Victimae Paschali Laudes (SATB)

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Victimae Paschali Laudes Written for the 2014-2015 University of Kentucky Men's Chorus Dr. Jefferson Johnson, Conductor

Codex Las Huelgas (c.1300-1325) Arr. Michael Engelhardt

Wipo de Burgogne (c.995-c.1050) Pulsing Steadily q = 92

### 4 V 4

### 4 & 4

Performance option: Begin the piece with a semi-chorus, then have tutti choir sing at m. 36

Tenor Solo/Group





Bass Instrument* optional vocoder

# # 4 & # 4

### 4 ∑ V 4 P ? # # # 44 œ œ œ Œ Ó œ. œ œ Vic - ti - mae, ? # # # 44 Œ Ó œ. œ œ

? ### œ œ œ Œ Ó .

5 B

Vic - ti - mae,

Bass Inst

? ### œ œ œ Œ Ó .

œ œ œ Œ ‰ œ. œ œ J œ. œ œ Vic - ti - mae, Vic - ti - mae, . Œ ‰ œJ œ œ œ. œ œ

j œ. œ œ Œ ‰ œ. œ œ

Vic - ti - mae,

œ. œ œ Œ Ó Vic - ti - mae,

Vic - ti - mae,

œ. œ œ Œ Ó

œ. œ œ Œ Ó

Vic - ti - mae,

œ. œ œ Œ ‰ œ. œ œ J

œ. œ œ Œ Ó

Vic - ti - mae, Vic - ti - mae,

j œ. œ œ Œ ‰ œ. œ œ

œ. œ œ Œ ‰ œ. œ œ J

œ. œ œ Œ ‰ œ. œ œ J

Vic - ti - mae,

Vic - ti - mae,

œ. œ œ Œ ‰ œ. œ œ J

*The part for Bass Instrument may be played by an electric bass guitar, synth bass, or any other such instrument. The vocoder sound, if desired, can be achieved by a bass vocalist singing through a vocoder patch on a synthesizer that is playing the Bass Instrument part. Alternatively, a talk box may be used with an electric bass guitar. ©2014 Michael Engelhardt (ASCAP) and EngelCharts (ASCAP) twitter: @mike3engelhardt

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