OLD Miguel Darcy - Architecture Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO 2014 Miguel Darcy

Miguel Darcy de Oliveira Miranda Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-Rio) BArch 5-year program - School of Architecture and Urbanism

CONTENT Curriculum Vitae Index Selected Works

Miguel Darcy Portfolio 2013

CURRICULUM VITAE Miguel Darcy de Oliveira Miranda Lives in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 20.01.1992, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Contact migueldarcymiranda@gmail.com Benjamin Batista Street, 197/402 +55 21 987643120 ZIP: 22461-120


Education 1995 - 2009 2009 2010 to today

Language Portuguese German English Academic 2011 2013 2012 to today 2013 to today

Autocad 2013, Rhinoceros 5.0, Grasshopper, Sketchup 8 Pro, VRay, Kerkythea, Adobe CS6 (Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign)

Corcovado German School, Rio de Janeiro Abitur (Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife) Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio School of Architecture and Urbanism

Native language Proficient level - Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe I und II Proficient level - Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) - Cambridge University

2014 to today

Architectural Drawing teaching assistant Diagrams and Layers-Advanced Representation Techniques teaching assistant CAU PUC-Rio Website teaching assistant TEPP Research Scholarship - “Reverse Atlantis - New Oil Territories in Brazil: Urbanism and Planning” with professors Gabriel Duarte and Marcos Favero Elected to the Student’s Union main board

Professional Experience 2008 2012 - 2013 2013 to today

1 week internship in Índio da Costa AUDT office Internship in Campo AUD office Architectural visualization freelancer

Workshops and Other Activities 2007 - 2008 2009 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 Publications, Awards and Exhibitions 2009 2010 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014

Art Model Drawing Course in Visual Arts School of Rio de Janeiro Cofounder of the NOVE Group (New Voluntary Student Organization) 3 Shelters Workshop Local contact of Michigan’s Taubman College Urban Design Studio in Rio de Janeiro (professors Maria Arquero de Alarcón and El Hadi Jazairy) South American Project - SAP - Harvard Graduate School of Design Became member of ENTRE Group - Interviews with Architects Held interviews during the X Biennial of São Paulo with ENTRE Group New Cartographies - Exhibition and International Symposium Worked as freelancer for the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy - ITDP Selected to the design team of MoMA’s PS1 89PLUS Pavillion in Rio de Janeiro (discontinued due to budget cut) International Workshop with Columbia University and Studio-X Rio in Rio das Pedras

NOVE nominated to the “Personality of the Year Award” by O Globo Newspaper “Weekend Residence in Itaipava” selected to PRUMO Exhibition 3 Shelters Workshop Exhibited in PUC’s and UFRJ’s Campi 3 Shelters Workshop Published in AU Magazine Peace Parks project selected to the XIII Biennial of Buenos Aires New Cartographies’s Map of Rio selected to the X Biennial of São Paulo Presented 89PLUS Pavillion project at the event’s opening panel

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INDEX Student Work Comission Professional Work Freelancer Competition Exhibited / Published


South America Project - Peace Parks


New Cartographies


Residential Tower in Santo Cristo


89PLUS Pavillion in Rio’s Museum of Modern Art


Urban Foundations - Europan Competition


3 Shelters Workshop


Renovation of Rio’s National Library


Public Mediatheque in Lapa


Agricultural Expo Center


Shared Residence in Pires de Almeida Street


Bola Pra Frente Institute


Urban Renewal in Canto de Itaipú


ENTRE - Interviews with Architects


Suspended Bicycle Paths


ITDP Brazil - Changes to Planned BRT Stations in Bonsucesso


Art Gallery + 4 Artist Atelliers


Weekend Residence in Itaipava

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South America Project - Peace Parks Border between Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay About SAP The South America Project (SAP) is a trans-continental applied research network that proactively endorses the role of design within rapidly transforming geographies of the South American Continent. SAP specifically focuses on how a spatial synthesis best afforded by design can provide alternative physical and experiential identities to the current spatial transformations reshaping the South American Hinterland, in particular fast paced modes of resource extraction and an unprecedented regional integration at a continental scale (primarily through roads, energy grids, fluvial corridors, and telecommunication networks).

Launched by Felipe Correa and Ana MarĂ­a DurĂĄn Calisto, with the support of the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, and the Loeb Fellowship, the project brings together a broad host of academic insitutions, scholars and designers from diverse fields, in order to create a projective platform that can allow for Architecture and the diverse disciplines affiliated to the constructed environment to actively partake in proposing more comprehensive models of urbanization for South America .

