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Michael J. Mulholland PAGDC, PAGDC(RA) Secretary - Lodge of Sincerity o. 174 1982 - 1999

(privately printed February 2003)

Sincerity Lodges in the English Constitution

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I TRODUCTIO The original interest in the family of Sincerity Lodges was first aroused when as a token of our appreciation to the late W.Bro. Paul Sommers PJGD for his services as Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Sincerity No.174 for a second term in 1990 it was decided to make a presentation, albeit a little delayed, in 1993, to commemorate his year as Worshipful Master in the form of a binder containing a current summons of all the 15 Lodges named “Sincerity” in the English Constitution. Unfortunately after his death in 1997 the whereabouts of the collection were not traced. I subsequently decided to re-approach the Secretaries of the relevant Lodges to request if they would let me have an up to date copy of their summons and also if they could write some brief notes on the history and present situation of their Lodge. These notes I have edited to compile a brief summary of each of the Lodges and I would like to acknowledge the assistance the various Secretaries have given to me in enabling me to complete this task. Michael J. Mulholland

.B. I am led to believe that since compiling this book in 2002 that one or maybe two of the KLodges refered to in the text have handed in their warrants due to lack of support from there members – April 2008


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What do we mean by “SI CERITY� The dictionary defines 'sincere' as "genuine honest, containing no dissimulation or deception" and this is something we admire more than any amount of word perfectness and precision. But to appreciate the full meaning of "sincerity" we must look back to the original derivation, for it comes from two Latin words "sine" which means "without", and "cereus" which means "wax". Literally then, "sincere" means "Without wax". Now, in ancient times, the operative mason had a strict code of honesty, and made it his rule never to offer any work to his overseer unless he was fully satisfied with it. But occasionally of course it was bound to happen that his chisel slipped and a crack appeared in his carvings; or perhaps a flaw was revealed in the stone itself. Here the craftsman had a choice, to offer his work with the cracks and flaws exposed to view, or else to abandon the damaged stone and begin again. Either of these ways was honest. There was however, a third possibility resorted to by certain dishonest and unscrupulous cowans, and this was to conceal the crack or flaw by pouring in melted wax, smoothing it off and sprinkling stone dust over it, so that the stone appeared to be perfect. But when subjected to heat, or the strain and pressure of the building, such a stone would often give way and disintegrate, perhaps causing damage to the structure and danger to the builders. Wax was also used in this way to conceal imperfections in statues, in pottery, and even in metal. In order to combat this danger, it became the custom of conscientious craftsmen to guarantee their work by making a declaration that it was "sincerous" or "without wax". This became a hallmark that could be trusted. (This definition was given in the oration delivered by V.W Bro. Rev. Canon Richard Tydeman PGChap .- at the Bi-Centenary Meeting of the Lodge of Sincerity -o.174 held on the 16th. October 1968.)

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Lodge of Sincerity


1768 - CC - H


Freemasons’ Hall

Lodge of Sincerity


1789 – CC - H



Lodge of Sincerity


1793 - CC

West Lancs.


Lodge of Sincerity


1835 - C



Lodge of Sincerity


1863 - C



Lodge of Sincerity


1884 – C - H

Yorks. W.R.


Sincerity Lodge



East Lancs.


Sincerity Lodge



West Lancs.


Lodge of Sincerity





Sincerity Lodge


1922 - H

North Wales

Colwyn Bay

Sincerity Lodge





Sincerity Lodge





Lodge of Sincerity



West Kent


Lodge of Sincerity





Lodge of Sincerity



S. Wales ED



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LODGE OF SI CERITY o. 174 – Founded 1768 Meeting at Freemasons’ Hall - London A history was written of the Lodge up to the period 1886 by W.Bro J. Newton PAGPurs and then updated to the present period by W.Bro. M. J. Mulholland PAGDC in 1995 and has been regularly updated since then. Although the Lodge was founded in 1768 the records as contained in the original Lodge History only go back to 1784 although those earlier minutes are now not in existence. Notable dates shown in that history are: The Lodge was consecrated and first met at the "Golden Anchor", Artichoke Lane, Bermondsey on 23rd. April 1768 - No.203 - the numbers being subsequently changed in later years as shown on the front of the summons. In 1850 a Warrant of Confirmation dated 15th. May was issued - the original having been destroyed by fire during the Lodge proceedings; also in that year the first plate for printing the summons was donated by Bro. Newman In 1851 the Lodge Secretary Bro. W. Terry lost the abstract of The Minutes from 1768/1784 In 1869 permission was given to wear the Centenary Jewel. In 1906 Bro. F. Rowland joined - he subsequently became Lord Mayor of London. In 1968 the 200th Anniversary of the Lodge was celebrated at which the RW Earl of Scarborough Pro Grand Master officiated -W.Bro.A.King PrGTyler (Essex) who had been our Tyler for 24 years was elected an Hon.Member. In 1992 W.Bro. N.A.Preece PGStB – Secretary, Sincerity & Service Lodge No.5096 – announced that he had discovered with the assistance of the Grand Lodge Library 73 Lodges related to the Lodge of Sincerity.

