alcune immagini appartengono agli archivi fotografici delle province di Pesaro e Urbino e di Rimini
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Airports Freccia Rossa and Freccia Bianca trains Italo Treno
Mestre Milan
Trieste Padova Venezia
Travel times with high-speed trains
Bologna Rimini
Genova Florence
Milan - Bologna 60’ Bologna - Rimini 50’ Milan - Florence 100’ Rome - Bologna 120’ Rome - Rimini 180’
Travels are a pause while the time flows away. Travels are the pursuit of “Elsewhere”. Travels are parenthesis opened in the hustle and bustle of the lives we got used to. Travels are holidays, celebrations, intimately bound with a desire of diversity, curiosity, independence from the everyday life. Travels are meetings with cultural, artistic and natural environments which we tended to consider foreign. Travels allow us to look for the beauty of the landscapes, relaxing atmospheres, a warm welcome of friendly people, unusual recipes and different habits. In this way we can feed and enrich our souls and minds. To share this all, we have created our first catalogue “the Taste and the Art of Travelling”, which aims to express a new way of enjoying a wonderful area in the heart of Italy between Marche, Romagna and Montefeltro: an area rich in history, culture and amazing landscapes; their beauty was already appreciated by the best artists of the Renaissance, who wanted to depict them in their paintings now displayed in museums all around the world. An original piece of the most authentic Italy, a unique, enthusiastic and unmatched way to discover the charm of these places by turning the travel into a discovery, the discovery into an emotion and the emotion into the desire to come back.
Bari Lecce
Napoli Salerno
Lamezia Terme
Reggio Calabria
Davide Barbadoro 1
San Leo
Rep. San Marino
PESARO San Giovanni in Marignano
Montefiore Conca Montegridolfo
Novilara Candelara
FANO Marotta
Monteciccardo Cartoceto
Mondaino Pietrarubbia Macerata Feltria Monte Cerignone
Carpegna Sassocorvaro Sa Sisto Mercatale Frontino Monterone Piandimeleto Belforte all’Isauro Castello della Pieve Urbania
Sasso Simone e Simoncello
Monte San Bartolo
Mercatino Conca
S. Agata Feltria
Perticara Novafeltria
Santarcangelo di Romagna
Bocca Trabaria Lamoli Fonte Abeti
Sant’Angelo in Vado Mercatello sul Metauro Acqualagna Piobbico Apecchio
Cagli Fonte Avellana Cantiano
Art and Culture
Environment Sport and Landscape
“THE RENAISSANCE HIDDEN IN THE WOODS” In spring, at the sunrise, the first warm sunrays seep through everything they run into, gently painting every corner with faint-red, pale-pink and slight yellow… 500 years ago, such a poetic and pastoral landscape was the background of Piero della Francesca’s travels. Back then he used to ride from Borgo San Sepolcro to the Dukes of Urbino and of Rimini, and it was during his travels that he found the source of inspiration to create his landscapes. That was a sort of an emotional journey which put together scents, colours, different lights, centuries-old mulberry trees, woods, parish churches and, once again, two regions: Marche and Romagna.
Today, after years of hard work, the landscape seekers Rosetta Borchia and Olivia Nesci, have found those landscapes, tunefully sewing the threads of memories and knowledge, that sometime had gone broken or lost. This implied years of researches, constant commitment, sleepless nights, difficulties but also, true and deep passion and love for our region, and at the end, the seekers proved scientifically that the landscapes of Piero’s painting were located right here, in the Montefeltro area, between Marche and Romagna. Passing through awe-inspiring paths and unusual tracks, we will lead you to the balconies hanging over endless valleys, surrounded by rolling hills, each one different from the other, which should be “furnished and decorated with precious covers: velvets, satins, brocades that slide down and originate creases and ruffles, that open like curtains showing in the background other hills, far away… and then trimming, tassels, ribbons, pompons, fringes, studs and strings of pearls, jewels and pins, just as to adorn your loved one” (Rosetta)… an emotional travel whose memories will last.
Discover with us the Renaissance hidden in the woods: The Metauro Valley, wooded and secluded is one of the most uncontaminated of the province of Pesaro Urbino, at the border between Montefeltro and Massa Trabaria. Here thrived the Abbey of Santa Maria del Mutino, and in the woods in the nearby grew the small village of Cavoleto, repopulated after that it had been abandoned. The best of the Montefeltro Renaissance is hidden not only in the wood but also in the landscapes as well… the Landscapes of Piero della Francesca are to be discovered in the contours of the mountains, in the stretches of water, in the woods, in the gorges, in the cliffs that Piero chose and accurately depicted as natural scenes and backgrounds of his landscapes.
Piero Della Francesca's INVISIBLE LANDSCAPES
1. Monte Gregorio San Leo (RN) 2. Ca’ Mocetto Urbania (PU) 3. Pieve del Colle Urbania (PU) 4. Monte Gregorio San Leo (RN)
5. Pugliano Vecchia Montecopiolo (PU) 6. Petrella Guidi S. Agata Feltria (RN) 7. Monte Boaggine Montecopiolo (PU)
1st DAY:
2° DAY
In the morning, arrival to Urbania also known as Castel delle Ripe (in the Middle age) and Casteldurante (since 1284), famous for the production of fine potteries. Strolling through the old town you will visit pottery and majolica shops, until reaching the Ducal Palace, located on the river Metauro, built by the Brancaleoni family in the XIII century and restored by the architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini. We recommend a visit to the Pottery Museum, the Cathedral and the Church of San Francesco ( XIII century, restored in 1762), which is one of the most important examples of the Baroque style in the region Marche. Pieve del Colle is situated just off the town, on the top of a rolling pink and green hill, and from here you will be able to admire the first of the seven Balconies of Piero della Francesca: I Trionfi ( from the “Portraits of Duke and of the Duchess”, preserved in Florence, in the Uffizi Gallery Museum). Short briefing with the guide and detailed explanation of the landscape. Lunch in a organic agritourism, near the balcony, tasting typical and from-farm-to-fork products, at Isabella and family’s home. After lunch transfer to Urbino, passing through the wide road “Capute”. Urbino was the “ideal city” of Federico, home of one of the most refined and advanced civilizations of the Italian Renaissance. Great artists like Laurana, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Paolo Uccello and Piero della Francesca worked and lived in the Palazzo Ducale, today converted in to the National Gallery of Marche. The latter, with its 27 rooms is an authentic chest of pieces of art displayed in the residence of Federico and the Duchess. Among the masterpieces exhibited in the Gallery, you can also admire two of the most important paintings of Piero della Francesca: “Flagellation” and the “Madonna of Senigallia”. Strolling through stairs and alleys you can discover the medieval part of the town and the one of the Renaissance, you will be amazed by the St. Joseph’s Oratory with the frescos of the Salimbeni brothers, the Cathedral, the Palazzo Ubaldini and the birthplace of Raffaello Sanzio. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.
Arrival to San Leo, driving on unusual and beautiful streets of the Alta Val Marecchia, admiring the countryside and the hills at the food of Monte Carpegna, crossing Pugliano, Maiolo and Pennabilli. At the beginning this place seems impregnable, due to the curvy narrow road that leads to the main entrance, and the hamlet seems to be perched over the clouds. The massive fortress is nestled on the rock and the churches and palaces complete the promenade of the village which becomes unique and charming.
In the circle: Renaissance Balconi, in the background: San Leo
Visit to the Roman buildings, the Parish Church, the Cathedral and the Bell Tower. From Piazza Dante you can admire the Fortress by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, scene of wars and fights during the Renaissance. When the domination of the Dukes of Urbino ended, the stronghold was converted into a prison. From 1791 to his death (26th August 1795) here was jailed Giuseppe Balsamo, known as Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, one of the most mystic alchemists, wizards, healers and forerunners of the age of Enlightenment. Short transfer to Varco Biforca-Tausano, to admire two Balconies of Piero della Francesca: the one of the portrait of Battista Sforza (“Portraits of Duke and of the Duchess” preserved in the Uffizi Gallery Museum) and the one of the painting “Saint Jerome and a Supplicant” (exhibited in Venice at the Gallerie dell’ Accademia). Short transfer to Talamello, lunch in the castle in the main square of the hamlet, tasting regional and typical recipes, visit to the pits where the famous “Ambra cheese” ages. The word ambra (amber) was chosen by the poet Tonino Guerra due to the golden colour of the cheese. Chance to go further following the footprints of Piero della Francesca to Tuscany, to Anghiari, Arezzo, San Sepolcro and Florence.
