application Sarajevo 2014

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ECOC Sarajevo 2014

Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT


Application of Sarajevo for the title of European Capital of Culture




Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT


Application of Sarajevo for the title of European Capital of Culture 2014


Sarajevo and its citizens realise the key mission of a united nations Peace Messenger City, values of modern Europe and of the world after a century of warfare and destruction. Sarajevo represents a centre and crossroads of cultures, religions and civilizations. Due to extraordinary realisation of man, through a millennium-long history, an extraordinary climate of natural, tangible, cultural and spiritual diversity has been formed in Sarajevo's valley. The main idea and concept of the Project Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 are related to the fundamental values of Paris Convention on Culture 1954, which emphasises that the cultural and historical heritage of Europe is our common wealth, as well as to the unESCO Convention 2005 on protection and promotion of different cultural expressions.

Sarajevo is a specific open museum in which the interaction between the inhabitants, artists and guests of the city shapes the theatre of life in different forms.



Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

The dates in the modern history important for the candidature of Sarajevo are: 1914 – Sarajevo assassination 1945 – liberation of Sarajevo 1984 – XiV Winter Olympic Games 1991 – European Caravan of Peace 1992. – Sarajevo, capital of the internationally recognised sovereign Republic of Bih 1992-1995 – Siege of Sarajevo 1993/94 – Through the international programme of the Festival Sarajevo Sarajevska zima (Sarajevo Winter), Sarajevo is symbolically a European Capital of Culture between the two Capitals of Culture – Antwerp 1993 and lisbon 1994. 1999 – Conference of the Pact of Stability 2001 - X Biennale of young Artists of Europe and Mediterranean 2001 – Euro-regional Campaign link Diversity of Council of Europe 2003/04 – Sarajevo, the first intercultural city of the Council of Europe 2008 – City Council accepted the initiative of iPC/ Sarajevska zima and made the decision to candidate Sarajevo for European Capital of Culture 2014 2011 – Resolution of European Parliament for nomination of Sarajevo for European Capital of Culture 2014.

The nomination by European Parliament for candidature of Sarajevo for European Capital of Culture is important for Sarajevo, Europe and the world, because 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War i and 60th Anniversary of European Convention on Culture, 30th Anniversary of XiV Winter Olympic Games and „Sarajevska zima“ will be marked. European Parliament in its Resolution has recognised the significance of this year and the nomination of Sarajevo for European Capital of Culture represents the best confirmation of European cultural policy and European values. The initiative for nomination of Sarajevo for European Capital of Culture was launched in 1993 in the city of Sarajevo, the city under the siege, through the programme of the Festival „Sarajevska zima“ and support from 11,000 of artists of Bosnia and herzegovina and the world. Then the relevant resolutions of unESCO, Council of Europe and European Parliament were adopted. Through „Sarajevska zima“, the programmes of which were realised in that period in Sarajevo and 150 cultural centres of Europe and the world, Sarajevo was symbolically pronounced a European Capital of Culture between the two Capitals of Culture – Antwerp 1993 and lisbon 1994. Since then, the initiative has been renewed several times by the international Peace Centre for and Festival „Sarajevska zima“; in 2001, during X Biennale of young Artist of Europe and Mediterranean, and in 2003, during the first pilot-project Sarajevo, intercultural City of the Council of Europe. in 2008, Sarajevo City Council adopted the proposal of the international Peace Centre – Sarajevska zima to candidate the city of Sarajevo for European Capital of Culture 2014.


Sarajevo and Europe confirm the values of the European citizenship in a multi-layered and multi-dimensional history of the city and its development as a European metropolis.

Sarajevo is an innovative community of citizens whose historical, cultural, natural and intangible heritage represent the foundation for new impulses not only for the development of Sarajevo and cooperation of the European regions and the process of European integration of our country, but also for building of new relations in Europe. We have to ask for the official promulgation of Sarajevo as European Capital of Culture for one main reason: Sarajevo is in fact already cultural capital of Europe. not for its cultural richness from the past, but also for its creative energy and heroic resistance to which we witnessed during „Sarajevska zima“. Jean-luc nancy, French philosopher (1993)

Sarajevo takes a special place in European history and culture. With this nomination, we could send an important signal for the multiethnic character of the city and the state of Bosnia and herzegovina, which might cause changes in the way of thinking of political factors in the country. Furthermore, this city show how important is to work together. This will be especially important because Sarajevo was the scene of the attack which started the World War i in 1914. During the war in Bih 1992-1995, Sarajevo endured the longest siege in history of modern warfare. under the most difficult conditions, the city preserved and took care of its intercultural character. For this reason the city deserves to prove its intercultural potential. Doris Pack, Chairperson of the Committee for Education and Culture in EP (2011)

The candidacy of Sarajevo for the ECoC 2014 is a proof of the commitment of the city of Sarajevo for emphasizing the role that the culture plays in the economic and cultural development of the society as well as its role in the process of the reconciliation.


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT



For Sarajevo, the challenge of this nomination is to confirm its modern potentials for development of a modern European metropolis which is based on European values of its citizens' lives. The main objectives are related to the development of the city in economic, cultural and social terms and to the commitment of the citizens and authorities to quality and European standards of life and social cohesion and the role of the capital in building of new relations in the region and in Bosnia and herzegovina with the cities in the neighbouring countries and European capitals. Realisation of the project will establish a new, urban rhythm of life in the city, within which it will be possible, through deconstruction of stereotypes, new creative approach, reconstruction of the existing cultural institutions and building of the new cultural infrastructure of the city, networked with European and global capitals, to ensure regional and trans-border linkage with the cities in Central and South-Eastern Europe and countries of Mediterranean and Baltic, as well as linkage with cultural centres of other continents. With openness of the city to all generations, inhabitants and visitors, the city will become a community for satisfying of cultural needs of people from all fields of life, with top centres of a new cultural and innovative industry and communication (digitalization of cultural heritage, iCT in film and music industry). in the period until the implementation of the project Sarajevo ECOC 2014, it is planned to upgrade the existing artistic, educational, scientific and cultural institutions, to create free art-zones, to build a modern university library, museum of contemporary arts, concert hall, film centre Sarajevo, and to shape new relations in culture through inter-generational and interactive forms of connecting of the most creative authors. This would mean a project of bringing culture closer to all layers of society through cultural participation or involvement in creating of the amateur part of the ECOC programme, promotion of the city as a unique centre of culture, with particular identity, with highlighting of the European dimension and uniqueness of European culture and history, and connection and equality with other cultures in Europe and world. This will contribute to affirmation of artists and arts and new directions in modern Europe and modern Sarajevo. inclusion of wider population and inclusion of domes for elder people, homes for uncared-for children, invalids and minorities, is one of the ways to create social coherence and realise more complete and more comprehensive rights of citizens to culture. Development implies that culture is treated as production force and that the position of artists and cultural institutions and independent cultural organisations is significantly changed, and quality implementation of the „Strategy of Cultural Policy in Bih“ adopted in 2008 by Bih Council of Ministers. it is crucial that all actors of urban, economic and social development accept that culture is a catalyser of creativity and that it significantly impacts the process of social cohesion in society. What is especially important to emphasise for Sarajevo 2014 under the slogan PAF – Peace, Art, Freedom, is the role of culture in creating of free creative areas in which everyone participates and contributes to the development of projects, affirmation of talents and top achievements in culture and arts.


Opće informacije Sarajevo je glavni grad Bosne i hercegovine. Ono je njen administrativni, privredni, kulturni, univerzitetski i sportski centar. Grad Sarajevo je jedinica lokalne samouprave koju čine četiri gradske općine: Stari Grad (Sarajevo), Centar (Sarajevo), novo Sarajevo i novi Grad (Sarajevo). Grad Sarajevo zajedno sa susjednim općinama ilidža, Trnovo (FBih), ilijaš, Vogošća, hadžići čini kanton Sarajevo, koji je u sastavu Federacije Bosne i hercegovine. Sarajevo je glavni grad Federacije Bih i kantona Sarajevo. Osnovnu političku strukturu Grada Sarajevo čine Gradsko vijeće i Gradska uprava. Gradskom upravom neposredno rukovodi gradonačelnik. Gradonačelnik predstavlja i zastupa Grad Sarajevo. Gradonačelnik Sarajeva od 2009. godine je Alija Behmen. Površina grada Sarajevo je 141,5 km2, a u četiri gradske općine živi 297.416 stanovnika.

The development documents of Sarajevo as a city of European region, defined the overall development objectives because Sarajevo wants to become: / European metropolis which in an optimal way connects the characteristic of East and West, north and South thanks to its geographic position and historical role in the region, / city of free flows of people, ideas, capital, goods and services, / city of profitable business and driver of regional development, / city of pleasant living, / city open for all people of good will, / city of peace and security, freedom and creativity, / city of youth and modern university, cultural and artistic centre of Europe, / city of healthy environment and health for all, / city of highest ecologic standards (soil, air, noise), / city – Olympic centre, host and organizer of international innovative, peacerelated, political, economic, ecologic, scientific, educational, cultural, religious, tourism- and health-related, sports and other events, / important tourism destination, with the unESCO-protected old core of the city and park of nature within the Olympic complex. Main challenge of the nomination is to create a firm link between Sarajevo and the whole Bosnia and herzegovina reflected in the ECoC program, due to constitutional structure of Bosnia and herzegovina, which is reflected in the mandates of different governmental levels. however, this challenge is dealt from the initial planning phase by communicating and providing letters of support for the candidacy of the city of Sarajevo (attached to this application). The objective of the city is to mark important anniversaries and dates with the special cultural events which will be specifically prepared for ECoC, and to incorporate and link already existing artistic events which will be adapted for the purpose of the Sarajevo 2014 project. in the preparation phase, Sarajevo has already been able to learn from previous and current ECoCs that are supporting the candidacy of Sarajevo for 2014.


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT



Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT


The general idea is to promote an open city which will enable not only the citizens of Bosnia and herzegovina, but also the citizens of the region (neighbouring countries), Europe and world to meet during 2014 a place of meeting of cultures and civilisations of the world in an urban area covering a millenniums-long history and corresponding with modern cultural heritage. Sarajevo will promote not only architectural, but also intangible heritage related to local community and guests of the city, especially artists and tourists, in a natural, Olympic ambience, with confirmed hospitality. Sarajevo will be connected with centres such as Mostar, Travnik, Zenica, Goražde, Brčko, Banja luka, Jajce, Bihać, Tuzla, Stolac, Čapljina, Počitelj, as well as with the main cultural centres of the countries in SouthEastern and Central Europe, Mediterranean and Baltic. Within ECOC, Sarajevo will commit to networking and connecting of cultural workers, artists, institutions and media in order to develop, through projects in Bosnia and herzegovina, region and European cultural area, new forms of cooperation and encourage creative industry. The concept contains three basic ideas:

1) creation of conditions for top-level presentation of cultural and historical and natural heritage of Sarajevo and Bosnia and herzegovina, artistic creations and social cohesion in society, creation of new jobs and new culture management for 21st century, related to education, science and idea o fan open city, which as a European metropolis guarantees peace and freedom of creativity, 2) Revitalization of cultural and historic monuments, museums and institutions, 3) Construction and completion of works on construction of new facilities of cultural infrastructure.



Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

Cultural and historical heritage of Sarajevo is very important. in Sarajevo, there is a total of 891 facility of cultural and historical heritage, which includes: historical and memorial complexes and memorials, settled areas, archaeological areas, fortification units and military architecture, facilities of housing architecture, public facilities, industrial buildings, sacral buildings and cemeteries, and thumb stones. Cultural and historical heritage in this context reflects all principles of cultural diversity and cultural richness of Sarajevo. Reconstruction of cultural and historical heritage is important for the city of Sarajevo to enable it to proceed with the continuity of existence within European culture, tradition, heritage and all other European values. Ongoing processes are reconstruction of (White and yellow Bastion) Bijela and Žuta tabija (2012), reconstruction of the cable-car (2013), renovation and reconstruction of the City hall (2014), renovation and reconstruction of the Olympic arenas on Bjelašnica, igman, Jahorina, Trebević, in Zetra and Skenderija, renovation of the old city core, renovation of the park of nature on Vrelo Bosne, archaeological explorations in the city and wider city area.

