Benko’s Opening with ElectricCrown var seo_sids = new Array();var seo_osids = new Array(); More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at
Welcome to my Benko’s Opening (A00) game with ElectricCrown! On this page I have posted one my chess games in which I played the White side of the Benko’s Opening. The game includes analysis and diagrams. (Click HERE to learn more about Pal Benko, whom this opening is named after.) [Black "ElectricCrown"] [Result "1-0"] [ICCResult "Black checkmated"] [WhiteElo "1372"] [BlackElo "1255"] [Opening "Benko's opening"] [ECO "A00"] [NIC "VO.09"] [Time "00:24:04"] [TimeControl "420+0"] 1. g3 e5 2. Bg2 d5 3. d3 Nf6 4. c4 Bb4+ 5. Bd2 Bxd2+ 6. Nxd2 d4 7. Ngf3 Qe7 8. O-O Nbd7 9. a3 Rb8 10. b4 O-O 11. Qb3 b6 12. Rfb1 Bb7 13. a4 c5 14. b5 a5 15. bxa6 Bxa6 16. Qa2 e4 17. Nxe4 Nxe4 18. dxe4 Qxe4 19. Ne1 Qe6 20. Bd5 Qf6 21. Nd3 Ne5 22. Nxe5 Qxe5 23. Re1 Kh8 24. a5 f5 25. axb6 Rxb6 26. Rad1 f4 27. Qa3 fxg3 28. hxg3 Qf6 29. f4 Qg6 30. Kg2 Rxf4 31. Qxc5 Rf8 32. Qxf8# {Black checkmated} 1-0
Online Game ICC Game Played 1 Jul 2004 White: Mike Serovey (1372) Black: ElectricCrown (1255) 1. g3 e5 2. Bg2 d5 3. d3 Nf6