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In 1993 a celebratory Meeting was held in October with over 250 present to commemorate 225 years of the existence of the Lodge, the West Kent Masonic Circle gave a demonstration of the workings and ritual in costume of a Lodge meeting circa 1760’s. In 1994 Bro N.W. Bowdery SLGR was appointed Secretary but not invested and died 6 weeks later, W.Bro. Mulholland resuming the duties in his stead. W.Bro.J.W.Bourne the Bi-Centennial Master, and Treasurer for 17 years died. The Deputy Grand Master RW Bro Iain Bryce attended and presented the Gold Medallion commemorating our achievement in raising in excess of £300 per member for the NMSF Appeal. The Worshipful Master initiated his father Percy Chipps BEM aged 75 years. It was proposed that the Lodge join the Grand Lodge Relief Chest Scheme. The Regular Meeting in March was changed to the third Wednesday in April to enable the Festive Board to be taken in the Hercules Pillars PH. W.Bro. M.J. Mulholland was promoted to an active rank in Grand Lodge (AGDC) and W.Bro Paul Sommers PAGDC was promoted to PGJD. The Royal Masonic Hospital was closed. The deaths were announced of W.Bro. J.Harding LGR, W,Bro. John Kenny LGR and W.Bro. E. Lines our long serving organist. In 1995 W.Bro. P.J.Sommers PJGD a member for over 50 years, Secretary for 12 years died. A new Lodge Banner was presented to the Lodge by the 4 serving Grand Officers to replace the original which was beyond economical repair. The Lodge like most Lodges in the London Area is struggling for membership but in very recent years there has been an intake of very promising candidates and joining members and the prospects for the future of this old Lodge look very bright.

(-otes compiled by W.Bro.M.J.Mulholland PAGDC. – Secretary Lodge of Sincerity 1982 – 1999)

Sincerity Lodges in the English Constitution Lodge of Sincerity o.174 – Banner

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Lodge of Sincerity o. 174 – Family Tree

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LODGE OF SI CERITY o.189 – Founded 1769 Meets in Plymouth in the Province of Devon Excerpts from the history of the Lodge The Lodge of Sincerity No.189 was formed at the Three Crowns on the Quay at Plymouth and received its Charter on the 25th. November 1769 the Warrant bearing the signature of the Deputy Grand Master of that day W.Bro. Charles Dillon, with all its quaint phraseology and curious spelling preserved. It is interesting to note that although not warranted until the above date in 1769 the Lodge of Sincerity is listed among the ‘Pre Union Lodges of Devonshire 1740 – 1813’ The numbering of the Lodge has varied over the years to take account of the ‘Union’ and the policy of ‘closing up’ adopted until 1863 i.e. 1755 – No.454: 1770 – No.390 : 1780 – No.302 : 1781–No.303 : 1792 –No.254 : In 1814 after the union No.320 : 1832 – No. 224 and subsequently and lastly No.189 The earliest minute book now in existence dates from 1796 when the Lodge met at the Phoenix Inn, Fore Street, Plymouth Docks. In February 1799 it was noted that a Mr William Cross was proposed and received the three degrees the same night and a few weeks later a Mr. John Jenning aged 50 was similarly accommodated. Obviously the Lodge was kept very busy, the previous year in January no less than four meetings being held in that month. It can be maintained that Sincerity has numbered among it’s members some of the best blood of English Masonry amongst them Sir George Magraph who ruled the Lodge for many years by dispensation; Nicholas Lockyer, future Mayor of Plymouth, Lord Chichester, L.P.Metham, Viscount Ebrington (1852), William Derry (1854), Lord Graves, and Lord Eliot whose devoted services to Freemasonry are too well known to be extolled. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe was at the time the Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall and also a distinguished member of the Lodge for over 50 years but was never honoured with high office in the Province of Devonshire. The Duke of Clarence – the future King William IV paid several visits to the Lodge during the late 18th. century – he was well known in the town as a boistering young naval officer.

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It was published in the Freemasons’ Magazine and Masonic News on the 4th. December 1869 that:- “The members of this Lodge met on Thursday 25th. November 1869 at the Royal Hotel to their annual banquet to commemorate their hundredth anniversary of their existence”. A new Masonic Hall was built and dedicated in December 1922 and was known as the Sincerity Masonic Hall unfortunately many of the Lodge’s furniture and treasures were lost due to enemy action in WWII. It should also be recorded that at least 12 members of the Lodge of Sincerity lost their lives during this period, being killed in action. On the 26th. May 1950 an emergency meeting was held to unveil and dedicate a Masonic memorial window to their memory. This was later removed to the Mount Edgcumbe Temple. The Bi-Centenary of the Lodge was held in 1969. At the present time the Lodge meets every month except August and has approx 60 subscribing members. Sincerity has been responsible for the formation of 4 daughter Lodges and 6 granddaughter Lodges and a great granddaughter lodge viz:Metham Lodge o. 1205 – 1867 which founded:Western District United Services Lodge No. 2258 - 1888 Queen Victoria Lodge No.2655 – 1897 Tamar Lodge No.4239 – 1921 St. Andrew Lodge No.4276 – 1921 The St. George Lodge o.2025 – 1883 which founded:Sir John Hawkins Lodge No. 3704 - 1913 Britannia Lodge No.4099 - 1920 which founded:Mayflower Lodge No. 7241- 1953 The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe Lodge o.3924 – 1919 Lord Roborough Lodge o.5789 – 1939 (The above notes taken from the Bi-Centenary history written by W.Bro.R.V.Everett PPrSGD and notes supplied by W.Bro. Richard Beeson – Secretary Lodge of Sincerity -o.189)

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LODGE OF SI CERITY O 292. – Founded 193 Meets in Liverpool in the Province of W.Lancs Some brief notes of the Lodge’s history and origin. Consecrated 15th February 1793 Lodge No. 518 but was not named until 1797 No. 518 in 1793 and then re-numbered 551 in 1813, 338 in 1832, 358 in 1833 and finally 292 in 1863 Warrant: Known as the Provincial Grand Master of Lancashire issued the Prince of Wales, a warrant known as the “Provincial Warrant” Grand Master of the "Moderns" The Lodge can be called and be referred to as a "Modern"

The minute for the Lodge dated 27th May 1818 indicates a member was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry in the Lodge of Sincerity. This was a tradition of the" Ancients".

