Islander Edition IV Issue 2

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December 19, 2014


High school late start committee commissioned by

Richard Chess editor in chief

On Dec. 2, Mercer Island School District Superintendent Dr. Gary Plano announced the intention to study the impacts of a later start time for high school. For years, parents and students across the country have been requesting later school start times. To this end, MISD and Bellevue School District are teaming together to form the joint High School Start-Time Committee. Between Dec. 2014 and Feb. 2015, the committee is responsible for compiling research regarding the effects on adolescent health with a later start time. Upon completion of the research, the committee will receive feedback from other stakeholders. By June 2015, the committee will compile the data, summarize its findings, and develop recommendations for possible implementation in Sept. 2016. One of the major issues with delaying school start time, and consequently school end time, is that athletic competitions would not coincide with the schedules of other local high schools. Juanita High School, for example, frequently competes with MIHS sports teams. However, its end time is 2:20 p.m. on most days. Currently, when competitions are scheduled after school, either Juanita athletes must wait

When Edina High School in for MIHS to finish school and then travel to the site, or MI Minnesota delayed school start athletes must leave seventh pe- time from 7:25 to 8:30, the efriod early. Clearly, pushing the fects were astounding. The disschedule forward may result in trict reported fewer episodes further conflict for athletes and of depressive feelings, better grades, and among the top 10 coaches. Studies continue to indicate percent in the class, SAT scores the importance of adequate increased from 683 Mathematsleep, especially in teenagers. According to a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, only 8 percent of students receive 9-1/4 hours of sleep, as recommended by experts. Furthermore, MIHS students, who undoubtedly receive more homework than other high schoolers, are often forced to stay up too Students at MIHS frequently fall asleep during class or while doing homework. late, or resort to drugs such as Adderall, as ics/605 Critical Reading to 739 described in “Adderall: not just Mathematics/761 Critical Readfor ADHD anymore� on page two ing. The district could not attribute the increases to any facof this newspaper. “Research suggests that high tor other than the delayed start school students are not getting time. One study, published by the the sleep they need to be as effective as they can be in class,� American Academy of Pediatsaid Dr. Plano. “This could be rics, recommends that all disone way to improve student tricts postpone school start time learning by improving student until 8:30 a.m. “Chronic sleep loss in children health.�

and adolescents is one of the most common – and easily fixable – public health issues in the U.S. today,� said Dr. Judith Owens, lead author of “School Start Times for Adolescents.� “Our communities are intertwined, so the Bellevue and Mercer Island schools districts are working together because any schedule changes could have a regional impact,� said BSD Superintendent Dr. Tim Mills. M I H S junior Ella Green and freshman Phoebe Larson will be reachPhoto by Laura Totten ing out to students for input and will meet with peers from the BSD during the process. On a typical school day, 20 percent of students across the country fall asleep during class. Hopefully, a solution can be reached that limits interference with schedules but provides every student with the realistic ability to receive adequate sleep every night.

During the practice of slavery in the United States, it was — on the most basic level — believed that black men were inherently violent, thus white men were tasked with supervising them. Today, most people believe this idea is incredibly racist and outdated. However, prejudice and racial hierarchies still exist today, as evidenced by racial profiling, institutionalized

associate producer at CNN. Another trending topic, #BlackLivesMatter, brings attention to the black community’s place within the movement to combat racial and social injustice, as well as police brutality. Some have expressed opposition towards the slogan, believing that it is exclusive and should be replaced with #AllLivesMatter. This misconception highlights the importance of understanding the origin and meaning behind the words. “When we say black lives matter, we know that all lives matter. We’re not saying black lives matter more than anyone else’s,� said a woman during the Dec. 6 march in Seattle in support of Ferguson and Michael Brown. “This movement is about standing up for the value of black lives, [and for those] who for too long [have] been silenced in the face of inequality, injustice, and inhumanity.� Students and youth have historically been passionate and determined agents of change; our generation will be no exception. We, as today’s youth, have the opportunity to be today’s leaders and to shape the conversation. As students we need to start getting more involved with combating these issues and it starts, once again, with educating ourselves. Education does not mean absorbing the opinions of others. Be willing to share and contribute to the conversation. Look at

Ferguson: a call for understanding Jane Gormley and Naomi Moore staff writer and guest writer

tory if we conveniently ignore the bad parts. Racism remains dangerously problematic for ethnic minoriEric Garner. Michael Brown. ties. This is especially clear Tamir Rice. These names and in the context of law enforcethe haunting realities they have ment and criminal justice, as forced into the spotlight have evidenced by practices such as dominated our national dialogue racial profiling. The New York for months. As residents of MerTimes stated that, in Fergucer Island, the majority of us son, Missouri, “only three of 53 have the luxury of ignoring the officers are black.� Moreover, very real problems of police bru“Blacks account for 86 pertality and racism cent of the traffic stops on by simply turning the city, and 93 percent off our televisions of the arrests after those or logging out of stops.� Racism, which exsocial media. Howists in many forms, often ever, this apathy plays a role in how police is unacceptable. interact with black citiThese issues are zens and this inconvenient not something we reality is being highlightcan will away beed in today’s media. cause they are un#CrimingWhileWhite comfortable or intook Twitter by storm on convenient. Unless Dec. 4. Across the nation, we acknowledge people have been using the and take action Photo by Laura Totten hashtag to share stories against police Local residents protest on the streets of Seattle. that expose the discrepanbrutality and raracism, and criminalization of cies between white and black excial injustice, these issues will black men and youth. periences with law enforcement. continue to plague this nation. The problems of police brutal- We have been told that history What is especially unique about ity and racism are both intricate repeats itself, and the only way this trend is that, as Jessica and deep-rooted, which is why it to stop it is to learn from our Dickerson of The Huffington is so important to get educated past. Racism, and the host of Post writes, “instead of highand informed. One step in this accompanying issues, are no ex- lighting incidents of prejudice process is an open and honest ception to that rule. We must ex- against people of color, #Crimeducation on the sinister nature amine the injustices, prejudices, ingWhileWhite [zeroes] in on of Black History in this nation. assumptions, and stereotypes white privilege.� “Taken as a whole, [the Becoming educated is necessary that are evident in our nation’s for understanding why, and past and recognize their connec- tweets] paint a portrait that how, police brutality and racism tion to those that are happening suggests a racial double stanstill exist, and are prevalent, to- now. It is impossible to take the dard by American law enforcemost valuable lessons from his- ment,� writes Wilfred Chan, an day. by

(continued on page 2)


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Volume IV, Edition 2

Inside Illegal Adderall use increases at MIHS Features > Page 2

MIHS boys golf season in review Sports > Page 3

Holiday treat recipes Spread > Page 4/5

Mercer Island Public Library renovation controversy Opinions > Page 6

Nutcracker: A holiday classic A&E > Page 7

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