If they could target us individually
by George Colburn
© 2018 by George Colburn
If they could target us individually We’d all believe what the president says And wait with baited breath for A speech by the Speaker of the House Or maybe even the Senate Majority Leader. And we’d be free from every liberal tweeter.
If they could target us individually There would not be an immigrant problem Or trouble with the southern border. We’d have a high tech high wall guarding us Against criminal spillover from Latin America. From secret meetings and hostile esoterica.
If they could target us individually The rest of the world would respect us And we’d respect the flag of course And anyone who didn’t would be shunned By the best of America that’s left of us. By the rest of America that’s best for us.
If they could target us individually We’d be shutting down the windmills; Gutting hydro-power and shutting Out the sun completely from our energy grid. The world would be made of oil and gas. And we’d consume every bit of it en masse.
If they could target us individually No one would be gay or transgender. Men in pants and women in dresses Children taught that straight is better And that mixing sexes like mixing races Is best left out of American spaces.
If they could target us individually There would be no disharmony at all; Only old white men at the very top While the rest of us keep silent And just do the work they need us to. And perhaps they’d even feed us too.