Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator Guide to the brick sector
Contents Executive summary ........................................................................................ 3 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Carbon Trust & Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) ....................... 6 1.2 Clay brick IEEA ......................................................................................... 6 2 Background to the clay bricks sector ........................................................... 8 2.1 How clay bricks are made .......................................................................... 8 2.2 Energy consumption of the sector ............................................................. 11 2.3 Theoretical energy requirement for brick-making ........................................ 15 2.4 The manufacturers and the supply chain .................................................... 17 2.5 Impact of Carbon Legislation ................................................................... 18 2.6 Progress on improving energy performance ................................................ 19 2.7 Business drivers ..................................................................................... 20 3. Methodology ............................................................................................. 21 3.1 Monitoring the pilot sites.......................................................................... 21 3.2 Engagement with the sector ..................................................................... 30 3.3 Business drivers and barriers ................................................................... 32 4. Key findings .............................................................................................. 34 4.1 Raw data trends ..................................................................................... 34 4.2 Where is energy used in brick-making?...................................................... 38 4.3 Process heat balances ............................................................................. 40 4.4 A more detailed look at the kiln and dryer .................................................. 43 4.5 The dryer ............................................................................................... 46 4.6 Electricity consumption in clay preparation and forming ............................... 48 4.7 The impact of product weight on energy consumption ................................. 50 4.8 The impact firing temperature on energy consumption ................................ 52 4.9 Alternative energy sources ....................................................................... 52 4.10 Summary of key findings ....................................................................... 53 5. Opportunities ............................................................................................ 55 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 55 5.2 Best practice opportunities ....................................................................... 55 5.3 Opportunities for innovation ..................................................................... 58 5.4 Recommendations................................................................................... 65 Next steps – business cases for challenges ...................................................... 67 Co-firing of kilns with syngas ......................................................................... 68 Process heat recovery and utilisation ............................................................. 71 Redesign of kiln cars and car seals ................................................................. 73 Low air movement kiln .................................................................................. 75 Low carbon products ..................................................................................... 77 Tools to improve overall equipment effectiveness ............................................. 79 Appendix A: Site details ................................................................................ 83 Appendix B: Sector wide opportunities workshop ......................................... 84 Appendix C: Calculations .............................................................................. 86 Appendix D: Flow meter specification ........................................................... 87
Executive summary The clay brick sector has completed a seven-month collaboration, working towards Phase 1 of the Carbon Trust’s Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) programme. This is the first part of a three phase programme which aims to identify, develop and demonstrate energy efficiency innovations, and share the business cases in their favour.
CO2 saving based on business as usual, %
Energy efficiency has always been an important part of operational management in the sector. Companies have previously made good use of innovations such as flat arch kilns, ceramic fibre and variable speed drives. In recent years the brick sector has found it increasingly difficult to further reduce energy consumption as current best practice has been almost universally adopted already. If the current pattern of energy efficiency improvement is maintained, it 50.0% will take 23 years to reduce CO2 emission by 20 per cent. 40.0% The projects identified as a 30.0% result of this study allow CO2 emissions to be reduced much 20.0% more quickly. If all the technologies are successful the actual 10.0% sector as a whole could save as 0.0% much as 300,000 tonnes/year. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 A comparison of the two scenarios is shown here. year The brick sector emits close to one million tonnes of CO2 per year through the use of fossil fuels – emissions equivalent to a city the size of Coventry. Energy costs the sector over £100 million/year, a cost which is expected to continue to rise above the rate of inflation for the foreseeable future. The cost of emitting carbon is also expected to rise due to legislation such as the EU ETS, CCAs and CRC. Currently, carbon emissions cost £12/tonne for EU ETS and, from 2012, £16/tonne for the CRC. business as usual
accelerator technologies
The sector’s emissions therefore represent a potential additional cost of £12 to £16 million/year. However, if a carbon floor price of, for example, £30/tonne is agreed, as the British Government is currently considering, the cost will increase to £30 million/year. This will increase the cost of fossil fuel derived energy by 25 per cent. It is clear that by 2020 the cost of CO2 emissions will no longer be the minor part of the total cost of fossil fuels it is now. Developing new technologies to cut CO2 emissions for the sector will help mitigate those costs. By measuring the energy consumption of three brickworks, we have been able to attribute the sector’s CO2 emissions to specific processes. This is for a key stage in determining a strategy for developing new techniques and technologies. The breakdown of emissions is shown here and clearly shows that kilns and dryers are a crucial focus for new energy efficient technologies. However, the power consumption of other processes adds up to over 100,000 tonnes of CO2 – so potential reductions through best practice and innovations are also an important consideration.
Other compressors, lighting, etc, 6.6%
Preparation & Making, 4.6% Setting, 1.0%
Dehacking, 0.3%
Drying & Firing, 87.5%
Sector CO2 Emssions by Process
In total, the sector and its supply chain identified and assessed nearly 40 energy efficiency ideas, all of which are described in the main report. A process of consultation led by the British Ceramic Confederation and involving 20 manufacturers, equipment suppliers and research organisations led to the selection of six technologies which have been recommended for further development. Together the six technologies tackle almost all of the emissions emitted by the process of manufacturing bricks. They include projects with different levels of risk and market readiness, and they represent a significant opportunity for the sector to work collectively with the Carbon Trust to gain the following benefits:
an increase in the choice of energy efficiency options available; an increase in the pace of CO2 reduction; cost savings as a result of energy savings; increased revenues or decreased costs from carbon trading; lower dependency on fossil fuels and the supply risks expected in the future; a rejuvenation of process development in the UK and an increase in skills within the sector.
For technology suppliers and researchers, these projects offer an opportunity to gain new skills, get a head start in the exploitation of the new technology and generate a significant new income stream. All the recommended technologies are forecast to have payback periods of between two and five years once fully developed. They represent the options best able to deliver significant CO2 reductions. The technologies are shown in the table below, with their estimated costs and savings:
Project Cost1, £
Potential sector wide CO2 saving
£500k to £1 million
200,000 25,000
Co-firing of kilns with Syngas
Process heat recovery & utilisation
Redesign of kiln cars
Low air movement kiln
Low carbon products
Tool to improve process & equipment effectiveness
An estimate of the cost of a typical installation after development which is divided between the participants and the Carbon Trust. CARBON TRUST INTERNAL USE ONLY
1. Introduction 1.1 Carbon Trust & Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) The Carbon Trust is a not-for-profit company with the mission to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy. It provides specialist support to help businesses and the public sector cut carbon emissions, save energy and commercialise low carbon technologies. By stimulating low carbon action the Carbon Trust contributes to the UK’s key goals of lower carbon emissions, the development of low carbon businesses, increased energy security and associated jobs. The Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) is a major element of the current programme of work being undertaken by the Carbon Trust. The IEEA aims to identify and accelerate the take up of innovations by industry to reduce CO2 emissions. The IEEA will enable the Carbon Trust to collaborate with industrial sectors to identify low carbon innovations that go beyond “good practice”, which require support for their implementation and roll out. To achieve this, the IEEA is split into three distinct stages:
The IEEA Programme began in 2008 and is currently working with 14 sectors to identify, implement and replicate carbon saving innovations.
1.2 Clay brick IEEA We identified the clay brick sector as an area which has made significant strides in improving the energy efficiency of its operations and would benefit from the IEEA programme to continue towards low carbon operations. The UK sector is represented by the British Ceramic Confederation (BCC), and our engagement with the sector and its supply chain was facilitated by Dave Beardsworth, the BCC’s technical director. The project began on 1 March 2010. The clay brick sector is part of the wider ceramic industry, which also includes the manufacture of clay tiles, pipes, tableware, sanitaryware, refractories and industrial CARBON TRUST INTERNAL USE ONLY
ceramics. The brick sector dominates UK production in tonnage terms and in energy consumption. It is therefore the primary focus of this project, but many of the energy efficiency opportunities identified here are also relevant to the other ceramic industries. 2
Committee on Climate Change Report, December 2008.
2. Background to the clay bricks sector 2.1 How clay bricks are made Most clay bricks made in the UK are used in the external walls of buildings. Some are also used in retaining walls, bridges, pavements or decorative internal walls. Brick shape tiles are also made, which can be stuck onto panels to give the appearance of bricks. Brick manufacture is part of an industry known as “heavy clay”, which distinguishes it from the production of other ceramic items such as tableware, sanitaryware and refractories. Roof tiles and clay pipes also come under the umbrella of heavy clay, though their carbon footprint is much smaller than that of bricks. However, many of the technologies described here will be relevant to these sectors. Clay bricks are, as the name suggests, made from clay - a very fine sedimentary material laid down in seas, lakes and slow moving rivers. Clay is extracted in quarries either as the main mineral or in conjunction with another natural resource such as coal. Most bricks in the UK are made from the following:
Carboniferous shale
Etruria marl
Keuper marl
Weald clay
Lower Oxford clay.
Others such as boulder and alluvial clays are also used, but those listed above are the most common. After it has been extracted, clay is stockpiled before being used to make bricks through the following key steps: 1. Clay preparation The clay is crushed and ground, before being blended with additives to achieve the desired physical properties. Water may then be added to achieve the required consistency. 2. Forming The bricks are then shaped, most commonly through the extrusion of a continuous column which is then cut to size. They can also be mechanically pressed into moulds, be made by hand, by throwing clay into a wooden mould, or by machines designed to mechanise the handmade process (known as the soft mud process). Approximately 78 per cent of current production is extruded and 22 per cent is through the soft mud process. Handmade production makes up a very small amount of the output.
Bricks can be made in many different sizes but the market is dominated by units that are 65mm high, 215mm long and 103mm wide. Some plants also make bricks that are 73mm high, to be compatible with older properties and used for extensions and refurbishment. 3. Drying The moisture in the extruded or pressed green bricks is removed in a dryer (normally down to levels of one per cent or below) to make sure that they can be safely handled and fired. The bricks shrink during the drying process, so it needs to be carried out carefully to make sure that they don’t crack. Drying is very heat intensive as a large amount of water needs to be evaporated. Most dryers rely on recovered heat from the kiln to provide the bulk of their heat requirements. 4. Firing Dried bricks are fired in kilns at temperatures between 900 oC and 1100oC. The intense heat changes the chemical make-up of the clays, and partly melts them to give the desired strength and appearance. There are three main types of kiln:
Tunnel kilns in which stacks of bricks are transported continuously through the kiln. These are the most common kilns used, and are responsible for most brick production in the UK. Intermittent kilns in which bricks are placed in a single compartment, fired and removed on a batch basis. These are used for small throughput operations. Continuous chamber kilns in which a number of intermittent kilns are built into a single structure which are heated in sequence to give continuous production and to recover some of the waste heat. These were once relatively common but are no longer widely used as they are expensive to build and difficult to load and unload.
5. Inspection and packing After firing, the bricks are unloaded and inspected for appearance in a process known as “dehacking”, before being packed and dispatched. A typical factory layout is shown below in Figure 1 and the main brick making processes are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1: A typical modern factory layout
Figure 2: The main brick-making processes Extrusion
Clay Preparation
Packing & Dispatch
2.2 Energy consumption of the sector This section summarises the energy use of the sector and some of the key drivers influencing its consumption and energy performance. Most of the energy consumed in a brickworks (and most of the carbon emitted) is the result of the firing process (??%). Drying is also energy intensive, but requires less fuel to be directly supplied as heat is recovered from the kilns for use within the driers. We estimate that approximately 20 per cent of the fuel consumed is used for drying across the sector. In some factories no additional fuel is used for drying but in most cases it is is needed, especially where soft mud techniques are used. Although many fuels are used in brickworks, natural gas is favoured because of its clean burn charateristics and easier maintenance. Electricity makes up around 8 per cent of the energy consumption of a typical factory and 19 per cent of the CO2 emitted. Unlike fossil fuel however, there is no single process that dominates electricity consumption. The main users of electricity are:
Clay preparation in which crushers and mixers use large motors;
Forming, where the extruder or, in the case of soft mud, the brick-making machine will consume a large amount of motive power;
Kilns and dryers where large air movement fans are used;
Setting and dehacking2; and
Compressed air.
The table below summarises the annual energy consumption for the sector. The information is collated from 74 brick factories, three of which make tiles as well as bricks.