As regards the construction and completion of works on construction of new facilities of cultural infrastructure, it is planned, by 2020, to build and open the Concert hall Sarajevo in Marijin-Dvor, to build the Museum of Contemporary Arts Ars Aevi (2014), Film Centre Sarajevo, to build the national and university library of Bosnia and herzegovina, to digitalize the collections of the Sarajevo Archive, to implement the project of the bridge Academy of Visual Arts – Radićeva Street (2012), to build the Academy of Performing Arts (2014), to build the university Centre Campus, to renovate and reconstruct the historic Museum, to renovate the national Museum to revitalize the (Cinematheque) kinoteka Bih, to open the dependants of the Museum Sarajevo house of Sevdah, Olympic Museum, European Centre of Old Crafts and Artefacts, Sarajevo, Centre for Artists' Residences.

Sarajevo is committed to investing in the development of science, new innovative technologies, culture, education, environment protection, communal infrastructure, sports and tourism.



Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT



Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT



(the answer to this question is optional et the pre-selection phase)

Slogan for Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 is: PEACE, ART, FREEDOM. Conceptuality of the programme is reflected in correlation of notions Peace, Art, Freedom with freedom of creativity and human rights and commitment to all, and especially to young generations. Comprehending the coherence of the unity of the programme Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 through artistic, cultural, socio-economic, tourism-related, historic and other aspects, with emphasising of the individuality of local population and uniqueness of diversity of European culture, and establishing synergy of basic values of creators expressed in peace, freedom and creativity, the programme will be shaped as a non-interrupted intercultural dialogue in Europe and of Europe with the world. ideas of peace and freedom cannot survive for a long term in themselves without the greatest human contribution – creativity, which in this case acts as a fluid. having in view the recent history of Sarajevo, inspiration and exploitation of these key notions in cultural life of the city, the artists and citizens of Sarajevo with the title European Capital of Culture will accelerate the integration of Bosnia and herzegovina and Europe. Thematic division of the programme into three unique and coherent elements promotes a climate of multi-layered spiritual and material heritage, character of a society developed between the most inspirational regions – Central, South-Eastern and Mediterranean region, which can be recognised in particularity and attractiveness of this European area. Promotion of the mentioned characteristics of this part of European peninsula encourages the cultural, social, spatial and economic development through enriching of the existing cultural offer, social integration, transformation, built and non-built area, and development of cultural tourism and attracting of foreign investments.

Symbolic of the year of 2014, as a synergy of historical and cultural parallels, is reflected in 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War i which happened in Sarajevo, 30th Anniversary of XiV Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo, 30th Anniversary of „Sarajevska zima“, and 60th Anniversary of European Convention on Culture.



The City of Sarajevo and organisers of the Project Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 will include in the Project the regions of South-Eastern and Central Europe, Mediterranean, Baltic and the cities and regions with which Sarajevo cooperated in other continents of the world. Cooperation with the region of South-Eastern Europe is realised with the neighbouring countries of Bosnia and herzegovina because there is mutual interest in cooperation which is supported through Eu iPA Fund (cross-border cooperation with Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro). The Project Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 has precious support from the cities of Zagreb and Dubrovnik, Belgrade, Podgorica, ljubljana, Maribor and Skopje due to cultural relations between Bosnia and herzegovina and these cities, and neighbouring countries. Cultural diversity of Bosnia and herzegovina or its multi-ethnicity is made by peoples – Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, and its minority communities (Albanians, Montenegrins, Checks, italians, Jews, hungarians, Macedonians, Germans, Polish, Romas, Romanians, Russians, Russinians, Slovaks, Slovenians, Turkish, and ukrainians). Organisers intend to include the regions of Central Europe, especially the Member States of Višegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and hungary), which provided their support to the candidature of Sarajevo. A special program of cooperation with Vienna, Maribor and Pecs is also envisaged. As regards the inclusion of the Mediterranean region, a special emphasise is put on the following countries: - Spain and the cities Madrid and Barcelona, which cooperate with the city of Sarajevo in different projects, - italy (Eu Presidency in 2014) and the city of Rome (Project of the Museum of Contemporary Arts Ars Aevi, Concert hall Sarajevo, Rome Fountain in Sarajevo), and the cities of Venice, Collegno and Ferrara. - Greece (Eu Presidency in 2014), a country which developed an extraordinary cooperation with Bosnia and herzegovina and Sarajevo in cultural field and participation in reconstruction of the city, important also as a country whose Minister of Culture, M. Mercouri, is the initiator of the event European Capital of Culture, together with French Minister of Culture, J. lango, a country with which a special project will be developed, devoted to European integration on the basis of the decisions made by the Thessaloniki Summit. - Turkey and the city of istanbul, European Capital of Culture 2010. - Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and all other countries and cities of Adriatic- ionic initiative in which Bih plays an active role. - Through the programmes of Mediterranean union, Bih is a member of, and the Foundation AlF with seat in Alexandria. Cooperation with Baltic region refers primarily to the cities of umeo and Riga, as already chosen Capitals of Culture for 2014, and the friendly cities such as Stockholm and other Capitals of Culture from this region and other regions in order to establish the interregional cooperation of Euro-regions. Sarajevo intends to establish and make contacts with the cities with a view of common cooperation in projects and mutual promotion of European values. Sarajevo as a member of the Alliance of Civilisations and Culture will establish, during preparations for 2014, a dialogue of cultures and civilizations through cooperation of the cities from other continents of the world. Through projects and cooperation, Sarajevo as European Capital of Culture plans to include the cities which were European Capitals of Culture, as well as the cities Capitals of Culture until 2014 and after 2014.


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT


The cities which were the hosts of this event with their results are an inspiration for Sarajevo to achieve the long-term objectives and ensure the successfulness of European year of Culture Sarajevo 2014. it prepares for the meeting of all Mayors – directors of the Project European Capital of Culture and most significant artists and top critics and journalists, representatives of European and global institutions, and Ministers of Culture of Eu countries and countries of the region which are involved in the programme „Artist's freedom of creativity, inspiration for European citizenship “.

Sarajevo is the centre of South-Eastern Europe, a unique winter Olympic centre in the region, a centre of cultural diversities which connect Central, South-Eastern Europe and EuroMediterranean region as a unique civilization and cultural area. The City of Sarajevo is a friendly and a twinning city and friend of 32 cities in the region, Europe and world, and maintains close relations with these cities, and will invite them, in addition to providing their support for the candidature, to participate with projects in the programme Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014. European values and Eu will be promoted through these projects in Sarajevo, but also in all partner cities, as well as with the networks of the cities which Sarajevo is a member of. We will especially make programmes with Greece and italy, Presiding countries of Eu in 2014. Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 will include in the project the countries out of European borders. it is planned to establish cooperation with Brazil as the host of the World Football Championship 2014 and the city of Sochi which is the host of XXii Winter Olympic Games, where Sarajevo as the host of XiV WOG sees important potentials for cooperation, the city of new york (uSA), Sydney (Australia), Seoul (S. korea), special guest in 2014, library from Alexandria (Egypt). Sarajevo is a candidate for EFA General Assembly 2014 and prepared a programme for Art Workshops of young artists from the Mediterranean union member states, and with Esperanto Association it will candidate for the World Congress of Esperantists 2014. Sarajevo, as one of the member cities of the Anti-Racism Association and international Association of Peace Messenger Cities (iAPMC), with projects and cooperation with the cities from other continents will transmit the message of peace, freedom and art beyond the borders of Bosnia and herzegovina, region and Europe, affirming European values and intercultural dialogue, democracy and human rights.


Sarajevo intends to involve other Bosnian and herzegovinian towns in the European Capital of Culture event. in the planning and preparation phase, the city administration, as well as Executive and Organizing committees in charge for the preparation of ECoC are insuring the support of other cities, primarily big cultural centres such as Banja luka, Trebinje, Mostar, Tuzla, Bihać, Brčko, Jajce, Travnik, Goražde, Doboj Zenica, as the centres of urban culture and venues of cultural tourism in Bih. The products of smaller town centres are going to be presented in the gastronomic offer, but as important souvenirs as well.

6. PlEASE COnFiRM ThAT yOu hAVE ThE SuPPORT OF ThE lOCAl AnD/OR REGiOnAl AuThORiTiES. The initiative Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 has been supported by Sarajevo City Municipalities: Municipality Stari Grad Sarajevo, Municipality Centar Sarajevo, Municipality novo Sarajevo, Municipality novi Grad Sarajevo, Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Government of Canton of Sarajevo, Government of Federation of Bih, State of Bosnia and herzegovina (members of Bih Presidency, Bih Ministry of Foreign Affairs). 2008: City Council accepted the initiative of iPC/Sarajevska zima, supported by City Council. 2009: Set up the Organizing Committee and Executive Board for candidature, and operating and consultative team of the Executive Board, adopted Rules of Procedures and Rulebooks. 2009: Signed Protocol of iPC/Sarajevska zima with PECS Management centre 2010. Through iPC/Sarajevska zima, the initiative was supported on different occasions by unESCO, Council of Europe and European Festivals Association (EFA), international Theatre institute (iTiM), Biennale of young Artists of Europe and Mediterranean (Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs d'Europe et de la Méditerranée). The Mayors of the cities of ljubljana, Maribor, Vienna, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Podgorica, Belgrade, Skopje, Venice, Collegno, Ferrara, Ankara, istanbul, Pecs, Tirana, Plonsk, Magdeburg, linz, supported the Mayor of Sarajevo in his endeavours to cause the City of Sarajevo to be awarded the title European Capital of Culture 2014. The support was also provided by the Bih Association of Architects in, Bih PEn Centre, Bih Association of Artists, Bih Cultural Forum, international festivals of arts from Bih, Europe and world, economic chambers, tourism associations, university at Sarajevo, Bih Esperanto Association, Bih Association of Publishers and Booksellers and the general public and media of Bosnia and herzegovina. Sarajevo will also ask the support for the candidature from the unions and association it s a member of and in the activities of which it participates: international Association of Peace Messenger Cities (iAPMC), union of South-Eastern and Central European Capitals (uCSEEC), Balkans Cities network (BAlCinET), World health Organisation (WhO) healthy Cities network, World Olympic Cities union (uMVO), and league of historical Cities (lhC).


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Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT



Sarajevo is a city where a number of international events and festivals take place, and which year by year get increasingly greater significance at local, regional and international level, and as such become recognisable in the world. Establishing cooperation in the field of art, creativity and innovations, the cultural offer of Sarajevo would become recognisable as an extraordinary potential for the development of the city in all fields. Sarajevo is an innovative community of citizens with historical, cultural and natural heritage representing the foundation for new impulses, not only for the development of Sarajevo and region and the process of European integration of our country, but also for new impulses for development of new relations in Europe. The Project Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 will be used by the city of Sarajevo as a catalyser of positive changes not only in the field of culture and creativity but also as a catalyser of changes in the urban image of the city, as an encouragement to restauration, conservation and revitalization of cultural and historical and natural heritage of Sarajevo and Bosnia and herzegovina. The Project would have strong impact to changes within the urban tissue of the city, and to transformation of the city parts which possess an extraordinary cultural and tourism-related potential. The candidature represents the continuation of the endeavours to affirm the cultural scene of Bosnia and herzegovina in proper way, and to support strategic development projects of reconstruction of the existing and building of new cultural infrastructure in Sarajevo. Sarajevo is the home of some of the oldest cultural institutions in Bosnia and herzegovina, such as the national Museum of Bosnia and herzegovina, which holds a precious masterpiece of the Middle-Age Jewish art – Sarajevo's haggadah, and the richest ornithological and entomologic collections in the Balkans, as well as one of the richest collections of meteorites sin the world. Sarajevo is rich with natural resources, so the attention will be paid to the long-term projects related to the protection of natural environment. As regards the region which is to be especially highlighted, it will be the Canton of Sarajevo. Cooperation with other Municipalities of Canton of Sarajevo, as well as with other parts of Bosnia and herzegovina, will be achieved through joint projects, which will relate not only to the historic dimension, but also to the tourism offer, as well as to the development of culture and artists' mobility. The Municipalities making the region of the Canton of Sarajevo are urban points of historical, natural and cultural significance, such as the Roman relicts in ilidža or more recent archaeological explorations.

in addition to the strategic plans of cooperation at the level of the region, long-term plans would relate to and represent a continuation of the efforts to affirm the cultural scene of Bosnia and herzegovina through this project, and to support the strategic cultural development plans such as Concert hall, Ars Aevi and building of new cultural industry in Sarajevo. Sarajevo 2014 is fully in line with the existing strategic framework which consists of: Strategy of the Development of Tourism in the Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina 2008-2018), Strategy of Development of Municipality Stari grad Sarajevo, Strategy of Development of Municipality Centar Sarajevo 2015, Strategy of Development of Municipality novi grad Sarajevo 2015, Strategy of Development of Municipality novo Sarajevo 2015, and development strategies of other neighbouring municipalities as well as the Strategy for the protection of environment in FBih 2008-2018, etc.



