Sicilian Defense with James the II Page More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at
Welcome to my Sicilian Defense (ECO B22) game with James the II page! On this page I have posted one my chess games in which I played the Black side of the Sicilian Defense. The game includes analysis and diagrams. This is one of my games played at Stan’s Net Chess. The opening is Sicilian: Alapin’s variation (3.c3). The ratings listed below are for each player at the end of the game. [Event "Game 425740"] [Site "Stan's NetChess"] [Date "2008.02.05"] [Round "?"] [White "JAMES THE II"] [Black "mserovey"] [Result "0-1"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. c3 e5 4. a3 Nf6 5. Bd3 d5 6. Bb5 Bd6 7. exd5 Nxd5 8. O-O O-O 9. Bc4 Nb6 10. Be2 e4 11. Ne1 c4 12. f4 Qc7 13. b3 cxb3 14. Qxb3 Bxf4 2. Qc2 Bxh2+ 16. Kh1 Re8 17. d4 Bg3 18. Be3 Qe7 19. Nf3 exf3 20. Rxf3 Qh4+ 21. Kg1 Qh2+ 22. Kf1 Qh1+ 23. Bg1 Bh2 24. Ke1 Qxg1+ 25. Rf1 Qxg2 26. Ra2 Bg4 0-1 Correspondence Game Stan’s Net Chess Game Played: 5 February 2008 to 23 February 2008 White: James the II (2078) Black: Mike Serovey (2172)