Figure 3: Annual energy consumption, brick sector 2007 (data source BCC) Energy Type Electricity Natural Gas LPG
Energy Use, MWh
Emissions, tonnes CO2
Gas Oil/Fuel Oil
Solid Fuel
The total brick production in the UK was 6 million tonnes in 2007 (representing approximately 2.5 billion clay bricks). This gives an average specific energy consumption of 706 kWh/tonne as shown in the figure below:
Setting is the placing of green or dried bricks on kiln cars for firing; dehacking is the removal of fired bricks from kiln cars for inspection & packing. CARBON TRUST INTERNAL USE ONLY
Figure 4: Specific energy consumption
Energy type
SEC, kWh/tonne
A graph of annual consumption (electricity and fuel) vs. production is plotted in Figure 5. It shows a relatively strong correlation between production and energy consumption. There are some outlying points, particularly in relation to fuel. Some of these represent sites making soft mud bricks, which use more energy for drying. Those falling below the general group include sites using clays with a high natural carbon content, which helps reduce the amount of fuel required for firing. Figure 5: Energy consumption at 73 brick factories
annual consumption MWh
R² = 0.7419
electricity gas 100,000
electricity R² = 0.8236
0 0
annual production, tonnes
Power and heat are both essential for making bricks. The amount of electricity needed is determined by the amount of crushing and grinding the materials require, the amount of automation employed and by the efficiency of the technology used. The average electricity requirement for the sector is 53 kWh/tonne. However this requirement varies, as we can see from the histogram in figure 3, with most sites (80%) having an SEC for electricity of between 30 and 70 kWh/tonne. The plot of SEC vs. production (Figure 6) shows that across the sector production is not the main factor in determining SEC for electricity (except at low production rates). This indicates that either electricity consumption is process specific or that the level of
energy efficiency between sites is highly variable. The former is likely to be the major factor processing the clay consumes a high proportion of electricity and harder clays require more energy intensive processing. The degree to which a factory uses automated rather than manual handling will also affect electricity consumption. Figure 6: SEC for electricity at 73 brick factories
ď Ž
30 25
20 15
10 5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 More
Power SEC, kWh/tonne Figure 7: SEC for electricity vs. production at 73 brick factories
ď Ž
SEC, kWh/tonne
electricity SEC
0 0
annual production, tonnes
Fuel is the dominant energy and carbon source in the sector and the distribution of SEC for fuel is shown below. The variation in SEC is roughly the same for fuel as it is for electricity - both have a standard deviation of around 35 per cent of the mean. There is
a stronger, though still weak correlation between SEC and production as shown in Figure 7. Figure 8: SEC for fuel at 73 brick factories
12 10
8 6
4 2
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 More
Fuel SEC, kWh/tonne Figure 9: SEC for fuel vs. production at 73 brick factories
SEC, kWh/tonne
fuel SEC
0 0
annual production, tonnes
2.3 Theoretical energy requirement for brick-making The consumption of electrical energy in the process of brick making varies considerably according to the technology used in a particular factory, the degree of automation and the mechanical preparation required by the raw materials. If we assume that the upper quartile performance (i.e. the SEC level above which only 25 per cent of sites fall) represents best practice, the benchmark would be 43 kWh/tonne against the current mean of 53 kWh/tonne (representing a reduction of 19 per cent). A simple (but unproven) assumption that 50 per cent of this gap could be delivered by implementing all current best practice technology measures (i.e. without building a new factory) suggests a potential saving of 9.5 per cent for electricity and a resulting sector saving of 15,800 tonnes of CO2/year. In practice, electrical SEC depends on production continuity as much as on the efficiency of the technology. Improvements to electrical energy efficiency should therefore target the efficiency of both the equipment and its use. Any innovations that increase equipment use may be applicable to more than one process. Key finding: improving electricity consumption across the sector Electricity consumption is responsible for 166,000 tonnes of CO 2 each year, 19 per cent of the CO2 emitted by the sector. We estimate that by widely deploying best practice in energy efficiency this could be reduced by 9.5 per cent, or 15,800 tonnes/year. The main barrier is the dispersed nature of consumption, which makes it difficult to achieve large CO2 reductions through the use of a single technology. “Enabling technologies� that make it easier to adopt best practice may help the sector achieve this saving.
In contrast to electricity consumption, it is possible to calculate the theoretical minimum heat energy requirement for firing and drying as these are thermodynamic processes. There are a number of different ways of doing this. The table below shows our estimate of the minimum energy requirement for drying and firing a brick and compares it with the current fuel consumptions in the sector. The entries in red are the recoverable heat from the drying and firing processes. As there is currently no heat recovery from dryers we have given this a value of zero. The value for firing is significant as once the bricks reach their peak temperature their heat can be recovered. These minimum energy requirements are estimates and, for firing in particular, do not take into account higher peak temperature, which would increase the minimum fuel requirement, or combustible carbon content of the clay, which would decrease it. The table makes clear that the very best plants are already close to the minimum energy requirement. However in general most kilns use much more heat than is necessary in simple thermodynamic terms, which suggests that a significant amount of heat is lost. The current gap between the average performance and the minimum energy requirement is 250 kWh/tonne for extruded bricks and 73 kWh/tonne for soft mud. Soft mud plants are much closer to their theoretical minimum energy requirements because they tend to be modern plants. In addition, because they are known to be higher energy consumers more effort may be put into managing energy performance. If the gap between current performance and the minimum requirement were closed by 50 per cent then the CO2 saving to the sector would be over 100,000 tonnes of CO2/year.
ď Ž
Figure 10: Theoretical minimum energy for drying and firing Requirement
Estimated minimum energy use, kWh/tonne (assuming 40% flue and structural losses)
Drying extruded brick, 15% moisture content
Drying soft mud brick, 28% moisture
Recoverable heat from a dryer using current technology
Heating requirement in firing
Recoverable heat from a kiln using current technology
Minimum energy requirement for an extruded brick
Minimum energy requirement for a soft mud brick
Mean extruded plant
Mean soft mud plant
Best extruded plant
Best soft mud plant
Key finding: improving fuel consumption across the sector Fuel consumption in the brick sector represents 82 per cent of the CO2 emitted. We estimate that by improving kiln performance by eliminating sources of heat loss, the sector could save up to 100,000 tonnes/year.
2.4 The manufacturers and the supply chain The brick sector is dominated by three large manufacturers, while several smaller companies each have one or two brick plants. The table below includes most of the UK’s manufacturers.
Figure 11: UK brick manufacturers Manufacturer
Number of UK brick sites
Number of UK brick sites
Furness Brick
WH Colliers
Normanton Brick
Nothcot Brick
Carlton Brick
York Handmade
William Reade
Bovingdon Brick
Swarland Brick
Broadmoor Brick
Raeburn Brick
Bulmer Brick & Tile
Hinton Perry Davenhill
Caradale Brick
Sussex Handmade
Coleford Brick
Webster Hammond
Freshfield Lane
The supply chain for brick manufacturing equipment is dominated by a small number of key suppliers based in France and Germany, as shown in Figure 5. The UK has a small machinery manufacturing capability, including both domestic companies and subsidiaries of the major suppliers.
Figure 12: Key equipment suppliers to the sector Company
Based in
UK agent factory
Complete plants
UK factory
Complete plants
Stoke-on-Trent UK
UK based
Kilns & dryers
Craven Fawcett
Wakefield, UK
UK based
Clay preparation
Laggenbeck, Germany
Complete plants
Burton Refractories
Kiln car refractories
UK factory
The relative shortage of suppliers creates a challenge, as there is no significant supply chain community generating innovative products. The major equipment manufacturers are based overseas. While they do have large and expert development departments, they are seen by the sector as providers of factories rather than providers of the niche process innovations that are likely to emerge from this project. It is also clear that having UK-based technology providers who can innovate and adapt quickly is important. CARBON TRUST INTERNAL USE ONLY
The accelerator pilot sectors (asphalt, animal feeds and blow moulded plastics) as a whole have demonstrated that technology providers need to be motivated to assist with the development. They are most likely to do that if they are involved from the start of an innovation process and can see that they will benefit through participation. The brick sector is not known for its fast pace of technological change; although over the years a number of innovations have been developed or imported. Most R&D takes place within the manufacturers and their supply chain, but this is supplemented by CERAM in Stoke-on-Trent, the only UK-based research and technology organisation (RTO) with significant ceramic expertise. Key recent innovations introduced by the sector within the past 20 years have included:
Lightweight refractories (particularly ceramic fibre) for kilns and kiln cars.
Advanced control systems.
Automation e.g. robotics (not an energy efficiency measure).
New burner technology, (e.g. pulse burners).
Use of landfill gas for firing.
Use of additives to modify fired properties.
New kiln designs (e.g. flat arch, water seals).
Improved dryers design (e.g. rotating cones, recirculation and airless drying).
In the early 1990s, regulations were introduced to limit the concentration of hydrogen fluoride which could be emitted during brick-making. Although technology was available in Germany, where regulations had been in place for some time, there was a burst of activity in the UK to develop and adopt a range of solutions. Many innovations therefore date from this time.
2.5 Impact of Carbon Legislation The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is charged on non-domestic energy bills for both electricity and selected fossil fuels including natural gas. Brickworks receive a rebate on this levy through a Climate Change Agreement (CCA). To retain the levy, rebate energy reduction targets need to be achieved, or carbon purchased if they are exceeded. As CCAs provide a significant financial benefit, they have been an important driver for energy efficiency. The levy rebate (assuming the maximum rebate is achieved by all sites) is worth approximately £5 million per year, although this will be lower if rebate rates are reduced in future. The Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), which was launched in April 2010, does not affect brickworks with a CCA. However it does affect many of the parent companies. In some cases, this may divert the management focus away from brick operations and towards operations newly captured by the CRC. Brickworks are also covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EUETS) with the reporting and trading obligations that go along with participation. There is a fear within the sector that the increasing costs (actual and hidden) of these schemes compared to those experienced by substitute products such as cladding and cement-based alternatives will artificially reduce the market for bricks. This would have a real impact on the appearance and durability of our built environment.
Other policy measures affecting the sector are the Renewable Obligation (RO), Feed in Tariffs (FIT) and the widely anticipated renewable heat incentive (RHI). The market for renewables within the brick sector is still immature, although landfill gas has been used in kilns for many years. This is expected to change in the future as companies look to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and to respond to the government policy initiatives on renewables.
2.6 Progress on improving energy performance The sector’s consumption and CO2 emissions between 2000 and 2008 are shown in Figure 13:
Figure 13: Brick sector CCA performance 2000 to 2008 (Source: BCC) Total Energy, MWh
Output, tonnes
SEC, kWh/tonne
CO2, tonnes
Sector interest in energy efficiency has always been high due to the energy intensive nature of the process. The Carbon Trust has completed over 30 energy efficiency surveys in the brick sector. These have focused on providing site specific advice such as:
Automated switch off motors and drives.
Installation and optimised use of variable speed drives.
Efficient generation and use of compressed air.
Insulation of ductwork.
Improving dryer temperature, humidity and flow control.
Energy performance reporting.
Between 2000 and 2006 the brick sector reduced its CO 2 emissions and also improved its specific energy consumption. This was in spite of a significant reduction in sales in 2006. In 2008, however, the impact of the recession was at its height and production fell steeply, with a corresponding drop in CO2 emissions. In that year the SEC rose for the first time, reflecting that many plants were operating sub-optimally due to low production rates.
2.7 Business drivers Brick is increasingly a commodity product. Although it is still the first choice for external walls in housing, this is less true for flats, commercial buildings and civil engineering projects. Partial render and cladding are increasingly used on domestic properties, which further reduces the size of the market. The recession has had a significant impact on the sector, causing some plants to close, others to be mothballed, and many to run at sub-optimal production. The sector has responded to market trends by developing alternative brick-related products to maintain sales. These include brick-shaped tiles that can be stuck onto panels for rapid construction techniques; high insulation value products designed to be rendered (competing with concrete blocks); and sustainable product which either incorporate waste materials or have a very low carbon footprint. These developments have been slow, partly because the construction sector as a whole in known to be risk averse.
3. Methodology The first stage of the IEEA took an in-depth look at the sector-specific manufacturing processes, aiming to understand their energy use and interaction with other systems and identify possible energy efficiencies. This section describes the pilot sites that we chose to assist the project and the monitoring that was carried out on them. It also outlines how we engaged with the sector and its supply chain to develop new opportunities to reduce CO 2 emissions, and identify the barriers to putting these opportunities into practice.
3.1 Monitoring the pilot sites To understand how a modern brickworks uses energy, and to explore how new technology can be applied to reduce it, we chose three pilot plants. Their energy consumption was monitored continuously and in detail, and we also looked at process parameters such as production and moisture content. The sites were selected in consultation with the BCC and sector representatives. In selecting the three pilot sites, we considered the type of raw material and the manufacturing method used, to make sure that the results were representative of the sector. ď Ž
Figure 14: The selected sites Process
Age of main process equipment
Current output
Significant process changes during monitoring
Site 1
Extruded. Tunnel kiln. Carbonaceous shale Moisture content: 15 per cent Fired to 1,060oC Firing time: 52 hours
30 years
Kiln at 80 per cent of design output 30 million bricks/year
Flashing on all products. Some 73mm made
Site 2
Extruded Tunnel kiln Keuper marl Moisture content: 15 per cent Fired to 1,000oC Firing time 75 hours
20 years
75 per cent of design output 100 million bricks/year
Flashing on all products. All products 65mm
Site 3
Soft mud Tunnel kiln Boulder clay Moisture content 26 per cent Fired to 1,030oC Firing time 140 hours
30 year (kiln refurbishment five years ago)
Design output: 26 million bricks/year
Flashing on all products. All products 65mm
The diagrams below indicate the main manufacturing steps at each site. ď Ž
Figure 15: Process flow diagrams for the monitored sites
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
We visited each site with the metering contractor to discuss the monitoring requirements. The final specification was determined by considering the existing metering, the need to understand the energy consumption of the processes and the metering budget. The metering was agreed during April 2010 and installed in June and July of the same year. Data was gathered from kiln records and production data systems, potential CO2 savings to be assessed.
Site 1 This factory dates back to the 1960s, and received a major technology upgrade in the 1980s. It manufactures extruded wire cut facing bricks, using coal measure shale and
fireclay, fired in two Lingl tunnel kilns with the combined capacity to produce 65 million bricks per year. The raw material passes through a clay preparation area consisting of a kibbler (a primary crusher), hammer mill, screens and mixer. The processed clay is stored in a silo, before being worked further in the mixer extruder unit. The extruder produces 21,500 bricks per hour. Textures and stains are applied to the bricks, which are then loaded onto dryer cars. The plant has six continuous tunnel dryers which, on their current output, dry the bricks to around one per cent in 18 hours. After leaving the dryer the bricks are set onto kiln cars, which transport them through the kiln. Each kiln car holds 3,960 65mm bricks, which spend two days in the kiln. After this the bricks are unloaded and sorted at the dehacker before being packaged and transported to the stockyard. The plant is currently operating just one kiln, which reduces the site output to around 34 million bricks per year. The kiln runs continuously but production operates on a four-day weekly pattern. Efforts have been made to improve the energy efficiency of the site. Variable speed drives have been fitted to the large fans, and the kiln control software has been upgraded to PLC control. In the clay preparation area heavy load motors used for crushing and mixing have had torque controllers fitted, reducing power consumption by six per cent. The energy consumption for the site between October 2009 and September 2010 is summarised below. ď Ž
Figure 16 Site 1. Annual energy consumption October 2009 to September 2010 Gas consumption kWh
Power consumption kWh
Total kWh
Production (bricks)
Production (tonnes)
SEC (kWh/tonne)
At Site 1, the metering was intended to: a) measure an accurate breakdown of the energy consumption of each part of the process; and b) measure the key heat losses from the kiln and the dryer. The following meters were installed and/or monitored to get an accurate breakdown of consumption:
We also monitored the mass flow of air carrying heat from the kiln and the dryer, and have shown the measurements taken on the diagram below. The flow monitoring equipment used in the kiln and dryer exhaust (pictured below) gave good results, but unfortunately the oxygen analyser installed did not provide sufficiently accurate results to be useful.
