2013 Natural Awakenings Annual Directory

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feel good • live simply • laugh more

2013 Annual Health and Wellness Guide Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com


2013 Annual Directory Table of Contents 6 ................................................................ ACUPUNCTURE

18............................................... LAWN CARE - ORGANIC

6 .................................................ALTERNATIVE HEALING

18............................................... LIFE TRANSFORMATION


18.......................................................................... MASSAGE

6 .............................................................................. CAREER

18...................................................MASSAGE PROGRAMS

6 ..........................................CHILDBIRTH PREPARATION

19 ....................................................... MEDICAL INTUITIVE

6 ............................................................................. CHURCH

19 ..................................................................... MEDITATION

6 .......................................... COACHING/LIFE COACHING

20................................................................... MEDIUMSHIP

8 ............................. CONSCIOUS EVENTS & SPEAKERS

20..................................NATURAL PAIN MANAGEMENT

8 .........................................................CONSCIOUS LIVING



21 ......................................................................ORGANIZER

10............................................................................... DANCE

21 ........................................................... ORTHO-BIONOMY

10.......................................................DEEP TISSUE WORK

21 ..................................................... PAIN-FREE ACTIVITY

10............................................................................ DENTIST

21 ............................ PAST LIFE THERAPY/REGRESSION

11 .................................................................................DETOX

21 ..................................................... PERSONAL GROWTH

11 ..................................................................DOG TRAINING

21 ...................................................................................PETS

11 ........................................... ENERGY HEALING & MORE


12 ............................................................. ESSENTIAL OILS

22 .........................................PIANO: PRIVATE OR CLASS

12 ................................................. FAMILY PRACTITIONER

22 .................................. PROSPERITY COURSE ONLINE


22 ............................................PSYCHOLOGY & GROWTH

12 ............................................................. FITNESS STUDIO

22 ........................................................................... PSYCHIC

12 ........................................................ FITNESS TRAINERS

24 .............................................PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT

14.....................................................GIFT SHOP/GALLERY

24 .................................................................... PROBIOTICS

14................................................................ HEALING ARTS

24 .............................................. RECOVERY RESOURCES

14.......................... HEALING/COUNSELING: SPIRITUAL

24 ..................................................................................REIKI

14........................................................HEALING: ANIMALS

24 ........................................................................RETREATS

14...............................................................HEALTH COACH

24 ...........................................................................ROLFING

15 ............................................................. HEALTHY AGING

24 ......................................................................... SCHOOLS

15 ............................................................ HEALTHY LIVING

27 ....................................................................SHAMANISM

15 .................................................... HEALTHY PRODUCTS

27 .............................................................................. SOLAR

15 ..................................................... HOLISTIC SKIN CARE

27 ............................................................SOUND HEALING

15 ......................................................................HOME CARE

27 ...............................................................SPIRIT MEDIUM

15 ............................................................ HYPNOTHERAPY

28 ..................................................... SPIRITUAL GROWTH

15 ...................................................INTEGRATIVE HEALTH

28 .......................... THERAPY: ADULT/CHILD/COUPLES

17 .............................................................. INTUITIVE ARTS

28 ...........................................................WATER IONIZERS


28 ...................................................... WELLNESS CENTER natural awakenings

January 2013


advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 303770-1981 or email publisher@ MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com. Deadline for ad commitment is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication.

EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Please submit all articles and news items via website, MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication.

CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Calendar events are $10/listing for Non-Advertisers. $5 for Nonprofits. Free events are free (max of 2). Advertisers receive the 1st 5 free; 6+ $10/ listing. Distribution sites receive 2 free; 3+ $10/listing. Save The Date: $75 ea. Please submit all listings at website, MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com.

REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

letterfrompublishers Behold! Natural Awakenings First Annual Directory!


s Fall began and the holidays approached, our thoughts turned to how we could thank all our loyal readers for supporting us the past year; how we could offer a gift. Putting together this Directory edition was our way of giving you something valuable and useful that would help you live your best life in 2013. We began working on this in October, and as the calendar flipped into December, we approached our efforts with a giving heart. We held Peace On Earth and Good Will to Others as we selected tips, spoke with potential clients and received calls from our readers. We took in all the End of the World talk with a chuckle, as we knew that the Divine has bigger plans for all of us. We committed to 2013 in our own big way. We’re appreciative to all our experts who participated in Timeless Tips! What a great, diverse bounty of information we received. We hope you find these Tips as invaluable as the resources in the listings, display ads and calendar. So much to do, discover and unveil in 2013! Most of all, we appreciate you reading Natural Awakenings, and please, keep this Directory to help you, your family and your friends find great resources throughout the Denver/Boulder area for all of 2013. We believe that it’s time for an awakening of consciousness. As students of history, we are amazed at what we ‘knew’ in the past. We, as a race, knew: the Earth was flat; using leeches and bleeding people was how to ‘cure’ them; slavery was okay; Western civilization ‘knew’ for a 1,000 years that the only path to the Divine was to donate generously to the Catholic Church; We behold a beautiful future where we ‘know’: religious intolerance is barbaric-whether from radical Islam or evangelical Christianity; GMO’s are dangerous and incongruent with our health; all people should be treated with tolerance and compassion and afforded equal rights; technology improves our lives-not just our military capability; that evolution and creationism are the exact same thing; that Capitalism can thrive WITHOUT greed and poisoning its own population via food and drugs; That all life is precious and we are designed to live symbiotically with our community and planet. We are designed for perfect health, vibrant optimism and a loving heart. We are here to lead full, rich, healthy lives and to decide for ourselves what our purpose is-to create it. AND that the journey of a thousand miles begins with your next step in the right direction! So practice patience and kindness every day and don’t worry about where you end up as much as taking that next single step in the right direction.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition


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Doug Zerbarini • Terry Chriswell Editors Sharon Bruckman • Alison S Chabonais Doug Zerbarini

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You Are Psychic! Develop your intuition to assist you with your life We offer: • A skills-based program for individuals at all levels of psychic ability • Fun, well-developed classes that are reasonably priced • A reliable way to discover the psychic abilities you were born with

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Psychic Certificate • Discover your natural clairvoyance!

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Medical Intuitive Certificate • Learn to support health and healing!

MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Hard Copy mailed each month $30/12 months Digital Issue sent before the 1st each month FREE Go to MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com/Subscriptions © 2013 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved.

Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised.We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

Spirit Medium Certificate • Explore the world of spirit communication!

LLearn earn More More about ab boutt U Uss Free Events All Year! See the Special Events Calendar

Visit www.AspenProgram.com Today! natural awakenings

January 2013


Clear Body, Clear Mind

by L. Ron Hubbard

2013 Annual Directory ACUPUNCTURE




Student Clinic 317 W. South Boulder Road, Ste 5, Louisville 720-890-1577

303-519-0355 www.lifeworkintuitive.com

ITEA offers a nationally accredited Master of Acupuncture program. Interns of ITEA practice Classic Five-Element acupuncture, a powerful healing discipline based on nature. It uses the natural energies inherent in all living things to promote the body’s ability to restore balance and heal itself. Treatment is individual, and takes into account the marvelous complexity and potential of each person.

Uncover your perfect career and get specific actions steps for creating the work of your dreams. It is time to get excited about your Life! Life Work Intuitive Nancy McCleary will guide you in discovering your true passion, what you really came here to do. Nancy uses a combination of Channeled Guidance, Numerology and Astrology. Gain self-understanding, relief and heal anything that may be holding you back from achieving your greatest potential. Nancy is a certified Intuitive Coach, having trained with Sue Frederick, author of the book I See Your Dream Job. Sessions are conducted over the phone.

SMITHSON CLINIC, INC. H. Gail Smithson, LAC 2825 Vallejo Street, Denver 303-762-8994 www.smithsonclinic.com

$14.95 In researching the effects drugs and chemicals have on your well-being and spiritual health, L. Ron Hubbard made the revolutionary discovery that toxins lodge in the fatty tissues of the body and so can affect you even years after they’ve been assimilated. Fatigue, dulled thinking, spacing out, aging too quickly and many other side affects result. Here is the story of that discovery and the presentation of the effective and revolutionary Purification Program. Find out exactly how this program works and what it can do to give you a fresh new start on life!

BUY THIS BOOK TODAY CALL 303-291-3560 OR come in 2340 Blake Street, Denver © 2012 CSWUS. PURIFICATION RUNDOWN is a trademark and service mark owned by Religious Technology Center and is used with its permission. Printed in USA.


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

State licensed and board certified for 15 years in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Caring practitioner committed to your health and wellness. Specializing in auto-immune, thyroid, allergies, digestive issues, menstrual and menopause symptoms and pain alleviation.


CHILDBIRTH PREPARATION PREGNANCY WELLNESS CENTER OF PARKER Nancy Hampton 10964 S. Pikes Peak Dr., Parker 720-851-4224 www.pregnancyparker.com We are your resource for an easier pregnancy and birth! All the classes and services you want in one place, including HypnoBirthing®, Doula Services, Yoga and Massage!

WHOLE LIFE MODALITIES Pat & Kitty Shirk 303-948-9681 www.WholeLifeModalities.com Alternative Health Practitioners and Ordained Ministers with over 45 years of combined experience. We have studied and practice many energetic modalities. We are ready to help you implement the changes you know you can. Some of the Modalities include: Reference Point Therapy, Reiki, Tibetan Bowls, Matrix Energetics.

BOTANICAL ESTHETICIAN PROGRAMS DENVER INTEGRATIVE MASSAGE SCHOOL Hillary Hilliard 1221 Galapago St, Denver 303-623-3121 www.dimassageschool.com Our unique 600-Hr Botanical Esthetician program offers an herbal, organic, and holistic focus. Our goal is to educate students and consumers about skincare ingredients, only using pure and clean ingredients. We integrate Eastern Wisdom with Western Science in our approaches to skincare and skin analysis, and we foster Mindful Skincare.


CHURCH MILE HI CHURCH 9077 W Alameda Ave, Lakewood 303-237-8851 www.milehichurch.org Mile Hi is a New Thought church that welcomes all faiths and backgrounds. It serves as a spiritual beacon, lighting the way for your discovery and expression of your inherent greatness and infinite possibilities. Join Dr. Roger W. Teel and the Mile Hi community for our Sunday services and special events.

COACHING/LIFE COACHING ENERGY FOR LIFE DTC area Jim Sharon, Ed.D. & Ruth Sharon, M.S. 303-796-7004 www.energyforlife.us Activate skills and attitudes for living with more balance, health, productivity and fulfillment! *Life Coaching *Wellness Coaching *Individual, Couples and Family Counseling *Soulful Marriage Retreats *Whole Man Expo *Family Yoga Free Initial Consultation




You have the capacity for limitless love and for appreciating continual miracles.


Gratitude and humility are the cornerstones of spirituality.


Focus on continually being your best self.


For every gain there is a loss, and vice versa.


Reality and illusions are two sides of the same coin.


Maintaining your dreams and gradually, yet steadily acting to fulfill them provides a major source of vitality.


Remember your profound uniqueness and value in the world, while paradoxically realizing your ultimate insignificance.


Forgiveness is a gateway to freedom.


Your judgments are rarely fully accurate.

breath is the basis of 10) Mastering mastering life. By Jim and Ruth Sharon, Energy for Life. See listing page 6.




Maybe you have Sleep Apnea, Restless Legs or Leg Cramps? What about the person you sleep with?


You owe it to yourself & your spouse to try these great products!

SLEEP TIGHT TONIGHT, with Nature’s Rite!

50% OFF Leg Relaxer with coupon code LR50 30% OFF Sleep Apnea Relief with coupon code SAR30 “I’ve been using Sleep Apnea Relief for the past three months and now my pulminologist wants ƚŽ ƉĂƐƐ ŝƚ ŽŶ ƚŽ ŚŝƐ ƉĂƟĞŶƚƐ ǁŚŽ ǁĞĂƌ W W͘͟ Ͳ &ůŽƌĞŶĐĞ͕ Ez͕ Ez “For 42 years we searched for something to ƚĂŬĞ ĐĂƌĞ ŽĨ ZĞƐƚůĞƐƐ >ĞŐ ^LJŶĚƌŽŵĞ͘ EŽƚ ŽŶůLJ does this product work but it works instantly! /ƚ͛Ɛ dĞƌƌŝĮĐ͘ / ƌĞĐŽŵŵĞŶĚ ŝƚ ƚŽ ĂŶLJŽŶĞ ǁŚŽ ŚĂƐ ƚŚŝƐ ƉƌŽďůĞŵ͘͟ Ͳ ZŽďĞƌƚͲ EĞďƌĂƐŬĂ “My son made this Leg Relaxer especially for me and I love it! It gets rid of my cramps when ŶŽƚŚŝŶŐ ĞůƐĞ ǁŝůů͊͟ Ͳ ŝŽŶŶĞ ʹ 'ƌĞĞŶǀĂůůĞLJ ͘

MyNaturesRite.com 1-800-991-7088 natural awakenings

January 2013




FREE 30-minute coaching session! Stir your soul to greatness by unrelenting focus and action towards your dream. Life’s journey~create it, live it, love it. Business and life coaching. Beth also tutors and coaches people on blog writing and Wordpress. Her personal blog is www.bethsnotez.com.

Specialties: CLARITY and EMOTIONAL FREEDOM from personal limitations. Stress: Shift your understanding and perspective of stress and you can begin ELIMINATING STRESS from your life, regardless of circumstances or what others are choosing. AUTHENTIC LIVING: Practical guidance and workshops to co-create with the Universe and recognize when you’re being authentic so your life, relationships and creations are truly yours.



720-261-3155 www.pearlcoachingllc.com

Cory Michelle 303-246-9602 www.corymichelle.us Are you ready to realize your full potential? Ready to actualize your vision? Are you an entrepreneur up to creating big things in the world and feel like you might be in your way? Cory is a different kind of coach and removes barriers energetically and consciously to create more ease in manifesting your vision.


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

Melanie Smithson, MA, LPC, BC-DMT 2825 Vallejo Street, Denver 303-271-7659 www.melaniesmithson.com As a business owner, therapist and coach, I have a broad knowledge of the areas where you may be getting caught and stopping yourself from achieving your dreams. I will support you in letting go of self-sabotaging behaviors so you can attain goals in all areas. Free consult.


CONSCIOUS EVENTS & SPEAKERS JOURNEYS FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 7401 West 59th Ave., Arvada 303-731-6695 www.J4CL.com Discover and develop a life of passion, purpose and contribution. Journeys for Conscious Living (J4CL) is an organization leading the world in conscious living, hosting world class events, speakers and event center (space rental) to empower people to create thoughtful changes in living their lives every day, thus creating the space and energy to stay centered and expand the community. J4CL invites you to co-create opportunities, collaboration and communities for individuals and businesses to reach their full, highest potential, while experiencing love, joy and transformation. See ad page 30.

CONSCIOUS LIVING ONENESS PROCESS & EVENTS 13762 S Elk Creek Road, Pine Iris K Barratt 303 847 0786 www.CustomizedHypnosis.com The Oneness Process: An insightful exploration into the universal values and qualities that bring richness and unity into our lives, this unique form of appreciative inquiry facilitates tapping into our personal and universal wisdom in life enhancing ways. Ebook now at www.smashwords.com for only $4.99 by Iris K Barratt, *Speaker, *Award-Winning Author, *Event Facilitator, schedule Iris early at 303 847-0786

We Address the Cause of Your Child’s ADHD, not the Symptom. At Brain Balance Achievement Centers we don’t treat the symptoms of ADHD, we address the core issues at the most fundamental level. We integrate cognitive, sensory-motor and nutritional training into a unique, drug-free, whole-child approach that goes beyond the symptoms to address root causes. Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their fullest social and academic potential. Stop in or call to learn more about the Brain Balance ProgramŽ and how we can help your child succeed.

Now ,!*Ĺ?%*Ĺ? Highlands Ranch!





