Gladys Sevillano and Armando Granja, each with their own speech but in constant dialogue, cohabit this space to form the exhibition 'Chimeras', which can be visited until next September 11. The title of the exhibition refers to the place where both produce their sculptures, the Chimera art workshop, named after a dream that one can achieve: for Granja and Sevillano, work, life, family and dreams are one alone. As we immerse ourselves in the exhibition, it is easy to distinguish in the works of Sevillano the use of the boat, according to the artist, as a metaphor of the journey. 'With the boat I allude to the geographic journey, but I really feel that we all make one on this earth and for me that journey is to go from reason to heart. A journey that we make to the soul ', diluted the artist, born in Colombia and resident in the isthmus since 1960.

For some time, Sevillano adds, in the workshop he runs with Master Granja, they worked stained glass, until they deepened their casting techniques.

Among these objects is a ship from a shipwreck on the Caribbean coast and a barbed wire from the time of the invasion (1989).

Today part of that artistic trip of which she is part, is seen in the room in boats and crew based on bronze.

Beside this series, several rectangular blocks of concrete - also with old objects inside, such as keys and locks, as well as white roses - are named after the title of a bolero song, and from the concrete emerges an ambiguous feeling , between love and nostalgia.

Finally, in the collection of Sevillano can be observed sculptures of masks made with molten glass, which refer us to one of his first works with this material.

'Bolero is popular philosophy. There is a deep melancholy about that love that 'The mask is a symbolic element. The will never be, "explains Granja, who primary beings used them to ask for began his artistic work in 1975, and rain and food. It is also a connection of refines his reflection:" Love liberates man with the external natural spirit or us, makes us great, but also in the sky forces that he could not handle, "the can cut your wings. It leads you to author describes. glory or misery. The best of loves ends As if trying to open the way, one of the in an inescapable divorce that is death sculptures of Sevillano placed towards '. the center of the gallery includes the When looking closely, in this room use of concrete, a predominant decorated with an old gramophone, the material in the contiguous collection: pieces have a glass in the background the pieces of Granja. where you can read bolero verses. In this environment we receive concrete cubic sculptures, with a glass cover and a heart shape inside, which is embedded by ancient objects oxidized.

One of the techniques used is the pate de veere (glass paste), which it "Many of the things that are related to achieves with glass cut and fused. the sculptures are objects collected from the street, as if they were talking 'Working with glass is working with to me and telling me that they want to light because every color gives you a tell a story," says Granja, who was sensation and you have to develop born in Colombia and lives in Panama patience because it is a long process, since 1981 when he founded the but when you leave you gratifies a lot,' workshop Ilobasco, sponsored by the says the artist, who has worked with United Nations. glass for 30 years .

But what attracts the attention of the sculptural compositions of Granja are the incomplete, cracked female faces that find an unforeseen place in their pieces. 'Somehow or other, they are not complete images, but only pieces. Sabina: 'What's left of me misses you', and it's a bit of that idea rolling, we are the memory of what we live, what we want to remember, 'concludes the teacher.

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Our Newsletter is worded in:

The Association of Friends of MAVA

September 2017

was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with current management.

Castillo de San José de Valderas.

The purpose of this Association is to

Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN

promote, encourage and support many


cultural activities, in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities

When glass culture

of the Museum of Glass Art Alcorcon.

Volume II — Number 102

Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities in the promotion, protection and dissemination of art and culture. Our members may be fees, benefactors, Full and juveniles. 

Presidente honorario

Evangelina del Poyo


Diego Martín García

Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez

Francisco Martín García


José María Gallardo Breña

Secretaria Rosa García Montemayor


Javier Gómez Gómez

Pablo Bravo García 

Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos

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