Flow meter probe and display unit
Site 2
Tunnel kiln exit Site 2 is an extruded wire cut facing brick plant, built in the late 1980s to produce 100 million facing bricks per year (2 million/week). The raw material is Keuper Marl, which is combined with other clays to produce a wide range of facing bricks. As it enters the plant, the raw material passes through a kibbler crusher before entering the clay storage area. The clay passes through a wet pan mill and two sets of high speed rollers before being fed to one of two Craven Fawcett Centaur 510 extruders. Textures and stains are added to the clay column before the bricks are wire cut and loaded onto dryer cars. The bricks are then dried in one of three continuous tunnel driers, before being set on kiln cars by the setting machine. They are then fired through the Walter Craven tunnel kiln in a three day cycle. After firing, the bricks are unloaded from the kiln cars via the dehacker, and sorted and packaged for sale. The plant runs a production shift five days and five nights each week, and currently the kiln is running at a reduced output of 1.3 million bricks per week. The site has main gas and electricity incoming meters and a series of gas submeters on the kiln and three dryers. A range of electrical submeters also cover the site’s main energy users. This data is gathered on a central server, with site access available. The site’s energy consumption in 2009 is shown below, a year when total production was one third of the design capacity.
Figure 17 Site 2. Annual energy consumption 2009 Gas consumption, kWh 46,175,896
Power consumption, kWh 9,786,750
Total, kWh
Production (bricks)
Production (tonnes)
SEC (kWh/tonne)
The site management team have access to detailed energy data, and have considered various energy reduction opportunities including pre-heating combustion air; modifying raw material to reduce firing temperature via various additives; biomass power generation; using waste heat in the combustion process and reducing heat loss through innovative kiln linings.
The site staff are conscious they have recently increased their specific energy consumption as the kiln throughput has been reduced to match production volume requirements. They have commented that innovations which would allow them to maintain a low specific energy consumption during reduced consumption would be of great benefit to the sector. By metering at Site 2, we hoped to measure an accurate breakdown of the energy consumption of each part of the process. The site already had significant submetering in place, which we were able to make use of, developing the following metering structure:
Site 3
Bricks entering the kiln and the kiln exhaust stack
Site 3 is a soft mud plant which produces facing bricks from the glacial boulder clay of local deposits. The plant combines 1960s brick press technology with a modern kiln design and robot brick handling. The site produces 26 million bricks per year, mainly of boulder clay but with a proportion of marl and fireclay blends. In the manufacturing process the clay raw material passes through a separator followed by high speed rolls, clay silo and mixer. Sand, PET coke and other additives are combined with clay and water to feed the Petterson DB12 brick presses. The pressed bricks are then loaded onto dryer cars and transported to one of seven chamber dryers. The bricks are dried in approximately 25 hours and then transferred to the robots which set the bricks on kiln cars. The kiln cars transport the bricks through the kiln in around five days. After firing they pass to the unloader, which unloads the kiln car and builds finished packs of bricks, ready for sale. A series of major improvements have been introduced over the past 15 years, including the commissioning of robot setting, the removal of carousel sorting in favour of direct pack unloading and the installation of modern high velocity side burners in the centre section of the kiln. The site has a main gas meter with submeters on the kiln, side burners, specials and the seven chamber dryers. Electricity is measured via the main incomer and submetering on the tunnel kiln building. The site personnel use manual submeter readings to produce a specific energy consumption figure each week, broken down into kiln and individual chamber dryers. This information has helped to reduce the drying time from 35 to 25 hours for most products. The site has also reduced its energy use by: adding varying proportions of PET coke or clay conditioners to reduce the water content;
using recovered heat in the dryer or pre heater; pre-heating burner combustion air; introducing low thermal mass dryers; coating the kiln wall. Site 3’s soft mud production method creates a shaped brick with a much higher moisture content than a comparable extruded brick process. Much more energy is therefore needed to dry the units than at other sites. The consumption in 2009 is shown below.
Figure 18 Site 3. Annual energy consumption January 2009 to December 2009 Gas consumption, kWh 26,200,801
Power consumption, kWh 2,101,648
Total, kWh
Production (bricks)
Production (tonnes)
SEC (kWh/tonne)
The site’s main gas users – kiln and chamber dryers – were fully submetered. The electricity metering was limited to the main incomer and a submeter for the kiln building. As part of the metering and monitoring plan, the existing gas meters were connected to the data capture system and new power meters were fitted so that consumption in each process area could be monitored to deliver the following system.
Summary The data provided by metering has informed an investigation into the opportunities for reducing the mass flow of air within a kiln; the results of the metering are discussed in section 4. If the exercise were to be repeated, portable equipment would be used to examine the flow of air and heat more thoroughly. It is too expensive to do this with fixed equipment.
Key finding: Monitoring If thermal processes make up the bulk of your process energy consumption, consider monitoring heat flows using portable equipment. This would allow you to build a comprehensive picture of the energy used by the process, in an affordable way.
3.2 Engagement with the sector The BCC, and its Technical Director, Dave Beardsworth, has been involved at every stage of the project. The BCC’s existing Energy and Emissions committee has formed the steering team for the project, made up of the following members: Figure 19: Accelerator Steering Committee
Dave Beardsworth
John Sandford
Paul Attack
Mathew Newton
Neil Kilner
Allan Austin
Dr David Hills
Paul Freeman
Kevin Preston
Hinton Perry & Davenhill
Georgina Salt (occasional attendee)
Ideal Standard
Mike Gould (occasional attendee)
This group has held four workshops to discuss the project and its findings:
9 March 2010: to launch the project in the sector 30 March 2010: initial brainstorm for ideas and to identify key equipment suppliers and technology companies 11 May 2010: to review the supply chain consultation and assess the initial opportunities 21 September 2010: a review of the monitoring data and final consultation on technology concepts and sector barriers.
A larger workshop was also arranged to engage the whole sector and its supply chain, at Wienerberger’s Waresley works on 6 July 2010. A list of attendees and their contact emails is included in the Appendix. Finally, a presentation at the New Ceramics Conference in Stoke-on-Trent on 14 October outlined the project to the wider ceramic community. The sector was consulted for four reasons: i.
To gain insights into the manufacturing process;
To identify and prioritise potential innovations that will deliver a step change in CO 2 emissions;
iii. To identify the barriers to innovations being adopted; iv. To promote partnering between organisations - in particular technology suppliers or researchers and brick manufacturers.
Site visits formed an important part of the consultation process. We spent a total of 15 days at the three monitored sites, collecting data and consulting management and operators on the emerging areas for savings, and potential solutions. We then arranged a programme of meetings and visits with the supply chain, involving the following companies. While each meeting was useful, not every company became an active participant in developing technology concepts. ď Ž
Figure 20: Supply chain consultation Contact
Type of business
Stage 2 participant?
Richard Bridgewater
Kiln builders & combustion systems
Darren Bryant
Efficient Air Ltd
Electricity generation from waste heat
Adrian Meacham
Kiln builders
Andy Biggs
Novel clay additives & formulations
Andrew Smith
Main R&D centre for the sector
Steve Hudd
SPS Controls
Equipment operational efficiency
Graham Bird
CDS Drying
Drying systems
Colin Townsend
Burners & combustion systems
Vinod Bhatia
Paragon Simulation
Process modelling & simulation
Glyn Dixon
Craven Fawcett
Clay preparation & forming
Andrew Frost
Ceramic Gas Products
Lightweight kiln car construction
Dave Clitheroe
Bio-Mass Engineering
Bio-mass gasification
Claudius Dittrich
Kiln & dryer builders, combustion systems and plant control systems
Dr David Manning
Newcastle University
Utilisation of syn gas in conventional combustion systems
International perspective The fact that the large equipment suppliers: Lingl, Keller (Germany) and Ceric (France) have their technical centres outside the UK should make them a good, if distant, source of innovation. As innovation is usually introduced in domestic and nearby markets to begin with, it is reasonable to assume that some developments in continental Europe may be ahead of best practice in the UK. However, we have found that as the brick sector has gradual declined across Europe, major innovation has slowed down. The 1980s was a high point, with the development CARBON TRUST INTERNAL USE ONLY
of highly automated plants, increased use of ceramic fibre, water seal kilns, pulse fired burners, new grinding technologies and larger kilns. There is a continuing trend to use robotics for handling, as well as for the use of wider, lower kilns with improved instrumentation and control systems. Even these well-known technologies will take several years to spread throughout the sector, as the average life of a plant is 30 years. These technologies are available in the UK, and in fact the most efficient plants in the UK are among the most efficient in Europe. One European innovation which is not in use in the UK is the hollow clay block, used as a masonry unit in internal walling or rendered external walls. In the UK this market is dominated completely by cementitious products. Two other practices which have been introduced in continental Europe but not in the UK are:
the heating of clay feedstock to reduce the moisture content of brick, therefore reducing the energy needed for drying; and the increased use of heat recovery from the kiln exhaust to preheat combustion air as an integral part of the kiln.
A new development being considered in Germany (although also well researched in the UK) is the development of low air movement kilns. Low air movement is associated with low heat loss, leading to a more efficient firing process. Outside the UK, particularly in warmer climates, there is the beginning of a trend towards clay building products similar to those used hundreds of years ago and which are still used commonly in developing countries. Unfired clay products are strengthened though the addition of a small amount of cementitious material or simply through the forming and drying process. In the UK, projects have been completed to reduce firing temperatures by introducing flux type materials such as very fine glass cullet to the clay, or by incorporating waste materials which mean the kiln doesn’t need to be so hot.
3.3 Business drivers and barriers The engagement processed identified the following key drivers and barriers to developing and adopting innovations. a) Cost – new innovations must have a good return on investment if they are to be implemented. In most cases the payback on investment was required to be less than four years, and some companies reported non-essential investment was limited to projects with a year’s payback or less. b) Business case – this will need to be robust. Savings must be deliverable and all financial savings and costs captured. The sector would like to see all potential benefits captured. For example, could a carbon reduction measure also help to deliver productivity improvements or reduce maintenance requirement?
Product quality – an innovation would be unlikely to be adopted if it could affect product quality. Innovations would need to have a proven track record to gain credibility with the sector.
d) Proven technology – the sector has implemented some innovations in the past which have failed. This has resulted in concerns about the potential of some of the projects to deliver over the long term. e) Maintenance – companies are keen not to increase maintenance responsibilities or costs unnecessarily; if an installation needs too much maintenance is might fall into disrepair. Staff would also need to be trained in the upkeep of new equipment, and this needs to be addressed by solution providers. f)
Scarcity of capital – In the current economic climate essential maintenance consumes the bulk of funding. Projects that enable third party funding such as an ESCO type model are likely to be adopted more quickly.
4. Key findings This section looks at the key findings from the monitoring carried out at the three sites, and explores what the data tells us about the opportunity for reducing energy within the sector. We start with some raw data trends and what they reveal, before moving on to more detailed analysis of where the energy is consumed.
4.1 Raw data trends 16,000
power, kWh
fuel, kWh
Site 1. Daily Power & Fuel Consumption 160,000
total fuel, kWh
total electricity, kWh
power, kWh
fuel, kWh
Site 2. Daily Power & Fuel Consumption 200,000
total fuel, kWh
total electricity, kWh
Site 3. Daily Power & Fuel Consumption 140,000
fuel, kWh
5,000 80,000 4,000 60,000
3,000 40,000
power, kWh
total fuel, kWh
total electricity, kWh
These graphs show the daily trend of fuel and power consumption for the three monitored sites. For sites 1 and 2 the power consumption shows a regular pattern of high consumption during the week, with a lower and more consistent base load during the weekend when only the kilns and dryers are operating. However, Site 3 was working seven days a week, and therefore shows far more consistent consumption. All three sites demonstrate significant variation in daily fuel consumption. This is surprising, as the fuel is used primarily in the kilns and dryers which tend to be operated fairly consistently from day to day.
Site 1. Daily Power Consumption 6,000
sub process power, kWh
5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0
Site 2. Daily Power Consumption 5,000 4,500
sub process power, kWh
4,000 3,500 3,000
2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0
Site 3. Daily Power Consumption 1,800 1,600 sub process power, kWh
1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0
These graphs show the daily power consumption for the main processes on the three sites. They make clear the relatively constant demand of the kiln and dryer. Clay preparation and making are the other significant power consumers. The range of power consumption indicates variation in product type, raw material hardness, moisture content, equipment downtime etc. Measuring weekend or overnight base load is a good energy management technique as it makes it obvious when equipment that is running which could be switched off. This is usually relatively easy for a skilled process operator or engineer to spot and correct. It’s more difficult to make the manufacturing process consistent, as there are so many variables affecting energy consumption. This can be so complex that it’s not practical for sites to try to reduce process variation beyond critical measures such as kiln temperature variation and product quality.