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STRIVE FOR GREATNESS “The hardest task one can have is to continue to love his fellows despite all reasons he should not. And the true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue. For the one who can achieve this, there is abundant hope. For those who cannot, there is only sorrow, hatred and despair. And these are not the things of which greatnessor sanity or happiness are made.” From L. Ron Hubbard, Church of Scientology. See ad page 6.



o sort through feelings and inner turmoil, try a Five-Minute Sprint. Date the top of your page, set a timer for 5 mins, consider “what’s really going on?”, write continuously until time’s up. Reading what you just wrote, tune into your thoughts, sensations and emotions. Curious, surprised, attracted or repelled? Write a few sentences that begin with the prompt, “Reading this, I notice or I feel...” This technique cuts through all the throat-clearing and alreadyknowing, races past the inner critic, and dives deep into the wisdom of your subconscious. An insight may arise that a longer write would meander past without recognition. Reading your write helps you catch the revelation. By Carolyn Jennings, Writing Our Wings of Recovery. See listing page 21.


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition





Kate Daigle, MA, NCC, LPC 709 Clarkson Street, Denver 720-340-1443 www.KateDaigleCounseling.com

Middle Eastern Dance Performer Class Instructor 401-474-1731 www.BellydancingbyDonia.com

Are you yearning for a more accepting, nurturing, and healthy relationship with food, your body, yourself? As a Licensed Professional Counselor with personal experience in healing from destructive eating behaviors and clinical expertise in eating disorder treatment, I will support you in reconnecting to your values and discovering inner peace. You CAN recover and enjoy a fulfilling life! Contact me today for a complimentary consultation!

Gain confidence, balance, and grace through this exciting, joyful dance! The Art of Belly Dancing incorporates all of natures elements: water (fluid motions such as figure eights), air (graceful movement and turns), earth (grounded/centered moves like hip drops) and fire (shimmies and strong accents)! All levels. Donia can also perform at your party or function. Call for details!

OPEN SPACE, OPEN MIND WITH CM BROWN Boulder 303-396-9023 openspaceyoga@hotmail.com www.openspaceopenmind.net Are you confused? Overwhelmed by life? It sometimes helps to sit down and stop analyzing. You already have the answer. You may simply need help allowing what is already present to reveal itself. It is easier than you might imagine. This is not psychotherapy or learning how to cope. Through the Buddhist and Vedantic teachings, uncover a new way of living your life. Private meetings include discussion, reflection, and self inquiry. Discover how thoughts and preconceived notions create unnecessary limitations in the way you approach your life. Don’t approach your life. Live it. Free 30 minute consultation. Reasonable rates. Sliding scale available.

SMITHSON CLINIC, INC. Melanie Smithson, MA, LPC, BC-DMT 2825 Vallejo Street, Denver 303-271-7659 www.smithsonclinic.com Body-oriented psychotherapist in practice 15 years. Offering EMDR, Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy and creative modalities to help you move beyond thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you. Offering therapy and supervision to healing professionals.


DEEP TISSUE WORK ALIVIO MASSAGE THERAPY Alison Cox 739 Sherman St. Studio 206, Denver 616-405-7078 www.alivio.massagetherapy.com Alivio Massage Therapy’s mission is to facilitate change, balance, and homeostasis in the body by customizing a blend of deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, and myofascial release. Effective, relaxing, pain relieving massage in downtown Denver!

DENTIST VIBRANCE DENTISTRY WITH DR. CATE VIEREGGER 7400 E Crestline Circle, Ste 230, Greenwood Village 303-770-1116 www.VibranceDentistry.com Whether your goal is to encourage a healthy attitude towards oral health in your children or ease your own anxiety about dental procedures, our friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere will change the way you approach dental care. At Vibrance Dentistry, we believe that oral healthcare should be a pleasant and relaxing experience. See ad page 12.

DETOX NEWCELL HOME & PROFESSIONAL ALTERNATIVE HEALTH PRODUCTS Call 888-624-2221 www.newcellwaterionizers.com Affordable, therapeutic solutions for pain, stress and acute and chronic conditions. We offer home and professional grade alkaline water ionizer products, mindset/ relaxation devices, micelle technology supplements, ion foot detox machines and cold lasers. Professional wholesale opportunities available. We beat Kangen ionizers every day! Mention “Natural Awakenings Discount” when you call or email Catherine@ newcelldetox.com for details.

DOG TRAINING MISHA MAY FOUNDATION DOG TRAINING & RESCUE Lorraine May, Executive Director 303-239-0382 MishaMayFoundation@gmail.com www.MishaMayFoundation.org Adopt your best friend today! We rescue dogs and cats and foster them until we find a forever home. Classes in Understanding Dogs with positive reinforcement techniques and Dog Trainer Apprentice to become a dog trainer utilizing behavior science and holistic approaches. Many more classes – see our website for adoptable animals and classes. See ad page 37.

We offer: • Acupuncture • Acutonics (Sound Therapy) • Akashic Record Readings • Crystal Healing Therapy (BioMat w/SpR) • Chakra Balancing • Footbath w/ Frequency Wave • Healing Facials

7401 Grandview Ave., Olde Town Arvada

• • • • • • • •

Herbal Body Wraps House/Property Clearings Massage Natural Childbirth Classes Reiki Therapy Spiritual Advising Spiritual Response Therapy Spiritual Restructuring Plus a full Gift Shop

Cryst Healinagl $55 (s ave $20)

ENERGY HEALING & MORE HEALING CHANGE Marie Adams EEM-CLP, CHT, PT, EFTpractitioner 679 W Littleton Blvd. Suite 205, Littleton 303-668-0299 www.healingchange.net Combining different techniques such as Eden Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, EFT, and Matrix Reimprinting will facilitate deep healing at the physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual levels of your being to create that permanent change in your life. You will leave the sessions with tools that you can use at home.

Enhance Your Life by Creating, Learning, Transforming! • Create and manifest your own reality and desires • Learn to meditate effectively to reduce stress and gain clarity • Read clairvoyantly to tap into universal wisdom “I am totally impressed with how classes and church are presented at ICI. I am encouraged to validate myself, live in the now and be who I am. What a gift!” –DML, Management Analyst

Denver: 303-282-9439 Wheat Ridge: 303-257-4797

hello@innerconnection.org innerconnection.org

We invite you to attend: Free Guided Meditations • Meditation Classes Psychic Development Programs • Energy Healings • Professional Psychic Readings natural awakenings

January 2013


ENERGY HEALING & MORE JOURNEY WITHIN WITH ANITA DESTINO Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga, 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood 720-413-7303 www.anitadestino.com A safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, Journey Within helps you focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. Give to yourself with Free Energy Healings, Angel Healings, Guided Meditations, Meditation Classes, Workshops and Intuitive Readings/Healings. Join us for a Free Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing held every Wednesday from 6-7 pm, open to everyone.



Bob Brown 9989 W 60th Ave #103, Arvada 720-441-7403 www.SacredHealingWays.com


Transforming your health & life with Intuitive Energy Healing, Massage, Ceremonies & Workshops. Specializing in Sexual issues, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Extractions, Sound Healing, Reiki, Space Clearing & various massage techniques. Shaman & massage therapist since 2000. My office, your location or over the phone

H. Gail Smithson, LAC 2825 Vallejo Street, Denver 303-762-8994 www.smithsonclinic.com


dōTERRA WITH BILL SCHAEFER 303-668-7072 www.mydoterra.com/iq

NeuroModulation Technique is an advanced form of bio-energetic medicine that works with the body’s innate ability to heal. As such, we see results in clients who have been to many practitioners for many conditions previously. Especially effective for auto-immune, thyroid issues, allergies and menopause conditions.


Transform your outdoor or indoor space into something that’s infused with your personality, style and energy. Perfect balance is achieved through color, style and function… the essential ingredients of good design. Your new landscape, home or office will make you feel exactly as you want to feel.



Michelle Cobb 303-359-2908 BlueIris-Designs.com

Did you know not all brands of essential oils are the same? Some are not pure. And some use synthetics, losing the power of the oil. Learn about essential oils and what they can do for you. Oils can be a safe alternative for “Over the Counter” medications and your health. We offer classes and events to help you have a better understanding of the use of oils for daily living.

Carol McAnally Lakewood 303-910-5644


At the heart of this fitness studio’s offerings is the potential for freedom of movement, body/mind awareness and an overall sense of radiant well-being. Carol’s personal coaching in intelligent movement, using Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis and Yamuna Body Rolling, results in a sleeker, fitter, more vibrant YOU!

FITNESS TRAINERS BESTUCANBE FITNESS Janice Henning 970-310-6911 www.facebook.com/pages/BestUCanBeFitness/507309569303239?ref=hl

David Stevens 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver 303-668-2358 yogaofthemind.com Every Tuesday Ongoing Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Aura clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Free.

FAMILY PRACTITIONER CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. See full listing under PHYSICIAN or see ad page 16.

Certified Personal Trainer with The American Counsel of Exercise. * 20+ years of exercise experience * Individualized exercise programs * Middle-age adult specialization * Free trial session. Let me help you feel more energized so that you can enjoy your life to the fullest!


Your smile… the ultimate accessory

Dr. Cate Vieregger believes that dental health plays a SIGNIFICANT role in your overall health. A SPECIAL diagnostic appointment will help us UNDERSTAND your individual needs and desires. We will work with YOUR other holistic health partners to provide optimal care.


VibranceDentistry.com • 7400 E. Crestline Circle • Suite 230 • Greenwood Village • 303-770-1116 12

Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition


Dr. Katia Meier and the CLEAR SKY MEDICAL Team

Karin Dietrich, Dr Katia Meier and Tracy Wolfe


lear Sky Medical is not your ‘same old’ doctor’s office although some aspects seem familiar. They take most major insurances and treat all ages. But they forge their own brand of health by focusing on prevention and reversal of chronic disease and total wellness. The office has a natural Pharmacy with professional homeopathics, nutrition support and herbals available on site. Dr. Meier was trained in holistic medicine in Germany. Initially Board-Certified as a Family Practice doctor practicing obstetrics, she is fully licensed and trained to use prescription drugs but believes in integrating alternative approaches, like homeopathy, natural herbs, Nutrition and Bio-identical hormone therapy.

Comfort Your Heart and Soul • Validate your feelings and life path • What do your dreams mean? • What does the tarot say for you? • Balance with a reiki healing

Call Dan today at 720-468-2624 Pandan49@msn.com www.magicalawakenings.com

These gentle and natural approaches can be very effective and can yield great results without the unwanted drawbacks of synthetic pharmaceuticals. Dr Meier is in the final stages of becoming Board Certified in AntiAging Medicine. Dr Meier is also extensively trained in Aesthetic Medicine and can make you look as young as you feel through cutting edge medical aesthetic procedures offered in her practice. She has been practicing medical aesthetics since 2005 and is a highly sought after injector for PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), Radiesse, Juvederm, and others. Clear Sky has on staff Karin Dietrich, Master Nutritionist and Tracy Wolfe, Family Nurse Practitioner, who focuses on early detection, prevention and reversal of diabetes and heart disease

risk factors, and also treats thyroid and hormone issues with BioIdentical Hormones. Kim works up front and serves as lab tech, drawing blood; Natalie and Criss, both MA’s, provide assistance ; Heather is a paramedical aesthetician and will consult with you on the best, non-toxic care for your skin type and pamper you with high-quality facials. Furthermore she treats with Microdermabrasion, Dermapen, and Chemical peels to bring a fresh glow and new skin to show, these procedure can also diminish scaring, freshen up the taint and tighten the skin. Nontoxic make up also available at Clear Sky Medical finishes up the clean and fresh look. In the office, they also can draw blood for labs; offer an extensive inventory of high-quality supplements; and provide cutting-edge therapies like Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for injuries and cosmetics. “The goal is for our patients to enjoy their lives because they feel good, are healthy and have good energy,” said Dr. Meier. “I can tell we’re making progress when I see my patients smile more when they visit and tell me how wonderful they feel and look since they started working with us.”

Clear Sky Medical Panorama Falls, 9085 E Mineral Circle #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 ClearSkyMedical.com

Ananda Yoga Therapy purify. rejuvenate. vitalize

JOIN OUR YOGA AND AYURVEDA CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS! Jan 5: Yoga & Ayurveda for Weight Loss Feb 8: Heart Opening Yoga Workshop See calendar Mar 8 & 9: Primordial Sound Meditation for details. Apr 20 & 21: Perfect Health-Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program 4415 ELDRIDGE STREET • GOLDEN

RSVP call 303-895-7298 • info www.anandayogatherapy.com natural awakenings

January 2013


JOHN OF GOD • Healing Journeys With Susie Verde

• Official guide service to John of God in Brazil • Weekly JOG meditation circle in Boulder • Spiritual healing and community support Restore yourself in the energetic womb of JOG healing groups led by Susie, a native Brazilian, experienced spiritual medium


303-448-0068 info@joghealing.com

GIFT SHOP/GALLERY SAND DOLLAR GALLERY 1256 South Pearl Street, Denver 303-871-8028 www.sanddollargallerydenver.com The SAND DOLLAR GALLERY established in 1975 is a UNIQUE, MUST-SEE studio/ gallery gift shop on Old SOUTH PEARL STREET in Denver. Owner Nancy Condit, award-winning watercolorist, runs the gallery & features over 25 artists that includes Watercolors, Pastels, Glassworks, Jewelry, Pottery, & her solar greenhouse designed with sea shells!

HEALING ARTS ELI ASHBY HEALING ARTS CENTER 7401 Grandview Ave, Arvada 303-463-6565 EliAshbyHealingArts.com We inspire, educate and empower through a beautiful, nurturing atmosphere offering high quality, innovative, holistic health services, information, products and events. Our Gift shop is filled with unique items such as jewelry, crystals, clothing, books, and products to enhance your life. Eli Ashby’s high quality services, unique gifts, products, activities and education support wellness for the body, mind, spirit and community. See ad page 11.

HEALING/COUNSELING: SPIRITUAL INNER CONNECTION INSTITUTE CHURCH OF INFINITE SPIRIT Inside Balanced Body Center 975 Lincoln St, Ste 202 Denver: 303-282-9439 Wheat Ridge: 303-257-4797 www.Innerconnection.org

Tell’em You Saw It In

Natural Awakenings! 14

Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

Create the life you desire through our easy, e ff e c t i v e , supportive techniques. A non-denominational, spiritual sanctuary offering clairvoyant reading and healing services, meditation classes, psychic development programs, ministerial services, and ordination programs. Locations in Denver and Wheat Ridge. Free aura clearing and chakra balancing in Wheat Ridge every Saturday 1-2pm. Free open channel clinic in Denver on the 2nd Fridays of the month at 7pm. Everyone is welcome! Call for more information. 303-282-9439. See ad page 11.


RENEE ELLIS, MA CMT Psychotherapy, Intuitive Counseling Past Life Therapy, Energy Healing Located in Central Denver 720-984-9575 www.liveyourknowing.com Release the past, create the future and experience your life from a whole new perspective. Move into a rich and joyful life with guidance and support as you travel through significant life transitions, transform grief, and find clarity about your life path and purpose. Renee is a unique guide who weaves together traditional counseling techniques with intuitive abilities, energy healing, personalized Bach Flower Essence formulas and past life therapy without regression. Her focus is on grief and loss, life transitions, finding and stepping onto one’s path, spiritual development, releasing phobias and healing from chronic pain. Individual sessions and classes. Free 30-minute consultation.

HEALING: ANIMALS HEALING TOUCH FOR ANIMALS® Carol Komitor, Founder 303-470-6572 www.HealingTouchforAnimals.com Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) is a holistic approach using energetic techniques to influence the health and well-being of animals, their behavioral issues and their physical, mental and emotional stability. Students work hands-on with dogs and horses learning the basics of how to assist animals through energy and intention. Courses held in the U.S., Canada and the Netherlands.

JOURNEY WITHIN WITH ANITA DESTINO Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga, 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood 720-413-7303 www.anitadestino.com Our pets are great friends and companions. Our pets are wonderful healers in our lives and sometimes they need an energy healing too. Just like people, pets can hold on to energy that is no longer beneficial for them. A pet energy healing is an aura and chakra clearing, and can assist your pet in maintaining its health, vitality, and enthusiasm.