1st DAY: Our tour begins in Sant’Angelo in Vado, founded over the ruins of Tiphernum Metaurense, walking throung its alleys, small squares and noble palaces you will breathe a tender atmosphere, that will make you feel free. Move forward to Mercatello sul Metauro, a historic town surrounded by hills and mountains (Mount Nerone) passing through the hamlets of Piobbico and Apecchio. Here you will breathe a intimate atmosphere since the lifestyle of the town is the same of the one of a big family, guardian of a well preserved past: noble palaces overlooking San Francesco Square, historical buildings and the three arched Romanesque bridge crossing the River Metauro. The foundation of the hamlet dates back to the XII century BC. Moving forward to the Bocca Trabaria you will see Borgo Pace, surrounded by forests and Mediterranean woods. With a deviation you will reach Castello della Pieve a completely preserved hamlet that was one of the main forts of the Montefeltro area. Eventually you could move forward to Sompiano, Lamoli and Fonte Abeti... a natural wonder! Or you can come back to Urbania, the most important village of this part of the Metauro Valley, visiting the Barco or the Ducal Park, the former is one of the main constructions built by Federico da Montefeltro and designed by Francesco di Giorgio Martini; while the latter was the hunting ground of the Dukes of Urbino, surrounded by oaks. At the end of this gorgeous day we will lead you to Urbino, by night, strolling through bastions, fortification, courtyards and balconies listening to some good friends that will whisper you amazing histories and the witnesses of artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Piero della Francesca, who lived here and left here their memories and their experiences.
ROSAE” a magic garden
Perthe la strada delle Capute, nei p you essi can di walk upsitosale ad On road Capute, near Urbino, a tiny una chiesetta in unand querceto, si scende church hidden nascosta in a oak wood then gopoi down to crestverso that un crinalea che apreuntil su Mount un mare di colline overlooks load si of hills Carpegna. Herefino we alla will meet a painterqui who wanted to save rootsche of thousands Carpegna…e incontreremo unathe pittrice ha voluto of ancient roses hidden in the around nascoste churches salvare le radici di migliaia di villas, rose antiche and cemeteries of alle thischiese area. Rosetta waits diforquesto us in nelle ville, attorno ed ai cimiteri her gardenRosetta with more than 400 species territorio. ci attende nel different suo giardino con of roses anddiwill use aci drink made oltre 400 tipi roseserve diverse prepara una with…rose, of course. naturalmente . bevanda alle...rose,
LESS FAMOUS BUT ANTICIENT AND WISE ROADS, PAINTED BY THE MEMORIES WITH PASTEL COLOURS... AMAZING ROADS! Travel to hamlets and villages at the foot of the mountains and visit Urbino by night in a magic atmosphere… at the peak of Metauro and Marecchia Valley there are plenty of ancient hamlets and tiny villages that we never get to know in depth. They are like floating on the top of rolling hills, but they are not fixed, indeed they’re constantly blossoming over curvy fortified towers as if they were trying to hug us, to offer us their history and their hidden secrets… Welcome to Montefeltro! 2nd DAY: Marecchia Valley.. from Malatesta to Montefeltro. Every hamlet of the valley witnesses the domination of important families of the past: Malatesta, Montefeltro, Medici, Carpegna and Guidi. Today you will start from Santarcangelo di Romagna, a “slow” village, perched on a hill overlooking Marecchia and Uso River. The main building of the town is the Malatesta Castle built by Carlo Malatesta in 1386 and them modified by Sigismondo Pandolfo in 1447. Chance to visit the Button Museum first and only of this kind in Italy. Stroll through the old town admiring the Ganganelli Arch designed by the architect Cosimo Morelli, from Imola, in 1777 in honour of Pope Clemente XIV, born in Santarcangelo di Romagna. Visit to the Stamperia Marchi, a workshop where you can see the ancient wooden moulds, carved by hand. Here, strictly following the ancient tradition of the printing art of Romagna, and using a wooden mangle an ancient press unmatched for its weight size, the fabric is pressed, smoothed and stretched. We will complete the visit leading you on amazing roads: that’s a small trip that unites the northern parts of the valleys of Duchy of Urbino and that crosses the heart of that ancient region called Montefeltro. We will reach the borders of Romagna and Tuscany, discovering some of the most impressive forts ascribed to Francesco di Giorgio Martini, passing through the first woods of the mountains, and walking in ancient town. Visit to the mine that wrote the history of a village: Perticara with the Historical and Mining Museum of Miniera. Chance to choose one of the following floating paths, heading to Mercatino, Monte Cerignone, Novafeltria or Monte Aquilone.
A complete trip around the
“NEST OF THE EAGLE” As San Leo was called once, with its stunning stronghold source of pride for the architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini and for the Lord of this area, Federico da Montefeltro. We are in the Alta Marecchia Valley at the foot of Mount Carpegna, were there are plenty of strongholds, forts, towers, tiny castles, impressive and isolated churches. From San Leo you can reach Urbino, visiting a fortified treasure, Sassocorvaro also known as “tortoise of stone and bricks”.
In the background: Ducal Palace, Urbino
1st Day Dante Alighieri can be considered the first tourist in the majority of Italy. During his travels he also visited Emilia Romagna and thanks to his writings we are now able to retrace his itinerary all along Conca Valley to Bologna. Our trip begins in Ravenna with a walking tour in the old town until the tiny temple where the Dante’s Tomb is preserved: “Dante’s travels ended in Ravenna, where he granted asylum at the court of Guido Novello da Polenta, lord of the town. Dante died in Ravenna on 14 September 1321 as he was returning from a diplomatic visit in Venice. Crossing the marshy Valli di Comacchio he contracted malaria”. Stroll through the 8 Monuments protected by Unesco. We will visit the Church of San Vitale, the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, the Arian Baptistery and the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo. Lunch in an agritourism along the way with a Dantesque menu (Dante’s best beloved recipes and products). In the afternoon visit to Gradara, famous all over the world for the fascinating love story of Paolo Malatesta (Lord of Rimini) and Francesca da Polenta (daughter of the Lord of Ravenna), the lovers of the Divine Comedy. We will visit the castle until reaching the apartments of Francesca, we will tell you the sad story of two young lovers, died at the hands of Gianciotto Malatesta (Francesca’s husband) but forever alive thanks to the verses that the Poet dedicated to them “Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving..” . We will move further Mondaino a historical village in the nearby and a stronghold of the Malatesta family. Visit of the old town with a guide of excellence: the Supreme Poet Dante Alighieri played by a historian, a “Dantologist” who will lead us to the discovery of the hamlet following the verses of the Divine Comedy. We will also find out good stories and anecdotes about his life. Moreover, our “Dantologist” will make us play “Zara” a medieval play thanks to which Dante earned some money as he lived in Florence. Tasting of typical products and in particular of the Pit Cheese AOC.
A TOUR OF MONTEFELTRO THROUGH THE MAIN CHARACTERS OF ITALIAN HISTORY AND CULTURE, WHO WERE BORN OR LIVED IN THIS AREA, WHO LOVED AND WITNESSED IT ALL OVER THE WORD. 4th Day Federico Fellini is one of the most famous directors of the world, beloved and appreciated by filmmakers and by the audience. He was born in Rimini on 20 January 1920 and died in Rome on 31 October 1993, but he was buried in Rimini next to his wife, Giulietta Masina, in the public cemetery. Even though is life was far away from Rimini, his memories weren’t, and they were transposed in his most famous movie, Amarcord, dramatised by Tonino Guerra, that make him gain the fourth Oscar. Rimini is the main character of this movie, with its squares, its roads, its people, its language that is the dialect of Romagna. These places build up a cultural and touristic path of great beauty and we will lead you to its discovery! In the morning, guided tour of RIMINI, Federico Fellini was born here between the alleys of Borgo San Giuliano and the sea in front of the Grand Hotel. Our tour starts from Via Dardanelli 10, his birthplace and reaches Piazza Ferrari. Then we move on to Via Gambalunga until Piazza Cavour, completely recreated in Cinecittà, where Amarcord was shot. Perhaps one of the places of the present Rimini that most celebrates Fellini is Borgo San Giuliano. Completely restored it hosts the renowned Festa de Borg the every two years tells and recreates the Fellinian atmosphere. Strolling through the roads of the Borgo you can admire plenty of graffiti depicting stories and scenes of his film. Not to forget is the harbour, where the Vitelloni used to go for a walk in winter, and where Scureza (character of Amarcord) made his stunts, and above all the Grand Hotel, symbol of all Fellini’s forbidden desires. Fellini died in Rome but he was buried in Rimini near his wife, Giulietta Masina, in the public cemetery. Lunch in a trattoria in the old town with a typical fish menu.
