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news briefs
Cultivate Peace of Mind with Qigong The ancient Taoists knew no strife in life and enjoyed strong health and stamina, peace of mind and life balance through living the Qigong Lifestyle. Gain these treasures for yourself by studying with Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, under a true Master of Chi, Debra Lin Allen.
BEGIN YOUR QIGONG LIFESTYLE – Nine weeks of transformation through learning and practicing essential qigong selfcare foundations. Create a daily qigong self-practice that restores and maintains health and life enjoyment in proper balance and harmony. Classes meet via Zoom on Tuesdays, starting on October 20, 6-8 pm. Enroll by October 15.
QIGONG MOVEMENT - Move and build your chi with gentle meditative postures to calm the mind, warm your heart and eliminate stress. Gain strength, health, stamina, balance, flexibility and agility. No prior experience is necessary. Zoom on certain Saturdays, 1-2:30 pm, and Thursdays, 6-7:30 pm. Drop-ins welcomed.
For more information, contact Debra Lin Allen, founder/director, at 720.427.0406 or DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com and visit ChiWellness.net. See ad page 11.
Dancing Spirit Metaphysical Fair
The Fair takes place at The Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S Monroe St., in Denver on October 3 rd from 11a.m. to 5 p.m.
Join in a celebration of healing, insight and spiritual growth to be held in the comfortable facilities of The Rocky Mountain Miracle Center. Gifted practitioners of holistic modalities will provide personalized healing sessions; Readers offer psychic consultations; and vendors offer products to support your self-care and spiritual practices. Tasty and nourishing refreshments will be served by RoRo Juice. Five enlightening presentations will be given free of charge throughout the afternoon by Dave Barnett aka “Mystic Dave”; Sheryl Watson –Clairvoyant and Metatron Channel; and Shirley Bolstok –Amazing Intuitive Reader; and others.
“Most of all come to meet others sharing these interests and experience the relaxing energy of healing and peace. Hope to see you there,” said organizer Randi Hughey.
Admission $2.00; Readings $25-1st 15 mins; Ample Off-Street Parking; Near I-25 & S Colo Blvd Exits; 4 bks W of Colo Blvd on Buchtel Blvd Short walk from RTD light-rail/bus Station For further information please call Randi Hughey at 303-947-4397.