The initiator of the initiative iPC/Sarajevska zima has started talks with festivals from all parts of Bosnia and herzegovina (Banja luka, Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla, Pale) in order to form the association of festivals at the level of Bosnia and herzegovina. in that way, the cooperation, mobility of artists, ideas and technical means would be greatly facilitated. likewise, in this way the communication would be facilitated with the regions of South-Eastern and Central Europe, Mediterranean and Baltic, with Europe in general and the world. Culture and processes of exchange in the domains of arts are the easiest, best, of best quality and the most sustainable and most productive method of communication and cooperation among the cities. in this way, communication is not institutionally limited, but has possibility to reach every inhabitant. university at Sarajevo, as an educational centre, and as a partner of the Project Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014, will also include other universities and educational centres in Bosnia and herzegovina and Europe, whereby the mobility of the academic community and young creative artists and scientists will be accomplished. in this context, the existing links and friendships with other universities in the region, Europe and world will be used to start not only local exchange in the fields of science, culture and arts but also at the global level, promoting the uniqueness of the cultural image of Europe.

in addition to the friendly and twinning cities, of which many have supported the initiative of candidature, Sarajevo will send through global informative media the message of openness for cooperation and participation in planning, organizing and implementing of the year of Culture 2014. Even before 2014, the city of Sarajevo will engage and connect with the cities hosts of title European Capital of Culture and in that way make its contribution to shaping of a unique European cultural ambience. Cooperation with the cities capitals of culture until 2014 will enable Sarajevo to acquire experience, in order to organise in the best possible way the event Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014. The cities of Riga and umea are of special importance for the city of Sarajevo, so that the cooperation will be established at the highest level to make the cooperation with these cities in 2014 the best possible. in the preparation and design of the Sarajevo European Capital of Culture 2014 Application form, we have studied the concepts of Riga 2014 and umea 2014 in detail and have found areas of common interest such as promotion of tradition, importance of cultural tourism, gender equality and other areas which we plan to deepen and communicate with the organizing teams of the Riga and umea, once Sarajevo is awarded the title of ECoC.

Even after the year of Culture, Sarajevo intends to continue the cooperation with the mentioned cities and in such a manner ensure the permanence of everything that the year of Culture will have as a benefit. After 2014, Sarajevo will establish contacts with the future capitals of culture until 2020 as a partner and participants, but also as a city which will be glad to share the experiences acquired during the organizing of European Capital of Culture 2014 in Sarajevo.After 2014, Sarajevo will establish contacts with the future capitals of culture until 2020 as a partner and participants, but also as a city which will be glad to share the experiences acquired during the organizing of European Capital of Culture 2014 in Sarajevo.


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT


9. EXPlAin hOW ThE EVEnT COulD FulFil ThE CRiTERiA liSTED BElOW. Please substantiate your answer for each of the criteria (this question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection stage).

As regards „The European Dimension“, how that the city intend to contribute to the following objectives: to strengthen cooperation between the cultural operators, artists and cities of your country and other Member States in all cultural sectors. highlight the richness of cultural diversity in Europe.

Sarajevo, abounding in the richness of history and meeting of different cultures of Europe, as European Capital of Culture will plead for the following fundamental principles: observing of the human and citizen's rights; preservation of healthy environment; creation of a new order of freedom, protection and security; respecting of cultural diversity; cooperation in all fields between equal nations; expression of thought and creation of all necessary preconditions for termination of all forms of discrimination (on the basis of gender, nationality, confession, social status and other).

Sarajevo is a place of meeting of much diversity that this city can offer to Europe. - Foster cooperation between cultural operators, artists and cities from the relevant Member States and other Member States in any cultural sector; Existing international festivals have established links between cultural operators, especially in the field of theatre, film, music and literature. however, there are artistic fields, especially concerning actors in the independent culture that need to further foster cooperation with European counterparts.

- To highlight the richness of cultural diversity in Europe? Bih reflects religious diversity of Eu, as a centre of all monotheistic religions. As today’s Europe is in the crossroad of civilizations, so was Bih during centuries of its existence meeting merchants as well as conquerors, scientists as well as solders.

– To bring the common aspects of European cultures to the fore? The peace and freedom are the ultimate values common to all European cultures and they are best known to Sarajevo and Bosnia and herzegovina. Also, we have learned how to use art as a means of communication and transformation in order to value our enriching, multicultural environment.

individual stakeholders, such as civil society organisations, universities, cultural institutions and individual artist are already linked to European networks and initiatives. Thanks to Bosnia being on a White Schengen list, as well as entering in the Culture 2007 Programme from January 2011, the cooperation with the European culture sector has increased. however, Bosnian and herzegovinian actors are not know in the European scene and from Eu member perspective due to this lack of information, it is hard to find a partner for cooperation. ECoC would thus be perfect opportunity to for European and Bosnian actors to meet and establish permanent cooperation models.



Sarajevo observes European Capital of Culture by periods, as follows:

> 2008 – 2011 > 2011 – 2014 > 2014 > 2014 – 2020 in the period until 2014, the city has actively engaged in establishing of contacts with the cities – former capitals of culture, friendly cities, twinning cities, all organizations, institutions and associations in the region and Europe with a view that they support Sarajevo as Capital of Culture 2014. likewise, every of those cities has been invited to participate in the programme Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014. in that way, a strong link will be made between the cities and regions based on the greatest values of human creativity. The cooperation of Sarajevo with the regions of SouthEastern and Central Europe, Mediterranean and Baltic will strengthen the city's links with the area of Europe to which it is related by a common century-long history. The cooperation with Baltic region will establish new dimensions of contact between Sarajevo and Europe, and in that way long-term benefits will be ensured and the road to European integration established. The institutions of culture and the city of Sarajevo, festivals and artists and nGOs will participate with their projects in the programmes of the community Eu 2007-2013. For Sarajevo, this is not only a cultural point, but also a challenge for new European standards in culture and solving of problems of Bih institutions of culture and cultural infrastructure in accordance with European standards. This also means a new encouragement to democratization of culture and development and operation of all relevant subjects of cultural policy in Bosnia and herzegovina. Cultural cooperation which would take place within European Capital of Culture will integrate Bosnia and herzegovina and Sarajevo into the European and global processes in the best way. in case of Sarajevo, culture proved itself as the only link of the city under the siege with Europe, and the evidence to this is the title of symbolic capital of culture 1993/94. Sarajevo, as a crossroad of different traditions, represents one of the points in the European network of art, culture, history, creative thought, tourism, economy. For the period 2014-2020, the following is planned: construction of the film and music academy within the Campus of the university at Sarajevo, Concert hall Sarajevo, reconstruction and expansion of Col art centre, construction of the museum and academy of design, restauration of the national Museum of Bih, project Stadium Grbavica, and publishing of the Call for projects Tunnel, Technical Museum.

Evaluation of the artistic, financial and organizational impact of the title Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014 will be achieved also in the context of the effects that the event had to entire development of Bosnia and herzegovina. 40

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10. EXPlAin hOW ThE EVEnT COulD MEET ThE CRiTERiA liSTED BElOW. Please substantiate in detail your answer for each of the criteria (this question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection stage). hOW DOES ThE CiTy inTEnD TO EnSuRE ThAT ThE PROGRAMME FOR ThE EVEnT ATTRACTS ThE inTEREST OF ThE POPulATiOn AT EuROPEAn lEVEl? The Programme of Sarajevo as European Capital of Culture is based on the marking of the beginning of World War i, which symbolically represents the common history for the entire Europe and world. in that way, Sarajevo will attract the citizens of Europe in terms of integration, promotion of and respect for and unity of diversity, and dialogue. in addition to the marking of 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War i, 2014 is the year of marking of 30th Anniversary of XiV Winter Olympic Games, held in Sarajevo, which represents an important point in the history of Sarajevo and Europe, where Sarajevo proved itself as an excellent organizer and has already succeeded in attracting of European and global audience. The marking of 30 years of active work of the first international festival in Bosnia and herzegovina, Sarajevo „Sarajevska zima“ is important for the continuity even in the hardest times for the city of Sarajevo, when this festival was one of the light points in the life of the city, giving even at that time an extreme importance to cultural productivity and creativity. All mentioned events will be realized under the sign of the EuROPEAn COnVEnTiOn On CulTuRE and its 60th Anniversary. in terms of programme and visually, with the support from all institutions, the city will be represented as European metropolis which will be the centre of cultural tourism and Euro-interregional cooperation under the working project Europe – Four Regions – Connect and Share European Values (Central and South-Eastern Europe, Baltic and Mediterranean).

Besides the significant jubilees on which the programme Sarajevo – European Capital of Culture 2014, Sarajevo will offer Europe a new programme contents and represent the already existing rich one. One of those enterprises is organising of the programme Century of Arts 1914-2014., which will, within the cultural and historical aspect, include the significant cultural and historical institutions of Sarajevo and represent the richness of culture and arts of Sarajevo and Europe in that period. The goal of the Century of Arts is to show the development of the European and global cultural scene through oppositeness placed in 1914 and 2014. The Project EuROPA – 100 years later is extremely important as a counterpoint to the divisions and breaks in 20th century. Besides the cultural and historical aspect of the programme, Sarajevo will offer and show the sociological aspect, including special groups, such as children, elderly people, people with difficulties in movement and development, and all minorities present in the structure of population of Sarajevo and Bosnia and herzegovina. in this way, a connection will be made with European audience; it will bring Sarajevo closer in familiar light to it and represent richness and diversity. As regards the cultural offer and attracting of European audience, Sarajevo will offer a rich programme within the event European Capital of Culture, which will include a wide range of artistic categories (theatre, film, music, song, painting, sculpture, dance, alternative forms of expression, pop culture...), highlighting in that way the richness of tangible and intangible heritage. in addition, Sarajevo will offer its characteristic and specific types of art, such as old crafts, old city love songs – sevdalinka, and provide a rich offer which will include gastronomy, village tourism, show specific tradition and culture of living.

Sarajevo as European Capital of Culture will develop a strategy of advertising in media to make the programme of celebration available to inhabitants of all European countries, and wider, and to enable in that way the active participation of guests from Europe and world. 42

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As regards “City and Citizen”, how does the city intend to ensure that the programme for the event:

– attracts the interest of the population at European level? The events organised as part of ECoC will be presented on the specialised web site where all content would be available in English and French. Also, the usage of all social networks has become a standard for ECoC which has high publicity among European cultural tourists. The lessons from the previous ECoC cities will be contextualised to Sarajevo and Bih as regards to marketing and communication strategies. The majority of the events that constitute the program for Sarajevo 2014 are already international manifestation which will be further boosted with the ECoC.

- encourages the participation of artists, stakeholders in the socio-cultural scene and the inhabitants of the city, its surroundings and the area involved in the program? Culture participation of citizens is being increased, especially of the young population through different culture education projects and organisations that target children up to 18 years of age.

– is sustainable and an integral part of the long-term cultural and social development of the city? The city of Sarajevo is in the process of developing Development strategy that will integrate cultural policy of the city. The Development Strategy offers long-term objectives followed with implementation measures, and monitoring and evaluation indicators.



The City will take an active approach to all projects supported by the European institutions in the field of culture and development of urban infrastructure through the Community Programme 2007-2013, as well as through iPA fund for cross-border cooperation and other pre-accession funds of Eu, with special emphasis on cooperation in the region and with Eu countries. Synergy of cultural activities in the city will be recognised by dynamic and efficient meeting of the needs of cultural organizations and institutions, as well as of independent production with top results and their cooperation with neighbours, region and Eu partners. After holding of ECOC, there would be the metropolization of the city as a unity through creation of a new urban structure and decentralization of the city cultural centres, inclusion in regional and transborder forms of connecting with Euro-Mediterranean, and area of Bosnia and herzegovina and neighbouring countries, transcontinental cooperation with global cultural, industrial, scientific, tourism and sports centres, implementation of projects for top cultural events, development of cultural industries – from publishing to new communication technologies. The primary effect of the organizing of European Capital of Culture in Sarajevo that would be reflected through the investments on the principle of private-public partnership, would greatly facilitate the construction of cultural infrastructure such as Concert hall in Marijin-Dvor, Museum Ars Aevi and other of capital interest for the city of Sarajevo. The event would be coordinated with the activities of cultural sector and business development in the city. There would be the creation of the new image of Sarajevo as one of European metropolises. The event in itself draws attention, whereby the level of investment in the city of Sarajevo would increase, and thereby the economic image of the city would improve. Tourism-related attraction of Sarajevo would increase, and thereby Sarajevo could completely affirm its tourism capacities and potentials. There would also be an increase in the investments in the tourism sector, which improves its significance year by year. Social cohesion among population would increase by inclusion of all age, ethnic and other categories of people into a unique project wherein everyone would contribute equally. The image of Sarajevo, business environment, Sarajevo as a city of art and culture, city of education, would provide the young people of Bosnia and herzegovina, Europe and world adequate education, freedom and creativity of expression, an opportunity for creative, free, unrestricted expression. long-term consequences and secondary benefits will be reflected in a great number of restored and newly built cultural institutions, which will be able to continue to work and develop in an adequate way within the European and global cultural scene. new cultural contents will provide an opportunity to create new cultural activities which would be adequately supported. The year of Culture, in a long-term plan, through the improved economic ambience of the city, has an opportunity to continue the big infrastructure projects and start the new ones. The city would inherit the infrastructure, whether cultural or some other. There would be the revitalization of relevant areas within the city, which would certainly initiate the revitalization of the others. Also, the orientation of the city as a cultural centre, centre of creative industry, art, tourism, services, education, would lead to the transformation of large areas of potential. There would be positive developments in the real estate sector and housing policy.