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South American continent with political borders, urban centers and all its preservation zones highlighted

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About the project The project explores the concept of ‘Peace Parks’, which are protected ecological sanctuaries with its management shared by all countries involved. The shared park expands the notion of political border by creating a surface of exchange instead of a dividing line. Coupled with the deployment of the parks are a series of strategies that promote tourism and sustainable development, creating jobs and boosting local economies.

Given the diversity of ecosystems along the longitudinal axis of the South American continent, the project sheds light onto a potential connection between the different biomes through various conservation areas. Within this logic, the proposed Peace Park is part of a strategy which creates a transitional zone between the Pampas and the Brazilian Coastal Forest biomes, fostering a much richer biodiversity.

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Park’s general view with support bases highlighted 9 of 89

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Example of support base: Kayak Station

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New Cartographies - Rio de Janeiro Map X São Paulo Biennial and Studio-X Rio de Janeiro About New Cartographies The New Cartographies project proposes to work mapping as a creative instrument of recognition, criticism and action on the urban territory. Sponsored by the Pró-Design program of the City of Rio de Janeiro, the project, conceived by CAMPO aud, developed partnerships and research on participative mapping that strives to go beyond mere physical representations of the territory, having the city of Rio de Janeiro as its main focus.

The New Cartographies Exhibition happened between May 17th and June 8th, 2013 at the Carioca Design Center, and showed works from CAMPO and from invited artists, architects and designers (Lize Mogel, Christian Nold, Fabio Lopez, Wikimapa, Wellington Cançado and Renata Marques). It was later selected to be part of the X São Paulo Biennial as a permanent exhibition through the event.

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Map exhibited in the X S達o Paulo Biennial 13 of 89

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Carthographic base onto which the layers were projected Dimensions: 10m x 3m

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This map was created with the intention of provide a complete and immediate visualization of the urban area of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Today, there aren’t any available maps that allow us to understand the relation between the form of the city and its empty areas with such detail and clarity as the one presented here. Due to the precision of the drawing, it is possible to identify relations of mass, density, proximity, importance, location, among others, with each building and with the city as a whole. The trac system shows the accessible extension of the territory and, as a consequence, how the city is served by the transportation system infrastructures. Alongside the information related to the built / artificial areas, the drawing of the natural landscape presents in a flattened way the landforms that compose the typical “carioca” landscape. From that, it is possible to see the influence that the mountains have over the limits and the construction of the city. As a strategy to organize the collected information and diminish the visual complexity generated the high amount of printed information, we decided to control the exposition

of the map through the intensity of light projected over it. Then, the same projection was used to highlight, with colors and light in a controlled way, a sequence of information considered important to clarify how the city if organized today. The projection is prepared in a loop that puts together 65 layers which vary from basic information about the political division of the city (macrozones, administrative regions, neighborhoods) to more complex information about urban dynamics (areas transformed for the Olympic complexes, the main future projects for the city, etc.). With this map, we intend to offer a tool to understand the city of Rio in a clear and objective way, and to some extent democratize the access to essential information to understand the direction that the city is taking.

Coordenadas geográficas Geographical coordinators

Sub-bacias hidrográficas Sub watershed

Vias de transporte Transportation system

Áreas do Morar Carioca Areas for the

Foto aérea Aerial photo

Rios Rivers

Futuro trem de alta velocidade Future high speed train

Lotes irregulares Irregular plots

Foto aérea + macrozonas Aerial photo + macrozones

Pluviosidade Rainfall

Túneis Tunnels

Mar: perfil atual Seashore: current ou

Regiões Administrativas Administrative Regions

Logradouros Streets

Áreas de preservação Preservation areas

Mar: perfil original Seashore: original o

Bairros Neighborhoods

Logradouros principais Main streets

Favelas Slums

Aterros sobre alagadiços Landfill over

Bacias hidrográficas Watershed

Linhas de BRT BRT system

Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPPs) Pacifying Police Units (UPPs)

Aterros sobre o mar Landfill over the

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Information Source Most of the digital files that served as a base for the construction of the printed map came from dwg files created in 2008 by the Rio de Janeiro Municipality. 753 files were gathered and 15 layers were selected, cleaned and modified in order to form the content of the eight vertical stripes, measuring 67x255 cm each, which together form this complete map. The other files used, with information about the streets network, represented by the axis of the roads, were extracted from a digital base offered by Pereira Passos Institute on its website. Primary Information Most of dwg bases provided by the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro are incomplete. The areas that lack most information are located in the far west, close to the Sepetiba Bay, and in the northwest area, close to Campo Grande and Santa Cruz. Due to the fact that the road system originates from a dierent file than the rest of the map, and because it is more complete and consistent with the actual reality, it is possible to observe the areas where there is lack of information: on those areas we can see the axis of the streets, but there are no buildings close to them.