Since 1924 the Lodge has worked closely to the "Emulation" Ritual except that in the First Degree we use a different ritual for the working tools and in the third degree a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes is recited. During each meeting the Lodge is "Called on and off" except at the installation. White gloves are worn at all meetings. Masters once they have installed their successor are addressed as Past Master. Only then can the Master be addressed as Worshipful Brother.

The first ever Lodge minute book was lost during the early 20th Century. Today all members receive a copy of the minutes for the previous meeting prior to being read out in open Lodge and confirmed. In the 1820s a number of foreign seamen were initiated and an Italian gentleman was initiated, passed and raised in the Italian language. In 1842, the Chapter of Liverpool No 292 was consecrated as the Royal Arch Chapter of the Lodge of Sincerity.

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The Lodge has sponsored three Lodges: 1.) Combermere Lodge No 605, Birkenhead. 2.) Former Hesketh Lodge No 1350, BootIe, Merseyside. 3.) Excelsior Lodge No 617, Buenos Aires. This Lodge has sponsored a further 40 Lodges in Argentina.

In 1967 The Masonic Hall, Hope Street, Liverpool was badly damaged by fire, many items of great value where lost including two very large paintings which could not be replaced. One of the Lodges oldest possessions being an ivory gavel, this gavel is used at every ceremony, when the guest demands "admission"

The Centenary Warrant was received in 1893 after Grand Lodge queries about the date of the Lodge consecration. It was then the sixth oldest lodge in the city of Liverpool.

The membership is currently 35 members, which include 4 Grand Officers - one being an APGM - 14 Provincial Grand Officers. The largest membership was in 1923 when the membership was 103.

Meeting Place:- Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street, Liverpool, Ll 9BY now known as the home of Freemasonry in the Province of West Lancashire, was opened in 1858. The Lodge meets September to April on the third Monday of the month and would be pleased to welcome any bonifide brethren.

Although the family tree of No.292 is appended showing their relationship to 56 other lodges an interesting fact is that Sincerity was also responsible in joint sponsoring St David’s Lodge No. 384 (N.Wales) which in turn is Mother Lodge to 105 other lodges inc. Sincerity Lodge No.4424

(-otes kindly compiled by W.Bro. John E. Corrie PPrJGW - Lodge of Sincerity -o.292)

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Sincerity Lodges in the English Constitution Family Tree of the Lodge of Sincerity o.292 showing the relationship of 56 Lodges

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THE LODGE OF SI CERITY O. 428 - Founded 1835 Meets in orthwich in the Province of Cheshire. The Lodge's warrant is dated 3rd October 1835, it was constituted on the 15th September 1836 and was numbered as 620 in the Register of Grand Lodge but has connections going back to 1786 when the Trade and Navigation Lodge No 491 was constituted.

Records show that a Provincial Grand Lodge was held in Kelsall in 1816 and that B. Philip Wilding from the Trade and Navigation Lodge acted as Tyler.

In 1828 the Trade and

Navigation Lodge was erased and in 1836 Philip Wilding became the Tyler of the Lodge of Sincerity. Since then the Wilding family has tyled continuously for the Lodge, a total of 166 years of unbroken service, this must be indeed a Masonic record. In 2002 the 7th generation son, Tony, became Tyler and his father Geoff came into the Lodge to enable him to start his progression to the Chair.

Sincerity has met in the Victoria Club since 1909 which up until the beginning of WW2 was a prosperous Club but because of various factors bringing the finances and upkeep of the building into decline, the management of the Club was taken over by a small band members of the Sincerity and one or two members from the other three lodges meeting there and due to their valiant work and efforts have managed to maintain the Club as a building to be proud of.

Within the lodge room is a bureau, which was gifted to the Trade and Navigation Lodge and also a set of globes dating from that period i.e. over 200 years old Within the records of the Lodge is a hand-written copy of the Rules and Orders of the Lodge of Trade and Navigation and at the back of this book is a copy of the 'Bylaws of the Lodge of Sincerity No.620.’ In the first year of the Lodge there were 11 initiates but only 9 in the next 10 years. W.Bro. Barker occupied the Chair for 6 of these 10 years and during this period did all the ceremonies except 3. In 1863 Grand Lodge renumbered the Lodge and it became No. 428. The Lodge in Northwich hosted Provincial Grand Lodge meetings in 1839, 1882 and 1895. In 1883 Sincerity Mark Lodge No 327 was consecrated, progressed for 4 years and after remaining dormant until 1899 was restarted and moved to New Brighton where it still meets. In 1884 Sincerity Chapter was, consecrated but by 1889 it had almost become extinct and no meetings were held until 1905 when joining members from Sale (Nr.Manchester) were admitted. Shortly afterwards the Chapter moved to Sale and currently meets at Altrincham.

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In 1899 the Lodge' sponsored the forming of John Brunner Lodge No. 2799 with 8 members of the Lodge of Sincerity being founding members. This lodge was named after Sir John Brunner who was one of the founders of ICI and was a PM of the Lodge of Sincerity. At the consecration of John Brunner Lodge 140 brethren attended, including 46 of the 54 W.M's of Cheshire and Sir John paid for the banquet!

