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February 27, 2015
Administration cracks down on abused web overrides at MIHS by
Sean Bender sports editor
Mercer Island High School’s blocked website override codes are passed around like meth on “Breaking Bad.� Students seek this override information everyday to access blocked websites. The most popular include: YouTube, Facebook, and Netflix. While these sites hold possible educational value, most MIHS administrators feel that students use the sites inappropriately. However, much like in the 1920s when liquor was prohibited, the ban of these websites has caused students to take action on their own. Students have created a system of obtaining overrides and giving them to friends. Many students believe that rather than working around the Administration to access these sites, the Administration should simply remove the block on popular sites. “While resources such as YouTube can provide great educational content, there are portions that are inappropriate for a K-12 environment. We also continually try to ensure we have enough bandwidth and network resources available,� said Andreeves Ronser, Mercer Island School District’s Director of Information Technology. “Sites such as Netflix and Facebook can use a substantial amount of bandwidth and prevent others from accessing school appropri-
ate sites and content.� This view stantly has shifted the Adminisis shared among most admin- tration’s perspective on the enistrators working in the public tire override system. Surveying every override’s usage is taxing, school system. Students have continued to and “over the past several years, uproot the newly updated over- we have been moving away from rides, forcing the tech and dis- generic shared overrides. Intrict offices to shut down those stead of having the computers abused. Abused overrides are used by journalism request the those that exceed the normal student to enter an override, we amount of traffic in a day; once an override is determined as abused, “We can either change the password for an override that we feel is being abused or remove the override completely. This can be done either by the building technology specialists or the district office,� Students frequently use shared overrides to access block websites such as Netflix. said Ronser. The process of finding an abused will configure the computer to aloverride can take days, but once low access to blocked content. By discovered it is immediately removing the need for students to enter an override password, shut down. “It isn’t that hard to simply we will be able to remove the bypass the override. There are shared overrides that tend to be plenty of software options to get abused the most. The computers around it,� said an anonymous that are stored in the library, student. “When I do bypass the computer labs and carts will override, I simply use it to check still require an override,� said Ronser. With the removal of the some facts or read an article.� Policing the overrides con- antiquated shared, the Adminis-
tration hopes that breaches will decrease, providing the district and tech offices with more time to focus on other matters. As the transition to the new system begins, “the message that I would give to the student body regarding overrides would be that using an override inappropriately is a violation of the network policy. While there are ways for students to gain access to these o v e r rides, there are m a n y methods for the school district to monitor web activity,� said Ronser. Photo by Jessica Waller T h e transition to the new system will not occur overnight. The Administration will never be able to completely snuff out the override information leaks, but hopes to limit the amount of overrides circulating throughout the school. With the shared override system slowly disappearing students will no longer be able to freely access blocked content on the Internet.
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Volume IV, Edition 3
Mercer Island Shore Club undergoes renovation Features > Page 2
Mercer Island Youth Soccer prepares to play in Portugal Sports > Page 3
Black History Month Trivia Spread > Page 4/5
Moratorium on Town Center development enacted
tram service extending from Bellevue to Seattle via Mercer Island, is scheduled to begin this On Feb. 2, the Mercer Island year. Presently, the Park & Ride City Council enacted a four- fills by 7:30 a.m. every weekday, month moratorium on new de- and many have become worvelopments in downtown Mercer ried over what will happen with Island. However, many complain the addition of the Light Rail. that the ordinance provides too Consequently, the City Council many exemptions, rendering it hired a research company to exuseless. plore possible sites for a new lot. The moratorium, which be- Kite Hill, located just west of the came effective on Feb. 16, pro- Mercer Island Community Cenhibits new construction within ter, was thought to be the most the Mercer Island Central Busi- realistic location to provide ridness District, commonly known ers with easy access to the bus as “Town Center.� Though, the and Light Rail stations. Addiban does permit the building tionally, Sound Transit commitof one and two-story buildings. ted to contribute $6.3 million Furthermore, the Council de- towards the construction cost. cided to alHowever, low Hines, a an opposiprivate Houstion group ton-based of Mercompany, to cer Island continue its citizens plans to develn a m e d op a proposed “Save Our five-story comSuburbs� plex in the lot came foreast of the Alto Photo courtesy of City of Mercer Island ward bertsons park- A sketch of a possible design configuration of the Hines devel- express its ing lot. opment has been submitted to the City of Mercer Island. concern Opposition to in turnfurther development in the Town ing what the City Council has Center began this winter, when defined as an “open space� Sound Transit asked the City into a parking lot. The Council of Mercer Island to install more dropped its interest in reconfigparking spaces near the North- uring Kite Park, but many are End Park & Ride. Construction alarmed that Light Rail is movfor the East Link Light Rail, a ing forward without a solution by
Richard Chess editor in chief
to facilitate commuters’ parking growth.� Whole Foods Market has exneeds. When talks of a new multi- pressed interest in bringing a story development began, SOS, store to the new Hines develonce again, balked at the idea opment. There are also plans to bring of further Town Cenm o r e ter development. The commergroup pleaded with cial space, the City Council to public establish a moraparking, torium to prohibit residenfurther development tial apartin the Town Center. ments, After listening to and a civdozens of public comic plaza. ments at the Feb. 2 T h e City Council meeting, C i t y members established Council a moratorium but exhas reempted Hines. ceived “From my perspech a r s h tive, this moratorium Photo courtesy of City of Mercer Island criticism was never just about The moratorium on new developments is only effective in f r o m the Hines Project,� the shaded region. SOS for said Deputy Mayor Dan Grausz. “We are trying its decision to exempt Hines to preserve the status quo until from the moratorium. But in the we know what direction we are end, no resolution will satisfy all heading with the Town Center stakeholders, and Grausz wants to make clear that the decision Development Code revision.� Still, SOS believes that large to enact a moratorium was made developments degrades Mercer after listening to much comIsland: “Save Our Suburbs is munity input and deliberation determined to help preserve the among councilmen. “It did not do everything that village feel of the community we all love and to protect our won- any group wanted but sought derful schools,� said resident Mi- middle ground that would enchelle Goldberg. “While we want able us to move forward in a a vibrant, interesting downtown, constructive manner while not our schools and infrastructure putting our Town Center and can’t take the added residential City finances at risk.�
Junk food at schools countrywide contribute to obesity Opinions > Page 6
Top Albums of 2014 A&E > Page 7
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