An Introduction to: Curriculum Mapping 1
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Sustaining Mapping is All About the Conversation!
Moving from isolation ‌
Sustaining Mapping is All About the Conversation!
‌to a community of learners.
General Goals for Mapping • Move from teacher isolated classrooms to a community of learners • Teacher’s maps provide the data used by a community of learners to: Find gaps and repetitions Modify curriculum Communicate Dialogue 5
“Maps equal data … Data equals facts and figures … Facts and figures show trends … And with this knowledge, we can give „all of the above‟ meaning by looking at the trends and comparing it to other data bases.” Curriculum Mapping Conference, 2003
We map to determine… • The journey that a student makes through our system. • What our real, taught curriculum is. • How what I do relates to what my colleagues do.
• How our curriculum aligns with standards. • What needs to be added or deleted.
• How student performance influences our curriculum. • In short, what our curriculum direction is. 8
A Paradigm Shift…… • We acknowledge that what happens in the classroom is the real curriculum. • We recognize the mapping process as a means to determine the curriculum in our District. • We believe that dialogue based on data will lead to changes and modifications that will improve student performance in not only our school, but also in our students’ lives.
The Culture of Mapping: •Team •Trust •Flexibility
•Respect •Communication •Collaboration •Support •Consistency 10
Mapping: A Two-Sided Coin Module 1, Figure 2
• One side is the Documentation--the maps themselves • One side is the Review Process--the collaborative examination and revision of the maps by the teachers
Curricular Conversations • Facilitated by teacher leaders • Engages teachers in collaborative work • Allows us to work across boundaries and integrate • Causes a critical examination of what stays the same and what needs to change • Brings issues to the forefront • Supports a process of continuous improvement. • Builds learning communities
Curriculum mapping is a
calendar-based process
for collecting and maintaining an
ongoing database of the operational and planned curriculum in a learning organization.
Curriculum mapping encourages teachers to be curriculum designers via
authentic examination, collaborative/collegial conversation, and student-centered decision making.
Four Critical Phases to the Mapping Process: • Laying the Foundation • Launching the Process/Getting Started • Maintaining, Sustaining, and Integrating the System – Merging Assessment Data into Maps • Advanced Mapping Tasks
Four Types of Curriculum Maps • Diary Map • Projected Map • Consensus Map • Essential Map
The “Essence” of Curriculum Mapping Diary Map
(Recorded Monthly)
• A personalized map recorded by an individual person that contains data reflecting what REALLY took place during a month of learning and instruction
Projected Map The map that has been created by an Nuts N‟ • A individual person for a discipline or course Bolts before the actual yearly testing out of its “planned itinerary” of Mapping Language
These two types of maps are, in actuality, the same map. Differentiation is based on the current month of the year.
Consensus Map (An Entire School Year Of Months) • A map designed by two or more educators wherein all designers have come to agreement on the course learning based on standards and serves as the plannedlearning map wherein all who teach the course use the Consensus Map as a foundation* for his or her course learning and instruction *Flexibility in additional learning, length of learning, assessments, resources, and how learning is executed is up to the discretion of each teacher teaching the course and is reflected in his or her Projected Map/Diary Map.
Essential Map The (An Entire School Year Of Learning Nuts N‟ Usually Recorded By Grading Periods) Bolts • A map created via a team of of educators (Task Force) that is Mapping representative of District learning expectations.* The Essential Map Language serves as the base-instruction map wherein all who teach the course use the map to plan learning and create collaborative, Consensus Maps and/or personal Projected Maps *There needs to two or more “like” schools or courses offered to warrant creation and use Essential Maps.
All types of curriculum maps are‌
Designed BY Teachers FOR Teachers to aid in generating ongoing
collaborations focused on student learning.
Collaboration = To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort
We will all become “Stepford Teachers?” No. Mapping focuses on Fair Access and Equitable Education for ALL students… Mapping Establishes Consistency (Essential/Consensus Maps) and Flexibility
(Projected/Diary Maps)
Pizza When you think about mapping, how does pizza illustrate the different types of maps?
D or P?
Assessments/ Evaluations Standards
Activities/ Strategies
Essential/Supporting Questions
D= Design (Learn) P= Practice (Teach)
The SCIENCE Of Learning The What, Where, When, Why (with collaborative agreement and flexibility)
The ART Of Teaching The How (with collaborative agreement for targeted learning)
Curriculum Design (Who? What? When? Where? Why?)
Non-negotiable – everyone teaches the same
• • • • •
Unit Names Essential Questions Content Skills Standards/Performance Indicators
Curriculum Practice (How?)
