feel good • live simply • laugh more
Special Edition
Fast Track to
Personal Growth MARIANNE WILLIAMSON on The Miracle of Midlife
Stress-Free Holidays with the Kids
Local Insights on Personal Growth
Don Parker of Golden Solar at Clear Creek in Golden
November 2013 | Denver/Boulder Edition | MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com Cover Photo by Moodeous Photography
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natural awakenings
November 2013
feel good • live simply • laugh more
Healthy Living
D I R ECTO RY 20 1 4
Coming in January! Where will you be when our readers are looking for you? Be found in the
Healthy Living D I R ECTO RY Second Annual Denver/Boulder area guide for healthy living and a healthy planet. 50,000+ potential clients will be looking for resources under categories such as holistic health, fitness, eco-friendly products and services and more!
This issue will be distributed year-round and kept for reference. Be sure your business is found in this inexpensive Annual Directory Directory Listing only $99! • Business Profile Display Advertising • Special Events Calendar.
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letterfrompublishers “I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness... Whether one believes in religion or not… we are all seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness…” From The Art of Happiness By His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C Cutler, MD
ovember’s issue on Personal Growth likely touches the heart of many Natural Awakenings’ readers. Here in Colorado, we are blessed to have so many opportunities to heal from past wounds, gain self-esteem and courage, engage your soul in reaching for a connection with Spirit…well, Personal Growth means anything you want it to mean. Along with our main feature article “Fast Track to Personal Growth,” you will see several local experts give inspiration and education: Sue Frederick and Ken Elliott (page 17), Marcia Chadly and Renee Ellis (page 19) and Claudia Reiche (page 20). For the past several years, Terry has been working on a book and manifesting her dream of being an author and speaker. It’s a book on happiness, hence the above quote from The Art of Happiness. Having big dreams and overcoming your fears, perceptions and insecurities is a huge matter of Personal Growth. Because Terry has worked on her personal growth throughout the years, her dream is now bigger than her fears, and she has gained the courage to bring her project out into the world. Personal Growth may be all about finding your happiness. While happiness is often a day-to-day decision, happiness leads to Joy, which lies safely ensconced deeper within. Joy is the knowledge of the deeper meaning of life: knowing that your life has purpose, that you are connected to Source, that Dreams and Abundance are your birthright and that all of your life is unfolding for the highest good. When we commit to making change and physical, emotional and/or spiritual growth, we are looking for ways to bring happiness, fulfillment and peace into our lives in a bigger way, and so we positively impact those around us as well. Socrates, the Greek philosopher, once said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Finding your happiness is the most important thing you can do with your life. Personal Growth is bringing light to the shadows of your unhappiness and turning them around so your dreams and potential can be unwrapped like a gift on Christmas. We hope you find a few resources in this month’s issue of Natural Awakenings to help.
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Doug Zerbarini • Terry Chriswell Editors Sharon Bruckman • Alison S Chabonais Doug Zerbarini
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To contact Natural Awakenings Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition: Phone: 303-770-1981 Fax: 303-991-6892 PO Box 18581, Golden • CO 80402 publisher@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com
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PICTURED ON COVER: Don Parker is the owner of Golden Solar in Golden. He was photographed by Moodeous Photography at Clear Creek in Golden. See ad page 9.
We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised.We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
natural awakenings
November 2013
contents 9
7 newsbriefs 9 healthbriefs 12 globalbriefs 13 random
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening
14 healingways
by Michael A. Singer
17 localinsights
Transform Your Life with Mentors, Books, Workshops and Online Courses
21 wisewords 23 calendar
by Bess J.M. Hochstein
17 LOCAL INSIGHTS You Still Have Something Important to Do
27 resource guide
by Sue Frederick
Core Thoughts and The Law of Attraction
28 classifieds
by ken Elliott
The Life Labyrinth
advertising & submissions
by Marcia Chadly
Life Happens
HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 303-770-1981 or email publisher@ MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com. Deadline for ad commitment is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Please submit all articles and news items via website, MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Calendar events are $10/listing for Non-Advertisers. $5 for Nonprofits. Free events are free (max of 2). Advertisers receive the 1st 5 free; 6+ $10/listing. Distribution sites receive 2 free; 3+ $10/listing. Save The Date: $75 ea. Please submit all listings at website, MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.
by Renee Ellis
Why Counseling by Claudia Reiche
THE MIRACLE OF MIDLIFE Being Exactly Who We Need to Be by Marianne Williamson
SUPERPOWER KIDS’ IMMUNE SYSTEMS Natural Health Experts Share How by Jenna Blumenfeld
21 28
GRAIN FREE & BRAIN BRIGHT How Wheat, Carbs and Sugar are Affecting Your Brain Health by Linda Sechrist
Find more great articles at MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com
3rd Annual
with The Athena Festival Ramada Plaza Denver North 10 East 120th Avenue • Northglenn CO 80233
Higher Brain Living Introduces Licensing Opportunity
dvanced Higher Brain Living facilitators Craig Polsfuss & Zach Polsfuss will present a seminar “Introduction to the Higher Brain LivingŽ Licensing Opportunity� on Wednesday, Nov 6, 7-9 PM at the Boulder Marriott, and on Thursday Nov. 7 at The Inn at Cherry Creek in Denver. The seminar, free with pre-registration or $25 at the door, introduces an Integrative Model using a gentle touch technique based on a breakthrough in neuroscience. “This technique literally shifts energy to the Higher Brain where high-end experience, thinking and action originate,� says Craig Polsfuss, psychologist and owner of one of the first HBL centers in the world. “A revolution is taking place that will forever change the way you view human transformation and potential. For the first time in history, you can change the physiology of your brain by opening an organic energy surge that creates a lasting pathway from the primitive fear-based lower brain to a lifetime of higher brain happiness, empowerment, purpose and growth.� Individuals wishing to become Higher Brain Living practitioners may add the technique to their existing healing arts practice or create a stand-alone business, Polsfuss says, noting the business has six-figure income potential. “This opportunity is open to all health and helping disciplines and anyone passionate about transforming individual lives, shifting global consciousness and changing the world,� Polsfuss finishes. Register at craigp@higherbrainliving.com. See ad page 11 and calendar listings page 24.
Book Claims God’s True Identity is Holy Spirit
he Holy Mother Mary Is GOD is a non-denominational book that purports that the Holy Spirit, the Divine Feminine, Mother God came to this Earth as the Holy Mother Mary. Authors Kevin Peter Kelly and Marina Nikole Kelly explain, “This book is for everyone, no matter what system of belief one holds. We are from one spirit‌ the Holy Spirit.â€? They claim to channel the wisdom of God, Jesus, Malachi and Saint Germain in writing about a divine plan that started 2,600 years ago. And, they say, the aspect of God that is Holy Spirit has been misinterpreted through the years. Their book promises to help cultivate a balanced world of divine feminine and masculine. “The Holy Mother Mary Is GOD is intended to usher us into the new age that will bring us into a world of peace,â€? say the Kellys. The Holy Mother Mary Is GOD is available as a paperback, hardcover or e-book through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers. 800-345-6665 or Dedicated Lightworkers site, DLP7.com. See ad page 31.
Sunday, November 10, 2013 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Featured presentation and panel themes: To honor what we respect and admire about men For men, women and teens
men’s circles • courage • soulful marriage ecology • male aggression toward women aging gracefully • community building
$20/person at the door Information: mensanthology.com/whole-man-expo/ Contact Jim with questions 303-796-7004
Realities for Children Boulder County is teaming up with Twenty Ninth Street for their tree lighting ceremony. Individuals are invited to ‘sponsor’ a light on the beautifully decorated tree with donations going toward supporting at-risk, abused and neglected children in Boulder County.
NightLights 1RYHPEHU ‡ SP SP Twenty Ninth Street, Boulder Learn more at www.rfcbc.org Realities for Children Boulder County 3970 Broadway, Ste. 201E Boulder, CO 80304 www.rfcbc.org 720.420.9780
Intuitive Sue Frederick Sue is a lifelong intuitive and author. Her work has been featured on CNN.com and in the New York Times. Bridges to Heaven is Sue’s Newest Book available on Amazon and in book stores. Sue@BrilliantWork.com SueFrederick.com
natural awakenings
November 2013
Community Training in Nutrition and Herbal Therapy
Continuing Ed for Those Treating Cancer Patients
ortland Community College (PCC) is actively training alternative health practitioners via on-campus and interactive online professional-level classes in nutritional therapy and herbal medicine. PCC intends to set the standard in nextgeneration holistic health education, while offering online lectures conveniently scheduled for East and West Coast students. Students can begin either program at the beginning of any term. This fall marks the third year of the PCC Nutritional Therapy program, offered through the college’s Continuous Learning for Individuals, Management and Business (CLIMB) Institute for Health Professionals. The 14-course series is approved by the National Association of Nutritional Professionals and prepares students to take the national credentialing exam in nutritional therapy. The online herbalism program, now in its second year, encompasses six modules. K.P. Khalsa, the lead instructor and curriculum director for the program, is president of the American Herbalists Guild (AHG), a national association of herbal practitioners. The hours may be used toward the registered herbalist credential granted by the AHG. Location: 1626 SE Water Ave., Portland, Oregon. For more information, call 971-7222798, email ClimbHealth@pcc.edu or visit pcc.edu. See ad, page 15.
