Copywriting - Mastering 4 Main Principles

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One of the most important skills you can ever have in building your MLM company is that of effective copywriting. I am going to share with you the 4 Main Principles of Successful Copywriting based on Mike Dillards MLM Traffic Formula so that you can effectively market this skill. Copywriting will make or break your marketing efforts. It is a valuable skill that is learned and developed over a period of time and is imperative to your success. Mike Dillard who is one of the "masters" of copywriting has a whole section dedicated to this in his MLM Traffic Formula. When you master copywriting, you can easily separate yourself from the other 98% of network marketers that neglect this skill. First...You Must Be Genuine and Be Yourself. Speak and talk to your prospects as if you are talking to a friend. In doing this, you want to incorporate salesmanship into the message. You need to come across as a person who has a genuine interest in their success but you have to balance this with salesmanship to captivate the retention and induce a response. People will respond when you are genuine and bring your personality into it. When people can see that you are yourself and that you are genuine, they will be drawn to you automatically. Second...Provide Specifics. Don't speak in generalizations. Provide proof, provide results, provide numbers and be specific. If you are going to show someone how to generate leads, for instance. Don't just say, "I am going to show you how to generate leads." Say, "I am going to show you how to generate 30 leads in 3 days using YouTube videos." So there is how many leads, how quickly and with what source. You need to be very specific. Third...You Are Going To Position Yourself As An Expert or Consultant. This should be your overall philosophy in all aspects of your business, not just in copywriting. You should always be positioning yourself as a leader. You need to promote yourself as an expert. You are no longer just a salesman promoting a product or business opportunity. You are now a professional consultant who is now promoting yourself. This is the difference between the leaders and the other 97% of network marketers that struggle. So position yourself as a professional consultant. Someone who is an expert in your field, has value to offer your prospects and can provide solutions to their challenges. If you are going to be a leader, you must position yourself as such. Fourth...Disguise Your Sales Pitch Within Valuable Content. Remember everything is about sales. If there's no sales, nobody is making any money and this is all about making money and growing your business. As long as you are giving incredible value, you will be getting value in return. So, if you can provide valuable content and then provide proof to back up your claims and promises, then you can easily disguise your sales pitch within that valuable content. So with this being said, you need to know your target market in order to avoid rejection. You want to target qualified prospects. Ever wonder why you receive a lot of rejection when you try to

contact the list of your friends and family? Well, the reason for that is you are targeting unqualified prospects. They are probably not interested in starting their own home based business, are not interested in network marketing and not a qualified prospect to be an entrepreneur. So why would you ever give them a presentation about your opportunity? You wouldn't, you shouldn't and if you do, you should expect rejection. So you always need to understand your target market and market effectively to them. The more you know your target market, the more successful you will be. If you haven't figured it out by now, one of the best target markets is other network marketers who are struggling with their businesses. Think about that, pick a specific angle (problem) and start marketing to them with value (solution).

It takes time to develop effective copywriting skills []. Once you've taken the time to understand these techniques, you can also learn about other strategies that Stacey Armstrong recommends by clicking on the following link. This link will take you to more MLM Secrets that will help you in building a successful network marketing business.

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