2nd Day Raphael, Raffaello Sanzio, was born in Urbino on 6 April 1483 and died in Rome on 6 April 1520, encouraged by his dad Giovanni Santi, he studied the art of Piero della Francesca and Luciano Laurana, and learned with Perugino. He became magister at the age of 17 and is considered the master of Italian Renaissance.
Urbino, a site protected by Unesco, constantly surprises us. Our tour starts from the birthplace of Raphael, located near Piazza della Repubblica, then we climb up to the Renaissance part of the town, home of one of the most refined and advanced civilizations of the Italian Renaissance. Great artists like Laurana, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Paolo Uccello and Piero della Francesca worked and lived in the Palazzo Ducale, today converted in to the National Gallery of Marche. Strolling through stairs and alleys you can discover the St. Joseph’s Oratory with the frescos of the Salimbeni brothers, the Cathedral, the Palazzo Ubaldini, where you can breathe an ancient atmosphere. Lunch in a grotto, with a regional menu with ancient recipes and typical products of the region Marche. Transfer to Fano, a town blue like the sea with a Renaissance heart… Here continues the discovery of the Renaissance admiring the Palazzo del Podestà, the tombs of Malatesta family, the Cathedral housing the frescos of Domenichino, the noble palaces and the enchanting and well-refined churches. In the Church of Santa Maria Nuova the masterpieces of Perugino are preserved, alongside with a altar-step ascribed to Raphael. Pleasant walk in the old town browsing the historical roots of the town.
3rd Day Gioacchino Rossini, the “Swan of Pesaro” born in Pesaro on 29 February 1792 and died in Paris on 7 November 1868, is considered one of the child prodigies of the music often compared with Wolfang Amedeus Mozart. Gioacchino wrote music for many grand operas of different styles: from farces to comedies, from operas semiseria to operas seria to tragedies. His first opera was the “Bill of Marriage”, represented in 1810 at the Teatro San Moisè in Venice. The city of Pesaro celebrates him every year with the Rossini Opera Festival, with participants from all over the world. We will lead you in his hometown, travelling though his places, alleys and theatres. In the morning we will visit Pesaro exploring and discovering the places that most witness the life of Gioacchino Rossini: his birthplace, where you will listen to his most famous compositions, the Conservatory with the Temple, located just at the entrance of the school, the Theatre dedicated to him, the streets mentioned in his music. Aperitif in the most ancient house of Pesaro, where you will discover old underground cellars that preserve the wall of the an ancient town... Tasting-Lunch in a historical tavern in the town centre with a menu dedicated to the compositor and to his music.
2nd Day The landscapes of Tonino Guerra, an intimate tour to “his” Pennabilli! “This year dead leaves have stayed attached/ to the branches/ because there is not a breath of wind/and the trees look like flames in a blaze.// Below Montebello, down along the Marecchia is a convent/ that has been closed for hundred years/ with a courtyard in the bach that is full of walnut-trees. // My brother and me slipped in through a hole in the wall/ so we could walk underneath those trees/ that held up a red cloud in their branches./ When we rang the bells, the air moved/ and jostled the leaves/ and the walnut-trees were all stripped in an instant.(Tonino Guerra- Canto Eight- Abandoned Places) Breakfast in the hotel, in the morning the visit will be committed to the poet Tonino Guerra and the world where he spent the last 20 years of his life: Pennabilli, ancient hamlet, which dates back to the Etruscan-Roman period, located at the foot of Mount Carpegna. The town is named in this way because of the two peaks “Penna” and “Billi” where the population founded the first villages, running away from the Marecchia River approximately in year 1000 AD. An emotional trip is waiting for you, visit the museum that hosts the works of the poet, but that is an artistic workshop as well, walk through the “Places of the Soul” admiring the masterpieces of Tonino in the alleys of the hamlet…a true open-air museum, pay a visit to the “museum of flavours” or the Orchard of Forgotten Fruits, the street of Sundials and a lot more…a true surprise!
Via Flaminia leads from Rome to the Northern Italy crossing the region Umbria and gently sloping down to the Adriatic Sea in the Metauro Valley. Here it crosses the villages of Luceolis (Cantiano), the Vicus Cale (Cagli) Forum Sempronii (Fossombrone), the sepulcher of Calmazzo, until Fanum Fortunae (Fano) and Pisaurum (Pesaro), and in 187 BC it also led to Ariminum (Rimini). You will admire unexpected Roman passages at the Furlo Pass, and walk on the area where the Gilded Bronzes where found 50 years ago… an original itinerary, through monuments, architectural urban Roman witnesses!!
Before leaving the village, we will taste wine and sour cherry wine. Stopover in Cantiano for lunch in a restaurant with themed-menu (they will serve us Roman recipes!). Heading to the sea along the Metauro Valley we will reach in the Furlo Natural Reserve, crossed by the River Candigliano, with its colourful and silent landscape between the peaks of Mount Paganuccio and Mount Pietrarlta, covered by downy oaks, maples, sorbus and hop hornbeams. In this amazing landscape you can also visit the Roman Abbey of San Vincenzo of the VI century BC, also called Petra Petrusa (ancient name of the Furlo Pass). Stroll along the ancient Via Flamnia, walking in the galley built by Vespasiano in 76 AD, always accompanied by the shadows of emerald green.
Moving to the sea you will reach Fano, the ancient “fanum fortunae”, that will welcome you with its Arch of Augustus gateway to the town and the sea. Here, at the town walls, the ancient Via Flaminia became the Decumanus Maximum of the town, marking its begin. The village boasts of plenty of Roman underground sites of great historical interest. Walking through the alleys, the tunnels and underground galleries you will discover unusual and suggestive places that date back to two millenniums ago. Before leaving the town, stroll along the harbor with the Marina of Cesari, the colorful houses of the fishermen that communicate their history and their passion for the sea. Short stop at the Caffé del Porto to taste the typical drink of the fishermen of Fano…the “Moretta Coffee”.
The Gilded Bronze from Cartoceto of Pergola (I century BC) where unearthed by two peasants in Santa Lucia di Calamello on 26 June 1946: the equestrian statue is composed of two knights (of one we have just few pieces), two horses and two standing women. The long restoration works 1949-1988) allowed the re-composition of the four characters: two male figures on the horses and two female characters standing up. Today we can admire them in the dedicated Museum in the hamlet of Pergola, which is rich in monuments and churches. Among these we suggest to visit the medieval churches of San Giacomo and of San Francesco with its asymmetric façade and the gate that dates back to the XIV century.
Travelling on the ancient Via Flaminia at a certain point the Metauro valley gets narrower, and here lies “Forum Sempronil”, Fossombrone, a village that stretches from the plain to the hills, and, observed from the distance, it seems a picture where the bell towers of the main churches, the noble palaces and the Corte Alta of Montefletro (XV-XVI century) stand out. Even higher is situated the Cittadella and on the summit of Colle San Aldebrando there are the ruins of a Malatestina- Montefeltro fortress. The village, 164 miles away from Rome, that in the I century BC was actually located at the present hamlet of San Martino del Piano, experienced a Golden Age and Pliny the Elder, in his work “Naturalis Historia” called its inhabitants, in the II century AD, Forosempronienses. When the Goths, led by Alarico, came, the town was destroyed. After the victory of the Byzantines led by Narsete over Totila in 552 AD, it become part of the Exarchate of Ravenna and part of the Duchy of the Pentapolis together with Urbino, Cagli, Jesi and Gubbio.
