Islander Edition IV Issue 5

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May 15, 2015


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Volume IV, Edition 5


Richard Chess editor in chief

Last Tuesday, May 12, members of the Mercer Island Educators Association voted in support of a walkout on May 19, resulting in the cancellation of all MISD classes. The walkout comes in response to recent demands from teachers statewide to satisfy the Washington state Supreme Court’s McCleary decision, which requires the Legislature to raise the number of educational staff and to increase funding to transportation, maintenance, and full-day kindergarten by 2018. Furthermore, teachers are demanding the appropriation of sufficient funds to fulfill a voter-passed maximum class size law. As a result of the walkout, all five Mercer Island schools will be closed on May 19. “Missing a scheduled day of school is never ideal, particularly in May,� said MISD Superintendent Dr. Gary Plano in a statement. At MIHS, the eleventh grade Smarter Balanced exam, which was previously scheduled to be taken on May 18-21, will now be administered on May 18, 20, 21, and 26. Furthermore, a make-up school day has been scheduled for Friday, June 19. Thousands of teachers statewide have struck or intend to strike. Unlike a typical labor strike that confronts laborers

against their employers, these limits on public school class teacher walkouts are demon- sizes. While the initiative did strations directed to Washing- not provide any stipulation for ton State Legislature. Both raising funds, Governor Jay Inhouses are interested in providing a cost-oflivingadjustment in teacher salaries for the following two years, b u t teachers expect more. “ I t ’ s Teachers strike in Olympia on the steps of the Capitol Building on April 25. not a pay raise. It’s to account for slee proposed a 2015-17 budget inflation over the next two that includes a new tax on capiyears,� said MIHS mathemat- tal gains and an increase in eduics teacher Mark Shafer. “It cation funding. Though Inslee doesn’t account for the fact that ran on a “no new taxes� camwe haven’t gotten our voter-ap- paign pledge, the budget would proved cost of living allowances raise an additional $1.4 billion for the last six years, and teach- in new revenues over two years, ers have lost the purchasing increase education spending by power of about 13 percent.� Cur- $2.3 billion, and result in a net rent negotiations in the House $2.4 billion shortage. and Senate indicate that the “They don’t have the backbone COLA will be between 3 and 4.8 to say ‘We need to tax people,’� percent for the two years. said Shafer. “The Senate, specifiLast November, voters ap- cally, is not moving. They believe proved Initiative 1351, placing they are doing the best for the

voters, which I strongly disagree with because they are doing the best for their constituents, which are the ones that would be possibly taxed.� Opponents still believe that the budget is a weak attempt to fix a serious issue. W a l k ing out on a day of Smarter Balanced testing also indicates the teachers’ disapPhoto courtesy of King 5 News proval of the state’s format and execution of SBAC. “We’re sitting here losing almost three days of instruction for our students so you guys can take a test that will be meaningless,� said Shafer. “Somehow the state thinks this test is what is going to help you ---not funding, but the test.� Teachers on Mercer Island will be peacefully protesting in Downtown Seattle on Tuesday. They intend to wave signs with Seattle School District teachers to increase awareness.

people to leave the island, which is very limiting. Also it’s terrible for your fuel economy which I guess adults worry about.� said senior Naomi Moore. This development is actually the third and final stage of

Island have little choice but to brave the stop-and-go stream of cars every other weekend. “The I-90 was backed up from the 5 going east, and we just got off. It just looked ridiculous,� said commuter Maureen Reggie. The contractors are doing their best to minimize traffic by avoiding scheduling closures on weekends with sports events or festivals. “It’s always impossible to avoid conflict with every single one of them but we do our best to minimize those impacts,� said Annie Johnson from the state Department of Transportation. This project was mostly financed through Sound Transit and the Federal Transit Administration, receiving around $124.8 million from the two combined. Other sources include the 2005 Gas Tax/Partnership funding ($31.7 million), 2003 Gas Tax/Nickel funding ($15.8 million), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ($7.6 million), and miscellaneous ($7.7 million), for a total budget of $187.6 million. The ultimate goal of these plans is to ease the transition as Sound Transit extends the Light Rail across the bridge. The East Link light rail will extend from Seattle to Redmond through the center roadway and aims to be in service by 2023.

Mercer Island Shore Club undergoes renovation Features > Page 2

Mark Zmuda interviewed about new athletic code Sports > Page 3

What you think you’ll do this summer vs. what you’ll actually do this summer Spread > Page 4/5

I-90 Floating Bridge causing inconveniences for commuters

lanes with needing to cross any others in order to enter or exit features editor the highway. Stages One Mercer Island residents have and Two were completed in 2008 recently experienced inconand 2012 respectively. Only mivenience as the I-90 Floating nor additions and modifications Bridge is reduced down to one were made in these two stages, lane on certhus neither of them tain weekends. required closures or As the Washcaused the same deington State gree of congestion as Department this final phase. Stage of TransportaThree is expected to be tion and Sound completed mid-2017. Transit plan to In addition to the new add a high ocramps, Stage Three cupancy vehiwill add an HOV lane cle lane to both in each direction of directions, the outer roadway bedrivers can extween Mercer Island pect around 30 and Seattle, improve weekends over the pavement in both the next 2.5 directions, and upyears of bumgrade the I-90 tunPhoto by Kris Brackmann per-to-bumper As a part of a 2.5 year project, the I-90 Floating Bridge has frequently closed on weekends. nels’ fire and life safetraffic. ty systems in Mercer Residents of Mercer Island a plan to ease congestion that Island and Seattle. There is a are hardest hit by these reno- results from carpools, vanpools, small environmental benefit as vations as they rely heavily on and buses merging across the well, as the construction intends the bridge for transportation to highway to exit. New direct-ac- on adding to the existing drainother cities. cess ramps will be built to allow age and storm water treatment “It has been really inconve- these vehicles to enter and exit systems to clean roadway runnient for planning my weekends. HOV lanes while avoiding the off. Oftentimes I have appointments other lanes of traffic, making On the weekends of construcin Seattle or am going to see the freeway safer and smoother tion, contractors close off all but family or friends up North on the for everyone. As well as being one lane to allow for the road weekends when I have the time, safer, bus systems will be able work. This funneling movement but it is really hard to plan your to operate more efficiently and is the main culprit of the slow time efficiently without knowing reliably as the need for merg- moving traffic. While commuters how much time it will take to get ing decreases. Buses will remain are encouraged to take alternaplaces. I feel like it [discourages] almost exclusively in the HOV tive routes, residents of Mercer by

Helena Shield

A look at modern feminism Opinions > Page 6

A review of Sweeney Todd A&E > Page 7

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