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natural petnatural pet
CancerFree Pets Five Ways to Help Keep Them Healthy
MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com/ categories/natural-pet PLEASE REMEMBER TO CONFIRM ALL EVENTS BEFORE ATTENDING
All calendar events must be placed online at MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com/calendar by the 5th of the month prior to publication in order to be placed in print. Printed events are $10; add $10 for highlight; add $10 for expanded to 70 words. Classifieds are $25/50 words; Save the Date (70 words + graphic + title in special highlight box) are $75. Ask about “Featuring” your event online. Email us at Publish@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com
Home & Business Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5thSaturdays over the phone from 11am–12:30pm. Got ghosts? Sleepless nights? Consistent household or business conflict? These are great in times of transition! $75. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
Psychic Readings–1st & 3rd Mondays over the phone from 5–6:30pm. Performed by our under graduate students. Get a holistic view of yourself, and enjoy a set reading format where you’ll learn about your soul essence, past lives, and the layers of your aura.$10.Schedule online.BoulderPsychicInstitute.org. Self Healing 101–thru 10/26 Mondays over the phone from 5–6:30pm. Learn how to meditate and heal yourself with easy-to-use visualization techniques. Check out the first class of the 4-week course for FREE on October 5th. Register online.BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
Trance Medium Healings–2nd & 4th Fridays over the phone from 5–7pm. Receive a channeled healing from our postgraduate students. Come with any healing intention and get rid of pain, mental blocks, emotional turmoil, and spiritual imbalances. $15. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
PsychicFairWeekend@ForHeaven’sSakeMetaphysicalBookstore–thru Sunday. Psychic Readings @ $1.50 per minute/30 minute minimum. Double Reward Points on purchases. 4900 W 46 th Ave, Denver and 1923 N Wadsworth, Lakewood. ForHeavenSake.com.
(4 Days Online) The Dynamics of Coherence: Amplifying Resilience in theAutonomic Nervous
System–Oct 10,11, 17 & 18. A course for those who seek to increase their perception of & capacity with the Autonomic Nervous System and its ability to support the body’s resilience. $500Call 303-999-9963 or Register at Schoolofinnerhealth.org. Pet Readings–2nd & 4th Saturdays over the phone from 11am–12:30pm. Improve your relationship with your companion animal. Clarify relational dynamics and negotiate issues. All species welcome.$30. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
FREE Aura and Chakra Healings–2nd & 4th Mondays over the phone from 5–6:30pm. Receive a 10-minute cleanse and release negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and fear. Get replenished with positive energy and feel great! Register online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
Qigong Movement Thursdays–6-7:30pmlive via Zoom. Increase flexibility, strength, endurance, mental focus and calm. Suitable for all. $20/drop-in; $90/6 classes. Contact Debra Lin Allen 720-427-0406, DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com, at least 24 hrs prior for Zoom link, password and payment. ChiWellness.net.
One Heart Song Global Peace Meditation & Sa
cred Drumming Circle–7-9pm. (THIS MAY BE ONLINE) Join with millions of other One Heart Song groups around the Earth to create peace, share love and raise consciousness and frequencies for all and the Earth herself. Journeys For Conscious Living, 303-731-6695. J4CL.com. (Watch emails and website for updates on location)
Home & Business Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5thSaturdays over the phone from 11am–12:30pm. Got ghosts? Sleepless nights? Consistent household or business conflict? These are great in times of transition! $75. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
OCT. 17 5-8PM
Psychic Group Readings with Randy Birke @
For Heaven’s Sake Lakewood–8 participants only, $50 per person, masks required no exceptions. Learn more on our website: Forheavensake.com. 1923 N Wadsworth, Lakewood.
Psychic Readings–1st & 3rd Mondays over the phone from 5–6:30pm. Performed by our undergraduate students. Get a holistic view of yourself, and enjoy a set reading format where you’ll learn about your soul essence, past lives, and the layers of your aura. $10. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
Medical Qigong Practitioner Training–6-8pm 4-year curriculum. Professional certification training in Medical Qigong Therapy, Chi Nutrition and Qigong Instruction at Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, in Denver, offers a most fulfilling career experience in facilitating the healing and life enrichment of folks of all ages and from all walks of life, and animals too, utilizing powerful chi transmission and keenly developed intuitive coaching abilities! RSVP Debra Lin Allen by Oct 15 720-427-0406, debralin.chiwellness@gmail.com. ChiWellness.net.