When the Roman founded Ariminum in 268 BC, the area soon began to have a urban structure and during the Augustan Age it was adorned with monuments like the Arch of Augustus, the Montanara Gate (entrance to Rimini from the South), the Gate of Marina and Gallica, the Tiberius Bridge (in the ancient times the River Marecchia flew into the Adriatic Sea, today it has been drifted to the north due to the rubbles damaged the harbour). Since 2007 it has been also possible to visit the Surgeon’s House, an archaeological site unearthed in 1989 and restored for the following 18 years. The two-floor house was directly on the seaside, which today is to be found 1 km away. Don’t miss the chance to admire the findings and the mosaics inside, and since they are all well preserved they allowed us to recreate accurately the house, the identity of the owner and the fascinating past. The most interesting finding inside is the collection of 150 medical instrument that let us identify the owner of the house: a military surgeon, Eutyches. Lunch in a trattoria in the old town with a typical fish menu.
In the upper circle: Arch of Augustus in Fano, lower circle: Furlo, in the background the Surgeon’s House in Rimini
The Roman Empire in the Montefeltro area… “Seven bridges to Rome”
1st DAY:
SANTARCANGELO DI ROMAGNA AND THE MIRACLE OF THE CYPRESS IN VERUCCHIO Guided tour in the medieval old town of Santarcangelo where the famous Arch of the XVIII century rises up. It was erected in honor of Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli, elected Pope in 1769 under the name of Clemente XIV. This famous Pope, who was previously a Franciscan monk in the monastery of Monte Formosino, in the nearby of Mondaino, died in 1774 and three year later the monumental arch designed by the architect Cosimo Morelli in a neoclassical style was completed. The guide will also describe us the Church of San Francesco and the monastery of the Friars Minor; both buildings were previously located near the triumphal arch and destroyed in the XIX century. Visit to the piano nobile (noble floor) of the Musas (Museum of Archaeology and History) where masterpieces coming from the leveled church of San Francesco are safeguarded, among others the Polypytch by Jacobello di Bonomo (venetian painting that dates back to 1385, perfectly preserved) and the Altarpiece by Luca Longhi (commissioned by Antonello Zampeschi in 1531).
Visit to the hall dedicated to the Pope Clemente XIV, where you can admire precious ornaments, the vestments coming from the Franciscan Monastery and two portraits: one taken when he was Pope and one when he still was Cardinal. Continuing the tour of the old town, rich in towers, bastions, gates and noble palaces you will also visit the 150 tuff stone caves, which represent an enigmatic maze of ancient caves dug in the clay. Their origin and function remains a mystery to us: somebody thinks it was used for pagan worships, others by early-Christian hermits, others by the Templars, but probably they were used as underground oratories by the Basilian monks. They were the devotees of Saint Basil who lived here from 330 until 379 and founded some citadels where the monks lived in and helped the needy one, the ill and the poor one and the orphans. These communities were called Città Basiliade. Inside the monumental grotto the cloister of the Franciscan monk was rebuilt. Then we will move forward to VERUCCHIO to visit the Franciscan Monastery and the Church of Santa Croce which, according to the legend, rises up where the Saint is thought to have planted his cane, around which roots and leaves originated. Today, the huge cypress is the oldest of Europe and is one of the botanical gold dusts (scientific analysis also proved that it dates back to the XII-XIII century), while the monastery dates back to 1215 and it is considered the most ancient Franciscan building of
Romagna. In the same place where the cell of San Francis was located a Chapel was built. The church has a portal which dates back to the XIV century and a neoclassical interior with an inlaid choir. On the left the gorgeous “Crocefissione” (crucifixion) of the School of Giotto painted in the first half of the XIV century by an artist from Rimini. Then we will move to the old town to visit the majestic Malatestian stronghold, also known as Rocca del Sasso (Rock Stronghold) for its strategic position perched on a rock overlooking the hamlet, one of the biggest and best preserved Malatestian fortresses of the province. We will visit the Church Collegiata erected from 1785 over an ancient monastery built by the Malatestian family, dedicated to Saint Francis (parts of the convent, as the commemorative stone, are still visible today)which also hosts valuable works of art like the altarpiece depicting “Saint Martin donating his mantel to a poor” painted in the mid XVII century by Giovan Francesco Nagli, the “Centino” but the real masterpieces are two crucifix: the first one hangs in the presbytery of an unknown artist from Rimini of the school of Giotto in the XIV century (known as “Maestro di Verucchio”); the second one is a venetian work of art by Nicolò di Pietro, which dates back to 1404. In the church the bodies of two Beatified are also displayed, of whom the most venerated is the Friar Giorgio Celli, who his though to have done many miracles. Aperitif and tasting of typical products of Romagna in the ancient caves dug in the sandstone in the old town: salamis, bruschettas with extra-virgin olive oil, honey, marmalades and so on. Accommodation in the reserved rooms in agritourism/hotel, overnight.
2nd DAY:
SANT’AGATA FELTRIA AND MONDAINO Our first destination is S. AGATA FELTRIA: we will start by visiting the Convent of San Girolamo which hosts the Museum of Rural Arts which has two sections: sacred art with furnishings and ornaments from the church and monastery (with also a precious painting by Pietro da Cortona) and rural art with tools and plays of the past. Inside the museum you will also admire the first three religious works of art of the artistic, spiritual and natural path called “A riveder le Stelle” (“we again beheld the stars”) which includes a fascinating scattered museum with 15 suggestive masterpieces. The first three works of art are: Nativity scene in Lombard style with handcrafted statues that date back to the XVIII century, a Nativity scene in Tyrolean style and the Search of lodging. Free donation to enter the museum. Don’t miss the chance to visit the thousand-year-old stronghold Rocca Fregoso next to which are also situated five works of art of the scattered museum: Visitation, Annunciation, Nativity in Neapolitan style of the XVIII century, the Agony of Saint Joseph, and a Nativity of the artisan workshop of Angela Tripi, from Palemo. In the same square there is the amazing church dedicated to San Francis della Rosa that hosts a stoup that comes from a Church built by Saint Francis in 1213, when he happened to live in this area and that now is in ruins. The next stop is the Collegiata Church, that besides hosting precious works of art, is a place of great devotion because it preserves the relics of Saint Agatha, venerated for being the protector of breast. At the other end of the square it is also possible to visit the Theatre Angelo Mariani, the most ancient wooden theatre of Italy, and in the upper floor,
next to the Council House, you will also admire another painting dedicated to the most famous religious orator of the XIX century: father Agostino da Montefeltro. For the groups led by a priest there is also the chance to celebrate Mass in one of the following Churches, by your choice: Madonna del Soccorso, Beata Vergine delle Grazie (San Girolamo) San Francesco della Rosa (Fregoso Fortress). We will move forward to Mondaino, with its Malatesta Fortress, Piazza Maggiore (also called Pan Square), Convent of the Poor Clares and the gorgeous Church of San Michele, which preserves inside a precious wooden Crucifix of the XV century besides important paintings like “Crucifixion and Saints” (1590) and “Apparition of Saint Michael” both by Giorgio Picchi; “Deposition and Saints” by Antonio Cicognani, the Pomarancio (1625) and the Virgin of the Rosary by Giuseppe Soleri Brancaleoni (1797). Then, we will finally reach the Porta di Sotto (the gateway of the village) where we will visit the “Mulino delle Fosse” (pit mill), an enchanting place where art, flavor, poetry meet in the stunning coulisse of an ancient Jesuit mill, which also hosts the Center for Dantesque Studies and where the famous “Formaggio di Fossa”, pit cheese, is produced. We will learn the patient production, deposition and aging procedures, followed by a tasting during which professor Chiaretti, an eminent literatus, will read us the Canto XI of Paradiso of the Divine Comedy, where are quoted Saint Frances, La Verna and his stigmata “On the rude rock 'twixt Tiber and the Arno/From Christ did he receive the final seal,/Which during two whole years his members bore” Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight. CHANCE TO GO FORWARD TO ASSISI, CAMALDOLI, LA VERNA, THE HERMITAGE OF FONTE AVELLANA, SILENT PLACES..