he Center for Integrative Medicine(CIM) at the University of Colorado Hospital and Spa 4 the Pink will sponsor a continuing education event January 9-11 for integrative medicine providers, massage therapists, yoga instructors, skin-care professionals and acupuncturists. Proceeds will fund the CIM’s Complementary Cancer Support Funding Program for qualified patients to receive select CAM therapies at no additional cost as well as Spa 4 The Pink’s posttreatment outreach programs. Register by 11/15 for discounted price. Contact Julie Bach 970376-6220 or spa4thepink@gmail.com.
briefbriefs MEDITATION CD HOLIDAY PRICING: Lauren Skye of Inner Connection Institute in Denver and Wheat Ridge is offering a special holiday discount for her 7-set meditation CD collection, Meditation for Living. The CD set is now $59 or can be downloaded for $49, and gift certificates by mail or email are available. LaurenSkye.com THE PEACE APP LAUNCHES: The Peace App is now available on the App Store. The Peace App features yoga, meditation, intentional thought and prayer designed to create a “collective consciousness.” Each activity can be performed solo or in sync with others around the world. EVOLVE EXPO CALL FOR VENDORS/SPONSORS: Journeys for Conscious Living’s third annual Evolve Expo: It’s All About Choices takes place February 21-23 at the National Western Complex and they are actively taking applications for vendors, speakers and sponsors. For information, please call or email Lyn at Lyn@ journeysforconsciousliving.com or 303-731-6695. EvolveExpo.com
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Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
Skin Problems? Don’t do anything Rash…
kin conditions can be very difficult to diagnose and resolve. Contact dermatitis may be caused by a chemical exposure; some viral infections may be expressions of the Herpes virus; Fungal infections itch like crazy and look like something else; Bacteria are always present on your skin
and sometimes develop into infection. With so many possible causes and varied treatments, we strive to first, do no harm and secondly, to treat the whole person. Infection requires a weakness to propagate. Eastern medicine looks for energy imbalance caused by internal or external stress. Western medicine looks for nutritional deficiencies that leave the skin weak and open to invasion. Eczema, for example, may be a symbiotic relationship between a systemic viral pathogen (which weakens the skin) and an opportunistic external pathogen (normally benign) which takes advantage of that weakness. Do no harm rules out the use of corticosteroids which damage the skin and lead to diabetes, osteoporosis and cata-
racts (and they only treat the symptoms of inflammation.) Immunosuppressant salves can be carcinogenic and don’t relieve the itch or heal the skin. Utilizing a holistic approach, we first seek to eliminate bacteria, fungi and viruses by using Poke root, Chaparral, Blood root, Neem, Burdock and Humic Acid. Used externally, these herbs are very safe. Next, healing damaged skin is accomplished with Calendula, Aloe Vera and Comfrey. These herbs increase the rate of new skin growth. Lastly, the combination of White Willow Bark and Arnica Montana provides pain relief while Calendula, St. John’s Wort and Chickweed suppress the itch and inflammation. It may also behoove the rash sufferer to include acupuncture and other energy balancing techniques to restore positive energy flow. Choosing an herbal salve with these constituents will provide relief from most skin infections or rash. One exception is Psoriasis, which is not an infection or rash, but an immune system disorder. Steven Frank is the Innovative Herbalist behind MyNaturesRite.com, 1-800-991-7088 or see ad page 21.
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CALL 303-955-6332 FOR A FREE CONSULTATION natural awakenings
November 2013
The Killer Called Sugar
Mindful Meditation Relieves Inflammation
new University of Wisconsin-Madison study shows that meditation, a proven reducer of psychological stress, can also lessen stress-caused inflammation and thereby relieve the symptoms and pain of certain diseases. Long-term stress has long been linked to inflammation, an underlying cause of many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, bowel disease, asthma, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Meditation study volunteers were divided into two groups—an eight-week mindfulness meditation course or a stress reduction program of supportive nutrition, exercise and music therapy that did not include meditation. The meditation group focused attention on the breath, bodily sensations and mental content while seated, walking or practicing yoga. Immune and endocrine data was collected before and after training in the two methods and meditation proved to be more effective. Melissa Rosenkranz, a neuroscientist with the university’s Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and lead author of the report, concludes that, “The mindfulness-based approach to stress reduction may offer a lower-cost alternative or complement to standard treatment, and it can be practiced easily by patients in their own homes whenever needed.”
Feel Great and Enjoy Life with Real Health-Oriented Medicine
new animal study from the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, reports daunting results. Female mice that consumed the equivalent of a human drinking three cans of soft drinks a day doubled their death rate from all causes. The study further showed that fertility rates dropped dramatically in male mice and their innate ability to defend their territory diminished. All of the sugar-saturated mice performed poorly on cognitive tests. The lab mice received a diet in which 25 percent of their total calories came from sugar (not high fructose corn syrup, which carries substantial additional health risks). That’s an amount commonly consumed in the Standard American Diet, easy to do in one sitting via a super-sized soft drink.
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Colorado’s Integrative, Preventive, and Natural MD Nathan Daley, MD, MPH Visit NathanDaleyMD.com, download the intake form and call (303) 462-5344 to schedule your comprehensive assessment. 10
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
“I believe in treating disease with good health! I take the time to explore who you are and what is important to you by looking at the food, movement, sleep, air, water, electrosmog, psycho-spiritual and social elements because these things create your health on a daily basis. I use the best of Western medicine along with Complementary techniques to help you experience increased vitality and aliveness!”
to change into as soon as possible. Be prepared by knowing your child’s specific limitations and how you will handle them if the need arises. Don’t wait for the meltdown to begin.
our family can enjoy stress-free holidays with a few simple strategies. These help all parents, especially those whose children have sensory issues, ADHD and Autism.
Give your child a schedule of events for special activities, particularly on days with lots of transitions. It can be written or full of pictures for younger kids and your child will feel calmer and safer knowing what is coming up. Let your child know which events
will take place outside and which will be loud or crowded.
Have a code word your child can use if he or she feels overwhelmed and needs a break. Assure your child if he or she uses the code word, you will respond right away.
Before you leave for holiday parties, parades, or other fun events, have a quick family meeting so your whole family knows how long you plan to stay and how you expect them to behave. Continue to make your child’s sleep schedule a priority.
Children with significant sensory sensitivities may require a little extra planning to enjoy holiday festivities. For example, bring along ear plugs if you will be in a noisy environment or sensory fidgets if the child is expected to sit still. For sensitive kids who need to wear dress clothes for events, bring along some soft clothes for them
Ever Wonder Why 6HOI +HOS b Doesn’t Really Help?
The answer is in your brain.
Transform your life by becoming a facilitator for Higher Brain Living® and join a community full of people who are experiencing joy, passion and purpose.
If your child is easily over-stimulated, limit holiday decorations in your home. Too many twinkling lights combined with smells from the kitchen and other holiday’s distractions can be too much for these children.
Let special needs children help you decorate for the holidays so they are involved in the changes that take place in their comforting environment. Tami Eslich is the owner of Brain Balance Centers in Golden and Highlands Ranch. BrainBalanceColorado.com. See ad page 2.
Why do people go to exercise classes, read books, attend workshops and see health practitioners and receive limited results…or none at all?
Are you in the business of helping people? Would you like to be able to RHU GHHS DQG ODVWLQJ FKDQJH DQG peace of mind like never before?
If your children have food sensitivities or allergies that prevent them from eating holiday treats, plan ahead to offer alternatives like all-natural candy or a gluten-free treat from home. Children with neuro-behavioral disorders often already feel different, so be sure to include them in as many holiday festivities as possible.
FREE PRESENTATION AND LIVE DEMONSTRATION! When you Pre-Register ($25 at the door)
Where: When:
Boulder Marriott Hotel 2660 Canyon Boulevard, Boulder, CO 80302 Wednesday, November 6th, 6:30PM-8:30PM The Inn At Cherry Creek 233 Clayton Street, Denver, CO 80206 Thursday, November 7th, 6:30PM-8:30PM
craigp@higherbrainliving.com natural awakenings
November 2013
globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Bamboo Fabric a Product of Greenwashing
An ultrathin film that consists of polymers found in crustacean shells could be an environmentally friendly alternative to the flame retardants used in bedding and sofas. Mattresses and furniture cushions are typically made of highly flammable polyurethane foam; to meet fire safety guidelines, manufacturers treat the foam with fire-retardant chemicals. These are typically brominated compounds that studies by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, in The Netherlands, have shown can act as endocrine disruptors, leading to neurological problems or even cancer. The European Union has banned several of the flame-retardant compounds and U.S. and Canadian regulatory agencies have started to scrutinize their use. The nano-coating could be sprayed on foam, which would make it easy for mass production; several companies have expressed interest in the material.
At least one dealer in sustainable products has taken a stand against bamboo fabric, which most people associate with bamboo lumber, a rapidly renewable resource that requires fewer pesticides to grow than other crops. Laura Mathews, of Eco Promotional Products, Inc., in Washington state, cites the Federal Trade Commission’s report: “The truth is, most bamboo textile products, if not all, really are rayon, which typically is made using environmentally toxic chemicals. While different plants, including bamboo, can be used as a source material to create rayon, there’s no trace of the original plant in the finished rayon product.” Mathews says that her company has discontinued selling bamboo clothing and all other items made from bamboo fabric. She notes, “It’s the responsibility of everyone to vet these and other similar terms to ensure that the ecofriendly product you’re putting your purchasing power behind is actually eco-friendly.”
