Pirc Defense 1 with Walter Enright Page More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at http://MikeSeroveyOnChess.com.
Welcome to my Pirc Defense game number 1 with Walter Enright page! On this page I have posted one my chess games in which I played the Black side of the Pirc Defense. The game includes analysis and diagrams. This is one of the unrated games that I played at the Giessen Area Recreation Centers while I was stationed in Giessen, Germany from 1983 to 1986. Walter Enright was a SFC (E-7) in the US Army at the time that I knew him and he retired from the Army about the time that I got out. Giessen Depot Championship Giessen, Germany Round 1 White: Walter Enright (Unrated) Black: Mike Serovey (1499)
1. e4 d6 2. d4 g6 3. Bc4 c6 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. Be3 b5 6. Bb3 a5
Pirc Defense after 6‌ a5.