The city would continue through social cohesion and support to vulnerable groups, in order to improve the help to these social categories.


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Sarajevo, whose whole history is based on the idea of respect for diversity, and having an image of a city that has always been a multicultural society, in any case plans to continue with the tradition and within the program, including and focusing on particular parts of the program for specific groups. As a part of programme, Sarajevo plans to put the focus on all the minorities in Sarajevo, Bosnia and herzegovina, as well as in the Canton region, such as Albanians, Montenegrins, Czechs, italians, Jews, hungarians, Macedonians, Germans, Polish, Romas, Romanians, Russians, Ruthenians, Slovaks, Slovenians, Turks, ukrainians, originating from the countries of South-Eastern and Central Europe region.

Besides the representation of national minorities, Sarajevo plans to work including all the generational categories, especially focusing on young people and children. This is a new generation of Europeans. needs of young people were identified in the assignation to young professional staff of the arts, tourism, small businesses, as well as the field of promotion and marketing. Project has been from the very beginning prepared with the young generation, who will not be only cultural actors and the audience, but the main organizers, as it is anticipated that all organizational structures be staffed with 75 percent of young people and to ensure full equality between the sexes, as well as expertise.

Bearing in mind that the right of every human to culture is the right to whole process of creation and dialogue, Sarajevo will make room for all civic organizations to get involved in the project at all three stages, including the marginalized sections of society and people with special needs through collaboration with their organizations. This project will also humanize relations in the city. There will be realized recognizable programs for all population groups. Every house in Sarajevo will be an open home for guests from Europe and the world. There will be created the art-zones for the individual creation of citizens and visitors as integral program content through alternative spaces: in the city parks, in the industrial zone and especially in professional institutions through programs with volunteer professionals.

What contacts has the city or the body responsible for preparing the event established, or what contacts does it intend to establish, with cultural operators? Organizing Committee and Executive Committee for the candidacy establish the necessary contacts with professional operators in the country and after that through open competitions provide the best cultural operators in the country and Europe with which the Bih institutions, festivals and the city will have co-operation.



Project is innovative because: - it opens in a new way inter-generational, cultural communication, and formulates a project of a unique open city of art involving citizens, artists, media; - it is conceived as a platform for networking and creative expression of all stakeholders; - it will present a new generation of artists of Bosnia and herzegovina, Europe and the world; - it will enable the linking of private and public capital in the construction of cultural infrastructure and production; - it will be in this region of Europe the first-class event for the treatment of culture as a key element of the development of a society that has passed through the culture shock.

14. WhAT WOulD BE ThE MEDiuM- AnD lOnG-TERM EFFECTS OF ThE EVEnT FROM A SOCiAl, CulTuRAl AnD uRBAn POinT OF ViEW iF ThE CiTy iS AWARDED ThE TiTlE? From the social point of view – there will be significant changes in the culture of living of the population – respecting the rights and freedoms of every person, sensitivity to the other and different, solidarity and social sensitivity, strengthening of the social and inter-generational connectedness and involvement of all strata of society in the city’s life. From the cultural point of view – development of new communications, culture industry, critical approach to creativity, freedom of creation, more active relationship of the new audience to heritage and contemporary art, an interest in education and encouraging of talents, the new cultural infrastructure and more. From the urban point of view - the city will receive a new urban policy that will impact in the long term the changes in quality of life and a new image of the city, which with rebuilding, reconstruction and construction of cultural institutions and the protection of the living space can be classified into modern European metropolises.

Do the municipal authorities intend to make a public declaration of intent concerning the period following the event? yes. The city authorities. now there is the Strategy of cultural policy of Bih as a public document. The city has its own vision of development, which will be more realisable if it gets the title of European Cultural Capital, and there will be effect to changes in relation to culture, city and region, Europe and worldwide. Great migration and changes in the structure of the population of Sarajevo and other towns in Bosnia and herzegovina and the region require projects which inspire the community and citizens to improve the culture of life and standard of living in the city and region. Over 100,000 young people in Sarajevo is in school, among them in university there are 40,000 students and teachers in the Bologna process of building a modern education, which is a guarantee and assumption of positive changes in quality of life in the city of Sarajevo and Bosnia and herzegovina. This is also the basis for solving the problems of poverty, backwardness in development and to build relationships in the city that will be able to include all classes and all generations of citizens in community life.


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Through the work of the Executive Committee and the Organizing Committee for the nomination of Sarajevo which is competent for public consultation regarding the projects. The Application of Sarajevo for the title of European Capital of Culture was designed in cooperation with the City of Sarajevo, the applicant for the title of European Capital of Culture, Arts and cultural institutions, associations and university, tourism organizations and chambers of commerce, representatives of the competent authorities of Bosnia and herzegovina, who have given their support and assistance in preparing the application. There were also carried out public consultations with relevant organizations in the field of culture, government and nongovernmental organizations, artists and other professionals from various fields of culture, architects, civil society representatives, representatives of minorities and religious communities, with the media. There are carried out consultations with the public enterprises in the city of Sarajevo in terms of investment, public transport, utility services, housing, etc.

Organizing Committee and Executive Committee will prepare projects in cooperation with the institutions to be involved in the organization and implementation: Writers' Association of Bosnia and herzegovina, the PEn Centre, Association of Visual Artists of Bosnia and herzegovina (uluBih) and the Association of Artists of Applied Arts of Bosnia and herzegovina (uluPuBih) Association of Architects of Bosnia and herzegovina (AABih), Association of Publishers and Booksellers of Bosnia and herzegovina, the Association of Film Workers of Bosnia and herzegovina, the historical Archives of Sarajevo, Archives of Bosnia and herzegovina, Archival Association of Bosnia and herzegovina, national and university library of Bosnia and herzegovina, the historical Museum of Bosnia and herzegovina, Sarajevo Museum, Museum of literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and herzegovina, Bih national Museum, national Gallery, national Theatre kinoteka, Bosniak institute, the Oriental institute, institute of history, language institute, Sarajevo City library, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and herzegovina, the university of Sarajevo, Sarajevo national Theatre (Opera, Ballet, Drama), the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Theatre 55, youth Theatre, Sartre, Forum, Cantonal institute for the Protection of Cultural, historical and natural heritage of Sarajevo, the Commission to Preserve national Monuments of Bosnia and herzegovina, Centre for blind and partially sighted persons, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and herzegovina, the diplomatic-consular network of Bosnia and herzegovina in the world, primary schools, secondary schools and universities in Bosnia and herzegovina, Tourism Association of Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina, Sarajevo Canton Tourist Board, Chambers of Commerce of Sarajevo Canton and of the Federation and the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bih, media companies and advertising agencies, utility companies, public institutions Zetra and Skenderija, festival "Sarajevo Winter", MESS, Sarajevo Film Festival, Jazz Festival, "Baščaršija nights," " Pravo ljudski ", European Festival of Fashion and Design (Sarajevo), Balet Fest (Sarajevo), Festival EkO OkO, Sarajevo Days of poetry and others. Each institution, association, and festival will give its contribution in answering questions about their field of action and state how they will support the project of candidacy in the future. With these institutions contacts have been established or consultation is ongoing regarding the projects. After obtaining the title, this will be presented through the calendar of projects, such as is in the attachment the festival calendar published in Sarajevo for 2014. For more information, see the web sites:;; www.navigator .ba containing the details and addresses of these institutions.


ii. Structure of the programme for the event 1. WhAT STRuCTuRE DOES ThE CiTy inTEnD TO GiVE TO ThE yEAR'S PROGRAMME iF iT iS DESiGnATED „EuROPEAn CAPiTAl OF CulTuRE“ (GuiDElinES, GEnERAl ThEME OF ThE EVEnT)? hOW lOnG WOulD ThE PROGRAMME lAST? (This question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection phase.) Period from 7 February to 31 December 2014 name: SARAJEVO – EuROPEAn CAPiTAl OF CulTuRE Slogan: PEACE, ART, FREEDOM location: TERRiTORy OF ThE CiTy OF SARAJEVO, CAnTOn OF SARAJEVO, Bih, SOuTh-EASTERn EuROPE, CEnTRAl EuROPE, BAlTiC, MEDiTERRAnEAn AnD EuROPEAn CAPiTAlS AnD CAPiTAlS OF CulTuRE, SElECTED CiTiES On ThE OThER COnTinEnTS

The City of Sarajevo and the organizers are committed, in collaboration with artists, relevant institutions and organizations, to create projects and programs that will involve all citizens of Sarajevo and their guests from Bosnia and herzegovina, the region, Europe and the world. in addition to development and reconstruction of cultural infrastructure, cultural and natural heritage, the city and organizers plan to connect the citizens of Sarajevo, with Europe and the world through the universal values of peace, art and freedom, which is also the slogan of Sarajevo as the European Capital of Culture 2014. Through institutional, organizational and financial support, the city will not only support the development and promotion of Sarajevo, but also the values of peace, culture and freedom in the partner cities across Europe. Through establishment of cooperation on many levels - cultural, artistic, institutional, and friendly and partnership, Sarajevo will connect this part of the region with the European union, by which it would become the scene of cultural events from the Baltic region, through Central Europe, South-eastern Europe, the Balkans, to the Mediterranean region, by 2014. Sarajevo as the European Capital of Culture will be involved in projects on other continents and thus promote the achievements and values of a united Europe. The main theme of the event consists of four major anniversaries marked not only by Bosnia and herzegovina, but also by the whole Europe: 100 years since the beginning of World War i, the reason that caused the tragic consequences in Europe and the world, but which in 2014 will be seen as a century of art and positive changes, 30 years of the XiV Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo, 30 years of Festival Sarajevo "Sarajevo Winter", and 60th Anniversary of the European Cultural Convention. The program would be divided into four parts, giving each of them as a central theme one of the big anniversaries.

Each of these anniversaries would be followed by events recognizable in European and world cultural circles. These events would be configured to allow continuous and interesting cultural program for residents and their guests throughout the year.


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Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

The Programme would last from 7th February to 31 December 2014. The program is designed to be a result of presenting of the most important cultural, historical and natural heritage of Sarajevo and Bosnia and herzegovina, material and immaterial heritage of the country and the best works of Bosnian artists. Sarajevo is a unique city-museum that connects the cultures and civilizations of the world and in 2014, especially the regions of SouthEastern and Central Europe, Baltic countries and the Mediterranean union. The program provides for the promotion of reconstructed buildings, such as the City hall, and opening of new facilities of cultural infrastructure, such as the facilities of the university of Sarajevo, and more. The program provides for the publishing of an international call for artists to perform with their projects during the 2014 in Sarajevo on the topic of PEACE, FREEDOM, ART. The program will include projects of interregional cooperation and cooperation with cities in Europe and worldwide. The program envisages the involvement of traditional international events from Sarajevo, Bosnia and herzegovina and the region. Some of these events are:

February international Festival Sarajevo "Sarajevo Winter", whose program is held from 7 February to 21 March, in galleries, theatres and the Olympic mountains and the streets of Sarajevo, and which in 2014 celebrates 30 years of its existence. it is anticipated that, in accordance with the tradition, the opening will be organized in the presence of European and international festivals in front of more than 100,000 visitors and with a special concert in the City hall.

March international Environmental Film Festival „Eko-oko“ ("Eco-eye") will be held from 3 to 7 March, and in 2014 this would be its seventh edition; Poetic marathon with international participants at 21 locations in the city. 21st March marks the international Day Against Racial Discrimination in the organization of the iPC and the World Day of Poetry.




