The New World
SUMMARY 3 Here’s how we’ve helped our members navigate the crisis - by Bianca Tudor 5 We will go back to our previous reality, but there will be changes by Raluca Radu 7 We need to create a new business model for the new world - by Irina Munteanu 10 The New World. Where to, Mrs Entrepreneur? To the Stars, please! by Dana Stan 12 Trusted Advisor New Era - by Ioana Arsenie 13 Adaptation and evolution of A_ BEST language courses in the new socio-economic context generated by the pandemic: connected online from anywhere with the corporate environment in Romania and the EU! 15 The True, The good and The Beautiful - an integrative look at your environment via Arkia Design by Arch. Andra Raluca Tautu 17 Set yourself on an extraordinary journey and success will follow - interview with Andreea Groenendijk-Deveau 2/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
22 Welcome to the New World! by Cristina Vintila 24 Raluca Culda: The business lessons I’ve learned in the last 8 months - by Raluca Culda 26 Adaptability – the most important skill of entrepreneurs during the pandemic - by Loredana Vasilescu 28 Connection is the future! - by Monika Puiu 29 I will always choose the way where there is no path and leave a trail. This defines me as a woman entrepreneur and leader - by Iulia Ioana Huiduc-Manolescu 31 Today, women are determined and motivated to change the world of business - by Mariana Niculae 33 The New World of the Events Industry - by Andreea-Carla Muresan
Photo cover: Photographer - Shivani Mehra Production crew/lighting - Roger Spencer Desktop publishing: Nina Vilcu
N OV E M B E R 2020
Letter from the Founder
Here’s how we’ve helped our members navigate the crisis Bianca Tudor
Founder & CEO EBW, ELITE Communication
t is a period of rebirth, rebuilding and new beginnings. I am extremely proud of my team of ELITE Ambassadors, our members - elite women entrepreneurs national and international and our elite partners, for teaming up with us to be able to thrive during COVID 19. Yes, we scaled up, we teamed up, we partnered and we have grown at EBW. And yes, collaboration is the new normal and we have had this business model since 2015! We cannot come after Covid-19 with the same practices in business! Normal in the workplace is something that in the developed economies was a habit – teleworking, digitalisation for companies, organisational culture, employees benefits, working with an Action Plan and KPIs. For every 1% increase in diversity, your company revenues will increase by 3%. We need diversity in our teams! Flexible working and teleworking becoming the norm? I am a Millennial, therefore have always craved for flexible working hours and to make an impact in the corporations I used to work for. This is how I became an entrepreneur because they were, in the beginning, hiring Millennials and didn’t change 3/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
fast enough as a culture and keep up with what my generation was looking for. Now, as an entrepreneur, I have to work with the younger generations and to make sure I can understand them. I will advise companies to have a strategy on teleworking, flexible hours, for both online and offline work; team buildings; be clear about their business goals, communicate key target figures, what the company gains by achieving its KPIs, what they lose when they fail to reach their targets. It’s more than business; it is a community, contribution, collaboration and business! In order to help our members through the crisis, we created the Crisis Cell for SMEs, free webinars where we had over 600 registrations. We launched the WOMEN4MPACT fundraising campaign with The Woman Organization, thanks to Crina Ciocian and Melania Medeleanu, ZIDEBINE.RO Association to raise funds for hospitals. We launched a Continuity Plan – Free Consultancy every week for SMEs that understand the importance of continuity, even at these times. We have created 2 free eBooks with Tax and Legal Measures created by lawyers for SMEs, but also MARKETING STRATEGIES for the affected SMEs, thanks to Corobană and Associations, Sorina Neagu – Law, Mihaela Lemnaru – Marketing. We have also created ELITE Meet Up, business webinars for SMEs that continue to educate themselves, seek solutions, network online, and these have a fee equivalent to breakfast in the city. The webinars took place online and are addressed to the communities Elite Business Club Europe. Elite Business Women launched the EU-GCC Women’s Cooperation Group to support global economic cooperation and give a voice to women in business everywhere. We launched as well a new business, ELITE Communication, the first Communication & Branding Agency built 100% from entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and we are in the middle of the #Ellitude programme to help women in building a personal brand to build a business! I will say your values are your foundation! If it is clear to you what values you have, who you are, on this foundation you can undoubtedly build! No matter if you are a sportsman, a farmer, an entrepreneur, an artist, it’s perfect, you know who you are and that’s where we start with the construction part! Yes, of course, the quality of your work, your professionalism are key to building your business. And, when success comes, and it will come if you work and create with passion and responsibility, don’t forget who you are, don’t change to fit into society stereotype on success. You need clarity and courage to keep building! I believe in authenticity in everything I do! I believe that passion is contagious! I believe that your RESULTS are the best brand Ambassador! Keep going! n 4/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
We will go back to our previous reality, but there will be changes Raluca Radu
Country manager & Founder MTH Digital
We are living in unprecedented times - what does the 'New World' look like to you and how are you working on changing the future? I personally don't believe in a "new world" that is different from the "old world" and that is here to stay. I think we had to adapt to the pandemic and we are now living under new circumstances but I see it as a temporary state. When the world goes back to normal, we will come back to our former reality, but there will probably be some changes and habits we acquire during the pandemic.
