designer Presenation
chip kidd We were to give a short presentation about the work of a contemporary designer of our choosing. I had chosen Chip Kidd, a 55 year old contemporary designer who currently resides in New York City. Chip Kidd’s inspiration to become a graphic designer were comics books that included Batman and Superman. He has written and designed book covers for several DC Comics publications, including The Complete History of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Golden Age of DC Comics: 365 Days, and Jack Cole and Plastic Man. Chip Kidd is considered the closest thing there is to a rock star in the world of high-end graphic design and has lists of clients made up of some well known authors including Anne Rice, John Updike, Dean Koontz and Michael Crichton. Kidd is uninterested in the latest design trends and fashions when working, he often draws inspiration from collectibles and mementos. ‘Publishers Weekly described his book jackets as “creepy, striking, sly, smart, unpredictable covers that make readers appreciate books as objects of art as well as literature.”’ One of the most consistent characteristics of Kidd’s style is that most of his book jackets do not have a signature look. According to him, “A signature look is crippling...[because] the simplest and most effective solutions aren’t dictated by style.”