In Oct 1927 our daughter lodge, Sinceritas No 4934 was consecrated with 13 of its 19 founder members being members of the Lodge of Sincerity and its members celebrate their 75th anniversary this October. Sinceritas founded its own Chapter in 1938, which still meets in Northwich. In 1938 the Lodge of Sincerity sponsored the forming of Mid Cheshire Lodge No 5697. The Lodge currently has 31 Members and 5 Honorary Members.

Interesting Facts:The current WM, Bro Lyon is the 143rd Master of the Lodge The Lodge has had 30 Secretaries with W.Bro.Bailey serving for 36 years. The Lodge has had 21 Treasurers (proof that it's an easier job than Secretary!), with six of these serving for over 10 years each. In 1836 fines for non-attendance were, the Master 4/-, the Wardens 3/-, other Officers 2/- and Members 1/-. Imagine what they would be today. In 1923 W.Bro. Wilkinson bequeathed £1,000 to the Lodge, which is still in trust. (-otes kindly supplied by W.Bro. Geoffrey C. Smith PPrJGD. – Secretary – Lodge of Sincerity -o.428)

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LODGE OF SI CERITY o.943 - Founded 1863 Meets at orwich in the Province of orfolk A Brief History of the Lodge. The Petition for a Lodge to be called Sincerity was recommended and supported by the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Cabbell Lodge, No. 1109 (now No.807) and was granted by Grand Lodge in February 1863. Unfortunately the Norfolk Provincial Grand Master's health prevented him from consecrating his new lodge so this Bro. George Harcourt, Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Surrey performed this duty, with the Consecration taking place in Norwich on the 25th. February 1863. The number of the Lodge of Sincerity was 1245, which was subsequently changed four months later to 943. The second Worshipful Master of the Lodge was the Reverend Francis Harcourt who unfortunately died halfway through his year of office at the age of 40. It is recorded that 70 Lodge members attended his funeral wearing "mourning costume, plain hat bands and white gloves". He was buried just outside Norwich at Rackheath and his memorial stone bears the Latin inscription "In this sign thou shalt conquer" with familiar Masonic letters and symbols at its foot. Up to 1906 the Lodge had seven different meeting locations in Norwich before finding its current home at 47, St. Giles Street Norwich, which are the fine premises, which are home to the Norwich Lodges. The two World Wars of necessity brought changes to Masonic Meetings and life and a number of Lodge meetings were cancelled. It is interesting to note that during the Second World War the Warrant of the Lodge was put in "safe custody", and was replaced at Lodge meetings by a photostat copy. On Monday 25th. February 1963, under Dispensation, the Lodge held its Centenary Meeting when over 200 Brethren were present headed by the Provincial and Deputy Provincial Grand Masters for the Province of Norfolk.

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The Lodge of Sincerity has sponsored two "Daughter" Lodges – Mancroft Lodge, No. 6074, which was consecrated in 1945 and The Round Table Lodge of Norfolk, No. 8600, which was consecrated in 1974. It is very pleasing to note that the "relationship" between the three Lodges has been maintained and every year official visits are arranged between the Lodges. In the case of The Round Table Lodge of Norfolk this goes further in that the Worshipful Master who is installed in the Lodge of Sincerity each January occupies the Senior Wardens Chair at the February Installation of the Round Table Lodge of Norfolk. Today the Lodge possesses a complete set of Minute Books recording every Lodge Meeting since 1863 as well as the account records again going back to 1863. All these volumes are in an excellent state of preservation, carefully and often beautifully written up by (quill) pen. These are kept in the Norfolk Records Office, which some eight years ago was destroyed by fire, but thankfully our records were saved and although soaked with water were expertly dried out over a period of time by specialists in this field. . In addition, the 1863 leather bound membership book is still in use today, in which the names and particulars of every Member are entered. In 1963 the membership of the Lodge was 143 whereas today it has reduced to 42. Perhaps the reduction in members is history repeating itself since in the late 1800’s the Minute record that membership was dropping and the attendances at the Installation was about 15 and an average of 9 at other Lodge meetings. In 1963 the annual Lodge subscription was £4.4.0 (£4.20 in current coinage) whereas today it is £210. Over the years there has been a very strong father and son relationship in the Lodge and on several occasions a father has taken part in his son's Initiation or presented him as Master Elect to receive the benefit of Installation. The Lodge Minutes reveal a continuing story of the service and small deeds rendered by members to the Lodge and the way our Members have made items for or given items to the Lodge. All this has contributed in no small way to its continuing wellbeing. (-otes kindly compiled by Colin A. Boar, PJGD., Lodge of Sincerity, -o.943)

- Secretary,

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LODGE OF SI CERITY o.1019 - Founded 1864 Meets at Wakefield in the Province of Yorks W.R. Brief otes of the History of the Lodge The Warrant for formation of the Lodge was issued on the 12th. May 1864 the Lodge being consecrated 22nd. June 1864 Meeting at the Old Rectory House, Wakefield. Mother Lodge - Wakefield Lodge No. 495. No record appears to exist for the formation of Sincerity Lodge but it does not appear to have been a break-a-way Lodge. Seven of the twelve founding members were members of Wakefield No.495, the probable reason being for the formation was due to the size of Wakefield No.495 and the length of time it took members to be appointed in office and thus reaching the Master’s Chair, probably the most common reason for forming a new Lodge. First Master of Sincerity Lodge was William Henry Gill a prominent Wakefield citizen and Mayor of Wakefield 1875/76. He was a solicitor and reputed to be an orator of some note. He was one of those responsible for the erection of Clayton Hospital in the town and at one time was Lord of the Rectory Manor of Wakefield

