Mv annualreport sm

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The Sign of Quality

Ministry Ventures


annual report

Table of Contents Intro


Letter from the CEO


Letter from the Chairman


Executive Summary


Best Practices


Our Ministries







Return on Investment







Board of Directors /Advisory Board


Application Process Future Ventures Wise & Generous Giver Award

35-36 37 38-39


Quality is the starting point for every organization’s journey to success. But most early stage ministries are lost when it comes to finding the resources ­necessary to establish a foundation of excellence. To address this need, Ministry Ventures was created in 1999 as a start-up ministry incubator where financial resources, professional mentoring, ­networking opportunities, and administrative support would come together in a physical office space that becomes an environment for growth.


Dear Friends, God is extremely faithful as he continues to bless Ministry Ventures in ways that we could never have anticipated. This past year we had the privilege of graduating 3 ministries from our incubator: The Joy House, Bravehearts, and Conexión 10/40. These ministry leaders have been faithful in their application of our 5 best practices of ministry: prayer, fundraising, board development, ministry model, and administration. Our research shows that these ministries experience a significant increase in funding once they graduate from our incubator. We also have noticed that the ministry boards are much stronger and the ministries are filling each board position with gifted and skilled leaders. As a result, the marketing and the funding of the ministries are making a greater impact on the community. We cannot be more proud of these graduates and of their ability to impact God's kingdom. One thing that I am learning in my old age is to focus on quality and let God take care of the quantity. Years ago I had the privilege of visiting Lake Tahoe in California. Lake Tahoe, as you may know, is a crater that sits 6,000 feet above sea level. Half of the lake is in California and the other half is in Nevada. The water is 99.9% pure since it is glacial runoff from the surrounding snowcapped mountains. The average depth of Tahoe is 1,100 feet, and the lake is encompassed by 72 miles of shoreline. In reading a brochure about the lake, I discovered that if you could dump the 32 trillion gallons of water that are in Lake Tahoe onto the state of California, the state would be covered with 13 inches of water. God spoke to me while visiting this area that my role is to focus on the depth and to trust God with the breath. And so, here at Ministry Ventures, we follow a model of graduating 5 ministries of excellence while at the same time bringing in 5 ministries to the incubator, keeping a total of 10 ministries in the incubator at all times.

“...pray that our focus this year is quality and that, as we focus on quality, we will trust God with the quantity.”

Please pray that these ministry leaders will continue to go deep with the Lord, deep in the impact of their ministry, and that God will bless their efforts in ways that we cannot even imagine. As Solomon says in Proverbs 16:9, “A man’s heart plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps.” Please join us as we seek to be men and women of excellence, and pray for us that our focus this year will be on quality and that we will trust God with the quantity. Again, thank you so much for partnering with us in the great adventure of launching ministries for Christ. Sincerely in Christ,

Boyd 4

Boyd Bailey CEO

Dear Ministry Ventures’ Partners, As we complete another year of launching new ministries for Christ, I am pleased to report Ministry Ventures is reaching a new level of effectiveness and scale. Ministry Ventures is currently serving 10 early stage ministries, more than have ever been in the MV program at one time. Ministry Ventures graduated 3 ministries in 2005 and will graduate 5 ministries this year. The ministries that graduate are prepared to serve God’s kingdom with excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness. As Ministry Ventures moves into its sixth year of service to the kingdom, several important milestones have been reached: 1. The MV 2-year program has been honed and refined to a high degree of excellence and effectiveness. 2. The MV program and systems are currently being standardized for duplication through our “MV in a Box” project. This standardization will allow Ministry Ventures to duplicate its program in various platforms across the country. 3. The board of directors consists of 6 members who are well positioned with a diverse skill set to serve in its capacity of governance for Ministry Ventures. 4. MV has a solid group of 25 investors who each contribute $20K to the annual budget; without their support the work of Ministry Ventures would not be possible. As we prepare for the next level of scale and effectiveness to launch ministries for Christ, Ministry Ventures is preparing to duplicate itself through partners who wish to implement the MV program in their communities. The board and staff are working diligently to complete our strategic expansion initiative to launch Ministry Ventures in a number of key areas around the country. This expansion will allow us to literally launch hundreds of ministries for Christ over the next decade.

“...Ministry Ventures is preparing to duplicate itself through partners who wish to implement the MV program in their communities.”

It is exciting to see what God does when his servants have a faithful heart to serve Him and believe in great accomplishments for his kingdom. We are “believing big” for God to use Ministry Ventures to advance the kingdom through training and equipping ministry entrepreneurs to achieve the dream that God has placed in their hearts to serve him. We are so grateful that through partners like you we can pursue the vision that God has laid on our hearts to launch ministries for Christ. Please join us in our prayer that God will allow Ministry Ventures to serve him and his people in a greater capacity to build the kingdom through ministry leaders who are trained and equipped to save souls, disciple others, and care for the poor and needy. In Him,

Michael 5

Michael Kendrick Chairman of the Board

Executive Summary In 2005, we saw our strategy of quality pay off more than ever as we attracted the most investors, the most highly qualified staff personnel and the highest caliber of ministry candidates we have ever seen. In a year where many ministries saw giving slam to a halt, our support increased to its highest level. Going forward, our most exciting news is the opportunity for local expansion with others who want to buy into our ministry incubator concept. We know the trend for quality ministry is growing. And for anyone looking for Kingdom investments, that’s a very good sign.


