Dutch Defense Page More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at http://MikeSeroveyOnChess.com. var amzn_wdgt={widget:'Carousel'}; amzn_wdgt.tag='lipawe-20'; amzn_wdgt.widgetType='ASINList'; amzn_wdgt.ASIN='0875681786'; amzn_wdgt.title='Dutch Defense'; amzn_wdgt.marketPlace='US'; amzn_wdgt.width='600'; amzn_wdgt.height='200';
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Welcome to my Dutch Defense games page! On this page I display links to my chess games in which I played either side of the Dutch Defense. The games include analysis and diagrams. I will place the actual games on separate pages listed by the opponent played. The Dutch Defense is usually played against 1. d4 but can also be used against 1. c4 and 1.Nf3. Black’s first move is usually 1… f5. There are many variations of the Dutch Defense, depending mostly on what White plays. Here is an example of what a game using the Dutch Defense could look like.
Dutch Defense after 2… Nf6.