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Seed Consultants Inc.

Washington C. H., United States

Seed Consultants corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa varieties were bred, developed and tested to yield specifically for the eastern Corn Belt’s unique soil types and growing conditions. Since 2008, SCI is the only eastern Corn Belt based seed company with 4 National and 35 State Winners in the NCGA Yield Contest. On average, SCI plants more than 45,000 yield plots at seventy-five research locations throughout Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia. SCI was built on a firm foundation by being upfront, honest and ethical with its customers. SCI focuses on being Seed Consultants first; salesman second. SCI has committed tremendous resources to determine where our hybrids and varieties are best adapted and Seed Consultants is committed to supplying its customers with elite genetics that will perform on their soils. Give SCI a call today and discover why Seed Consultants is: ‘Simply, the Best Value in the Seed Industry™’.


2017 SCI Winter Meetings

December 14, 2016


September 16, 2016


December 9, 2015

Seedconsultants1215 web

November 17, 2015


December 3, 2014


August 1, 2014

Herbicide sensitivities

February 23, 2014


January 16, 2014


December 3, 2013

Sci 2014 Maui trip

June 24, 2013