e Morar Carioca project

Added Information An important part of the work was to approximate those bases of the reality. Manual work was necessary to draw buildings that were not on the original dwg files. Those drawings were based on Goggle Earth aerial photos. This process was used in critical situations where the lack of information could have compromised the understanding on how the city works and how it is organized nowadays. The buildings on the ‘favelas’ (slums), which are completely missing from the original dwg base, were represented as a pile of buildings, where its form and position do not correspond to reality, but where the general border of the favela does. Limits Because of the diculty to find dwg files with the built areas to cities around Rio, and because the data and indexes found were presented according to municipalities, we decided to consider as a study area the city of Rio de Janeiro inside its limits, and not the metropolitan region, which goes beyond this political outlining.

Desmontes Disassembles

Projetos futuros Future projects

Índice rendimento Yield index

Aeroportos Airports

Hotéis: projeto, reforma, construção Hotels: project, renewal construction

Índice população Population index


Cemitérios Cemeteries

Equipamentos públicos Public equipment

Índice de densidade Density index


Equipamentos urbanos de destaque Main urban equipment

Empresas do setor de óleo e gás Oil and gas companies

Índice crescimento populacional Population growth index

r swamps

Olimpíadas Olympic Games

Índice de alfabetização Literacy index

Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) Human Development Index

e sea

Intervenções no porto Interventions in the port area

Índice de envelhecimento Aging index

Moradores em setor subnormal Citizens in the subnormal sector

Cartographic layers 17 of 89

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Residential Tower in Santo Cristo Rio de Janeiro, Brazil About the project The designed building places itself in a very peculiar site: exactly on the border between Rio’s port area, which currently goes through an intense renewal and verticalization process, and Morro do Pinto, a very traditional low density residential neighbourhood in the city. Because of this condition, the project should dialogue with the buildings on both sides of the street. While the building as a whole is understood as a tower, fitting in the context of the new office skyscrapers in the area, the individual apartments are distinguishable from one another. Therefore the tower no longer works as anonymous unity, but a set of individual dwellings, similar to what happens in Morro do Pinto.

Due to its verticality the project creates a public square on the ground floor, which is a big local defficiency, as well as suggests a possible crossing through the block in the future. The apartaments are organized around a central core, which contains both stairs and elevators, and fit freely with one another. They vary in size and shape, as a way of ensuring diversity in social and economical terms.

General view from Santo Cristo Street 18 of 89

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Yellow: 1 bedroom Orange: 2 bedrooms Red: 3 bedrooms

Structural system



Vertical circulation and building’s hydraulics











X Apartments’ shape and size variety

Apartments’ organization system

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Building’s morphology diagram

Floor plans

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Common use floor

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Ground floor

1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor

5th floor

6th floor

7th floor

8th floor

9th floor

10th floor

common use - 11th floor

common use - 12th floor

Janitor’s apartament 13th floor

14th floor

15th floor

16th floor

17th floor

18th floor

19th floor

20th floor

21th floor

22th floor

23th floor

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Floor plans

Miguel Darcy Portfolio 2013

89PLUS Intervention in MAM Rio Rio de Janeiro, Brazil About 89PLUS 89plus is a long-term, international, multi-platform research project co-founded by Simon Castets and Hans Ulrich Obrist, investigating the generation of innovators born in or after 1989. Without forecasting artistic trends or predicting future creation, 89plus manifests itself through panels, books, periodicals and exhibitions, bringing together individuals from a generation whose voices are only starting to be heard, yet which accounts for almost half of the world’s population. Marked by several paradigm-shifting events, the year 1989 saw the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the start of the post-Cold War period; the introduction of the World Wide Web and the beginning of the universal availability of the Internet. Positing a relationship between these worldchanging events and creative production at large, 89plus introduces the work of some of this generation’s most inspiring protagonists. About the project The current urban transformations taking place in Rio de Janeiro - a city engaged in torrential efforts toward construction, materials and happenings - coupled with the need for a temporary pavillion to host the 2 day events for the 89+ at MAM-Rio, brought the desire to expand the realm

of architecture through a greater approximation between art, architecture and construction. Starting with the sketch of a wall which cuts through MAM´s clear span and its park, designed by one of Brazil´s greatest architects, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, the temporary pavillion makes use of the formwork construction technology as a critical strategy of operation in the carioca urban context, and occupies the negative volume (where concrete would otherwise be poured) through an articulation of the formwork and its supports. A pavillion which, much like the 89+ generation, avoids crystallization and places itself in a constant process, closing distinctions between assembly, disassembly and the object. The exhibition is realized beyond the days of the event, and all the phases of the pavillion and its own ephemeral qualities underscored become part of the discourse of the project and part of the dialogues proposed by 89+. MAM-Rio - image of the modern brazilian project - again under construction, seen here as a new construction site which reconstructs - calling out to young artists, architects, scientists of the 89+ generation - a proposal for one of the greatest legacies of Reidy´s architecture: the potency in the relation between architecture, art, landscape, city and construction.

