What 2nd graders need to know

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What Next Year’s 2nd Graders Need To Know A Digital Story By Mrs. Todd’s 2013-2014 Class

Reading to self is an important skill to have.

When you are in second grade you should get ready for a lot of things. One of those things is to stay in a straight line.

Always pick up your trash to help the school stay clean.

When you are done with your work you should choose a book from your book basket to read.

Broken books need to go to the hospital so they can get fixed.

Our class must stand in a straight line. If you stand in a straight line, you might get a compliment.

In second grade, you will learn how to “flip the sound”.

Learn to be quiet in the hall or your second grade Teacher will ask you to move your clip.

When you’re in second grade you are going to have to bring your folder every day.

Work on writing every day.


Bring all your supplies for school on the first day and don’t lose them at home or in the classroom.

Take care of your materials and return things to the person they belong to.

Broken books go in the book hospital. They need to be fixed.

You should be reading a book by yourself when the teacher tells you to read independently.

When playing games, only your group should hear you. Don’t be too noisy.

Reporting is different than tattling . Reporting is if your friend falls down and was bleeding you should tell the teacher. Tattling is trying to get your friend in trouble and you should not tell the teacher.

You need to make good choices and stay on green.

You can impress your teacher by staying focused on your work.

1.  unpack 2.  put folder and planner away 3.  put bookbag away 4.  get bookbasket and settle down 5.  morning work 6.  read

In second grade we learned about METACOGNITION. Our chart helps us remember to think about thinking.

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We enjoyed grade and we hope you do too!

Mrs. Todd’s Class June 2014

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