FOLLOWING THE FOOTSTEPS OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI.. In the background: Santarcangelo di Romagna
We will travel from the Palace of the Princes of Carpegna to the palaces of Mercatello sul Metauro, ancient properties of the noble families Brancaleoni and Ubaldini, passing through the hamlet of Belforte all’Isauro. An unusual and beautiful road that twists and turns through sacred and wild places, castles, hamlets on the border between Marche and Tuscany, until reaching Pieve di Carpegna, San Sito and Monterone. These areas, hanging between civilization and quiet loneliness will donate you stunning landscapes and strong feelings. Who happens to travel on this route for the first time is easily impressed: woods, woods and more woods, then on the top of a knoll a sea of grass and the last farmhouse still peopled with the mysterious name of Torre di Pallade… and then a suspended road will lead you to the abbey of Oasis of San Benedetto, with its walls, an ancient charm and amazing colors like the azure of the river, one of the shades that marked the Reinassance of the Montefeltro area and of Italy. 1st DAY: Arrival to Carpegna late in the morning, meeting with the guide and visit to the Palace of the Princes of Carpegna Gabrielli Faconieri, enchanting noble residence which dates back to the end of XVII century, still populated and sumptuously furnished. Crossing Belforte all’ Isauro, we will move forward to Mercatello, the core of the estates of the noble family Brancaleoni. That’s an unusual path on the border between Marche and Tuscany which will lead us to Frontino. Stroll through the old town and visit to the Olive Chapel of Montefiorentino, a jewel of the Renaissance perfectly preserved, which hosts an altarpiece by Giovanni Santi, father of Raffaello. Light lunch/ buffet brunch near Frontino, an ancient hamlet perched on a spur over the Mutino valley at the foot of Mount Carpegna, in the Monastery of San Girolamo. This is a convent of the XV century which encloses in its walls flowers, peace, quiet and stones and which until few years ago was in ruins: then a restoration led by the Cultural Heritage Department made this jewel of the Montefeltro shine again. On the background of the Convent you can admire the landscape of Frontino, of Sasso Siimone, Sasso di Pietrarubbia and the Montefeltro area in general. Arrival to the hotel, dinner and overnight. 2nd DAY: From Massa Trabaria to the town of the Duke Federico, Urbino: “Anyone who comes to Urbino without knowing its history or importance will find an extraordinary surprise, a miracle. An enchanted palace unmarked by the ravages of time appears from the winding access roads on the hills. A journey back in time, a leap into the purity and freedom of the spirit” (Carlo Bo). Urbino is home to one of the most complete and refined civilizations of the Italian Renaissance and here great artists like Laurana, Francesco Di Giorgio Martini, Paolo Uccello,
Piero della Francesca worked and lived in the Ducal Palace of Federico, which today hosts the National Gallery of Marche. Strolling through stairs and alleys you can discover the St. Joseph’s Oratory, the Cathedral, the Palazzo Ubaldini and the birthplace of Raffaello Sanzio. Transfer to the countryside of Urbino to Fausto’s house to taste a “slow lunch”, with only slow, organic and seasonal products. After lunch, brief transfer to Sassocorvaro, a stunning village with its stronghold Rocca Ubaldinesca perched on a spur overlooking the Foglia Valley. The castle is also known as the “Ark of Art” for having hosted the most important Italian masterpieces during WWII. Visit to the stronghold which was designed by the architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini, under the reign of Ottaviano degli Ubaldini (1475) over the ruins of an ancient castle and is the first example of military architecture to fight the new weapons like the bombard. Visit to the historical theatre “della Rocca”. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight. 3rd DAY: Castles perched over a blue, emerald and pale pink sea.. After breakfast get ready for a day full of castles, enchanting landscapes, buildings and important works of art that admire, welcome and hug the sea: Gradara, the walls of Granarola, Casteldimezzo and Fiorenzuola di Focara represent the four strongholds built between the X and XIII century to defend Pesaro. Starting from Pesaro, on the parkway, passing through the rolling hills of the Natural Park of Monte San Bartolo, on the Adriatic Sea, you will reach Fiorenzuola di Focara, the ancient “Castrum Florentii”, an enchanting hamlet, perched over the sea. Stop at the garden of love, from where you will admire a gorgeous landscape up to Mount Conero. Next stop is Casteldimezzo (called, in the past Gaiola, Galliola and Gazoleto) whose castle was the residence of the Archbishop of Ravenna. Today only few traces of the medieval walls are left, but inside you can visit the Church of Santi Apollinare and Cristoforo with a crucifix of the XV century. The families Malatesta, Sforza and Della Rovere were the lords over the Middle Age and the Reniassance of the next castle: Gradara. This village is renowned for the tragic love story of Paolo and Francesca told by Dante Alighieri in his Divine Comedy “Love, that on gentle heart doth swiftly seize/ Seized this man for the person beautiful/ That was ta'en from me, and still the mode offends me/Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving,/ Seized me with pleasure of this man so strongly,/That, as thou seest, it doth not yet desert me;/ Love has conducted us unto one death;/Caina waiteth him who quenched our life!" (Inferno, Canto V). Visit to the castle and to the hamlet surrounded by walls of the XIII century. Lunch in the old town, in a restaurant that in the past used to be e a Parish Church, with a fantastic view over the hills. End of our services and return.
Conca Valley
and its gorgeous hills The Conca Valley is made up by rolling hills that compose a lovely countryside, once and then interrupted by badlands that, with their shadows and shapes make the landscape even more varied and surprising. Then, on the top of the hillocks castles and hamlets are laid, and strongholds, towers, fortified villages, ancient churches and masterpieces witness the medieval and Renaissance past, which deeply influenced the identity of this area defining its borders, dialects and traditions. Travelling on the road that leads from Mount Carpegna to the sea between Cattolica and Riccione, you will cross areas that differ one from the other for the natural environment and for history. The highest part, in the Marche region is made up by grazing, woods and rural buildings. Then, sloping down a row of high hills begins, which were the scene of numerous battles between the Dukes of Urbino, Montefeltro, and the Lords of Rimini, Malatesta. Heading to the plains, and therefore entering Romagna, the landscapes get nicer and nicer, the wilderness coexists tunefully with the agriculture and stunning panoramic viewpoint offer a view over the entire coast. From the hamlets, the sea is always to be seen. In this area, under the province of Rimini, the Valley is full of surprises: old town rich in monuments, hamlets full of art, fairs and culture, some hidden and untouched valley where the flora and fauna, besides the rural landscape create an ideal background for ancient paintings and represent the chance to explore the area and to live the countryside near the sea quietly.
preserves the fresco “Nursing Madonna” coming from the Convent of the Poor Clares. This fresco dates back to 1480-1485 and it is thought to have been painted by Bernardino Dolci, as the signature of the artist says. The fresco of Mondaino seems the most refined and complete of all the paintings of the same kind and attributed to Dolci, the forefather of a family of artists. He was born in Casteldurante near Urbania in the province of Pesaro-Urbino in the first half of the XV century. To be remarked is also the splendid loggia in Neoclassical style outside the stronghold, commissioned by the Salt Company of Modaino which traded local salt and commissioned great works in Modaino. We will move forward to the Mulino delle Fosse (pit mill, a place where art and culture meet and where the precious pit cheese is produced) a “slow” centre and venue of a Dantesque centre… tasting of pit cheese reading the verses of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri! Chance to reach Montegridolfo with a pleasant walk in the woods. Lunch in a agritourism in Montegridolfo. After lunch we will go for a nice walk through the alley of the ancient hamlet to admire the suggestive landscape from its balconies between Romagna and Marche, Conca and Foglia Valley. The village is perched on a spur and was a shelter from the barbarian invasions in the past, and then became a stronghold of the Malatesta, Montefeltro, Borgia family, of the Republic of Venice and of the Papal State. The tiny hamlet has always had the same number of inhabitants: 950 people in 1500 and a little more than 1000 today, this helped to create a harmonious community.
