Semester 2 - Unity Production Booklet

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Year 1, Semester 2: Production Research & Development Report Michael Thomas


Contents Figuration: Page 3 Concept Art: Page 4 Concept Statement: Page 5 Scenarios: Page 5 Treatment: Page 5 Scripts: Page 6 List of Assets: Page 7 List of Textures: Pages 8,9 WIP & 3D Models: Pages 10, 11 Sound Design: Page 12 Testing and Evaluation: Pages 13-­‐14



1) Metaphors Anne is a rock Anne is a force to be reckoned with Anne is an open book Anne is her work Anne is a source of guidance Anne has a heart of Gold. Anne is the trunk that grows branches Anne’s family is an unbreakable chain Anne is a fine wine Anne is a bold Lion 2) Similes Anne is as busy as a bee. Anne works like a horse Anne is as cool as a cucumber Anne writes like a child Anne is as caring as a mother Anne shops like there’s no tomorrow Anne laughs like a hyena Anne drives like a woman Anne’s clothes fit like a glove Anne is as hard as nails


2D Concept Art/Doodles


Concept Statement

Having gathered the appropriate research and analysed it in depth, my environment will evolve around my mother’s characteristics, personality traits and main areas of life, mainly work, family and relaxation. I intend to reflect Anne’s placid nature and lifestyle through the production of a one-­‐floored settlement, providing a typical living space where Anne might live. The user will start from a location away from the settlement, walking through obstacles and being guided by arrows and clues. This sums up the concept for my production of my environment. I have included various traits and factors associated with Anne, such as a sort of ‘exhibition’ feel to the environment, with stones she used to collect on stands as a child, an office for her workspace, family rooms and numerous other supporting assets listed later in this report.


At the start of the experience, Anne finds herself in a metal cell, and must use her initiative to find a way out. Moving forward, Anne walks out after a granite plank moves down. Following her path to the end, Anne encounters familiar objects, in an obstructive manner. Following through the maze, Anne reaches the end of the experience, and finds the settlement, which encompasses her life and way of living.

Scenarios and Treatment

There are various scenarios apparent within the experience. First, if Anne’s doesn’t find a way out the cell, the metal plank will not fall, thus making no advancement. The obstructive nature of the objects along her path to the end settlement must be passed through time judgement. The user is also aided by the use of directional wooden arrows to help aid one through the experience. When entering the settlement, when approaching different areas, relevant sounds will play to accommodate and reflect the idea of what each room or object might recreate in Anne’s world.



var Sound : AudioClip; function OnTriggerEnter() { audio.PlayOneShot(sound); } Sound Trigger’s for: Door Enter Follow me voice Granite plank sound Kitchen Dishes Lounge Sounds Office Sounds var plankClip : AnimationClip; function OnTriggerEnter(player:Collider) { if (player.tag==”player”) Game.Object.Find(“graniteplank”).animation.Play(“graniteplank”) ; } Animation Trigger’s for: Granite plank Kitchen Shelf Table Stand


List of Assets: Television x2 Fence Wooden Chair Brick patio and flooring Roof Pillar Arrow Box Granite Plank Trees Kitchen Shelf Table Stand Lamp Brick Walls Sofa Office Shelf Wardrobe Bowls TV Stands Table Family Pictures x 2 Certificates x 2


List of Textures:

Bleach bricks: Leather: Stones:

Brown bricks: Marble:


Wood: Metal: TV screen:

Granite: Pillar:

Book 1: Book 2:


Book 3:


Cushion: Teapot:


Bowl: Lamp: Paper: Rock 1: Rock 2: Rock 3: Rock 4: Rock 5: Rock 6:


Screenshots of Work in Progress and 3D Model Development



Sound Design

Background Sound: Birds tweeting Scripted Sound Design: Door Enter Follow me voice Granite plank sound Kitchen Dishes Lounge Sounds Office Sounds All of these sounds were chosen as they wholly represent specific aspects of Anne’s lifestyle, sounds derived from my research from her.


Testing and Evaluation

I decided to let Anne have a run through of my interactive environment to see what her opinion was and to see if she mentioned anything I could have improved on and also so she could let me know what parts she thought were appropriate. To summarise, Anne felt the following were positive factors: -­‐ Scenery reflected her personality – quiet and tranquil -­‐ Tweeting birds accompanied her ideal mind set – relaxation -­‐ The 3D models used were appropriate to feedback she gave me during research and that she thought they represented core’s of her life -­‐ Sound effects – in particular the sounds of the apartment/settlement as they reflected her typical ‘living environment’ with family and work. Factors Anne felt could be improved: -­‐ The experience could have been longer, as it lasts a short space of time -­‐ The nature of the environment is simple to interact with, could be more creative with animations. -­‐ Some textures were replacing others and weren’t accurate.


In response to the user testing results and opinion, I replaced certain textures with the right ones. For instance the TV screen had adapted the brick flooring texture, as Unity did not import the texture properly. I ended up re importing the TV model as a whole from 3ds Max and this fixed the problem. In response to Anne feeling the experience could have been made slightly longer, I tried to make the environment, short and to the point. I didn’t want it to be complex and to lead the viewer, in particular Anne to feel different moods and feelings that I got from her in my research. Anne is very much a family based personal and has


a small sphere of living and I think the simple nature and essence of a low tempo environment has achieved that.


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