Other notable Founders:-

Henry Edwards –

MP. for Halifax

1847 – 1852

MP. for Beverley 1857 - 1868 Created Baronet


Appointed Provincial Grand Master for West Riding 1874 on the resignation of the Marquess of Ripon on his adoption of the Catholic religion. He appointed another Founder Thomas William Tew as his Deputy – Bro. Tew was a member of a wealthy Banking Family and subsequently became Provincial Grand Master in 1885. Adolphus Frederick Alexander Woodford – Rector of Swillington – Initiated in The Lodge of Friendship, Gibraltar No.278 in 1842 on visiting his father who was Governor of the Rock. On returning home he joined many Lodges. Became Provincial Grand Chaplain of Durham and in 1863 became Grand Chaplain. He was also one of the original founders of Quatuor Coronati Lodge in London – 1884 In the late 1870’s the Lodges meeting in Wakefield decided that the building that they met in was no longer suitable and on the 26th. May 1880 the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro.J.W.Tew laid the corner stone for the present Masonic Hall. The building work must have proceeded very quickly because at the Sincerity Installation Meeting on the 15th. December 1980 a resolution was passed that the Lodge be removed from the “Bull Hotel” to meet at the Masonic Hall, Zetland Street in future.

In the year that Sincerity celebrated it’s Centenary 1964 the membership of the Lodge stood at 71 members, like many lodges this figure has now reduced over the years and the current membership now stands at 39. (-otes kindly compiled by:- W.Bro. John E. Brereton PPrGSwdB Secretary Lodge of Sincerity -o. 1019)

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SI CERITY LODGE o.3120 – Founded 1905 Meets at Clayton-Le-Moors in the Province of East Lancs. Some notes with regard to the History of the Lodge on Queen Street, Great Harwood nr. Blackburn. The sponsoring Lodge was the Albert Edward Lodge No.1519. The consecrating Master being the Provincial Grand Master of the time i.e. R.W.Bro. the Right Honourable Lord Stanley MP. And W.Bro. Joseph Knowles PM of No.1519 was installed as the first Worshipful Master by W.Bro. Loynd PM., PPGP. of West Yorks. The first regular Lodge meeting was on the 9th. January 1906 at the Royal Hotel Great Harwood where the meetings were held until February 1924. The first candidate was Mr. Emmanuel Pickering of White Road, Blackburn. Meetings subsequent to that were held at the Wellington Hotel, Great Harwood remaining there until August 1954 when the Lodge moved across the road to the District Bank Chambers on Town Hall Square, they continued to meet there until 1972 then moving to our present premises. Our Mother Lodge, Albert Edward Lodge No. 1519, having acquired these previously. The premises being originally Sincerity Lodge No.3120 was consecrated on Saturday 16th. December 1905 in the Old National School the home of a Dr. Lovelace whose company had produced Lovelace soaps in years gone by. Unfortunately the prospects for the Lodge are very poor in that we have only 16 members only 12 of those being regular attendees. We are hoping to survive to at least commemorate our Centenary in 2005. (Information based on notes kindly submitted by: -

W.Bro. Ronald Edwards PM – Secretary – Sincerity Lodge -o.3120) .

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SI CERITY LODGE o. 3677 - Founded 1786 as o.492 but ew Warrant issued as o.3677 in 1913 Meets in Wigan in the Province of West Lancs. Some very interesting facts about the precedence of the Lodge It is never too sure on which rung of the ladder Sincerity No.3677 should be placed, our first recorded number was No. 492 in 1786, No.402 in 1792, No.486 in 1814. No.1 in 1838 and No.3677 in 1913. To confuse matters further in Wigan we have the Lodge of Antiquity No.178 and according to the records we have, the two lodges were consecrated in the same year within a matter of weeks of each other, and because of lack of details there is still some argument has to which is the senior.

Part of this confusion is due to the fact that Sincerity Lodge decided for some 90 years, 1823 1913 to be a member of the break-away Grand Lodge of Wigan thus their No.1 status in 1838 this being Grand Lodge of Wigan numbering who accorded Sincerity the honour of senior Lodge.

The Grand Lodge of Wigan was not recognized by United Grand Lodge, neither was Sincerity of course, Sincerity was also not and could not be recognized during this period by the other Lodges remaining under the auspices of Grand Lodge this then lead to Grand Lodge issuing a new No. i.e. No. 3677 when Sincerity came back into the fold in 1913 and subsequently Grand Lodge did not recognize their Bi-Centenary (or indeed their Centenary) due in 1986. The first meeting of the newly recognised Lodge was held on the 6th. October 1913 when 22 Candidates were proposed all members of the old lodge. On the 3rd. November 1913 sixteen members were initiated en block by special dispensation the other three being initiated at a later date.

However the Provincial Grand Master did attend the “200th� Celebratory meeting and marked the occasion by conferring PPrSGD on one of the members. As a result of all this Sincerity No.3677 is still known by elder members in the area as the rebel Lodge.

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One more point of masonic interest, is that in 1996 in one of the rooms at Tower Buildings was discovered the Banner belonging to the defunct Wigan Grand Lodge, it is quite large similar to a Trade Union banner but was in a ruinous state. The Wigan and District Association for Masonic Research have had it split and restored at Manchester Cathedral at a cost of some ÂŁ1700.00, it is now on display in Tower Buildings.

At the present moment Sincerity Lodge has a membership of 32 but with a high average age and like most other similar organizations we are having difficult attracting new members, indeed keeping our old ones. Because of the age of the members and the traveling involved the future for Sincerity at this present moment in time looks rather bleak, although one piece of good news is that we have gained two new members in the past year.