Site 3 Total Power (30 minute readings) 300
power, kWh
The power consumption at Site 3 is particularly interesting. As it operates seven days a week its power consumption doesn’t dip at weekends. Consumption is, however, reduced at night, when the production shift finishes. Although it cannot be proven through monitoring, a project that reduced the process and control variability should reduce energy consumption, as a change of state is always associated with a higher level of energy waste. So a more consistent process and control response may deliver significant energy savings.
Site 1. Kiln Fuel Consumption & Heat Transfer to Dryer 140,000 120,000
fuel, kWh
100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000
kiln fuel
heat transfer to dryer
This graph shows the fuel consumption of the kiln, along with the heat flows from the kilns - the heat that is lost through the stack and the heat that is recovered during cooling to be sent to the dryers. It is clear that a large proportion of the heat is lost through the stack, but also that a lot is recovered from the kiln and sent to the dryers (whether this heat is used efficiently is dealt with later in the report). With such a large amounts of heat tied up in air flow movement, it is perhaps surprising that these airflows are not monitored as part of the kiln control system. The measurement of this and its use in managing kiln operation is discussed later in section 4.
4.2 Where is energy used in brick-making? In this section we analyse the raw data to determine where energy is consumed in a brickworks and where the most carbon intensive processes are. Our first table shows a breakdown of where energy is used. The consumption of the kiln and the dryer have been reported together to make it easier to compare the sites. Clay preparation and forming, along with drying and firing dominate the electricity consumption; however a significant amount of electricity is also used in ancillary processes such as compressors, lighting, small power and offices. Compressor control, leak surveys and energy efficient lighting are all well-known and worthwhile initiatives to reduce ancillary consumption. The table also shows that little fuel is used outside the kiln and drying processes. ď Ž
Figure 21: Energy consumption summary of the three sites May to July 2010
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 TK Extrusion TK Extrusion TK Soft Mud Power Making & Forming Setting Drying & Firing Dehacking Other - compressors, lighting etc Fuel Drying & Firing Other
25.9% 7.4% 41.2% 1.3% 24.2%
26.1% 1.4% 40.6% 2.8% 29.2%
22.7% 6.8% 32.0% 0.3% 38.3%
100.0% 0%
100.0% 0%
96.7% 3%
We have used these figures to calculate the relative CO 2 emissions from the main brickmaking processes. These amounts and percentages are shown in the table and pie chart below. ď Ž
Figure 22: Breakdown of CO2 emissions by process
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
TK Extrusion TK Extrusion TK Soft Mud Making & Forming Setting Drying & Firing Dehacking Other - compressors, lighting etc. TOTAL
5.4% 1.5% 87.7% 0.3% 5.1% 100.0%
4.0% 0.2% 90.9% 0.4% 4.5% 100.0%
3.6% 1.1% 86.3% 0.0% 8.9% 100.0%
Weighted Average 4.6% 1.0% 87.5% 0.3% 6.6% 100.0%
Overall CO2 emissions in 2007, tonnes 41,379 8,640 781,912 2,407 58,830 893,169
ď Ž
Figure 23: Sector CO2 emissions by process
Other compressors, lighting, etc, 6.6% Dehacking, 0.3%
Making and Forming, 4.6% Setting, 1.0%
Drying & Firing, 87.5%
The kiln and dryer process is responsible for over 85 per cent of the carbon emissions in all cases. It is therefore the largest potential source of low carbon solutions. The next largest single process in terms of CO2 emissions is making and forming which represents five per cent of the total. The huge difference between these two figures confirms that drying and firing is likely to be the most profitable area to focus on.
4.3 Process heat balances Firing and drying are by far the most energy intensive processes in brick-making. As the dryer uses waste heat from the kiln, it is the kiln that is responsible for most of the sector’s CO2 emissions. We have carried out heat balances on each of the three kilns to determine how the heat is used within them. As the dryers receive a large percentage of the heat supplied to the kiln, the table also shows the thermal input to the dryers at each site. Our survey team took measurements over a six hour period, providing a snapshot of the process. The results are given in the table below: ď Ž
Figure 24: Process heat balance Kiln 1
Kiln 2
Kiln 3
Kiln & Dryer Heat Balance
Fuel supplied to kiln, (net heat) Fuel supplied to kiln & dryer, (net heat)
kW 5,484 5,484
kWh/tonne 719 719
kW 7,715 8,135
279 10 0 454 36 5
Exhaust Undercar & roof cooling Heat recovery to pre heater/combustion air Heat recovery to dryer Structural heat Loss Bricks leaving kiln
2,129 80 0 3,461 278 39
36% 1% 0% 58% 5% 1%
Heat accounted for
1,492 524 180 4,616 386 56 7,254 461
Net heat used for firing
Gas supplied to dryer, (net) Total heat supplied to dryer Sensible heat in dryer exhaust
0 3,461 1,273
63% 37%
454 167
Energy required to heat bricks Energy to dry bricks Overall thermal effeciency
1,770 1,048
88% 30%
Difference from heat supplied
Production, kg/hr
21% 7% 2% 64% 5% 1%
kWh/tonne 462 487
kW 1,901 4,051
89 31 11 277 23 3
kWh/tonne 312 665
59% 9% 0% 22% 8% 2% 100% -4%
420 5,036
2,150 2,587
3,654 2,294
118% 46%
1,374 1,347
94% 52%
51% 7,623
173 0 437 150 44 1,970
73% 16,692
151 28 40 72 25 7 -11
67% 6,092
We have also used the data to produce the Sankey diagrams for the process below.
ď Ž
Figure 25: Sankey drying and firing
heat recovery 48%
kiln 83%
TOTAL FUEL dryer 15% other 2%
dryer 48%
exhaust 38%
under car & roof cooling 6%
structural loss es 6% preheater/combustion air 1% bricks 1%
These results indicate that there are a number of opportunities to reduce energy consumption through innovation: i.
the heat balances have accounted for over 90 per cent of the heat supplied to the kiln and are therefore likely to be accurate (being dependant on flow measurements, heat balances tend to have an accuracy of around + or – 15%);
the largest heat losses from the kiln are the exhaust and the heat recovery system supplying hot air to the dryers;
iii. the amount of heat recovered for the kiln and sent to the dryer varies between 454 kWh/tonne and 72 kWh/tonne. This represents differences in the way each kiln and dryer are operated; iv. the large amount of heat that is supplied to the dryer shows that when considering energy efficiency it should be given equal attention to the kiln; v.
the least efficient kiln and dryer use a process which extracts the highest percentage of heat from the kiln. In this case it also extracts more heat from the cooling heat recovery system than is available from the sensible heat within the bricks. This could mean the heat recovery system is pulling heat from the firing zones, reducing the site’s efficiency;
vi. although all three sites operate different heat recovery regimes and have different efficiencies, the net proportion of heat used for drying and firing is the same at each of them, at 34 per cent for firing and 66 per cent for drying. This suggests that there is an efficiency link between the two processes that may be down to the air flow regime. If this is the case, an efficient process will have low air flow in both kiln and dryer whereas an inefficient process will have high airflows in both. The ratio is therefore maintained. Key finding: balancing airflow in kilns and dryers The proportion of heat used for firing and drying appears to be constant and independent of the technology employed. This suggests that it is a function of operation and control. We conclude that it is caused by sites adopting a common airflow strategy for both processes i.e. high or low air, with low airflow being associated with higher efficiency.
4.4 A more detailed look at the kiln and dryer This section looks at the data collected on the drying and firing process. Figure 26: Site 1 kiln fuel consumption vs. throughput
Site 1: Kiln Gas vs Throughput 20/06/10 to 29/07/10 160,000
Kiln Gas (kWh)
120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000
0 160,000
Kiln Out, kg
The first graph shows the trend of increasing gas consumption with increasing production. Energy consumption varies widely, particularly at the most common daily production of 200 tonnes. The trend line crosses the y axis at around 110,000 kWh and as the slope of the graph is low this means that higher production rates are the most efficient, as this “energy overhead� is absorbed by a higher production. A production rate of 180 tonnes/day, for example, would deliver an average kiln specific energy consumption (SEC) of 667 kWh/tonne. By contrast, a production rate of 220 tonnes/day would deliver an SEC of 590 kWh/tonne, a difference in performance of 13 per cent for a change in production rate of 22 per cent. Production rate is therefore a major driver in improving kiln performance. However, because production rate is normally set by market demand, the scope to change it may be limited. The graph is strikingly flat. The difference between the fuel consumption at 180,000kg and 210,000kg is approximately 5,000 kWh, which is roughly equivalent to the 6,000 kWh in sensible heat required to heat the extra 30,000kg of bricks to 1000oC. This demonstrates that the losses in the kiln are remaining constant, not as a percentage but in absolute terms. As the majority of heat losses occur through the stack and in the transfer of heat from the cooling zone to the dryers, it follows that these are remaining constant and the mass flows are not being controlled in an optimum way. If the flows were better controlled, the slope of the graph would increase and SEC would be increased at a slower rate at sub-optimal production rates.
Key Finding: Keep kilns operating at high throughputs Under normal operation, a 10 per cent change in throughput of the kiln and dryer will change the specific energy performance by 6 per cent. Therefore, preventing periods of avoidable slow kiln throughput is an important factor in maintaining the good energy performance of a kiln. Key Finding: Measure heat flows in the stack and to the dryers The SEC of a kiln is primarily determined by the heat loss from the stack and the heat recovered for drying purposes. It therefore makes sense to measure these inputs in the same way as gas and electricity, so that process control decisions can be made and their overall heat consequences assessed. Figure 27: Site 1. Kiln power consumption vs. throughput
ď Ž
Site 1: Kiln Electricity vs Throughput 20/06/10 to 29/07/10 4,000
Kiln Electricity (kWh)
3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500
0 160,000
Kiln Out, kg
Figure 27 shows the impact of throughput on kiln electricity consumption. Changing production seems to cause very little changes to the kiln’s electricity consumption. This is surprising, as the previous graph has shown that higher throughputs mean higher gas consumption. As higher gas consumption means more mass flow within the kiln, this should lead to faster fan speeds and higher power consumption. Even more surprising is the finding shown in figure 28 that the power consumption of the exhaust fan on its own goes down as the throughput increases. At higher fuel consumption there is normally more air to exhaust, which should lead to higher exhaust fan consumption.
Figure 3: Site 1. Kiln exhaust power consumption vs. throughput
ď Ž
Site 1: Kiln Exhaust Fan vs Throughput 20/06/10 to 29/07/10 2,000
Kiln Exhaust Electricity (kWh)
1,800 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300
1,200 1,100 1,000 160,000
Kiln Out, kg
It is clear that something unexpected is happening, which is worthy of further investigation. The increase in fuel consumption is affecting the control system for the exhaust fans and causing the speed of the fan to reduce. The fans are controlled by a variable speed drive that enables the motor speed to be precisely changed, and as it is lowered there is a reduction in energy consumption. The exhaust fan of a tunnel kiln is controlled to maintain a constant pressure close to the kiln entrance. Normally an increase in fuel consumption will increase kiln pressure (as more hot air is being forced into the kiln) and therefore a higher fan speed would be required. However a higher kiln pressure has many advantages from an energy efficiency point of view. Less cold air is drawn into the kiln, so less fuel is needed to maintain the set point temperatures, and the natural draft from the kiln is increased due to the higher temperature, increasing the stack effect and the higher pressure before the fan. One possibility is that a higher kiln pressure mitigates the increase in hot air mass within the kiln by reducing the harmful “in-leakage� of cold air by an amount that is greater than the increase in supply through the burners. Therefore the fan consumes less power, and the kiln is more thermally efficient. In addition, the higher temperature and increase in pressure before the fan increases the buoyancy of the hot air in the kiln, and decreases power consumption. These processes explain the marked decrease in specific fuel consumption and in power consumption with increasing throughputs. They suggest that better air flow control within the kilns could improve energy efficiency as less heat will be lost and less electricity consumed, through the exhaust fan. We can estimate the impact of managing a kiln to have lower air flow by quantifying the improvement shown at the monitored site. The average flow rate in the exhaust is 52,000 kg/hr which at 140oC represents a heat loss of 1,800 kW.
At a production rate of 220 tonnes a day the exhaust power consumption is 1,550 kWh. At a production rate of 180 tonnes a day the exhaust power consumption is 1,625 kWh. We estimate that this reduction in power consumption corresponds to a mass flow decrease of two per cent, representing an energy saving at this site alone of: Electricity: Gas
27,000 kWh/year 300,000 kWh/year
14,300 kg CO2/year 57,000 kg CO2/year
However, savings resulting from controlling the air mass flow rates are likely to be higher than this. The current exhaust flow at this site is approximately five times the mass flow of product flowing down the kiln. We believe that it may be possible to reduce this ratio to three (the ratios of the other two kilns in the study). If this was achieved the exhaust gas mass flow would decrease by 40 per cent, and the temperature of the exhaust would increase, making it more useful for heat recovery. We have assumed an increase to 180oC, reducing thermal loss through the stack by 1,430 kW. Electricity consumption would also decrease as the volume of hot air being exhausted is reduced, giving an electricity saving of at least 20 per cent. This equates to: Electricity: Gas
118,000 kWh/year 62,500 kg CO2/year 3,000,000 kWh/year 570,000 kg CO2/year
Although estimated in a hypothetical situation, these potential savings illustrate the high energy and carbon savings that are available by operating a kiln with a low air mass flow. The challenge is to run the kiln at a lower air flow while maintaining the heat transfer characteristics of the kiln and the physical properties of the final product. Key finding: Lower air flow in kilns means lower power and fuel consumption. By managing the air flows into and out of a tunnel kiln, it may be possible to significantly reduce the mass of air that leaves the kiln. This retains more heat within the kiln and will reduce energy consumption. The challenge will be to achieve this while retaining the heat transfer characteristics of the kiln and the physical properties of the fired products.