HEALTH COACH PEAK INTEGRATIVE HEALTH ROB BARBER 3000 Pearl St. Suite 210, Boulder 720-428-8563 PeakIntegrativeHealth.com Peak performance is what we want you to achieve. It can come from bodywork or nutritional coaching. Peak Integrative Health provides therapeutic and clinical massage, thai yoga bodywork, private yoga instruction and holistic heath coaching for the enhancement of your health and well being. We all strive to be at our peak, so why not allow someone to help you that is motivated to see you succeed? See ad page 19.

HEALTHY AGING CLEAR SKY MEDICAL KATIA I. MEIER, M.D. Panorama Falls 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 www.ClearSkyMedical.com Feel your best at any age with Dr Katia Meier, Board Certified Holistic MD specializing in whole body health inside and out with customized approaches to Healthy Aging, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy, Nutritional analysis and Therapy, Medical Aesthetics and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments, Homeopathy, Herbology, Naturopathic Medicine, Personalized Detoxification Programs, Medical Weight Loss for men and women. Treating all ages and most insurance welcomed. Call to set up your appointment today. See ad page 16.

HOLISTIC SKIN CARE NATURAL ACNE CLINIC Jessica Fanning, Esthetician, Acute Homeopath & Laser Specialist 8719 E. Dry Creek Rd, Centennial 773-983-3257 www.NaturalAcneClinic.com Have you tried everything to clear your acne? Are you looking for a natural approach to eliminate acne from the inside and out? I specialize in teenage, hormonal and adult acne. A customized program of clinical skin care, vitamins, homeopathic remedies and diet changes will be recommended to clear your skin. Currently offering a complimentary 15-minute information session.

HOME CARE CONFIDENT CARE OF COLORADO Jessica Press 720-941-8368 www.confidentcareofcolorado.com


Confident Care of Colorado is a Home Care Agency with Heart. Wellness is Where We Start! Assistance with Daily Living Activities, Meal Prep, Transportation, Companionship, Dementia, and much more.

BAYUS WELLNESS JoAnn Bayus, Ed.S., CHC, CPT www.BayusWellness.com Wellness workshops, online classes, and custom health plans for individuals and groups. No matter your preferred approach, all of the Bayus Wellness services will help you achieve your optimal level of mind and body wellness and a more balanced, vibrant life. Specialties include natural approaches to brain health and stress management.


HYPNOTHERAPY EXPANSIONS HYPNOTHERAPY & NLP 2323 S. Troy, Suite 108, Aurora Barbara Rush 303-229-2523 www.hypnotherapycolorado.com Feel stuck or frustrated? Want something to change? IT CAN...quicker and easier than you think! Make LASTING transformations in your career, social life, relationships or health with this very effective process. Feel capable and confident. Release doubt, fear and limitations holding you back. BE, DO, LIVE how YOU want!


Call 888-624-2221 www.newcellwaterionizers.com


Affordable, therapeutic solutions for pain, stress and acute and chronic conditions. We offer home and professional grade alkaline water ionizer products, mindset/relaxation devices, micelle technology supplements, ion foot detox machines and cold lasers. Professional wholesale opportunities available. We beat Kangen ionizers every day! Mention “Natural Awakenings Discount” when you call or email Catherine@newcelldetox.com for details.

Are you tired, foggy-brained, gaining weight for no reason, have elevated cholesterol and other symptoms of thyroid disease, but your thyroid levels are “normal?” Go beyond the “traditional” standard of care to Ian Hollaman, DC, who focuses on difficult and chronic cases such as elevated glucose and cholesterol, thyroid disorders, and novel solutions to pain and injuries with proficiency in multiple modalities such as Applied Kinesiology, Functional Medicine. Chiropractic and Nutrition. See ad page 25.

IAN HOLLAMAN, DC 4520 North Broadway, Boulder 303-882-8447 www.RedTailWellnessCenters.com



ry a different approach to improving your health in 2013. Connect with your body and ask it for insights rather than using your analytical mind and willpower to attempt to get what you want out of life. Try these for making that connection.

WHOLE BODY BREATHING. Pretend you are breathing through every pore in your body—head to feet. Pretend your skin expands slightly when you breathe in; contracts, pulls in when you breathe out. Extend breathing into the field of energy around you— your aura. ENERGY MOVEMENT EXERCISES. Increase your awareness of energy in and around your body by doing Qi Gong or Tai Chi. When you can build a ball of energy, you will be better able to listen to your body’s perspective. BODY SCAN. Check-in with your body during the day by doing a quick scan. Put your thoughts inside your head and scan down your body—sensing the energy. Ask your body, “How do you feel?” PUT A FOOD ITEM NEAR YOUR BELLY when shopping. Sense how your body reacts. Start making decisions based on what your body chooses. ASK A BODY AREA FOR ADVICE. Build a relationship with one area of your body. Try your belly or solar plexus. When you need to make a decision (about health or anything), go to this area with your awareness and get input. It’s called “gut instinct” for a reason. Body awareness is psychic awareness, and the more you connect with your body, your natural psychic abilities will get stronger. By Karen Fox, Aspen Program for Psychic Development. See ad page 5.

natural awakenings

January 2013


Katia I. Meier, MD


and The Clear Sky Medical Team

Thursday January 10th 6:00 pm


MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS STRATEGIES FREE PRESENTATION Obesity rates in the U.S. are currently at 33% and yet another third of the population is overweight. Diabetes rates are projected to increase to 1 in 3 by the year 2050; truly staggering numbers which go hand-in-hand with other health issues such as cardiovasTracy Wolfe Karin Dietrich, MNT Nurse Practitioner cular disease, hypertension, stroke, Nutrition Therapist Specializing in Risk and cancer. At Clear Sky Medical, Factor Analysis for our annual physical includes adHeart Disease, Diabetes, & Chronic Disease vanced testing that can find earliest signs of insulin resistance which can be the root cause of most of these health problems. Diet is a main cause of these metabolic diseases, yet public nutrition and weight loss advice can be very confusing and sometimes downright hazardous. Weight loss protocols must be personalized to your unique health situation and medical supervision may be necessary. Karin Dietrich, Master Nutrition Therapist, and Tracy Wolfe, Family Nurse Practitioner, will present a FREE lecture on proven, effective health and weight loss protocols. Topics include health assessments for determining your personalized diet approach, carbbalanced meal planning, the usefulness and application of cleansing, modified-elimination and anti-inflammatory diets, the Paleo-Diet, and the concept of the ‘Metabolic Reset Diet’ for those whose metabolism is really ‘stuck’. Gain insight into which food, environmental and lifestyle triggers may be causing your weight problems and how to address them with natural, dietary measures. The presentation will be held on January 10 at 6:00 pm JOIN OUR E-MAIL LIST! in the Clear Sky Medical conference room. TEXT 22828 TO CSM Call today to register at 303-790-7860.




Panorama Falls • 9085 East Mineral Circle. #260 • Centennial, CO 80112

January’s Topic:

WEIGHT LOSS FUNDAMENTALS Seating is limited and fills up fast! RSVP 303-790-7860.

SPECIALS FOR JANUARY BUY 4, GET 2 $130 SAVINGS * Brighten and nourish your Skin with a Vitamin C Enzyme Resurfacing Treatment. This mild treatment is great for a first time peel, rosacea and helps balance skin tone and stimulate collagen & elastin production. Heather Evans $50 ~ (Regularly $65) OR Medical 2 for $95 (regularly $130) Aesthetician

MAKE IT A MICRO PEEL (Microdermabrasion & Peel) for addressing ultimate resurfacing $85 ~ Regularly $125 OR 2 for $180 ~ Regularly $250

DERMAPEN TREATMENT SPECIAL $150 ~ Single Treatment (Regularly $225) $975 ~ Package of 6 (Regularly 1,050)

Make your New Years Resolution to put your best face forward! Winter is the season to resurface! Get a fresh start and regenerate with the New Year by removing the dull & dry layer winter brings, and let your fresh and bright skin shine through! The most effective course for this is a maintenance package of either; Microdermabrasion, top of the line Peels, Corrective (combining both modalities) or our newest treatment; the Dermapen, the most effective treatment for anti-aging at the deepest cellular level and targets; evening out skin tone, improving scarring and stimulating collagen and elastin.

INTEGRATIVE HEALTH RED TAIL WELLNESS CENTERS KAREN HOLLAMAN, DC, LMT 4520 North Broadway, Boulder 303-882-8447 www.RedTailWellnessCenters.com Women, are you looking for a different standard of care for you and your children? I was given a second chance at life because of a holistic chiropractor’s understanding of how the body heals itself when given the proper support. I offer women and children the same hope and care I had been generously given. If you or your family struggles with health issues please contact the Red Tail Wellness Center so I can help you take flight again and let your health soar. See ad page 25.

CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. See full listing under PHYSICIAN or see ad page 16.

INTUITIVE ARTS INNER CONNECTION INSTITUTE CHURCH OF INFINITE SPIRIT Inside Balanced Body Center 975 Lincoln St, Ste 202 Denver: 303-282-9439 Wheat Ridge: 303-257-4797 www.Innerconnection.org



hat’s the goal of Brain Balance Achievement Centers, located in Golden and Highlands Ranch and owned by Tami and Eric Eslich. The individual and customized Brain Balance Program® is a non-medical and non-drug, whole-childcentered approach. It integrates cognitive, sensory-motor and nutritional training that goes beyond the symptoms to address root causes. Noted most often for helping children with ADHD, Aspergers and Dyslexia, Tami and Eric point out that while they work with kids with obvious problems, there is an entire subset of children that are equally important they are high functioning, but struggle in some areas, never doing poorly enough, that could be helped with their program. Dr. Robert Melillo clinically proved, after more than twenty years of experience and research, that an imbalance between the two hemispheres in the brain was to blame for most learning and behavioral disorders. Calling it “Functional Disconnection,” he began educating that integrating physical and cognitive exercises, and dietary changes, healed and helped the body create new neural pathways to stimulate the weaker side of the brain to “catch up” with the stronger side of the brain. Melillo went on to teach his methods to others and thus created Brain Balance Centers® with 54 locations across the United States and growing. Tami and Eric offer free informational parent lectures each month.

Create the life you desire through our easy, effective, supportive techniques. A non-denominational, spiritual sanctuary offering clairvoyant reading and healing services, meditation classes, psychic development programs, ministerial services, and ordination programs. Locations in Denver and Wheat Ridge. Free aura clearing and chakra balancing in Wheat Ridge every Saturday 1-2pm. Free open channel clinic in Denver on the 2nd Fridays of the month at 7pm. Everyone is welcome! Call for more information. 303-282-9439. See ad page 11.

KIDS: LEARNING/ BEHAVIOR DISORDERS BRAIN BALANCE ACHIEVEMENT CENTER OF GOLDEN 1211 Avery Street, Golden 1970 E County Line Road (Sprouts Plaza), Littleton 303-278-1780 www.BrainBalanceCenters.com HIGHLANDS RANCH NOW OPEN! Help your child reach his or her greatest physical, mental, social and academic potential. Individualized and comprehensive brain-based approaches (not drug-based) to help children with neurobehavioral and learning difficulties such as dyslexia. Customized physical and cognitive exercises, combined with dietary change can correct the underlying imbalance, improve function and reduce/eliminate negative behaviors. Tour our centers and learn how we can help your child. See ad page 9.

Tami and Eric Eslich Brain Balance Center of Golden: 211 Avery Street, Ste 101, Golden. Brain Balance Center of Highlands Ranch: 1970 East County Line Rd, Ste, G, Littleton. 303-278-1780, BrainBalanceCenters.com. See ad page 9.



Know Thyself. Take the time to know yourself on a deep level. Explore your gifts and talents. Do more of the things that cause you to lose track of time- that is when you are in the “zone” and passions ignite. Utilize self-improvement courses, study numerology and astrology.


Think Outside of Yourself. Look for ways to serve others and offer your gifts to the world. Giving our gifts energizes us.


Heal. Let go of emotional wounds. Haning on to negative experiences and emotions holds us back from experiencing passion in our lives. Seek out help to shift this.

Tap into your true essence and find your passion. It’s a beautiful journey worth taking. By Nancy McCleary, Life Work Intuitive. See listing page 6. natural awakenings

January 2013



Proceed with effortless effort. Your thoughts come to you easily, allow meditation to come with the same ease. Through effortlessness, you draw on the most expanded, powerful part of yourself.


Flow of breath a little deeper than normal. When the breath suspends the attention wanders.


Consider grounding. Imagine a column of light going from the base of your spine, down through to the center of the earth. This helps you release energy you no longer need.


Regularity – just like exercise, 10 mins a day is better than an hour once a week.


Routine – consistent meditators tie it to some part of their daily routine. Consider doing it when you arise or just after work.


Meditate for the positive results in daily life. Your experience during meditation will vary. Wonderful experiences don’t mean you did it better than if you experience was mundane.


Meditation always feels deeper in a group. Consider attending some group meditations to have this inspiring experience.


Physical Benefits – more research has been done on showing the health benefits of meditation than on anything except regular exercise: normalized blood pressure, decreased stress hormones, more resiliency in the brain are just a few.


Help create a more peaceful world. Studies show reduced conflict in areas of where group meditation is applied. Each of us, meditating daily, makes our world be a better place.

By David Stevens, Yoga of the Mind. See listing page 12.


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

LAWN CARE - ORGANIC CLEAN AIR LAWN CARE WITH JOSH STUDER 774 Dahlia St, Denver 303-681-4543 www.cleanairlawncarecherrycreek.com Reduce your carbon footprint and the toxins you and your family come in contact with! Use an organic lawn care company committed to reducing air pollution; we only use electric equipment powered by renewable energy. Organic treatments eliminate the contamination of waterways caused by synthetic fertilizers and herbicides. “Come Clean” with Clean Air Lawn Care; receive 2 free organic treatments when you sign up for our organic treatment program. Call today for a free estimate.

LIFE TRANSFORMATION BJ BROWN, MSW, CIBP Body-Centered Psychotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master In Boulder 303-808-4006 www.wolfheals.com We create a compassionate and powerful container in which you discover the source of your well being. Discover a deeper sense of wholeness, integrity, passion and joy. BJ Brown brings her commitment, presence, humor and expertise in the areas of relationship, trauma, spirituality, life transition, addiction, and body-mind awareness. Retreats, long distance consultations and healings also offered. Read my recently published book, “The Six Gates of Completion - A Companion in Life’s Transitions”, available on my website, Kindle, The Boulder Bookstore, and The Tattered Cover. Begin your life transformation today!

CASEY RATHJEN Intuitive Consultant, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Pet Intuitive 720-515-7408 info@caseyrathjen.com www.caseyrathjen.com Need to overcome fears or anxiety and gain confidence to create success? Would you like to communicate better and overcome conflict in your relationship? Would you like to learn more about your intuition and have a peaceful and balanced life? These are just a few of the many things I assist people with. Being able to apply my natural gifts with my certified skills allows me to address what’s happening emotionally, physically, and energetically and creates a safe space for complete healing and success. You have all the answers; I just get the honor to help you connect with them.


MASSAGE SACRED HEALING WAYS Bob Brown 9989 W 60th Ave #103, Arvada 720-441-7403 www.SacredHealingWays.com Transforming your health & life with Intuitive Massage, Energy Healing, Ceremonies & Workshops. Specializing in Sexual issues, Thai massage, Deep Tissue, Neural Muscular, Reflexology, Swedish, Pregnancy, Reiki, Shamanic & Sound Healing. Shaman & massage therapist since 2000. My office or your location with travel fee.

IN TOUCH MASSAGE THERAPY WITH BRENNA WITT, LMT Kittredge Village, 26030 Hwy. 74, Kittredge 303-526-0038 theintouchmassage@gmail.com Do you have sore muscles, an injury with persistent pain or just need to relax? Allow your mind and body to melt at In Touch Massage Therapy, located on scenic Hwy 74, just minutes from Evergreen. Enjoy your fully customized massage with Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue and/or Hot Stone while listening to the soothing sounds of Bear Creek and bird songs outside the window. New client special! $45 for an hour; $65 for 1.5 hours or the package: buy 5 and get the 6th free! Gift Certificates available. Call or email for your massage today!