Achievements • Graduated 3 new ministries: Bravehearts, The Joy House, and Conexión 10/40 • Acquired 10 early stage ministries to launch • Hired 3 new key staff positions to complete the MV team with a total of 8 members • Gained the support of 5 new investors at $20,000 each • Published our first annual report • Held our first annual staff planning retreat in Seaside, Fl. • Organized our first Vision Lunch with 85 attendees • Met the goal for our first gala with over 250 people in attendance and $90,000 raised • Conducted monthly board symposiums and funding symposiums to teach best practices to ministry leaders, donors and board members • Created ProfitCaring, a new corporate giving program that allows corporations and their employees to support our ministries • Explored first opportunity for national expansion (Dallas, Tx.) • Highlighted on the North Point Community Church website • Raised over $7.5 million through ministries since 1999

Challenges • Refine expansion strategy to ensure that we grow with excellence • Increase sources for reoccurring funding • Obtain more resources for quality staff training • Develop efficient processes to maintain personalized care of constituents • Maintain consistent, quality communication with our constituents • Recruit additional mentors, volunteers, and supporters


Best Practices

{ taking


a good cause and making it the best


Over the past five years, Ministry Ventures has developed a proven strategy of best practices that result in a highly effective ministry. Each early stage ministry receives coaching in the following areas:

Prayer Strategy ✓ ✓ ✓

Have a specific team of people meeting regularly Email ministry updates and prayer requests to constituents Keep notes so ministry leaders can connect with the intercessory experience

Funding ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Understand Kingdom mindset Develop a network of passionate supporters Establish time commitments and milestones Accumulate three months operating income in reserves

Board of Directors ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Provide assistance in profiling and member selection Foster funding assistance through direct gifts and referrals Provide strategic planning support and ministry plan acceptance Mentor representing MV assuming full board role

Ministry Model ✓ ✓ ✓

Analyze ministry program for continuity and scalability Develop detailed ministry plan Create communication tools, including an annual report

Administration ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Streamline finance, legal, and accounting policies and procedures Establish organizational deadlines Be equipped with technology tools Develop time management skills


Our Ministries


{ taking

ministries beyond their limits


c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Stories

jan 05 $70K

“It isn’t often that dads communicate with their kids at a deep level. It was totally cool that my dad wanted to really get to know me for me. I loved spending time with my dad!”

Mission / vision Compass Ministries provides breakaway adventures that encourage authentic relationships between dads and their kids. History / overview Our vision is to develop and model father-to-child relationships that help cultivate a Godly legacy for future generations.

“Compass provides tremendous opportunities to make memories with my child. This is too valuable to pass up! What a great way to experience Jesus in the outdoors!”

Results • More than 200 fathers and their children experienced a Compass Ministries breakaway retreat this year. Praise God for all that He has done! • Compass Ministries now has 14 churches that partner with us to spread the vision of engaging dads with their kids while they all develop a deeper relationship with God. • Compass Ministries has developed relationships with organizations such as National Center for Fathering, National Fatherhood Initiative, Young Life, YMCA, and Military Community Youth Ministries. Together we help make Compass Ministries real, radical, and relevant!


c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

God Stories

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

may 04 $320K

Mission / vision CoreFoundations exists to provide public school students a legal opportunity to explore the claims of Christ by empowering communities to develop and operate quality released-time programs. History / overview CoreFoundations is the brainchild of Sid Webb, a leader in public school “released time” ministry for 15 years. Sid ran an off-campus Bible class for credit at a Georgia high school. As a result of Core Foundations, over 22,000 students in Georgia have an opportunity to take off-campus Bible classes.

I took this class because I heard it was fun and you would still learn cool things about God. While I learned that and had fun, I also learned how to think, as crazy as that may sound. Today, thinking is almost non-existent in teens. They look to media and sports for substitutes of thinking. This class almost forced me to think and I found out that I like it.

Results • Seven programs have started in Gwinnett County and elsewhere. CoreFoundations is consulting with new states and counties, including Fulton, to begin released time programs

You have been such a wonderful asset over the years at our high school . . . You have been a friend, a colleague, and even a pastor to some of us.

• More than 22,000 public school students in Georgia have the opportunity to take a class; eventually, more than 100,000 may have that opportunity as a result of CF efforts • Significant publicity/networking growth throughout the metro area and the state 12


H.S. teacher

c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Story

jan 06 $5K

Gene and Robin Mcguire adopted two beautiful children through the Fulton County foster care system, their second child in less than 4 months. Both adoptions cost them no money. They are now raising two beautiful children in a safe and secure Christian home; these children would otherwise be in the system waiting for a place to call home.

Mission / vision Faith, Hope, Adoption exists to educate and equip people to provide permanency for every child that is available for adoption

History / overview Faith, Hope, Adoption became a nonprofit ministry in 2003 and now works to dispel myths about adoption through education and awareness events through local churches and at corporations.

