Cost Analysis of Developing A Mobile Application 1.) CHOOSING THE RIGHT D E V E L O P ME N T P L A T F O R M The cost of developing a native application for either iOS and Android is the same. However, it is cheaper to create an app using a cross-platform framework at $55/hr for a basic application.
2.)BASED ON APPLICATION C O MP L E X I T Y A basic mobile app for 1 platform costs $60,000-$120,000A medium-complexity app for 1 platform costs around $120,000 -$200,000A highly complex app for 2+ platform costs more than $230,000+
3.) LOCATION ALSO D E T E R MI N E S T H E O V E R A L L COST USA The average development cost for a simple app is around $38,200 to $91,000 A complex app with lots of features costs around $55,550 to $131,000 Cost of an advanced app with the latest technology is upwards of $151,275. INDIA The cost of a simple app ranges between $7,640 and $18,200. For a complex app it is $11,110 to $26,200 An advanced level app would be around $30,255.
4 . ) A P P D E V E L O P ME N T C O S T B A S E D ON EXPERIENCE A basic/Intermediate iOS developer cost $15/hr Basic/Intermediate Android developer costs $18/hr Xamarin developer costs $25/hr A PhoneGap Developer costs around $18/hr
5 . ) B A S E D O N A P P L I C A T I O N TYPE