Renee lim's portfolio A4

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‘DESIGN IS THE ESSENCE OF THE PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN ITS REFLECTION.’ I used to perceive architecture solely as a blended field of only mathematics and design of which I was exposed to before my foundation year. A good five months of working experience at a firm really influenced me to believe that design is literally about convenience and guided by the regulations. Today, many follow ‘Function follow form’ of which money and self-interest is what defines a building. Then on the other hand, we have those who believe in the philosophy of ‘Form follows function’ by Walter Gropius. Despite their functional priority, they produce functionally failing buildings. However, throughout my years in university, I realised architects who follow ‘Architecture follows people’ have lasted life times. These are unknown architects who left us ever lasting architecture. I strongly believe architecture is about designing for the community and environment. What holds architecture is not merely making buildings which are only visually pleasing or functionally excellent on its own. The heart of architecture is how one’s design has a form, functions and yet contributes towards bringing the people together in a proactive environment of which influences a bigger picture of urban planning. This principle leads us to improve the public space and serve the greater needs of the people, communities and societies. Most of the time as an architect we have to turn challenges into opportunities. It should be a product that naturally engages and allows the users to want to experience what they are unable to achieve in a vast land that we live in. When nature is taken away to create buildings, people will want to rely on buildings. Architecture is something I’ve learned that if we want to contribute, we have to contribute whole heartedly. Any four walls is considconsid ered a space but when design considers the importance of nature of the surrounding environment and how it it helps make life more colourful and useful, that’s when what we design really makes an impact and lives on for a meaningful purpose. Architecture is about designing a form that does not eventually turn into a white elephant years down the road.


Retreat House


Kuala Selangor Nature Park



Community Development & Engagement Centre Carey Island

Container Studio

Community Library Jalan Ipoh, Sentul



Level 3

Taylor’s Univerity Lakeside Campus, Selangor

Green Interactive Hub Precinct 3, Putrajaya


Jen Hotel, Penang

Extension of Garden Cafe


Golden Sands Resort, Penang


RETREAT HOUSE | Kuala Selangor Nature Park

The retreat house is designed for a magician in a mangrove swamp forest. It is carefully crafted to fit the characteristics of a magician. A magician is a curious man who specialises in optical illusions. Reflective metal is used as the main material for the house to create deceptions for the visitors who visits the magicians home. besides that, because a magician is a loud and proud individual, the angular form is created to stand out to portray boldness in its architecture of the magician’s home. The building does not sit flat on ground to avoid damaging the living habitats in on the swamp. Windows are crafted out of the form to capture postive views and because the site is secluded by various plants, the building is naturally shaded.


Creating voids to allow natural lighting

Creating a sense of illusion

Stacking layers to create space

Merging different characteristics

Site Plan NTS

Front Elevation




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Living room Kitchen & dining Bedroom Study area Bathroom



Ground Floor Plan

Rear Elevation

Sectional Perspective


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENGAGEMENT CENTRE | Carey Island Mah Meri community is a community that unites together with their own common cultural and historical heritage, of which they strongly believe in the spirits of their ancestors and also their natural surroundings that are filled with both flora and fauna. In order to preserve their community, it is important for the current generations to always fall back to the teachings and spirits of their ancestors. This is why the idea behind the centre is so that visitors and the people of mah meri will always be able to remember their routes by facing towards the existing art gallery building that is filled with history, arts, and crafts of the past generations way back then. The community centre is divided into 3 programmatic areas of which is then arranged to surround the ‘rumah moyang’ that should not be touched or moved as a sign of respect to their ancestors. the arrangement also creates a courtyard that emphasizes the importance of nature amongst the Mah Meris. the programmatic areas now have a relationship towards its surroundings. The design of the communal hall that is dominant is designed with intersecting wood pieces to indicate the craftsmanship through its structure. The programme of the centre is for users to live, move and experience the way of life of the Mah Meris. The orientation of the building is to allow wind to flow and to make it more welcoming to the visitors.

