Welcome back to school!
I am absolutely psyched to be back at MIHS. Under NO circumstances would I rather be at home. I can already sense that this is going to be a great year, and cannot wait to see how we grow together as Islanders. This school has a pretty unique way of changing students from freshman to senior year; our freshmen enter eager to take advantage of the new opportunities, and our seniors graduate proud of their experiences and confident in who they have become. I struggle to believe that this is my last year on the island, but I know that once graduated, MIHS will have prepared me for whatever is ahead. The best way to truly understand how Mercer Island does this is to get to know our fantastic student body. Each person that I got to know over the last three years helped shape who I am now. The friends I made in AP classes sympathized with every struggle and assured me I was not alone, my mellophone family in band showed me an inspiring passion for the section, and the drill team encouraged me to always get back up when I fall. Our community is always there for support, pushing each other to reach our highest potential. I strongly encourage you (especially freshmen!) to step outside your comfort zone and meet new people. Try anything and everything you have time for! In joining sports, clubs, or other kinds of student groups, you will certainly connect with all kinds of incredible people; within those relationships, you will find the kind of driven Islanders who challenge and encourage you throughout high school. Freshmen, do not be nervous. The homework here is more manageable than middle school rumors implied, upperclassmen are nicer than you think, and you are going to have a blast. Get to know your teachers, and don’t be afraid to ask upperclassmen for advice. Sophomores, this is going to be a great year! You’re more comfortable in the school than you were last year, but you don’t have to worry about standardized tests or college yet. Savor that freedom. Take the time to cheer on your friends, whether that be at a game, performance, or concert. Juniors, the best year evveeerrr starts now! Find the right balance for you of academics and fun; do yourself a favor by taking your courses seriously, but do not burn yourself out. Everyone is different in finding what works for them. Personally, I went to sleep at 9:30pm every day last year. Please remember that staying up all night before the test to study never works out the way you want it to. And seniors… it has been an absolute pleasure to grow with you over the last three years. Let’s go crazy with the maroon and white this year and make our last year together on Mercer Island unforgettable. I love you all. Go
ASB President
Purpose To provide news to the Mercer Island High School student body and members of the surrounding community in a manner that accurately reflects the readers’ interests. Editorial Policy
The Islander accepts and welcomes feedback from its readers. Anyone wishing to submit to The Islander must e-mail his submission to mihsislander@gmail.com or deliver it by hand to Chris Twombley. All submissions must be submitted two weeks before the next publication date, which can be found at any of our distribution boxes. All handwritten submissions must be signed to be considered for publication. No submissions will be published anonymously. Submissions are subject to grammar and spelling. All submissions become property of MIHS Islander.
Editors-in-Chief: Grady Short and Sophie Poole Front Editor: Lucille Shield Features Editor: Isabel Funk Sports Editor: Reid Martinez Spread Editor: Ellie Gottesman Opinions Editor: Grady Short A&E Editor: Sophie Poole Back Page Editors: Ellie Gottesman Online Editors: Ellie Gottesman, Reid Martinez, and Maya Virdell Ads Humor Editor: Spencer Klein To print an ad in a future issue of Cartoonist: Teddy Fischer contact Business Manager Jacob Secretary: Dylan Notturno mihsislander@gmail.com for rates and
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The Islander, D’Souza at information.
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following people have been designated to haninquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Coordinator: Erin Battersby, Senior Director (206) 230-6277 erin.battersby@mercerislandschools.org Title IX Compliance Coordinator: Dean Mack, CFO/COO, (206) 236-4522 dean.mack@mercerislandschools.org Section 504 & ADA Coordinator: Lindsay Myatich, Director, (206) 236-3326 lindsay.myatich@mercerislandschools.org Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Simmi Kher, Coordinator, (206) 236-3300 simmi.kher@mercerislandschools.org