Teacher choice • Assessments • Resources • Activities • Lesson Plans
Basic Mapping Vocabulary • • • • • • •
Essential Questions Content Skills Assessments Lessons Standards Units and Sub-Units 29
Essential Questions Over-arching questions that focus on either big ideas and concepts or major themes with regard to curriculum content.
Are open ended Are arguable Push student thinking to higher levels of Bloom’s Require students to relate their learning to real life No more than five per unit as a general rule of thumb Should serve to focus student learning
Content Identified content that we expect students to know by the end of a given unit of instruction. Content should be aligned to essential questions, skills, assessments, lessons and standards.
Are nouns or noun phrases Contain descriptive adjectives that clarify the “what” students should KNOW Reflect the “whats” (nouns and noun phrases) in the standards the unit is based on Are the big ideas, concepts or processes students should know long after the unit is over 31
Skills Identified skills that we expect students to be able to do by the end of a given period of time. These skills are directly connected to a particular content. Skills may be associated with many content areas, since skills are always being learned and reinforced.
Are action verbs or verb phrases Begin with a clearly observable, measurable verb (to serve as a basis for assessments) and a curricular target. Match the level of Blooms indicated by the standard it is derived from Is aligned to the Content or Contents it will be taught through Represents what students HAVE TO DO 32
Assessments Opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know and are able to do as described by benchmarks and standards.
Are demonstrations of learning Provide observable evidence of performance. Represent a clear measure of the Skills and Contents aligned to 33
Bullseye Prioritizing Standards K-12 Horizontal and Vertical Collegial Dialogue Focusing on Standards-based Learning
Bullseye Prioritizing Standards: A Visual Representation Still Need To Know Learning
~25% Need To Know Critical Learning
~50% Learning
The term standards refers to the narrowed-down standard statements within the state (or other) standards document for a given discipline.
â—? Critical learning standard statements are those that all teachers involved in the prioritizing process agree must be learned through deep instruction and practice to ensure each student reaches independency (some may prefer to use the term mastery) regarding the content and skills associated with the standard statements.
â—? Need to know learning standard
statements are those that all teachers involved in the prioritizing process agree are learned through average-time instruction and practice to ensure each student is moving toward or may reach independency of the content and skills associated with the standard statements.
â—? Still need to know learning standard statements are those that all teachers involved in the prioritizing process agree are learned as either (a) an introductory or exposure instruction-and-practice level to ensure each student is aware of the rudimentary learning necessary to later focus on achieving independency (mastery) of the content and skills associated with the standard statements; or (b) reinforcing or application of standard statements that were at one time a critical or need to know learning.
What is the process for prioritizing standard statements? 4-Fold Filter or Lens to Aid in Personal and Collaborative Analyzing of Priority Given to Full or Partial Standard Statements 1. Endurance = A standard statement that provides knowledge and skills not only during the academic years, but for a lifetime, personally or professionally. 2. Readiness = A standard statement that provides a student with foundational knowledge and skills necessary for the next learning within a grade level, next grade level or course, or series of grade levels or courses during students’ academic years.
What is the process for prioritizing standard statements? 4-Fold Filter or Lens to Aid in Personal and Collaborative Analyzing of Priority Given to Full or Partial Standard Statements
3. Leverage = A discipline-specific standard statement that enables students to be proficient or excel in another discipline or disciplines.
4. On Any Test, Any Time = When an annual test is given by a state (or other entity) certain standard statements are measured each year. It is statistically impossible for such a test to measure students on every standard statement involved in a given academic year for a specific course or courses and/or grade level or grade levels. A standard statement that is consistently measured year after year meets this criterion.
What is the process for prioritizing standard statements? Prioritizing Statements Coding Marks
• √ I believe this standard statement should definitely be a critical learning standard. • + I am leaning toward this standard statement being a need to know learning standard.
What is the process for prioritizing standard statements? Prioritizing Statements Coding Marks
• - This standard statement is not a critical or a need to know standard statement. I think it should be prioritized as a still need to know learning standard. • ? I cannot decide. I will need to discuss this standard statement with my prioritizing team.
Bullseye Prioritizing Standards: A Visual Representation If the goal is to horizontally and vertically prioritize the standard indicators K-12, there needs to be a procedure‌ Seven-Step Review Process
Still Need To Know Learning
~25% Need To Know Critical Learning
~50% Learning
Be able to KNOW and DO Knowledge (Declarative) What we want students to know: • Vocabulary • Definitions • Concepts • Laws, Formulas • Key facts • Critical details • Sequence & timelines
Grant Wiggins, Jay McTighe, Understanding by Design, 2004
Skills (Procedural) What we want students to be able to do: • Decoding, computation • Communication skills-listening, speaking, writing • Thinking skills – compare, infer, analyze • Research – inquiry, investigate • Study Skills – notetaking • Group skills
Unpacking Standards Standard
Verbs (How students will show what is required)
Students will compare and contrast (purposes, sources of power) various forms of government in the world (e.g., monarchy, democracy, republic, dictatorship) and evaluate how effective they have been in establishing order, providing security and accomplishing common goals.