4.5 The dryer The drying process removes the moisture needed for forming, so that the product is strong enough to be handled and won’t crack during firing. Bricks are usually dried down to below one per cent moisture content from an initial level of 15 per cent (dry basis) for extruded products and 25-30 per cent (dry basis) for soft mud products. Most of the thermal requirement comes from the evaporation of the water. Dryers operate at much lower temperatures than kilns (typically 130 oC maximum as compared to 1,000oC). Much of this heat is recovered from the kiln. The amount and source of the heat used in the dryers for the three sites is shown below.
Figure 29: Energy balance for the dryers at each site Moisture content of green brick, dry basis Site 1 TK Extruded
15% (dried 1%)
Site 2 TK Extruded
15% (dried 0%)
Site 3 TK Softmud
26% (dried 2%)
Drier throughput, kg/hr
Thermal energy Required to heat and dry bricks, kW
Hot air Supplied from Kiln, kW
Gas consumed, kW
Total heat supplied, kW
Net fuel SEC, kWh/ tonne
1,048 30% of supplied heat
2,294 46% of supplied heat
1,347 52% of supplied heat
This shows that the drying process uses between two and three times the amount of heat required to heat the brick to 120oC and evaporate all the water within it. The least efficient site (Site 1) supplies all the heat for the drying process from the kiln. This is surprising, as it seems logical to assume that the kiln that recovers all the heat needed for drying would be the most efficient. However it is possible to over-extract heat from the kiln, so that heat is transferred from the burner zones as well as from the residual heat in the bricks that are being cooled. This is inefficient - kilns aren’t designed to transfer combustion heat from the firing zone into the cooling zone - and the result is higher structural heat loss and higher consumption in the kiln. If the kiln’s cooling process were controlled better, the plant would be more efficient. Key finding: Better control of cooling in kilns Over-extraction from the kiln cooling zone leads hot gases being transferred from the burner zone to the cooling zone, with increased energy loss. The table also shows that it takes a huge amount of energy to evaporate the water. It’s therefore obvious that bricks with a lower moisture content would have a lower specific energy consumption. Clay extracted from a quarry has a moisture content of between 8 and 15 per cent, and in general very little moisture is added to bricks that are made by the stiff extrusion method. However, a lot of water is added to soft mud bricks to make them the right consistency for forming (usually between 20 per cent and 30 per cent moisture content). This is why the soft mud plant uses more energy for drying. For each kg of water added, approximately 2600 kJ of additional heat is needed to evaporate it. If a dryer is approximately 60 per cent efficient, the thermal requirement is 4,300 kJ. This is the potential saving if the moisture content of a soft mud product was reduced. The problem with reducing the moisture content of a clay mix is that is becomes stiffer and may not form correctly. However, if the temperature is simultaneously increased, the consistency can remain the same as moisture content is reduced.
Assuming soft mud bricks need a 10 per cent water addition, this amounts to 100kg per tonne. If the water were added at 100oC (i.e. containing 10kWh of sensible heat) to a 15oC clay mix, the temperature of the resulting mixture would be raised by 40oC. This would be hot enough to reduce the moisture for forming (although the actual reduction is not known and will be product and process dependant). But it would also mean that less energy would be needed for drying, as the product would be hotter and the moisture content lower. Of course adding hot water would only work as an energy saving measure if the water were heated using waste heat. There are two sources of waste heat in a brick works: the kiln’s exhaust, which at 140oC is a potential source of hot water, and the dryer exhaust. This is cooler, but has a higher moisture content and if condensed could provide a supply of warm water to be added to a soft mud clay mix. Key finding: Lower moisture content forming Forming products at lower moisture content will reduce the energy needed for drying. By simultaneously increasing the temperature of the clay mix it may be possible to maintain constant forming consistency and also start the drying process immediately after forming. To result in a net energy saving, the heat would need to come from waste heat recovery such as the kiln or dryer.
4.6 Electricity consumption in clay preparation and forming Clay is prepared using crushing and grinding technologies along with storage and conveyors, while forming uses mixing and extrusion equipment. Dust extraction systems may also serve these areas. Figure 14 shows the pattern of electricity consumption for this part of the process at Site 2, where consumption is high during the week and lower at weekends. In figure 15 we have re-plotted the time series data in order of the electricity consumed every 15 minutes. The zero (or near zero) consumption when the plant is closed shows that a good switch-off procedure is in place - the rapid drop in consumption from 60 to zero shows that the plant is switched off quickly. For the remaining 50 per cent of the time, the energy consumption varies fairly evenly between 60 and 90 kW. The smoothness of the transition suggests that the variation is due to a combination of the variable loading on plant as throughputs change, and the motor idling. Consumption increases sharply at the end because an extra crusher is occasionally used for one material. Electricity may be able to be saved by changing the way the process equipment is used, making the consumption profile more like that shown in the blue dotted line. Our time on site suggested that it should be possible to increase the loading and use of the equipment. The electricity saving would then correspond to the shaded region, amounting to a saving of approximately 10 per cent. This would equate to savings of 8,000 kWh/year, equivalent to a CO2 saving of 55 tonnes per year. Across the sector this amounts to a CO2 saving of 1,600 tonnes.
Figure 4: Site 2. Power consumption in clay prep and forming
Figure 31: Site 2. Power consumption in clay prep and forming
Key finding: Advanced sequencing of clay preparation and forming equipment Improving overall equipment efficiency (OEE) through improved sequencing control or production scheduling could reduce power consumption and CO 2 emissions. The pattern of consumption at Site 2 suggests that on modern plants equipment is already well controlled, and savings could be difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, advances in OEE methods could potentially save 10 per cent of power consumption without investment in new technology. This would save the sector 1,600 tonnes of CO2.
The impact consumption
The greater the mass of an object, the more energy will be needed to heat it. This suggests that the lower the mass of a brick, the lower the energy requirement. In general bricks weigh between 2.0 kg and 2.5kg depending on their size, composition and porosity. The mass of an extruded brick depends on the size of the perforations than run through it, as shown. Soft mud bricks, which cannot have perforations, have voids made by frogs.
In the UK, companies have recognised that larger perforations can improve energy consumption (as long as other physical properties stay the same). The old British Standard of BS3921 restricted the maximum perforation area to 25 per cent but this has been superseded by BS EN 771-1 which allows a larger perforation area in some circumstances. Many sites have increased perforation size. Sites 1 and 2 have both increased the perforations on their products to 30 per cent of the area. The mass of clay bricks can also be reduced by incorporating lighter materials into the clay mix. These could be lightweight inert materials that survive the firing process, or components that decompose to leave voids. If these additives have a calorific value they can also reduce the fuel needed for the kiln by providing some of the heat themselves. Both of these approaches have an important role to play in the evolution of clay bricks towards becoming a low carbon product.
The impact of consumption
The peak temperature at which a brick is fired affects the energy requirement. If the firing process were abandoned altogether, leaving only a drying process, all the energy used for firing would be saved. There is a very small but emerging demand for unfired bricks: an example of a product available for inner leaf and partition wall construction is shown below. Used as a building material in Mesopotamia as far back as 8,000 BC, such products are still used in hot, dry countries. Their use in the wet climate of the UK, however, is likely to be limited, particularly in the case of external walling where clay bricks are generally used. The main barrier to their adoption is the reluctance of the market to use a product that moisture will damage and which requires new construction techniques. It is possible to add materials such as lime or cement to clay mixes to reduce their vulnerability to water, but the CO2 saved by removing a firing process is replaced by the CO2 emitted during the manufacture of lime or cement. One option would be to use a low carbon alternative to cement such flue ash or blast furnace slag. ď Ž
Figure 325: Dry clay block and lightweight clay block
In continental Europe, external walls are often made of lightweight clay blocks, although the walls are generally rendered as well. These products are often fired at a lower temperature and generally have a lower energy requirement per m 2 of walling. They are already available in the UK but their adoption depends on an increase in demand for rendered external walling and for clay internal blocks (a market currently dominated by cementitious blocks). Fuel consumption in the kiln can be reduced without changing the final properties of the brick through the use of additives. Most of the work in this area has looked at adding glass cullet, but other fluxes have also been tested such as flue gas scrubber waste and other waste materials. Glass cullet can reduce the firing temperature if it is ground fine enough and added in sufficient quantities; but the economics mean it’s not a sustainable technique. New waste materials or waste material processing methods may become available, enabling brick manufacturers to work with material specialists and building contractors to develop an even lower carbon masonry solution based on a clay brick.
Key finding: Development of low carbon products An alternative to making equipment more energy efficient is to manufacture products that are less energy or carbon intensive. There are two basic approaches to this strategy: 1. Modify an existing product so that it needs less heat by, for example, increasing perforation size, adding materials that reduce firing temperatures or incorporating biomass within the product that reduces the net carbon emission. 2. Develop a new product that may require a new manufacturing route such as unfired bricks or lightweight blocks.
4.9 Alternative energy sources We have seen from the heat balances and the theoretical minimum energy calculations that even the most energy efficient plant will use a lot of heat to dry and fire bricks. Although low carbon products could reduce this requirement they are currently niche products and are likely to remain so for many years. As a result, CO2 emissions from the sector can only be significantly reduced though the use of low carbon fuels. Brick manufacture is an ancient craft, and for hundreds of years bricks were fired using biomass. When coal extraction became a major industry, coal became the dominant fuel, and it is only in the past 40 years that gas has taken over due to its convenience. There are therefore no technical reasons why clay bricks cannot be fired using biomass. Indeed biomass could be added to a clay mix to reduce the fossil fuel requirement with very little change to the process. Hoffman kilns, a type of continuous chamber kiln, are traditionally fired on coal but they are now very rare and are unlikely to be built in the future due to their high cost of construction and labour intensive handling requirements. The sector uses both mines gas and landfill gas. It is therefore used to altering combustion systems to accommodate gases of lower and variable calorific value. Integrating a biomass gasification system would be an innovative step for the sector, enabling it to use current kiln technology while saving large amounts of CO2. We consider that there is no good case for switching to electric kilns to fire bricks as using biomass directly in a kiln is a more efficient use of resources and energy than using it to generate power which is then converted to heat. Key finding: The firing of tunnel kilns with biomass If the brick sector is to halve its CO2 emissions, the use of zero carbon heat derived from biomass should be considered. Improvement of process efficiencies will only take the sector so far (perhaps a further 20 per cent). Low carbon products are capable of delivering the savings required, but these products are likely to remain niche for the foreseeable future. This means that low or zero carbon fuel supplies must be adopted by the sector as a key part of its low carbon strategy.
4.10 Summary of key findings 1. Improving electricity consumption Power consumption is responsible for 166,000 tonnes of CO2 - 19 per cent of the sector’s emissions. We estimate that this could be reduced by 9.5 per cent, or 15,800 tonnes/year, by widely deploying best practice in energy efficiency. The main barrier to this is the dispersed nature of the consumption, which makes it difficult to achieve large CO2 reductions through the use of a single technology. The development of enabling technologies that support the adoption of best practice may help the sector achieve this saving. 2. Improving fuel consumption Fuel consumption represents 82 per cent of the CO2 emitted in the brick sector. We estimate that up to 100,000 tonnes/year could be saved by eliminating sources of heat loss to improve kiln performance. Beyond this, low carbon solutions involving low carbon products and fuel sources will need to be deployed. 3. Balancing airflow in kilns and dryers The proportion of heat used for firing and drying appears to be constant, regardless of the technology used. This suggests that a common airflow strategy (high or low air) is adopted for both processes, with low airflow being associated with higher efficiency. 4. Keep kilns operating at high throughputs Under normal operation, a 10 per cent change in throughput of the kiln and dryer will change the specific energy performance by at least six per cent. So preventing periods of avoidable slow kiln throughput is an important factor in maintaining the good energy performance of a kiln. 5. Measure heat flows in the stack and to the dryers The SEC of a kiln is primarily determined by the heat loss from the stack and the heat recovered for drying purposes. So it makes sense to measure these inputs in the same way that gas and electricity are measured to enable process control decisions to be made and their overall heat consequences assessed. 6. Lower air flow in kilns means lower power and fuel consumption By managing the air flows into and out of a tunnel kiln it may be possible to significantly reduce the mass of air that leaves the kiln. This retains more heat within the kiln and will reduce energy consumption. The challenge is to achieve this without losing the heat transfer characteristics of the kiln and the physical properties of the fired products. 7. Improved control of cooling in kilns Over-extraction from the kiln cooling zone leads to the transfer of hot gases from the burner zone to the cooling zone, with increased energy loss.
8. Lower moisture content forming Forming products at lower moisture content will reduce the energy required for drying. By simultaneously increasing the temperature of the clay mix (using recovered heat) it may be possible to maintain constant forming consistency and also start the drying process immediately after forming. 9. Advanced sequencing of clay preparation and forming equipment Improving overall equipment efficiency (OEE) through improved sequencing control or production scheduling could reduce power consumption. The pattern of consumption at monitored sites suggests that on modern plants the control of the equipment is already good and savings could be difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, advances in OEE methods could potentially save 10 per cent of power consumption without investment in new technology. Thus would cut emissions across the sector by 1,600 tonnes of CO2/year. 10. Development of low carbon products An alternative to making equipment more energy efficient is to manufacture products that are less energy or carbon intensive. There are two basic approaches to this strategy: i. Modify an existing product to require less heat for its manufacture by, for example. increasing perforation size, adding materials that reduce firing temperatures or incorporating bio-mass within the product. ii.
Develop a new product with a new manufacturing route such as unfired bricks or lightweight blocks.
