FIČ˜Ä‚ DE LUCRU: Suma măsurilor unghiurilor unui triunghi WORKSHEET: The sum of measures of the angles of a triangle Nr. Activitate/Activity Crt. 1. Deschide un fiČ™ier GeoGebra Č™i salvează-l astfel: nume_prenume_1 2. ConstruieČ™te un triunghi oarecare ABC
3.  
ConstruieČ™te paralela prin punctul B la dreapta AC. NumeČ™te(redenumeČ™te) această dreaptă d.
4. ConstruieČ™te pe dreapta d punctele D Č™i E de o parte Č™i de alta a punctului B Completează enunČ›ul, pentru a fi corect:  Punctele A, C se află ĂŽn acelaČ™i ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ faČ›Äƒ de dreapta d.  DistanČ›a de la punctul A la drepta d este‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌cu distanČ›a de la punctul ‌‌., la dreapta d. Concluzie: Dacă două drepte sunt paralele, distanČ›a dintre ele este ‌‌‌‌‌‌. 5. ConstruieČ™te unghiurile ABD, EBC, ABC, BAC, ACB, CBA Marchează unghiurile congruente cu acelaČ™i semn • Build the angles ABD, EBC, ABC, BAC, ACB, CBA • Marks the congruent angles with the same sign
English text Demonstratii/Demonstrations Open a file GeoGebra and save as Name_Surname_1 Draw a triangle “Polygon� (Icon 5)
Draw the parallel line through B to AC –Option “Parallel line� Icon 4 (select point and parallel line). Name this line d
Draw on the line d, the points D and E , one side and the other pointB. Fill in the statement to be correct: • Points A, C are in the same ........................ to line d. • The distance from point A to line d is ................... with the distance from point ......, to line d. Conclusion: If two straight lines are parallel, the distance between them is ...................
(đ?‘‘ âˆĽ đ??´đ??ś) ∊ đ??´đ??ľ ⇒ âˆĄâ€Śâ€Ś.≥ âˆĄâ€Ś..‌ (tip unghiuri/ angles type:‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌...) 
(đ?‘‘ âˆĽ đ??´đ??ś) ∊ đ??śđ??ľ ⇒ âˆĄ ‌ .. ≥ âˆĄ ‌ ‌ Concluzie/ Conclusion:: đ?’Ž(âˆĄđ?‘¨đ?‘Šđ?‘Ş) + đ?’Ž(âˆĄđ?‘¨đ?‘Şđ?‘Š) + đ?’Ž(âˆĄđ?‘Šđ?‘¨đ?‘Ş) = ‌ ..
Note: Older students can use the sum of the angles of a convex quadrilateral. Prof. Mihaela GĂŽČ› -March 2018-
Some examples of solutions:
Andrei's solution
Taisia’s solution
Mara’s solution
Teddy’s solution