IsLA ND A table top game
R. Cleland
Forward The main reason for this game is to allow players to experience on the table top the kind of adventures described in books such as the Lost World and films such as King Kong. You will take on the roll as a group of intrepid adventurers braving the dangers of an uncharted island, a hidden plateau in the jungle or even to the very centre of the earth. Set In the 1930’s, the world still has some largely unexplored areas and mysteries to uncover.
L Basic Rules The rules give you the basic description of the rules to get you started. Starting with the seven statistics for each creature within the game.
MOVEMENT (M) This determines how far you can move in inches in a given turn when you perform a move action. ATTACK VALUE (AV) This is the value you add to your dice roll when trying to attack another creature in a clash. DEFENCE VALUE (DV) This is the number you add to your defence roll when engaged in a clash INTELLIGENCE POINTS (IP) These are the points you get to spend per turn to perform actions from the action table and to use on traits. ATTACKS (A) This number represents how many attacks you can make in close combat. Most creatures only have one. SIZE (S) This stat gives you an idea of the size of the creature this is important for a number of reasons including shooting and dinosaur behaviour. FEAR (F) All wild game or creatures invoke some fear into the adventurers’ heart. This represents how terrifying individuals or packs of creatures are. It is this statistic which you roll against when testing your fear.
The Game Turn
The Game Turn The game turn begins with a chance to roll on the explorers table. This table represents the various hazards of delving into unknown lands. Roll a D6 at the start of every human players turn. If it comes up as a 1 roll a D10 on the explorers table. Alternatively shuffle a deck of cards and every time you draw a black jack, king, queen, or ace roll on this table.
Explorer Table Rampaging dinosaur Roll on the dinosaur table to see what appears. It will emerge from a random table edge. Critters Roll on the critters table. They emerge from the closest territory. Poisoned bite One random hero is poisoned on a 2d6 roll of a 7+ Lost One random extra either runs away or disappears‌. Bad fall One random hero is at -1M for the rest of the game
Lost weapon One random member looses a weapon randomly Afraid One extra has to make a morale check on a 8+ with no modifiers or begin to flee Fever One random extra gains a fever. They are at -1 to all their stats for the rest of the game It’s that way! I found it! You can reroll your next exploration/ treasure roll when you enter a territory Lone survivor You gain one additional extra for free of your choice.
Game Turn There three main action fields in each turn. These can be performed in any order so you can move shoot clash or clash shoot move. As long as you have enough IP to do it. All actions are listed on the action tables. While there are only explorers on the game board they perform all their turn until they discover any other creature. When this happens it is then taken turn about to activate miniatures one at a time until all models have been moved. 1.MOVEMENT 2.SHOOTING 3.CLASH DINOSAUR TURN Dinosaurs take their turn in the same manner as humans. However they can always make their first move for free. THE MOVEMENT PHASE All creatures and humans in game move a set amount as their base move. They spend 1 IP point to move their base movement allowance.. They may also spend IP to perform movement actions such as climbing or swimming. It is also during this phase that you can initiate a clash. SHOOTING PHASE This represents the explorers greatest chance of making through the jungle in one piece. You may move and shoot a weapon but you may not run and shoot. The first thing you must do is declare a target. It must be within your line of sight and you must judge if it is within your guns range this is called taking aim. If it is out of range you have wasted your shot. There are certain traits and actions you can perform to affect your shooting and they are listed on the action table. The most obvious is aim. Once you have your target and it is in range you roll to hit. Most humans hit on a 7+ on 2d6 with no modifiers. However having a clear open shot at a still target in jungle isn’t that likely so there are a number of modifiers to put in. Any positive modifiers are added to the difficulty of the shot requiring you to get a higher number to hit. Any negative modifiers reduce the required number. See the ranged table below for modifiers. Once you have hit a creature you will need to damage it. So go to the damage table to see if it has been wounded or not.
Over 12 inches
Has travelled over 10’’ in previous turn
Large target
Partial cover (25%)
Cover (50%)
Heavy cover (75%)
Over watch shot
Very small
Firer moved
Target under 4’’ away Flying
Auto hit +2
Ranged Weapons RANGE
Reaction shot
Elephant Gun
Move or fire
Damage When you have hit something it is time to see if any actual damage has been done. The attacker rolls 2D6 and adds his AV to this. The defender rolls 2D6 and adds his DV to this. If the defender beats the attackers roll the shot has failed to wound. However if the attacker defeats the defenders roll the defender takes wounds up to the difference between the two rolls. For example a big game hunter shoots and hits a nano tyrannosaur for his attack total he rolls a 9 plus the 12 for the attack value of the gun giving him 21 total. The nano tyrannosaur rolls a 7 and adds its defence of 12 for a total of 19. This makes the difference 2 and the dinosaur takes 2 wounds to its wound threshold.