1st DAY: Arrival to Romagna the Land of Sangiovese wine. Arrival of the participants early in the afternoon and transfer to Coriano. Our first stop here is the Antiquarium Malatestiano hosted in a building between the two gateway to the town, where artifacts found in the area ( pottery from the XIV century to the XVII century, glass of the XV century, weapons, coins) are displayed. We will move forward to the Theatre La Corte to finish with the gorgeous tavern just opposite it, called “Cantinetta della Corte” for an aperitif with from farm to fork menu and tasting of wines of the local wineries : Sangiovese, Trebbiano, Pagadebit (Coriano is part of the league “Wine towns”).
3rd DAY: the border between Malatesta and Montefeltro.. Gradara and San Giovanni in Marignano. In the morning visit to the famous castle of Gradara in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, on the border between Romagna and Marche.. the romantic hamlet of Paolo and Francesca. Visit to the medieval old town and to the majestic Rocca Malatestiana (stronghold) the stunning background of the unlucky lovers of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. A dive into the past in the elegantly furnished rooms of the castle, and the small Chapel with the pottery glazed altarpiece by Della Robbia. Chance to walk on the Chemin de Ronde used by the soldiers on the city walls. Arrival to San Giovanni in Marignano, lunch in agritourism with typical menu of Romagna. In the afternoon guided tour of the Malatestian walls, the Church of San Pietro and to the gorgeous “Jewel-Theatre” Massari. Later on, we will also get to know the history of the renowned witch Artimisia… Transfer to one of the famous cellars of the “Wine town” guided tour to the cellar and tasting of AOC wines (chance to buy directly from the producer).
2nd DAY: From castle to castle…Mondaino and Montegridolfo. In the morning visit to Mondaino, fortified hamlet, stronghold of the Malatesta family. Visit to the old town (main road with the ancient palaces and the Church of San Michele). We will pay particular attention to the “pan” square, where the impressive Rocca Malatestiana (stronghold) rises up, that today hosts the Municipal Offices and the Archaeological Museum and that
In the background: Mount Carpegna Valley
We will lead you to the tasting of the best wines produced by generations of winemakers, who will tell you their history with passion!
You will meet real people that committed themselves to appraise and preserve ancient recipes and old traditions of the typical cuisine of Romagna and Marche, like piadina, home made fresh pasta and cheese. You will see the colors of flowers and wild herbs in our colorful cooking classes! You will listen the rhythms of the music made by hands, glasses, tools of our cooking in the cellar classes, with a sommelier who will explain who to match wine to the dishes you will prepare. You will smell the perfume of the ingredients which harmoniously blend together following the pace of nature in our slow, organic and wellness cooking classes! And last but not the least...our emotional route in the kitchen will be completed by a course of local desserts! Cooking classes with Michelin-starred chefs!
TREASURE ON THE TABLE: The extra-virgin olive oil of Cartoceto and Montegridolfo…come with us and harvest the olives, bring them directly to the olive-mill, follow the production of your oil and taste it with hot bread and a glass of wine. Olive trees have always been cultivated in this area and the milling itself has ancient roots: since 1228 the ships from Le Marche which had to make landfall in the Po Rivet had to pay a toll of 25 pounds of oil. The oil of this region has fantastic organoleptic qualities, and among the local varieties you can taste: Coroncina, Piantone of Falerone and of Mogliano, Rosciola, Sargano of Fermo, Orbetana, Mignola, Carboncella, Raggia and Raggiola.
VENTURE IN THE WOODS WITH TWO GOOD FRIENDS: A TRUFFLE DOG AND THE TRUFFLE HUNTER, seeking the precious tuber. In addition you will visit an artisan truffle processing and conserving farm.
THE KING OF WOODS: His majesty the Truffle, which can be tasted yearlong, in particular the precious white truffle of Aqualagna and Sant’Agata Feltria. TRUFFLE’S IDENTITY CARD: Tuber Magnatum Pico also known as white truffle of Aqualagna and Sant’Agata Feltria, usually eaten raw, cut in thin slices on the dishes, this truffle is to be found in Autumn and at the begin of Winter; Tuber Meganosporum, known as black truffle, better cooked- from December to March; Tuber Albidum Pico or Tuber Borchi known as whitish truffle, to be eaten raw- from January to April; Tuber Brumale, known as black winter truffle or “Black Trifola” with a strong flavor to be matched to the black truffle- from January; Tuber Brumale, Moschatum De Ferry variety, known as Muscat truffle, a black field truffle, from January to March it smells of musk; Tuber Aestivum, summer truffle (other Italian names: maggengo, maggiolo, or statareccio) from May to September, with a strong mushroom smell. Tuber Uncinatum Chatin, burgundury truffle- autumn/winter; Tuber Macrosporum or garlic truffle - from October to December; Tuber Mesentericum or normal truffle from Bagnoli - from October to December.
WITH US YOU CAN: Cultivate a vegetable garden Reap the corn Take care of the animals Pick seasonal fruit Get to know all the ancient farmers’ tool
CHEESE… CREAM OR AGED? Montefeltro is an area rich in grazing, dairy factories and farmhouses that produce excellent products. The gastronomic culture of the Montefeltro area is made up by simplicity, honesty, imagination, dexterity, awareness of the tradition, an intimate bound to the fireplace, stove and oven… It’s a cuisine of good cheese: pit cheese, in walnut leaves aged cheese, caciotta, ricotta, raviggiolo.
The first destination of our Food&Wine tour is Santarcangelo di Romagna, the homeland of poetry, culture and taste. Stroll through the fortified old town to the discovery of the most suggestive corners, until the fascinating Tuff Caves and the old town where the Bell Tower, the “Campanoun”, the symbol of the town, rises up. Visit to the ancient Stamperia Marchi, a workshop created in 1633 that produces the traditional rust-printings of Romagna. The old mangle is still working: that’s an ancient press, unique for size and weight, thanks to which the fabric is pressed, smoothed and stretched. In the workshop you can admire ancient wooden moulds, carved by hand, following the tradition. But Santarcangelo is also the house of Sangiovese, the king of the banquettes of Romagna, the wine par excellence. Therefore, just few steps away from the old town we will visit a renowned winery. Guided tour to the cellar and aperitif with AOC wine tasting. In the coulisse of this gorgeous farmstead, a traditional “Azdora” (housewife) will lead you to a funny cooking experience... “put your finger in the pie!” with cutting boards, flour and rolling pins you will learn how to prepare the piadina (queen of the banquettes) and the fresh pasta (tagliatelle, tagliolini, pappardelle and so on), after that you’ll be ready to surprise all your friends and relatives once you come home! Lunch in the winery with from-farm-to-fork menu. In the afternoon transfer to Verucchio, a magnificent medieval hamlet. Wine and typical products tasting in an enchanting cave in the heart of the old town. The village, perched on a spur overlooking the river, was the cradle og the Villanovian civilization and of Malatesta family. Visit to the stronghold Rocca Malatestiana, one of the best preserved and most impressive buildings of the Signoria. Visit to the precious Villanovian museum with plenty of findings of this pre-etruscan civilization. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.
Breakfast in the hotel and departure to the impregnable SAN LEO. The medieval fortress is located in the Marecchia Valley, over an insurmountable rock. The town was the capital of the County of Montefeltro and scenery of military and civil wars. The village also hosted Dante Alighieri and San Francesco from Assisi, who received here the Mount of La Verna. In the fortress, which was transformed into a jail under the Pope’s domination, the Count of Cagliostro was imprisoned, who also died here in 1795. Lunch in a tavern in the heart of the old town with a typical Montefeltro menu. In the afternoon visit to Sant’Agata Feltria an enchanting hamlet famous for the Fair of White Truffle that takes place every year on Sundays in October. Our visit begins the Convent of San Girolamo, which today hosts the Rural Arts Museum. Then we will move forward to the centre where we will pay a visit to Mariani Theatre, the most ancient wooden theatre of Italy, the Church of San Francesco and the stronghold Rocca Fregoso. Tasting of typical products with truffle in a pub in the old town. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight. 3rd DAY: FROM URBINO TO PIANDIMELETO COur tour of the Foglia Valley must begin in the capital of the Duchy, that is Urbino, university town and UNESCO site. The village is waiting for you with its tiny alleys and characteristic roads, overlooked by ancient noble palaces, balconies with flowers, houses, churches, porticos, botanical gardens and painted oratories. From the Piazza della Repubblica you can reach the elegant Palazzo Ducale, which today hosts the National Gallery of Marche, with works of art by Torricini del Laurana. Besides you can admire the stunning and mystic Cathedral. Then, near the birthplace of Raffaello, Monia opens her house to host you and offer you a tasting of regional products, explaining their origins and how to match them to the wines of Marche.