„Digital transformation has become a reality during the pandemic for many companies who were late in implementing some of the changes: e-commerce has grown, remote online meetings and online collaboration tools have become the norm and I think all these digital changes that are actually enhancing our day to day lives are here to stay.“ 5/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
For example, I think that digital transformation has become a reality during the pandemic for many companies who were late in implementing some of the changes: e-commerce has grown, remote online meetings and online collaboration tools have become the norm and I think all these digital changes that are actually enhancing our day to day lives are here to stay. However, I believe a large part of life as we used to know it will come back to normal. In my opinion, the pandemic has only accelerated the digital revolution, it has not completely changed the world for good. What is your main business focus now and are you working towards always keeping it at the core of what you do? My main business focus is to grow the e-commerce and digital marketing adoption and to educate businesses as far as online marketing is concerned. I am involved in several training and mentoring programs and I am open to any opportunity that helps me contribute to this education and to communicating about the impact of e-commerce in today's business world. Because of this, I am also involved as a speaker and trainer whenever I get the chance because my focus is to promote e-commerce and digital marketing. What defines you as an entrepreneur and as a leader? As a leader, I believe my main task is to find team members that are aligned with our mission and values and that have a passion for what we are doing and building together. After I have the right people on board, I believe in challenging them, getting them out of their comfort zone and empowering them towards constant self-development. I think life is a beautiful journey and it is very important to enjoy the company we keep, what we do, our purpose and to live fully. Your professional role is part of this beautiful journey and one's mission must be aligned with it. As an entrepreneur, I think my mission is to contribute to the growth of businesses, brands and professionals whose mission is to add value to the world around them. n
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We need to create a new business model for the new world Irina Munteanu CFO, Veolia
We are living in unprecedented times - what does the 'New World' look like to you and how are you working on changing the future? I totally agree we are facing quite a unique period, navigating many uncertainties. It seems like a return to normalcy as we know it is impossible, therefore adapting to the new reality is mandatory. The more difficult path is also the only sustainable way, by creating a new business model that can complete and, over time, partially replace the old course of action. A model that leaves behind the focus on "dominating" markets and focuses primarily on ensuring public safety and well-being. This requires a completely different approach - from the way we deliver our services/products to how we support and manage 7/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
our teams while trying to minimize any physical interaction that could lead to a risky situation. Cost optimization and investment in projects that allow streamlining and digitalizing the business model remain priorities for the private sector. However, perhaps the biggest challenge is organizing the way of working (work-from-home work vs. office work) and optimising the costs and resources, whilst focusing on not compromising the health and safety of our employees and customers. Companies need to reinvent themselves, and I’m referring to how they deal with and address crisis management and response, workforce efficiency, flexible operations and supply chain management, sound financial management, multi-digital business and brand strategy. Digitalization is key in order to achieve this.
„This year we were taken by surprise by a virus, next year it maybe something else. The message is clear: we need strategies, continuity plans, reform and economic consolidation.“
What is your main business focus now and are you working towards always keeping it at the core of what you do?
The onset of the pandemic was a key and decisive moment, and, sadly, we learned that a lot of businesses could not face the challenges. Fortunately, we were able to identify a series of opportunities in the midst of the maelstrom. Even from the beginning, it became clear for us that we were entering a new global cycle and that, in order to maintain our leadership status, we have to fully take on the opportunity to rewrite the rules, set new goals and refocus. Digitalization and AI took centre stage in this process. Thus, I think this is the time to reset, to readjust and aim for economic reorientation. In order to meet the challenges and demands of present and future generations, we need to address the state of the economy, the modernization and reformation of major state institutions. This year we were taken by surprise by a virus, next year it maybe something else. The message is clear: we need
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strategies, continuity plans, reform and economic consolidation. These are big goals, but this is how the pandemic practically forced us to press the accelerator pedal, take critical measures and make important decisions in every area of activity. Our success is undoubtedly rooted in the fact that we work as a team and that we are always open to new challenges and business opportunities. Our focus is on identifying and providing the best solutions to the problems and needs of our customers. What defines you as an entrepreneur and as a leader? I was raised and educated in the spirit of human verticality. "Don’t bite your tongue" and "Fight for what you believe in" are lessons I’ve been taught as a child and apply to this day. Furthermore, I strongly believe that it’s important to always keep your mind and soul young and curious, to have the desire to better yourself, and to take good care of your family. These are deeply rooted principles, instilled by both my parents. I hope to be able to pass on this legacy of life to my children. This is the foundation of my professional life, as well. In business, I am guided by honesty and fairness, professionalism and moral conduct. I strongly believe that success occurs when you find the balance between personal and professional life when you work passionately and are fully invested in what you do. The key to a successful business depends on many individual and general factors and I am glad to be part of a company that promotes equal opportunities, performance and sustainable development – business values I share and cherish. I believe in development, growth, and taking the path less travelled. I am an advocate of organizational transformation and reengineering and am proud to say that, alongside my esteemed colleagues, we’ve managed to put our company, Apa Nova, on the elite business map and serve as an example of good practice for companies all over the world. Our efforts and valuable experience have been recognized by our industry peers when the company won the “Best Business Transformation” award at OPEX (Operational Performance Excellence) in 2019. Thus, naturally, leading by example is of huge importance for me – in my book it is, undoubtedly, one of the most effective and rewarding leadership styles. n
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The New World. Where to, Mrs Entrepreneur? To the Stars, please! Dana Stan
Owner and CEO of DDS Diagnostic
We are living unprecedented times at all levels, that’s a reality some are scared about, while some choose to see it as a challenge. It’s up to each of us where we place ourselves and how we decide to go through it. We can see it as a good thing, meaning a major opportunity to change ourselves, our priorities, our visions, our business and so, our lives. Or fear it while waiting for the storm to pass. We can benefit from the challenges we are currently facing by changing our perspective from fearing the reality to consciously creating a new world. Or we can resist the change and let the odds decide. It’s a matter of courage, determination and selfpositioning. Considering the circumstances of the last year at all levels of our existence, I personally strongly believe it’s the perfect time and context to generate a New World. A world that chooses an action to reaction, innovation to stagnation, unity to discordance, synergy to dominance, freshness, beauty, dedication, freedom, versatility, competence and a lot of balance in everything we dare to be and do. And to always mix all these ingredients into our daily lives. Generally speaking, the business we run or develop are important areas where we must implement this new vision, mostly because we are forced by the actual context generated by the pandemic, but, in the same time, because, we can choose to see all that is happening nowadays as a perfect opportunity to change the current paradigm towards a more beneficial and honourable one. I am talking from experience. Professional experience, mainly. DDS Diagnostic, the company I’ve created more than 18 years ago is dedicated to research, innovation and development of in-vitro diagnostic solutions and sensitive rapid tests for hospitals, medical clinics and laboratories. So, as we all know, this is one of the most challenging fields nowadays. It is more than business we are talking about here, it’s a huge responsibility as we
Contact:, +4021 344 0771,
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talk about health and lives, especially now, with the pandemic. We can not allow ourselves “to fear the enemy” in the form of SARS-COV-2, but “to become rapid friends” so that we know all about it and come up with the best solutions possible to support our clients and the authorities in limiting the spreading of the virus through the most accurate and quick diagnostic tests and methods. So considering all these, we are, let’s say, used to being flexible as we deal with an area that requires a lot of adaptability, versatility and proactivity. I am referring to me and my whole DDS Diagnostic team but as well as to all our partners involved in the medical act. Moreover, I must also admit that the fact that I run an amazing team of dedicated professional experts in development and research is quite a permanent challenge, therefore, changing the future is somehow our company’s daily ‘duty’. So, to give a straight answer to the question “How does the New World might look?”, I will simply say: The New World is now! The way each of us chooses to see, envision and integrate this ‘now’ defines the New World. And the winner, in my opinion, will always be that answer that gathers more viewers with the same integrated vision. What defines an entrepreneur and a leader ready for the challenges we’re facing and “equipped” for the New World? I strongly believe experience is the answer. Either we find our answers in our previous experience, or we create new answers based on our experience. As, in my opinion, both professional and life experience define with accuracy an entrepreneur and a leader, as well. And if usually we are born with a leader spirit, with entrepreneurship it is not quite the same. Nobody is born to be an entrepreneur, it isn’t something we have in our genes. Choosing to be an entrepreneur is a challenge, a life challenge we give ourselves at a certain point in life to become better, to evolve, to innovate, to help others, to create and leave something behind. Entrepreneurship means passion, dedication and courage in my opinion, ingredients we owe to our ancestors when we have them in our DNA or to education and personal development in other cases. Entrepreneurship also means the ability to focus on the good part of every ‘bad’ one’s facing. Which, thank God, I was trained by experience to get it from everywhere I can. After more than 25 years of professional background in the medical and research area, this ability runs through my veins. Therefore I want to point out the fact that it is definitely very important to always see the opportunity in every situation, no matter if labelled good or bad, as this will trigger the best way to deal with that situation and will thus create the best solution possible. As for the leadership part, I was born happily with this in my blood but I admit that my parents' education and my professional road ahead have greatly impacted my inner qualities as a leader.