Source: Chemical & Engineering News
Source: EcoPromotionsOnline.com
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Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
Fatigue easily? Lost your zest for life? Not been the same since a head injury? +PMÄJ\S[` SLHYUPUN&
Brain-based Therapy is a revolutionary new program for WYL]PV\ZS` KPMÄJ\S[ [V HKKYLZZ WYVISLTZ SPRL ÄIYVT`HSNPH chronic pain, dizziness, migraines, insomnia & many other chronic conditions. Through specialized tests, Dr. Tashiro can WPUWVPU[ [OL HYLH VM ¸LULYN` KLÄJP[¹ PU [OL IYHPU >P[O H combination of neurological intervention & chiropractic techniques, we work to target & ¸YLJOHYNL¹ [OL KLWSL[LK areas. This strengthens the brain, which can provide relief from pain & other chronic symptoms that pills and ordinary treatment procedures cannot. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY. CALL TODAY! MUST ATTEND SEMINAR: RSVP is required - 303.985.5540 Thursday, November 21st, 5:30pm & Saturday, November 23rd, 10:00am
nergy Healings can have a dramatic impact on day-
to-day life. They help me deal with the stress of the job, illness and moods. Find the right practitioner for you and walk away from a session feeling like a new person. If you haven’t tried energy healing yet, I highly recommend it. There are many great resources in Natural Awakenings, but recently I’ve tried:
Zach Rehder at Vibrational Alignment Healing. Zach has a lovely, gentle soul making me very comfortable. I felt things shifting in my body as he worked on me. Afterwards, there was a sense of lightness and inner space. ZachRehder.com
Joanne Palladino channeling Shmaya. Wow, what a trip – and I mean a good one. The experience is unusual, but the profound messages she gives you and the healing…I felt practically giddy both times I have gone to see her in group sessions. “It is the language of light, a collective consciousness that I have named Shmaya,” says Joanne. “Shmaya, which is an Aramaic word, means ‘oneness in all’. The sound and vibration of the words within this language transmit a variety of healing qualities, touching people on a deep level resulting in a sense of profound peace.” 303-2630679 or joanne@sacredunityhealing.com
by Terry Chriswell
Fun Stuff I love Bedol’s Battery-Free EcoFriendly Water Powered Clock! It is small, colorful, requires only water to run and a nice alarm that doesn’t jar me out of sleep. It might take a few tries to figure out how to set it; otherwise it’s well worth it. This works great in our EMF-free bedroom. $25, comes in lots of bright colors. Bedol.com We may not have picked this book up on our own, but we really enjoyed
OSHO: The First Buddha in the Dental Chair by Oshos’ personal dentist, Swami Devageet. Osho was an enlightened master and 20th century sage whose dentist became his disciple. You’ll wonder whether you should laugh hysterically or have Osho committed. Either way, you have never read any book like this. Quite entertaining. Available at Amazon.com.
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November 2013
The Path to Inner Peace 12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening by Michael A. Singer
pirituality is meant to bring about peace. Yet our concepts of spirituality often lead to confusion or even conflict. What we need are clear steps that can be taken by people of any religion or intellectual standing. The following universal road map can be a helpful aid to self-realization. Realize that you’re in there. First realize, from deep inside, that you are consciously experiencing the outside world, as well as your inner thoughts and emotions. Understand that you’re not okay in there. If you want to understand why you’ve done everything you’ve ever done, observe your mind and emotions. If you’re objective, you’ll see that you’re really never completely at peace. Notice that you’re always trying to be okay. As you observe your inner state, you’ll notice that inner disturbances create the urge to either get something or avoid something. This is all done in an attempt to feel okay inside. Watch as your mind strives to figure out how everything needs to be for you to be okay. Your mind is always telling you how people, places and things need to be. That’s its attempt to create a conceptual model of what would make you okay and then try to get the outside world to match it.
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
Realize that defining how the outside needs to be is not working. You’ve been busy trying to be okay your entire life. Although some times are better than others, you’ve never come close to experiencing permanent peace. This is because the world will never match your conceptual model. Eventually, you’ll come to see that this approach doesn’t work, and you need to find a different way. Learn to not participate in the mind’s struggle. You must learn to relax inside and not get drawn into acting on your disturbances. Instead, be willing to allow them to pass through you and simply witness their passing. If you do, the drama will cease of its own accord. Experience going about your life like everyone else, except more peacefully, because nothing you do is for the purpose of trying to be okay. When you aren’t preoccupied with trying to be okay, you can learn to sit inside and quietly love, serve and honor whatever naturally unfolds. At this point, you’re no longer living for yourself—you’re serving life. As you let go of the personal energies, you attune to a much deeper energy flow. Up to this point, everything you were watching inside was front and center in your consciousness. Now that you’re no longer being drawn into personal thought and emotions, you’ll
begin to feel Spirit flowing in from behind. It lifts you and brings great love and joy.
surrender into the higher energy. You must be willing to die personally in order to be reborn spiritually.
Your inner experience becomes so beautiful that you fall in love with the energy flow. You’ll see that there is a trade-off between getting involved in personal energies and the amount of Spirit you feel. Once you’ve established a direct relationship with spiritual energy, you’ll long to constantly experience its freedom.
Once you dwell deep in the upward flow, you realize that your personal existence can go on without you, leaving you free to live completely immersed in Spirit. This is the greatest miracle: You’ve surrendered your entire being to Spirit, yet people, places and things continue interacting with you. But now these interactions require none of your energy; they happen by themselves, leaving you at peace and absorbed in Spirit.
You begin to feel the energy pulling you up into it, and your entire path becomes letting go of yourself in order to merge. Will is no longer needed. All that’s left is learning to
Now you are truly okay. Nothing inside or outside of you can cause
disturbances—you have come to be at peace with everything. Because you are now completely okay, you don’t need anything. Things just are what they are, and nothing can disturb you. You’ve transcended the world and everything in it. Instead of feeling drawn into Spirit, you now actually experience yourself as Infinite Spirit. Michael A. Singer is the author of The New York Times bestselling book, The Untethered Soul – The Journey Beyond Yourself (UntetheredSoul.com). His “Twelve-Step Guide to Spiritual Awakening” is the basis for this article. He is the founder of the Temple of the Universe, a yoga and meditation center established in 1975 in Alachua, FL.
natural awakenings
November 2013
PERSONAL GROWTH Transform Your Life with Mentors, Books, Workshops and Online Courses by Bess J.M. Hochstein
Our capacity for self-examination distinguishes us from other animals. We feel compelled to ask: “Who am I? What am I here for? How can I attain my full potential?” The quest for answers has engaged humans for millennia.
opular books that have helped people on this journey span centuries, from Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich (1910), Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich (1937), Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People (1937), Abraham Maslow’s Motivation and Personality (1954) and Dr. Thomas Anthony Harris’ I’m OK, You’re OK (1967) to Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret (2006). The personal growth genre is a cornerstone of the publishing industry. Companies like Hay House, founded by motivational author Louise Hay, have flourished. Hay teaches, “No matter where we live or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.” The success of her 1984 book, You Can Heal Your Life, a New York Times bestseller well into the 21st century, led to her publishing empire, which includes authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss and Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. One of its recent top sellers is Pam Grout’s E-Squared: Nine
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Hay House has expanded its messages of hope and healing through online courses, films, conferences, special events and other opportunities to meet leading thinkers and peers. Such expansion is essential as more of those pursuing the examined life seek personal interaction in community and find that inward exploration frequently translates into outward action to improve the world. Perched on the cliffs of Big Sur, in California, the Esalen Institute, established in 1962, helped birth the modern human potential movement. It exists to help individuals grow through education, experience and research, with the conviction that positive personal and social transformation go hand-in-hand. Today, Esalen offers about 600 workshops a year, serving around 12,000 participants. Popular programs range from dance and yoga to couples workshops and psychology courses. MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com
Courtesy of Doug Ellis/Esalen Institute
Fast Track to
Cheryl Fraenzl, director of programs, explains the appeal: “For most of us, life can be challenging and messy. Gaining the insight, skills and tools to move through the challenging times with more ease and grace while creating more love for yourself and those around you seems like a good investment of time and energy. Being consciously kind and relationally wise ripples out and changes the world. The effort has to start with the individual, like paying it forward; imagine if we all were doing it?” The largest holistic retreat center in North America, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, attracts 35,000 participants to 800 programs annually. According to Denise Barack, the nonprofit’s director of program development, current workshops in high demand include qigong, Buddhist meditation, mindfulness and yoga nidra. She also notes a growing interest in diverse dimensions of yoga, dance and “authentic movement” for healing, addiction recovery, releasing trauma and energy medicine. Psychotherapist and yoga teacher Stephen Cope, founder and director of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living, the Center’s yoga research department, notes that many guests first come to Kripalu “… as a result of some form of suffering. Then they engage in a period of self-exploration—perhaps learning some form of contemplative practice to help them manage themselves more effectively. Almost always there is a turn outward, back toward the world, and a longing to bring the healing power of contemplative practice into their own domain.” Once someone has experienced the benefits of contemplative practices such as yoga, meditation, breathing and other healthy lifestyle routines, notes Cope, a powerful aspiration typically arises to
Courtesy of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being. ~ Plato share these practices and perspectives. “These practices all lead to a sense of union, relatedness and sameness with others,” he says, “and this burgeoning consciousness of sameness compels us to share what we’ve learned.” In Rhinebeck, New York, the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies offers similar self-empowering and reflective opportunities. Dr. Stephan Rechtschaffen and Elizabeth Lesser founded Omega in 1977 as a “university of life.” Through working with prominent Zen masters, rabbis, Christian monks, psychologists, scientists and others, Lesser has found, “By combining a variety of religious, psychological and healing traditions, each of us has the unique ability to satisfy our spiritual hunger.” Based since 1981 in a former camp on a lake with more than 100 buildings on 200-plus acres, Omega hosts more than 23,000 guests in up to 500 programs between mid-April and October, plus special programs in Costa Rica and New York City. Director of Rhinebeck Programs Carol Donahoe notes the rising interest in workshops on dietary cleansing, detox and juicing, such as “Reboot with Joe Cross: A Jump Start to Health and Weight Loss,” led by the filmmaker of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Personal transformation and mindfulness programs led by teachers like Jon KabatZinn, Saki Santorelli, Florence MeleoMeyer, Byron Katie and Pema Chödrön are perennial favorites. “As humans, we continue to be fascinated by the big questions in life,” observes Donahoe, “like, ‘Where do we go when we die? Who are we if we are not our thoughts?’ People seem
localinsights You Still Have Something Important to Do By Sue Frederick
ou still have something important to do, even if you can’t see it right now. Even when you feel lost and pointless, or floating in grief, that great thing still lives deep inside of you. When the time is right, the world is ready and you’ve learned your lessons, your great gift will come pouring out of you like an Arkansas spring flood, unstoppable and urgent. Your unique gift will save every heart, crack the world wide apart, pour light into darkness, open minds, heal souls and change lives – especially yours. It’s the gift you agreed to bring into this lifetime. You orchestrated the precise childhood to bring this gift into the world, designed the perfect pain to awaken you and break your heart wide open. Now your lessons become a soaring wisdom that sings in just this key, that nobody else can strike. This gift has your number on it and no one else’s. Your unique gift is the only piece of the puzzle that will fill its unique role in changing the world, lighting it up with consciousness and shifting it into bliss. Right now everyone is wondering where your piece is and when you’ll bring it to the puzzle because your gift is the tipping point, the one we’ve all been waiting for and it changes everything. Sue Frederick is the author of I See Your Dream Job; I See Your Soul Mate and Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side. See ad page 7.