BALANCE HEALING WITH ESTHER YANG, L.AC, CMT 7007 E Hampden Ave, Ste B, Denver 303-758-1078 Bring balance, health and happiness to your life. Heal persistent pain, body aches and relax with Balance Healing’s therapeutic massage. This type of massage brings healing to the body by pressure points using acupuncture meridian techniques that revitalize the spirit, mind and body. We also provide acupuncture sessions to help relieve pain and healing foot reflexology. Come and relax with soft music and in an atmosphere of true healing. Gift Certificates available. Call for your appointment today at 303-758-1078.

MASSAGE PROGRAMS DENVER INTEGRATIVE MASSAGE SCHOOL Hillary Hilliard 1221 Galapago St, Denver 303-623-3121 www.dimassageschool.com Our 600-Hr Certified Massage Therapy program includes the best in Thai Yoga Massage techniques fused with the best in Western Massage techniques. This unique program includes 350 hrs of hands-on massage training and practice, along with 250 hrs of Anatomy and Physiology. Eastern Wisdom and Western Science.

MEDICAL INTUITIVE KAREN FOX Lakewood, near Hampden & Wadsworth 303-942-0646 www.PsychicClarity.com Karen@PsychicClarity.com Experienced Medical Intuitive, reads current & potential body health issues. Studied nutrition & holistic health for 40+ years. Reiki Master Teacher, former massage therapist and energy worker. In early 1990s, developed protocol for hands-on intuitive energy sessions that is taught in the Aspen Program for Psychic Development.

MEDITATION CENTER OF LIGHT 2300 Forest St, Denver Rev. Isabelle Stone 720-308-9944 Denver.CentersOfLight.org The Center of Light is a spiritual center dedicated to consciousness, spiritual growth, and empowerment. We teach, share, and cultivate spirituality through practical instruction in meditation and growing the light within, to bring people into peace and connection. Classes and Services are held daily.

JOURNEY WITHIN WITH ANITA DESTINO Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga, 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood 720-413-7303 www.anitadestino.com A safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, Journey Within helps you focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. Give to yourself with Free Energy Healings, Angel Healings, Guided Meditations, Meditation Classes, Workshops and Intuitive Readings/Healings. Join us for a Free Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing held every Wednesday from 6-7 pm, open to everyone.

Journey Within with Anita Destino, Founder J

ourney Within is a safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, where you can focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. Give to your self with Free Energy Healings, Angel Healings, Angel Program, Developing Your Intuition, Guided Meditations, Meditation Classes, Intuitive Readings/Healings, Workshops and Pet Energy Healings. Anita Destino is the Founder of Journey Within, as well as an Inspirational Spiritual Teacher, Professional Intuitive Reader, Energy Healer and Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner.® Anita’s intuitive readings and energy healing help you as a spirit, so you can create the life you want. Shed old beliefs and energetic blocks that might be stopping you from moving forward. Learning the skills of meditation can help you not only relax, but achieve a lifelong transformation. Meditation is proven to reduce stress and improve health. These skills will help you develop a space for practicing the Law of Attraction. Build your confidence working with a Spirit Guide, Healing Guide or Guardian Angel to help heal and release grief, guilt, addictions or habits that you are ready to change. Fill yourself with unconditional love.

Journey Within can teach you how to: • Set boundaries • Protect yourself energetically • Have more clarity on your life’s purpose • Create your dreams and desires • Do energy healings with Angels or Healing Guides • Help heal yourself and others with ease and grace • See/Read Auras and give an intuitive reading Our pets are great friends and companions and wonderful healers in our lives. Sometimes they need a healing too. Just like people, pets can hold onto energy that is no longer beneficial for them. A pet energy healing is an aura and chakra clearing for your pet, and can assist in maintaining health, vitality, and enthusiasm. Healings can be done for any type of animal including dogs, cats, rabbits, fish, reptiles, horses and birds. Join us for a Free Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing held every Wednesday from 6-7 pm, open to everyone. Love offerings accepted. Your journey begins with the 1st step. We look forward to working with you to help create the life you truly want to live.

Journey Within Anita Destino, Founder of Journey Within Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga Studio 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd, Denver

720-413-7303 JourneyWithin@hotmail.com www.AnitaDestino.com

JANUARY SPECIAL: Eat Like A Caveman! Join Peak Integrative Health for a free 30 day Eating Paleo Challenge beginning January 2.

Come out of your cave, join the challenge and you will receive daily email support, recipe ideas, and help through the process. This group will be lead by Certified Health Coach Rob Barber.

SIGN UP TODAY! 3000 Pearl St #210 • Boulder • 720-428-8563



natural awakenings

January 2013


6 FENG SHUI TIPS TO LIVE BY ENTRY– The walkway to your front door is not only how your guests approach, but also energy. Keep your walkway/porch clean. Remove debris, spider webs and make sure it is well lit. FRONT DOOR– No matter how you enter your home, the architectural front door is the ‘mouth’ to your home and how the energy enters. Make sure to open it daily to let light and fresh air in. WALL ART– What we place on our walls is a subconscious message to how we are supposed to feel in that space. Choose the type of art that sends a message of how YOU want to feel. IN THE BEDROOM– The bedroom is a place for only 2 things - sleep and intimacy. Remove elliptical machines, computers, work and TV. Use soothing colors and tones. Add a splash of red or pink to add spice. HOME OFFICE– Your home office should have its own space. If your office shares space with another room, you’re telling the Universe that you’re not serious about your business. Make your office important. Dress your office for the job you want! CLUTTER– We all know we need to clear it out. But what does clutter do to the energy in your home? It stagnates. Like a stagnant pond, life energy is extinguished in your home wherever clutter is present. Your home is a living, breathing entity. Use Feng Shui to create a holistic approach to keeping the energy in your home flowing.

By Michelle Cobb, Blue Iris Designs. See listing page 12.

INNER CONNECTION INSTITUTE CHURCH OF INFINITE SPIRIT Inside Balanced Body Center 975 Lincoln St, Ste 202 Denver: 303-282-9439 Wheat Ridge: 303-257-4797 www.Innerconnection.org Create the life you desire through our easy, effective, supportive techniques. A non-denominational, spiritual sanctuary offering clairvoyant reading and healing services, meditation classes, psychic development programs, ministerial services, and ordination programs. Locations in Denver and Wheat Ridge. Free aura clearing and chakra balancing in Wheat Ridge every Saturday 1-2pm. Free open channel clinic in Denver on the 2nd Fridays of the month at 7pm. Everyone is welcome! Call for more information. 303-282-9439. See ad page 11.

MEDIUMSHIP JOURNEY WITHIN WITH ANITA DESTINO Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga, 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood 720-413-7303 www.anitadestino.com A safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, Journey Within helps you focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. During an intuitive reading/healing receive messages from your Angels, Guides or loved ones who have crossed over. Also, we can move energy blocks, old beliefs and patterns that are no longer beneficial to you.

NUTRITION/NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING PLANT-BASED NUTRITION AND LIFESTYLE Jerry Casados, NTP 303-944-4172 www.plantbasednutritionlifestyle.com A nutrition therapy practice specializing in plant-based nutrition to obtain optimal health. I provide nutrition counseling and programs specializing in a wide range of medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cancer, obesity, food allergies, and digestive disorders. The programs are designed to address the client’s specific health objectives or issue(s) with proper nutrition.

EAT EMPOWERED, LLC Cynthia Stadd, HHC, EPC 720-263-1105 www.EatEmpowered.com Holistic Nutrition and Certified Eating Psychology Practitioner. End your relationship with food struggles, weight loss, digestive health, body image, overeating, binge eating. Step into your skin in the most powerful way you can - with a whole-foods diet that works for you and an empowered, peaceful relationship with your food and body.

CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. See listing under PHYSICIAN or see ad page 16.

NATURAL PAIN MANAGEMENT AIM HIGH WELLNESS Denver, Aurora, Lakewood and Wheat Ridge www.DenverSchiropractic.com Tired of the PAIN? Our doctors have over 50 years of experience helping thousands get pain free naturally. Helping your hard to treat cases. • Neck, Back, Shoulder, arms pains • Headaches • Car accident injuries • Work and sports injuries Our caring staff makes the difference! Auto and group insurance accepted, and affordable cash plans. CALL NOW! Free consultation (303) 922-2977

Know Your Soul’s Path to Live your Best Life Change is a constant. Knowing your true path helps you • Cope better with change • Love Your • Banish anxiety and stress Life More!

HEATHER CLARK 303-753-2665 heather@jpeducators.com www.jpeducators.com Ready for better health this year? What if getting that good health was simple, easy to do and affordable? For the price of an apple a day, get 17 whole, raw fruits and veggies in a capsule! Enjoy the health benefits of Whole Food Nutrition; phytonutrients working in synergy to keep you healthy all year long. Add your child to the largest Children’s Health Study in the Country, and get their fruits & veggies for FREE. Have a healthy, happy day! (Business opportunities also available).

Tell’em You Saw It In

Soul Body Integration uses a combination of energetic retraining and intuitive guidance to help you know your true path and create the best life possible for you! Specializing in significant change such as divorce/separation and career leaps, and abundance/worthiness issues. Half off your first session when you mention this ad!

“I can help you find your Soul’s path.” Photo by Ready Go Productions!


Heather Lenox 720-876-7465 info@soulbodyintegration.com

Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition


Natural Awakenings!



Create a clutter-free, organized environment! By clearing your space, new ideas have room to develop and positive energy flows, leading to more creativity and possibilities. Residential and commercial spaces both benefit, especially if you have both in your home.



PAIN-FREE ACTIVITY ANNETTE BRAY, CSCS, YOGA INSTRUCTOR 720-470-1771 www.annettebray.com Do you love to be active and pain is holding you back? I design individualized programs to help improve your quality of movement. You learn how to mobilize, stabilize and improve posture to stay active throughout life. I incorporate nutritional wellness to reduce inflammation and increase energy. Free phone consultation!

PAST LIFE THERAPY/ REGRESSION RENEE ELLIS, MA CMT Psychotherapy, Intuitive Counseling Past Life Therapy, Energy Healing Located in Central Denver 720-984-9575 www.liveyourknowing.com Release the past, create the future and experience your life from a whole new perspective. Move into a rich and joyful life with guidance and support as you travel through significant life transitions, transform grief, and find clarity about your life path and purpose. Renee is a unique guide who weaves together traditional counseling techniques with intuitive abilities, energy healing, personalized Bach Flower Essence formulas and past life therapy without regression. Her focus is on grief and loss, life transitions, finding and stepping onto one’s path, spiritual development, releasing phobias and healing from chronic pain. Individual sessions and classes. Free 30-minute consultation.




Melanie Smithson, MA, LPC, BC-DMT 2825 Vallejo Street, Denver 303-271-7659 www.lifebetween.com

health & wellness plus: weight loss

Certified by the Newton Institute, I offer past life regression therapy and life between lives hypnotherapy as presented in the best-selling books, Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. Understand life purpose, resolve grief, experience true unconditional love with your guides and friends on the other side. See ad page 27.

Jennifer Reinbrecht, 720-284-4009 info@rmobc.com www.rmobcenter.com Ortho-Bionomy® is bodywork that engages our self-correcting reflexes from positions of comfort and ease of movement. Based in Osteopathy, “Ortho” is effective in healing acute and chronic pain. Working thru the nervous system, “Ortho” interrupts the pain cycle. Painful tissues can re-organize, re-pattern and change. RMOBC offers classes in Denver and Grand Junction. Take one class or multiple classes towards a Practitioner’s Certification thru the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International. Bodyworkers and laypersons welcome.

editorial calendar


bodywork plus: relationships MARCH

food & garden plus: natural pet APRIL

green living plus: earth-friendly transportation



women’s wellness


plus: spring detox

Workshops throughout Denver metro area with Carolyn Jennings 303-469-3672 www.WritingOurWings.com Nurturing and playful expressivewriting tools provide ongoing awareness, insight and support to keep you true to your best self and in recovery from disordered eating. These journal workshops aid against relapse and help you close the gap from where you are to where you want to be.


inspired living plus: men’s wellness JULY

food watch plus: summer living AUGUST

rethinking cancer plus: children’s health SEPTEMBER



plus: natural beauty aids



Kim Baker, MS, RMT, ECST Castle Rock Radio, Castle Rock 303-981-2127 castlerockradio.com/kim.html

environment plus: energy therapy

Internet talk radio discussing the special and often spiritual connection between horses, animals and humans. Expert guests and celebrities will share their experiences to help you improve horse’s and animal’s life. See ad page 10.


personal growth plus: mindfulness DECEMBER

awakening humanity plus: holiday themes

KB NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP Kim Baker, RMT, ECST, MS South Denver 303-981-2127 kbnaturalhorsemanship.com The most integrated horsemanship program available! Utilizing visualization, energy, and breath we offer horse clinics, retreats, workshops, books, riding lessons, energy healing, and animal communication to deepen your relationship with your horse and animals. See ad page 10.

natural awakenings

January 2013


TIMELESS DOG TRAINING TIPS IGNORE UNDESIRABLE ATTENTION-seeking behaviors when possible – they will go away. WATCH FOR AND REWARD desirable behaviors consistently – they will increase. DO SOCIALIZE – provide experiences which build a positive association with your dog’s environment. DO NOT TRAUMATIZE - don’t expect your dog to handle scary, unfamiliar or stressful situations. SET REASONABLE RULES and stick to them. Your dog will relax knowing how to get what she wants. TEACH YOUR DOG what she needs to know. Successful repetitions set her up for success. BEHAVIORAL CHANGES TAKE TIME. Plan how to manage the behavior while you change it. For example, block off the front window to stop barking until you teach your dog to run to you instead. ACCEPT THAT MOST DOGS HAVE STRONG SURVIVAL DRIVES which may result in barking, digging, chasing or escaping. Suppressing or punishing these can result in neurosis, aggression and other undesirable behaviors. Help them satisfy their drives through exercise, games, bonding or designated digging areas. IF YOU UNDERSTAND A FOREIGN LANGUAGE, you probably needed help to learn it. Dogs don’t naturally comprehend English. Help them learn through the precise, concise use of meaningful words. A PUPPY IS A BABY of another species. Commit to teach her everything she needs to know about living in the human world before she gets too big to handle or too unruly to be easily trained. BE THE PERSON YOUR DOG NEEDS – a calm, confident, kind leader who values a stress-free household. Recognize that cruelty, anger and frustration have no place in training. IF YOU LIVE WITH MULTIPLE DOGS, afford them each comparable levels of affection, attention and access to resources, just as you would your human children. Without a reason to compete within a household or to deal with a bully, dogs can relax and get along. By Lorraine May, Misha May Foundation Dog Training and Rescue. See ad page 37.


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

PHYSICIAN: BOARD CERTIFIED HOLISTIC CLEAR SKY MEDICAL WITH KATIA I. MEIER, M.D. Panorama Falls 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 www.ClearSkyMedical.com Feel your best with Dr Katia Meier, Board Certified Holistic MD specializing in whole body health inside and out for children and adults. Customized approaches to Healthy Aging, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy, Nutritional analysis and Therapy, Medical Aesthetics and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments, Homeopathy, Herbology, Naturopathic Medicine, Personalized Detoxification Programs, Medical Weight Loss for men and women. Treating all ages and most insurance welcomed. Make your appointment today. See ad page 16.




KEYBOARD MAGIC STUDIO Evelyn Billberg 303-629-9209

LYNN D AUSTIN www.keyboardmagic.com

Discovering the Genius Within! Join us on this exciting journey. We’ll help you find that place within, bursting with music and waiting to be discovered and expressed through the keyboard. Instruction is presented in a manner which will advance the student’s skill and enjoyment as rapidly as possible. This special instruction will help the student understand harmony and theory and use that knowledge to play beautiful music. PIANO MARVEL: This new computer interactive piano course is used for interested students in the Keyboard Magic Studio. It is fun and dynamically instructive.