Compare Contrast Evaluate
Nouns (What students are required to know) Forms of Government: Monarchy Democracy Republic Dictatorship Order Security Common goals
Unpacking your standard… •
In pairs, select a Core Content standard
Circle verbs
Underline nouns
Then, we will look at the Generic Map Document and discuss the creation of the map, being considerate of the nouns, the verbs, targets, and evidence.
The CM Seven-Step Review Process: 1. Collecting the Data 2. First Read-Through 3. Small Like/Mixed-Group Review 4. Large Like/Mixed-Group Comparisons 5. Determine Immediate Revision Points 6. Determine Points Requiring Some Research and Planning 7. Plan for Next Review Cycle (from Mapping the Big Picture: Integrating Curriculum and Assessment K-12; 1997, ASCD, Jacobs, HH.)
Step One: Collect The Data â—? For the prioritizing standards review, each teacher will receive a document to be used for the prioritizing and coding process.
Step Two: First Read-Through
● The term “first read-through” relates to the manner in which the standards document is first viewed. First, each individual teacher privately reads through and codes each standard statement without discussion or input from other teachers. This step needs to be unrushed as it lays an important foundation for deep discussion and dialogue during the remaining steps.
Step Two: First Read-Through Each teacher will code using symbols
√, +, -, ? Important Note: When coding a multiexpectation indicator, you will code it as individual, separate statements. If all of the separate statements are the same code, you can indicate this by writing the “same” code next to the first part of the indicator.
Step Three: Small-Group Review At the collaborative mini-team meeting, a designated small-group recorder marks each team member’s individual coding on one standard-statement electronic or paper document. √ √ + 7.4.1 Understand coordinate graphs and use them to plot simple shapes, find lengths and areas related to the shapes, and find images under translations (slides), rotations (turns), and reflections (flips). Important: This sharing of coding is done for all the standard statements without comment at this time.
Step Three: Small-Group Review After each team member’s codings have been recorded, the team reflects on each standard statement’s collective coding and works toward coming to agreement on a consensus coding for each standard statement (or portions of statements) based on the following criteria:
● If all check marks: collaborative agreement that the statement should be a critical standard statement. ● If all plus signs: collaborative agreement that the statement should not be a critical standard; rather a need to know standard statement.
Step Three: Small-Group Review ● If all dash signs: collaborative agreement that the statement should not be a critical standard; rather a still need to know standard statement. ● If all question marks: statement may need to wait to be addressed when meeting in large-group meeting (Step 4). ● If mixed coding: further discussion is needed within small group to make a collaborative agreedupon decision.
Step Four: Large-Group Review â—? To prepare for meeting as a vertical collaborative larger team of teachers, each team member in the large-group review first reads through the various grade level/courses agreed-upon codings individually and makes personal notes regarding any coding concerns in the grade level/courses not a part of his/her personal mini-team review before meeting .
Step Five: Immediate Revisions � Facilitator or facilitators lead discussions regarding any concerns or wonderments shared during the large-group meeting. � Based on the vertical collegial dialogue regarding a statement’s priority (critical, need to know, still need to know), the large-group team may choose to make revisions to one or more standard statements in the grade levels/courses represented.
Step Six: Research/Development â—? If the large-group participants (Steps 5 and 6) are teachers in a vertical review that includes only one school-wide span (K-5 / 6-8 / 9-12), the task force (K-12 teacher representatives) meets to review the full K-12 continuum of prioritized standard indicators and finalizes the prioritization in preparation for designing the core curriculum.
Online Mapping Systems
Curriculum mapping is never “done”…
“Stop asking me if we are almost there, we‟re Nomads for crying out loud!”
This presentation includes work developed by: •Heidi Hayes Jacobs •Curriculum 21 •Mapping the Big Picture •The Curriculum Mapping Planner •Getting Results with Curriculum Mapping •Janet Hale •A Guide to Curriculum Mapping •An Educational Leader’s Guide To Curriculum Mapping •Susan Udelhofen •Keys to Curriculum Mapping •Bena Kallick and Jeff Colosimo •Using Curriculum Mapping and Assessment Data to Improve Student Learning