11. The firing of tunnel kilns with biomass If the brick sector is to approach CO2 reductions of over 50 per cent, it should consider the use of zero carbon heat derived from biomass. Improving process efficiencies will only take the sector so far - perhaps a further 20 per cent. Low carbon products are capable of delivering additional savings, but these products are likely to remain a niche option for the foreseeable future. This means that low or zero carbon fuel supplies must be adopted by the sector as a key part of its low carbon strategy.
5. Opportunities 5.1 Introduction Low carbon and energy efficiency opportunities that can be applied to the clay brick sector (and by extension elsewhere within the ceramic sector) have been identified from a number of sources: firstly, through the monitoring that has been carried out as described in section 4; secondly, by reference to our existing knowledge from a wide range of Carbon Trust surveys; and thirdly via consultation with the industry and its supply chain. In total we have identified over 30 distinct opportunities, which fall into two main categories: ď Ž
ď Ž
Opportunities that can be implemented now without any further support. These will include technologies and actions considered best practice, as well as some newer technologies with no adoption barriers such as LED lighting or new generation motors and drives. We describe these as best practice opportunities and they represent a valuable list of actions that organisations can adopt to reduce their energy costs. Opportunities where barriers exist for their adoption for which additional intervention is required to enable or accelerate deployment. We describe these as innovations. Within this category is a subset of opportunities which, although they require support for deployment in the sector, are covered by other Carbon Trust programmes, in particular CHP.
The two sets of opportunities are set out in the sections below, along with an estimate of their costs to implement, their payback and the CO2 reduction potential for the sector. In the case of the innovations we have also included a short analysis of the barriers preventing their deployment.
5.2 Best practice opportunities The projects detailed below represent opportunities for brick manufacturers to reduce energy consumption. These are already readily available and have been implemented and proven within the sector, or widely used in similar sectors. Most brickworks have already made use of many of the opportunities listed here, reflecting the sector’s relatively mature energy efficiency status. That is not to say all sites would not benefit from a review of their performance and a rigorous application of best practice. But it reveals that if the sector is to achieve the levels of reduction it needs to over the next 5-20 years (i.e. CO2 reduction of 20-50 per cent) it will need new low carbon technologies, products and energy supplies.
Figure 33: Best practice opportunities Opportunity
Costs to implement (£ per plant)
Payback (years)
% of sites where applicable
Total CO2saving by sector
Automated and phased switch off of plant when production ceases
Whole plant
Use of VSDs on air movement fans to control speed
Kiln and dryers
Automatic compressor sequencer control
Heat recovery from compressors for washroom water or combustion air
Maintaining kiln car seals in optimum condition through more frequent maintenance
£50,000/ye ar
Maintaining hot air ductwork insulation levels to a minimum of two inches for temperatures below 200C and four inches at higher temperatures
Kiln and dryer
Ensure burner dilution air is maintained to a minimum on dryer top up burners
Carry out daily check on kiln burners to ensure complete combustion at point of entry
Measure kiln O2 profile and use to adjust the burner air, kiln draft and rapid cooling air to return to optimum setting
Check that the exhaust fan speed reduces with kiln thermal input i.e. at the end of a push period. If it doesn’t it means fresh cold air is being pulled into the kiln, wasting heat
Increase exit controvec fan speeds to decrease brick exit temperatures
Costs to implement (£ per plant)
Payback (years)
% of sites where applicable
Total CO2saving by sector
Minimise the standing time between dryer and kiln to avoid the reabsorption of moisture
Upgrade of kiln combustion system and control
>£1 million
>5 years
Upgrade of kiln structural insulation and integrity
10 years
Use of high velocity recirculation (e.g. cones) in the dryer
2-5 years
Replacing high bays with efficient high pressure sodium and T5 fluorescent for medium heights
Whole plant
5 year
Optimise throughput of prep plant and forming by minimising downtime and optimising feed rates
Prep plant
2-5 years
Use of high emissivity coating in kiln to increase heat transfer. (Still an emerging technology)
2-5 years
Total with a payback of less than five years3
Our analysis in the table estimates that the total remaining opportunity for CO2 reduction by best practice is relatively low, at 45,000 tonnes CO2/year or five per cent of current emissions. This is a low figure, although it excludes asset management and design measures such as building a new factory or a new kiln as these are capital investments driven by factors other than energy efficiency. It suggests a limited remaining potential for best practice unless new technologies are developed for existing factories. This modest saving is supported by an analysis of the savings in SEC that have been achieved in the CCA milestones between 2002 and 2006. This has shown an 3
Although the CO2 saving potential in the sector is estimated some of the opportunities tackle the same CO2 source and are not additive; some also have a payback well in excess of five years and have very little chance of being implemented except in a new factory situation.
energy efficiency improvement trajectory falling from over three per cent per year to about one per cent per year. If this trajectory continues, it will take over 23 years to reduce like on like carbon emissions by 20 per cent. Figure 6: Energy efficiency improvement 2000 to 2006
energy effciency saving over previous year
3% 3% 2% 2%
1% 1% 0%
5.3 Opportunities for innovation Table 5 lists the identified energy efficiency and low carbon opportunities that require further development or demonstration to overcome the barriers to their adoption. We have indicated their potential in the table, using four key attributes to assess the technologies: the scope for CO2 saving in the sector; the enthusiasm for the idea from the sector; the nature of the barriers to its development and adoption in; the cost and/or difficult of developing the technology within a two-year timeframe.
The savings and costs are estimates based on our own and the BCC’s knowledge of the sector rather than on submitted costs by technology providers. However they are considered to be reasonable. In some cases due to difficulty in estimating, the costs have been omitted. More detailed costs are included in the business cases (section 6). We have divided the ideas into five technology areas agreed at the industry consultation event held on 6 July 2010:
Clay preparation and forming
Drying and firing (which includes heat recovery)
Low carbon products
ď Ž
Alternative fuels and energy
ď Ž
Software tools for process and equipment efficiency
Please note that many of the innovations in the table tackle the same carbon source. Therefore the opportunities cannot simply be added together to give an estimate of the total savings potential of the sector. We have allowed for this overlap and estimate that if all the innovations were developed and adopted the sector could save 350,000 tonnes/year.
Cost to implement (per plant) £
Payback (years)
% of sector where applicable
Total CO2 saving by sector
Barriers to implementation
Strategy to address barriers
Accelerator potential
Clay preparation and forming 1
Elevated temperature forming Brick forming at elevated temperatures using waste heat to reduce the power required for forming and the heat for drying.
20 (as most applicable to soft-mud production)
Already carried out elsewhere within Europe to reduce electricity consumption and fuel for drying. Main barriers are the recovery of sufficiently high quality heat to raise the temperature of the clay mix and keeping its moisture content and temperature consistent.
As one of the major barriers to this project is the heat recovery technology required. Combining this with a heat recovery project may be the best way forward. Process integration issues and consistency can be readily dealt with by an expert supplier.
Rock wheel generators Electricity generation through the kinetic energy of falling material, i.e. using material falling from elevated conveyors to turn a small generator.
Not known
The main barrier here is the small saving that would be generated and the requirement for the technology to be portable.
None recommended.
Drying and firing 3
Dryer exhaust heat recovery Heat recovery of waste heat in the dryer exhaust.
The low temperature of the exhaust, less than 100oC, making recovery of the sensible and latent heat difficult. The heat would be in the form of hot water or air at 30oC to 40oC and of limited use except for project 1.
Although over 20% of the energy used in a brickwork is contained in the dryer exhaust it is in general at too low a temperature to be recovered usefully.
Low (medium if combined with opportunity 1)
Kiln exhaust heat recovery Heat recovery of waste heat from the kiln exhaust.
The acidic nature of the exhaust gases means durable materials are required. There is a reluctance within the sector to emit exhaust gases below 120oC which will limit the amount of heat recovered.
Improved material selection such as stainless steel, plastic or coated steels and a business case that takes into account a minimum exhaust temperature.
Cost to implement (per plant) £
Payback (years)
% of sector where applicable
Total CO2 saving by sector
Barriers to implementation
Strategy to address barriers
Microwave firing Using microwaves in place of combustion systems to volumetrically heat products rather than rely on conduction from the surface.
>£1 million
not known
Unsuccessful attempts at technology transfer by EA Technology and CERAM in 1995. Application mainly for intermittent kilns and therefore low adoption potential.
None considered at this stage.
Preheat combustion air using exhaust gases Over 20% of the kilns heat is lost through the stack, preheating combustion air is a viable method of recovering that heat.
Heat recovery is the biggest challenge.
Combine with a heat recovery project.
Kiln car redesign Redesign kiln car utilising high U value materials and kiln seal system to reduce heat loss through the structure and seal.
not known
A huge amount of heat is lost through the kiln car and their seals, possibly as much as 5%. The main barrier is the amount of up-front design and engineering work required and the high expense of conducting proving trails in an existing kiln.
The incorporation of lightweight materials will reduce conductive heat loss and a redesign of the seal for existing kilns could reduce loss by leakage. A water seal kiln exists and has been adopted by some sites but is very expensive.
Reduced air flow operation of kilns Reducing the air flow in the kin and dryer will reduce power consumption and also heat loss through the stack.
£100,000 to 500,000
Applying the technology to existing kilns may be difficult in some cases but the main barrier is changing established practices and long held views on kiln operation. A new robust measurement and control system is also required.
Developing a new kiln design with kiln manufacturer and a retrofit option for existing kiln. Demonstrating the retrofit to prove savings and a dissemination plan to change attitudes towards air movement management.
Integrating CHP into kiln or dryer combustion system Two projects were put forward by the sector, the integration of CHP into the brick making process and
The high cost and long payback of CHP are barriers along with the relatively modest potential CO2 savings.
The fact that the investment is not adding value to the brick product is also a barrier and may mean such technologies are best developed outside the sector with the power and heat sold into it through.
Accelerator potential
Cost to implement (per plant) ÂŁ
Payback (years)
% of sector where applicable
Total CO2 saving by sector
Barriers to implementation
Strategy to address barriers
Accelerator potential
perhaps more process specific was the development of combined micro-turbine and burners. New products 10
Products with lower firing temperatures The development of new clay body mixes with lower firing temperatures which consume less fuel.
not known
Concern that product quality and colour are maintained; the cost and availability of additives such as glass cullet.
Rigorous physical testing applied to of lab and longer term industrial trials.
Unfired clay products The development of new niche low carbon clay products that eliminate firing altogether.
not known
Life expectancy of product and user acceptability; current building standards, some products already exist.
Any project must include a user (i.e. builder) that is willing to test the construction and jointly address the barriers.
Lower mass products Lightweight products through increased perforations or addition of lightweight waste materials.
not known
Maintaining physical properties and user acceptance. Current standards.
Either rigorous testing to maintain current appearance or partnership with builder to develop a new product with different appearance.
Hybrid products New manufacturing techniques that combine fired and unfired materials in a new product. e.g. high insulation properties and high durability; combined brick tile with insulating block; product with fired outside face and unfired interior.
not known
No known method of achieving the result. Unknown properties of final product.
Not known.
Cost to implement (per plant) ÂŁ
Payback (years)
% of sector where applicable
Total CO2 saving by sector
Barriers to implementation
Strategy to address barriers
Accelerator potential
Recovering the waste heat and selecting an appropriate generation technology.
Combine with a heat recovery project.
Alternative fuels/energy 14
Power generation from waste heat Over 20% of the energy used in a brick factory is lost as waste heat, techniques such the organic Rankine cycle or a Stirling engine can convert low temperature waste heat into electricity.
Incorporation of bio-mass fuel within the product Addition of bio-mass material to clay mixes to reduce the firing requirement.
Not known
Sourcing suitable material that will burn is a manner that reduces the fossil fuel requirement of the kiln. There may be some unwanted emissions from the process.
Combine with a project looking into developing new products.
Co-firing of kilns with syn-gas If fired bricks are to remain the most popular cladding of our dwellings then heat will always be required. The integration of syn-gas into existing kilns could potentially deliver the biggest CO2 saving of any potential development.
Not known
The sourcing of suitable bio-mass; the integration of the gasification process into a brick site and the clean combustion of the syn gas in the kiln.
An availability ministudy of bio-mass should be a prerequisite of any project application. The integration should be the main focus of the project and clean combustion achieved by restricting syngas to the burners in the middle firing zones.
Bio-mass CHP The integration of established bio-mass CHP systems into a brickworks.
As well as sourcing bio-mass material the main issue is using the low grade heat that comes of the existing technology.
We consider the much better solution is the direct combustion of bio-mass as an ingredient in the product or co-firing as syn-gas.
Process and equipment efficiency
Cost to implement (per plant) ÂŁ
Payback (years)
% of sector where applicable
Total CO2 saving by sector
Barriers to implementation
Process modelling for minimum emissions The development & use of a process model that enables the optimised use of existing technology to be determined through simulation. To be used for new factory design and re-planning of existing facilities.
The difficulty in obtaining data to develop the simulation. The high initial cost of developing a core system which can then be modified for use by the entire sector.
Support the development of core system that will have a much lower cost for subsequent use.
Process fault elimination The use of interactive operator tools to determine the causes of poor energy performance and plan for their solution.
Scepticism on the use of tools. The low level of process data capture on some sites may make it difficult to determine waste opportunities.
Demonstration of success.