PROSPERITY COURSE ONLINE MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR CREATIVE PASSION Iris Fanning, MA, LPCC, NCC Life Coach 505-821-6018 www.irisfanning.com Learn to earn a great living doing what you are naturally talented in and professionally trained for. Twenty Six daily lessons at your own convenience online for only $25! This exciting course includes daily lessons, activities and encouragement for a total of 26 days. Each lesson is interactive and moves you forward in order to turn your existing talents into a profitable business. The intention is to send great healers, solo business owners, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs into the world and become financially independent, well balanced and whole.


4325 Harlan Street, Wheat Ridge 303-257-4797 www.LynnDAustin.com Lynn is a professional psychic medium. Lynn provides psychic readings and healings for your body, spirit or your space (home or business) on any issue of concern, such as relationship, family, money, career & health. Lynn also teaches psychic development through the Inner Connection Institute.

KAREN FOX Lakewood, near Hampden & Wadsworth 303-942-0646 www.PsychicClarity.com Karen@PsychicClarity.com A psychic reading gives you a fresh perspective. Experienced psychic offering personal, professional, and business readings. Clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant. In-person, Phone, Skype; Tuesdays thru Saturdays.

JOURNEY WITHIN WITH ANITA DESTINO Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga, 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood 720-413-7303 www.anitadestino.com A safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, Journey Within helps you focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. During an intuitive reading/healing receive messages from your Angels, Guides or loved ones who have crossed over. Also, we can move energy blocks, old beliefs and patterns that are no longer beneficial to you.

2775 S Broadway Englewood, Colorado 80113 303 761 8627 www.isisbooks.com www.PsychicsofIsis.com

Open 7 days a week! Monday thru Friday 10am-7pm Saturday 10am - 6pm Sunday 11am-5pm

Conceived, created and born in 1980, ISIS BOOKS, GIFTS and HEALING OASIS has been a Denver area institution ever since. Our center is named for and dedicated to the ancient Egyptian Goddess, ISIS - the Goddess of healing, magick, fertility and rebirth. Our mission is to celebrate and honor all world wisdom traditions while creating a place of serenity where the 21st century meets and melds the ancient with the modern and beyond. Part library, part apothecary and part temple, ISIS seeks to provide all the tools for your soul’s journey - whatever path or tradition you choose to follow. Altar supplies, thousands of books, music, oracles, singing bowls, drums, sacred art and statuary, organic herbs, precious oils, crystals, hand- made jewelry from around the world…..ISIS has everything from Angels to Shamanism, Wicca to Zen. Workshops and classes are featured year long at Isis - we want people to have access to knowledge, experience and information that they can apply in practical ways in their lives. From the curious seeker to the dedicated practitioner, we have everything you might desire to create your own personal connection with the Divine and explore the world’s fascinating traditions.

Joy Vernon is an empathic Tarot reader who

Healing and Psychic Services available 7 days a week Diane Wood is a psychic Guidance

Coach using the ancient tools of Palmistry and Numerology. Diane taps into your Life Direction, Relationships, Business, Career, Money and your Health vulnerabilities giving you personal guidance and GHWDLOHG WLPH a HYHQW VSHFLÀF information. Available for personal sessions and private parties. Monday at Isis 11am to 6:30pm and by appointment. 405 626 1590


Lyle Tautfest, Answers Hypnosis.

Doctor of Divinity, Spiritual Life Coach, Brain Massage, Hypnosis, Master of Change and Awakening Consciousness. Free Consultation. 303 789 0646


blends her knowledge of symbolism, mythology and spiritual traditions with the love of helping others discover and express their truth within. She especially enjoys doing readings that focus on psychological and spiritual growth. Tuesday at Isis 11am to 5pm and by appointment. 303 564 0022 www.joyvernon.com

Jacqueline Weller has been a profes-

sional psychic for 30 years. Using tarot cards and pendulum to tell the story of her client’s spiritual journey through past, present and future: Spirit Guides, life path, relationships, business, money, health, love, past lives and more... Thursday and Friday at Isis or by appointment. 303 935 6700 www.thelivinggoddess.com

Readers available for parties, bridal showers, special events and more DENVER HOLISTIC CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Robert Weissfeld offers: (IIRUWOHVV 5HKDE70 IRU DFFHOHUDWHG recovery ~ Acute injury, injury prevention chronic pain $GYDQFHG ERG\ PLQG WKHUDSLHV ~ Rapid release of chronic and acute stress Life changes, reactive relationships, PTSD 4XDQWXP ' QXWULWLRQ $GGUHVVLQJ WKH KROLVWLF FDXVHV RI RUJDQ JODQG and metabolic stress. FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION! 28th year! 303 300 3933 www.DenverHolisticChiropractic.us

Mention this ad when you book Eric Hughes provides intuitive astrology consultations from an evolutionary your appointment to get your perspective. Real answers come from the powerful insights found special discount with these within your astrology chart. Feel gifted healers and psychics. empowered with solid advice from an expert and discover how ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ one reading can improve your Bring this ad with you to Isis to get life. Friday and Saturday at Isis a 25% discount off any one item in and by appointment. 303 482 1769 www.astrologer-eric-hughes.com the shop.

Gina Nigro is clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient.

She uses her psychic abilities and other unique qualities and gifts to help people from all walks of life gain perspective and answer questions about their past, present and future. She has been working with her gifts for over 30 years publicly and privately.

303 482 5490 www.bestdenverpsychic.com

Carol Pollard is a professionally trained psychic who

works with angels and guides to give you accurate and compassionate guidance. She is a spirit medium, animal communica tor and past life counselor. Carol also offers energy healings, and spirit clearing. Sundays at Isis 11am - 4:30pm. 303 694 7414 carolpollard11@yahoo.com



Psychic for all reasons, a proven healing practitioner, a highly-reputed teacher. Imara has been described as “The Ferrari® of psychics…people don’t know the precision they will get until they experience her.” She has been featured in mainstream media nationally and locally, including the no-nonsense USNews&WorldReport. Imara blends her natural gifts as a clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient with the intellect of her blue-chip credentials from top universities and success in major world businesses to bring incisive, practical, specific information to your sessions. As an MBA from Northwestern University, she is no ordinary psychic. Ranked one of the top 65 psychics in America per Simon&Schuster’s, 100 Top Psychics in America, Imara is no ordinary MBA. In this uncertain world, you need an edge for decision-making. Imara is that edge. When life seems to be passing you by, Imara will guide you to break-free of obstacles, identify goals and achieve your dreams.

Rev. Imara, MBA, MHpn, URM Imara works in person or by telephone worldwide Call for your appt: 303-575-1100 www.TopPsychic.com


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition





Explore Your Potential! Karen Fox, Ph.D., Director 303-942-0646 www.AspenProgram.com

P.O. Box 1276, Eagle Susie Kincade 877-595-8622 www.womenempower.us

We are all psychic! Improve your innate psychic abilities to make better decisions or to become a professional. Take the classes you prefer or get a certificate: Psychic (Clairvoyant & other “clairs”), Medical Intuitive, Spirit Medium. We offer a variety of classes and instructors. See ad page 5.

PROBIOTICS WWW.MYBIO-V.COM Feel Fresh and Confident Every Day 1-888-770-2468 110% Guaranteed, Made in Colorado Concerned with Feminine Odor • Vaginal Discharge • Yeast • Gas & Bloating? Discover the digestive/feminine health link. Take BIOV™ daily to help your body create a clean, natural fresh scent; Aids with smooth, comfortable digestion and immune response to unhealthy bacteria or fungi; Regularly promote your overall feminine well-being – and enjoy the benefits of a balanced system. Ensure a significantly higher percentage of beneficial organisms reach your intestines alive with the patented BIO-tract® Delivery System which protects probiotics from gastric acid and extends shelf life without refrigeration.

RECOVERY RESOURCES WRITING OUR WINGS OF RECOVERY Workshops throughout Denver metro area with Carolyn Jennings 303-469-3672 www.WritingOurWings.com Nurturing and playful expressivewriting tools provide ongoing awareness, insight and support to keep you true to your best self and in recovery from disordered eating. These journal workshops aid against relapse and help you close the gap from where you are to where you want to be.

REIKI DARCI MEYERS, MA Spiritual Director, Reiki Master, Meditation Instructor Golden Wellbeing Collective 720-413-2969 www.darcimeyers.com This transformative work helps you to identify and move toward the wellness of being that is your essential nature. Utilizing tools such as Reiki, meditation and ritual you are guided toward healing and a deeper experience of your own wholeness. Take advantage of this special offer – 50% off initial session.


Embark on a personal journey to your empowered, authentic Self through transformational nature adventure retreats. Dynamic coaches and healers lead rafting, hiking, rock climbing, horses, and inner wisdom explorations. Experience new depths of grounded wholeness, self-confidence, connection, and self-awareness when connecting mind, body and spirit in the natural world. From Costa Rica to Colorado, for girls and women of all ages and abilities, find the retreat that’s right for you at our website.

ROLFING BODY ALIVE ROLFING DENVER WITH ERIN FARLEY 303-915-5274 www.BodyAliveRolfingdenver.com Discover a new level of healing! Rolfing® Structural Integration is a form of bodywork that can lead to postural improvements, alleviate chronic pain and discomfort, or allow for greater freedom of movement and provide a sense of revitalized energy and bodily well-being. Rolfing works on the seamless network of connective tissue to release, realign and balance the whole structure, with the goal of allowing the body to remain effortlessly upright. Whether you are active or not-so-active, or merely looking for the “next step” ignited by physical transformation, achieve your optimum state of alignment and ease in gravity. Call today. Soul Body Integration clients receive a discount on sessions at Body Alive Rolfing.

SCHOOLS BOULDER PSYCHIC INSTITUTE 1332 Pearl Street, Boulder Miwa Mack 303-530-0920 www.BoulderPsychicInstitute.org “What I learned at Boulder Psychic Institute, I wish I learned in Kindergarten.” Learn functional and magical life management skills that will empower you to: awaken your spiritual body, see auras and energy, communicate with angels and entities, read other people’s thoughts and intentions, heal your body, relationships, career, and finances, and make ALL of your dreams come true! Free offerings: First class of beginner’s course – Self Healing 101, Aura & Chakra Healings, Psychic Readings. See ad on inside front cover.

Get In Balance, naturally! Are you one of the 13 million undiagnosed Thyroid Disease sufferers?

Did You Know? • Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disorder that destroys thyroid tissue, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. • A Hashimoto’s sufferer can present with normal levels of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). • 90% of Hashimoto’s sufferers improve after eliminating gluten from their diet. • 20% of T4 is converted to T3 (the one the body can use) in the intestines, but only in the presence of healthy ora. • Birth control pills can mask low thyroid by elevating TSH to normal levels despite the presence of signiďŹ cant symptoms. • Taking Iodine may worsen Thyroid symptoms. • Thyroid dysfunction can elevate cholesterol and triglycerides.

Good Thyroid Health is important for healthy: Bone metabolism • Gastrointestinal function • Male reproduction • Liver • Gallbladder • Growth hormones • Fat burning • Brain chemistry • Insulin and glucose metabolism • Pregnancy • Cholesterol • Adrenal hormone metabolism • Estrogen metabolism and breast cancer • Liver detoxification • Stomach acid production • Protein metabolism • Heart • Protein binding

� “Your optimal health is our family’s passion “Dr. Hollaman has been able to re-create the proper function of my endocrine system and I feel like a new person! I’ve lost weight and feel good about myself again.� Jill C. Steam Boat Springs, CO Ian Hollaman, DC & Karen Hollaman, DC

A new paradigm of healthcare exists at Red Tail Wellness, using proven principles to listen and understand your health goals. Compassion, concern and knowledge underscore a passion in using the most modern forms of health-care including Functional Medicine, Applied Kinesiology, Thyroid Care and Chiropractic. Call today and let your health soar!

4520 N Broadway Boulder, CO 80304


Staying Healthy with Vitalism

Trust and believe that Divine energy helps and heals. • Give away your stress to your divine helpers. • Sit quietly and allow yourself to be tuned to the divine healing stream. • Be grateful for the healings and helps you receive. By Pat & Kitty Shirk,WholeLifeModalities. See listing page 6.

ol of Clinica ho


Boulder Dates for 2013:

Boulder, Colorado

March 22, 23 and 24 June 28, 29 and 30 October 11, 12 and 13 January 17, 18, and 19, 2014

www.ClinicalHerbalism.com 720 722 4372

Therapists, yoga teachers, practitioners and those ready to develop their intuitive skills welcome. Get ready to transform your life! Location: Boulder Workshop Space www.boulderworkshopspace.com

For details visit: www.heldinlight.com 26


erbalism lH


“Cold food and drink decreases the body’s digestive fire. For the next month, try NOT taking ice water, soda etc. and cold food at meal time. Drink room temperature water, hot teas and warm vegetables instead of cold salads. Ask for warm water with lemon when you go out to eat. This is very nourishing and helps improve digestive fire.” By Devon Beninga, Ananda Yoga Therapy Studio. See ad page 13.

Identify personal food intolerances and remove these from your diet. STRETCHING / RELAXING – modern life is full of vitality-sapping tension. Do as the animals do, stretching fully upon awakening and throughout the day. Stretching encourages circulation, aids detoxification, and relaxes the body, mind, and spirit. GRATITUDE AND JOY – practicing gratitude daily reminds us of just how blessed we are and helps keep us from getting lost in greed and materialism. And remember to do something that gives you joy every day. RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNITY – studies show that the strongest influence on health and happiness are loving relationships and community connections. Make this one of your health and life priorities. HERBS – when things go out of balance, gentle nourishing and tonic herbs can help return vitality. See a Certified Clinical Herbalist for personal advice. By Lisa Ganora, Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. See ad page 26.

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italism is the doctrine that the life in living organisms is caused and sustained by a vital principle that is distinct from all physical and chemical forces. In other words, we are greater than the sum of our parts! As creatures of Earth, we exist symbiotically with this ‘spark’ that is also present in nature. Some core Vitalist practices that form the foundations of health are: AIR – our mitochondria need oxygen to create energy; without it, we die. Breathe deeply every day through exercise or meditation. Grow houseplants indoors and work to minimize pollution. WATER – staying well-hydrated is simple, but profound. Listen carefully to your thirst, and supply plenty of clean natural water daily. Filtered water lacks critical trace minerals, so drink real spring water, or add the minerals back in with a supplement. FOOD – organic, local fruits, vegetables, and greens are rich in vitality and nutrition. Grass-fed and free-range organic meats supply vital protein.


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism Offering Introductory, Advanced, and Clinical training in Medical Herbalism and Clinical Nutrition in the Vitalist Tradition. Also offering sliding scale Wellness Consultations in our Student Clinic.

Certified Mercury Safe Dental Amalgam Removal H. Scott Stewart, D.D.S. Dentistry for the Quality of Your Life - All Your Life

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www.lakewoodlaserdentist.com • Fax 303-988-0406


SHAMANISM SACRED HEALING WAYS Bob Brown 9989 W 60th Ave #103, Arvada 720-441-7403 www.SacredHealingWays.com Transforming your health & life with Shamanic Healings, Ceremonies, Workshops & Massage. Specializing in Sexual issues, Soul Retrieval, Extractions, Sound, Feathers, Stones, Space Clearings, Reiki & various massage techniques. Shaman & massage therapist since 2000. My office, your location (travel fee) or over the phone.

SOLAR GOLDEN SOLAR 614 10th Street, Golden 720-278-5253 www.GoldenSolar.net A solar system for your home or business has never been so affordable and painless! You know solar is good for the environment, but it’s also great on your wallet! Hedge yourself against ever-increasing electricity rates and inflation. Clean, quiet, maintenance free, reduce pollution and CO2 emissions. Increase your property’s value. Colorado owned and operated with master electricians and professional installers. Respectful, clean and quick work. Solar incentives, tax credits and rebates available – ask us today! Buy or lease options. Installation guaranteed for 10 years. See ad page 29.