Wound Threshold Every creature on the island has a wound threshold. This determines how much more damage they can take before they are considered dead. To keep things simple everything has a wound threshold of 4. The only exceptions to this are very small creatures and human extras. When they take their first wound they are dead. Being wounded also means it is harder for you to perform tasks and fight and depending on the severity of the wound you receive penalties to your stats. All wound levels are explained below on the table. No stat can be reduced to zero. The minimum is always 1.
Wound Total
Flesh wound
-1 to all stats
Deep wound
-2 to all stats
Critical wound
Halve all stats rounding down
Fatal wound
Clash To enter a clash you must move into base contact in your turn using one or two movement actions only. Then for every attack you have on your profile you may make an attack roll. The attacker rolls 2D6 and adds his attack value to it while the defender rolls 2D6 and adds their defence value. If the attacker beats the defenders roll then the damage is applied as for shooting. See above .If the defender survives they retreat 4 inches away from the attacker.
Rear Attacks If you attack a creature from behind they only get to roll one defensive dice. Also if the creature is fleeing they roll no defensive dice.
Fear All creatures except humans cause fear and by this manner we determine whether an individual keeps their nerve or decides to make a run for it.
Humans When humans are within 12’ of a fear causing creature they must make a fear check for their group. To do this they roll 2d6 and add the amount of humans that are within 12 of the closest human to the roll. If they get higher than or equal to the animals fear level then they act as normal. If they get less, then they have failed and whatever the difference is between the roll and the fear level is how many humans begin to flee. Extras closest run first followed by supporting cast and finally the leader.
Human Death If a human is within 6 inches of another human when they are killed they must test their nerve. They must pass a fear check on a 7+ on 2D6 or begin to flee. They may use the normal rules for fear for this, humans within 6 etc.
Fleeing When you flee you immediately go into a run action directly away from the fear causing creature. While fleeing you get +3 to your defence and you loose all your IP. You may use your IP to swim, climb or jump but nothing else. To recover from fleeing you must roll 10+ on 2d6 with no modifiers in the first turn 9+ the second etc. After your second turn you will also flee in a random direction. Rolling a D6 on the fleeing table to find out which way you go. 1-2 diagonally left 3-4 straight 5-6 diagonally right
Natural 6 If when rolling to wound or defend you roll a natural 6 on one of your dice you may add another D3 to your score to represent a critical success. If you roll a double 6 you may roll 2D3. If you roll another double 6 on this roll you can roll a D6 on top for your final result. You must have hit an eye socket with that shot.
Dinosaurs Dinosaurs react differently to fear. There are a number of different factors to take in as follows. Dinosaurs only fear other dinosaurs if their fear level is lower than their opponents. 1. Predators will only be afraid of herbivores if they are two size levels above them and will retreat until they are 10 inches away or safely in their own territory 1. Herbivores will retreat at the sight of any predator within 12� unless they are in their own territory. While in their territory they will only retreat after the first wound or the first pack/herd member is killed. 1. Smaller predators fear large predators if their fear/pack fear is 6 lower than the large predator. 1. Herbivores will retreat when they meet a more fearsome herbivore
Territories One of the big part of the game is exploring dinosaur territories. Most of the missions revolve around them and the explorers encounters within. When an explorer enters a territory any dinosaur within is placed and any special features that the dinosaur has are activated on the territory. We suggest 6 territories per table with all touching one another. Make sure you have a good way of determining different territories. Some string is the most basic.. Using tokens or a similar marker place one within each territory. You can either choose the dinosaurs at the start of the game or you can roll on the table if you have a big enough collection. Markers with 1-6 on them are ideal. You label each dinosaur with a number and when their counter is turned over then they are placed in the centre of the territory. Different dinosaurs and animals react differently upon intruders as follows.
Herbivores Will attack and pursue any creature within their territory once the first wound is inflicted upon them or their herd. They will chase them until the edge of the territory. Once they reach this edge they will retreat back into their territory. Also roll 1d6 for every herbivore territory activated at the start of every dinosaur turn. On a roll of 1 a random Carnivore will enter off a random selected table edge. Only roll again once this carnivore is dead or driven off.