Three blocks for different specific programmes









The blocks are arranged to surround the rumah moyang on site 1


Creates a courtyard that represents the relationship between the building & nature


1. 3. 4. 7. Blocks are arranged to maximize natulra ventilation

Orientation of building affected by the sun direction


Lobby & info centre 2. Communal hall Weaving workshop Carving workshop 5. Toilet 6. m&e Storage Ground Floor Plan


1. Resource Room

Mezzanine Floor Plan


1. Communal Hall 2. Dance studio 3. Accommodation 4. Toilet

First Floor Plan

North-East Elevation

Sectional Perspective


COMMUNITY LIBRARY | Jalan Ipoh, Sentul

The project is located in Sentul along Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah which was famously known as Jalan Ipoh. Due to the site’s strategic location, Sentul was colonized by the British in 1896 where a workforce of Indians was brought in to built a train depot. Later in 1903, the tin mining industry was started by a population of Chinese. These two important events led Jalan Ipoh to be a distinctive path from Batu Cave for the Indians during Thaipusam and the Chinese to settle in between the path where their very own business in now carried out. Today, Sentul has one of the busiest street leading into the city of Kuala Lumpur and a train depot that is now a green mass that serves as KLPAC. The major districts in our site is the residential and commercial district in which are undergoing development for urban renewal and revitalization. The programme introduced into the site is to built a community library with the hopes of a library helping to revitalize a struGgling and a divided community in Sentul.


Creating access from the main road to the back alley.

Bridge-links connecting the two blocks.

Proposing two blocks of which the main block is the library and the other facilitates.

Vertical circulation at different ends of the blocks.

Creates centre concentration where green terraces are designed.

Ground Floor Plan

Front Elevation

First Floor Plan

Rear Elevation

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

Sectional Perspective



GREEN INTERACTIVE HUB | Precinct 3, Putrajaya Putrajaya green hub is envisioned as a multipurpose facilty focused on educational field trips, family science demonstrations and a centre for collecting and reusing recycable items. It AIMS to work with ‘Kementerian tenaga ,teknologi hijau dan air’ to become a eco-friendly product where people in putrajaya are exposed and aware of the natural sustainable features and the importance of recycling towards a cleaner & greener putrajaya. The site location is ideal as it is situated beside a park and the putrajaya lake where The site context allows the building to be closer to nature with trees and water body. Nature is another key feature immersed throughout the design of the centre. The building acts as a teaching tool for both facilitaed & free choice learning opportunities. The putrajaya green hub wants to assist in instilling environamental stewardship in order to Become an Inteilligent Garden city by 2025.



A working and disengaged community.

Inconvenient one-way circulation.


Potential wide surrounding views.

Have an interresting landscape.


Circulation Two blocks each have their individual vertical circulation respectively.

Enhancing social intergration. Educating the people on sustainability & recycling.

To allow users to navigate around the building with more connectivity and accessibility.

Head towards a green, smart & connected Putrajaya by 2025.

Interior & exterior circulation of the building.

The massing of the building is designed in which the longer facade is facing north & south to avoid direct heat gain. The massing is separated into two to maintain the view from the main road to the. To also have a connection between the neighbouring building & park. Lower ground & ground floor are connected through a link bridge. The design intention is to collect water that will be filtered through the building and then let into the lake nearby.

Solar Energy Harvesting

Green Wastewater Harvesting Energy is harvesterd from the sun ray then stored as a source of electrical energy.

Natural Ventilation Louvers are primarily used to allow natural wind flow into the building.

Design Strategy

Reed bed system is a natural way to treat & reuse wastewater for environmental benefits.

Stormwater Management Raingarden Plant traps litter and coarse sediment from rain water and chanelled down to the lake.

Lower Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

Front Elevation

Rear Elevation

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Sectional Perspective


CONTAINER STUDIO | Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Selangor The aim of designing the interior of the space is to create an architectural studio for students to work in a comfortable environment. A space of which there is no pressure and weightiness on the students but instead a place where not only work is carried out but also interactions and productivity.

Mood Board

1st & 2nd Furniture Layout

3rd & 4th Furniture Layout

Interior Furnitures

Interior Sections

Open areas at the end of studios.

White board panels and block out roller blind for presentations and tutorials with spot lights.

Discussion rooms with basic tables and swivel chairs.

Studio on 3rd and 4th levels.


EXTENSION OF GARDEN CAFE | Golden Sands Resort, Penang

To design an extension of the existing garden cafe in Golden Sands Resort. The concept of the extensions is to accomodate 80-90 users of which the users can dine outdoors within a shaded area overlooking the beaches. The design emphasizes on sustaining the trees around the area and maximizing the terrain by using steel frames and also using durable materials as the space will be exposed to rain and sunlight.

Roof Plan

Reflected Ceiling Plan

Floor Plan

Electrical Plan

Front Elevation

Left Elevation

Right Elevation

Framing Plan




Lift Lobby Perspective 1

Lift Lobby Perspective 2

Meeting Room Lobby Perspective

Meeting Room Perspective

Banquet Hall Perspective

Business Centre Perspective

Bathroom Perspective

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