Islander Edition IV Issue 6: Senior Issue

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Friends, students, Islanders, lend me your ears. To say that I have learned a lot this year would be a flagrant understatement. For starters, I learned that I can’t be too proud to ask for help. I used to think that I could manage well on my own, with just the Internet as my consultant, but that is not the case. Even though I am an expert Internet spelunker, sometimes a little old-school conversation is just the right medicine. I have also learned that I am done living by others’ morals. I will carve my own path, regardless of societal pressure. I don’t plan on perusing higher education because my parents told me to or because it’s “just what Islanders ought to do,� but rather because I am following my own curiosity. Ponder this: “Successful people don’t make the right decision. Rather, successful people make their decision right.� It is a sudo carpe diem, meaning that you shouldn’t regret what could or couldn’t be, but rather that you should focus on what is. Going to

June 10, 2015



Parting words from Senior Class President Benji Holen university or not, both are the right choice as long as it is your choice. It was a big surprise when I was elected as an officer; I didn’t expect to have as much confidence as my peers gave me. It has meant a lot to me that my friends respect and trust me, and I would like to thank them for it. This experience has helped me grow in many ways. I have no doubt that my peers will go on to do incredible things. They will spread out to every corner of the world and teach others the same thing they taught me: You have to examine yourself before you can make a change in the

world. I can’t imagine where I will be in 10 years, and I don’t think I am alone in that sentiment. I know some of my friends think they know, but I imagine that 10 years out they will say they never thought they would be where they are. And that’s okay because many trails and tribulations will show up along the way to challenge our resolve and make us rethink our strategy. When I was a freshman, I was so naive. I couldn’t even tell you who our own nation’s president was. That was a blissful time. Responsibility was a novel concept, and was usually optional. I had not

Volume II, Edition 6

yet discovered the magic of caffeine or having a driver’s license. My recreational activities mostly consisted of video games and other things you would struggle to call mentally stimulating. As I matured, I started getting more involved in hobbies and arts. This helped me to take responsibility for my education. I am convinced that there comes a point for everyone where they want their education, not because their parents want it for them, but because they want it for themselves. I will conclude by saying that I couldn’t get where I am now if it weren’t for everyone who helped me along the way. From friends to parents, many people have given me support and allowed me the opportunity to pursue my dreams. I am very thankful for this, and hope that I can help others in the same way. I have discovered how great it feels to celebrate my peers’ accomplishments and am excited to see what they can accomplish in the years to come.

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Islander Edition IV Issue 6: Senior Issue by mihsislander - Issuu