Tower Buildings our present meeting place is home to 17 lodges, 15 side degrees and lodges of research instruction etc., and despite having an income of some ÂŁ50,000 a year from shop rentals is falling into a sorry state of disrepair and is now on the market with offers in the pipeline. When sold the lodges at the moment meeting there will probably be dispersed to the other three Masonic Halls in the area.

(Details taken from notes kindly submitted by Bro.Derek Hughes PPrGStB- Secretary Sincerity Lodge -o.3677)

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LODGE OF SI CERITY o.3850 – Founded 1918 Meets at Birmingham in the Province of Warwickshire. Reviving the Lodge The Lodge of Sincerity No.3850 was formed in 1917 and consecrated in 1918 shortly after the cessation of the 1st. World War, the sponsoring Lodge being Elkington Lodge No.1016. At the time that Brother Wood below was initiated in 1955 the Lodge had 80 plus members and used to meet on the first Mondays of October to May at the Temple in Clarendon Road, Edgbaston. In 1970 the New Temple in Stirling Road was completed and the Lodge moved there, and has met there ever since. Over the next 50 years to the present day the numbers of active members have dwindled until the late 1990’s the members had to seriously consider handing in their Warrant when actual attendance numbers dropped to twelve. After a meeting with the Provincial Grand Master, an Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. M.J.Price became a joining member and along with several other brethren who subsequently joined the Lodge helped to restore the numbers attending to a creditable figure. There is now a membership of 25 with the prospect of some Candidates due to be initiated in the near future.

(-otes kindly submitted by W.Bro.W.E.Wood PPrSGW.)

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SI CERITY LODGE o.4424 - Founded 1922 Meets at Colwyn Bay in the Province of orth Wales A Potted History In December 1921 it was petitioned that a new Lodge be formed in Colwyn Bay and by February 1922 the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro.Porter, had chosen the name 'Sincerity' for a new Lodge No. 4424. The Warrant of Constitution was dated April 1922 and the Lodge was consecrated on 18th August 1922. In 1925 the Lodge moved to it's present home Osborne House, 13 Bay View Road, Colwyn Bay. Sincerity Lodge is a daughter lodge of St.Trillo Lodge No.2569 of Colwyn Bay. Sincerity Lodge is the mother lodge of Derwen Lodge No. 7407 of Colwyn Bay. A genealogical tree of the lodges in the Province is attached for information. .Sincerity Lodge, a Hall Stone Jewel Lodge, has always been a strong Lodge, meeting seven times a year - September to March, with strong family connections. At present we have a family of a father and two sons, a father and son and three sets of brothers in the present membership of 57. Of these members, 33 are Past Masters - of or in the Lodge and 24 are Master Masons. Of the 33 Past Masters two are Grand Officers and 21 are Provincial Grand Officers, with two holding Active Rank this year. A unique ceremony of a triple initiation of 3 blood brothers - Bill, Fred and John Davies carried out by their father - W.Bro. J. Ivor Davies - occurred on Friday, 23rd, February, 1951 and on Friday, 23rd February, 2001 the three brothers were guests of the Lodge on the 50th anniversary of their initiation. Two of the brothers had resigned from the Lodge on becoming founder members of other Lodges in Colwyn Bay and the other brother had resigned on moving to Glasgow.

The father of the Lodge is W.Bro. D.J.C.Owen, PAGDC, (a Lewis) who was in the Chair in 1961/62. W. Bro. T.O.Lukes, a Canadian who was blinded in the 2nd World War was in the Chair in 1968/69 and is still active in the Lodge. The present Worshipful Master, Bro. M.M.MacLoed, went into the Chair in October, 2001, for the first time at the ripe young age of 82 years of age and has been in the Craft for 62 years - a Scottish mason originally.

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At the present time the subscription for full members is £75, which includes 6 meals, and the subscription for Country or Non-Dining members is £40. We have one Joining Member who has yet to attend a meeting after the Ballot in February and we will be balloting for 3 Joining Members in November. There is one prospective candidate for Initiation in the pipeline, so during the next Masonic year beginning in September our membership should total 61. A family tree of the Lodges in N.Wales is attached to show how in fact most of the lodges in the Province owe their beginnings to the Lodge of Sincerity No.551 - now No.292 (W.Lancs) jointly sponsoring the originating lodge St.Davids No.384.

(-otes kindly written by W.Bro.John A Clutton PPrSGD Secretary Lodge of Sincerity -o.4424)

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SI CERITY LODGE o.6009 – Founded 1944 Meets at Worthing in the Province of Sussex. The Lodge was sponsored by the Worthing Lodge of Friendship No.851 and founded by the following 9 brethren viz:W.Bro.A.T.W.Goldsmith no information known W.Bro.H.T.Gosden of the Worthing Lodge of Friendship No. 851 W.Bro.R.H.W.Pearless of the Worthing Lodge of Friendship No. 851 W.Bro.E.H. Puttock of the Burrell Lodge No. 1829 W.Bro.S.A.Spofforth of the Thomas-a-Beckett Lodge No.3352 W.Bro.A.G..Pratley of the Cissbury Lodge No.5237 W.Bro.H.D.Peckover of the Cissbury Lodge No.5237 W.Bro.P.W.Gray of the Streatham Hill Lodge No.3784 W.Bro.W.T.Hunt of the St. James Union Lodge No. 180 and was consecrated on 28th October 1944. The first Initiate was W.J .Puttock who was Initiated on 19th November 1944 by his father, W.Bro.E.H.Puttock, one of the founder members of the Lodge. Bro. W.J.Puttock was Master of the Lodge in 1948/49 and remained an active member until his death on 18th November 1996. Our regular meetings are held at the Charmandean Centre (formally known as Freemasons’ Hall) in Forest Road, Worthing. We meet six times a year i.e. 3rd. Thursdays in January, March, May, July, September and November (Installation Meeting). Our Mother Lodge – Worthing Lodge of Friendship No. 851 also meets at the same venue. Unfortunately, like many Lodges, our membership has dwindled, to 24 from approx 60 in the early 80’s and the prospects do not appear too bright at the present time. (-otes kindly compiled by W.Bro F.J.Tooley PPrGSwdB - Secretary Lodge of Sincerity -o.6009)