„Choosing to be an entrepreneur is a challenge, a life challenge we give ourselves at a certain point in life to become better, to evolve, to innovate, to help others, to create and leave something behind.“
So, who is ready for the New World? I think everyone that sees that sky's the limit is perfect for the New World. All we have to do is decide what we really want and then mix all the inner ingredients that will take us there. I’ve always considered that difficult times may lead to strong and beautiful changes of course in our lives. If we only pay attention to details and place ourselves in the best flow we can get. So, good luck Madam Entrepreneurs! The highway to the stars is now opened especially for us! n 11/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
Trusted Advisor New Era Ioana Arsenie
Owner Trusted Advisor Strategy & Finance and Trusted App
choose to refer to the ingredients for a successful business: ü Perfect your structure, to work as a war machine for you, and build trust! ü Obsessed optimization, but keep the personal touch in value proposition!
ü Get personally involved while digitizing as much as possible and smoothing processes: n Creativity in technical and non-technical areas of business n Precise measurement of intermediary results in dynamic milestones n Strategic partnership with your business community ü Dynamic management using Business Simulator and Trusted App (Trusted Advisor's tools). ü Accelerate and ongoing selection of opportunities, people, projects. Altogether in a success road map. Valid for turbulent time, as well in accelerated growth periods. *** For family businesses I want to enforce the succession planning, as being a medium-term process but also an opportunity to clean old unhealthy habits and refresh the structure and market presence. !!! My vision about the present and the future encompass the obsession for creating trust and value, no matter as simple or complex is our job, with respect for you and the final client. I think the obsession, transparence and focused activity upgrade my yesterday vision to this new one where women and men are equal contributors for performance*** Ioana Arsenie – owner Trusted Advisor Strategy & Finance - is an expert in business strategies, with expertise in financial, fiscal and management consulting, who offers, by means of her company, integrated services related to a financial strategy and accounting for Romanian entrepreneurs. In July 2020, Trusted Advisor launched Trusted App, the financial reporting application for entrepreneurs, with more than 60 clients now and 600 logs in 3 months. 12/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
Adaptation and evolution of A_BEST language courses in the new socio-economic context generated by the pandemic: connected online from anywhere with the corporate environment in Romania and the EU! A_BEST is considered one of the largest independent language learning centres in Romania. The A_BEST team organizes foreign language and Romanian language courses for expats, and our client portfolio includes over 250 multinational companies in fields such as IT, telecommunications, banking, insurance, pharma, FMCG, transport and logistics. With a portfolio of over 10 foreign languages, the A_BEST Foreign Language Centre holds one national accreditation and three international accreditations. A_BEST is also the first local company to obtain the certification of the Quality Management System according to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, following the audit carried out by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH, a German third-party certification organization. Adapting to the new situation generated by the health crisis was made quickly, the A_BEST team mobilized exceptionally, so that since March 12, 2020, in record time, A_BEST courses have completely migrated online. Furthermore, our team provides remote language services at the same quality standard, for companies operating in foreign markets and for which efficient and fast communication with business partners is vital. No matter where we are, communication with business partners can bring us closer, especially when we speak… the same language. The development of a new skill, such as the study of a foreign language is an opportunity that can be exploited by companies even in this more difficult period by taking advantage of the resources offered by the virtual environment. Online courses are not new they represent an alternative to the classic approach to study in the classroom, which has the advantage that they can be accessed by trainees from anywhere, according to a flexible schedule. The courses are organized online, live, with the help of Zoom, Webex or Microsoft Teams platforms, interactive and efficient communication tools, which also have the advantage of being accessible from any place the trainees are. We encourage companies in Romania, but also in other European Union countries, to further facilitate 13/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
employees' access to language training programs, and during this period we also offer attractive discounts for organizations that want to streamline training budgets. We maintain the high degree of interactivity of learning activities, the features of online platforms (breakout rooms, polls, screen sharing, whiteboard, etc.) helping us to do this from a didactic point of view. Moreover, lately, we have expanded our client portfolio, accessing new markets, through our live, online courses (we started promotional campaigns targeting six major cities in Romania and two important European capitals). Furthermore, the most sought-after languages by companies are English, German and French, and if a candidate knows any two of these languages, he/she has a chance to get a better salary package. There is also high demand on the labour market for rarer languages (e.g. Czech, Greek, Portuguese, etc.) and for Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish), which are less spoken. In our country, trainees enrol either on their own (open courses) or through companies (corporate courses), the aim being to monetize the time invested in learning a foreign language. For all, one of the main benefits of knowing a foreign language is that they have more chances to advance in their careers, and in the new context generated by the COVID 19 pandemic - wider employment horizons (practically, they can apply for jobs offered by any company in the world, if the activity is remote, and they master the respective foreign language, spoken locally). About the A_BEST Foreign Language Centre A_BEST was set up in 2008 and is one of the largest independent language learning centres in Bucharest, Romania. A_BEST offers complete language services, at international standards: foreign language courses - general / business / specialized language, open / corporate; Romanian language courses for expats; foreign language courses for children; internationally recognized tests; translations; linguistic audit; events dedicated to the academic environment. For further details, please go to About Aura Icodin, Founder & CEO - A_BEST Foreign Language Center Aura Icodin - in short: education and entrepreneurship, the two keywords that describe his professional career With a managerial experience of over 14 years in the field of education and almost 20 years dedicated to the study and teaching of foreign languages in public and private educational institutions, Aura Icodin's career can be summarized in two keywords: education and entrepreneurship. Her entrepreneurial journey began in 2008, with the establishment of the A_BEST Foreign Languages Centre, with the aim of offering education services at European standards. A_BEST is currently considered one of the top independent centres for learning foreign languages for Romanians and expats. A_BEST has 3 international accreditations and a portfolio of over 10 foreign languages, offering language services for companies in the TOP 300, in fields such as IT, telecommunications, banking, insurance, Pharma, FMCG, transport and logistics. Contact: 274 914. 14/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
The True, The good and The Beautiful - an integrative look at your environment via Arkia Design Arch.