Core Thoughts and the Law of Attraction By Ken Elliott
ere is something fundamentally new. When making your intentions, vision boards, wish lists or when worrying, your thoughts begin to form on the other side. It is important to know your thoughts begin to take shape as we think about them. At the heart of the law of attraction is the Core Thought. It is the first intention, the target of your desire or worry. As you continue to ‘touch’ this core thought by repeatedly thinking about it or looking at your vision board, you are simply adding layers of intention to this core idea. The law of attraction is a side-effect of this core intention. Your thoughts are wisps of vapor in the near-physical field. I’ve had first-hand experience creating objects in thought that were viewed by my friend 2,400 miles away. As you continue to add more intention to your core thought, the vapor solidifies, becoming three-dimensional and taking on a blush of color until finally becoming solid. Know that your thoughts begin to take form immediately and you can use them for your benefit. It’s like starting your car and knowing you have an engine, rather than hoping or wanting it to be there. With this knowledge you can make miracles and eliminate worry. Ken Elliott is an artist and author of “Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3,” a simple manual for creating the desires of your lifetime. Manifesting123.com. See ad page 10. natural awakenings
November 2013
Photo by Ali Kaukas / Wanderlust Festival
particularly drawn to hearing about it from those that have always lived their lives in a left-brain, logical way, and then come to believe the unexplainable through an extraordinary life experience, and now view the world through a completely different lens.” As examples, she cites neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander, who recounts his near-death experience in his bestselling book, Proof of Heaven, and neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, author of the bestselling memoir My Stroke of Insight. Taylor’s 2008 TED talk was ranked the nonprofit’s second most-watched for the past two years. Both of these cutting-edge thinkers have given presentations at Omega, which, like at Esalen and Kripalu, helps bring ideas and practices that once seemed on the fringe—from yoga and meditation to complementary medicine and sustainability—into mainstream consciousness. Particularly innovative initiatives include helping military veterans heal from post-traumatic stress disorder; the women’s leadership center; the center for sustainable living; and pioneering programs on mindfulness in the workplace, education system and at-risk urban youth communities. “We recognize that because we live in an interconnected world; the behavior of one can contribute to creating changes
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
that benefit the whole,” says Donahoe. “Doing both the inner and outer work can awaken the best in the human spirit, and so provide hope and healing to individuals and society.” For those unable to travel great distances for a holistic immersion experience in community with like-minded seekers, Wanderlust Festivals may offer an answer. Four-day regional summits, primarily held at ski resorts during the off-season, feature teachers like Shiva Rea, Elena Brower and Gurmukh; stimulating discussions; yoga; music and adventure, amidst stunning vistas. Wanderlust co-founders Sean Hoess and Jeff Krasno strive to create an expansive space for personal growth and mindful living. One common element at every gathering—now including urban and exotic locales—is Seane Corn and Suzanne Sterling’s Off the Mat program, mobilizing yoga students toward activating social change. The Shift Network is dedicated to creating an online community that shares the tools of self-actualization, empowering a global movement of people creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that leads to a more enlightened society, built on principles of sustainability, peace, health and prosperity. This new model for the human potential movement has roots in the grandfather of retreat centers; The Shift Network’s founder, Stephen Dinan, both worked at Esalen and contributed to Esalen’s Center for Theory & Research. Dinan explains that at a meditation retreat, he received a detailed vision of “a large global transformation network that would be helping to usher in a shift to the new era.” The Shift Network now offers free teleseminars and online summits on subjects ranging from meditation and parenting with presence to enlightened business practices and cultivating peace.
“We started with The Sacred Awakening Series—40 days with 40 spiritual leaders—and 30,000 people signed up in 21 days,” says Dinan. The Inspiring Women Summit attracted 25,000 participants. Since 2010, more than 400,000 people from 160 countries have participated in free teleseminars; 18,000 have paid for online courses such as Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Agents of Conscious Evolution, Andrew Harvey’s Christ Path and Thomas Hüebl’s Authentic Awakening. The Shift Network has already reached profitability and donated more than $50,000 to nonprofits. Dinan’s vision includes providing education program certifications; building a multimedia platform of e-zines, mobile phone apps and web TV broadcasts; and eventually building facilities and intentional communities to model the possibilities of a more healthy, peaceful, sustainable way of life. From reading a book on meditation to attending a yoga intensive or tapping into a multifaceted community striving to change the world, we have myriad opportunities to lead an examined life. While the seeker may have a personal goal in mind, each mode of self-inquiry can expand outward toward making the world a better place. Hay encourages us all. “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” Bess Hochstein is a freelance writer enjoying bicoastal bliss in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and Sonoma County, California. Connect at BessHochstein.com.
WEB ALERT! SEEDING GROWTH MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com
localinsights The Life Labyrinth
Life Happens
By Marcia Chadly
By Renee Ellis
he walking labyrinth is a timeless symbol of personal growth, providing a physical understanding of the intangible inner journey. While patterns vary widely, all labyrinths have a single winding path that leads to the center and returns out. Standing at the entrance, one must make a conscious choice to begin the physical journey while considering the inner journey – “How can I hear my inner voice?” “Who am I?” “Where am I going?” “What do I do?” Many of us are navigating the inner labyrinth of personal growth toward our next awareness, insight, or paradigm shift. One step after the other of reading books, taking classes and workshops, etc. Each step brings a new idea to consider or people to meet as we strive to “get it.” Eventually, we develop a new understanding of ourselves standing at the center of our labyrinth. What is to be done with it? As Marianne Williamson states, “Integrate your inner life with your outer life in order to achieve a whole life.” The journey is not finished until one leaves the center and reenters the world. This can be an exciting start to a new idea, plan or path. Each day is a new labyrinth walk and connecting with one’s self is the basis for connecting with everything else. As Tony Christie said, “The labyrinth is a symbol of oneness. When you are at one with yourself, you can extend that to become at one with others, with your environment, with the cosmos and one with divine source. The ultimate journey is union with everybody and everything.” For Marcia Chadly and Eva Morrell, their inner labyrinth journey led them to found the Creative Life Center in Boulder. Learn more at “Introduction to Labyrinth - A Contemplative Art Workshop” on November 9th. CreativeLifeCenter.org. See listing page 28.
ife has a way of happening whether we approve or not. When we experience a loss-job, relationship, an opportunity or health-one of the most powerful things you can do is change your relationship to these events. In psychology, this is called cognitive reframing which means finding an alternative way to see ourselves, others and our situations. The truth is that you assign meaning to your life events and you get to choose which interpretation to apply. In addition to counseling, I’ve been teaching exercise classes for 17 years. I love the people and the activity, and it has provided balance to all the sitting that counseling requires. This year my classes were cut and it seems to be time to end this part of my career. Initially, I was overwhelmed with sadness, grief, regret and a touch of anger. I felt like I’d jumped the shark and stayed a bit too long, regretting not leaving on the high note. But then I realized that when or how I leave this chapter of life does not change the difference I made. Over the years, hundreds of people learned to love moving their bodies, laughed out loud and were inspired to live healthier lives as a result of my efforts. Now there’s a reframe. What can you reframe in your life? Taking on this powerful approach to personal growth can change everything. One of my clients talks about the crazy ups and downs of her relationship as an adventure. As a result she happily experiences her relationship as a fun ride. Another talks about her experiences of conflict in business as being entertained. Who wouldn’t rather be entertained than in conflict? I’m choosing to follow their lead. I am settling into this new chapter eager for the adventure and ready for entertainment Renee Ellis, MA is a counselor and healer in private practice. She helps women dealing with life transitions to find clarity, movement, freedom, energy and intuitive perspective. See Liveyourknowing. com for more information or to schedule your FREE 30-minute Clarity Consultation.See listing page 30.