Results Pilot test presentation results: • 56% considered adoption • 76% realize by the end of the presentation that it can cost no money to adopt • 27% said the presentation changed their thoughts about adoption


c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Stories

jan 04 $201K

Mission / vision Legacy Builders exists to transform the spiritual and financial lives of African Americans. History / overview Legacy Builders received its nonprofit status in March 2005 and is in the process of developing a life-changing, nine-week curriculum that deals with finances from a practical, spiritual, and cultural perspective.

“Lee Jenkins serves as one of our nation’s top financial advisers. With his landmark book, he will serve now as our preeminent business and success coach as well. Absorb each lesson if you desire to increase your finances, but savor each word if you seek the true riches of life.”

Dennis P. Kimbro, PhD. Best selling Author of What Makes the Great Great

Results • Twenty five sizable churches have agreed to be “early adopters” of the financial curriculum Legacy Builders is developing (to be released in the fall of 2006) • Have learned how to successfully run a nonprofit organization as a result of being involved in the Ministry Ventures incubator

“This book is a wonderful guide in practicing Godly principles of wise stewardship. It teaches solid strategies on being good managers over everything including our money.”


Minister Kirk Franklin Grammy Award Winning Gospel Recording Artist

c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

jan 05 $140K

God Stories

“40% of the men at the Life Impact Boot Camp connected in ongoing life-on-life relationships.” Cary Jones, Director of Men’s Ministry -

Mission / vision Life Impact Ministries exists to ignite and equip men to become leaders spiritually and relationally by partnering with churches to connect men with men for LIFE IMPACT.

History / overview Life Impact Ministries is a nonprofit organization that ignites men spiritually and connects them relationally so they can battle strategically. Life Impact has equipped over 3,000 leaders to develop and train future leaders.

Morningside Baptist Church, Columbus, Ga.

“Men were ignited spiritually and connected relationally at Boot Camp.” Wally Smith, Minister to Men


Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Marietta, Ga.

The Call of the Wild Got me excited again about church, God, and connecting regularly with other like-minded men. David Thomas, Account Manager -

• Life Impact’s primary goal is to connect one million men in life-onlife relationships by the year 2020. • Church leaders have said that Life Impact may have discovered one of the best models of this century to reach men inside and outside the church for Christ.


Atlanta, Ga.

c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Stories

jan 05 $77K

Mission / vision The Luke Project leads urban kids into excellence through tutoring, sports, and summer camps. Interaction with the children during these times enables them to become productive citizens and discover their full potential in Christ. History / overview Jeff Gorman founded the Luke Project, Inc., in 2001 after First Baptist Church of Atlanta and World Relief turned their ministry focus to other mission fields. The Luke Project has impacted over 1,000 children in the inner city for Christ.

Results • The Luke Project, Inc. launched the first basketball league in Atlanta’s history for middle school girls who attend charter schools. • The Luke Project has been offered the opportunity to roll out programs in 10 metro-Atlanta communities.


Jessica, age 11, lost her earthly father last April. She attended LukeClub summer camp and received Jesus Christ as her Savior during an overnight camping trip. Now she has a growing relationship with her heavenly Father. Micah, age 12, was just elected president of his school class. As his mother stated earlier this year, "Something just broke in my son during his time with LukeClub over the summer. He is a different person."

c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Stories

jan 06 $ 66K

The abstinence and HIV education program has recently been introduced at the youth detention centers of Cobb County and in doing so, a participant was recently released and has become part of the PGI leadership program.

Mission / vision Personal Growth Institute (PGI) is a community-based nonprofit organization engineered to empower the future leaders of the “NOW generation.” History / overview PGI’s mission is to promote growth and development in youth living in the urban community through enlightenment, education, and encouragement, empowering them to live successful lives. PGI’s programs offer a creative way to introduce the gospel of Jesus Christ. These programs focus on such topics as abstinence and HIV education, the performing arts, and cultural diversity.

PGI has been able to teach abstinence within the Cobb County school system without any resistance and with great support.

Results • Received first $20,000 commitment to help support the ministry program • Excited to see teenagers entering PGI’s leadership program


c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Stories

nov 04 $57K

Mission / vision Set Free After-Care exists to mentor the ex-offender back into society through a Christian-based restoration program that helps him become a productive citizen and so escape the revolving prison doors of recidivism.

One of Set Free After-Care’s clients was locked up at the age of seventeen for assault. Upon release and completion of the after-care program, he went on to graduate with honors from Emory University.

History / overview Set Free After-Care works closely with the Georgia Department of Corrections and the parole board, screening inmates, accepting them upon release, and housing them in a Christian half-way house for one year, teaching them life skills and spiritual development to equip them with the tools necessary to restart their lives.

In 2005 alone, Set Free After-Care has screened nearly 200 inmates and has helped several inmates re-establish themselves in society.