Strategy to address barriers
Accelerator potential
5.4 Recommendations By prioritising the 19 opportunities listed above we can recommend which would be an appropriate focus of the Accelerator Challenge. We aim to recommend Challenges that are based on real projects identified by the Phase 1 process, but are also broad enough to allow alternative approaches. The first move is to determine whether any of the projects can be combined with others in a wider project idea without changing their scope or nature. Project 1: elevated temperature forming: is best achieved in combination with a heat recovery project, as the use of recovered heat is essential to achieve a low carbon solution and is also its biggest technological hurdle. This is also true of project 14: the generation of power from waste heat and project 6: the preheating of combustion air. A heat recovery project may be able to provide enough heat to heat a soft mud clay mix, pre-heating combustion and generating power through a micro waste heat generator. The reason for combining these potential projects is that the main barrier to demonstrating these ideas is the heat recovery step rather than its downstream use. Although the kiln is the primary source of sensible heat, it would be perverse to have a heat recovery challenge that could not be applied to a dryer exhaust. We therefore recommend a single heat recovery challenge focused on developing a scalable technology that is durable, does not impact the environmental consents of the site and can provide enough recovered heat utilisation solutions to provide a payback of less than five years. Project 15: biomass addition to reduce fossil fuel requirement, can be seen as the development of a low carbon product and readily combined with projects 10, 11, 12 and 13 which all seek to redesign product compositions to reduce CO 2 emissions. Although each of these projects takes a different approach they are all tacking the same potential CO2 saving and should be combined into one Challenge of developing a new low carbon facing brick product. In order to encourage specific innovations that can be readily adopted by the sector, and that do not require re-capitalisation, we think that the products should be able to be produced in existing or modified plants. Projects 18 and 19 are both concerned with developing tools that result in the more efficient use of technology and less energy waste. As such they can be readily combined into a single technology Challenge. In addition to these consolidations we can eliminate any remaining potential projects that have been rated as low or medium for accelerator potential. This eliminates four projects, leaving a residual total of six possible Accelerator Challenges: heat recovery redesign of kiln cars and kiln car seals low air movement kilns low carbon clay products co-firing of kilns with syn-gas tools to improve overall equipment effectiveness
The two kiln projects could also be combined into a wider “efficient kiln” concept. This would leave the door open to further innovations from organisations that have so far not engaged with the Phase 1 project or have been unwilling to share their idea in an open forum. On the downside it might detract attention from the two specific technologies that have been identified as having large CO2 reduction potential. On balance we think the areas should be kept separate. In section 6 we have therefore prepared the business cases for supporting these six technology concepts. It is perhaps surprising that there have been no nominations for drying technologies. This is an energy intensive process within the sector (even allowing for the fact that much of the energy is supplied as “waste” heat from the kiln). The explanation probably lies in the fact that many of the actions that can be taken to improve a dryer are already well known, being contained in section 5.2. as best practice options. Also, before dryers can improve the kiln must be made as efficient as possible, which may require unforeseen changes to the dryer operation.
6. Next steps – business cases for challenges4 In this section we have prepared the business cases for the six technologies identified in section 5. Each business case takes the same format, containing the following information:
a description of the concept and the CO2 emissions it is addressing; the benefits of its development, why it represents an advance for the sector and why it requires support; one or more potential approaches or projects that would deliver the benefits; an estimate of the project costs and an estimate of the cost of the developed solution;
an estimate of the CO2 reduction for a site and for the sector; and
any key risks or barriers that may prove difficult to get over.
We have summarised the key numbers in the table below: Challenge
Project cost
Project payback, years
Maximum sector CO2 savings
Cost of technology once mature, £
Annual site saving, £/year
Annual site CO2 saving, tonnes/year
£1 million
£2 million
Co-firing of kilns with syngas
Process heat recovery & utilisation
Redesign of kiln cars
Low air movement kiln
Low carbon products
Tool to improve process and equipment effectiveness
In this version of the report the business cases have been modified to reflect the redraw of the Grants for Phase 2 of the Accelerator programme. CARBON TRUST INTERNAL USE ONLY
Co-firing of kilns with syngas
Co-firing of kilns with syngas Development
Syngas is produced when biomass such as woodchip or agricultural waste is heated without air. The decomposition of the material generates CO and H2 (as well as other gases) while leaving behind a char (which may or may not have calorific value). These gasifiers are available at every scale of output but within the UK the market for them is still immature and their use is non-existent in the brick sector. Natural gas is the dominant fuel used in the brick sector and in most cases it is introduced into the kiln via a simple metal tube at a temperature above 800oC (the auto-ignition temperature of natural gas is 580oC). Producer gas from coal was successfully used to fire bricks in trials in the 1980s by the Coal Research Establishment in Stoke Orchard and lower calorific value gas such as landfill gas is used to co-fire some kilns in the UK. Substituting natural gas for a syngas is therefore possible for the manufacture of bricks in a tunnel kiln. Over 85 per cent of the emissions from the sector arise from the drying and firing process. Even if these processes were made as thermodynamically efficient as possible there would still be heat requirements of some 3 million MWh/year, emitting over 500,000 tonnes /year of CO2. Substituting fossil fuel based heat with a renewable heat source could eliminate much of this emission. Utilising a syngas means that the sector can take advantage of current gasifier technology and use its existing gas based combustion systems. The project would therefore involve integrating the current state of the art gasifiers and modifying the burner systems to accommodate a hotter gas with a lower calorific value and different combustion characteristics. The sensitivity of the integrated system to different source biomass materials should also be explored. In the consultation it was clear that developments in this area carried the widest support and therefore there is considerable enthusiasm for co-firing with a syngas. It also has the potential to deliver a very large CO2 saving.
Technology maturity and need for support
The concept seeks to take small scale existing gasification technology and link it to a combustion system currently deployed in the sector. This has not been done in the UK before and no case studies exist elsewhere in the world. Small and medium size biomass gasification is an immature market in the UK and therefore some development of the technology may be required for its integration into a brick process, the starting point however should be existing technology. There is considerable expertise in the UK in combusting syngas (although not for brick manufacture) and the technology is fairly mature. However no-one has put these systems together as an integral part of firing brick. The complexity of the team required to deliver this project and the development costs make it a project that is unlikely to proceed from the sector itself without support.
Co-firing of kilns with syngas This concept has quite a narrow scope and the project approach is likely to involve all of the following: Selection and construction of gasifier to run off woody biomass material and supply a syngas for one or two burner groups in a tunnel kiln;
Possible project approach
Modification of the existing combustion system to accommodate the properties and combustion characteristics of the syngas The integration of the gasifier and new combustion system into kiln operation Dealing with potential problems such as “tar” in the syngas, residual char, controls and biomass supply and storage.
The project would need a host site willing to provide significant space labour and process time to the project; an engineering company to provide and commission the gasifier; a combustion engineer to modify the existing burner system and a biomass supply company or market expert to supply material that can meet the expected long term demand from the sector. Estimated project cost
This is likely to take 18 to 24 months and a budget of £1 million for the demonstration of a 250kW facility.
Payback to project host site
The rhi rates published in March 2011 are not payable on kiln, furnaces, ovens or dryers. Should the technology be eligible for the rhi in the future, at 2p/kWh, this would generate an income of £43,500/year. Current costs of virgin biomass are similar to the cost of natural gas therefore in the current climate the fuel costs will be similar, but the use of waste biomass will reduce fuel costs possibly by 0.5p/kWh, giving an annual fuel saving of £11,000/year. An additional saving comes from avoiding CO2 costs associated with taxes or other regulations; assuming a price of £16/tonne for CO2 the annual saving will be £6,500/year. The estimated saving for the host site of a 250 kW trial unit is £61,000 giving a payback of 16 years.
Dissemination Cost of technology (once mature)
Capital cost of £2,000,000 per site for 1 MW of thermal input. Running costs will be dependent on biomass prices and the mix used (incorporating waste will reduce the cost) but is expected to be similar to using natural gas.
Basing the savings on those calculated for the 250kW development unit the total savings for a 1MW system are estimated at £244,000/year.
Payback once mature
Eight years
Project persistence
10 years
CO2 saving per site
A 1 MW installation (representing 20 per cent of the typical thermal input of a kiln) would save 1,650 tonnes of CO2 per year and require over 2,000 tonnes of bio-mass each year. Over ten years a 1MW unit will reduce CO2 emissions by 166,000 tonnes and deliver a net saving of £440,000.
Sector CO2 saving potential
Assuming that 30 per cent of the current fossil fuel consumption could be substituted by biomass gasification, the CO2 reduction potential is 200,000 tonnes/year.
Co-firing of kilns with syngas Market penetration
The market penetration will depend on the economics of replacing natural gas with bio-mass. But five per cent within five years and 25 per cent within 10 are our current estimates based on the current drivers.
Sector forecast CO2 saving
10,000 tonnes/year in five years 50,000 tonnes/year in 10 years
Barriers to adoption
i) Sourcing suitable feedstock for the gasifier and security of supply; ii) The high capital costs; iii) The increased management control and maintenance required to run a duel fuel system; iv) Fears about product quality and increased levels of undesirable emissions; v) Storage of biomass on site
i) The high temperature of the generated syngas may make the modification of the burner pipe work system more difficult than anticipated. ii) The lack of gasifier expertise/resources may be difficult to secure. iii) The price ratio between fossil fuels and biomass may become less favourable.
6.2 Process heat recovery and utilisation Process heat recovery and utilisation Development
The energy balances in section 4 have shown that over 50 per cent of the heat supplied to the kiln and the dryer is lost through sensible heat and latent heat in their exhausts. These exhaust streams are therefore a rich source of heat that if harnessed could be used in a number of ways e.g. to pre-heat combustion, heat the clay feedstock or to generate electricity. This challenge seeks to design and demonstrate a reliable means of heat recovery from an exhaust stream and the re-use of that heat back in the process. An ideal solution would be a modular package that can be manufactured and installed at relatively low cost giving a scalable off the shelf heat recovery solution.
Technology maturity and need for support
The sector has known for a long time that the kiln exhaust is a rich source of waste heat. However there is no current proven recovery method available for the sector to adopt. Although heat exchange is a mature technology at high temperatures, its use at lower temperature (below 200oC) remains a bespoke technology with correspondingly high costs and few providers. For lower temperature heat recovery to become widely adopted the sectors needs a packaged solution that can be constructed off-site cheaply, installed at low cost and operated with acceptable risks to the process. This will require a considerable amount of engineering development on the drawing board, in material selection and process integration for the utilisation of the heat. The high cost of this work has meant that in the past it has not been carried out. This may explain the failure of some past attempts (usually because of the high costs of bespoke design or short life expectancy because of corrosion). A joint funded project will decrease the financial risk to a project team but also enable a project to cover the essential design and replication criteria that have not been considered sufficiently before.
Possible project approach
This project has a relatively wide scope in that it could attract a number of alternative methods of heat recovery and a number of methods of heat utilisation. We believe that a good project application would involve: A brick manufacturer committed to installing a full scale system on a tunnel kiln and providing the resources required to integrate a new system into their factory and deploy the utilisation technologies;
An engineering company capable of designing, constructing and installing the complete system; A heat exchange expert to provide the “scalable solution” capable of being mass reproduced.
Estimated project cost
This is likely to take 18 to 24 months and a require a budget of £400,000.
Project payback to host site
Assuming an energy saving of £140,000/year and a running cost of £20,000/year the payback for the development project would be 3.3 years.
Process heat recovery and utilisation Cost of technology (once mature)
Capital cost of up to £400,000 per site to recover 1 MW of thermal input from an exhaust waste steam. Running costs will be dominated by maintenance requirements and are estimated at £20,000/year.
Assuming 1 MW of heat recovery delivered 800 kW of heat or 150 kW of electrical energy the energy saving will be £140,000 giving a net annual saving or £120,000/year.
3.3 years
Project persistence
10 years
CO2 saving per site
A 1 MW unit would save 1,300 tonnes of CO2 per year. Over ten years the CO2 saving will be 13,000 tonnes and the net saving £900,000.
Sector CO2 saving potential
Assuming that 25 kilns could adopt this technology the maximum CO2 reduction potential is 33,000 tonnes/year.
Market penetration
The market penetration will depend on the temperature and flow rates of the current exhausts but 20 per cent within five years and 50 per cent within ten are our current estimates based on the current drivers.
Sector forecast CO2 saving
6,600 tonnes/year in five years 16,500 tonnes/year in 10 years
Barriers to adoption
i) Temperature of exhaust gases. If they are too low there is increased risk of acid condensation in the heat exchanger and stack; ii) The high capital costs; iii) The fears over corrosion and life expectancy;
A short life expectancy of a solution or existing ductwork and exhaust stack due to acid condensation.
6.3 Redesign of kiln cars and car seals Kin car design Development The energy balances in section 4 show that a considerable amount of heat (five per cent) is lost through the kiln car as a result of its high thermal mass, conduction through its structure and also through a poor seal between the kiln and the car itself. The figure below illustrates these losses. Heat loss through structure
Heat loss through seal with kiln wall
Description Heat loss through seal with next car
A redesign of the kiln car could lead to the incorporation of more lightweight materials, reducing thermal mass and conduction losses, and an improved seal with adjacent cars and the kiln structure.
Technology maturity and need for support
Kiln cars are designed and supplied by the kiln builder, but maintenance and repair is carried out by the operator, often involving changes in material and/or design to improve their thermal performance or to improve stability. This is normally carried out in conjunction with a refractory material supplier but rarely involves the use of engineering design tools to fundamentally redesign the concept. Such an exercise is unlikely to be pulled together without external financial support. The technologies required for a redesign are all relatively mature and the project would seek to apply them in a new way to deliver a new solution to an old problem of heat loss through kiln cars. It is worth noting that there is already a high quality seal solution available in the market from the French equipment manufacturer Ceric. A water seal, it is very expensive and can only be supplied with a new kiln i.e. it cannot be retrofitted. This challenge should develop a solution that can be retrofitted to existing kilns.
Possible project approach
At the centre of this project will be an engineering designer able to explore a range of potential new designs that can be integrated on a car by car basis with existing kilns. Support will be needed from refractory suppliers and kiln builders to ensure the designs are fit for purpose. One or two of the designs could be tried out at a suitable tunnel kiln. Project costs could be kept down by only trailing a relatively few kiln cars (e.g. up to six). This represents a compromise between having enough to measure an impact on energy consumption and risk to the host brick manufacturer.