April "Memory module", organized by MESS, deals with the relationship between art and memory, in order to preserve the positive values from the period of the siege of Sarajevo, with the aim of sensitizing people to the tragedies of the world in 2014. From 5 to 9 April, the City of Sarajevo will mark 69 years since the liberation from fascism. This event is also the Day of the City of Sarajevo, 6 April, which organizes the celebration on this occasion, rich with cultural, entertainment and sports activities that take place at several locations in the city. On the occasion of the City of Sarajevo’ Day, 4th international Sarajevo Guitar Festival would be held. On 9th April, a review of scientific and cultural creativity of young people is held. From 18 to 23 April the international Book and Teaching Aids Fair and the Biennial of the book are held, which traditionally mark the World Book and Copyright Day, 23rd April. The event is included in the calendar of unESCO. Organized by Bih Cultural Forum, 23rd April is the Bih Day of Culture for 2014. Bih Cultural forum country wants to hold the convention of cultural forums of Europe in Sarajevo. From 23 to 30 April, 7th edition of the Sarajevo days of comics is held, with the promotions of young comic-artists from the region and the world, and the art workshops.

May The year of 2014 will be 13th Anniversary of the SOnEMuS Fest, a festival of contemporary music. From 21 to 29 May, 16th ThEATRE FEST will be held, an international gathering of young and professional artistic groups from Bosnia and herzegovina, the region, and the world, in the alternative theatre expression. The festival is aimed at the promotion of intellectual, alternative and experimental projects that explore new areas, the vision and the media. Traditional Sarajevo event "Sarajevo Days of Poetry", held since 1962, in which prominent authors from the country, the environment and the world participated in the period from inception to date. Organized by the Association of Students of Architecture, the Seventh days of the architecture will be held in Sarajevo, which attract many participants from the branch, but also outside it, with speakers from Bosnia and herzegovina, the region and Europe.

June kid's Festival is the largest independent event for children and young people in South East Europe, held during the first week of summer holidays since 2003. Every year the festival involves over 40,000 children from Bosnia and herzegovina and the region. international children's folklore festival is held from 16 to 19 June, a festival aimed to bring together as many children as possible in one place with the motto of keeping of tradition, developing friendship, cultural and social spirit, spreading love, tolerance and peace among children. Festival called "Festival of youth Denis Mrnjavac" deals with the promotion of sport as an alternative to violence and delinquency. At the source of the river Bosna in ilidža, on 26th June there will be held huMAniMAl, festival of vegetarianism, animal rights and ecology.


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July "Baščaršija nights", one of the most famous summer cultural events in the city of Sarajevo, which runs from 1 to 31 July, when the streets, squares, theatres and galleries are becoming hosts to plays, concerts of classical and popular music, ballet performances, etc., with special programs for children and youth. During the period of one month, an average of 40-50 cultural events is held. in July, the international Folklore Festival is held in which over 80 ensembles from the country and the world participates, and in 2014 it will mark 17 years of existence. in 2014, the international music festival BiMF will mark 10 years of existence, and it provides the master workshops to participants at the Music Academy Sarajevo with prominent artists.

August Since 1995, in August, the most prestigious film festival in South-eastern Europe, Sarajevo Film Festival has been held, with many screenings, guests from the region, Europe and the world, within which sessions and workshops for young artists are held. At the same time, the Summer Book Fest is held and in 2014 it will be its eighth edition.

September in the period from 16 to 19 September the festival of women's art "PitchWise" is held and in 2014, it celebrates nine years of existence. From 19 to 25 September there will be held Ballet Fest Sarajevo, established in 2010, and in 2014 it would be held at 13th international meetings of poetry on 24th and 25 September.

October October is traditionally reserved for the Performing Arts, promoted by the international Theatre Festival MESS. The festival gathers international theatre groups and some of the most prestigious names of theatre arts today, and in 2014 it will be 54 years of existence of this festival which takes place from 16 to 31 October. 29th October is celebrated as World Animation Day organized by the association of animators ASiF. in September, the World Festival of Oriental Music WOMF takes place, with the program of guests from around the world.

november in 2014, there will be 18 years of Jazz Fest Sarajevo, which runs from 2 to 7 november. in the period from 10 to 15 november, 10th Film Festival on human Rights PRAVO lJuDSki would be held. The Centre André Malraux since 1999 has organized European literary meetings every year, starting on 25th november and ending on 25 December.


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Decembar 10th December – human Rights Day 31st December – new year's Eve (from Titova Street to Marijin-Dvor)

See all details on festivals at

Sarajevo as a city with a long tradition of multiculturalism and multi-religiousness celebrates all major religious holidays. Each of these holidays creates a special festive atmosphere in the city. The following religious holidays are celebrates: the Catholic Christmas, Orthodox Christmas, hanukkah, Passover, Easter, Ramadan, Eid al-Adha and others, and on each of these holidays, religious communities, associations and company members of certain faiths organize a concert, lectures and receptions to share the celebration with the citizens of Sarajevo. Sarajevo will have special programs in 2014 Promotion of interreligious dialogue, round tables and community meetings, as well as international exhibitions of religious communities’ treasures and the special festival of spiritual music Within the cultural calendar of Sarajevo other events are held, such as Days of the Municipality Stari Grad from 22nd April to 18th May, Day of the Municipality Centar on 2nd May, the Days of the Municipality of novo Sarajevo, from 13th to 16th May, Days of the Municipality novi Grad Sarajevo from 30th May to 30th June, and the Days of the Municipality ilidža from 11th to 27th March, Vogošća days from 17th to 26th June and ilijaš days from 1st to 7th June. Each of these events has a rich cultural, sport and entertainment program organized by the citizens of local communities and others. All these programs will be implemented as an integral part of Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture and will develop contacts with partner cities in the region and in Europe in the next years. in Sarajevo, in addition to these events, numerous fairs and events are held, such as Sarajevo Fashion Week, Green Design Sarajevo, Days of Francophony in Sarajevo, conferences at Faculties of university of Sarajevo - workshops at colleges and academies with the participants and speakers from across Europe and the world (italy, France, holland, Japan ...), children's festival „Mali šlager“, ("little chanson"), Bosnian Slavic Congress, which brings together over 200 Slavists. Also, in Bosnia and herzegovina, there are more than 10 large collections of works of art whose public disclosure would provide a chance for citizens and visitors to see works of art outside the official institutions of culture. Bosnia and herzegovina is also a country of religious tourism, whose programs are not only religious but also artistic in nature. By participation of sister cities, twinning cities, the capitals of culture, organization and exchange of artists from the region and Europe with their projects, in 2014 Sarajevo would become an oasis of culture, where every day of the year would be filled with superb events. The organization of new events is planned, like festival of choir music, festival of sevdah and Sephardic music, the festival of cultural and natural heritage, the festival of traditional music of Bosnia and herzegovina, and there will be carried out new productions and co-productions and encouraged competition in the local communities in cultural production for all the arts. Cooperation has been established with institutions and festivals in other cities such as Mostar, Banja luka, Počitelj, Zenica, Tuzla, Bihać, Goražde, Jajce, Brčko. The cultural institutions (museums, galleries) are preparing for organizing


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of major exhibitions of design, architecture, product design, in collaboration with artists, institutions, academies and colleges within the university of Sarajevo, and other higher education institutions in Bosnia and herzegovina, the region, Europe and world. in 2014, Sarajevo will organize a celebration of a century of art in Bosnia and herzegovina for the period 1914-2014. There will be exhibitions of cultural and historical heritage, with an emphasis on cultural monuments under unESCO protection in Mostar and Višegrad, and the candidature of the City of Jajce and the Old Town of Sarajevo for admission to the World heritage list of unESCO and ilidža as a protected monument of nature. For these activities, cooperation will be established with unESCO's office in Sarajevo, and unESCO Conventions which Bosnia and herzegovina has signed and ratified will be promoted. in addition to local festivals and those hosted by Sarajevo, Sarajevo City organizes events in other countries, such as: Days of Sarajevo in Belgrade, Sarajevo Days in Podgorica, Sarajevo Days in Vienna, the Bosnian ball at Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna, Sarajevo Days in Prague. Also these events in other countries and cities in Europe and the world will be realized within the concept of Sarajevo-European Capital of Culture 2014.

Special attention will be paid to working on other continents to promote the European Bosnia and herzegovina and its capital Sarajevo, in cooperation with the diaspora, which is present in over 100 countries throughout the world


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The main event is the opening of the renovated City hall on 7th February 2014. in Sarajevo, on 7, 8 and 9 February 2014, there will be held programs of artists whose works have marked the modern history of Sarajevo, Europe and the world, including concerts of SARAJEVO PhilhARMOniC ORChESTRA and ORChESTRA WiThOuT BOunDARiES (SEE//TBC) with Zubin Mehta, Richard Muti, and Mikis Theodorakis, and organized an exhibition of international artists M. Pistoletto, Zaha hadid, R. Piano. The City of Sarajevo, together with other levels of government, relevant organizations and institutions, is planning to establish cooperation for the organization and implementation of Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. The programme is divided into three key periods, as follows: - 2011 – 2014 - 2014 - 2014 – 2020 in the years prior to the year of the event, in addition to making contacts with the sister and twinning cities, former and future capitals of culture and other cities and regions of Europe and the world, activities are planned for construction and renovation of cultural and other infrastructure. in addition to the main event of the City hall renovation, as well as other cultural institutions in Sarajevo, beginning/completion of new objects of culture and the presentation of superior creativity, this series of events will be marked by the performances of the European orchestra without borders, exhibition Art on the Bih territory, an exhibition of contemporary art Bih 1984-2014, Project City ArchiveMuseum, etc. The project provides for the organization of 12 week-end programmes with the working title: Art Green, Art Euro-region, Art inter City, Art Winter, Art Spring, Art Summer, Art Autumn... These projects will be devoted to cultural tourism and will make Sarajevo a key European cultural tourism destination. in the future Sarajevo intends to access the phase V of the European healthy Cities network through the project "Sarajevo - a healthy city” and the decision to start the process is addressed in February 2011. The City of Sarajevo, following the model of the friendly city of Vienna, will start the Centre for Rehabilitation and Recreation of youth to reduce juvenile delinquency. it was planned to support events such as "Days of innsbruck in Sarajevo" and "Days of Barcelona in Sarajevo." The City of Sarajevo, together with regional agency SERDA, city municipalities Centar, novo Sarajevo, Stari Grad, novi Grad, ilidža, Sarajevo Canton and the municipalities of the Republika Srpska, Eastern Sarajevo and Pale, which make up its macro region, plans to continue the project "Clean Miljacka River", which aims to preserve and improve water quality, ensuring the purity, protecting resources and ecosystem of the river Miljacka, and the development of ecological consciousness of the population, as some of the goals and recommendations within the Agenda 2020. Sarajevo will continue the projects that it has started, like the City hall renovation, which involved the partner cities of Sarajevo, Budapest and Vienna, will continue the project of illumination of the historical city centre Baščaršija and continue the project of illumination of bridges on the river Miljacka .. For several infrastructure projects, such as the Museum of Modern Art Ars Aevi, the Academy of Performing Arts Skenderija, phases of the project documentation preparation is in progress, and the project of Art Cinema kriterion is finalized.


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

3. hOW DOES ThE CiTy PlAn TO ChOOSE ThE PROJECTS/EVEnTS WhiCh Will COnSTiTuTE ThE PROGRAMME FOR ThE AnnuAl PROGRAM? (The answer to this question is optional at the pre-selection stage.)

The creators of the program will be all relevant organizations, institutions and artists that will compete with programs on the basis of public competition and whose selection will be made in the most professional manner.

The organizers will encourage by media promotion the citizens and artists in Bosnia and herzegovina, the region, Europe and the world to apply their project to the artistic program for 2014 to be as diverse, good and rich as possible. Projects proposed by the institutions, and listed in the application, will be selected after conďŹ rmation of the titles and adoption by the City Council. Projects that will be the result of open competition will be by the same procedure adopted. The Program Sarajevo-European Capital of Culture will be completed by February 2012, two years prior to implementation. Sarajevo is prepared to accept the monitoring of relevant European institutions in all stages of preparation and realization of this project and guarantees excellent results and the promotion and visibility of Eu in the city, country, Europe and worldwide. We expect the whole city to be involved in the creation of welcoming programme for the citizens of the region, Europe and the world where the key criteria will be: high-end pieces of art, the coverage of ďŹ nancial resources for implementation of projects and the best organization of each program.

Detailed methodology for the selection of the projects will be developed in the second phase of the application process, after the initial program and application has been approved. lessons from the previous ECOCs will be contextualised, such as current procedure implemented by Turku 2011.


