Cv_Mik Cuccu

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contacts +39 329 16 75249 cu c c u . a m@gmai

education 2004 / 2008 Liceo Scientifico “Tullio Levi Civita” of Codigoro (FE)

2012 / 2014 Master Degree

2008 / 2011 Bachelor Degree

Politecnico di Milano

P rod u ct S er v ice System Desig n at

D es ig n d el Prodotto Industrial e at Politecnico di Milano

internships November 2011 / January 2012 Gra p h ic De si gne r at YOU Creative Collective Carpi (MO) September 2012 / June 2013

Pro d u ction Assi stant at “UseDesign”

February 2014 / October 2014 Research er and Grap h ic Desig n er at the Núcleo de Design e Sustentabilidade Erasmus Extra-UE Exchange Program Universidade Federal do Paraná - Curitiba - Brazil


projects February 2014 / June 2014

February 2015 / July 2015

Núcleo de Design e Sustentabilidade & Innonatives Curitiba

Naive & Das Nuvens Curitiba

Su sta in a bi l i ty Make r Braz i l

Naive S tor y tellers

July 2014 / December 2014

Seed s of Future #1 - C uriti ba Naive & Politecnico di Milano Curitiba - Milan

work April 2015 / July 2015

Gra p h ic De si gne r and Stor y te l l i ng Con s u lta nt MKT Drops Curitiba

voluntarism May 2015 / September 2015 Vid eo Make r and Stor y te l l i ng

Con s u lta nt

Rede Esperança Curitiba


November 2015 / April 2016 Research er and G rap h ic Desig n er Epoca Srl Bologna

March 2016 Tu tor at Global Service Jam 2016 Paco Design Collaborative Milan

December 2006 / February 2014 Sin ger , Gui tari st and Graphi c De si g n er SWAMP

COMING SOON! S on g w r iter and Grap h ic Desig n er Delef



Sa m s u n g Gal axy Eye Silver A ward

Premiere, Soundboot, AfterEffects)

March 2013 / September 2013 Samsung Young Design Award 2013 In collaboration with Andrej de Carvalho Pinto

A d ob e S u ite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, E xcel


Italian o - E n g lish - Por tu g u ês (B razil)

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