Andra Raluca Tautu
”To understand the whole, it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding. We move from part to whole and back again, and in that dance of comprehension, in that amazing circle of understanding, we come alive to meaning, to value, and to vision” Ken Wilber “The Eye of Spirit” Hello, I’m Andra Raluca Tautu, architect and entrepreneur, founder member of Arkia a branch of Ame Studio. At Ame Studio our credo is that there is no wall that we build that has no soul. At Arkia we act as consultants for high-end interior design projects, we can suggest major verified dealers on the market for furnishing, and we can also work with you directly to make your dream environment come true. Arkia (“I will soar”, in old Hebrew), because we are always up for a challenge. We never imagined, however, that will deal with a global epidemic. But a measure of an intelligent business is its power to adapt, the capacity of being in constant transformation attuned to the world. We’re now ready to help you on-line. As the whole world shifted to the digital realm, so did we. The paradox of the challenge given by this pandemic is that, although, in
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isolation, we’re now more than ever internationally connected. There is no lockdown on being plugged into ideas and cultures of the world, collaborating and inspiring each other from all corners of the earth. In the same time, if you are a mother of two, as I am, juggling family time with school at home and business it’s an extra-challenge that can have a range from comic to dramatic. But, as mentioned before, that’s why our name is Arkia. More than ever we are experiencing now how strong our environment has an impact on your performance and overall well being. From Bhagavad Gita, Plato and Aristotle, we know that to function well in the word we need the good (morals), the true (science/rationality) and the beautiful (art). Most of us are focused on what’s good and true, as these two aspects of life are more palpable and productive. Arkia’s primary focus in on the beautiful, a necessary part of the whole to support your vision. Why is Beauty and art important? Because is the fastest, and most efficient way to keep us truly interconnected. To keep a calm and creative mind one needs structure, rest but also beauty. When stressed, we often tend to focus on the negatives. It is known however that in the midst of agitation when we shift our attention to a flower, a sunset or simply a nice picture on the wall, we can shift our whole mood. Small details are crucial. Space is crucial around us and inside of us. In time of stress, the mind gets obsessed by details. Arkia’s expertise is that we understand how space works - from the bigger picture of your overall ergonomic set up to the smallest right photograph or drawing hanged on the wall. We are working with you so beauty will beam at you from every corner, from every detail. Sitting for ten minutes on your favourite armchair set up in the right corner and gazing at your favourite photograph of nature or your loved ones can make the whole difference in the world. Although we cannot serve you a welcoming hot coffee as we used to in our physical office, we can still host you remotely. There is no lockdown to good humour or passion and we have plenty of that via Zoom, WhatsApp or Messenger. You can send us pictures of your space that needs a change, and we’re more than happy to advise what changes should be made. Deliveries of furniture and appliances are still happening and we can guide you where and what to buy from our trusted sources. We’re happy to consult you on the sources you prefer as well. We are looking forward to meeting you on our Facebook page (please, search for Arkia_Design), and please, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call us directly, the old fashion way as well. We are fun and friendly, and virtually here for you. n
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Set yourself on an extraordinary journey and success will follow Andreea Groenendijk-Deveau Andreea Groenendijk-Deveau is a tech entrepreneur and the CEO of Renard Group. She leads a team of 15 people based in five countries, who are united in their pursuit of a legacy-worthy goal - to build a platform making mental wellbeing support easily and freely accessible and bringing people together to empower socially worthy causes and initiatives. What defines you as an entrepreneur and as a leader?
Photographer- Shivani Mehra Production crew/lighting - Roger Spencer
Entrepreneurship is about having a vision - sometimes just a distant dream - and believing that you can turn it into reality. Some people will say no, and they may even laugh, others will support you and join you on your journey. Either way, you have to keep that true North and be confident that you are on the right track, on the right journey. And if the track isn’t always right, you build it. As a leader, you have to, well, lead. People often shy away from that. Yes, being a leader means being decisive and factoring in that you have to make the difficult calls. Those decisions can sometimes be unpopular, and they can be difficult. But you have to stay true to the bigger picture and be transparent on the hows and the whys. People who see a clear path to follow and believe in your vision will be happy to join in that journey with you. 17/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
And this leads me to an essential aspect of leadership - your team. You can have all the diplomas and experience in the world. You’re not a leader until a team has committed to you long term. Not because they have to, but because they believe in you and what you are trying to accomplish. Managing people becomes central to your journey, and that’s when you have to figure out the type of leader you are. I believe in helping people identify their strengths - as I do with myself - and work toward achieving fantastic results. So I find it valuable to always remind my team that I trust them, that I thoroughly appreciate their work, and that my door is always open for any and all questions they have. People also need constant and constructive feedback in order to grow on a professional level. In short: empower them to grow and thrive. Give them the tools they need to build their own journey towards success and make themselves proud. Train them, share your experience, trust them to do the job. I wholeheartedly believe in surrounding myself with smart people. Ego should not play a part in building a team. I thrive on great ideas from my people, and I work tirelessly to pass on my knowledge and experience.
„Biggest success? I am quite proud of the team I’ve managed to build this year and the fantastic board of advisors we’ve attracted. I believe that with them and the great people we have yet to meet and have join us, we can turn our dream into reality. So while I believe my ‘biggest success’ is yet to come, I feel very confident that I have the people and tools to get there. “
You need patience and a clear view of the bigger picture in order to achieve true unity within a team. But when you do, it’s like acquiring a superpower. You can, with their support, do anything.