Carnivores Carnivores immediately become active and will hunt and kill anyone until they become crippled in which case they act like herbivores as above.
Insect Insects will actively pursue and kill anyone who enters their territory but will not move beyond its boundaries. These animals can only hunt by water so the majority of their territory will be made up of a large marshland or water feature. They can travel out of it as long as there is an attached river. Also when placing this be sure to add a couple of rafts and a small central island for scenarios.
Actions All creatures in the game can perform actions by using their intelligence points or IP this mean humans are very versatile and can do a multitude of different things. The actions are broken down into the following tables so you can perform keep track of when you can use. It is important that you keep note of how much IP each character has.
Movement Table ACTION
May use movement allowance
Must move to use this
You may leap as long as you have ran this turn. It allows you to leap your base M. If you are an animal you can leap 1 ½ your base move.
You may swim your base move in water. But may do nothing else. You roll no dice in defence
You may climb half of your M
You may capsize any boat that is two sizes smaller than you
Identify Treasure
See treasure hunt scenario.
Clash Table ACTION Evade
Tail sweep(dinosaurs with this skill only)
Add +3 to your DV per IP spent. May also be used against shooting
You may hit all around you who are smaller within a 2inch radius rolling separately for each one or hit once a same or larger target. All damage is at half AV.
Shooting Table ACTION
May shoot a ranged weapon
Aim (Humans only)
Make the shooting attempt 1 easier per IP point
Stay still and shooting opponents movement phase
Reaction shot
May shoot at any animal that charges. If you hit and wound animal disengages. Done at point blank range but ignore the auto hits 4� rule
Lift and throw(Giant ape only)
You may throw an tree/rock up to 12 inches that covers a 2� radius. Any thing underneath is hot on a 4+ with an AV 9 hit
Bestiary The ‘tip of the iceberg’ of the fauna you can meet on the island.
Human hero
Pack animal. Predator
Nano Tyrannosaur
Predator. Pack
Giant ape
Omnivore. Territorial. Strong climber.
Territorial. Tail weapon. Herbivore.
Devastating charge Herbivore Herd
Devastating charge Herbivore Herd
Horns. Herbivore. Territorial
Predator. Pack.
Giant Spider
Poison. Web. Insect.
Gigantic Spider
Poison. Web. Insect.
Giant Rat
Carnivore Pack
Constrict Anklyosaurus
Creating Your Party Ok so you have decided to go exploring into the very depths of unknown territory, and it takes a lot of gusto and the proper gentleman’s attire to pull it off. You may be a big game hunter or a news reporter. Either way you will be lucky to survive this adventure. Each game scenario is designed around the player taking a small team of explorers led by a few daring individuals. To choose your party you must pick half of your points from the hero’s and the other half from the extras. The total point cost for the first couple of scenarios is 200pts. You must spend at least half on extras and must have at least one hero to be the leader.
Human Hero’s
Big Game Hunter: 50pts Free traits Expert hunter and Command Hunters Ranged 7+ Traits May choose one additional trait for free and can purchase one further for 10pts Equipment Bowie knife +1 AV In a clash Elephant gun Rope Pistol
Daring Explorer: 30pts Free traits Daring explorer Command explorers Ranged 7+ Traits May choose one additional trait for free and can purchase one further for 10pts Equipment First Pistol free +5pts for 2nd (may have two if gunslinger) Rifle +10pts Machete +1AV +5pts Whip AV 2 may attack up to 2� away +5pts
Archaeologist/Paleontologist: 15Pts Free trait Identify, Command archaeologist assistants Ranged 9+ Traits May choose one additional trait for free and can purchase one further for 10pts Equipment Pistol: free
Ships Captain/Pilot: 30Pts Free trait Inspiring, command sailors Ranged 7+ Traits May choose one additional trait for free and can purchase one further for 10pts Equipment Pistol Knife AV4 Rifle +10pts
Human Extras This list includes sailors, archaeologists aids and general civilians basically all the people who will probably die first.
