English Opening Game 2 with Chien Ming Page

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English Opening Game 2 with Chien Ming Page var seo_sids = new Array();var seo_osids = new Array(); More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at http://MikeSeroveyOnChess.com.

Welcome to my English Opening game 2 (ECO A14) with Chien Ming page! On this page I have posted one my chess games in which I played the White side of the English Opening . The game includes analysis and diagrams. My opponent plays at ICC with the handle of fhunfi and he lives in Indonesia. This game started off as a Benko’s Opening with 1.g3 and transposed into a RÊti Opening before transposing again into an English Opening, Neo-Catalan declined. I lost my previous game to Chien Ming when I played the Black side of an English opening and this time I managed to draw by repetition of position. When the game was over my opponent made a comment about not trading into an endgame because he had hanging pawns. I think that White was slightly better at the point of the draw but I was willing to accept the draw against an opponent who is rated a little more than 500 points above me. This was a non rated practice game.

[Site "Internet Chess Club"] [Date "2007.05.27"] [Round "-"] [White "OnGoldenPawn"] [Black "fhunfi"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ICCResult "Game drawn by repetition"] [WhiteElo "1518"] [BlackElo "2037"] [Opening "English: Neo-Catalan declined"] [ECO "A14"] [NIC "RE.09"] [Time "00:16:31"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] 1. g3 d5 2. Bg2 Nf6 3. c4 e6 4. Nf3 Be7 5. O-O O-O 6. b3 b6 7. Bb2 Bb7 8. d4 Nbd7 9. cxd5 exd5 10. Nbd2 Rc8 11. e3 c5 12. Rc1 Re8 13. Re1 Rc7 14. dxc5 bxc5 15. Ne5 Nxe5 16. Bxe5 Bd6 17. Bxd6 Qxd6 18. Rc2 Qe7 19. Nf3 Ne4 20. Nd2 Nf6 21. Nf3 Ne4 22. Nd2 Nf6 23. Nf3 Ne4 {Game drawn by repetition} 1/2-1/2


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