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Portfolio exhibition corridor 23 of 89

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Concept of the wall 26 of 89

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Negative of the wall 27 of 89

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MAM’s free span becomes also a gathering space for the event 29 of 89

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Urban Foundations, Plan d’Aou - Europan Competition Marseille, France

About the project This project was conceived to accommodate for both highly successful futures of the site and drastic failures. Like infrastructures designed to create conditions for other activities to happen, the Urban Foundations project enables its adaptation for calculated densifications and potential eventual evacuations. The main concept of the project uses an analogy with the foundations of a building to create a series of architectural, urban, and landscape conditions that can respond to the uncertainties of Plan d’Aou. Developed as a prototypical strategy that can permeate and influence development for the entire study site, the architectural and urban strategies presented here establish an indissoluble relationship founded upon adaptability. Both the urban and architectural strategies have been conceived to guarantee the adequate implementation of site development in different levels. The relatively excessive use of structural materials (concrete) in the construction of the armature can be justified by its infrastructural role, and occupied over time, if necessary.

This might seem odd at first, but this type of investment consciously accounts for flexibility in development. The armature can as much be used as a bare spatial structure for outdoor activities – assuming the role of interactive monument – as it can a plinth for vertical expansion, provided the market highlights this opportunity and an increase in density is desired by the community and local planning authorities. The project was conceived with the simplest possible expression – the least technical, least lyrical, and an almost primitive structural solution. This simplicity allows it to create a generous platform for myriad programs to occur. The static armature is equipped with all the basic technical features that a multifunctional building requires for fluid programming. The concrete armature contrasts with the lightweight wooden and plaster partitions used to create the different compartments of the building. This contrast does not only accommodate any number of layout variations, but also gives the building a tectonic identity that is unique and enduring, in light of the multiple changeable scenarios that are enabled.

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Frontal view 31 of 89

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Lobby 32 of 89

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Entrance 33 of 89

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Corridor 35 of 89

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3 Shelters Workshop Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


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Renovation of Rio’s National Library Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Worked as freelancer for Campo AUD About the project The project proposes new models for occupancy to resolve both technical and functional issues (related to the security of the building, the collection, staff and visitors) and organizational barriers of existing spaces and work environments, minimizing any interference in the original architecture. New occupation layouts seek to interfere in the most delicate way possible in the building. Furniture, mezzanines, partitions, among others behave almost independently in spaces giving identity and greater functionality . The external gardens have different concepts of intervention intrinsically related to their functional and public roles. The garden at the corner of Rua Pedro Lessa emerges as a major public square open to the city, a place of permanence

and conviviality that will host the public from the National Library in a generous and frank manner. It assumes a strong material/tectonic character with sawn granite floors, which are now ramps (movement) and setaing areas (permanence). It is conceived as a ‘mineral garden’, where green has its specific place and importance. Meanwhile, the opposite garden will be more restrained, with more dense vegetation and with exclusive use of accredited officials or the Library. The vegetation and trees serve as elements to disguise the various technical components that will be deployed in this area due to the functional demands of the modernization of the building infrastructure.

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View from MĂŠxico Street 39 of 89

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View from pedestrian Street

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Frontal view from MĂŠxico Street

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Public Mediatheque in Lapa Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Before: Parking lot

After: Public square

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Public School-

Metropolitan Cathedral-

Fundição Progresso. Circo Voador.

.Originally Proposed Site

Carioca Aqueduct-

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Municipal TheaterMEC. National Library-

Odeon Cinema-

.Museum of Modern Art

Paris Square. 47 of 89

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.Deserted Street .Underutilized Land as Parking Lots

.Originally Proposed Site

Urban intervention The deserted street and the parking lots should be closed in order to create a new public square, which integrates all the surrounding public equipments. The initially proposed site for the mediateque is than changed, since a much better site is originated between Rua do Lavradio and the new public square. Therefore the mediateque becomes an extension of the city, connecting the square and the street through its ground floor while, on the other hand, takes advantage of the public square for its own activities.