Results • Developed a great board of directors and have grown tremendously through the supervision and coaching provided by Ministry Ventures • Built an outstanding reputation with the Department of Corrections, parole board, prison staff, and inmate population • Seeing hundreds of inmates give their lives to the Lord and get a second chance at life 18

c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Stories

jan 06 $ 6K

Mission / vision Theology Café exists to inspire meaningful conversation about God, faith, and values in public places. It hopes to warm adults to the value and relevance of a Christian perspective in real-time, face-to-face exchanges. History / overview Watching the rise and popularity of religious issues in books, magazines, and newspapers led Anne Garrett to approach Barnes & Nobles Bookstore in Duluth with this idea: "Why not schedule regular conversations about God and faith and values in the store, riding the wave of current topics and issues?" They responded with even more support than expected by providing an in-store newsletter tie-in, a huge sign announcing Theology Café's start, and a press release to the local newspapers. They even offered free coffee to anyone joining the conversation. She began scheduling conversations in April 2001; by that fall, Theology Café was asked to come twice a month.

Results • Theology Café has had regular conversations at Borders Booksellers in Duluth, Snellville, and Buford, at 3 Barnes & Noble bookstores, at 4 coffeehouses, and at 2 senior living facilities. • Currently 82 sessions are booked, and 84 more sessions are waiting for facilitators. 19

Three Muslim ladies from Egypt attended Theology Café conversations for six months in which they heard the gospel in a friendly environment. Theology Café has had more than 30 people attend coffeehouse sessions at one time.

c u r r e n t m i n i st r i e s

God Stories

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

jan 06 $30K

Mission / vision The mission of Treasures is to invite people in the community to convert their earthly treasures into heavenly treasures by selling them in a Christ-centered retail outlet that will use 100% of the profits to fund local ministries. History / overview The call to develop Treasures into a ministry-funding machine for local ministries began in July 2005. Having owned a consignment store on Hilton Head Island for over 20 years, when Allison White anticipated a move to Atlanta, she felt led to open the same kind of store here, the difference being that Treasures would funnel all of its profits into ministries.

“God has called us to be wise stewards of all He has given to His children. Treasures is one of the wisest uses of God’s resources, combining retail business acumen with community impact. I’m glad that the Atlanta Christian Foundation is able to serve the community and the Kingdom of God through Treasures.” Jim Kilgore, President

Atlanta Christian Foundation

• $30,000 seed money raised

“I have had the privilege of working with Alison during the start-up phase of Treasures. I am confident she will combine her merchandising gifts and her years of experience to provide an environment that we will all enjoy visiting.”

• 6 board members in place

Results • Association with Atlanta Christian Foundation


Fran LaMattina, MCC RightPlan Coaching

2 0 0 5 g r ad u at e m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

God Stories

june 02 $400K

“This was an A+ presentation! The first person that came up to Michael after the presentation was an atheist who said, ‘I stayed because you gave me the freedom to leave. I appreciate your sincerity and honesty.’”

Mission / vision Bravehearts vision is to start a “new” global sexual revolution based on God’s design for love, sex, and relationships. History / overview Michael Leahy has presented “Porn Nation” on over 70 college ­campuses throughout the U.S. and Canada since March 2004. He has spoken to thousands of students about the gospel of Jesus Christ through the telling of his captivating personal story of catastrophic loss and miraculous redemption from a life-long battle with sexual and pornography addiction. “Porn Nation” hits a nerve with ­audiences of every age and background as it exposes the lies and reveals God’s truth about the true meaning of love and acceptance from a kingdom perspective.

Results • Michael Leahy and ”Porn Nation” have exposed thousands of college students to the gospel, resulting in hundreds making decisions to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. • As Michael tours the nation’s college campuses, his story and “Porn Nation” continues to attract secular media attention. He has been highlighted in feature stories on ABC’s 20/20, The View, CNN, Saturday Night, and by countless major networks, local TV news affiliates, and newspapers.


Mark Randle, Central Ky. Catalytic

“The Porn Nation program was very good. The message was clear. The mix of story and video was great. Michael was very clear about Jesus Christ. The prayer and comment cards were both handled extremely well.” CW Faulkner, The Citadel

2 0 0 5 g r ad u at e m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

may 04 $202K

God Stories

Over 1,100 Latin American and Hispanic American leaders have been exposed to the Church Planting Movements and unreached people groups.

Mission / vision Conexión 10/40 exists to see God using Spanish-speaking believers to facilitate church planting movements in the 10/40 window. History / overview Conexión 10/40 partners with others to facilitate the sending of Spanish-speaking missionaries to the 10/40 window by: · Coaching in church planting movement principles · Connecting "senders" and "receivers" of missionaries · Consulting in areas of strategic mission needs

Results • The Spanish church planting movements book project has sold over 2,500 in just 8 months! Casa Bautista is now needing to publish another 2,000. • Conexión is relating to 4 specific Latin American teams working in North Africa and South Asia to develop effective church planting strategies. • Over $200,000 has been raised in ministry and project support.


Over 80 Latin American missionaries and mission leaders have received 8+ hours of strategy development training to reach unreached people groups through church planting movements.

2 0 0 5 g r ad u at e m i n i st r i e s

MV Start Date: Funding Since Inception:

dec 03 $1.5 million

God Stories

One of our young men who completed the program last year is now back in public school; during his first semester the lowest grade he received was an 85. He is doing well with his family and is preparing for spring football.