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

iii. Organisation and financing of the event 1.1. WhAT kinD OF STRuCTuRE iS EnViSAGED FOR ThE ORGAniSATiOn AnD iMPlEMEnTinG ThE PROJECT? WhAT TyPE OF RElATiOnShiP Will iT hAVE WiTh ThE CiTy AuThORiTiES? (This question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection stage, by enclosing in particular the statutes of the organisation, its staff numbers, the curricula vitae of those primarily responsible, information concerning its financial and management capacity, and a graph of the structure with comments on the respective responsibilities of the different levels.)

1. Organisational structure There will be formed a special public institution to organize this project and the implementation of programs accepted by the City Council of Sarajevo will include four city municipalities: Municipality Stari Grad Sarajevo, Municipality Centar Sarajevo, Municipality novo Sarajevo, Municipality novi Grad Sarajevo, and the Municipalities of ilidža, Vogošća, hadžići, Trnovo and ilijaš, the City Council of Sarajevo, which has endorsed and adopted the initiative of iPC/Sarajevo winter in 2008 for the candidacy of Sarajevo for the European Capital of Culture, the Government of Canton Sarajevo, the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina, Bih Ministry of Foreign Affairs. institutions to be involved in the organization and implementation are: Writers' Association of Bosnia and herzegovina, the PEn Centre, Association of Artists of Applied Arts of Bosnia and herzegovina (uluPuBih), Association of Architects of Bosnia and herzegovina (AABih), Association of Publishers and Booksellers of Bosnia and herzegovina, the Association of filmmakers of Bosnia and herzegovina, Sarajevo historical Archives, the Archives of Bosnia and herzegovina, Archival Association of Bosnia and herzegovina, national and university library of Bosnia and herzegovina, Sarajevo City library, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and herzegovina, the Academy of Arts (performing, visual, musical) Bosnia and herzegovina, Cantonal institute for the protection of Cultural, historical and natural heritage of Sarajevo, the Commission to Preserve national monuments of Bosnia and herzegovina, the diplomatic-consular network of Bosnia and herzegovina in the world, primary schools, secondary schools and universities in Bosnia and herzegovina Tourist board of the Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina, Sarajevo Canton Tourist association, business and commercial centres, institutions for care of elderly people, orphanage, institutes working with children with difficulties in mental and physical development, social minority societies in Sarajevo and Bosnia and herzegovina (Albanians, Montenegrins, Czechs, italians, Jews, hungarians, Macedonians, Germans, Poles, Romas, Romanians, Russians, Ruthenians, Slovaks, Slovenians, Turks, ukrainians), the cities of Mostar, Jajce, Travnik, Goražde, Čapljina, Počitelj, Brčko, Tuzla, Banja luka and other cities and local associations and organizations. There will be cooperation with Goethe institute Bih, and the support from the Centre André Malraux is expected. The city and organizers will strongly cooperate with the cities that gave support to the project Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014, and Baltic region, Central Europe, South-eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and their cultural centres, as well as member countries of the Višegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, hungary). Support and an invitation to participate in the preparation and implementation of event organizers and the city will require from all cities, institutions and organizations interested to participate in Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014.


There have been set up: 1. 2.

Organizing Committee Executive Committee

The members of the Organizing Committee are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Prof. dr. Tatjana ljujić-Mijatović, President Ramiz Mehaković, Co-President Miroslav Živanović, member Gradimir Gojer, member igor Stojanović, member Sead Srna, member ibrahim Spahić, member Ramiz kadić, member

The members of the Executive Committee are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

ibrahim Spahić, President Ramiz Mehaković, member Sead Srna, member Gradimir Gojer, member Stjepan Roš, member Edin numankadić, member Edina Papo, member nenad Brkić, member nedžad Begović, member Ognjenka Finci, member Dino Mustafić, member Safet Zec, member

Members of the Executive Committee of the Operating Team: 1. Bojan Mustur 2. Vedran Mujagić 3. ivica Pjanić

Tim za konsultaciju izvršnog odbora: 1. Miroslav Živanović 2. lidija Topić

Consultative Team of Executive Committee: Zinaida Potur

Responsibilities of the Organizing and Executive Committee are to prepare a bid, implemented the City Council’s program and prepare the programming, organizational and staffing proposals in cooperation with City Administration and the financial plan of the project 72

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in the case of obtaining the title of European Capital of Culture in addition to the existing body of the Organizing and Executive Committee, which will be completed with colleagues from key professional institutions and organizations there will be formed: honorary Committee General Secretariat, which will consist of: General Secretary and Deputies of Secretary General for the different areas: program, organization, finance, local contacts, international contacts, media

The following directorates, committees and bureaus will be set up Directorate for artistic program Directorate for human Resources Directorate for central events Directorate for opening and closing events Directorate for intercity Cooperation in Bih Directorate for intercity Cooperation in Europe and worldwide Directorate for European institutions and funds Directorate for Marketing and Public Relations Directorate for youth Directorate for citizens / volunteers of the Project Directorate for Environmental Protection Directorate for relations with sponsors and funders - Committee for Finance - Committee for Promotion - Committee for Tourism - Committee for Cultural heritage - Committee for the interactive workshops - Committee for accommodation - Committee for Transport - Committee for technical issues and communication - Committee for Cooperation with the cities holders of the title European Capital of Culture - Committee for Cooperation with the networks of European and international organizations and festivals - Bureau for special events - Bureau for Civil initiatives - Bureau for activities of communal institutions - Bureau for Tourism and Tourism Promotion - Bureau for Development and Projects - Bureau for legal matters - Bureau for Administration - Bureau for Finance - Translation Bureau - Bureau for iCT - Bureau for health - Curators for the cultural heritage and museums, music, film, literature, opera, ballet, theatre and performance, traditional art, urban and architectural interventions, visual arts, communication… - Monitoring Committees for the program, organization and finances Each team will have a lawyer, economist, administration, secretariat, technical staff, contact staff and drivers.



City of Sarajevo and the organizers plan to include all relevant institutions and organizations in the city of Sarajevo, Sarajevo Canton, the other cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina, as well as organizations and institutions from the Republika Srpska and Brčko District in order to contribute to organization and events to becomes important not only locally but at state and regional level. Organization of European Capital of Culture events will include events that will occur in all parts of the city and all municipalities in the Canton of Sarajevo, in Bosnia and herzegovina and the region. Cooperation with other cities in Bosnia and herzegovina and the region and with institutions and festivals that are held in these cities in the programme Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 will achieve not only the local significance of the title award, but also regional, national and European one. Cooperation will take place at two levels: institutional level, which primarily involves cooperation between the official representatives of the authorities in the host cities and those cities interested to participate in projects related to the event Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. Cultural and artistic level, which involves building communication and relationships among cultural workers, festivals and cultural institutions in Bosnia and herzegovina and regions interested in participating in the program, creation of joint programs, and building cooperation. institutions, organizations, festivals and organizations that have supported the campaign and expressed their support in the preparation, organization and implementation of the program Sarajevo European Capital of Culture 2014, come from all levels of government, both local, regional, and the level of Bosnia and herzegovina. Their participation in the work of the Organizing and Executive Committee and other working bodies of Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014, communication and cooperation will be more efficient and greatly facilitated

1.3. ACCORDinG TO WhiCh CRiTERiA AnD unDER WhiCh ARRAnGEMEnTS hAS OR Will ThE ARTiSTiC DiRECTOR OF ThE EVEnT BEEn? WhAT iS hiS/hER PROFilE? WhEn Will hE/ShE TAkE uP ThE APPOinTMEnT? WhAT Will BE hiS/hER FiRST TASkS? The selection of the Director/Directress is done through the appointment by EC according to the vacancy criteria. Profile is determined in accordance with the highest European standards and he/she should have international experience and recognition for his/her creative work. he/she takes office after the EC’s decision after obtaining the title, and no later than two months from the decision. For all the leadership positions vacancies will be called, and the candidate will be selected based on professional criteria.


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

2. Financing of the event We work on the financial assumptions of key events, institutions, festivals, organization…

2.1. WhAT hAS BEEn ThE uSuAl AnnuAl BuDGET FOR CulTuRE in ThE CiTy OVER ThE lAST 5 yEARS (excluding expenditure for the present application)?

2.2. PlEASE EXPlAin ThE OVERAll BuDGET FOR ThE „EuROPEAn CAPiTAl OF CulTuRE“ PROJECT (including funds that are specifically set aside for the project). PlEASE Fill in ThE TABlES BElOW: The FunDS are designated for reconstruction, development, organization, marketing…

Total expenditure (in euros) in the budget

Operating expenditure (in euros)

Operating expenditure (in %)

Capital expenditures Capital expenditures (in euros) (in %)

(in case the city is planning to use funds from the annual budget for culture, please indicate the amount which will be taken from that amount.)

Total income in the budget (in euros)

From the public sector (in euros)

From the public sector in (%)

From the private sector (in euros)

From the private sector (in %)

Predviđena su:

income from the public sector

in euros

Please specify: amount planned, secured


national Government City Region Eu Other



There has been envisaged the following: - Funds from the budget of the City of Sarajevo and the municipalities through rebalance of budget, the funds from the budget of the Sarajevo Canton, Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina and Bosnia and herzegovina - Funds from tourist tax - Funds from the lottery for ECOC - Allocations within the lottery of Bosnia and herzegovina - Private-public partnership - Sponsorship agreements will be made after the approval of candidacy - international business-projects - Telecom operators - Eu Funds - direct - Allocations through grants and projects which compete for European projects, and are directly related to the organization of European Capital of Culture 2014 event - 1 euro of all tickets in 2014 will be a source revenue

a) Overall operating budget Operating budget (in euros)

Programme expenditure (in euros)

Programme expenditure (in %)

Promotion and marketing (in euros)

Promotion and marketing (in %)

Wages, overheads, administration

Wages, overheads, administration

(in %) Other

(please specify)

b) Planned timetable for spending operating budget Timetable for spending

Programme expenditure (in euros)

Programme expenditure (%)

Promotion and marketing (in euros)

Promotion and marketing (%)

Wages, overheads, administration (in euros)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 later


Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

Wages, overheads, administration

(%) Other (please specify)


Overall Capital expenditure (in euros)

Funding of new cultural infrastructure or upgrading existing facilities (including museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, arts centres etc.) (in euros)

Revitalisation of urban parts of the city (renovation of squares, gardens, parks, streets, public space development etc.) (in euros)

infrastructures (investment in the underground, railways, roads etc.) (in euros)

if appropriate, please insert a table here that specifies which amounts will be spent into the investment over the years from the application to the ECOC year.


The City, financial authority, voted on funds for the preparation of the nomination, after a formal proclamation, the City, Canton, Federation and State will consider and adopt decisions on funding in autumn 2011. At this stage the Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton and the Federation Bih Prime Minister gave the assurance that they will support SARAJEVO. Every financial authority will have one member of Financial Committee and will also propose an independent member for the evaluation of the project financing.

2.6. WhAT iS ThE PlAn FOR inVOlVinG SPOnSORS in ThE EVEnT? There will be engaged a professional agency for marketing from the moment of getting the nomination and its plan will be accepted on the basis of the concept and dynamics of the preparation of projects under the main project. in the budget of the City of Sarajevo and of the municipalities there will be planned special funds through budget revisions. Funding will be provided through the budgets of the Sarajevo Canton, Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina and the State of Bosnia and herzegovina, through direct allocations and through grants, through projects that will directly compete for European projects in 2007-2013 and are directly related to the organization of the program Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture in 2014, the tourist tax, allocating funds from the lottery of Bosnia and herzegovina, the launch of the first cultural lottery in Bosnia and herzegovina for the rehabilitation and restoration of buildings and other projects, sponsorship agreements, the international business-related projects for the city of Sarajevo (investors, cultural, catering), the inclusion of telecom operators in Bosnia and herzegovina. Sponsorship will be done through the relation of association based on the principle of public-private partnership, key international companies and brands present in Bosnia and herzegovina and Europe, a media sponsorship.


2.7. in WhiCh TiME PERiOD ShOulD ThE inCOME BE RECEiVED By ThE CiTy AnD/OR ThE BODy RESPOnSiBlE FOR PREPARinG AnD iMPlEMEnTinG ThE ECOC PROJECT iF ThE CiTy RECEiVES ThE TiTlE OF EuROPEAn CAPiTAl OF CulTuRE? (The answer to this question is optional at the pre-selection stage.)