In the background: the castle of Sassocorvaro.
Then, coming down from the Albornoz fortress, we reach Piazza Mercatale, then we head to Maciolla in the countryside of Urbino, to Fausto’s house, to his farmstead where he breeds bovines of Marche race, produces flour from ancient wheat… here you will taste a from-farm-to-fork menu, everything homemade, from pasta, to desserts, to meat, to vegetables, always surrounded by the rolling hills of Marche region. Then we will keep on exploring the Foglia valley to Lunano which will welcome you in its untouched landscapes, its three stretches of water and the chestnut groves of Mount della Croce which produces high quality chestnuts with a unique flavor. Tasting of chestnuts (October and November) and chance to buy the white truffle and numerous varieties of mushrooms. The hamlet is famous for the ancient Ubaldini castle (now in ruins) and for the Franciscan monastery of Mount Illuminato where Saint Francis is thought to have done a miracle. Then we head to Piandimeleto which is still overlooked by the massive Castle of Counts Olica, an important witness of the Montefeltro history. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight. 4th DAY: SASSOCORVARO BRUSCHETTA WORKSHOP
The day begins with the visit to a dairyman on the hills of Sassocorvaro in the heart of the Montefeltro area, an ancient, harmonious and wild land between the Apennines and the sea on the hills of Urbino. Since 1973 the family, specialized in the production of sheep cheese pecorino, has been controlling every production step from the grazing to the aging, a “short supply chain”. Visit to the farmstead, where milk, only from the sheep owned by the farmhouse, is processed, and where the agriculture is strictly organic. Rich product tasting. Then we will move forward to the hamlet between Urbino and Carpegna to enter the core of Montefeltro area. Its stronghold Rocca Ubaldinesca was designed by the architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini, in 1485 on a commission basis for the Duke Federico da Montefeltro.
Today it hosts one of the 72 historical theatres of Marche region: “Della Rocca” (1860) with 100 seats and a blue color. Before returning to the hotel visit to a farmstead in Monteciccardo, that produces wine like albanello, trabbiano, incrocio bruni, Alicante and sangiovese, besides other interesting wine varieties like aleatico, lacrima, bombino and merlot. Moreover they produce extra-virgin olive oil from more than 7000 olive trees: Raggiola, Ascolana Tenera, Rosciola, Leccino and Picholine. Bruschetta and oil tasting with a good glas of wine. In hotel you will take part to a “bruschetta workshop”: you will learn how to recognize the different breads of Le Marche, how to choose the right one for your bruschettas, and Enza will also tell you which are the main ingredients to prepare a bruschetta, how to cut the chosen bread, roast and flavor it.. then you will choose from colorful sauces, seasonal vegetables, local cheese for a farewell buffet-dinner. 5th DAY: ANCIENT MOUNT NERONE, A SACRED PLACE A BALCONY OVER A WORLD RICH IN BIODIVERSITY AND A LOOK TO THE SEA. ABBEY OF SAN VINCENZO AT FURLO GORGE, AND A RELAXING STROLL Breakfast in the hotel and departure to the Mount Nerone, coffee-break in Cagli ancient hamlet on the road to Mount Nerone. Meeting with the teachers Loretta and Maria Elsa who will lead us to the discovery of the herbs, wild plants and edible flowers. Loretta lives right there and in May you can admire a rainbow of colors and perfumes at the foot of a mount that overlooks the Metauro Valley with its hamlets and castles. Picnic lunch in the open air with a tasting of colorful dishes decorated with flowers, herbs and petals. Slow return to the hotel with a walk in the Furlo gorge, crossed by the Candigliano river. A silent and colorful landscape between the peaks of the Mount Paganuccio and Pietralta, covered by downy oaks, maples, sorbus and hop hornbeams. In this amazing landscape you can also visit the Roman Abbey of San Vincenzo of the VI century BC, also called Petra Petrusa (ancient name of the Furlo Pass). Stroll along the ancient Via Flaminia, walking in the galley built by Vespasiano in 76 AD. Break in the Abbey of San Vincenzo, return to the hotel, free time, dinner and overnight.
Accommodation in the hotel and lunch. We begin our week with a ride on the parkway! Between Emilia and Marche we will discover the sea seen from above with its unique charm! The perfume of the brooms will accompany us along the ups and downs of the coast to give us unforgettable memories of this route along history, nature and tradition. The jewel of FIorenzuola di Focara, as well as the hamlet of Castel di Mezzo will donate us breathtaking views on the sea, with unforgettable glimpses on the coast. Free time in the hotel, dinner in the hotel, overnight.
The landscape of the northern blank of the Marecchia River reminds us the Malatestian origins of this area. Along the valley we will admire the towers of San Marino and pass just under the spur from where we can take a glimpse of the strongholds of Verucchio, Torriana, Montebello and San Leo. Stopover in a winery for a tasting of typical products. Free time to relax. Dinner in the hotel and overnight. 4th DAY THE HISTORICAL RIMINI (46 KM) Rimini hides a precious historical heart. Riding on century-old alleys that cross hills and the countryside, rich in farm tradition we will reach the city center. We can visit the Cathedral, the Arch of Augustus, the ruins of the walls and the recently discovered “Surgeon’s House” in the Ferrari Square and the Bridge of Tiberius, which leads to the beautiful touristic harbor with ancient sailor tradition. Lunch in a typical restaurant with fish menu and specialties of the Adriatic sea along the way back. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight.
2nd DAY: CONCA VALLEY AND ITS CASTLES (60 KM) 5th DAY: WELLNESS COOKING CLASSES… FROM-FARM-TO-FORK OGANIC FOOD, USING HERBS AND FLOWERS! The numerous fights between the Signoria Malatesta and Montefeltro have enriched our inland with towers, stronghold and castles. In a picturesque and wild landscape we will admire and visit the ancient residences of the Malatesta overlooking the Conca River Valley. Extremely beautiful and mysterious is the Castle of Montefiore. Return and lunch in the hotel. Free afternoon with allowance to the new wellness center of Rimini Terme (Thermal Baths) just in front of the sea: medical check-up, allowance to the whirlpool with sea water, sauna, Turkish bath, salt room, emotional shower, relax area, cardiovascular circuit, gym, aqua-aerobics lesson (opened from 9 to 19.) Dinner in the hotel and overnight.
We’ll spend the morning in a agritourism/teaching farm surrounded in a green surrounding. Eating well is the first kind of wellness, and this day will teach you the basis of the wellness cuisine. The choice of the ingredients (preferring the one from the Mediterranean cuisine) the right quantities of nutrients and servings, the cooking methods… These techniques will all help you eat healthily but tastefully, controlling your weight without drastic diets, reducing the risk of diseases, appraising the flavors, having an anti-age effect, renewing the cells thanks to the substances contained in the foods. Our chef will give you the recipe of a wellness elixir! Plenty of suggestions to cook healthily every day at home! Discover the magic of cooking with the flowers, picked in the Perfume Garden. We will use the flowers not only as decoration, but also as real ingredients to enhance the taste of your dishes! The chef will teach you how to choose, clean and cook some kind of flowers to create yummy starters, jams and pickled fruits to be matched to meat, cheese, delicate and perfumed desserts. He will also teach you the secret to realize distilled beverages and liqueurs. Moreover we will learn the use of aromatic herbs in cuisine. We will emphasize the “perfumed herbs” and their matching to our traditional dishes. We will also learn how to recognize them, how to mince them and how to commend their aromatic features. Slightly perfumed or with a sharp and rich taste, they allow us to make tasty matches, exalting the flavors. Entire or minced, they perfume the raw and baked dishes giving them a crunchy and fresh touch. Lunch early in the afternoon with the dishes we will have prepared, with regional wine matching! Free afternoon in the garden of the agritourism, a “slow” moment to enjoy the nature and the colors of the landscape. Late in the afternoon accommodation in the reserved rooms in agritourism/hotel, overnight. 6th DAY: FROM THE CASTLES OF CANDELARA AND NOVILARA TO FANO (36 KM)
BIKE AND WELLNESS... IN THE KITCHEN TOO! FROM THE MONTEFELTRO VALLEY TO THE SEA SIDE Travel your bike, visit untouched places between the Apennines and the Sea, ride on the steepest hills of our inland to the seashore. Warm welcome, exclusive services, wellness centers, delicious dishes and fun!