Communication within the team is key. People need to know who’s doing what, who bears responsibility for different projects, and who they need to go see when they need support. This is especially important during challenging times or a crisis, and your traits as a leader are all the more important and visible in such a time. Being calm and able to steer the boat in the right direction is what your people will be looking for. Your network is worth its weight in gold. I have always been a firm believer in building relationships, and I count myself fortunate to have met and nurtured authentic connections with people from all over the world and all walks of life. I am there for them when they need me, and I have yet to run into a crisis that I can’t get help from someone I know to overcome.
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So here’s my list of ‘commandments’ I stick to, and, therefore, the company does too: l Your team is your best asset. Really. Surround yourself with smart people. l Transparency - open communication and the flow of information will build trust within a company. l Respect - commend it from others through always being fair, honourable, and humble - and offer it to those you come in contact with. l Authenticity - what a buzzword - but let’s break it down. Say what you mean and do what you say. l Responsibility - as a leader, the buck stops with you. l Network - you are what you do, but also who you know. l Patience - entrepreneurship is a long journey. Focus on the endgame. l Share your experience, teach others and watch them grow. We are living in unprecedented times - what does the 'new world' look like to you, and how are you working on changing the future? The era of the corporate giant making money at any cost is quickly coming to an end. The pressure from all sides of the spectrum of stakeholders is and will continue to be huge. Companies that don’t immediately recognise that will be left behind. Now, more than ever, care for employees, customers, and stakeholders in general, has to be at the core of everything, especially business strategies. Change has to happen on all levels and in all types of companies. Of course, it is much easier in a startup to create a certain type of culture from the beginning, especially if values are aligned with this new world. So we are practising what we are preaching - we have a very mixed team, and we pride ourselves on that. To us, diversity is not just a buzzword or a way to ride the wave. We believe in empowering talented individuals, no matter who they are or where they come from. For example, we have an all-female team at Workplace Today, our magazine. With the magazine, we are working incessantly to educate companies on topics such as employee engagement and wellbeing and equality, diversity, and inclusion. I am a true believer that the media can lead the way to positive change, through its dual role - informing and educating. We are working on being a catalyst for people’s mental wellbeing and their ability to do good, through our soon to be launched app and platform, connecting individuals to counsellors and with charities to volunteer and raise funds for the causes they believe in. 19/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
Your biggest mistakes and your most significant success: what have you learned? I grew up in an emerging economy, where schooling was not calibrated to the realities of the modern workplace or the world economy. So, you learn on the job. When I joined the workforce, it was like being thrown in the deep end, and it also put me in the position to make oh, so many mistakes. My biggest learning point was that you have to prioritise and choose the things you take on very carefully. You can very easily work yourself into the ground - and don’t get me wrong, I will not shy away from work - but you have to make sure what you do is worth the effort. Biggest success? I am quite proud of the team I’ve managed to build this year and the fantastic board of advisors we’ve attracted. I believe that with them and the great people we have yet to meet and have join us, we can turn our dream into reality. So while I believe my ‘biggest success’ is yet to come, I feel very confident that I have the people and tools to get there. What do you want your legacy to be and how are you working towards it? I say to my team that nobody can promise them success. What I will promise is an extraordinary journey - one that will make all of us proud. We are now working on something that will essentially make the world better. Change how people feel about themselves, how they interact, how they look at the world. We dream big. I want my legacy to be not only this change we want to bring to the world but also the personal and professional growth of everyone on my team - and beyond that - as we’re on this path. The team has been growing over the last few months, and I am proud to say we have attracted great talent and - so important today - kind human beings. What was the most difficult day/challenge/situation you've ever been in and how did you overcome it? On a personal level, the day my best friend died changed everything for me and spawned the idea for one of the features of the app we are working on launching. Ideally, I would never again hear of people needing support when bereft, lonely, anxious or depressed and not having access to it. I leaned on my support network, but that’s not something everyone has available. In a way, I used this event to guide my way towards helping others in their time of need. We often ignore the toll a significant personal loss can take on someone’s career - from the ability to actually do the work to the fact that your priorities may very well shift after a life-changing event such as this one. So society and, indeed, companies - need to have support systems in place to handle this often ignored, but growing pandemic - people’s inner wellbeing. On a professional level, being an entrepreneur means having a vision, but also bringing together many different people to make that vision become a reality. Right now, we are building the app with a very mixed team - in five different time zones, speaking three different languages. I’m the meeting point. I start my day in one language, go through a second one and definitely end in 20/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
a third in the evening. This is done remotely - and I have to ensure everyone is productive, engaged, proud of the work they are doing, and safe. So is it challenging? Of course - nothing of value comes easy. But I consider this a part of the journey and fully expect that challenges will keep coming. But I trust my team completely, so there is always a way to navigate the tough times and come out on the other side stronger and wiser. The most memorable words anyone has ever said to you. My brother loves quoting Eminem to me. ‘You can do anything you set your mind to, man.’ These are words I live by. Words you've said and that you will always stand by. ‘I have your back.’ I always say that to my team, and there’s nothing that will ever change my pledge. Something you will never give up (and why). Building a startup from scratch is like working five full-time jobs. So I have had to carefully trim down and prioritise everything I do and spend my time on. I already do a number of things. I am the CEO of Renard Group, my own company; I run comms and partnerships for Astriid, a UK charity putting people with longterm health issues into employment; I advise on comms for Asociatia Telefonul Copilului - the entity that operates the Childline in Romania; and I write the daily Business Chronicle, a newsletter meant to give people the tools they need to understand businesses on a daily basis.