Extra: 10PTS
Extras come in a multitude of different types and are in some respects lesser versions of the heroes who lead them into the depths of the jungle. The following rules apply. All extras have the same stat line but each extra gest a trait that goes along with their stats. Sailor: Strong swimmer Archaeologists assistant: Ancient knowledge Explorer: Stealthy Hunter: Expert shot Ranged 8+ Traits None Equipment Pistol, free Machete +5 Rifle +5 Elephant gun +10 Rope +5 Whip +5
The Leader In your group one member of your party is deemed the leader. He or she is a dashing individual capable of great feats of strength and courage. They gain the leader trait for free on top of their usual option. This entails the following benefits They gain the lucky trait They can choose to give another party member Luck 1 for that turn All fear rolls including him are at +1 They gain either -2 to their to hit roll with a ranged weapon or +2 attacks in a clash. Choose at start of game They get one last trait for free on top of their regular choice Lads with me: Once per game the leader can rally all humans fleeing within 12 of him
Traits Expert hunter (Big game hunter only): May expend IP to add points to his AV with the elephant gun or bowie knife Daring explorer( Explorer only): May reroll the explorer table. Identify(palaeontologist/archaeologist only): Palaeontologist: When attacking dinosaurs party members get +2 av on all weapons if they are within 6 inches. Archaeologist: Can reroll treasure identification Inspiring: (Ships captain/pilot only) All extras within 6 GET +1 to their AV and +1 to party fear rolls Lucky: May make 1 free reroll per mission. Can be taken multiple times Intelligent: Character gains +1 intelligent points to his stats Bladesman: Character trebles his AV with any bladed weapon Tough: Ignores the first wound suffered Stealthy: May move into territories without invoking dinosaur activation. The dinosaurs will activate if attacked or another non stealthy character moves into the territory Brave: Character never runs and gives +1 to party fear checks
Gunslinger: Can take an extra pistol at +5pts and fire both in the same turn. Cannot be used with any other skill. But can with reaction shot and overwatch Hipshooter: May run and shoot a weapon at +2 difficulty level. Whip trained: +1av when using a whip, and can use it to climb or swing across gaps First aid: Can heal 1 level of wound threshold .Character can only make a basic move this turn. Strong swimmer: Can run or sprint in the water and can perform 1A as well. Ancient knowledge: +1 to any attempts to identify treasure. Ability stacks Expert shot: -2 to any difficulty rolls while making a ranged shot Strong climber: Character can move up surfaces at full movement and can do so without a rope. Also giant apes can make 1 A while on a wall Command: This ability allows you to command up to 2 other extras within 6 inches who you have influence over. You must all perform similar moves. Such as everyone must move the same distance then shoot.
Special Rules The following are a list of rules that can be used by specific animals on the island. Aquatic: Any animal with this ability can only move within a body of water but can do so at full rate and perform any and all actions allowed normally. Devastating charge: Any animal with this ability adds +6 to its AV when it charges over it base move into combat. Tail weapon: Any creature with this rolls its full defence dice to the rear and counts its full AV+4 when doing a tail sweep. Tail sweep also can be done for free Constrict: Free action instead of a clash requires a 7+ on 2d6 to perform it on same sized creatures and 4+ on smaller creatures. If constricted smaller creatures take 2pts of damage a turn automatically at the start of their turn and can do nothing in their turn. Same sized or larger creatures take 1 pt of damage and loose half their attack value rounding up. NB// If constricted in the water by an aquatic creature you are instantly killed within 1 turn as the creature submerges. Poison: If the first to hit roll of the creature is an unmodified 7+ then it automatically causes a wound ignoring the clash result. Creatures first attack only Web: While in a territory with creatures that have web you must roll a D6 every time you move faster than your basic move. On a 1 you are trapped. While trapped you have to wait to be freed by a party member. This costs 2 IP from your colleague. If you are attacked while trapped you throw no defence dice.
Pack: Any creature with pack as a rule adds +1 to their Fear level for each additional pack member within 12. They are also deployed as D3+3 when setting up. Lastly one member is designated the alpha male/female and they get +1 to AV and DV and +1 to IP. If they are medium in size or bigger they form a pack D3 strong Herd: Herd creatures remain docile until one of them is killed or you enter their territory. Then they will attack the oppressor and will only break off when territory issues are sorted, or they have lost over 50% of the herd and the bull. Herds consist of D3+3 animals, they can be a mix if you don’t have enough models. Also one is designated the bull and gets +2 to AV AND DV. Fly: Flying creatures ignore all terrain and may pick up creatures smaller than them and return to their nest with them Gang up: Some animals are so small the only way to bring down larger prey is to work together. These creatures will always attack one creature or human from a group. Usually the weakest. When they attack you add all of their AV together and make one roll for the clash. Insect: Insects follow the territory rules as normal and are deployed as one large insect and d3+6 small
Escape You have finally gotten the treasure from deep beneath the temple but your guards outside begin to scream. Or maybe your plane crashed deep in the jungle and some of the survivors are scattered amongst the jungle. Either way getting to a safe area isn’t going to be easy. Set up Deploy six territories with their appropriate tokens In a close circle around the centre of the table leaving an open space in the centre. Explorer deployment Deploy all explorers in the centre round either a wrecked plane, or temple. D3 extras begin the game in randomly determined territories Victory conditions Explorers At least half of your party must exit off any table edge.