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November 2013
localinsights Why Counseling? By Claudia Reiche, MA, NCC
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Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
erhaps you have considered contacting a counselor before, yet you’ve hesitated.The Oxford Dictionaries defines counseling as “giving professional help and advice to resolve personal or psychological problems.” How do we know if we need counseling and how may we encourage a positive experience? Working with a counselor does not necessarily mean that one is mentally ill. Every person becomes overwhelmed with a problem or life in general sometimes and counseling can get you back on track. Usually temporary, counseling offers support and allows one to receive objective feedback and implement a new path. When contacting a potential counselor for the first time, pay close attention to your gut feeling since trust is the cornerstone of an effective counseling relationship. The counselor will need to learn about you, your issue, its severity and history. You may want to be prepared with your own questions regarding the counselor’s experience with your kind of problem, appointment availabilities, insurance and price. Take your time making this decision. On your first visit, expect to feel a little nervous and to also spend time filling out paperwork. Registration, disclosure and client’s rights forms are necessary for treatment and to meet state requirements. Next you will have the chance to tell your story and voice your fears, hopes, and goals for counseling. Initially, this can be very intense as people “discharge” pent up feelings in a non-judgmental atmosphere. However, this emotional release is often extremely healing and the beginning of the process of recovery. Counseling is a journey and no two people take the same path. Expect ups and downs, times when you feel like you are spinning your wheels or your counselor “doesn’t seem to get it” as your real world issues emerge in therapy. Address these times head-on as they may represent opportunities for progress. Sometimes it’s easy to determine when therapy is nearing the end; you lost 20lbs, quit smoking, gained a fulfilling relationship. But when dealing with feelings such as depression, anxiety or low self-esteem, treatment success may be very individual. Ask yourself: “Who was I before my problem, who am I now, how can I see myself in the future?” Follow-up or returning to therapy may be useful to cement gains and increase confidence. Like a flower blossoming in barren, dry rocks people do flourish in the midst of adversity. Counseling can help you make the most of yourself and your life while new discoveries make the struggle worthwhile. Claudia Reiche, MA, NCC of Colorado eTherapy, LLC in Longmont offers therapy in-person, via Skype, and e-mail. Coloradoetherapy@safe-mail.net. See listing page 27.
The Miracle of Midlife Being Exactly Who We Need to Be by Marianne Williamson
ow would we live, were we not afraid of death? How would we live if we gave ourselves permission to give to life everything we’ve got? In The Longevity Factor, Lydia Brontë, Ph.D., observes that we’ve added 15 years to our lives… but in the middle, not at the end. No longer identifying ourselves as “over the hill” at whatever age, we are simply removing the hill. We are forging a different conversation and a new vision to take us beyond the limited thought forms that have defined the parameters of age for generations. For the first time in history, we can realistically view the first half of life as a kind of gestation period, preparing us for an even more productive second half. Midlife is like a second puberty, a point at which one persona falls away and another comes to take its place. What happens then is up to us. Some begin a long, slow cruise toward death at that point, allowing memories to become more meaningful than the present. Others, remembering that the spirit within
us never ages, see the moment of midlife as a rebirth—the time to put our engines into high gear. Whomever it is we were born to be, whatever our soul was coded to accomplish, whatever lessons we are here to learn; now is the time to seriously get going. We may regret that we’re no longer young, but we’re ecstatic that we’re no longer clueless. We must be disciplined, though. We want to become precision instruments now, focused on exactly what we want to do and being exactly who we need to be. This requires separating from the person we were before to whatever extent that person was not who we know in our hearts we were created to be. There’s no more time for five-year detours. No more time for relationships that don’t serve us or for staying in situations that aren’t true to who we are. No more time for pettiness, false pride or whatever other dysfunctional roadblocks obstruct our higher destiny and the joy that’s meant to be ours. Our life might not be as fabulous as it used to be in some ways, but in other ways it’s even more fabulous. The Universe is constantly and infinitely elastic, responding not to our past, but
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to our present state of mind. As we learn to reprogram thoughts—atoning for our mistakes of the past and embracing the endless miraculous possibilities of the present—we step into a time when we have every reason to look forward with genuine excitement to what happens next. Individually and collectively, we are now fitted to fearlessly forge new ground, wielding the power of what life has taught us so far and laying claim to the possibility of redemption, not only for ourselves, but also for the entire world. The planet needs a new story, aligned with a larger consciousness, and so do we. What we need now are imagination and courage. Many of us feel we’ve forever carried around a secret dream, rarely validating it even to ourselves and often denying its reality. Yet it has refused to go away and is ready to be born at last. Individuals that have spent decades achieving one thing or moving in one direction often take up something else entirely that gives them far more psychic satisfaction. They see achievements that were the height of their material success as preparation for an even greater one; the means by which they learned the skills ultimately needed to make their biggest contribution to the world. Divine law guarantees that the power of “nowâ€? presents an endless fount of miraculous opportunities. In God, there are no limits to how high we can go, ever. In God, there is no time‌ only the call of the soul. It is not too late; we are right on time and we are better than we know. Now, having visited so many other places in our journey of life, we seek our place within the collective heartbeat of holiness. When enough of us stand in the light of our higher purpose, seeking to be ever-greater servants of love, each consciously dedicated to creating a more loving world, then a new field of collective possibility will emerge among us. All that is not love will begin to fall away of its own dead weight. A profound moment of planetary renewal will occur then, after our having allowed it first to occur within us. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed inspirational author and lecturer. Six of her 10 books have been New York Times bestsellers, including The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife, the basis for this article.
calendarofevents th
NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by November 10 (for December issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Visit MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com for guidelines and to submit entries. All entries will be edited.
CHECK DATES: Right To Know Colorado - GMO Thrive Sustainable Solutions Meetup–7-9pm. Pursue the initiative process to add legislation to the Colorado ballot in 2014 requiring mandatory labeling of GMOs in Colorado. Journeys for Conscious Living 7401 W 59th Arvada. 303-731-6695. J4CL.com.
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1 The Twilight Brigade Weekend Intensive Workshop– 7pm Fri-5:30pm Sun. A life-affirming and dynamic workshop to be a loving source of strength and support to the dying. Suggested $100/$75 Veterans. Regis University 3333 Regis Blvd, Denver. 720-282-9828 or monica@ thetwilightbrigade.org.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2 Aura Clearing/Chakra Balancing Healing Clinic–1:302:30pm. A healing is like an energy shower; unnecessary energy is cleared and clarity and contentment are restored. Free. Inner Connection Institute North Side, 4325 Harlan Street, Wheat Ridge. 303-257-4797 or InnerConnection.org. Aura Painting–11am-5pm.You don’t have to be an artist or think you have psychic abilities to attend. Lots of practice. Sense spirits in aura. Take home 3 aura paintings! $75. La Quinta Inn 7190 W Hampden Ave, Lakewood. Lisa Lanyon AspenProgram.com.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3 Open House Brain Balance Centers–11am-3pm. Interested in finding out more about holistic, non-drug approaches to your child’s dyslexia, ADHD, learning disorders and/or communicator or sensory issues? 1211 Avery Street, Ste 101, Golden RSVP 303-278-1780. 1970 E County Line, Littleton/Highlands Ranch (Sprouts Plaza) RSVP 303-800-1625. BrainBalanceColorado.com Non-Denominational Church Service–1:30pm. Meditation and a spiritual message. Free aura healing/chakra balancing clinic. Rev. Margaret Johnson, Officiating Minister. Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S. Monroe Street, Denver. 303-282-9439 or InnerConnection.org. Psychic Dreaming Class–10am-4pm. The best source of psychic info is your dreams. Tips for remembering, easy interpretation techniques, increase psychic dreams, hypnosis recording: Ask Your Dreams a Question. $75. La Quinta Inn 7190 W Hampden Ave, Lakewood. Karen Fox AspenProgram.com. Eckankar Worship Service–10:30-11:30am. Understand how Divine Spirit (the ECK) works in our lives. Reading from the ECK works, HU Song, quiet contemplation, music, connection. Free. Eckankar Center of Boulder Valley 1800 30th St., #208 Boulder. 720-466-3322 or eckankar-colorado.org.
MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 Canine Separation Anxiety: Comprehensive Management and Solutions–7-9pm. Techniques and protocols for managing and changing this behavior. Center for Wholistic Health, 8600 W 14th Ave # 2, Lakewood. Info/reg mishamayfoundation@gmail.com or 303-239-0382.