„What defines me as an entrepreneur? Hope. Empathy. Pragmatism. Enough ambition for ten lifetimes. Aim high. Dream big. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. But competence, skill, and expertise should be at the heart of everything you do. “
To juggle all of it, I want to be able to say that everything I do makes a real contribution. So I have kept one ‘hobby’ that is very close to my heart - and an older love - book editing. I am working now with a promising writer on his debut novel, and it’s a brilliant journey. Book editing is very different from newspaper or magazine work. Because it is simply being a catalyst for someone else’s story there’s no cookie-cutter, there’s no template or format. It’s both an all-consuming and completely selfless process. It’s an incredibly empowering feeling. What is the day in your life you are most proud of? Tomorrow. n
21/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
Welcome to the New World! Cristina Vintila
Founder of CV-Expert Contabil (General and specialized accounting)
n a recent study by the EY Global Capital Confidence Barometer (CCB22), 73% of respondents, executives from 45 countries, believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will have a strong impact on the global economy. 54% of respondents estimate that the economic recovery period will be extended until 2021, noting that it is already reconfiguring its business strategy. Against this background, every entrepreneur or company should consider the most pessimistic scenarios and devise a post-crisis strategy for its business, even if this involves a major change of plans, such as rethinking capital allocations or merger and acquisition plans. More and more experts say that this crisis will change the way business is conducted over a long period of time, which makes us realize that this new world is not a temporary one, but rather becomes the new normal. A new world, a new normality in which the impact of technology is a major one for redefining the way we work and communicate, in which digitalization has entered by force, being a necessary solution even if some of us were not prepared for it. A new normality in which the human resource, the most vulnerable in this pandemic time, must be supported by a united effort from the business and political leaders so that we can maintain people's health and financial stability. Financial strategies, the way the data are selected and presented as tax facilities by experts will help us get through this difficult period. Of course, in all of this, a good 22/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
strategy of the Government to mobilize liquidity is very important. The first step is the strategic collection of taxes by the state through fiscal facilities, such as bonuses, elimination of seizures and prescription of interest and tax penalties. The next step would be to rethink the method of taxation, reporting, collection and verification. I think that a fiscal "relaxation" will make the entrepreneur create jobs and focus more on business and development. Regarding the financing from the European Union, they must be implemented in the sectors affected by the pandemic, but through a well thought out and developed filtering system through which the entrepreneur can ensure business continuity, but also job creation. How do I see the future in the economy? Simple, digitized, organized, flexible and growing, but with fiscal stability, in the idea that we must learn from the times we live now. In order to reach this level, it is necessary to test, organize, digitize, to change our habits, to learn that only united through collective consciousness and work we will succeed. What to invest in? A not so difficult question, but one that is strictly related to the financial education we have. What I consider to be beneficial, lasting, and good financial stability may not suit others because it involves many factors. As a recommendation, we could turn to technology, stock market, maybe even real estate. The growth strategy I am currently applying for CV Expert Contabil is based on technology, and in the next period we are preparing to launch our new application, a software for customer management, activities and their invoicing, all in a new way, as dynamic and practical as possible. The CV Expert Contabil group was founded out of the desire to offer entrepreneurs confidence and constant support for the development of their business. In the 10 years of experience, we have managed over 500 projects of our clients, a large part of which we still collaborate with today. The greatest satisfaction was the fact that we managed to grow and enjoy success together. Our mission is to provide accounting and financial consulting services for people. Starting from the premise that the most valuable resources of a company are the entrepreneur and its employees, we always focus on guiding them, so we do not only help them with the identified accounting problems. CV-Expert Accounting Vision - We want to be the best business partner, not just the best accounting firm. For more details, you can find us here. 23/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
The business lessons I’ve learned in the last 8 months Raluca Culda
Owner ZoomHR, Keynote Speaker, Writer
t the beginning of the XXth century, the world was watching in awe the economic changes that the new industrial era was presenting. We had a new work structure given by the fact that people were working 8-hour days, which offered a different pace to their personal life. The social rights of the working class became more and more necessary and the political class was changing. The innovative technologies from all fields generated new business models and brought forward new industries. It sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It is because we, the early XXI century generation, are experiencing the same thing. Besides identifying as an entrepreneur, I am a scholar of history and human behaviour. The cyclicality of history has never been more obvious in all my 34 years of life and 14 years of professional experience. What I feel, while faced with these times, is an unsurmountable curiosity, mixed with fear and gratitude. I consider it a privilege to live through-out these moments that give us the opportunity to experience another type of “new world”, this time not by discovering new continents, but new planets. The types of businesses that I coordinate are very different: from recruitment to consultancy for the process of team management, to the development of a real estate franchise. What I love about this new economical worldwide outlook is the effervescence and the ambiguity of the situations. I think it is very difficult to survive as an entrepreneur if one can only travel on a sea at storm with the same tools that one was using on a silent sea. In my opinion, during this period, courage, emotional equilibrium, and instinctual decision-making took the place of planed decision-making and the forecast for the next 5 years. For me, experience comes first in this sea taken over by storm. And I can say that I have learned a lot about adapting and decision making, both from my own experience and also from the clients that I have worked with, in reorganizing companies and developing the organizational culture or opening new business divisions. 24/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
The last 8 months have offered me a few elementary business lessons and they have also made me a more adaptable entrepreneur. Here are some of those lessons: There is no death, there is only transformation: in March 2020 our recruitment and training activities dropped to 5% and we had a short period in which fear took over strategy, but by looking around I understood that things don’t die, the economy doesn’t stop it only transforms itself. The companies lowered their recruitment need, but another very important one emerged, the candidates’ need for reorientation and professional reinvention. And that is where the Zoom HR team can help. So we regrouped and we developed, a platform for assisting the ones who desire a new professional path. During the moments of maximum tension, teams don’t transform their organizational culture, they only make it more potent. All the companies had to quickly reevaluate the way their teams work, no matter if they slowed down or developed their activity, and what I could observe firsthand was that all the neuralgic points of an organization were put on display. Dysfunctional communication within a company was the first thing that slowed down the capacity of adapting of that company. If managers chose not to act on employees' lack of performance during this period, they were faced with the situation of managing their indecision and their lack of accountability for these discussions. This type of consultancy service, for reorganizing the team management processes, were the most sought after by the clients of ZoomHR. The financial decisions become healthier when one must choose their priorities. During this period of economic growth, we, the managers, tend to take financial decisions more easily and spend on aspects that are not necessary or exactly relevant for the team. I haven’t known a better period, than the last 8 months, for making the expense budgets, investments, and financial rewards more efficient. In our team, one of the targets that we have for this period is to assign part of our profit for investing in emerging technologies and companies Cash is not king, education is king. Just as the development of a country is built primarily through investment in health and education, so is the development of a company based on the education pillar. I think we have all seen over the last year how the lack of education costs us in society. For me personally and the company I run, education is no.1. This is why we decided, in addition to our development as a team and acquiring new skills, to build education for our clients as well. That's why this year we started to offer more of what we know. This is how we built the first podcast for human resources in Romania (talent for business) and we are in the process of editing the first book for professional reinvention. Education means adaptability and this is one of the skills that is absolutely necessary over the next 10 years I believe that this economic and social moment is extremely special because we are all in it together. It is not an economic recession, it is not a health crisis, it is s a time to rediscover human life, values, and possibilities of humanity, and I want to take it all in and live it fully. Entrepreneur or employee, I think it's time to lift our sails and navigate, driven by the wind of change. n 25/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