Estimated project cost
The project is likely to take 12 to 18 months and a require a budget of ÂŁ150,000.
Kin car design Payback for project host site
7.5 years Based on a £20,000/year energy saving
Cost of technology (once mature)
The upgrading of 50 or so kiln cars in one go would be logistically impossible as the kiln would need to be switched off for several months. The technology would therefore be introduced gradually as part of an accelerated car repair and maintenance programme. This makes the cost of introduction lower than other projects but it means adoption rates will be slower. We estimate an increased cost of £100,000 over existing maintenance costs.
Assuming that 25 per cent of the 500 kW of heat that is lost through the kiln car is prevented with the new designs, 125 kW of heat can be saved for each tunnel kiln or 1 GWh/year worth £20,000/year.
five years
Project persistence
10 years
CO2 saving per site
210 tonnes of CO2 per year Over 10 years the CO2 saving will be 2,100 tonnes and the net saving £100,000.
Sector CO2 saving potential
Assuming that 50 kilns could adopt this technology the maximum CO2 reduction potential is 10,500 tonnes/year.
Market penetration
The market penetration will depend on the temperature and flow rates of the current exhausts but 20 per cent within five years and 50 per cent within 10 are our current estimates based on the current drivers.
Sector forecast CO2 saving
2,000 tonnes/year in five years 5,000 tonnes/year in 10 years
Barriers to adoption
i) The cost of the transition to the new design ii) Reluctance to change current tried and tested design ii) Changes required to the kiln interior to accommodate a new seal;
Compatibility with existing kiln cars may be difficult, either compromising the potential savings or making it a “new build only” technology.
6.4 Low air movement kiln Low air movement kiln Development
Section 4 has identified a link between air movement and kiln efficiency, with high air movements being associated with lower efficiencies. In spite of this, kilns and dryers do not measure their air flows nor use them as a means of control. Reducing air flows within the kiln reduces its thermal requirement and also reduces the heat lost through the exhaust. Almost all existing kilns will have considerable opportunities to reduce air flow but most either do not recognise this as an energy saving opportunity or do not have the knowledge or the confidence to make the necessary changes. This challenge will design and test a kiln change programme that will transform existing kilns into low air movement kilns with significant lower energy consumption. The deliverable would be an expert contractor capable of delivering the changes to existing kilns or a detailed methodology to enable companies to implement the programme themselves. An important part of the project will be the use of robust flow measurement technology to help the continued operation of kilns at low air flows.
Technology maturity and need for support
Most of the technologies required for low air movement kilns are already in place on the modern kiln; technologies such as high velocity burners that reduce the requirement to run kilns at high air flows to heat the bricks in the early zones and variable speed drives on fans to enable air flows to be precisely controlled. There is however a lack of knowledge and confidence to use this technology to improve energy efficiency. This may be partly due to the lack of instrumentation that measures airflows to indicate whether excessive air is being admitted into the kiln or exhausted from it in flue or to the dryer. The way a kiln is operated may also need to change to maintain a good heat transfer mechanism within the kiln.
Possible project approach
We see three possible approaches to this project. 1. A design exercise for a new low air flow kiln through a kiln builder and the application of those principles to an existing kiln through a demonstration; 2. The adaptation of an existing kiln to a low air movement kiln by an expert team and dissemination of the methodology through a commercial service; 3. The development of a robust monitoring system that enables kiln managers to reduce air movement themselves with demonstration at a selected site. In all cases the development of a process model that enables the required changes to be designed and implemented is desirable.
Estimated project cost
The project is likely to take 18 months and a require a budget of ÂŁ250,000
Payback for project host site
2.6 years based on a 10 per cent energy saving in fuel and power.
Low air movement kiln Cost of technology (once mature)
The cost of the solution will vary considerably depending on the capability of the kiln to accommodate the changes. Assuming the combustion system needs no modification, the cost of implementation is estimated at £200,000, plus increased maintenance costs of £5,000/year due to the increased instrumentation.
We estimate a potential saving of 20 per cent for both fuel and power, assuming that a refurbishment solution only achieves 50 per cent of this potential due to limitation of the technology on the kilns. For a typical site this will save 4,000 MWh/year of fuel (£80,000/year) and 150 MWh/year of Power (£15,000/year) a net saving of £90,000/year once the increased maintenance costs are taken into consideration.
Two years
Project persistence
Lower than the more technology based projects due to the dependence on management commitment to maintaining the changes introduced. Estimated at five years.
CO2 saving per site
800 tonnes for a typical kiln. Over five years the CO2 saving will be 4,000 tonnes and the net saving £45,000.
Sector CO2 saving potential
Assuming that 50 kilns could adopt this technology the maximum CO2 reduction potential is 40,000 tonnes/year.
Market penetration
The market penetration will depend on the temperature and flow rates of the current exhausts but 10 per cent within five years and 25 per cent within 10 are our current estimates based on the current drivers.
Sector forecast CO2 saving
4,000 tonnes/year in five years 10,000 tonnes/year in 10 years
Barriers to adoption
i) Lack of knowledge and resistance to changing established operation practices ii) Lack of resources to make the large number of changes required on an existing kiln ii) The quality and robustness of monitoring equipment
The ease with which changes can be reversed may make the persistence of the saving low.
6.5 Low carbon products Low carbon products Development
This is perhaps the broadest of all the challenges recommended but also the one with the greatest scope for innovation and the only project that requires the engagement of the consumer. The concept is to design new products or new formulation for existing products that make them less carbon intensive to manufacture. The concept could attract two different type of project: 1. A new clay based product that reduces or eliminates the need for firing e.g. unfired blocks 2. Additives that reduce the firing requirement; e.g. flux addition to reduce the firing temperature; a biomass addition to reduce the fossil fuel requirement or a change in density/porosity of the product.
Technology maturity and need for support
This is an immature area in the UK although there are products meeting the low carbon criteria made in Europe, Australia and in particular in the developing countries (see section 5). Some of the larger brick manufacturers are already engaged in developing “low carbon” products and unlike the other projects we can expect progress in this area without support for the Carbon Trust. However Carbon Trust support is likely to increase the pace with which the developments progress.
Possible project approach
There are a large number of possible approaches, but the involvement of an end user i.e. builder would certainly increase the strength of a project team and its chances of success. We also believe that the projects with the best replication potential will aim to use much of the current production technology (i.e. clay preparation and drying).
Estimated project cost
This project is likely to take 18 months and a require a budget of £150,000.
Payback for project host site
Not calculated as it is very project specific
Cost of technology (once mature)
It is not possible to estimate the cost of implementing the technology, but manufacturing costs could reduce (due to a reduction in firing requirement) and raw material costs are likely to increase in most cases. New technology in preparation and forming is also likely to be required. For the basis of payback we have assumed a simple product formulation project with a one-off cost of £200,000 for process changes.
We have assumed no saving, as the motivation for this project will be to create new markets or new value in existing products.
Not calculated.
Project persistence
For a successful product over 10 years. Fired bricks have been used for 2,500 years and dried clay bricks for 10,000 years.
CO2 saving per site
Calculated at sector basis only.
Low carbon products
Sector CO2 saving potential
Assuming that five per cent of the market could be displaced by a low carbon product in which the CO2 emissions from firing are halved, the maximum CO2 reduction potential is 20,000 tonnes/year. A similar reduction would be estimated by assuming a 10 per cent substitution of a product in which the firing carbon requirement was reduced by 25 per cent.
Market penetration
The market penetration may be slow as it will be driven by market demand rather than a â&#x20AC;&#x153;pushâ&#x20AC;? mechanism from the manufacturer. We estimate 10 per cent within five years and 50 per cent within 10 are our current estimates based on the current drivers.
Sector forecast CO2 saving
2,000 tonnes/year in five years 10,000 tonnes/year in 10 years
Barriers to adoption
i) Lack of demand due to physical properties and current product standards ii) Quality problems and complaints
Higher embedded emissions from additives and life cycle in-use emissions.
6.6 Tools to improve overall equipment effectiveness Tools to improve overall equipment effectiveness Development
Many manufacturing facilities are operated sub-optimally, particularly when they are working at less-than-design throughputs. This means that opportunities for efficiency improvements exist within most processes. Production losses caused through waste, scrap, overproduction, poor quality product and/or under-utilisation can result in large energy inefficiencies. This concept tackles the energy efficiency opportunities that exist in many of the technologies deployed in the sector. Individually these would not be cost effective to tackle, but if tackled collectively they economic due to the accumulation of a number of marginal gains. The concept is to provide IT tools to process managers and operators that help them identify and implement process and equipment changes that will bring about these marginal improvements.
Technology maturity and need for support
The concept of improving overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is not new and is a well-established technique to improve the return on expensive assets. The use of modelling to do this or to improve process configuration or production planning is also not new. However the use of these techniques to improve energy performance is new and will require the development of new systems, new skills and new attitudes within the sector. For example, an improved OEE in one area may push bottlenecks to other areas and reveal previously hidden inefficiencies. This may have the undesired impact of actually increasing energy consumption per unit of production overall. So an holistic tool is needed to engage and educate managers to understand the relationship between business, operational, energy and emissions performance. The cost of generating the tools in the first place will be high but it is expected that subsequent roll out cost will be low.
Tools to improve overall equipment effectiveness
Possible project approach
Two approaches are considered possible to deliver sufficient marginal gains for a viable innovation: 1. In this project, a generic brick factory process model will be developed, including energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and combined with scenario and sensitivity analysis using advanced modelling techniques. The model is applied to a site and the impact on production, fuel requirements, CO2 emissions and unit costs is determined. The model will also provide a means of sharing best practice between sites whilst protecting commercially sensitive information. The generic simulation model is provided to process managers and operators to help them experiment with, identify and implement process and equipment changes that will find the optimum increase in process efficiency that delivers the best reduction in energy consumption and emissions per unit. By incorporating production, energy and emissions, together with scenarios and sensitivities, the tool will also enable capital investment decisions to be better underpinned. 2. A slightly different approach is to use existing production monitoring to identify when a “fault” occurs that wastes energy (e.g. stopped production) and collect operator generator data on the cause of the fault (e.g. lack of feedstock material, broken wire). In this way a picture of the causes of energy loss will emerge, and action can be introduced to eliminate them.
Estimated project cost
This project is likely to take 18 months and require a budget of £150,000.
Payback for project host site
Three years
Dissemination Cost of technology (once mature)
The costs of adoption once the system is mature will include the purchase of the system itself and the cost of the training and initial consultancy which we estimate at £100,000 making this the lowest cost solution to adopt. Running costs are likely to be £10,000/year.
Our estimate assumes that the average plant can make a power saving of 10 per cent through the deployment of this technology. We have not included fuel in this calculation and we believe our other recommendations provide better methods of reducing fuel consumption. This equates to a typical saving of £50,000 for a typical site.
2.5 years
Project persistence
Persistence is likely to be relatively low due to the behavioural nature of the improvement at around five years.
CO2 saving per site
500 tonnes of CO2/year Over five years the CO2 saving will be 2,500 tonnes with a net saving of £100,000.
Sector CO2 saving potential
Assuming that 80 per cent of the power consumption in the sector could be affected by this technology and a saving of 10 per cent the maximum CO2 reduction potential is 13,000 tonnes/year.
Market penetration
If the innovation is successful the market adoption should be fast, though it may be limited by expertise on the supply side. We estimate 25 per cent within five years and 75 per cent within 10.
Tools to improve overall equipment effectiveness Forecast CO2 saving
3,250 tonnes/year in five years 9,750 tonnes/year in 10 years
Cost of CO2 savings to Carbon Trust
ÂŁ10/tonne CO2 in 10 years
Barriers to adoption
i)Skills and commitment of the site ii) Complexity of the developed solution
Changes identified may be much more expensive than forecast.
Appendix A Sector wide opportunities workshop
British Ceramic Confederation Federation House, Station Road, Stoke-on-Trent. ST4 2SA Tel: (01782) 744631 Fax: (01782) 744102 E-mail: bcc@ceramfed.co.uk
AGENDA Carbon Trust Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator Brick Sector Potential Accelerator Technologies Workshop 6th July 2010 10.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15.00 1. Introductions and Objectives
Dave Beardsworth, BCC
2. The Accelerator Programme
Al-Karim Govindji, Carbon Trust
3. Energy Consumption in the Ceramic Sector James Beardmore, BCC 4. Discussion on the Potential Projects John Fifer, SKM Enviros 5. Summary of Discussion
Dave Beardsworth, BCC
6. Next Steps
John Fifer, SKM Enviros
Lunch will be provided at 12.00
Appendix B Calculations Theoretical heat requirements 15 per cent moisture:
1000 * 15 per cent = 150kg water evaporated from 20oC
150 kg * 2600/3600 kWh/kg (total heat content of steam at 130oC) 108.33 kWh/0.9/0.76 to account for the irrecoverable latent heat in the combustion of gas and the 25% estimated minimum loss through the stack and structure = 160.5 kWh/tonne + sensible heat in brick heated to 130oC 850 * 0.8 (specific heat of clay) * 120 (temperature rise 10oC to 130oc) 81,600/3600 kWh /0.9/0.76 to account for the irrecoverable latent heat in the combustion of gas and the 25 per cent estimated minimum loss through the stack and structure = 33.6 kWh/tonne Total
= 194.1 kWh/tonne
35 per cent moisture:
same as above
Firing a typical clay brick Assume 5 per cent mass loss during firing and 25 per cent additional mass due to kiln car base achieving the same temperature as the kiln. Fired to 1100oC from 50oC 1300 * 0.8 * 1050 /3600 kWh 303.33 kWh/tonne /0.9/0.76 to account for the irrecoverable latent heat in the combustion of gas and the 25% estimated minimum loss through the stack and structure 449 kWh/tonne
Appendix C Flow meter specification