Mission / vision The Joy House seeks to restore teens and their families through Christ by providing a healing, loving environment leading to reconciliation of child and parent for future success in life.

History / overview At The Joy House, teens live residentially on the campus with houseparents, while attending the campus school and participating in individualized/family counseling. The parents partner with the teen through Christ-centered, individualized/family counseling, along with attending parenting classes to work toward the desired goal of reconciliation and family healing.

One of the young women who successfully completed the program in 2004 and was reconciled with her family reentered public high school as a junior in 2004-2005 and made nearly straight A’s. In her senior year, she was elected to the Homecoming court.

Results • 14 teens and families have completed the program • Ministered to 30+ teens and families • The executive director became a full-time position • $410,000 dollars was raised to pay for a beautiful 28-acre tract of land that will be a future campus


a l u m n i m i n i st r i e s

+ Launched the new, web-based resources in January 2005 + Currently the network is associated with 33 churches in 16 states + Crossroads continues to explore new approaches to increase Kingdom impact through ministry channel partners

+ Recently released their “First Look� curriculum for preschoolers, giving children a positive first impression of what a loving heavenly Father is truly like + For additional resources, please visit

+ Received a $100K matching grant to launch Art Within Labs + Art Within Labs initiative resulted in a national search, finding five of the best screenwriters who are Christians and working with them to develop five screenplays + Art Within developed scripts have been produced in Atlanta (Theatrical Outfit), San Diego, Vancouver, Seattle, Knoxville, Calgary, and Switzerland


a l u m n i m i n i st r i e s

+ Seventy-five families have attended Lighthouse retreats, and more than 200 volunteers have served them + Added WaterColor as a new retreat location + The Lighthouse has received a total of $2.1 million in cash donations

+ Recently acquired a new home in North Atlanta + Expanded the Fayette County home to accommodate 8 women + Lengthened the program from 9 months to 2 years + Purchased property in Duluth that has over 8,000 square feet and the ability to serve 12 women at one time

“The team of Campus Revolution daily build God’s kingdom in schools across the country.” Timothy Eldred

One Passion Worldwide

“Fantastic things are taking place on our school campuses because of this ministry.” Craig Miller


Ministry Ventures, Inc

ROI - r e tu r n o n i n v estme n t New Ministries Return on Investment

Ministry Ventures

Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry

Ventures Ventures Ventures Ventures Ventures Ministry Ventures Ventures

New Ministries New Ministries New Ministries Return on Investment New Ministries New Ministries New Ministries Return on Investment New Ministries Return on Investment New Ministries Return on Investment Return on Investment

October 26, 2005

October 26, 2005 October 26, 2005 October 26, 2005 October 26, 2005 October 26, 2005 2005 October 26, October 2005 October 26,26, 2005

Start Board

Current Board

Start Constituents

Current Constituents



















January 2004








Andy Christiansen

January 2004








The Luke Project

Jeff Gorman

January 2004








Personal Growth Institute

Rhea Posey

January 2006








Set Free After-Care

Tom Allanson

January 2004








Theology CafĂŠ

Anne Garrett

January 2006









Alison White

January 2006









Ministry Leader

Start With MV $ Raised Return onInvestment Investment on Return

Compass Ministries

Scott Northway

January 2004



Core Foundations

Sid Webb

May 2004


Faith, Hope, Adoption

Bridgette Ward

January 2006

Legacy Builders

Lee Jenkins

Life Impact


Start Budget

Current Budget

Ministry Ventures, Inc

S tate m e nt of Fin an ci a l Po s ition


Cash and equivalents Receivables Prepaid expenses

Furniture and equipment Less: accumulated depreciation Total furniture and equipment




$25,131 $16,518 8,800 85 697 5,635

Total current assets

Other assets- deposits




38,050 (31,485) 6,565

46,346 (34,581) 11,765

46,346 (40,793) 5,553







Accounts payable and accrued liabilities




Total current liabilities ASSETS: Expendable Invested in furniture and equipment Total unrestricted

3,565 40,727 6,565 47,292

15,429 12,448 11,765 24,213

807 38,540 5,553 44,093

– 47,292 $50,857

– 24,213 $39,642

– 44,093 $44,900

Temporary restricted Total net assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS


$28,073 0 5,635





{ showing

ministries the way to do business



Boyd Bailey

Dean Harbry


President and COO

Boyd is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ministry Ventures. Boyd uses his entrepreneurial experiences to assist and consult professionals as they seek to pursue their passions. Given his position in Ministry Ventures, likened to a venture capital firm for start-up ministries, Boyd understands both sides of the “passion fence.” One side is for those who enjoy their present professional position yet want to serve ministry and participate in a meaningful way. The other side is for those who have chosen to be in, not around, full-time ministry. The unique environment Boyd currently directs at Ministry Ventures evidences how a combination of ministry supporters and entrepreneurs are required to achieve a successful ministry pursuit.

Dean’s role at Ministry Ventures is to oversee operations and provide board of directors coaching for all ministries in the incubator. Prior to Ministry Ventures, Dean worked as a Corporate Coach and the Principal in charge of Information Technology at Ronald Blue & Co., an Atlantabased financial planning firm.