Aura Clearing/Chakra Balancing Healing Clinic–6:30-7:15pm. A healing is like an energy shower; unnecessary energy is cleared and clarity and contentment restored. Free. Inner Connection Institute Denver, inside Balanced Body Center 975 Lincoln St, Denver. 303-282-9439 or InnerConnection.org. Laser Wellness–6:30-7:30pm. Free educational demonstration of the history of low level laser therapy cellular healing and the extraordinary effectiveness of countless testimonies and research. Transformational Health Center 4105 E Florida Ave #207, Denver. RSVP 303-534-5268 or cleejoy@gmail.com.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 5 Healing Food Cravings with Angels–7-8pm. Learn to work with Angels to release any addictions or habits that you are ready to change. Change your food space into a healthy lifestyle. $10. Journey Within; Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga Studio 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. Anita Destino 720413-7303, journeywithin@hotmail.com Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Energy clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@ yogaofthemind.com or yogaofthemind.com. Oneness Blessing Deeksha and Meditation–7-9pm. Deeksha is a Divine intelligent energy transfer that causes a neurobiological transformation within the brain of each receiving individual. Suggested $10. Journeys For Conscious Living, 7401 West 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695. J4CL.com.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 Healthy Seminar–6:30pm.Wellness educator and coach Noel Lambert Morrissey of Lambert Power Wellness will be discussing health and wellness topics and the manufacturer that enhances healthy homes and healthy bodies. Tuscany Tavern Restaurant, Evergreen. RSVP Noel 303-916-1583.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 Esoteric Evening: Provocative Answers to Your Deepest Questions about Life–6:15-8:30pm. Led by two spiritual luminaries to expose ideological beliefs as the fabric of self identity so they can be transcended. Free. A Mission meeting room, Denver. RSVP Val 303-339-0807. Nutritional Cleansing Program & Tasting–7-9pm. Also on 11/19. Learn about this new cleansing and fat burning system that is natural, safe and effective! Incl product tasting. Free. LifeSource Health Partners 65 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. RSVP req’d 303-934-3600.
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 Trance Medium Healing Clinic–7pm. Open Channeling 7-7:30ish. Free. Followed by Healings $10. Facilitating re-alignment/cleansing of the spiritual body. Channeling, energy readings, and intense individual
OPEN HOUSE! BRAIN BALANCE CENTERS GOLDEN/HIGHLANDS RANCH Sunday November 3rd, 11am-3pm Interested in finding out more about holistic, nondrug approaches to your child’s dyslexia, ADHD, learning disorders and/or communicator or sensory issues? Join Tami and Eric Eslich, owners of Brain Balance Centers in Golden and Highlands Ranch, for an Open House in both locations. 1211 Avery Street, Ste 101, Golden. RSVP 303-2781780. 1970 E County Line, Littleton/Highlands Ranch (Sprouts Plaza). RSVP 303-800-1625. Tour the center, meet Tami and Eric and learn more about how Brain Balance Center programs can work for you and your family. Can’t make it? Call for your FREE half hour consultation today!
HERBAL ALLIES FOR HEALTHY WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Monday, November 4th, 6-8pm Herbs can be our allies in our efforts to reach a healthier state of living. They can add much-needed nutrients to our bodies, strengthen our organs, alter our metabolism, boost our vitality and even help satisfy certain cravings. Come to this free class and learn the various plants that can aid you in your quest for health. We will also cover basic foundations of reaching a healthier state through diet and exercise. 2900 Valmont, Ste F-1, Boulder (Zarlengo plaza in rear). Info 720-722-4372 or ClinicalHerbalism.com.
WHOLE MAN EXPO Sunday, November 10, 9am-5pm The Whole Man Expo honors and celebrates men who are actively striving for life balance, and seeks to increase public awareness of the challenges that contemporary men often confront. This is an upbeat event, with interactive learning, physical activities, networking, exhibitors and socializing. Presenters/panelists discuss a wide-range of topics. Closing features presentation of the Whole Man of the Year Award. Men, women and teens welcome. $20pp. Location: with the Athena Festival, Ramada Plaza Denver North, 10 East 120th Avenue, Northglenn. Questions Jim at 303-796-7004. Info/register Mensanthology.com/whole-man-expo.
natural awakenings
November 2013
clearings. Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S. Monroe Street, Denver. 303-282-9439 or InnerConnection.org.
savethedate HIGHER BRAIN LIVING® - LEARN WHY SELF-HELP DOESN’T HELP Wed, Nov 6th, 6:30-8:30pm @ Boulder Marriott, 2660 Canyon Boulevard, Boulder Thurs, Nov 7th, 6:30-8:30pm @ the Inn at Cherry Creek, 233 Clayton Street, Denver Ever Wonder Why Self-Help Doesn’t Really Help? The answer is in your brain. Are you in the business of helping people? Would you like to be able to offer deep and lasting change and peace of mind like never before? Transform your life by becoming a facilitator for Higher Brain Living® and join a community full of people who are experiencing joy, passion and purpose. Pre-reg for free or $25/door. Spaces are limited! RSVP/info craigp@higherbrainliving.com.
HIGHER BRAIN LIVING ® INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL - BOULDER Fri, Nov. 8th / Sat Nov. 9th / Sun Nov.10th A New Brain... A New Beginning! Experience for yourself a revolutionary gentle-touch process that consistently and repeatedly surges energy into the Higher Brain. How would your life be with more joy, passion, and connection? Let’s create a new world together! After attending the National Presentation in Boulder (Nov. 6) or Denver (Nov 7), experience Higher Brain Living yourself. Call now to schedule: 303-917-1484. Or email: michelle.depres@gmail.com.
HIGHER BRAIN LIVING® - LITTLETON SPECIAL SESSIONS! Fri, Nov 8th / Sat, Nov 9th / Tue, Nov 12th
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 Pet Energy Healings–Noon-3pm. $10/pet. Many benefits for both the pet and its owner; strengthen the bond, removes energetic blocks, release pain or discomfort. Bring your pet or photo. Journey Within; Inside Rishi’s Crossing Yoga Studio 2730 S Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-4137303, journeywithin@hotmail.com. Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Energy clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind.com. Intro to Labyrinth-A Contemplative Art Workshop– 9am-4pm.Explore the Labyrinth as a symbol of spiritual journey, intro to art as a metaphor for contemplative experience. Prereg req’d. $90+$12/materials. Creative Life Center at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church 7520 S Boulder Rd, Boulder. RSVP info@CreativeLifeCenter.org
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 10 Whole Man Expo with Athena Festival– 9am-5:30pm. The Whole Man Expo honors and celebrates men who are actively striving for life balance, and seeks to increase public awareness of the challenges that contemporary men often confront. Ramada Plaza Denver North, Northglenn, $20. Mensanthology.com/whole-man-expo.
After you have attended the Higher Brain Living National Presentation in Boulder (Nov. 6) or Denver (Nov. 7), and have seen and heard the AWESOME, life-changing benefits of Higher Brain Living, experience for yourself what it’s like when your higher brain is energized! Selected times have been reserved to provide Introductory Sessions at our new facility: AWAKEN Higher Brain Living, 2100 W Littleton Blvd, #248, Littleton. Call now to schedule 303-907-3468.
Free Energy Clearings–Noon-1pm. 15-min Energy clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind.com
French Fete for the Holidays–10am-1pm. Learn how to make a stress-free full menu of French-inspired dishes for a special holiday dinner party. $62. Denver Botanic Gardens 1007 York St, Denver. Registrar 720-865-3580 registrar@botanicgardens.org.
Fri., Nov. 8th / Sat., Nov. 9th / Thurs, Nov 14th Experience Higher Brain Living! Learn about this amazing technique and life altering process to energized your higher brain at the Higher Brain Living® National Presentation. Then seize the opportunity to experience what it feels like for you! To learn more; simply call to set a time for your introductory sessions! AWAKEN Higher Brain Living - University Hills, 2696 S. Colorado Blvd, Ste 440, Denver. Call Lucy 720-339-3990 to schedule or for more information.
HIGHER BRAIN LIVING: WHERE NEUROSCIENCE MEETS SPIRITUALITY MEETS PERSONAL GROWTH Sample Sessions Available for those who have attended the National Presentation
November 11th / November 14th / November 18th / November 21st Do you remember the feeling of the best moment of your life? Come learn how those feelings of joy, confidence and passion are possible every day. Higher Brain Living is a proven system where gentle touch process brings energy to the highest, most-evolved part of our brain. This measurable change in brain physiology is coupled with a life-mapping program, creating major life transformation. Higher Brain Living AWAKEN Center, 1155 Sherman St., Suite 111, Denver. To schedule please contact LizBeth at 720-239-1155 or LizBeth@AwakenedCulture.com
Reiki I Class–10am-4pm. Discover a healing method that is gentle, yet powerful. Self-treatments can be performed, and Reiki on others. $100. Light Touch Chiropractic 2594 W Crestline Ave, Littleton. Heidi Mentink 303-919-6266 or hmentink2010@gmail.com. Aura Photography at Athena Festival–11am-5pm. Discover what your colors tell you with an Aura Photo by Pat and Nancy McCleary. Photo reading incl! Admission $8. Aura Photo/Reading $25. Ramada Plaza Convention Center 10 E 120th Ave, Denver. Auraphotographs.com Beginners Dancing Class–10:30-11:30am. Also on 11/17 & 24. FREE beginners Salsa & Bachata class. Take the step towards discovering your talent. Gypsy House Cafe Basement 1279 Marion St, Denver. Alondra Taveras 786-216-9892 or alondrapt@live.com.
MONDAY NOVEMBER 11 Ease the Symptoms of Menopause with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine–6-7pm. Learn how acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can support a healthy menopause and decrease symptoms. Free. Shen Dao Acupuncture LLC, 2750 South Wadsworth Boulevard, D-103, Denver. RSVP 720-670-0098.
