Islander Edition IV Issue 1

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October 31, 2014


E. coli wreaks havoc on MI residents by

Jane Gormley staff writer

The discovery of E. coli in Mercer Island’s water supply on Sept. 27, 2014 led to almost two weeks of hand sanitizer and take-out dinners for its residents. After the whirlwind twelve days that included two separate boil-water alerts, one day off school, and countless refreshes of the Mercergov webpage, the question remains— what exactly happened to our water? The City of Mercer Island tests the water supply about 18 times per month. During one of these routine tests on Sept. 24, one sample tested positive for E. coli. The City tests for this bacteria on a basis of presence versus absence, therefore there is no indication of the actual amount of E. coli present. Testing continued for two days after the positive sample to determine if the first reading was legitimate. This two-day testing procedure is standard when E. coli is detected. At first, it seemed the positive result was a fluke, but on Sept. 27 it was discovered that samples collected the previous day also tested positive for the bacteria. This discovery prompted the City to issue the first boil-water alert on Sept. 27 around 3:00 p.m. In this type of situation, the City of Mercer Island normally

contacts residents by a reverse testing procedure, the City im- ter alert broadcast on the big 911 phone service run by the mediately put the boil-water reader boards over Interstate North East King County Region- alert back into place. 90. The City continued testing al Public Safety Communication Freeman explained that, “we at an elevated frequency until Agency. However, the system could have waited for a few more they were sure the E. coli had proved inefficient. days to absolutely confirm [the been completely eradicated by “We had used [the reverse positive test], but because we the increased chlorine levels and 911 system] before for smaller had just been in a previous one the flushing of the system. This notifications, [but] never Island it seemed the most prudent and second alert was lifted on Oct. 8. wide,� SustainabilThe E. coli ity & Communicaoutbreak imtions Managers for pacted business the City of Mercer and residents in Island, Ross Freevarious ways. man, said. “There The City rehad never been a leased on Oct. 5 test of using that that a child had system to notify evcontracted what ery single resident was most likely on the Island at E. coli, but that once.� The City also prognosis is still learned that there under review. is a default setting There is a good that causes the calls chance that his to stop going out case is unrelated around 9:00 p.m. Photo courtesy of KOMO News to the outbreak, “That was a default Divers inspected Mercer Island’s resevoir tanks to find a possible source of contamination. Nothing was found, and the as King County setting that none of search for a source continued. sees an average the cities that subscribe to the cautious to, immediately upon of 20-30 E. coli cases every year. service knew,� explained Free- detecting one positive result, reOn the community level, resman. institute the advisory.� taurants and businesses lost When the boil-water alert was When the second alert was money because of the outbreak. lifted for the first time on Sept. put into place on Oct. 2, the City Grocery stores had to throw out 29, water samples had been turned to different methods of possibly contaminated food and coming back clear for three days. spreading the news. In addition restaurants could operate, but This period of negative tests led to the actions taken during the only with limited menus. Many City officials to believe that the first phase (radio and news cov- establishments were closed for problem had been solved. How- erage, press conferences, flyers at least a day, usually more, and ever, a sample taken on Oct. 1 and posters, door to door notifi- had to operate under certain tested positive for E. coli once cations), the City set up reader safety precautions when they more. At this point, instead of boards at intersections around were allowed to reopen. These following the normal two-day the island and had the boil-wa(continued on page 2)

November 4, Election day: Everything you need to know by

Richard Chess editor-in-chief

This Nov. 4, local voters will decide the outcome of a few major initiatives, as well as elect Washington state’s ninth district representative for U.S. Congress. Initiative 594 asks voters to approve universal background checks on all gun transactions, regardless of whether the seller is a nationally-registered gun dealer or not. Current federal law requires checks only on guns sold by gun dealerships. However, 16 states have already enacted laws similar to I-594 because of the escalating gun violence in the United States. In these states, 38 percent fewer women have been killed by their spouses, and 39 percent fewer police officers have been killed with handguns in states with the “gun-show loophole.� Since 1993, background checks have prevented 2 million Americans from purchasing a firearm because of a rejected background check. Opponents of the measure claim that I-594 will not stop criminals from possessing guns and shooting others. “You can’t change criminal behavior by criminalizing lawful behavior,� says the National Rifle Association of America Washingtonians Opposed to I-594. “Criminals will violate I-594 like they break other laws and will continue to acquire firearms where they do now.� However,

69 percent of gun criminals in the United States have received their guns in a manner that did not require a background check. Opponents also disapprove of the tighter restrictions: “Do you want sex offenders released from crowded prisons to make room for people convicted of family-firearm transfer violations?� However, this question is quite misleading. I-594 includes special provisions for gifts and transfers. While the measure does not allow the free flow of firearms through families without background checks, it is hard to believe that such violations would result in lengthy prison sentences and the release of convicted felons. Initiative 591, another gun initiative, prohibits instating a background check requirement on gun sales unless a national mandate for background checks overrides the state measure. Although these are conflicting initiatives, in June 2014, nearly one third of Washington state voters declared that they would vote for both I-594 and I-591. Voters are clearly confused, and this discrepancy has prompted increased donations for advertising from supporters of I-594, such as Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg. Since then, the number of “supporters� for both initiatives has decreased. No one is sure what will happen if both measures pass. There is no explanation of the outcome in the Washington state Constitution. If both pass, expect to

see a Washington state Supreme Court case to sort out the matter. The third, and final, initiative requires public schools in the State of Washington to decrease class sizes and increase staff over the next four years. Kindergarten through third grade class sizes are to be no larger than 15 to 17 students, and fourth through twelfth grade class sizes no larger than 22 to 25 students. These restrictions will lead to the hiring of an estimated 7,400 new teachers in the state. However, about 17,600 others would also be hired for support staff, such as principals, janitors, or nurses. If passed, this initiative will increase state expenditures by about $4.7 billion during the first four years. This money is then passed on to local school districts, like Mercer Island. However, even after the state pays its share, districts across Washington state will expierience a $1 billion deficit. The measure provides no stipulation to cover either of these added costs. Considering that the current state budget for public education is approximately $15 billion, significant cuts in other areas may be necessary. I-1351 also does not provide much leeway for construction costs that will be required for some districts to build more classroom space, such as Lake Washington and Seattle. Still, some believe that this measure is critical for the edu-

cation of students. “To give our kids the quality education they deserve, we must invest in smaller class sizes,� said Kim Mead, President of Washington Education Association. Mead said that the most effective way to improve learning and student performance is to reducing class sizes and caseloads. Of the major newspapers with editorial boards in Washington state, including the Seattle Times, The News Tribune of Tacoma, and others, all oppose I-1351. Finally, Adam Smith, Democrat incumbent, is running against Doug Basler for Washington state’s ninth district of the U.S. House. Smith has been a member of Congress since 1997. Basler, owner of a television commercial production company, seeks to improve the economy, protect the environment, and ensure justice equality. Current Polls: I-594: 60% support, 32% oppose (Source: Elway) I-591: 39% support, 44% oppose (Source: Elway) I-1351: 66% support, 24% oppose (Source: Elway) Adam Smith: 63.1%, Doug Basler, 28.2% (Source: Associated Press)


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Volume IV, Edition 1

Inside New sandwich shop comes to Mercer Island Features > Page 2

MIHS students participate in unique sports Sports > Page 3

Happy Halloween! Spread > Page 4/5

The issue of the MIHS mascot Opinions > Page 6

Romeo and Juliet comes to Mercer Island A&E > Page 7

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