Within the rebalance that is expected not later than the autumn 2011, and in the regular budget procedure for 2012, 2013 and 2014 in all financial authorities. These funds should cover the project costs for promotion of the project, OC, EC, the costs of the nomination project, the costs for the project implementation and the cost of the bodies which will be constituted. Please fill in the tables below: a) income to be used to cover operating expenses Source of income





Eu national Government City RRegion Sponsors Other

b) Dohodak koji će se koristiti za pokrivanje kapitalnih troškova Source of income





Eu national Government City RRegion Sponsors Other

2.8. WhiCh AMOunT OF ThE uSuAl AnnuAl BuDGET DOES ThE CiTy inTEnD TO SPEnD FOR CulTuRE AFTER ThE ECOC yEAR (in euros and in % of the overall annual budget)? The city will increase its participation in the budget in relation to the overall annual budget by 50 percent, and it is expected that this project will effect up to 3 percent increase in participation at other levels of the State of Bosnia and herzegovina.


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iV. City infrastructure 1. WhAT ARE ThE CiTy'S ASSETS in TERMS OF ACCESSiBiliTy (REGiOnAl, nATiOnAl AnD inTERnATiOnAl TRAnSPORT)?

The City of Sarajevo – Transport Sarajevo is the centre of road transport in Bosnia and herzegovina. The seven main roads link the city with other parts of the country. To the north, M5 in the direction of Travnik, Banja luka and Bihać, M17 towards Doboj and Zenica, and M18 towards Tuzla, to the east M5 leads to Višegrad and Goražde, as well as the M19 towards Zvornik. M18 to the south leads through Foča towards Dubrovnik, and on the west M17 towards Mostar. Since 2003, Sarajevo is connected by the highway A1 to places ilijaš, Visoko and kakanj. The planned European highway, corridor 5c, passes near Sarajevo, linking it to the north with Budapest and Ploče in the south.

The position of Sarajevo iS VERy GOOD AS ThE inTERSECTiOn FOR All ThE WAyS in ThiS PART of Europe. At the time of the Olympics 1984, the town got a part of the bypass. The city centre was turned in 70’s into the pedestrian zone. The two main streets in the city are Titova and the Zmaja od Bosne. Electric trams with seven tram lines, which are in the service since 1885, are the oldest type of public transportation in the city. Settlements Dobrinja and Vogošća since 80’s are connected with the centre by the trolleybus lines. Today in the city there are five trolley- and many bus lines, which connect steep and hard to reach parts of the city with the centre using for Sarajevo specific buses and minibuses (minivan). Public Transport Company is offered by JkP GRAS Sarajevo. Sarajevo has about 2,000 taxi drivers. The main train station in Sarajevo is located in the northern part of town. The city is daily connected by rail to Zagreb, Belgrade and Ploče, and since 2002 again to Budapest. With well developed bus network, Sarajevo is accessible from any direction. The international Airport "Sarajevo" (SJJ) is located about ten kilometres southwest of the city centre, in a settlement called Butmir. Opened in 1969 and with the 2600m runway, it links Sarajevo with European cities. During the war, the airport was used for un flights and the transport of humanitarian aid. Since the Dayton agreement, since 1996, the airport was opened for passenger flights of B&h Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Alitalia, lufthansa, Jat Airways, Croatia Airlines and others. in 2004, there were 397,000 passengers passed through Sarajevo airport, as opposed to just 25,000 in 1996. in 2006, the international Airport "Sarajevo" was declared the best airport in Europe receiving up to one million passengers.

Sarajevo is the first city in Europe with all-day tram lines. More information at:


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Sarajevo - Evropska prijestolnica kulture 2014. KANDIDAT

2. What is the city's absorption capacity in terms of tourist accommodation? What projects are to be carried out in terms of urban and tourism infrastructure, including renovation, betWeen the year for Which the city is applying for the title of ecoc until the year of holding ecoc? What is the planned timetable for this Work? (the answer to this question is optional at the pre-selection stage.)

sarajevo is today, as before the events of the 1990s, one of the most important tourist centres in bosnia and herzegovina and the region. the tourism potential of sarajevo is reflected in a multi-millennium heritage, local, oriental and western traditions, and cultural, religious and artistic diversity. after the events from the 90s, one of the orientations of the city is to become one of the centres of tourism, creative industry, culture and education. development strategy of the canton of sarajevo until 2015 defined the tourism as responsible for the development of the sarajevo canton. in 2010, lonely planet, in its fifth publication, best in travel 2010, the most famous tourist guidebook, entered sarajevo into the top 10 cities in the world that are definitely worth a visit. in a special edition of the informer (condré nast, traveler) bosnia and herzegovina is ranked among the 15 countries that you must visit immediately. capacities of sarajevo in terms of accommodation facilities for tourists are 98 per cent from the prewar offer. objects that were destroyed during the war or looted were renovated or the new ones were constructed in their locations. the newly built facilities followed the trends of intimate, small spaces, which provide service in accordance with european standards. in the canton of sarajevo, according to data from june 2011, there are 109 registered accommodation facilities for tourists. more at:


sarajevo has all types and categories of accommodation facilities, including: 55 hotels (5* - 3 hotels 4* - 9 hotels, 3* - 26 hotels, 2* - 11 hotels, 1* - 4 hotels, without category 1 hotel, hotel-heritage - 1 hotel) hotels (hotels 5* - 756 beds (3 hotels), hotels 4* - 1761 beds (9 hotels), hotels 3* - 2105 beds (26 hotels), hotels 2* - 338 beds (11 hotels), hotels 1* - 150 beds (4 hotels), hotels without category 24 beds (1 hotel), hotel-heritage - 46 beds (1 hotel) - total = 5.180 beds; 55 hotels) motels (motels 3* = 27 beds (1 motel), motels 2* = 106 beds (4 motels), motels 1* = 20 beds (1 motel), total = 153 beds; 6 motels) boarding houses (boarding house 3* = 40 beds (2 boarding houses), boarding house 1* = 26 beds (1 boarding house), boarding house without category = 27 beds (1 boarding house) - total = 93 beds; 4 boarding houses) accommodation (accommodation without category = 525 beds (28 accommodation), total = 525 beds; 28 accommodations) hotel resorts (hotel resort 2** = 120 beds (1 hotel resort) total = 120 beds; 1 hotel resort) youth hostel (youth hostels without category = 164 beds (2 youth hostels) total = 164 beds; 2 youth hostels) hostels (hostels without category = 85 beds (3 hostels), total = 85 beds; 3 hostels) private accommodation (private accommodation 3* = 14 beds (1 private accommodation), 2* = 43 beds (2 private accommodations), 1* = 6 beds (2 private accommodations), without category = 1.543 beds (4 private accommodation) total = 1.606 beds; 9 private accommodations) auto camps (auto camp 3* = 500-700 parking places) the statistics show that the largest number of tourists in bosnia and herzegovina and sarajevo comes from the neighbouring countries and eu member states. sarajevo, despite the statistics, which is positive, indicating that the population of eu member states are introduces with the tourist oer of sarajevo and bosnia and herzegovina, wants, also through the organization of sarajevo - european capital of culture 2014, to attract people of these countries to meet not only the cultural, historical and natural heritage but also the culture of the country, and to participate equally in its creation. sarajevo plans to further develop the forms of tourism for which it has the potential: cultural-historical, festival-, congress-, transit, rural, religious, health-, youth, sports and others. if sarajevo becomes the european capital of culture, it will have the opportunity to develop cultural tourism in 2014, and in its aftermath. in addition, sarajevo, and the whole bosnia and herzegovina, using the experiences of cities such as munich (oktober fest) has the possibility of developing a culinary tourism, with regard to the cuisine because its speciďŹ city is recognized not only in the region but also beyond. following the statistics in the period from 2006 to 2010, when it comes to overnight stays in sarajevo, on all grounds the growth of 5-10 percent was asserted. year

tourists total local foreign total local foreign


2010 january – april 2011

index 41.000 10.000 31.000 209.525 42.355 167.170 57.136

113,9 97,4 119,1

overnight stay index total 123.000 local 34.000 foreign 89.000 total 393.494 112,9 local 69.938 96,1 foreign 323.556 117,3 105.914

the goal of sarajevo in the period until 2014 is to welcome as many tourists as is the city population. the plans are to reach the number of one million overnight stays during the year by 2020.


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT

especially interesting in the tourism offer are the areas of potential for tourism. a rich cultural heritage of bosnia and herzegovina is witnessed by the efforts of unesco to present the world bosnia and herzegovina and its rich cultural, historical, architectural, natural and spiritual heritage, as well as the exceptional tradition of bosnian people and cultural diversity in bosnia and herzegovina (in the attachment to the application there is the publication of unesco on bosnia and herzegovina).

protected natural area: rakitnica natural monument: skakavac, vrelo bosne protected landscape: bentbaša, bijambare, Čemerska mountain, podlipnik, debelo brdo, a part of Zvijezda, a part of trebević, a part of jahorina, misoča park of nature: natural unity ozren (occupies the area of municipalities ilijaš, stari grad, centar and vogošća), natural unity of Zvijezda and visočica areas of particular concern for canton: igman, bjelašnica, treskavica and rakitnica canyon (visočica), total area of 1.200 km2. inside the canton of sarajevo they occupied an area of about 425 km2. parts of the area are nominated for national park (bjelašnica, igman, treskavica), while some are considered as a natural reservation (rakitnica), nature park (visočica) and memorial park (proskok).

natural resources on the basis of the existing records contain the following natural values: geomorphologic: cave hrid, crepljani, matić's pit, ledenica, megara-kuvija, klokočevica, greda, pit ponor, garava pit, vilina cave, kozarica cave, kečina cave – crepoljsko, cave visojevica, cave uževica, upper, middle and lower cave at bijambare, Đuričina cave, dimšina cave, abyss bjelila bijambare caves, caves blatnica and rakova noga in a natural unity podlipnik, pit lednica on Čemerska mountain; paleontological: pašina cave, cave ostojići, cave ledenica; speleological: bijambare cave; hydrological: lakes lokve, springs hrasnički stan, obješenjak, kovačica, Zoranjske vode, studeni creek, kradenik, hrasnica, lasica, Zacina springs, spring of godinjski creek, source of Željeznica, crno lake, ilijaš springs, veliko lake, ušljiva springs, bijelo lake, platno lake, konjska springs, canyon of bijela rijeka, spring of lednički creek with waterfall, spring husremovac, spring senabot, springs bobovica, waterfall skakavac, spring of skakavac creek, perački creek, hot volujska stijena, springs under uževica, springs sokolina, springs of ornički creek, springs orlova glava, springs lužice, močioci, uroševo spring – radava, vrelo bosne, vrelo stojčevac, sulphur spa stojčevac, popino spring and spring Zmajevac on the hill kremeš, jošanički creek, gornja jošanica, springs of blatnica, bjelave, sirovinske rijeke in the natural unity podlipnik; dendrological;



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT

sarajevo is well connected with neighbouring cantons and villages, some of which have exceptional locations and potential for development of tourism, such as:

village lukomir nat almost 1,500 meters above sea level is the highest and most isolated village in the country. lukomir is unique for its stone houses, which are covered with shingles made out of cherry wood. the village is almost impossible to approach, but on skis or on foot, but with the arrival of the first snow all around through april and sometimes longer. from here you can hike along the cliffs above the canyon of the river rakitnica, which is located about 800 meters below lukomir. lukomir is known for traditional clothing, and women still wear knitted garments such as were worn a few centuries ago. bosnian pyramids (pyramid of the sun, pyramid of the moon and the pyramid of the dragon). the pyramids near visoko, existing or not, already attract the curiosity of domestic and international passengers, and visoko is becoming a highly popular tourist destination. tourists from europe, america and japan, visit this largest archaeological site in europe.

royal town of bobovac royal town of bobovac, situated in the extremely mountainous environment, represents s unique natural, cultural and historical entity, and falls among the most significant monuments of medieval bosnia.

canyon of the river rakitnica canyon of the river rakitnica is one of the deepest canyons in europe. it is 26 km long, rugged and incredibly beautiful. it stretches between the mountains bjelašnica and visočica, southeast of sarajevo.

jahorina jahorina is a mountain range southeast of sarajevo. due to its ideal geographical position skiing is guaranteed there for three or four months during the year. the highest peak is 1,910 meters above sea level, while the cable-car ends at 1,894 meters above sea level.

rafting neretva, and other nearby rivers, is increasingly being located in the tourist offer for guests coming to sarajevo. generally they express a desire to see the unspoiled nature and experience unsurpassed excitement offered by this tourist activity. in accordance with the above presented, it is obvious that the image of the city of sarajevo and its international profile is linked to the tourism industry, which corresponds to the potentials of sarajevo from craft to high art masterpieces. it takes work to make the city even more dynamic, so that economic profit is such as to enable new, creative jobs and that between the innovation, economy and culture the new generation establish their order of values through highly professional engagement, which will be provided by the institutions and associations of arts and festivals of different types in the city through the synergy of the whole community. increased investment in arts and culture of the city and bosnia and herzegovina will give sarajevo more chance for its development.