Comprehensive 305 hour, weekends. “Professional Foot, Hand, Ear Reflexology” prepares for rewarding career. Also Fall, Spring CE and Community Herbal Classes. Just for Health School. Englewood, CO. State Approved. Rachel Lord 303-320-4367; health.on.all.levels@gmail.com , www.justforhealth.net
Brain Balance Parent/Educator Presentations–6:307:30pm. Informative program for parents/educators of children 4-17 struggling with academic, behavioral, emotional or sensory issues. Free. 2 locations: 1970 E County Line Rd #G, Highlands Ranch RSVP 303-800-
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
1625 OR 1211 Avery St, #101, Golden RSVP 303-2781780. BrainBalanceColorado.com Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Energy clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind.com FREE Intro into your Intuition–7:30-9pm. Ready to relieve stress; achieve your goals with less effort and overall calmer lifestyle? Learn to easily hear your intuition. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind.com. RSVP yogaofthemind.com Intro to your Intuition Learn to Heal with Angels–7-9pm. 5-wk course introduces you to Archangels & Healing Angels to heal, release grief, guilt, addictions and habits. Facilitated by Anita Destino, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®. Early/$185, Regular/$200. Call for new location. Anita Destino Journey Within 720-413-7303.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 Talking to Loved Ones on the Other Side with Sue Frederick-6-8pm. Experience the presence of your departed loved one, and gain a new perspective on your loss. Denver Library: Ross-Cherry Creek Branch, 305 Milwaukee Street, Denver. CareerIntuitive.info.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 Illuminating the Subtle Body–6:30-8:30pm. Learn why the field of energy medicine is poised to revolutionize healing and disease. $30. Creative Life Center at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church 7520 S Boulder Rd, Boulder. RSVP req’d info@CreativeLifeCenter.org. Homeopathy for Winter Health Care–6:30-8:30pm. Everyday uses of homeopathic medicines in cough/cold/flu season. Caring for our kids, “First Five” homeopathic medicines, demystify the science of homeopathy. FREE. Denver Waldorf School 940 Fillmore, Denver. Denver Metro Holistic Moms Network. Home.homewebs.com/hmndenverco CCC: Consciousness Creatives Community–6:45-10pm. Monthly meetings share common desire to raise consciousness w/presentations, discussion, interaction. Bring biz cards and snack to share. Suggested $10. Journeys For Conscious Living, 7401 West 59th Ave, Arvada. 303-7316695. J4CL.com.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 Living Life with Passion, Purpose & Possibilities: 2-Day Retreat–9am-5pm. Get a clear path to passions/purpose, removal of obstacles, clarity, and confidence about your next steps! $199. Incl lunch/snacks. Boulder Center for Conscious Community 1637 28th St, Boulder. Laura Menze 847-650-6503 or LMenze@LifeQuestAlliance.com.
lookingahead 2013 DECEMBER 3
Talking to Loved Ones on the Other Side with Sue Frederick–6-8pm.Experience the presence of your departed loved one, and gain a new perspective on your loss. Denver Library: Ross University Hills Branch, 4310 E. Amherst Avenue, Denver. CareerIntuitive.info.
Guided Meditation; Creating Your New Year–7-8pm.Start the year off right by taking time for YOU and creating your new year. $10pp.Call for new location. RSVP Anita Destino, Journey Within 720-413-7303 or AnitaDestino.com
Living Advent with SoulCollage®–6:30-8:30pm. Discover parts of yourself that reflect different Nativity characters & connect to the story of Christmas by creating small collages. No exp/religion needed. $90+$10/ materials. Creative Life Center, St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, 7520 S Boulder Rd, Boulder. RSVP CreativeLifeCenter.org or info@CreativeLifeCenter.org.
JANUARY 11, 2014
JANUARY 18-23, 2014
Relieve Stress: Improve your Energy Boundaries with Grounding and Centering–6:30-8:30pm. Eliminate worry and stress in 10 minutes/day for people with “busy minds” andintense professions. $39 Yoga of the Mind, 8 E. First Avenue, #103, Denver. David Stevens, 303-668-2358. RSVP Yogaofthemind.com under Relieve Stress
Revitalize Your Life–Holistic Health Retreat– Lodging, meals, classes, workshops, excursions and Personalized Health Assessments included. L’Auberge de Sedona Resort and Spa, 301 Lâ Auberge Lane Sedona, AZ. Sponsored by Lime and Lotus, limeandlotus.com and Dr. Stephanie Zgraggen DC CNS CCN, 714-465-9045
JANUARY 24-26, 2014
Manifesting 123 Denver Workshop–10-4pm. New and critical information about how your thoughts begin to form up in the unseen, nearphysical world. This is the go-to manual, the simplest way to create good things in your life. This workshop goes beyond attracting and hoping. $100pp, $80/2+. Info/details Ken 303-9951611. Manifesting123.com
DECEMBER 17 Healing Your Body by Letting Go–7-8pm. Relaxing meditation w/colors and visualization actively release energy to heal your body. $10pp. Call for new location. RSVP Anita Destino, Journey Within 720-413-7303 or AnitaDestino.com
Oatmeal Festival Health Fair–7:30am-1pm. Join Studio Z Dental for an oatmeal breakfast bar and more! Includes 5K fun run, health fair, baking contest, blood drive. Lafayette. StudioZDental. com. Lafayettecolorado.com/events.html
Animal Reiki Certification–Learn Reiki practices, as well as communication, handling strategies, physiology, psychology and more. Doggie Delights On Broadway 1432 South Broadway, Denver. Info/reg mishamayfoundation@gmail.com or call 303-239-0382.
FEBRUARY 21-23, 2014 Evolve Expo–Three days of exhibitors, vendors, and speakers featuring Free Energy, Alternative/Complimentary Health, Wealth Building, and Conscious/Creative Living. National Western Complex, Denver. Info Journeys For Conscious Living, 7401 West 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695. Evolveexpo.com.
Thanks for Meditating–9:30-11am. Intro to sitting meditation including Tonglen, Samatha and Native American practice on the eve of holidays. $15. Jasmine Dragon Studio 1539 S Broadway Bldg A, Denver. Patricia Campbell Bennett RN, LPC. RSVP pls 720-519-8457 or patricia@ReflectedSpirit.com. Free presentation and book signing–2-4pm. The Power of Transformation: Realize Your Highest Calling in 91 Days with author Roland Aranjo. Sojourners Coffee 1501 S Holly St, Denver. RSVP 303-246-0437 or rolandaranjo@gmail.com.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 17 A Moment for Mutts 2013- 1-5pm. Fun fundraiser for Misha May Foundation Dog Training and Rescue to help rescue more cats and dogs in danger of euthanasia. Games, Silent and live auctions including trips to Paris, Napa Valley, golfing at St Andrews, original artwork, Disneyland and more. Hosted by The D Note, 7519 Grandview Ave, Olde Town Arvada with music donated by The Acousticators. MishaMayFoundation.org/moments.html.
For more information, call
303-770-1981 natural awakenings
November 2013
See Your True Work: Using Intuition for Your Career & Life-2:30-4:30pm. Sue Frederick, life-long intuitive, teaches you to tap into your intuition, see your soul’s mission and move forward fearlessly. $10. Mile Hi Church, 9077 W Alameda Ave, Lakewood. Tix Milehichurch.org/ tea-talks-for-women. Careerintuitive.info. Discover Your Life’s Work–1-3pm. Transform your life/work as you learn what numerology and your intuition can tell you about your true path in life. $25. Isis Books & Gifts 2775 S Broadway, Englewood. RSVP req’d Nancy McCleary 303-519-0355 or 303-761-8627. Community HU Song–10:30-11am. Denver or Boulder for Community HU song, an ancient name for God sung for spiritual upliftment. Free. Eckankar Center of Denver 5800 E Evans Ave., Eckankar Center of Boulder Valley 1800 30th St., #208. 720-466-3322 or HUColorado.org
ahead with natural, healthy dessert ideas. $44. Denver Botanic Gardens 1007 York St, Denver. Registrar 720865-3580 registrar@botanicgardens.org. Realize Your Highest Calling–10am-Noon.Learn sacred practices: Kundalini and Chakra energy exercises, Astral projection, VMAT2 Gene activation, time and space travel. FREE. 216 S Grant St, Denver. RSVP Sowadi “Falling Star” 303-246-0437 or sowadiaranjo@ gmail.com.
Guided Meditation–7:30-8:30pm. Explore meditation using the Yoga of the Mind methods with David Stevens. Forget all the stuffy ideas you have about meditation. $10. 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind. com. RSVP Yogaofthemind.com Under Specialities/ Guided Meditation.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Energy clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind.com
Tree Lighting with Realities for Children Boulder County–6-7pm. Through NightLights, groups and individuals can become a Champion for Children by ‘sponsoring’ a light (s) and helping to provide vital resources to abused, neglected and at-risk youth. Rfcbc.org.
MONDAY NOVEMBER 18 Jumping Into Light–6:30-7:30pm. Educational demo of the history of Low Level Laser Therapy for cellular healing and the extraordinary effectiveness of testimonies and research. Free. Transformational Health Center 4105 E Florida Ave #207, Denver. RSVP 303-534-5268 or cleejoy@gmail.com.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 19 Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Energy clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-668-2358, davids@yogaofthemind.com.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 20 Natural Approaches to Preventing and Handling Arthritic Pain–7-8:15pm. Reviews the 2 main types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid; neurological/ physiological aspects; non-drug treatment and longterm care. Free. LifeSource Health Partners 65 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. RSVP req’d 303-934-3600.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21 Feed Your Brain–6pm. Dr Katia Meier and the Clear Sky Medical Team discuss nutrition for ADD, ADHD, Autism and Addictions. Free. Clear Sky Medical 9085 E Mineral Circle #260, Centennial. RSVP 303-790-7860.