200pt party of explorers
HunT the BeaSt
Hunt the beast You are here for one purpose to hunt the biggest game you can find. Tracking this beast will take all your skill and a steady arm. You must pick a medium or large predator/omnivore for this scenario. Set up Deploy six territories with their appropriate tokens, Make sure there is a 6 inch border round the table before the territories start. Explorer deployment Deploy all explorers on one of the long table edges in the borders. Victory conditions Explorers You must kill the creature you have chosen for your hunt. Explorer deployment Deploy all explorers on one of the long table edges in the borders. Victory conditions: Explorers You must kill the creature you have chosen for your hunt.
200pt party of explorers
tReaSure hUnt
Treasure hunt You have heard tales of the wonderful artefacts hidden deep within the jungle and have assembled a group of intrepid explorers with the promise of adventure and gold. Set up: Deploy six territories with their appropriate tokens, Make sure there is a 6 inch border round the table before the territories start. Explorer deployment Deploy all explorers on one of the long table edges in the borders Victory conditions Explorers You must make it off the table with the treasure. Identifying treasure Upon entering a territory you must identify whether it has the treasure in it. Roll 2d6 if you score 10+ it is here. Next territory 9+ etc. Last territory auto. Temple in centre of territory. Once you identify it you must exit off the table you came in on.
200pt party of explorers
DamsEl iN distress
Damsel in distress The beast has made off with her I seen it with my own two eyes. Me must sally forth and rescue her before she comes to any harm. We suggest using a giant ape as the animal that kidnaps the damsel Set up Deploy six territories with their appropriate tokens, Make sure there is a 6 inch border round the table before the territories start. The damsel will be in the territory with the ape usually at the top of a cliff or deep inside an old temple. Explorer deployment Deploy all explorers on one of the long table edges. Giant ape and the damsel When you enter its territory roll a D6 on a 4+ the damsel will be placed on the ground beside the ape in the centre of his territory. If you roll a 1-3 the ape is holding her. He will be at -1 to his Attacks. But gains +1 to his AV and DV. The ape will drop her if he is wounded. Victory conditions Explorers must make it off the table with the damsel alive. Damsel has the same stats as an extra but carries no weapons. Killing the ape does not win the mission.
200pt party of explorers
CRITTERS TABLE Roll 1D6 on the following table Critters will attack pursue explorers until they inflict one death. Then they will disappear off the gaming table as they make off with their prize 1-2 : Giant rats D6 +6 3 : Giant spiders d6+6 4 : Giant scorpions d6+6 5 : Gigantic spider and 8 spiders 6 : Gigantic scorpion and 8 scorpions
DINOSAUR TABLE This table represents the random wanderings of the animals of the island the larger creatures that make the ground shake and capture the imagination of those they encounter. All of these encounters unless specified will enter off a random table edge. Roll 1D6 on the following table. 1: Stampede: Place 1 large if you have one D3+2 medium dinosaurs and 2D6+4 small (max of 12) and as many infant dinosaurs. Or all your spare herbivores on the table from the closest table edge of the survivors all in a large group/ line. They will move at maximum speed of the slowest in a straight line They will move directly towards the explorers. Any dinosaurs in the way will move to get out of the way as should any humans. Any creature caught in the way will be hit with an AV 16 hit. The stampede ignores all terrain besides impassable drops and water. If they go into these it disperses immediately. Either killed or wanders off 2 : Deinonychus pack 3 : Allosaurus pack 4 :Tyrannosaurus Rex 5 : Nano Tyrannosaur pack 6 : Giant Ape
Fortune favours the brave
In an Age of Discovery Fortune Favours OnlY the Brave
The main reason for this game is to allow players to experience on the table top the kind of adventures described in books such as the Lost World and films such as King Kong. You will take on the roll as a group of intrepid adventurers braving the dangers of an uncharted island, a hidden plateau in the jungle or even to the very centre of the earth. Set In the 1930’s, the world still has some largely unexplored areas and mysteries to uncover.