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT


v. communication strategy 1. What is the city's intended communication strategy for the ecoc event? (this question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection stage, in particular with regard to the media, and the mobilisation of the public and the inhabitants. at the final selection stage, consideration must be given in particular to the partnership planned or established with the written press and the audiovisual sector with a view to ensuring media coverage of the event and of the plans relating to this strategy.) a special communication strategy and media representation is planned, especially in the electronic media, through the formation of a pres-centre from the moment of obtaining the nomination located in the seat of centre of oc ec. through the establishment of marketing office, citizens, associations and unions, tourism promotion, and others, whose work will be public and transparent, communication will be realizes with the media, sponsors, artists and citizens. projects of advertising through electronic and printed media will carry out the promotion of the event sarajevo - european capital of culture, 2014, and inform the public about all steps taken. the official web site of the event will be released which will make available all information related to the organization itself, the event, and information regarding the city of sarajevo, the capitals of culture cities umeo and riga, as well as an overview of projects and cooperation realized until that moment. organizers will use electronic and print media to publish vacancies and to make calls for participation in the organization, planning and executing of the event. in the city itself, in each of the city's neighbourhoods there will be set up information points, "tobacconist of culture", to be used by citizens and their guests to get information about events, locations of the events, and all information related to the year of culture 2014. the project will engage over 20,000 volunteers who will be available to the organizers, the citizens and guests, and will thus give a large contribution to the organization and implementation of the program sarajevo - european capital of culture. in the whole city, there will be cultural signs installed from the of kozija bridge to the roman bridge, with the flags of the city of sarajevo, sarajevo canton, the european union, unesco and the countries that have expressed their support or participate in the project. a special program will be formulated for public service broadcasters and other media companies in bosnia and herzegovina, which will speak about the european union, promotion of the year of culture, the importance of european integration, european heritage, cooperation with the regions of baltic, central europe, south-eastern europe and balkans, mediterranean etc. in addition to the special program for the local media, there will also be programs formulated for the foreign media (euro news, deutsche Welle, tv5 france, bbc, tve, internet portals and others) through which sarajevo will promote the year of culture, the history of sarajevo and bosnia and herzegovina, and invite artists and residents of the region, europe and the world to attend the celebration of the year of culture 2014. the city and organizers will use specially designed campaigns to promote the city and the event sarajevo - european capital of culture in the cities of the region, europe and the world, cities friends and twinning cities, with a special emphasis on the promotion in the host cities of the european capital of culture 2014 and in umea and riga as already selected capitals of culture for 2014, and those chosen for the capital of culture after 2014.


2. hoW does the city plan to ensure the visibility of the european union, Which is aWarding the title?

the city will ensure the visibility of the european union through three levels of promotion: european citizenship, artists and business people and tourists will have in sarajevo the best possible conditions for the exercise of their activities; eu projects, such as the city hall and others, will confirm with their program of restoration and opening the value of eu investments in the reconstruction of cultural and historical heritage and the development prospects of sarajevo and bosnia and herzegovina. european cooperation projects of cities and regions, as well as the strong presence of eu institutions and funds for european integration will confirm the ability of europe to contribute with its economic and cultural policy to the partnership of european countries and to the development of democracy and social cohesion. cooperation with countries to preside the eu - greece and italy, will be marked by european events, conferences, meetings, and large cultural programs that will show that the foundations of modern europe are recognized in sarajevo and in the region. it is particularly important that from the 7th march to 31st december 2014, sarajevo will be the host of the important political and other events as a place - symbol. the opening of the event will be in sign of reneWal of the city hall, and the closing will bring together all stakeholders who have contributed to the success of sarajevo as the european capital of culture. according to the available capacities of the city and the region by now, more than a million tourists, including expatriates, will visit sarajevo in 2014 and visit the programs that are being prepared. cultural diversities of sarajevo and bosnia and herzegovina are in fact the foundation of european culture, european values. emphasizing the universal values of peace, art and culture, and especially the 60th anniversary of the signing of the european cultural convention, sarajevo will send a message of the greatest human values and principles to the citizens of city, state, europe and the world. cooperation with the european capitals of culture riga and umeo, former and future capitals of culture, sister cities, clearly define sarajevo as committed on the road of european integration, inter-regional cooperation and contributing to what is called the modern european cultural scene. there are planned projects and festivals that are held throughout the year, with special projects for sarajevo, the cultural centre of europe, such as the international festival sarajevo "sarajevo Winter", eco-eye, fair of books and teaching aids, european literary encounters, european film days, sarajevo days of poetry, baščaršija nights, sarajevo film festival, international theatre festival mess, international music festival jaZZ fest, kid's festival, international theatre festival "teatar fest" folklore festival, the festival of Women's art "pitchWise", balet fest, film festival on human rights " pravo ljudski," and through the local government and ngos. there are planned special regional projects under the ipa and regional communities, and special programs such as the first european art fair. sarajevo is planning to establish a connection via a video link with all the 27 capitals of eu member states. in this way sarajevo and europe will get interconnected, thus ensuring the presence of each member state regardless of geographical distance. there will also be prepared special shows on the european union countries, the values it promotes, former and future cities of the european union, etc. sarajevo is a kind of network - a crossroads of cultural, bosnian, european and international projects, and their basic characteristic in the past, present and future will be creativity and innovation.


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT


vi. evaluation and monitoring of the event 1. does the city intend to set up a special monitoring and evaluation system: - for the impact of the programme during and after the event? - for ďŹ nancial management?

the city has a plan to organize the evaluation and monitoring a. to monitor the program b. to control the ďŹ nancial management c. to monitor the organization the city of sarajevo establishes the procedures and based on reports and documents it considers and adopts through the city council all decisions in connection with the ecoc 2014. since the initiative, during the preparation and implementation, evaluation is made each month on the basis of reports of the competent authorities for legal, economic and organizational issues.


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT

vii. additional information the city of sarajevo will also use the project sarajevo - european capital of culture 2014 as a catalyst for positive changes not only in the field of culture and creativity, but also as a catalyst for changes in the urban image of the city, as an incentive for restoration, conservation and revitalization of cultural and historical and natural heritage of sarajevo and bosnia and herzegovina. project impacts on changes within the urban fabric of the city, transforming parts of the city, which have an exceptional cultural and tourism potential.

candidacy represents a continuation of efforts to affirm the cultural scene of bosnia and herzegovina in the right way through this project, and to support strategic development projects, projects of renovation of cultural infrastructure in sarajevo and building of new ones.

in addition to the strategic plans of cooperation at the regional level, long-term plans would relate to and represent the continuation of efforts to affirm the cultural scene of bosnia and herzegovina through this project, and to support strategic cultural development plans such as the concert hall, ars aevi museum and the construction of new cultural centres and industries in cultural production.


2. What, in your opinion, are the strong points of the city's application and the parameters of its success as european capital of culture and What, on the other hand, are its Weak points?

the strong parts of the application of sarajevo as the european capital of culture are: 1. european cultural and historical architectural, natural and intangible heritage of sarajevo is in full correspondence with the european civilization heritage. 2. the modern history of sarajevo and europe is essentially related and represents the fundamental experience of european citizenship. 3. cultural diversities are equally valued in the european and in sarajevo’s concept of life. 4. peace, art and freedom of expression in the best way aďŹƒrm the image of sarajevo and europe. 5. a strong university centre, and european and world-class talents and creators, excellent organization and hospitality.

Weak points of the application 1. economic situation


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT

3. does the city intend to develop particular cultural projects in the coming years, irrespective of the outcome of its application for the title of european capital of culture? please comment.

the strategy of the city is the development of cultural projects, regardless of the outcome of its candidacy for the title of european capital of culture. the city has adopted a strategy of development plans and will meet with them given that these are very important project for both the city and for its residents. strategic projects until 2014: the construction and opening of the concert hall at marijin dvor, the construction of the museum of contemporary art ars aevi, sarajevo film centre, the construction of the building of the national and university library of bosnia and herzegovina, set up a new cable-car on trebević, where the project is in its final phase, the realization of the project of the bridge from academy of fine arts - radić street. as already mentioned, most of these projects are in one of the stages of implementation, while some are in the final stages. as regards the benefits that result from obtaining the title of european capital of culture, to all cities, and also for sarajevo, it would actually mean that the title would help sarajevo in achieving the goals in priority to those related to strategic development by 2020. in addition to the development of projects related to culture, sarajevo has clearly defined objectives related to the tourism aspect, where it is expected an increase in the number of overnight stays equal to the number of population by 2014. in this aspect, the title of european capital of culture would in particular help sarajevo in achieving its objectives. also, in a comparative analysis with other cities that have hosted european capital of culture, it is obvious the increase in number of tourists in the period after hosting the event, and the fact that the european year of culture acts as a catalyst for the realization of other projects. sarajevo’s aim is to use the event strategy and infrastructure projects as a potential, and to realize through the process of urban acupuncture the projects that would be an example for other potential areas for transformation. the title of european capital of culture would greatly contribute to this process, primarily by accelerating it, and promoting sarajevo as a permanent tourist destination, as well as its well-deserved place in europe. the title would certainly accelerate the integration of bosnia and herzegovina, which would officially make sarajevo one of european metropolises. also, the title would enable sarajevo to contribute to the cities that will be the european capital of culture after 2014 in terms of experience and contribution to the programme. this would continue the links acquired thanks to the title. however, regardless of the outcome of the nomination for european capital of culture, sarajevo plans to make connections in the cultural field, particularly with the cities that have given support to sarajevo: vienna, maribor and pecs, Zagreb, dubrovnik, belgrade, podgorica, skopje, ljubljana, barcelona, pula, venice, collegno, magdeburg, linz, istanbul, ankara, tirana and ferraro, covering in this way the region of southeast and central europe, baltic and mediterranean.

sarajevo will succeed to achieve the given goals, but the title of european capital of culture would greatly help it in this. 105


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014 CANDIDAT


4. Please add below any further comments which you deem necessary on the subject of this aPPlication.

sources:, ars aevi historijski muzej Zemaljski muzej orijentalni institut muzej sarajevo boĹĄnjaÄ?ki institut historijski arhiv sarajevo arhiv federacije bih


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT







calendar sarajevo - european capital of culture




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napomena: manifestacija će se otvoriti 7. februara u vijećnici a zatvoriti 31. decembra 2014.


logo - basic visual identity

Peaceart freedom


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT


Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT


the city of sarajevo as european capital of culture 2014. has been supported by following cities: evropski parlament Predsjednik jirzy busek potpredsjednici evropskog parlamenta doris Pack Članovi Komisije za kulturu i obrazovanje evropskog parlamenta visoki predstavnik i specijalni predstavnik evropske unije dr valentin inzko gradonačelnici gradova: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

maribor Pečuj dubrovnik beograd ferrara barcelona collegno venecija

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Podgorica beč Plonsk ljubljana istanbul Zagreb magdeburg skoplje

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

ankara tirana mostar linz insbruk riga solun

following international cities association and festivals give their support to the city of sarajevo as european capital of culture 2014.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


.evropska asocijacija festivala .asocijacija bijenala mladih umjetnika evrope i mediterana .međunarodna asocijacija gradova nosilaca poruke mira (iaPmc) .europska koalicija gradova protiv rasizma (eccar) . Pen centar bih . Kulturni forum u bih . esperanto savez bih . društvo arhitekata bih . udruženje izdavača i knjižara bih . muzej sarajeva

Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT

urban development Projection



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT

ars aevi



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT

gradska uprava grada sarajeva institucije kulture i umjetnosti

aplikaciju pripremili: vesna hercegovac-Pašić emir junuzović jasmina marić miomirka mila melank Zinaida lakić vesna seleč nermin butković vila sutovac amila ramović Zinaida Potur aida halilagić, arh. - savjetnica za razvojno plansku dokumentaciju mr. sci. nataša tabori-Pelja, arh. savjetnica za razvojno plansku dokumentaciju

fotografije: mario gerussi branko dursum dejan vekić asja mesić nataša musa Kamel sokanović ahmet Zulfikarpašić

Predsjednica organizacionog odbora tanja ljujić-mijatović

Predsjednik izvršnog odbora ibrahim spahić



Sarajevo - European Capital of Culture 2014. CANDIDAT


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