SOUND HEALING WWW.BESTBOWLS.COM Order Securely Online and save, direct from the source The Wisdom Light, LLC 303-575-1100 or 800-677-1308 ANCIENT WISDOM, MODERN POWOWER, TRANSFORMATIVE VIBRATION! ON! Buy Direct from the source known forr iny th the tegrity, service and value, offering only purest QUARTZ SINGING BOWLS and exclusive accessories worldwide for more than 20 years -- and we’re based here in Colorado! Practitioners Prefer Us, Musicians Trust Us. We honor your recognition with personalized attention and ship immediately.


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nutrient value. We ship to all 50 states.


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THE PROBIOTIC DEVELOPED JUST FOR WOMEN Supports healthy digestion AND promotes female health by influencing vaginal flora. Take BIO-V™ daily to: • Support your health and immune response to unhealthy bacteria or fungi • Ensure beneficial organisms reach your intestines alive with the patented BIO-tract® Delivery System Each BIO-V™ tablet contains a proprietary blend of probiotic backed by years of scientific research and clinical studies. Shelf-stable and no refrigeration needed.

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Gift ates Certific le! Availab

KAREN FOX Lakewood, near Hampden & Wadsworth 303-942-0646 www.PsychicClarity.com Karen@PsychicClarity.com Experienced Psychic Medium. It’s best to move through the initial stages of grief before seeing a medium. My clients have differing beliefs about what lies beyond us. I respect all views and enjoy exploring the mysteries of the unknown. Assists with understanding spirit visits during dreams.

natural awakenings

January 2013




hrowing a teabag into a cup of hot water versus mindfully brewing an herbal remedy are very different activities. Keep these simple ingredients on hand in your kitchen so you will have them ready at the first sign of a cold. Prepare your tea and think healing thoughts. Know you are repeating an ancient ritual.

Ingredients: 1/2 oz dried Peppermint Leaves: Opens airway, kills germs, settles stomach. 1/4 oz dried, chopped Licorice Root: Coats throat, sweetens tea, qwells cough. 1/4 oz Fresh Ginger Root peeled and chopped: Warming, “sweats it out” (Keep extra in zip-lock bag in freezer). Honey for taste: Soothes throat, antibiotic properties. Directions: Add ginger and licorice to a little more than 1 pint water in stainless or glass pot. Cover and simmer 20 mins. Remove from heat. Crush peppermint leaves in hands, inhale the healing oils, and drop in pot. Steep 10 minutes. Strain. This is a one day supply. Sip 1 cup 3 x day and add honey. Store the extra in glass jar in refrigerator and reheat for each use. Meditate on healing, golden energy bathing your body. Breathe in the light. Allow all negativity to flow out your soles and recycle to the Earth Mother. Give thanks and stay well. By Rachel Lord, Just for Health School of Reflexology & Healing Arts. See Save the Date page 32.


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

SPIRITUAL GROWTH ENERGETIC LIFE STRATEGIES: THE SIMPLICITY OF SPIRITUALITY Rev. Lisa Giroux Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified NOW, Spirit Guide and Prayer practitioner 719-839-0461 Lisa@lisagiroux.com www.LisaGiroux.com FB/reikiwithlisa Design a more beautiful life from the inside out with simple tools for profound shift! Create peace of mind and well being with simple ways of connecting to the divine using my 8 ways to “Simplicity of Spirituality.” Reiki, relaxation, visualization meditation for peace of mind and wellbeing. Attunements, life ceremonies, blessings. Private phone coaching/Group coaching/in studio in Leadville Wednesdays by appointment. Blogtalkradio.com/lisa_giroux Tuesday, Thursdays, 10:30am MST. Listen live or on the archives!

THE JOHN OF GOD CIRCLE OF BOULDER Meets Tuesdays with Susie Verde info@joghealing.com 303-448-0068 www.joghealing.com John of God is known as one of the most powerful healing mediums in the world. In Abadiânia, a small town in Brazil, he runs a center that attracts thousands of people from all over the world in search of profound healing, sometimes when all else has failed. Susie Verde is Native Brazilian official guide and experienced member of the Casa of Dom Inácio for over seven years. In service to the local community, The John of God Circle of Boulder meets most Tuesdays of the year. Join one of our meetings for a taste of this remarkable healing energy from Brazil. See ad page 14.

INNER CONNECTION INSTITUTE CHURCH OF INFINITE SPIRIT Inside Balanced Body Center 975 Lincoln St, Ste 202 Denver: 303-282-9439 Wheat Ridge: 303-257-4797 www.Innerconnection.org Create the life you desire through our easy, effective, supportive techniques. A non-denominational, spiritual sanctuary offering clairvoyant reading and healing services, meditation classes, psychic development programs, ministerial services, and ordination programs. Locations in Denver and Wheat Ridge. Free aura clearing and chakra balancing in Wheat Ridge every Saturday 1-2pm. Free open channel clinic in Denver on the 2nd Fridays of the month at 7pm. Everyone is welcome! Call for more information. 303-282-9439. See ad page 11.


THERAPY: ADULT/ CHILD/COUPLES GARY D ALEXANDER, MS Psychotherapist – LMFT, LAC, NCC LoDo & SE Denver Locations 720-315-8770 ACAdenver@gmail.com www.ACAdenver.com Emotional presence and human connection together are a catalyst for personal revelation, insight, and change. Bring balance, communication, life transitions, learn boundaries, deal with codependency, grief, LGBT development, and addictions (both chemical and behavioral). Gary’s approach as a therapist is heartfelt, direct, engaging, and down-to-earth. Contact Gary today to learn more about how he can help with your life’s challenges.

WATER IONIZERS NEWCELL HOME & PROFESSIONAL ALTERNATIVE HEALTH PRODUCTS Call 888-624-2221 www.newcellwaterionizers.com Affordable, therapeutic solutions for pain, stress and acute and chronic conditions. We offer home and professional grade alkaline water ionizer products, mindset/relaxation devices, micelle technology supplements, ion foot detox machines and cold lasers. Professional wholesale opportunities available. We beat Kangen ionizers every day! Mention “Natural Awakenings Discount” when you call or email Catherine@ newcelldetox.com for details.

WELLNESS CENTER NEW BEGINNINGS HEALTH & WELLNESS newbeginningshw@gmail.com 303-304-7460 www.newbeginningshealthwellness.com Invite balance and health into your whole body and life today with New Beginnings Health & Wellness and find a tranquil sanctuary created specifically for your healing, rejuvenation, and relaxation. Tailor services and products to suit your individual needs, offered by professionally certified or licensed practitioners passionate about their work. Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Holistic Health Coaching, Natural Weight Loss Coaching, Bio-Individual Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching, Psychic Healing, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Massage, Facials, Chakra Balancing, Allergy Testing, as well as educational classes and support groups. Parties, Groups and Companies served with Chair Massage, Readings, or Healthy Lifestyle Classes.

Inner Connection Institute


auren Skye, the founder of Inner Connection Institute, has an energy and a wisdom about her that makes you want to step right in and experience all that she knows via her classes, healings and professional services at Inner Connection Institute (ICI), which she founded in 1996. ICI consists of a multi-faceted space for inner growth with classes on meditation and spiritual development, as well as workshops for energy healing, and professional services such as clairvoyant readings, house/business clearings and spiritual counseling. The Active Meditation series is a perfect fit for those just beginning, or relatively new, to working with meditation and energy awareness. There is also a church space, the Church of Infinite Spirit, which hosts a Sunday service each month with meditation, talk, energy healings and community time. Lauren’s message with ICI is that there is a safe place for spiritual exploration without judgment, and you can take that new-found awareness into practical and everyday usefulness to create a life that reflects your true spirit.

Lauren Skye Inside Balanced Body Center, 303-282-9439 975 Lincoln St, # 202, Denver North Side location 4325 Harlan St., Wheat Ridge 303-257-4797 www.InnerConnection.org See ad page 11.



our o ou ur ur fo ffood ood od cchoices hoic ho hoi ices ices es will wil ill ll be be guided gui uid ide ded by ded by one one of of three thre th ee levels of diet. MAINTENANCE: The everyday flow. The series of meals and snacks that keep you clear, your energy strong, your weight stable and also includes the occasional ‘splurge’ day. THERAPEUTIC: An eating plan designed for a specific therapeutic goal – to lose weight, clear up an infection, reduce inflammation. It has a start and a clear end date. OPTIMIZING: Choosing foods to enhance an outcome you are prioritizing right now. This could be eating in a way that promotes the deepest sleep, following sports nutrition guidelines to fuel your athletic training or eating to keep your skin as healthy as possible. The foods you choose and the rhythm of your diet should match the level of diet you consciously choose to engage in. And whatever you do choose to eat, remember it must be delicious. By Cynthia Stadd, Certified Eating Psychology Counselor, Eat Empowered. See listing page 20.

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January 2013


Talismae Holistic College


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There is only

alismae Holistic College offers a wide variety of holistic certification and licensing programs for the student who wishes to practice a “naturopathic philosophy” in Esthetics, Massage and/or Hairstyling industries and Holistic Coaching. Additionally, it has a Spiritual Psychology (Seminary) Journal Program as the basis for a seminary course. Spiritual psychology courses, like A Course in Miracles, and several other ‘positive thinking’, bodymind-spirit philosophies like Ayurveda are included in the coursework. With over 40+ years in practices and academics, Dr Martin has designed college courses to give each student much more than they need to just memorize the answers to test questions for a state or national license. Teaching students how to maintain a holistic practice in esthetics, massage or hairstyling is essential to being successful. She has advanced European training in esthetics, massage and oriental medicine and Ayurvedic training that she brings to the classroom that no other instructor can. She is a retired clinical psychologist, naturopath who has taught at Rutgers in NJ, been a midwife and sports massage therapist. Her credentials and experience are extensive to train wellbalanced and educated students. Dr Martin says, “I am hoping to promote a non-toxic, non-harmful, and healing approach to the ‘beauty’ industry. Thus, saving women’s (and men’s) lives from cancercausing chemicals.” She would like to see more serious students enroll at Talismae Holistic College who want to help others, or who have been disappointed in the type of basic education being offered in today’s corporate school environment. “I am honored to “pass the torch” (love) of holistic practice to my students,” she says. On-line, Distance and payment options are available to students who must maintain a busy lifestyle while going to college. Discounts are given for multiple course enrollments.

one success— to be able to spend your life in your own way. ~ Christopher Morley


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition


Dr Talismae J Martin PhD, ND Owner & College Director, Licensed Naturopathic Esthetician 7550 S Blackhawk Street, Englewood 970-201-5110 drtalismae@yahoo.com www.TalismaeHolisticCollege.com



CLEAN UP YOUR DIET. A healthy diet produces less waste for your lymph system to clean up, reducing your chances of congestion. Avoid processed foods that are high in salt, sugar and preservatives. Replace simple sugars and carbohydrates with whole grains, complex carbohydrates and fruit. Identify any food allergies and avoid eating those foods.

• Plan for tomorrow as if you’ll live forever; but enjoy each day as if it were your last. • While you’re in this world, the only thing that they can’t take from you, is who you are. When you leave this world, the only thing that you can take with you, is who you were.

CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES. Regular treatment via state of art instrumentation is a great way to keep your entire body healthy and your lymph system running smoothly. Relax in a sauna or steam bath and let your body sweat out toxins to cleanse your system. DRINK 6 TO 8 GLASSES OF PURIFIED WATER DAILY. Your body needs to be well hydrated to keep your lymph system operating properly.

• Knowledge is cumulative. If you study one new herb or dietary supplement each week, by the end of the year you will know 52 of them very well. In a mere decade, you will be a walking, talking resource on natural health. Pick up a book for 30 mins the next time you feel like watching TV.

PRACTICE DEEP BREATHING from your diaphragm and through your nose to keep your lymph fluids moving. GET REGULAR PHYSICAL EXERCISE. ‘Rebounding’ on a small trampoline or jumping rope for 5 minutes a day is great for your lymph system. Other moderate exercise, such as walking and stretching, is also helpful if done regularly. WEAR CLOTHING THAT FITS PROPERLY. Tight clothing restricts your lymph system and contributes to blockage. For the same reason, women should avoid under-wire bras and try to wear no bra for at least 12 hours each day.

• Do something outside of your comfort zone next year. It will remind you how alive you are. It may encourage you to seize the day. It may reinvigorate your love for life. It may remind you how capable you still are to learn new things. At the very least, you’ll have something new and interesting for your Facebook page.

DEAL WITH STRESS, DEPRESSION AND OTHER EMOTIONAL ISSUES. Just like a congested lymph system can lead to emotional problems, so can the reverse occur. Sometimes when we are stuck in stress or other emotional issues, these feelings manifest in physical problems. DO A DETOX AND COLON CLEANSE TREATMENT. Choose one that is supported by liver enzymes to ease the burden on your liver and kidneys and to decrease the pressure they place on your spleen. If you are under a doctor’s care for any medical conditions, you should check with her before doing a detox and cleanse.

From Steven Frank, Innovative Herbalist, Nature’s Rite. See ad page 7.

By Joyce Garcia, Creative Journey Healings. See ad page 30.

Lose Weight and Optimize Vitality the Natural Way Under the supervision of a Board-Certified Bariatric Physician and member of thee American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine • All programs supervised by Dr. Kane Lai • Correct Hormone Imbalances Naturally urally • Achieve your Optimal Body Weight with Real Food • Maintain Ideal Weight and Healthy Lifestyle with Ongoing Support Our medical weight loss program not only helps you look and feel great, but may also so reduce or eliminate the need for daily and lifelong medications related to hypertension, on, diabetes, cholesterol, arthritis, cancer, and more. Through our natural Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, women and men can find find relief from symptoms of hormonal imbalance without the risks that come along with synthetic hormones. ormones. Westminster


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January 2013


savethedate calendarofevents BECOME A CERTIFIED REFLEXOLOGIST!

NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by January 10th (for February issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Visit MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com for guidelines and to submit entries. All entries will be edited.



Comprehensive 305 hour, weekend classes. “Professional Foot, Hand, Ear Reflexology” prepares for rewarding career. Also “Introduction to Aromatherapy” class this November. Just for Health School. Englewood, CO. State Approved. Rachel Lord 303-3204367; health.on.all.levels@gmail.com, www.justforhealth.net

Happy New Year! WEDNESDAY, 2ND Winter Break Kids Dance and Rhythm Class– 3:15-4:30pm. Also on the 4th. Children 5-10 yrs are invited to this fun, playful form of Middle Eastern Dance. Emphasis on rhythm, coordination, playing with veils, fun and friends. $15/advance, $20/day of. Shanti Home, 7504 Grandview Ave, Arvada. Sheika 720-530-6555 or Sheikha@ShimmyWithSheikha.com.

THURSDAY, 3RD ARE YOU RELATIONSHIP READY? Saturday, February 2nd, 10:30-12pm Clean-up your relationship skills whether single, in a new relationship, or married forever. Learn to let go of the little annoyances and enjoy the feeling of being ‘in love’ with everyone. $25 in advance/$35 at the door. Smithson Clinic, 2825 Vallejo St., Denver. Melanie Smithson, 303-762-8994, melaniesmithson.com or melanie@smithsonclinic.com.

YOGA ANATOMY Feb 2-5, 10 am - 5 pm In beautiful Winter Park! Use the course as Yoga Alliance CE credits, and/or to brush up on the ‘kinesiology’ of yoga postures for yourself as a teacher or student. Or segue it into the 200hr Teacher Training program in Costa Rica - The Center for Natural Living at Rancho Margot Organic Resort. Taught by Jo Ann S. Jones, author of Anatomy books through Lotus Publishing. $350 /4 days or $100 single days. Mountain Moon Yoga, Winter Park. RSVP Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones, 973-534-2276, or movetolive.joannjones@gmail.com, www.move-live.com


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

Brain Balance Highlands Ranch Meet & Greet– 3-7pm. Meet the staff, see the NEW center, learn about how we can help your child! FREE. Brain Balance Achievement Center 1970 E County Line Rd., #G, Littleton. RSVP 303-278-1780 or BrainBalanceCenters.com Oneness Blessing Deeksha–7-9pm. Deeksha, a Divine intelligent energy transfer, causes a neurobiological transformation within the brain. It is experiential, not conceptual, and supports all paths or beliefs. $10. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695 or J4CL.com.

