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Buildings, Texts, and Contexts I Fall 2019 Tuesday 12:00 – 1:00 Group TF: Jacobé Huet

SKIT DEVELOPMENT CAST AND CREW -CREW wear all black with columns pinned to the fronts of shirts -STAGE MANAGER (THE BUILDER) wears a headset if possible and carries a clipboard with “drawings” and gestures a lot -VOICEOVER will ask the audience to take their seats and silence their phones for the performance -TECH DIRECTOR will play slides for the “interview” portion of the performance and coordinate light and sound cues as needed -DIRECTOR (THE ARCHITECT) dresses exactly as you expect him to, with a small column pinned to his lapel -MODERATOR dresses a little less nicely; he is in awe of DIRECTOR -AUDIENCE 1 asks a question about Classical vs. Baroque -AUDIENCE 2 challenges DIRECTOR’S claims to the all-encompassing Theater of the Classical

SCENE -The stage is taped to test on Monday night, leaving marks if possible -Taping will begin enough in advance of class (as tested) that the team is nearly finished and just “adjusting” and measuring when people take their seats around 10:00am with direction from the STAGE MANAGER -CREW will label seating areas (first X number of rows for “performers” in each group, then the audience; provide programs on all seats; and stand to the side for the duration of the first three performances, gesturing anyone to the exit as needed and generally “assisting” the audience -For the final interview with the DIRECTOR, CREW will position and reposition chairs on the grid for the DIRECTOR and MODERATOR, and will bring them water and microphones -CREW will bring microphones to AUDIENCE 1 and AUDIENCE 2 for their questions -Remaining CREW will stand at strategic points on the grid, completely still, with their columns displayed -After the final audience question, MODERATOR will thank everyone for their time and direct a bow, first from the DIRECTOR and then from the STAGE MANAGER, AUDIENCE 1 & 2, and the CREW, who will gesture to the tech booth

THE CLASSICAL STAGE SKIT INTRODUCTION VOICEOVER Sonya: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the conclusion of Buildings, Texts, Contexts 1. Please note that any recording of this performance, either through video or photograph is strictly prohibited. A reminder that mobile phones should also be turned off, and not to silent. Should you require any assistance, please talk to one of our ushers standing in the aisles. Thank you, and now I warmly welcome Michael and Erica to introduce today’s performance. We hope you enjoy the show. (Michael and Erica talk) Sonya: If Act 1 could please now approach the stage. (Act 1) Sonya: If Act 2 could please now approach the stage. (Act 2) Sonya: If Act 3 could please now approach the stage. (Act 3) Sonya: Up next we will have a Q&A with our director to conclude today’s proceedings.

SCRIPT: “INTERVIEW WITH THE DIRECTOR” Moderator: Hello! While he needs no introduction, I would like to introduce you to the director of our classical performance today. Returning straight from presenting his recent work on Palladio’s unbuilt works in Vicenza, Italy. Three-time winner of the Driehaus Architecture Prize. The director, the master builder, the architect, here he is, Mr. Classical himself. Thank you so much for taking the time to discuss this work with us. Director: “Of course! That was beautiful! My god. Simply, beautiful. Thank you everyone for your hard work. Every act went brilliantly”. Moderator: “Yes, tell us what you think!”

Director: “Where to start. Each one of our acts was perfect. The first act, a perfect ______. Did you see that? The second act, a clear ______. Undeniable. The third and final act, a culminating ______. Complete harmony. (Make class references) Kantian Schema / Essence Hegelian Dialectic / Transcendental / Materiality giving form to the spirit Wittkower Diagram / Paradigmatic Approach Moderator: “It’s truly remarkable. How did you plan all of this?” Director: “Well you see that’s just it. It’s the Classical, so at this point, it’s everywhere. It’s everything. It is the beginning, the stage, and because of that, everything that follows sits within it. All you have to do is provide a base reality and everything else exists within it.” Moderator: “So you mean to say that everything we just experienced, from when we first sat down, was within the world of the Classical? All of this was planned” Director: “Of course! The Baroque is a variant of what is more fundamentally Classical.” Moderator: “So in your role as the ARCHITECT of this performance, you could be described as setting the STAGE for the Baroque?” Director: “Yes, that’s it precisely. It’s about constructing the theater so that the performers can respond with style.” Moderator: “Amazing. Truly. [Pause] Let’s get a couple audience questions. You, there.” AUDIENCE 1 (AUDREY): “Hi so, thank you so much for this three-act performance. It was beautiful. But, I feel conflicted. I am attracted to many of the flourishes, both intellectually and aesthetically of the Baroque. Does that mean I would be against the Classical?” Director: (Stands up) “A common misconception. Let me ask you. Do you like ice cream? A1: “Yes” Director: “Do you like ice cream with fudge?” A1: “Yeah” Director: “In both cases you are really there for the ice cream, right?” A1: “I guess you’re right!” Director: “Of course! The Classical underlies it all.” Moderator: “Let’s get one last question in here. You, over there.” AUDIENCE 2 (MIKE): “Hi. So look, I get what you are saying abstractly, but like, I just don’t buy that this was all actually planned. I can be Baroque and not be Classical. Like, we’ve all got free will. I came in here, I sat down. You can’t claim to be planning all this.”

Director: “Oh! You don’t think so?! Are you Mike Kwok, age _____ from ______ sitting in seat 23A exactly where we planned for you to be, knowing you would likely ask this exact question right at this exact moment!!!!???? A2: NO! Director: YES! A2: MY GOD! (Yelling with hands on his head) Director: YES! (Walking closer to the audience) The Classical is god! Welcome to the ever-present paradigm we live in! It’s beautiful. Simply beautiful. Thank you all for your wonderful performance. Moderator: [While clapping] Incredible! [pause] That’s all the time we have. (Thank you all for attending todays classical performance and staying for questions with our illustrious director.) Good night.

CAST DIRECTOR – Will Smith MODERATOR – Henrik Ilvesmaki STAGE MANAGER – Darien Carr AUDIENCE 1 – Audrey Watkins AUDIENCE 2 – Mike Kwok VOICEOVER – Sonya Falkovskaia

CREW Elissa Palmer Chelsea Jno Baptiste Thomas Huang Bailey Brown Gabriela Davila Rivera Sonya Falkovskaia Evangelos Fokialis Elsa Hoover Agustina Labarca Gatica Kaitlynn Long Arturo Lopez Ayala Hua Tian Candice Wu Siyu Zhu

PROGRAM Kaitlynn Long

EDITOR Chelsea Jno Baptiste



Column Assignments





Director & Moderator

Stage Manager & Voiceover

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