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SI CERITY LODGE, o. 6036 - Founded 1945 Meets at Birtley in the Province of Durham Some interesting notes on the History of the Lodge From the records available -18 of the Founder Members came from the sponsoring Moseley Lodge No. 3105, supported by a PM of Gateshead Fell Lodge No. 4349 and PM from Accession Lodge No: 5661. These first records are to be found in a small hardback note book titled "New Craft Lodge Temporary Minute Book" and the earliest Meeting recorded in there is dated 2nd May, 1944.

Initially to be ‘Churchill Lodge' or 'Victory Lodge' - as proposed by our worthy founders, likewise, their subsequent submission of 'R.H.Yeld Lodge' or 'Joseph Corker Lodge' named after the first Master and the Master for the last two years of World War I of Moseley Lodge respectively, all eventually superseded by the name Sincerity Lodge.

Meetings to be held on 1st Wednesday - 10 meetings each year - subsequently changed to 9 meetings in 1946 - Wednesday was chosen to suit the majority of members in the retail trade Wednesday being half day closing. A Warrant was granted on 6th December 1944, and the lodge duly consecrated on 22nd September 1945. W.Bro. Robert Edward Rutherford was installed as the first Master.

The Lodge prospering through the austere '50's with Moseley Lodge providing the regalia. However, various items of Lodge furnishings were acquired over the years until the Lodge was self-sufficient. On 7th March 1962 the new Lodge Banner was unveiled which had been purchased from members donations. This regalia remained in use in one way or another until W.Bro. A.K. Garner, PAGDC., the Chaplain, generously dedicated a complete new set at the Annual Installation Meeting of the Lodge held on 2nd October, 2002. Some otable dates and events:Oct 59:- W.Bro. James Grimshaw Yarwood, the 'Grandfather' of the lodge, became the first of the 4 Lewis’s to occupy the Chair. Oct.61:- W,Bro. Hugh William Brewis became the 2nd 'Lewis' to occupy the Chair

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Nov.63: - Bro. George Middlemas became the 1st Master to Initiate his own son into the Lodge. Oct.65: - W.Bro. Robert Pringle became the 3rd 'Lewis' to occupy the Chair. Jan.71: - W,Bro. John William Stadius became the 2nd Master to initiate his son Charles Michael Stadius into the Lodge. Oct.73: - W.Bro. A.K. Garner installed as Master, became the first Master to occupy the chair for a second year in October 1974. Oct.82: - W.Bro. George Leslie Barker installed as Master, W.Bro.Dr. A.M.Davison, PrJGW. represented Rt.W. PGM. Oct.87: - W.Bro. Dr. A.M. Davison, PPr.JGW. was again representive for the Installation of W.Bro.G.L.Barker who occupied the Chair for the second time. Mar.91: - Last surviving Founder Member, W.Bro.G.L.Ford, died. Oct.92: - Bro.D.Benson Installed as Master, later installed in 1997 and 1998. May: - 93 Provincial Officers present escorted W.Bro. A.K. Garner, PAGDC, PPrJGW. into the Lodge on his first attendance since his investiture as a Grand Officer on 28th. April, 1993. This in acknowledgement of his position as Sincerity Lodge's first member to achieve Grand Rank. Oct.93: - W.Bro. Gordon Brewis became the 4th 'Lewis' to occupy the Chair. (a second generation Lewis) Mar.95: - W.Bro.S.Green became the 3rd. Master to initiate his son. Jun.95: - Lodge 50th Anniversary Meeting attended by Rt W. PGM, The Rt Hon. The Lord Barnard, TD. PGSW. Oct: - 95. W.Bro. Dr A.M.Davison - now Provincial Grand Master - attended the Installation of W.Bro.Barker when he became the first Master to be installed for a third term of office as Master. Jan.97: - W.Bro. J.G.Yarwood, PPrGReg. celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry. Dec.01: - Bro.G.Suggett, PPrGSwd, and W.Bro.H.W.Brewis, PPrGSwdB, celebrated their 50 years in Freemasonry. To commemorate the event they presented a Master’s collarette to the Lodge to be worn by the Master. To date the Lodge continues to be stable with a strong, active membership and we are looking forward to a healthy future. . (Kindly Prepared from the 50 year History by:- W.Bro. A.K.Gamer, PAGDC., PPrJGWnd and notes compiled by W.Bro. Stanley Green PPrJGW – Secretary – Sincerity Lodge -o.6036)