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.Pedestrian Walkway

Square Integrates Nearby Programs.Mediatheque Location

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Circo Voador

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Public School

Metropolian Cathedral

Fundição Progresso

Carioca Aqueduct

Axonometric diagram showing the public square after the elimination of the street and the apropriation of the parking lots

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How a new idea forms in the brain CLASH OF CONCEPTS CONCEPT 1

Mediatheque as catalyst of new contents CLASH OF CONTENTS CONTENT 1









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Ramp 53 of 89

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Agricultural Expo Center Planaltina, Brazil

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Main public entrance 55 of 89

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Rear view with park

Complex at night with musical concert 57 of 89

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Shared Residence in Pires de Almeida Street Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About the project The 23 buildings in Pires de Almeida Street were built to house all the employees of an insurance company, in the decade of 1920. The street is organized diagrammatically, and its elements reflect the hierarchical structure of the company at the time. In the first 4 buildings lived the president and directors and, therefore, have a higher quality in terms of natural ventilation, insulation and materials used, as well as being the only ones with lifts. The second set’s units are a little smaller, but still very comfortable to live in and face a bucolic square, with plenty of trees and a playground, while the units of the next two sets keep getting smaller and denser. While the regular apartment of the first 4 buildings is 200 square meter big on average, the unit in the far end is only 63 square meter. As time went by, the street no longer was inhabited merely by the company’s staff, but its structure remained the same. The hierarchy is now a result of the economic conditions of its residents, creating a healthy environment where people of different social classes coexist. Historically, due to its low costs, the last 2 sets of buildings used to house artists, students and exiles who had just returned to the country, giving to the street a character of an intense cultural production. However most of these traits have been lost during the years. Because of the rising real estate speculation in the city, even the last 2 buildings went through changes and fusions, becoming high class apartments and leaving behind the street’s biggest quality: being a democratic and diverse environment. Our project seeks to restore the residential diversity of the street, bringing its apartments to a minimal size as a way of insuring its accessible prices while, on the other hand, provides a wide living space, enhancing therefore the quality of life and connecting its inhabitants. It operates on the last building on the right and on the cul-de-sac, which was formerly used as soccer field and nowadays is a parking lot.

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Existing slabs of the street’s last building, adjacent to the cul-de-sac

Creation of a void that permeates the slabs in half of the building, while the other one remains intact

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18 individual apartments of 2mx2m each, in both sides of the void

Stretchment of the slabs towards the cul-de-sac

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Creation of a second void, which defines a collective living space

Stretchment of the stairs’ steps, which develop as tables, walkways and a bleacher

Project creates an alternative for cheap residence without, however, compromising the quality of the spaces

Cross section 61 of 89

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Collective void

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Bola Pra Frente Institute - Soccer Training Center Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Bleachers 65 of 89

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Side view from nearby residential complex

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Urban Renewal in Canto de Itaip煤 Niter贸i, Brazil

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Aerial view of Canto de Itaipu 71 of 89

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Reforested dune with public path 73 of 89

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Beach view with new public equipments, dwellings and existing church 75 of 89

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ENTRE - Interviews with Architects About ENTRE ENTRE is a collective group of students initiated in the School of Architecture and Urbanism at PUC-Rio. The group started in 2009 with the aim of bringing architects and architecture students together through interviews. In order to do so, we launched the site entre.arq.br in which the interviews were published periodically. In 2012, the material of 13 interviews was compiled and culminated in the publication of the 1st book “ENTRE – Interviews with Architects by Students of Architecture” (Viana & Mosley, 2012). Now we come to the point that we need to expand in order to continue the project and, for this, we will create a new format to make it smarter and increase its coverage. We will transform ENTRE into a collaborative platform, involving students in the formulation of the interviews and publish the results in a new book, which complements the first one. This new format was first put to use during the X São Paulo Architecture Biennial, where 5 interviews were held: GrupoSP, UNA Arquitetos, METRO Arquitetos, Nelson Brissac and Philip Yang. More at: http://issuu.com/g.kozlowski/docs/livroentre

Interviews The collective has already held interviews with: Ana Luiza Nobre and Guilherme Wisnik Andrade Morettin Arquitetos Associados BLAC Campo AUD Carla Juaçaba Grupo SP João Filgueiras de Lima (Lelé) João Walter Toscano METRO Arquitetos MMBB Nelson Brissac Nitsche Arquitetos Philip Yang Rua Arquitetos UNA Arquitetos SPBR Vazio S/A

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Interview with GrupoSP at Centro Cultural S達o Paulo 79 of 89

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Suspended Bicycle Paths Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Changes to the Planned BRT Stations in Bonsucesso Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Worked as freelancer for the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy

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Art Gallery + 4 Artist Ateliers Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Weekend Residence Itaipava, Brazil

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House during the week

House on the weekend 91 of 89

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