FRIDAY, 4TH Open House Events at Church of Scientology*– 4pm. Community Betterment Initiatives. 2340 Blake Street, Denver. Call 303-789-7668

SATURDAY, 5TH Don’t Just Set Goals, Achieve Them!–10:30amNoon. Tired of sabotaging yourself and your goals?! Learn to flush limiting beliefs up and let them go using the Sedona Method. $25/advance, $35/day of. Smithson Clinic, 2825 Vallejo St, Denver. Melanie Smithson LPC, BC-DMT, Certified Sedona Method Coach, 303-762-8994 or melanie@smithsonclinic.com. Yoga & Ayurveda for Weight Loss–Noon-4pm. Learn your Ayurvedic body type, it’s imbalances


and tools to achieve your ideal weight from the perspective of Yoga & Ayurveda. Lose weight and eat right without dieting. Ananda Yoga Therapy, Golden. RSVP 303-8957298 or anandayogatherapy.com. Brain Balance Highlands Ranch Meet & Greet–10am2pm. Meet the staff, see the NEW center, learn about how we can help your child! FREE. Brain Balance Achievement Center 1970 E County Line Rd., #G, Littleton. RSVP 303278-1780 or BrainBalanceCenters.com New You! Open House–11am-4pm. Healings, Crystal Bowls, Stretch your Yoga practice, Zumba dance and Deepen with a Meditation. Kick back, sip tea, converse, play, dream. Shop books, jewelry, clothes! Free. Lakeview Wellness and Event Center, 7864 W Jewell, Denver. Katy Kelley 303-989-6300 or katy.kelleyk@gmail.com. Chronic Pain Elimination Demonstration–2:45-3:15pm. Constance demonstrates the effectiveness of Instant Healing. For those with chronic pain, “Healing does not take time. When a cause is pinpointed and released, healing is instantaneous!” Free. Lakeview Wellness and Event Center, 7862 W Jewell, Lakewood. Constance 720-442-5033 or QuantumWellnessFSH.com.

SUNDAY, 6TH Non-Denominational Church Service–NEW TIME1:30pm. Celebrate life with meditation and an informative spiritual message on the 1st Sun of every month. Includes a free aura healing/chakra-balancing clinic. Rev. Lauren Skye, Officiating Minister. NEW LOCATION! Rocky Mountain Miracle Center 1939 S. Monroe St, Denver. 303-282-9439 or InnerConnection.org. Eckankar Worship Service–10:30-11:30am. Understand how Divine Spirit (the ECK) works in our lives. Reading from the ECK works, HU Song, quiet contemplation, music and connection. Free. Eckankar Center of Boulder Valley 1800 30th St., #208 Boulder. 303-443-1610 or eckankar-colorado.org.

TUESDAY, 8TH A Basic Meditation 5-Wks–7-9pm. Meditation can transformation your life. Meet your Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide. Let go of negativity and make room for the positive. Feel your health improve. Early Bird $165, Regular $180. Journey Within; Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga Studio 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-413-7303 or journeywithin@hotmail.com.

Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Aura clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Free. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@ yogaofthemind.com or yogaofthemind.com.

THURSDAY, 10TH CCC: Consciousness Creatives Community–6:4510pm. Share a common desire to raise the consciousness of our planet through presentations, discussion, interaction, and networking. Bring your business cards, flyers and a snack to share. $10. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th Ave, Arvada. 303-731-6695. J4CL.com. Effective Weight Loss–6pm. Karin Dietrich, Master Nutrition Therapist and Tracy Wolfe, Family Nurse Practitioner discuss proven, effective health and weight loss protocols. FREE. Clear Sky Medical 9085 E Mineral Circle #260, Centennial. RSVP 303–790–7860 or ClearSkyMedical.com.

FRIDAY, 11TH Trance Medium Healing Clinic–7pm. Open Channeling 7-7:30ish, Free. Followed by Healings $10. This dynamic process re-aligns and cleanses the spirit. Channeling, energy readings and intense individual clearings. No appt necessary. NEW LOCATION! Rocky Mountain Miracle Center 1939 S. Monroe St, Denver. 303-282-9439 or InnerConnection.org. New Moon Intention Ceremony with Drum Circle– 7-9pm. Share in the creation energy of the new moon, bring your drums, special intentions and a snack to share. Join us for this month’s shamanic celebration. $10. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695 or J4CL.com.

SATURDAY, 12TH Guidance for 2013 from Your Spirit Guides & Akashic Records – Noon-2pm. Get psychic insights to help you with your 2013 goals. $25. Isis Books, 2775 South Broadway, Englewood. Register at www. AspenProgram.com Info: Karen Fox 303-942-0646 Forrest Yoga Workshop–1:30-4:30pm. Master yogini, Ana Forrest, focuses on emotional traumas and physical ailments by addressing hips/shoulders through asana, pranayama and meditation. Native American chanting and djembe drumming. $25 by Jan 4/$30 day of. Yama Yoga Village, 6818 S Dallas Way, Greenwood Village. 303-253-0597 or yamayogavillage.com. Grand Opening-Free Acupuncture–9am-5pm. Celebrate the opening of The Acupuncture Lounge with free acupuncture treatment. Walk-ins welcome, or schedule online at acupuncturelounge.org. FREE. The Acupuncture Lounge, 750 E 9th Ave, #108, Denver. 720-446-0178. Reiki Level 1–9am-4pm. Reiki Master Kathryn Brown teaches this powerful, fun day. Manual and lunch included. $150. Students/$80. Repeat students January special/$50. Centennial. Kathryn Brown 303-796-0999. Body Aware Workshop Series–1-3pm. Through dance and movement, become more aware of your body, your feelings and the emotions associated with stress. $125/series, $50/workshop. Shanti Home, 7504 Grandview Ave, Arvada. Sandra Oliver 303-877-9869 or SpicyLotusFitness.com. Beginning Meditation–Noon-2pm. Join facilitator Eileen Alm to learn different methods of meditation, concentration exercises and relaxation techniques to focus, center, de-stress and manifest in your life. $20. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695 or J4CL.com.

savethedate GONG BATHTM: RELAX...REJUVENATE...SOOTHE Colorado Front Range Feb 21–Mar 3 Join Richard Rudis, Sonam Djore, Gong Master Sound Pioneer and recording artist in a sojourn to a Vibrational Sound Healing. Vibrate your cells with the healing vibration of the Earth Gong. Our bodies are purely vibration, the vibration of the Gong penetrates and radiates throughout our bodies removing the energy blockages that keep us from being who we truly are. Anticipate healings and awakenings! Info/Reg www.WholeLifeModalities.com

EVOLVE EXPO February 23-24, National Western Complex “New Beginnings” holistic expo features vendors, speakers and workshops with products and services involved with alternative healthcare, free energy, green living, wealth building and conscious living. Presented by Journeys for Conscious Living. Booths available and filling up fast. Sponsorships available. Call 303-469-0306, ext 13. www.EvolveExpo.com

PRIMORDIAL SOUND MEDITATION WORKSHOP Pre-Registration Tuesday Feb 26; Workshop Friday, March 8 - Saturday, March 9 Practiced for thousands of years, meditation is a tool for rediscovering the body’s own inner intelligence. Primordial Sound Meditation (a Chopra Center Course) uses individually selected sounds of nature called mantras to disconnect us from the activity of life. These primordial sounds are based on the vibration the universe was creating at the moment of your birth. Ananda Yoga Therapy, Golden. Info www.anandayt3@gmail.com or call 303-895-7298. Online registration www.anandayogatherapy.com, go to Schedule tab then Workshops.

HEALER TRAINING PROGRAM WITH WENDY DE ROSA March 21-23 in Boulder The Healer Training Program has a strong emphasis on self-healing and is a wonderful platform for powerful transformation and self-actualization. The year-long program consists of four modules with additional conference calls, personal assignments, group support, and supervision outside of the classroom. Course completion affords participants a certificate as a Held in Light Healer Training Program graduate and the possibility to continue with a mentoring program for further study.www.heldinlight.com

IGNITE YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC & DIVINE SELF Blue Spirit Costa Rica Resort, April 6 - 13th Whether it’s on the mat soaking up Shakti or in session remembering your personal truth, you’ll experience a shift in awareness that will allow you to live a more divinely guided life during this transformational yoga and spiritual retreat. Includes daily yoga practices, group facilitation, private intuitive life path coaching, massages, meals and more! Live Fearlessly! Live Fully! For rates and info, call LightWalker Wellness, LLC at 303-9023669 or visit www.IgniteYourDivineSelf.com.


Memorial Day Weekend through mid-September Yoga Rocks the Park is a family friendly, summer-long, weekly live music and yoga series held nationally and locally in Boulder and Denver. Wellness therapists, organic food and drink vendors and the award winning Camp Yoga Rocks for the kids are all part of the fun. The season kicks off Memorial Day weekend and goes into mid-September. Get your season pass or daily pass at www.yogarocksthepark.com

natural awakenings

January 2013



classifieds BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Backed by BBB, Awesome support to help you reach your goals! NO SELLING, NO INVENTORY. FREE WEBSITE, FREE TRAINING. Contact Heather at 303-646-3331 or fill out form at www.WorkGreenToday.com. Looking for a way to bring in extra money? Maybe even a second income? Come change the world with us - one child at a time! We are looking for health-minded people who have a heart for helping others. If you like to educate others, believe in the power of whole food nutrition, and want to make a difference, this might be a fit for you. Please contact Heather @ 303-753-2665 for details and questions. Have a healthy, happy day!

CAREER/LIFE COACHING Business Sketching and Personal Vision Mapping: Susanne Hoogwater of Glowmapping helps you to clearly express your professional or personal vision, with deep listening, business experience and creative skills. See what you mean - Do what you mean! Sessions in studio or via Skype start at $75. To schedule yours call 720-3243555 or visit www.glowmapping.com Awaken Your Purpose and Empower Your Life: Are you dissatisfied with your work? Do you know you have something important to offer but aren’t sure what it is or how to create it? Discover simple but powerful tools to uncover your deeper purpose and create fulfilling, prosperous and meaningful work. Call Marlene 720-771-1257. www.empoweredpurpose.com or www.awakeneddesigns.com

FOR RENT Fully furnished practitioner space in beautiful Victorian Building. Newly remodeled with air conditioning. Available full/part time. Centrally located at Broadway/Bannock, Denver. 303-777-2555

STRONGLITE ERGO PRO CHAIR MASSAGE PKG. Easy to move on wheels, navy blue, carrying case. Like new $170. Preferred pickup in Salida area or discuss shipping/insurance at your cost. Call 719-207-0190 ULTRALITE brand MASSAGE TABLE, 19 lbs, easily portable,teal color, matching face cradle, bolster plus carrying case & skateboard style transport board. All for $127. Preferred pickup in Salida area or discuss shipping/insurance at your cost. 719-207-0190

HEALTHY SERVICES Digestive or Feminine Issues? Do you struggle with Feminine Odor • Vaginal Discharge • Yeast • Gas & Bloating? Discover the link between digestive and feminine health. Breakthrough probiotic blend developed just for women! Supports healthy digestion AND promotes female health by influencing vaginal flora. Womanowned business; Made in Colorado. www.MyBio-V.com. Buy Super Greens: Adjust your PH and get alkaline. 504-669-0048. www.BuySuperGreens.net

HEALTHY SERVICES Traditional Ayurveda: Taos high desert Ayurvedic clinic offers Kindly priced panchakarmas (seasonal detoxification) and rejuvenating retreats. We specialize in traditional Ayurveda, pranic yoga, and healthy organic grown-on-the-spot food. Friendly, quiet, private, secluded. Come and rejuvenate with Tizia! 575-776-2212 or auromesa.com. Personal Chef: Tired of deciding what to cook for everyone? Want to have a dinner party or just want to come home with your fridge filled up? Specializing in healthy and specific diets to fit your lifestyle. My passion and formal training mixed together with a spice that will awaken your taste buds! Natural Food Endevours with Elise Alexandra Summer, 732-618-4661.


Looking to expand your practice? Nonforce Chiropractic has fully furnished private office space at very reasonable rates. Great opportunity for practitioners building their practice or wanting a professional space for clients. Easy access, convenient location 2 blocks off of I70 @ 32nd St, Lakewood. Golden, Wheatridge area. Call 720-234-7489.

IN PAIN? POOR HEALTH? CAR ACCIDENTS? Symptoms including headaches, neck, back pain, numbness, tingling, and dizziness can gradually ruin your quality of life. These problems can become permanent without adequate diagnosis and treatment. Free consultation. Most cases Auto insurance pays 100%. www.denverschiropractic.com. WE CAN HELP! CALL NOW! 303-922-2977



INFRARED CABINET SAUNA 1 person. TheraSauna brand. Boxed, ready to assemble. New. Trade Show demo. Moving. Must Sell. Asking $1000 ($3200 value) Preferred pickup in Salida area or discuss shipping/insurance at your cost. Call 719-207-0190 S T R O N G L I T E P re m i u m M A S S A G E TABLE, hardwood with Reiki style endplates. Teal color. Matching Face cradle, Side and Foot extensions, Arm support under face cradle, 2 Bolsters, chest pad. Undertable folding black storage sling, Carrying case. Like new. All for super value $373. Preferred pickup in Salida area or discuss shipping/insurance at your cost. 719-207-0190 ROLLING MASSAGE STOOL with removable backrest. Teal color. $30 Preferred pickup in Salida area or discuss shipping/insurance at your cost. 719-207-0190


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

Missing a deceased loved one? Would you like to communicate with someone who has passed? Psychic Mediums Kent and Cindy communicate with Spirit to translate messages to you in a one-to-one session via telephone or video Skype. Schedule sessions by e-mail at info@eclectichorizons.com. Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter at www.eclectichorizons.com.

PET RESOURCES How is your pet feeling emotionally, mentally or physically? Ask them! Telepathic animal communication phone sessions with living or passed pets lets you ask about their body, behaviors, fears, history, health, relationships, end of life questions, etc. Clearing work also offered for pets around stuck life areas/patterns. Classes taught. Animal Communication with Danielle Tremblay, 303-955-4292, www.WhiteLightConnection.com


Accelerated Meditation Program–6-8pm. 3-wk accelerated program. Learn skill-set in rapid-fire format- easy, effective skills to relax, recharge and experiencing your intuition. Facilitated by Lynn Austin. $120-pre-paid in full/$135 day of. Inner Connection Institute North Side location: 4325 Harlan St, Wheat Ridge. 303-257-4797 or InnerConnection.org.

TUESDAY, 15TH Brain Balance Achievement Center Informational Lecture–6:30pm. Lecture covers brain function of a child struggling with academics, socialization and behavior. Help your child overcome these issues without meds! FREE. Brain Balance Achievement Center 1970 E County Line Rd., #G, Littleton. RSVP 303-278-1780 or BrainBalanceCenters.com. Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Aura clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Free. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@ yogaofthemind.com or yogaofthemind.com. Mind-Based Stress Reduction–6-8:30pm. Gentle mindfulness meditation and body-awareness practices help counter stress and support the wellness of the individual. $325/non-members; $275/members. Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver. Registrar 720-865-3580 or registrar@botanicgardens.org. Active Meditation Program–6:30-8pm. A 4-week series to create contentment, empowerment and lasting change. Perfect for beginners, learn effective ways to relax, recharge, find emotional balance and create energetic boundaries. Facilitated by Lauren Skye. $110/4 classes, or $150/4 classes+ downloadable recordings. Inner Connection Institute 975 Lincoln St, #202, Denver. 303-282-9439 or InnerConnection.org. Intro into your Intuition–7-8:30pm. Relieve stress, achieve your goals with less effort and enjoy a calmer lifestyle with this free class to access your intuition through Yoga of the Mind Intuitive Meditation. FREE. David Stevens 303-668-2358 or davids@yogaofthemind.com.

