Write a Sales Letter in 5 Minutes

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==== ==== Check this site out if you want to learn more about how to copywrite effective sales letters: http://beswordmastery.com ==== ====

It is definitely possible to write a complete sales letter in minutes that's ready to sell your product and take orders for your web site. Many writers take way too long to put out a piece of copy, because they refuse to follow any formula and instead take the artsy approach to pumping out content. If you can ignore your artistic tendencies for just a few minutes, succumb to the intense pressure of completing a sales letter on time, and adopt a few very simple techniques, you too can write a sales letter in just five minutes. The first thing you need to do when you write a sales letter is follow a formula. Understand that a sales letter is a document of text consisting of headlines, bullet points, and short paragraphs. You can turn bullet points into paragraphs later, so for now you only need to worry about the bullet points. List ten things about your product... what does it do best? What skills or abilities will your customers have after using your product? What chapters does the book contain? What lessons can they watch during video? These are your bullet points... simple one or two sentence blurbs selling your product. Next, you can write a five minute sales letter much easier than you can write a one hour sales letter. That's simply because you tell yourself you only have five minutes to finish, so your brain thinks it is in a hurry and you put all reservations and inhibitions to the wayside. From personal experience, those people I have coached who have difficulty writing simply think the perfect sentence exists. My motto is: If you write something, and it's the best, most beautiful sentence you have ever read then cross it out, because it stinks! Finally, you need to adopt a few simple techniques. Once you have your bullet points, you can adapt them to form the most basic parts of a sales letter: a headline, product description, benefits, testimonials, an offer, a guarantee, and a call-to-action. These all seem like technical terms but they are not. Take your strongest bullet point, make sure it contains action verbs, and make it your headline. Take those bullet points that describe your actual product and expand on those to explain what you are selling. Arrange your benefit bullets in groups to five to concentrate on certain features, and before you know it... you have just about everything you need to make a sales letter. Finish it up with a call-to-action, telling your reader exactly why purchasing now is a great deal. There you have it. That was a basic formula for cutting the time it takes to write copy, in half! Just follow a simple system to get out of your own way and turn writing into a repeatable process for copywriting.

Get the exact step by step formula to write a sales letter in five minutes or less, complete with easy to use worksheets and plug-n-play headlines, offers, stories, and guarantees... http://www.fiveminutecopywriting.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Plank

==== ==== Check this site out if you want to learn more about how to copywrite effective sales letters: http://beswordmastery.com ==== ====

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