OUR GOALS WHAT DO WE WANT TO GET IN THE HEALTHY JUMPING ROPE CHALLENGE? Apart from enjoying in class, we want to: Improve the number of jumps that we can do. Improve our range of jumps.
Learn how to use our heart rate as a reference in healthy physical activities.
Be able to challenge ourselves with achievables targets. Identify our strengths and our weaknesses and try to overcome them with the help of our classmates.
Be able to set a GROUP CHALLENGE and do our best to get it.
Learn how to use our blogs to show what we do and what we learn.
KNOWLEDGE WE NEED TO GET (in case we do not know it yet) 1 How to calculate our maximum heart rate (Max HR) We will use the following formula. (In the right column you can see some examples)
Sedentary person
Max HR: 220-age Active person Men: max HR = 209 – (0’7 x age) Women: max HR = 214 – (0,8 x age)
25 years old, sedentary person Max HR = 220-25 = 1 95 bpm (beats per minute) 16 years old, active woman Max HR = 214-(0.7x16) = 2 02.8 (203 bpm) Hombre activo de 16 años FCMAX = 209-(0.7x16) = 1 97.8 (198)
As none of you is neither 16 nor 25 years old, you must calculate your own maximum heart rate with the provided formulas:
2 How to calculate our healthy physical activity zone (HPAZ)
There are different ways to calculate it. One of the more accurate is the ​ Karvonen Formula​ and we will use it during the next course. At present we are going to use the following percentages:
Between 60% - 85% Max HR
In the next table try to calculate your your percentages. If you have some doubts or questions, ask some of your partners for help.
3 How to edit videos and pictures with our mobile phones. How to publish them in our blogs​. There are many easy to use apps to edit images and videos. Some of them, for Android, are:
Most of them give you the possibility to upload the edited video to your Youtube account in private mode. Windows Movie Maker is the most popular software for PC
You will find some tutorials about how to embed images and video in your blogs in
Stages of the challenge “HEALTHY JUMPING ROPE” 1st S T A G E
2nd S T A G E
Do the initial test and monitor your heart rate data. Check if you have been working between the limits of your HPAZ
Set your personal goal. Identify the most difficult exercises for you. You will have to focus on improving them Practice, practice, practice, practice,... Individually and with your group. Try to be able to jump with increasing difficulty. Do not forget to maintain your heart into your HPAZ.
Write a first post on your blog about the following aspects: ➢ Your strengths and your weaknesses ➢ Explain how you have calculated your heart rate. Go as deep as possible. Give as many details as possible. ➢ Share your personal goal.
Write a second post on your blog about the following aspects: ➢ Share your progress and your difficulties. ➢ Give information about the relationship in the class and into the differents groups. ➢ Share some images and videos taken in the class.
Set your collective goal (group goal). 3rd S T A G E
Practice, practice, practice, practice,... Individually and with your group.
Record and edit your best individual and group skills. Publish them in your blogs.
➢ Write a third and last post on your blog about the following aspects: ➢ ➢ ➢ Were your goals achievable? ➢ Have you been able to get them? ➢ Give your opinion about what you have learnt, the relationship with your classmates. Try to be honest and polite.
JUMPS REGISTRATION SHEET - Individual MY GOAL - What I am trying to get
MY GOAL (What I would
like to get)
Heart Rate
INDIVIDUAL JUMPS Salto en dos tiempos
Salto en dos tiempos
Salto en un tiempo
Salto en un tiempo
Pata coja derecha
Pata coja derecha
Pata coja izquierda Cruzando cuerda Otras modalidades
Pata coja izquierda Cruzando cuerda Otras modalidades
Sólo da uno Dan los dos Por parejas con dos cuerdas
JUMPS IN THREES Saltando los tres a la misma vez
JUMPS IN PAIRS Sólo da uno Dan los dos Por parejas con dos cuerdas
JUMPS IN THREES Saltando los tres a la misma vez
Heart Rate
During the first class you have to practice all the different jump styles. Anotate the number of jumps you get in each of them. According to your results, set an achievable goal and try to get it during the forthcoming classes. Afterwards, you will test yourself again to check your improvement.
COLLECTIVE GOAL Team members names
Use an emoticon describing your feelings about this teammate.
Describe in your blog how was the goal setting process. Remember that the collective exercises have to be published in your blog as a video.