Breakfast in the hotel/relay and start of today’s bike tour to Candelara, a hamlet surrounded by defensive walls, considered a groundbreaking experiment of military architecture of the XV century. After the visit to the village we will move forward to Novilara, a town previously inhabited by the Picents, who built a glorious necropolis where 300 tombs were founded, alongside to a huge variety of archaeological findings. Among these there is the “Stone of Novilara” an ancient inscription in the Picents’ language of the VI-V century BC. The fortification dates back to year 1000, then in the XIV century a new castle was built: here lived the most important families of the Renaissance: Sforza, Castiglione, Della Rovere. Lunch with piadina and local products tasting in a tavern inside the city walls. Then we will go down to Fano, riding on rolling hills. Chance to visit the village with its gorgeous old town, that is still surrounded by the Roman walls, while the battlements mark the medieval walls. In the aftermath other buildings were created: Palace of Podestà, the Malatesta Tombs, the Cathedral with the Domenichino’s frescos, the noble palaces and the refined churches. In the Church of Santa Maria Nuova you can also admire the works of art by Perugino and an altar step which is thought to have been painted by Raffaello. Here you can make a dive to 2000 years ago: in search of an underground roman Fano that twists and turns through its alleys, tunnels and galleries under the town which will lead us to the discovery of unusual and suggestive places. Or you can walk in the city center and discover the historical roots of the town. Riding on the Adriatic road, that runs along the sea you will reach Pesaro late in the afternoon. End of our services. Return.
On the track of ancient abbeys and lonely hermitages, surrounded by a rugged and refined nature, of national parks and cliffs, of the memories of ancient towns and of the perfume of the sea…welcome!
Walking on these paths we will discover ancient legends, strongholds and castles, hermitages and inns, ancient paths used to connect Rimini to Verucchio, San Marino and San Leo. Starting from the Adriatic Sea we will cross the Marecchia Valley until reaching the small and ancient Republic of San Marino. Then we will go forward to San Leo, a unique and unforgettable place in the Romagna part of the Montefeltro, following the footprints of the two medieval sculptors Leo and Marino, who came here at the end III century from Dalmatia to build the walls of Rimini and to flee away from Diocletian’s persecution against Christians.
1st DAY: THE LOST TOWN OF TWO ”SASSI” Today we invite you for a walk in the province of the three parks, a walking tour in the beauty of the Natural Park of Sasso Simone and Sasso Simoncello, core of the Monfeltro area which hosts the legendary “Town of the sun” stronghold of Cosimo de Medici, who commissioned this town to control the border to the Dukedom of Urbino. A turkey oak forest will lead us to this strange rocks: an itinerary full of contemplation at the border between three regions. MAIN INFOS: Presence of a environmental tour guide, type of walking: excursion, duration: 5 Hours, distance: 12 kilometers, elevation gain: 500 meters (up)
2nd DAY CLIFFS AND BEACHS OF THE PARK “SAN BARTOLO” A balcony perched over the sea, a crossing point for migratory birds, full of Mediterranean scrub and a smell of broom everywhere: that’s the Natural Park of Mount San Bartolo, a promontory ideal dot walking on the seaside and bathing. The view over the Castle of Gradara, scene of the tragedy of Paolo and Francesca, and the villages on the Siligata pass, background of fights between the Malatesta of Pesaro and Rimini complete the landscape. MAIN INFOS: Presence of a environmental tour guide, type of walking: excursion, duration: 3 Hours, distance: 8 kilometers, elevation gain: 250 meters (up)
26 3rd DAY TREKKING BETWEEN THOUSAND-YEAR OLD ABBEYS Three gorgeous abbeys on the border between Marche and Umbria are the perfect coulisse for a suggestive day. The Abbey of Sant’Emiliano, the Abbey of Santa Maria di Sitria and the Monstery of Fonte Abellana: three thousand-year old monasteries around the Mount Catria and Mount Strega, surrounded by the nature, and a rich historical heritage blend perfectly together and will enchant you. MAIN INFOS: Presence of a environmental tour guide, type of walking: excursion, duration: 5 Hours, distance: 13 kilometers, elevation gain: 800 meters 4th DAY: SUGGESTIVE LANDSCAPES ON THE FURLO GORGE The itinerary twists and turns in the Natural Reserve of the Furlo Gorge and will lead us to the discovery of the most enchanting views of Mount Pietralta. We will walk over the roads once used by the bandits, like the famous Grossi Gang that ranted and raved in this area in the XIX century. A fascinating itinerary overlooking the gorge and the UmbroMarchigiana Ridge, which will end at the stunning Abbey of San Vincenzo. MAIN INFOS: Presence of a environmental tour guide, type of walking: excursion, duration: 5 Hours, distance: 1O kilometers, elevation gain: 500 meters (up)
1st DAY: S. GIOVANNI IN MARIGNANO Arrival early in the afternoon. We start exploring the inlands by moving to S. Giovanni in Marignano, walk in the old town starting from Piazza Silvagni and the Civic tower, followed by the ruins of the ancient city walls, Corbucci Palace and the ancient Massari Theatre. San Giovanni is also known as “hamlet of the witches” and “Malatesta’s granary” but also as “Town of the Wine” due to its numerous cellars. Chance to go for a walk on the countryside that from the hamlet leads to a gorgeous agritourism. Dinner in agritourism with regional menu and local wine. Accommodation in the reserved rooms in the hotel/agritourism, overnight.
2nd DAY : VILLA VERUCCHIO AND THE REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO Transfer by bus to Villa Verucchio. Here begins our excursion through rolling hills which will lead us over ancient paths along the Marecchia Valley to the most ancient Republic of Europe, San Marino. Packet lunch with from-farm-to-fork products. Visit to the old town, and in particular to the Palazzo Pubblico in Piazza Libertà, external visit to the Government Palace, the Basilic and to the three medieval towers that boast a breathtaking view. Return late in the afternoon to the hotel/agritourism. Overnight. 3rd DAY: REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO AND SAN LEO Transfer by bus to San Marino. Here we will start our route over stunning paths which will lead us to the famous hamlet of San Leo. At a height of 583 meters, on the highest spur of a gigantic rock rises up the impregnable fortress, that has only a way in, caved in the rock. Guided tour to the castle and aperitif in the enchanting old town. Lunch in a agritourism on the route. Return to the hotel/agritourism late in the afternoon, overnight. 4th DAY: SAN LEO AND NOVAFELTRIA Transfer by bus to San Leo. Today’s excursion will lead us to the borders of the Alta Marecchia Valley, to that area that only recently became part of Emilia Romagna and of the province of Rimini. This is a little known, magnificent and wild area, made up by tiny villages and untouched nature, and that’s will be the background of our walks. Packet lunch. Return to the hotel/agritourism late in the afternoon, overnight. 5th DAY:SANTARCANGELO Before leaving a stopover in Santarcangelo is a must. Guided tour to the old town, to the medieval hamlet where the famous Arch Ganganelli rises up, built in honor of Pope Clemente XIV, rich in towers, bastions, gateways, palaces until the gorgeous hamlet Rocca Malatestiana. Visit to the mysterious tuff caves and to the ancient Stamperia Marchi, which is still using an original mangle of the XVI century. Not to forget is a uniqueness of this town: the button museum! Lunch with tasting of typical products and wine matching in a winery and visit to the cellar. After lunch…piadina competition! Departure and return. 4 HOURS WALK A DAY + stopovers. ELEVATION GAIN: 500 meters a day up/down DIFFICULTY: medium SEASONALITY: April-October ACCOMMODATION: chance to overnight along the way in agritourism/hotel/mountain lodge. In the background: Fonte Avellana
Some of the pictures belong to the photographic archive of the Province of Pesaro-Urbino and of Rimini.
In the lower circle: Gola del Furlo, upper circle: Pietrarubbia, in the background: Parco Naturale del Monte San Bartolo