Mike Dastic - Tips to be a good seller

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Mike Dastic - Tips to be a good seller Mike Dastic - Selling is one of the most controversial activities in the business world. It is necessary and at the same time hated. In fact many hate to sell and view all sellers as scammers. We find it necessary to clarify ideas about selling, so in this article we will talk about how to be a good seller. We will showcase the qualities of a good seller and some existing false myths about sellers. Do you want to learn the skills of a good salesperson and increase the sales of your business? Then stay because you are going to learn a lot. Mike Dastic - What is a seller? A salesperson is a professional who is dedicated to sales, it is anyone who usually performs this function already in the store, doing the activity door to door or by remote means (telephone or Internet). The main quality of a seller is not simply the skill to sell easily here and now Mike Dastic - Techniques and characteristics of a good seller A good salesperson must not only have the necessary skills to carry out his work without difficulties, but must also know some techniques to achieve more and better sales. Mike Dastic tells us about 10 characteristics that a seller must have to achieve his goal. 1. Good presence A good presence gives a good image, and if the products enter through the eyes, the sellers must also give an adequate image. A scruffy salesperson gives a bad image to the company and the product. Do you want to know how to be a good clothing seller? Then you should be dressed according to the style of clothing you want to sell. The same happens to be a good seller of insurance or new cars, your image must be impeccable. 2. Know the product A good seller must know the product with all its characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, price and everything necessary to present it to the customer. Knowing all the characteristics of the product is one of the keys to selling, since there is an answer to all possible questions and the benefits of what is promoted can be highlighted. 3. Technique of the few units If few units of a product or an image of exclusivity are displayed, the buyer may be tempted to buy with the initial impulse not to run out of that product they want.

4. Comparison technique Sometimes, especially at the door-to-door, the customer can be shown that their neighbor or friend has it, so if an acquaintance of the person has purchased that product, displaying it may result in the purchase. 5. Low slat technique Good product characteristics should be shown to the client, but not all, so that he does not set the bar too high and is disappointed, but on the contrary, he is surprised and wants to buy it again. 6. Do not lie, make up the defects The defects should not be said, but if the client asks, it should be commented from a positive point of view. 7. Good humor and positivity There are going to be days when you get a lot of sales and bad days, so you have to think positive and know how to wait for the good times. Sellers must always use motivation to avoid giving up. 8. Friendliness and professionalism The seller must be friendly, respectful, communicative, and charismatic. You should not impose criteria, but offer options so that the customer is interested in the product. If a client is not interested in something, they must be respected and offer other alternatives that may be of interest to them. 9. Test and use what works You can try new sales strategies, new attitudes, observing the results and repeating what works. Different techniques tend to end up working for different products. 10. Concern for the company Salespeople compensation is what most sales professionals are most interested in. This remuneration may depend on the amount of sales, but it is also important to concern yourself with the needs of the company, observing the role it has within it with the aim of giving your best, not only to customers but also to superiors.

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