Prior to Ministry Ventures, Boyd was the National Director for Crown Financial Ministries. He was instrumental in the expansion of Crown into 30 major markets across the United States. He was a key facilitator in the 25 million dollar merger between Christian Financial Concepts and Crown Ministries. Before Crown, he and Andy Stanley started First Baptist Atlanta’s north campus. As an elder, Boyd assisted Andy in the start of North Point Community Church. In college Boyd bought a service business with five employees. This business endeavor financed his education, and the equity from its sale was the economic launching pad for his graduate school experience. Boyd was born in Huntsville, Alabama, and received his Bachelor of Arts from Jacksonville State University and his Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Seminary in FT. Worth, Texas. He and his wife, Rita, have been married 23 years and have four daughters and two son-in-laws.

Dean brings a blend of for-profit and nonprofit experience to the table. His nonprofit background includes 17 years of missionary service with Youth With a Mission. Also, he was a Research Associate and Data Manager for an AIDS research study in the Department of Neuropsychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. His for-profit experience includes technology positions in banking and finance, along with executive coaching in more recent years. Dean received a B.A. in Organizational Management. His is also a graduate of the University of the Nations School of Evangelism, Corporate Coach U, and is now enrolled in an M.A./Ph.D. program called “Professional Coaching and Human Development” at International University of Professional Studies. He has completed his Professional Certified Coach (PCC) testing and is awaiting final designation from the International Coach Federation. Dean has led ministry boards, planted churches (locally and overseas), and has a passion for coaching and mentoring. He married Janet in 1980 and they have been blessed with four wonderful children. Dean is also a dedicated runner, completing 13 marathons to date.

Boyd serves on the boards of Ministry Ventures, Crossroads Career Network, The Infocus Group, and Youth Ministry Resources. He is engaged in a mentor program with six younger ministry leaders, and he and Rita lead a couples community group in their home. Boyd has co-authored a small group curriculum, written several articles, and is presently working on his first book. His hobbies and interests include history, reading and research, investments, leisure travel, speaking, sports, movies, running, and the outdoors. His greatest passion is hanging out with his family!



Kevin Maufer

Margie Martin

Kevin Maufer is serving as the Director of New Ministry Development for Ministry Ventures. Given Kevin’s extensive recruiting experience, as well as integral roles in technical start-ups, he compliments a forward-thinking management team with his strategic foresight, operational know-how, and relational skills.

Margie Martin is the Administration and Human Resources coach for Ministry Ventures. She has years of experience teaching and discipling adult and college-age women, junior high students, and upper elementaryage children. She established a grade-school program for children during the church service hour and also participated in a two-year Bible study intern program that required raising support. Recently Margie wrote and published a devotional based on Paul’s letters in the New Testament.

Director of New Ministry Development

Prior to coming to Ministry Ventures, Maufer served Foodbuy, LLC, a foodservice group purchasing organization (GPO), in many capacities from project management to software quality assurance, as well as having management roles in operations and client services. Prior to Foodbuy, Kevin worked on and led client services and product management teams for three technical start-ups, Edaflow, Derivion, and which specialized in web portal development, on-line billing solutions, and B2C retail web purchasing. Prior to his start-up experience, Kevin worked for MCI as an incentive program manager and recruiter. Kevin also served as Partner and Director of Healthcare Recruiting for The One Source Group, a technical and healthcare recruiting and staffing agency. Kevin was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Towson State University in Towson, Maryland. He and his wife, Sheila, have been married six years and have a daughter and a son. Serving is one of Kevin’s passions, so he currently chairs the pastor parish relations committee at Roswell United Methodist Church and feels blessed to have served on a mission team to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, as well as on local mission project teams. He and his wife have enjoyed serving as leaders, hosts, and mentors to the youth of RUMC.

Administration and Human Resources Coach

Prior to entering the ministry world, Margie worked for 18 years in a hightech environment as a technical writer and in Human Resources, concentrating in training, compensation, and benefits. She developed and taught courses on time management, principles of writing for business people, and speed-reading for business people. Margie has also developed and implemented office management procedures and policies for a family-owned restaurant, trained engineers on ways to improve their writing skills, and started a software-consulting firm. Margie graduated from Simpson College in Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English. She received her Master of Arts in English from Western Illinois University. Margie is married with three stepsons, two daughter-in-laws, and four grandchildren. She enjoys playing golf with her husband, traveling whenever possible, and reading.

Kevin enjoys family time, playing tennis and soccer, music, traveling, spectator sports, and the great outdoors.



Elaine Paradise

Sharon Padron

Elaine supports the CEO, Boyd Bailey, as his executive assistant and is also the office manager. In addition, she assists the ministries through the incubation process and acts as the Prayer Coach for the ministries. Prior to Ministry Ventures, Elaine worked in the telecommunications industry, sales, and the nonprofit industry.

Sharon serves as the executive assistant to Dean Harbry. She enjoys being a part of the Ministry Ventures team and assisting Dean in his roles as Chief Operating Officer and Coach.