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LODGE OF SI CERITY o.6868 – Founded in 1949 Meeting at Dartford in the Province of West Kent Some notes of interest The Lodge was consecrated on the 20th. October 1949 to maintain the highest standards of Emulation working and the principal officers are: W.Bro. Ken Langman, PPrAGDC., was Master for a second time last year and agreed to stay on as Master again this year. He was always an active member of the Lodge and regularly plays golf for the Province of West Kent. W.Bro. Ralph Price PPrGReg., has been a member since 1957 and in the past has held the offices of Treasurer and DC and was for 21 years the Preceptor. He has only missed one Lodge meeting in 45 years (he was in hospital having a pacemaker fitted so we thought he had a valid excuse!) and is still very active in Lodge affairs, attending all meetings and many Lodge of Instruction's to ensure the "younger" members uphold the standard of ritual set down by the Founders. W.Bro. Mervyn Davies, PPrAGReg., received his Provincial appointment in May this year and has been our Treasurer since 1997. W.Bro. Derek Borrett, PAGDC. PPrJGW., is another "senior" member of the Lodge, having held the office of DC from 1977 to 1990 and again from 1999 to the present day. He is one of two Grand Officers in the Lodge. W.Bro. Oliver Moore, PGStB., PPrGReg., Chaplain of the Lodge was a joining member in 1956 and was Secretary for a number of years before I was persuaded to accept the post in 1996. W.Bro. Geoff Court, PPrSGD - received Provincial promotion in May this year and is very active in Lodge affairs. He has been Preceptor and ADC for three years with the intention of learning from W.Bro.Derek and taking over the office of DC in the near future. W.Bro. Les Meakins has been the Organist for many, many years. Les was the previous Charity Steward and is very active throughout the Province as the honorary Organist for a number of Lodges.

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W.Bro. Graham Richards has been our Charity Steward since 1999. He is also a keen golfer and has represented the Province. This year with the able assistance of Les and Graham the Lodge have every intention of reaching the “Platinum standard” for the West Kent 2003 appeal for the RMBI. We are also lucky to have a most conscientious Almoner in W. Bro Trevor Beech who makes a point of visiting the ill and infirm each year to personally deliver Xmas gifts from the Lodge

We have been struggling to retain some of the newer members for a number of reasons and therefore rely on a core of enthusiasts to support the Lodge and fill the offices. Like many of today's Lodges we are small in numbers membership having declined gradually over the past twenty years from approx. 60 in the early '80s to its present level of 27 but we do have a strong core of brethren determined to see the Lodge restored to former "glories". Many members have been W.M. for a second time and hopefully we can "attract" more candidates in the future.

(-otes kindly compiled by W.Bro.D.J.S.Ball PPrSGD – Secretary Lodge of Sincerity -o.6868)

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LODGE OF SI CERITY o. 7658. - Founded 1959

Meeting in Bristol in the Province of Gloucestershire Some notes of interest Freemasonry started in Filton, Bristol, (actually South Gloucestershire) in 1947 with the formation of the Filton Lodge of Fortitude. No. 6498. (our Mother Lodge). The initial membership was made up of brethren within the Province and the from the neighbouring Province of Bristol, together with brethren from farther afield, who were working in the Bristol Aeroplane Co. which was the largest industry in the village at that time. Filton Lodge of Fortitude progressed rapidly, and the first daughter lodge, the Lodge of Fidelity, No. 6943, was formed and consecrated in 1950, and the second daughter Lodge, the Lodge of Sincerity, No. 7658, was consecrated in 1959. 1t is believed the name of the Lodge was based on the principle of maintaining similarity. Progress in the development of the area in the 1960s brought a dual carriageway through the village and the Memorial Hall where our meetings were held, was demolished in the process, hence there was a need to find new premises, and in 1961/62 a hall was purchased in Stapleton, Bristol, there being no suitable building in the Fi1ton area. Unfortunately, after 40 years the Lodges meeting there are now known as the "Stapleton Lodges". The Lodge has progressed without any major problems since its consecration, and membership has fluctuated during that time, but during the last few years, like many Lodges, the numbers have been on the decline. The Lodge crest at the top of the summons is taken from the Lodge banner, which was dedicated in 1968. The design represents a hand on the VSL in the 1st degree, where the word "sincerely" is the only reference in the whole ritual that can directly be related to the word "sincerity". – (See over for a second definition of Sincerity)

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(A second definition of Sincerity given by the Provincial Grand Chaplain at the consecration of Lodge of Sincerity -o.7638 on the 28th. -ovember 1959) You cannot weigh, you cannot measure and you cannot see Sincerity. It is a spiritual quality of the heart and mind. Yet, despite its elusive character, it should be the hallmark of Masonry, for without it Freemasonry is but an empty shell. A Freemason will be faithful in the use of that part of his time in which he recognizes the Architect of the Universe and seeks his help and guidance. He will be Sincere in the use he makes of the volume of the sacred law. Can we be good Masons unless we pay heed to the design and try to understand the wishes of the Architect? He will be sincere in his practice of charity and brotherly love. Out of this sincerity will slowly come to birth the spirit of your lodge. This is again an elusive feature to describe. Again we can neither weigh nor measure it. It exists in a lodge quite independently of the richness of the furnishings, the nature of the buildings or even the correctness of the ritual in any lodge. And it is that which makes or mars masonry.

(-otes kindly provided by W.Bro. Brian Sinclair PAGDC)

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LODGE OF SI CERITY o.8531 – Founded 1973 Meeting at Swansea in the Province of South Wales (Eastern Division) A very short history The Lodge of Sincerity No. 8531 was consecrated in the Masonic Temple at Swansea on Monday 19th. November 1973. The Consecrating Officer being The Rt.Hon Lord Swansea Provincial Grand Master The first Master of the Lodge was W.Bro. Dudley R. Brown PAGSupWks (PM 6626) and he is still an active member of the Lodge The Lodge meets four times a year second Tuesdays in January March May and the Installation Meeting in November the current membership being 30

(Information kindly supplied by W.Bro .Sior Roberts PPrJGD Secretary Lodge of Sincerity -o. 8531)

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