==== ==== Check this site out if you want to learn more about how to play chess openings: http://mikeseroveyonchess.com/shop/ ==== ====
Openings are chess strategies enacted to gain control of the center of the chess board within the opening game. The opening game starts with the first move and ends when one player has clear control of the middle board, which is normally after about ten moves each. The center of the board consists of the four squares right in the middle of the chess board. Control of the center board makes it more difficult for your opponent to attack and advance pieces. Control of the center board is therefore a highly prized tactical advantage. As well as controlling the middle board, a well rounded chess opening will also allow your major pieces to exit the back row to be used for attacking or defending purposes. Openings should also provide protection for your king (such as castling king-side) and not leave your king in a vulnerable position. There a number of tried and tested "rules" that should be adhered to when playing an opening. They are: Advance your knights as soon as possible. Knights can attack numerous squares and are very good for defending center board. Do not develop your chess pieces on one side only. This will allow your opponent to take advantage of the center board. Pieces are also more valuable away from the side of the board. Avoid attacking too aggressively. Remember that openings are used to put in place your defensive positions. Open up your back line. Allow your major pieces room to breath. With the these rules in mind, there are only a few opening strategies that will achieve all of the above goals. These strategies are called openings and are often used over and over again. Each opening has a number of variations that can be adapted as the opponent plays their moves. Openings are memorized by experienced players and therefore little thought is required as they are played. The first half-a-dozen moves between two experienced players are therefore normally made in quick succession. Common openings have names like the Sicilian Defense, English Opening, Queens Gambit, Two Knights Defense and so on. These and many more openings are listed in numerous openings databases, books and websites. As a player learns more openings they will have a more flexible arsenal of weapons to deploy against their opponent.
If you want to learn chess, we run a free website called BeginnerChess.org. This site has many videos, lessons and articles designed to teach the rules of chess to beginner chess players.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Beljaars
==== ==== Check this site out if you want to learn more about how to play chess openings: http://mikeseroveyonchess.com/shop/ ==== ====