Executive Assistant to Dean Harbry

Executive Assistant to Boyd Bailey

She is challenged and excited to be entering the workplace after twentyfive years as a stay-at-home mom. She is a member of North Point Community Church and enjoys serving 4-year-olds in Waumba Land.

Elaine is from New Jersey and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications.

Sharon was born in Cheverly, Maryland, and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland. She and her high school sweetheart, Ray, have been married for twentyseven years and have four children.

She currently is a member of North Point Community Church where she serves the middle school ministry (Xtreme), care ministry, host team, and missions ministry.

Sharon’s hobbies and interests include traveling, gardening, and sewing.

She enjoys volunteering at her church, running, rollerblading, and traveling. Elaine has completed one and a half marathons, been skydiving, and is looking for her next adventure.

Meredith Malec

Tripp Prince


Director of Communications

Meredith's role at Ministry Ventures is to oversee and direct all financial activities.

Tripp’s role at Ministry Ventures is to develop communications material for the organization, as well as develop a variety of marketing, public relations, and multimedia-related tools. Also, as a result of his knowledge of IT related issues, he is able to assist the organization in maintaining its day-to-day technical operations.

Meredith's financial background includes over 8 years of practical financial and accounting experience at companies such as President Baking Company in Atlanta, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company in Boston, and Invesco in Atlanta.

Tripp was born in Ft. Worth, Texas, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Ga.

Meredith earned her Bachelor's degree in Accounting at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Meredith and her husband, Jason, have been married since 1997 and have two daughters and one son.

Tripp and his new wife, Rachel, enjoy music, movies, literature, leisure travel, and spending time together working on their new home, located in the heart of Atlanta.

In addition to her responsibilities at Ministry Ventures, Meredith is a stayat-home mom, member at North Point Community Church, and loves spending lots of time with her family.



Boyd - Executive Leadership - Fundraising

Dean - Operations Management - Executive Coaching

Margie - Admin. & Human Resources Coaching

Elaine - Executive Assistance - Prayer Coaching

Tripp - Communications - Marketing

Kevin - New Ministry Development - Fundraising

Sharon - Executive Assistance 32

Meredith - Bookkeeping

B o a r d o f d i r e ct o r s

Board of Directors Boyd Bailey Doug Ditto Dean Harbry Mike Kendrick Lee McCutchan Emma Morris Ron Onorato

Advisory Board Robert Campbell Chris Dardaman Woody Faulk Gayle Jackson Fran LaMattina Larry Powell Steve Reed Charlie Renfroe Scotland Wright

Michael Kendrick as an investment banker and venture capital investor, has provided in excess of half a billion dollars in financing to over 100 public companies. Michael is currently a senior partner with his venture capital firm, Roswell Capital Partners, which focuses on investments in microprocessor and biotechnology companies. Michael currently serves on the board of directors for the following Christian ministries: Chairman of the Board - Ministry Ventures, a ministry incubator that launches Christian organizations Chairman of the Board - Camp Highland, a high-adventure Christian Camp for kids located on 200 acres in Elijay, Ga. Board Member - Big Stuff Camps, a ministry that conducts Christian Camps for over 15,000 teenagers each summer in Panama City Beach, Fl. Board Member - Family Wise, a Christian ministry that produces church curriculum for pre-K through middle-school children Board Member – Kings Ridge Christian School, a non-denominational Christian school located in Alpharetta, Ga. Michael was recently an elder and currently serves on the Stewardship Committee at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga. In addition, Michael is founder and Steering Committee Chair of Kingdom Investor Network, a local Atlanta fellowship for Christian donors focused on making wise kingdom investments. Most recently Michael authored the innovative 10-week discipleship study course “Blueprint for Life” that focuses on living life intentionally with an eternal perspective. Prior to his 15-year tenure in investment banking, Michael held business development positions with Electronic Data Systems (EDS) and McDonnell Douglas Corporation. Michael holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from Embry Riddle University and a Bachelors degree with honors in Aerospace Engineering from Auburn University. Michael enjoys spending his recreation time flying airplanes and helicopters. Michael and his wife, Michele, reside in Alpharetta, Ga. with their two sons and one daughter.


B o a r d o f d i r e ct o r s

Emma W. Morris is the Founding Partner of The Morris Group, a strategy and execution consulting firm founded in 1991. Emma is a sought-after advisor for entrepreneurs and corporate executives who are in organizations experiencing rapid growth or major transition. Since founding the firm in 1991, Emma has been a frequent speaker, writer, and consultant to early stage venturebacked technology companies, family-owned manufacturers and food processors, F500 companies, utilities, and nonprofits on the subjects of growth and transition.

Ron Onorato, Chairman and CEO of The NorthPoint Group,

Inc., has over 15 years of extensive design, development, and construction experience, with expertise in project management and costing. He has a vast background in project financing and an enviable track record of innovative sale/leaseback/build-to-suit transactions. Ron entered his real estate career through starting his own residential renovation company that purchased, renovated, and resold older homes in Cleveland, Ohio, neighborhoods. During the late 1980’s, Ron managed the purchase, construction, and sales of over 300 homes within a four-year period.