Adaptability – the most important skill of entrepreneurs during the pandemic Loredana Vasilescu Founder of Sweet Fly Travel
I am Loredana Vasilescu, founder of Sweet Fly Travel, a Romanian leisure holiday agency. Given the current pandemic situation and the travelling and flight restrictions, I had to take up a different business. The leitmotif of this period to me was ADAPTABILITY. As you know, the tourism industry has been one of the most impacted industries this year, what with the more and more frequent and longer and longer interruptions of its business. We realised the field was vulnerable in spring when flights were cancelled or suffered serious restrictions, and people were mostly locked down. We were aware that resuming the normal course of activity was not up to us, that what we could do was to somehow adapt. What were the actions we took to mitigate losses? We focused on our current clients. As 80% of our activity was based on ticketing, we focused on acquiring ticket disbursements from airline companies and on obtaining vouchers to allow clients to change flight details. We closely checked the travelling conditions and restrictions before making new reservations. Our clients were carefully advised and we identified the best solutions for them to travel safely. Our business added value lies in the care we have for the client. This year more than ever, we wanted to look closer into their needs and we are patiently waiting for travelling to be resumed under safety conditions. 26/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
I moved on led by courage, my passion for travelling and the respect I bear for my clients During hard times, I relied on my courage and my strength to move on, on my passion for travelling and the respect I bear for the clients who have been by our side the 13 years we have been in business. Like all small businesses, we need to balance our expenditure with our income Our agency was launched before the 2008-2009 economic crisis when many businesses were closing. I believe that proper resource management was one of the key elements of our survival then, as it is now. It is not about being optimistic, but about being patient You cannot be optimistic in a business facing a lot of restrictions the whole year through. The map of limitation and quarantine-free countries one can travel without producing declarations or Covid test results is undergoing almost daily changes. One can be patient. People have not given up their appetite for travelling, but this needs to happen under utmost safety conditions, free of any restrictions. I do hope the pandemic will soon be just a bad memory to us, looking forward to our ability to enjoy freedom of movement again! Travelling agencies generate annual revenue of RON 4 billion However, in 2020, to trigger cost efficiency, many agencies closed their places of business, fired people, or placed some of them in technical unemployment, postponed the payment of services – and these are just some of the solutions adopted. Plans for the future- from travelling agency to online art & craft store The pandemic proved that online has become a lifestyle. Socialisation, education, businesses – everything went online. In order for us to be close to our clients who want to go on holiday, we started a new project: “Virtual travel around the world with art & craft.” - – is an online store specialising in educational toys and in art & craft, targeting both children, adolescents and adults. In order to get to really know a country, you need to know its customs and traditions. The aim of GoCraft is to learn about the culture and customs of other peoples through art & craft. As you can see, this time of crisis has had us consider other related business fields and focus more on the online. Adaptability, being market-oriented and networking are the elements required to generate solutions meeting the different needs born out of this crisis situation.
Contact Sweet Fly Travel: E-mail: Tel: +40731352045
Contact GoCraft: E-mail: Tel: +40731352045
27/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
Connection is the future! Monika Puiu
Founder and Therapist, Wayra Astrae
ife, the universe, god, you choose, for me it is all the same, prepares us always for what is coming. This is what I believe and so I am certain that we are prepared for what is coming. Sometimes we need a push and at the moment we are considerably pushed. In living dis-connected we feel the need for connection and we cherish where we have it. Due to the lack of physical connection, we can exercise mental, energetic and spiritual connection. This will prepare us well for the times to come. When we are connected we let go of differences and we let go of fights. The new world for me is being connected with our planet and with all its creation. If we see the planet as our home, we start caring for it as such, everywhere. This perception, this learning process goes very well with my business. My aim is to assist people to overcome difficulties by coaching them or through therapy, so that they realize what is important in their life, on their path. I need exactly that kind of spiritual, energetic and mental connection that our times are pushing for. All my life prepared me for this. All I do is staying focused and bring the best possible version of my client to the surface. To stay true to me and what I am standing for, I demand from myself honesty versus small talk, walking the talk, understanding my own issues and working with them in therapy or ceremony. Remaining open for learning from nature and from people, young and old, men or women, any nationality, colour or religion. I love my life! n 28/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
I will always choose the way where there is no path and leave a trail. This defines me as a woman entrepreneur and leader Iulia Ioana Huiduc-Manolescu MCMA
We are living in unprecedented times - what does the 'New World' look like to you and how are you working on changing the future? A new world means first something unexpected, and I am looking forward to it! Now, each of us has a huge opportunity to change, to grow, to reconnect to ourselves, to focus on our identity, to get back to our values and true desires. This new world leads us on a path of self-discovery and development. Secondly, it is obvious that now more than ever, mankind and technology are "joining hands" together for a better, more efficient, sustainable, and brave New World! The coronavirus crisis is reshaping the world and us. I truly believe that the fortune favours the brave, the ones that dare to step it up. Can you imagine how it must have felt for humankind when discovered the fire? This kind of feeling we are having now with the challenge of technology. In my opinion, this is the next quantic gap for us. Why? Because I believe that, this will lead to a brand new structure and social-economical dynamics. This is a challenge for all those who are still clinging to old values, pyramidal structures, and old paradigms. Therefore, whether we want it or not, this new world means new us. And we must accept this. Acceptance is the "magic wand" that transforms the impossible into the possible. It opens the door to new awareness, clarity, trust, and an abundance of internal and external resources. Thus, the infinite existing potentials are brought to light and our reconnection with the Authenticity and essence of all that we truly are - the primordial need of every human being - flows as a natural consequence. 29/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
What is your main business focus now and are you working towards always keeping it at the core of what you do?
reliable supplier for every type of business, from individuals to small businesses and corporations.
I am currently also president of the Learn to Fly Association (As. ÎnvațăsăZbori), and an internationally certified trainer from the InstitutKutschera® (Austria) as well as a Member of TheComplementary Medical Association (UK). Within the Association, I am the only trainer at the international level, who also teaches the Method of Professor Dr Florian Colceag®. This has shaped a lot my vision of the future.
In the event of an earthquake, iSentinel® (iSentinel® HOME, iSentinel® IMMO, iSentinel® Industry) allow companies, regardless of size and activity, to continue to operate, to save lives, ensuring business continuity.
