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April 1, 2015
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Volume IV, Edition 4
Inside by
Sean Bender sports editor
School allots more passing period time for public displays of affection Features > Page 2
Queen Izzy and “King� Philipp
ministers of propoganda
For the past 20 years, Mount Rushmore National Memorial has been mysteriously closed to the public, the famous sculpted heads of presidents kept under rain protectors for “cleaning.� As routine as this may sound, the process was extended another 20 years in 1995 to “really make their eyes sparkle,� said Former President Bill Clinton. However, at 9 a.m. PST today, the rain protectors were uncovered to reveal much-needed updates to the National treasure.
The beloved, yet outdated faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln have been replaced with those of MIHS luminaries Curtis Johnston, David Willecke, Dino Annest, and Chris Twombley, respectively. The recarving was conducted under the watchful eye of Chief Designer Vicki Puckett, stonemason esquire. On April 1, 2015, lines of visitors eagerly stood by as the legendary memorial opened its doors for the first time in 20 years. Standing before the crowd, the power quartet proud-
ly announced their run for Presidency, and the mountain’s coverings dramatically fell, revealing the picturesque changes made to the famous landmark. The event was nationally televised, and the entire country cheered at the revelation. The teachers continued with a speech about their plans following their inevitable election. Humbly, they wish to continue teaching, so as copresidents they will commission all of MIHS to move to Washington, D.C. and operate as a prestigious, mandatory boarding school in the White House. Though this may cause minor
inconvenience to a few selfish students, the almighty teachers strongly believe the move is necessary. So does 94 percent of the voting population, according to a recent survey performed by the organization of CCDDDA (Chris, Curtis, David, Dino for Dictators of America). The results indicated that a remarkably large portion of Americans will be voting for our celebrity block teachers. For years now these four block teachers have run MIHS singlehandedly. With the amount of authority they possess, they
the fundamental part of MIHS culture and tradition that kids look forward to. We deeply regret our decision and have put appropriate measures into place to address it.� Already more than 25 percent of students at MIHS are completely oblivious to what was the schools’ most deep-seated tradition. “Nobody knows what a culminating project is anymore,� said graduate of 1954 DoloresKathy-Agnes-Pamala Birkson III. “Out of the 10 freshman I surveyed, not a single one knew what I was talking about! I was completely shocked that underclassmen have failed to learn about the one thing I believe defines us as a community. It is a disgrace that kids don’t get to listen to presentations about family recipes, family trips, and music lessons for instruments they already play.� Studies conducted by the Department of Useless Humans show that out of the four grades, freshmen are the most likely to be unaware of important MIHS traditions. However, the return of the Culminating Project for the Class of 2016 and those following has led to an outcry among juniors and sophomores. “I think this is absolutely ridiculous,� said junior Chris Chrisley. Astonishingly, seniors have been keeping a fairly neu-
tral stance on this issue—possibly a sign of the same maturity the Culminating Project 2.0 would highlight, had it been put into effect this year. “It is in my own personal, individual, and unique opinion that the enhanced Culminating Project 2.0 will have an indisputably auspicious effect on the underclassman,â€? said senior Vionette Von Trapp. To be sure, not all Islanders believe that the school simply made a mistake in taking away the project and is trying to compensate by bringing back 2.0. Rumors have been circulating that the school accepted “donationsâ€? from the Class of 2015 and allowed the students to get out of having to do a Culminating Project themselves. “It just seems rather sketchy that the current seniors don’t do a project when all the classes before and after them have to,â€? said an anonymous sophomore who will not provide her name in fear of retribution. Indeed many believe that school should have instead kept the project going and made changes along the way rather than stopping completely and restarting. “It is like a car. If you stop and start again, you use more fuel than if you stay moving and change speeds,â€? said spanish teacher SeĂąor Itis. Keeping in mind the lack of surprise exhibited by the seniors at
the return of the project, most have come to the conclusion that the Class of 2015 came together at some point last year and convinced the school in an under the table maneuver to postpone 2.0 for one year. Culminating Project 2.0 will include new requirements that will help students engage the world in a personal journey of self discovery. Each project must include at least one student from each grade K-12, two different types of animals, one homemade cookbook, a lesson on an instrument you already know, one yoga class, a family vacation to a tropical country to study turtles, and coaching one kid’s soccer team in addition to all the previous requirements. Some topics will be banned such as running a non-profit for starving children in Africa, building a generator out of an old bike, and starting a jewelry company. The presentation must include a PowerPoint, a poster, a Prezi, a song, a commercial, a dance, food, and the impossible task of naming each person in one’s BRIDGES group all within 30 seconds. “We hope that these adjustments will help our seniors to discover themselves and their place in society, and perhaps take off some stress from the gruesome second semester of senior year,� said Puckett.
A eulogy of Curtis Johnston (19??-2015) Sports > Page 3
Your map to Mercer Island High School Spread > Page 4/5
(continued on page 6)
Culminating Project returns to Mercer Island High School by
Hydra S.H.I.E.L.D features editor
Last year, students of MIHS said goodbye to the Class of 2014, and with them, the most memorable rite-of-passage of senior year—the Culminating Project. Hearing horror stories of failed projects and sleepless nights, the Classes of 2015, 2016, and 2017 felt nothing but relief when the District put an end to the much-maligned program. However, in a stroke of inspiration, the Administration has announced plans to reestablish a new and improved Culminating Project 2.0. Over the last ten years, the Culminating Project has been an opportunity for seniors to demonstrate their maturity, independence, and creative passions in a 40-hour long venture to explore their place in the world. However, in recent years, MIHS has seen a dramatic decline in the interest students exhibit for the project, leading to the conclusion that seniors are misunderstanding the purpose. With this in mind, the Administration removed the project indefinitely at the end of last year following the presentations. “We realized that this was not the best course of action and decided to put an end to it,� said Principal Vicki Puckett “However, in doing so, we removed
Lord of the Flies freshman field trip proposed Opinions > Page 6
Top Songs of All Time A&E > Page 7
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