WEDNESDAY, 16TH Why do I still have Thyroid Symptoms and Gluten Intolerance?– 6-7:30pm. Holidays leave you tired, brain fogged, with indigestion and more? We specialize in treating auto-immune issues so you can learn to help yourself. FREE, pre-registration required. People House, 3035 W 25th Ave, Denver. Gail Smithson LAc 303-762-8994 or gail@smithsonclinic.com.

FRIDAY, 18TH 2013 Rev Up!–7pm. Also Sat, Jan 19, 9am-4pm. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Dr. Roger W. Teel teach hot to accelerate personal and global transformation with this dynamic, two-day workshop. Mile Hi Church, 9077 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood or milehichurch.org.

SATURDAY, 19TH Automatic Writing Class- Noon-3pm. Get answers for your questions about the coming year. Marcia Stanfield teaches in the Aspen Program for Psychic Development. $45. Isis Books, 2775 South Broadway, Englewood. Register at: www.AspenProgram.com. The Chakras: Access Health and Healing–1-5pm. Learn the properties of the Chakras and to ground and shift the energy in your daily experiences. $54.



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PranaYoga 3333 Federal Blvd, Denver. Hansa 303432-8099 or pyamandala@gmail.com. Fermented Foods: What, Why, & How–2-4 pm. Clinical Herbalist and Nutritionist Penney Garrett teaches why fermented foods are good for us and how to make them. Lecture & demo. Bring a jar, take something yummy home! $25, sliding scale. Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism, 2900 Valmont Rd #F-1, Boulder. RSVP 303-478-8582 or DreamOfGreen@gmail.com.

SUNDAY, 20TH Community HU Song–10:30-11am. Denver or Boulder each 3rd Sun for Community HU song, an ancient name for God sung for spiritual upliftment. Free. Eckankar Center of Denver 5800 E Evans Ave., Eeckankar Center of Boulder Valley 1800 30th St., #208. 303-756-9287 or eckankar-colorado.org.

MONDAY, 21ST Science of Mind and Spirit Courses–Sign up for this popular 10-wk curriculum and walk away with tools to create the life of your dreams. Mile Hi Church, 9077 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood. or milehichurch.org.

TUESDAY, 22ND Awaken your Intuition–7:15-9:15. 5-wks to develop psychic awareness and use energetic tools to become more aware of your energy and take charge of your life. Before 1/22-$120, after-$160. Community Holistic Health Center 409 S Public Rd, Lafayette. Dave Levine, Dharma Readings 303-324-1078 or dharmareadings.com. Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Aura clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-


Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Free. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1 st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind. com or yogaofthemind.com. Intro to Soul Body Fusion Workshop–7-9:30pm. Jonette Crowley, speaker, channellor and author of “Soul Body Fusion” and “The Eagle and The Condor”, offers a moving and dynamic workshop on Soul Body Fusion. $25. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695 or J4CL.com.

THURSDAY, 24TH Intro Talk to Women & Food: a 3-month Journey of Transformation–6:30-7:30pm. Intro to Women & Food 12-week program beginning Thurs, Feb 7th. Balance your relationship with food and eating. Dr Trina Woods and Rev Lauren Skye provide medical information, emotional/spiritual growth and support to create lasting change. Inner Connection Institute, 975 Lincoln St, #202, Denver. 303-282-9439 or InnerConnection.org. Thyroid Disorder Seminar–5:30pm. Learn how managing your thyroid can help you lose weight more easily, sleep better and gain the energy of your youth with Dr Steve Tashiro. FREE. HealthSource of Lakewood, 963 S Kipling Pkwy, Lakewood. 303-985-5540.

SATURDAY, 26TH Thyroid Disorder Seminar–10am. Learn how managing your thyroid can help you lose weight more easily, sleep better and gain the energy of your youth with Dr Steve Tashiro. FREE. HealthSource of Lakewood, 963 S Kipling Pkwy, Lakewood. 303-985-5540.


Full Moon Ceremony with Sacred Sound Concert– 7-9pm. Celebrate the energy of the Full Moon with sacred sound, crystal bowls, drumming, dance, teachings and networking. Bring your drum and a snack to share. $20. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695 or J4CL.com.

SUNDAY, 27TH Mountain Food Growing–9am-1pm. Learn to overcome the wild West by discovering the great foods that thrive in the mountain environment. $59/non-member; $52/member. Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver. 720-865-3580 or Registrar@ botanicgardens.org.

MONDAY, 28TH 2013 Wellness!– 7pm. Start the New Year with renowned naturopathic expert James Rouse and Dr. Roger W. Teel with their plan for renewed energy and purpose. Mile Hi Church, 9077 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood or milehichurch.org.

TUESDAY, 29TH Explore Meditation–7:30-8:30pm. Yoga of the Mind style with David Stevens. We hear it all the time “I can›t meditate but would like to.” We promise this meditation will fly by so fast you will not believe it! Forget all the stuffy ideas you have about meditation. $10, 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind.com, www.yogaofthemind.com Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Aura clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Free. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@ yogaofthemind.com or yogaofthemind.com.

2013 Special Events Ongoing

Sustainable Solutions Meetup/Thrive Movement Solutions Group–7-9pm. Add state legislation that requires mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods in Colorado. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Sustainable Solutions Meetup or Journeys For Conscious Living, 7401 West 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695. J4CL.com.

daily Tour Church of Scientology* Public Information Center–9am-9:30pm. What is Scientology? Dare to find out for yourself. Self-guided tours daily. All religions and beliefs welcome. 2340 Blake Street, Denver. 303-7897668. www.Scientology-Denver.org Free Personality Test–9am-10pm. Are you curious about you? What are your strengths? What is holding you back? Find out today! Call 303-789-7668. 2340 Blake Street, Denver. www.Scientology-Denver.org Personal Efficiency Course–12:30pm & 6:30 pm; Sat & Sun 12:30pm. 70% of your life is work. Make it work for you. Improve your work situation, relationships, get rid of exhaustion and more. Find out how. Enroll today. 2340 Blake Street, Denver. www.Scientology-Denver. org or 303-291-3560

weekday mornings The Daily Dose: Jumpstart Your Day with Meaning and Success in 15 Minutes/Day–8-8:15am. What if there is an easier way, more joyful way to accomplish your goals? The Daily Dose offers success guidance via live and recorded calls to help you clarify and realize your intentions. FREE. Marlene 720-771-1257 or www.empoweredpurpose.com

tuesdays Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Aura clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to

feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Free. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358 or davids@yogaofthemind.com.

wednesdays Free Energy Healings; Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing–6-7pm. A healing is like an “energy car wash.” Release negative energy blocking growth and create the life you desire. Love offering. Journey Within; Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga Studio 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. Anita Destino 720413-7303 or journeywithin@hotmail.com. Sai Maa Denver Meditation–7-9pm. Join us for Oneness, service, support, joy and love at The Center at Jewell and Wads every Wednesday night. Everyone Welcome. 1st time free and love donation after. Lakeview Wellness & Event Center, 7864 W Jewell Ave, Lakewood. Katy Kelly 303-989-6300 or katy.kelleyk@gmail.com. Fiesta Night–7-9:30 pm. Lecture on Dianetics English & Spanish. Find out how you can achieve a better living situation, remove blocks and be less stressed. Hubbard Dianetics* Foundation, 2340 Blake Street, Denver. Info 303-789-7668. Purification Process Information Seminar–7pm. Get your questions answered about this effective cleansing process. Get rid of radiation, residual chemicals and more. Clear your Body and your Mind. Find out how with this FREE seminar. Church of Scientology* 2340 Blake Street, Denver. Call 303-789-7668

thursdays FREE Aura and Chakra Healings–6-7pm. DropIn. Receive a 10 minute energy cleanse and release negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and fear. Get replenished with your own positive energy and feel great! FREE. 1332 Pearl Street, Boulder. 303-5300920 or BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.

FREE Psychic Readings–7-8:30pm by appointment. Learn about your soul essence, past lives, and aura. Questions about relationships, career, money, health, etc., are welcome. FREE. 1332 Pearl Street, Boulder. 303-530-0920 or BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.

fridays Friday Night Yoga Club–7-10pm. 1/11 thru 4/5. Reg opens at 6:30pm. FNYC is a winter series which gathers Boulder and Denver’s yoga communities at various yoga studios and venues around the most innovative and inspiring yoga instructors and musicians in the area. $20 adv/$25 door if avail. Various locations in Denver and Boulder. Schedule/reg www. fridaynightyogaclub.com.

saturdays Weekly Free Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing Healing Clinic in Wheat Ridge–NEW TIME! 1-2pm. A healing is like a psychic shower; negative energy is cleared, Clarity and contentment are restored. Donations welcome. 1-hr student readings available by appt after clinic- $25. Inner Connection Institute North Side location: 4325 Harlan St, Wheat Ridge. 303-257-4797 or InnerConnection.org. Hubbard Dianetics* Seminar–2-day seminar 9am6pm. English/Spanish. Get rid of the source of unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities, remove barriers, achieve your goals and dreams. Change your life. Do the Dianetics Seminar! Dianetics book, lunch, snacks included. Call 303-789-7668. 2340 Blake Street, Denver. Info/RSVP Denver@scientology.net

sundays Scientology* Sunday Service-11am-noon. Repair the ravages of the week at Scientology Sunday Service. Nondenominational; all religions and beliefs welcome. 2340 Blake Street, Denver. 303-789-7668. www. Scientology-Denver.org *©2012 CSCO. All Rights Reserved. DIANETICS, L. RON HUBBARD, HUBBARD and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.

natural awakenings

January 2013


2013 Special Events FEBRUARY 2013 Learn to Heal with Angels; 5 Wks Open to Everyone–Meet your Guardian & Healing Angels and heal; release grief, guilt, addictions and habits to create the life you desire. Strengthen your intuition to help others. Work with the Angels is easier than you think. $200, early bird/ Call for dates. $185. Journey Within; Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga Studio 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-413-7303 or journeywithin@hotmail.com.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Animal Tracks: Educating, Spiritually Connecting and Caring for Animals –9am-3pm. Keynote Speaker: Kate Solisti, renowned animal communicator, author, and educator. Incl breakouts for pet training, nutrition and more $10. No pets please. RSVP at www.milehichurch.org or 720-974-2234.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Heart Opening Yoga Workshop–7-9pm. Open the heart and release the pain body that is attached to the Heart Chakra. We will work with yoga props, crystals, angles and color to facilitate this work. Ananda Yoga Therapy, Golden. RSVP 303895-7298 or anandayogatherapy.com.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15-17 Denver Chant & Yoga Fest–2-6pm. Join Jai Uttal, Dave Stringer, C.C. White, Govindas and Radha and beloved sound-smiths, The Luminaries, DJ Drez. Yoga by Bryan Kest, Janet Stone and Saul David Raye. $50/single event, $200/weekend. Sherman Street Event Center, 1770 Sherman St, Denver. Register at denverchantfest.com (use code MHNA10 at checkout to save 10%).

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Flame Readings-1-3pm. Experience a traditional Spiritualist method of receiving messages from Spirit, using a candle flame and paper. With New Year insights. Rev. Charles Cox. $20. Location: Isis Books, Englewood. Register at: www.AspenProgram.com

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23-24 Evolve Expo–Welcome new beginnings at the National Western Complex in Denver. Two full days of exhibitors, vendors, and speakers featuring Free Energy, Alternative/Complimentary Health, Wealth Building, and Conscious/Creative Living. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695 or evolveexpo.com.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Pre-register for Primordial Sound Meditation–Meditation on 3/8 (7-9pm) and 3/9 (14pm). Primordial Sound Meditation (a Chopra Center Course) uses individually selected sounds of nature called mantras to disconnect us from the activity of life. These primordial sounds are based on the vibration the universe was creating at the moment of your birth. Ananda Yoga Therapy, Golden. RSVP 303895-7298 or anandayogatherapy.com.

MARCH 2013 MARCH 21-23 Healer Training Program with Wendy De Rosa–The Healer Training Program has a strong emphasis on self-healing and is a wonderful platform for powerful transformation and self-actualization. In Boulder. www. heldinlight.com

MARCH 22-29 Discover your “Heroine’s Journey” in Costa Rica–Life-changing retreat includes group facilitation, one-on-one coaching, healthy meals, yoga/meditation, spa treatments, hiking to magnificent rainforest waterfalls and more. “Retreats” at www.truelifecoach.net or 877-595-8622.

APRIL 2013 Free Psychic Experiences Social – 11am-1pm. Have you had psychic experiences? Seen spirits/ghosts? Discuss psychic phenomenon and your experiences. We will talk about your concerns and questions about things psychic. Isis Books, Englewood. RSVP at: www.AspenProgram.com

TUESDAY, APRIL 9 Pre-Register for Perfect Health-Ayurvedic Lifestyle–Program on 4/20 (1-6pm) and 4/21 (12-6pm). The Chopra Center-Perfect Health Lifestyle Program teaches Ayurvedic practices and techniques designed to balance the mind-body-spirit, enhance nutrition, reduce emotional turbulence, restore vitality and re-awaken the senses. RSVP 303-895-7298 or anandayogatherapy.com.

Free Psychic Experiences Social – 1:00-3:00. Also in April, May, July, Sept, Oct. Have you had psychic experiences? Seen spirits/ghosts? Discuss psychic phenomenon and your experiences, your concerns and questions about things psychic. Isis Books, Englewood. RSVP at: www.AspenProgram.com

Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition

Aspen Fundamentals of Psychic Development-12:30-4:30pm. Also in May, June, Sept, Oct. Psychic development requires a good foundation to effectively access your abilities. A frequent question is, “How do I know whether what I’m getting is psychic?” The Fundamentals class answers this and covers 13 steps to build a solid foundation. Learn how your psychic mind works; how to deal with blocks. Karen Fox, Director, Aspen Program. $40. Location: Isis Books in Englewood. Register at: www.AspenProgram.com

MAY 2013 WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 Free Psychic Experiences Social – 6:30-8:30pm. Have you had psychic experiences? Seen spirits/ghosts? We will talk about your concerns and questions about things psychic. Learn about the Aspen Program. Cloisters on Wadsworth, Lakewood. RSVP at: www.AspenProgram.com

JULY 2013 MONDAY, JULY 1 Free Psychic Experiences Social – 6:30-8:30pm. Have you had psychic experiences? Seen spirits/ghosts? We will talk about your concerns and questions about things psychic. Learn about the Aspen Program. Cloisters on Wadsworth, Lakewood. RSVP at: www.AspenProgram.com

FRIDAY-SUNDAY, JULY 19-21 Develop Your Psychic Abilities: 3-Day Event! - The Aspen Program is offering three of our popular classes over a long weekend: Psychic 101, 102, & 202-$240-$280. We are a skillsbased program: Tools to increase your psychic skills; strengthen your “clairs;” learn to read the future; tips to get past self-doubt. Bring a life question you want insights on. Games, exercises, & lots of practice! Karen Fox, Director, Aspen Program. Location: Cloisters in Lakewood. Register at: www.AspenProgram.com






SEPTEMBER 2013 SATURDAY, SEPT 7 Free Psychic Experiences Social–2-4pm. Have you had psychic experiences? Seen spirits/ghosts? We will talk about your concerns and questions about things psychic. Learn about the Aspen Program. Cloisters on Wadsworth, Lakewood. RSVP AspenProgram.com.

OCTOBER 2013 WEDNESDAY, OCT 23 Free Psychic Experiences Social–6-8pm. Have you had psychic experiences? Seen spirits/ghosts? Discuss psychic phenomenon and your experiences. We will address your concerns and questions about all things psychic. Isis Books, Englewood. RSVP AspenProgram.com.

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January 2013


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