My main business focus has been and it will be to evolve, and to help others, persons or companies, to find the right and most efficient solutions for the uprising challenges or needs that may appear now or in the future. Developing the most appropriate, adequate, coherent, sustainable, and efficient solutions for my clients is at the core of what I do and makes this business worth living for! My experience in Quantic Coach (Executive, Life, Performance, Spiritual), TRE® - Tension and Trauma Release Exercise Certified Facilitator - Therapeutic method for stress and trauma relief, which was developed by Dr David Berceli, allowed me to play a strategic role in the development of iSentinelâ, the new intelligent seismic protection, and warning solutions. My crisis and earthquake survival courses are unique in Romania, and this is due to years of experience in coaching. iSentinel®, intelligent seismic protection and warning solutions - one of the main projects that I focus on right now, in collaboration, - are part of the portfolio of Arexman Construct, an innovative Romanian company, with concerns in the field of systems for protection and saving lives and property in case of an earthquake, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and war actions . My role in the company is to improve the solutions from our portfolio and to continue to be a 30/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
iSentinel®, the intelligent seismic protection, and warning solutions are already installed in the country and abroad. National Bank of Romania, Romanian Banking Institute, ENGIE, Mediaplus, Puratos factory, IBM, Skanska, GreenGate, Tower Center International, Hagi Academy, Peasant Museum, International School of Bucharest, etc., but also individuals are just some of the customers who use with full satisfaction iSentinel®. Also, the iSentinel® solutions have been successfully implemented in Switzerland, the USA, Honolulu, France, Italy, Brussels, etc. What defines you as an entrepreneur and as a leader? I am not much into definitions, as they tend to pin down the person or the thing that is defined. I consider myself a Creator, a passionate professional in whatever I choose to do or manage. What matters most to me is Consciousness, Clarity, and Responsibility. As a Leader, I always choose the cards of coherence and sustainability, living by the motto: "Failing to plan is planning to fail." So, for me is very important to live and do what I preach. I always allow the highest and most appropriate potentials to manifest, even when this means having to take it on a brand new path, climbing the wildest peaks, or doing things in a very different manner than anyone else before. I will always choose the way where there is no path and leave a trail. This defines me as a woman entrepreneur and leader. If you want to talk more, let’s connect on LinkedIn or Facebook. n
Today, women are determined and motivated to change the world of business Mariana Niculae
Entrepreneur, founder of Green Day Spa
I can say that in my 11 years of experience, at this moment I noticed that women are more and more present in business, clear proof that now they have more possibilities to assert, that now they can be helped to build a successful entrepreneurial career. Women can have the ambition to rise to the highest standards - with tenacity, passion, discernment - in identifying opportunities and the great desire to succeed in business, which does not belong only to strong men. I believe that today, women are determined and motivated to change the world of business What I can say is that Romanians invest a lot in their personal image, that's why the beauty industry has developed constantly, currently offering the most innovative facial and body care treatments. The success of a beauty business depends on several variables: innovation in services used, the quality of the treatments and the products used, the aspect of the space where the activity takes place, the training of the staff and the “customer care� services (communication with the clients). Where there is active communication between customers and the brand, there is also profit. Customer loyalty is essential in the beauty industry. A beauty business is always much better coordinated and managed 31/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
by a woman. Beauty and femininity are already well-known attributes for a woman, so the field can bring some profitable opportunities. As an entrepreneur in the beauty industry, you are concerned with every aspect of the business and you need to consider essential factors of the success of your salon. The business objectives of your salon are results that you hope to achieve and maintain as you run and grow your business. With these essential factors of the success of your salon, you will create the guidelines that become the foundation for business planning. To achieve the success you need to define business objectives as precisely as possible. As a leader, being a woman, I consider that empathy, flexibility, power of persuasion and interpersonal skills represent in addition to manhood. It has been proven over the years that women can inspire and motivate by encouraging authenticity, creating harmony between logic and intuition, thinking, and feelings! The role of women has become a vital one in this century and thus the leadership style has developed, whose coordinates are elegance, flexibility, and passion, female leadership! In my opinion, to achieve anything in life, you must first set a goal, a goal, and pursue it with perseverance and courage, no matter how many challenges may arise, because you can achieve it. That's why I believe that success means reaching your goal in life no matter what it is and no matter how long it will take you, never give up on your dream, your goal because it might be just a step, or just one step, to miss you! I can say without false modesty, that I have achieved almost everything I set out to do in life, no matter how many sacrifices and challenges I had! n
32/E BW/N OV E M B E R  2020
The New World of the Events Industry Andreea-Carla Muresan Experience Creator @ ALLA Agency & Events
his year has powerfully changed everything dreams, plans, strategies and workflows, even ourselves, both as professionals and human beings. There happened things we’ve never thought of, pulling us all outside the comfort zone, determining us to change behaviours and routines, establish new sets of values, new priorities, reorganize. Many industries have been seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the Events Industry, where almost every action was impossible outside the online environment. We’ve seen cancelled events, postponed events, but also creative approaches of offline events; we’ve seen chaos, challenges and reinvented actions. The future is blurry. The solution is THE BACK-UP PLAN. The New World of the Events Industry is still uncertain, but it appears to be the most “assumed” version of it. The Event Professional of the future is going to be creative and complex, but extremely cautious, managing a perfect balance between strategy and unexpected, between a plan and the swift, creative approach of the unforeseen situations. He/she is going to work on the plan and carefully analyse anything that could turn out wrong. Thus, he/she will develop a Plan B, a Plan C, a Plan D - as many plans as will be needed to avoid a situation like this. He/she will work more in order to lose less. The past few months have made us realize the importance of our work, the responsibility we have to our communities, to our partners, to our team and ourselves, to our souls that are always part of the events. The New World of the industry will practically emphasize these things. And we will win! The future is blurry. The solution is THE BACK-UP PLAN.
Website: Facebook: LinkedIn: in/andreeacarlamuresan/
33/E BW/N OV E M B E R 2020
Founded in 2015, Elite Business Women is an entrepreneurial education company for women; a social change entrepreneurship project. Through events organized by Elite Business Women, female entrepreneurs had the chance to network and create strong business and personal bonds that transformed EBW into an International Business Club. We are currently present in six cities in Romania, but also internationally in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Moldova. The network has more than 10.000 women entrepreneurs. The main activities are education, creating ecosystems to empower women in our Elite Business Clubs, crowdfunding through our Elite Business Women Investment Fund, and global collaboration through the EU-GCC Women’s Cooperation Group.