Emma’s client work includes turnarounds, mergers, divestitures, and start-ups. She has developed and used a full range of tools and processes to develop growth strategies, manage large-scale transitions, and build leadership and capacity to execute. These proprietary processes are used by large and small companies alike to make and implement strategic decisions.

In early 1992, Ron seized the opportunity to develop an industrial building for a small company. With the success of this first development project, he changed his focus and began concentrating on industrial and commercial projects.

Emma’s expertise comes from her experience working inside corporations such as IBM, Ernst & Whinney, and MSA/D&B Software, as well as being the founding CEO of such entrepreneurial companies as VistaScape, a security software developer, and Synchrologic (acquired by Intellisync), a developer of mobile and wireless infrastructure technologies. She currently serves on public, private, and nonprofit boards and gives generously of her time mentoring younger business and ministry leaders.

Ron has personally headed the design, development, and construction of over 2 million square feet of commercial and industrial space, totaling over $70 million in value. In 2001, Ron relocated to Atlanta, Georgia, and has since been deeply ensconced in the fast growing Atlanta market. With his creation of “Business Condominium Communities,” Ron has created a niche in the marketplace and has currently over 1.5 million square feet of business condominiums under development.

Emma holds a B.A. cum laude in French from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and an MBA in International Marketing from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. She and her husband of 30 years are avid cyclists and passionate market place Bible study leaders.

Doug Ditto is Chief Executive Officer of First Southern National Bank, Stanford, Kentucky, and has served as an original board member of First Southern Bancorp since 1987.

Lee McCutchan is the co-founder of Professional Career

He also serves on the board of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is actively involved with Danville Christian Academy and Southside Christian Church.

Development, Inc, located in Norcross, Ga. Professional Career Development Institute offers nationally accredited, self-paced ­distance learning courses and distance education programs.

Doug resides in Danville, Kentucky, with his wife, Karen, and three children, Rachel, Emma, and Andrew.

Before founding PCDI, McCutchan was a purchasing manager with Avco Lycoming, Colt Industries, and FMC Corp. Lee and his wife, Kay, have one adult son and are members of Fellowship Bible Church, in Roswell, Ga.


application process Ministry Ventures constantly seeks early stage ministries that may benefit from our program. If you are interested in being involved with us through the incubator program, please read further. The application process for becoming an incubated ministry is simple, but thorough. Please review the following process and contact us at for more information.

Attend ministry inquiry dessert

Interview with Ministry Ventures staff

Pilot the ministry

Secure prayer team support

Demonstrate financial responsibility

Obtain 501(c)(3) Georgia nonprofit organization status Solicit board counsel Submit a Ministry Ventures application

Fit Ministry Ventures’ profile

Hold a joint board meeting with Ministry Ventures

Achieve approval by the Ministry Selection Committee


Incubated ministries and their leaders are chosen based on several criteria. During the selection process, the Ministry Ventures staff and its board base their decisions on these characteristics:

For a ministry: Christ-centered Results in evangelism and discipleship Compelling vision Accountable God-called and passionate leadership Long-term commitment of leadership Financial support Board support

For a ministry leader: Christ-like character Clear calling from God Teachable Positioned to go full-time Has “done� the ministry directly as a volunteer Good credit and criminal background report Support of spouse and church Leadership profile from personality assessment Past career success


future ventures

The future is bright at Ministry Ventures! After having more ­ inistries this past year in our incubator than we have ever had m at one time, Ministry Ventures plans to leverage this success as we look to expand the ministry model in new locations. The Ministry Ventures Board of Directors and management team are thoroughly engaged in the development of Ministry Ventures’ future expansion strategy. One key tool that is ­currently in development is what we are calling “MV in a Box.” MV in a Box is an all-in-one resource kit that will allow others to duplicate the Ministry Ventures incubator concept effectively and efficiently in other locations. This kit will include engaging marketing material, guides, and workbooks on how to start an effective ministry incubator. This kit also will allow existing ministries to benefit from our five best practices of ministry: board development, prayer strategy, fundraising, ministry plan, and administration. Our goal for 2006 is to effectively prepare for expansion and the implementation of MV in a Box in 2007.


wise & generous giver award

Lee and Kay McCutchan embody the values of Ministry Ventures. Often over the years they have invested in us relationally and financially. They are Christ-centered in their conduct and code of ethics. Lee is systematic in his thinking and editorial prowess. Kay is kind and classy, always looking for ways to encourage. She is a reader and a thinker of the highest caliber. Lee's loving accountability as a board member has more than once protected and matured the ministry as a whole. Their tireless investment in early stage Ministry Ventures’ ministries is a standard for all of us. This entrepreneurial and giving spirit of theirs is contagious! Because of who they are in Christ, their love for Ministry Ventures, and their commitment to God's kingdom, we have awarded them the 2005 Wise and Generous Giver Award. Thank you, Lee and Kay; we love and appreciate you!


You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.

2 Cor. 9:11-13




Launching Highly Effective Ministries for Christ

1080 Holcomb Bridge Rd. TEL:

(770) 558-8191


Building 200, Suite 140

(770) 558-8198


Roswell, GA 30076

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