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22 Friday Night Cinema at Living Water Spiritual Community–7-9pm.Treats avail. Discussion follows. Some films may have language/subject unsuitable for children. Love Offering. Living Water Spiritual Community 7401 W 59th Ave, Arvada. Info Kay 720-9334964 or kayfordjohnsEn@aol.com
as they teach families to play the ukulele. Incl with Museum admission; instruments provided. Denver Children’s Museum. Mychildsmuseum.org
mondays Couples Communication–6-7:30pm. Improve intimacy while learning compassionate communication. All couples/partners welcomed. $30pp. Jasmine Dragon Studio 1539 S Broadway Bldg A, Denver. RSVP Patricia Campbell Bennett RN, LPC 720-519-8457 or patricia@ReflectedSpirit.com.
tuesdays Free Healing Clinic–5-6:30pm. Free aura and chakra healing and communication about what you are working on as a spirit in a body. Psychic Horizons Center 5485 Conestoga Ct, #110, Boulder. 303-440-7171 or hello@psychichorizonscenter.org. Free Energy Clearings–5:30-6:45pm. 15-min Energy clearing & Chakra tuning. Remove non-useful energy to feel relaxed, light and positive. Drop-ins welcome. Free! Yoga of the Mind Classroom, 8 E 1st Ave., #103 Denver. David Stevens 303-6682358, davids@yogaofthemind.com
wednesdays Free Energy Healings; Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing–6-7pm. A healing is like an “energy car wash” that releases negative energy to create the life you desire. Call for new location. Anita Destino, Journey Within 720-413-7303 or AnitaDestino.com. Ukulele Sing & Strum-a-Longs–5-5:30pm. Strum, tap, sing and dance along with Swallow Hill Music
thursdays Aura and Chakra Healings Drop-In–6-7pm. Receive a 10 minute energy cleanse and release negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and fear. Get replenished with your own positive energy and feel great! FREE. 1332 Pearl St, Boulder. 303-530-0920 or BoulderPsychicInstitute.org. Psychic Readings–7-8:30pm by appt. Learn about your soul essence, past lives, and aura. Questions about relationships, career, money, health, etc., are welcome. FREE. Boulder Psychic Institute 1332 Pearls St, Boulder. 303-530-0920 or BoulderPsychicInstitute.org.
saturdays Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Denver–8-9:30am. Having trouble controlling the way you eat? Underweight/ Overweight? Obsessed with food, weight, or dieting? You are not alone. University Park United Methodist Church, East Parlor, 2180 South University, Denver. Contact Mary C. 303-332-7443. Foodaddicts.org
sundays Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Boulder–6:308pm. Having trouble controlling the way you eat? Underweight/Overweight? Obsessed with food, weight, or dieting? You are not alone. Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 3485 Stanford Court, Boulder. Contact Joyce P. 303-449-1728. Foodaddicts.org
ol of Clinica o h
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Healthy Fall Desserts–2-4pm. Join a professional pastry chef to discover how to prepare for the wintery months
Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism NOW ENROLLING Fundamentals of Medical Herbalism Evening Program Starts January 6, 2014
Boulder, Colorado
www.ClinicalHerbalism.com 720 406 8609
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
Also offering sliding scale Wellness Consultations in our Student Clinic.
communityresourceguide ACUPUNCTURE
2750 South Wadsworth Boulevard, D-103, Denver Maria Mandarino, LAc, DipAc (NCCAOM), RMT, NCTMB 720-670-0098 www.MariaMandarino.com
Claudia Reiche, MA, NCC Office Locations: Longmont and Boulder E-mail and Skype counseling from the comfort of your home 303-332-2900 Coloradoetherapy@safe-mail.net Coloradoetherapy.com
Acupuncture is a safe, gentle, and natural approach to treating pain and illness, or for just keeping healthy. We can help you with pain, autoimmune disorders, fertility, allergies, digestive problems, fibromyalgia, migraines, anxiety, depression, PMS, and more. We also specialize in Craniosacral Therapy, AMMA Therapy, John Barnes Myofascial Release and individualized Bach Flower formulas. Located in the Bear Creek section of southwest Denver, adjacent to Lakewood and Littleton.
Why can’t I feel happy? Will I be DEPRESSED for the rest of my life? I hate feeling so ANXIOUS and WORRYING about every little thing. How can I get out of this difficult situation? If this sounds familiar, let’s meet. I am a registered psychotherapist and National Certified Counselor, and I can help you via e-mail, Skype, and inperson counseling. Specialty services are available including counseling for INTROVERTS, LIFE TRANSITIONS, TINNITUS, HEARING LOSS, STRESS MANAGEMENT and more. Please e-mail me for a free consultation.
DENTIST BLOGS & WEBSITES BLOGS BY BETH Beth Anderson 720-261-3155 www.blogsbybeth.com Are you having trouble finding the time to update your Wordpress website? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to have a blog or website but you don’t know where to start? Blogs by Beth helps people bring their passions to the internet through a blog or website at a reasonable price. We also help people with their SEO campaign and social networking.
CONSCIOUS EVENTS & SPEAKERS JOURNEYS FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 7401 West 59th Ave., Arvada 303-731-6695 www.J4CL.com Discover and develop a life of passion, purpose and contribution. Journeys for Conscious Living (J4CL) is an organization leading the world in conscious living, hosting world class events, speakers and event center (space rental) to empower people to create thoughtful changes in living their lives every day, thus creating the space and energy to stay centered and expand the community. J4CL invites you to cocreate opportunities, collaboration and communities for individuals and businesses to reach their full, highest potential, while experiencing love, joy and transformation. See ad page 26.
STUDIO Z DENTAL Tom Zyvoloski DDS Aesthetic Excellence and Holistic Family Care 1017 E South Boulder Rd, Ste B, Louisville 303-666-7110 StudioZDental.com If you’re the type of person who cares enough about your body to shop for organic produce, why not give the same thought to your dental health? At Studio Z Dental, we use only the safest, most natural products with each of our clients. Curious about mercury safe dentistry? Check out our videos at www.studiozdental.com/videos.
Call for New Location! 720-413-7303 www.anitadestino.com A safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, Journey Within helps you focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. Give to yourself with Free Energy Healings, Angel Healings, Guided Meditations, Meditation Classes, Workshops and Intuitive Readings/Healings. Join us for a Free Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing held every Wednesday from 6-7 pm, open to everyone.
ESSENTIAL OILS dōTERRA WITH BILL SCHAEFER 303-668-7072 www.mydoterra.com/iq Did you know not all brands of essential oils are the same? Some are not pure. And some use synthetics, losing the power of the oil. Learn about essential oils and what they can do for you. Oils can be a safe alternative for “Over the Counter” medications and your health. We offer classes and events to help you have a better understanding of the use of oils for daily living.
VIBRANCE DENTISTRY WITH DR. CATE VIEREGGER 7400 E Crestline Circle, Ste 230 Greenwood Village 303-770-1116 www.VibranceDentistry.com Whether your goal is to encourage a healthy attitude towards oral health in your children or ease your own anxiety about dental procedures, our friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere will change the way you approach dental care. At Vibrance Dentistry, we believe that oral healthcare should be a pleasant and relaxing experience. Our state-of-the-art equipment and spa-like amenities allow us to offer services that transcend traditional dentistry and promote whole-body wellness. See ad page 8.
FAMILY PRACTITIONER CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. Now Board Certified in Anti-Aging. See full listing under PHYSICIAN or see ad page 3.
MISHA MAY FOUNDATION DOG TRAINING & RESCUE Lorraine May, Executive Director 303-239-0382 MishaMayFoundation@gmail.com www.MishaMayFoundation.org Adopt your best friend today! We rescue dogs and cats and foster them until we find a forever home. Classes in Understanding Dogs with positive reinforcement techniques and Dog Trainer Apprentice to become a dog trainer utilizing behavior science and holistic approaches. Many more classes – see our website for adoptable animals and classes. See ad page 19.
In Louisville 303-589-4123 spiritmed@rocketmail.com Offering Higher Self-centered clearings/healing, subtle body alignments/ integration, soul energy contact and chakra work, manifestation practice, meditations, house clearings, remote transmissions. I work mostly hands off but energy on, with a goal of helping people become more whole (healed) and expansive through spiritual energetics. I have 43 years meditation experience, 20 with energy work. House calls if close.
natural awakenings
November 2013
classifieds BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Work from Home - NO SELLING, NO INVENTORY. FREE WEBSITE, FREE TRAINING. Contact Heather at 303-910-7093 or fill out form at WorkGreenToday.com
HEALTHY AGING CLEAR SKY MEDICAL KATIA I. MEIER, M.D. Panorama Falls 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 www.ClearSkyMedical.com
Looking for a way to bring in extra money? Maybe even a second income? Come change the world with us - one child at a time! We are looking for health-minded people who have a heart for helping others. If you like to educate others, believe in the power of whole food nutrition, and want to make a difference, this might be a fit for you. Please contact Heather @ 303-753-2665 for details and questions. Have a healthy, happy day!
Now Board Certified in Anti-Aging. Feel your best at any age with Dr Katia Meier, Board Certified Holistic MD specializing in whole body health inside and out with customized approaches to Healthy Aging, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy, Nutritional analysis and Therapy, Medical Aesthetics and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments, Homeopathy, Herbology, Naturopathic Medicine, Personalized Detoxification Programs, Medical Weight Loss for men and women. Treating all ages and most insurance welcomed. Call to set up your appointment today. See ad page 3.
Personal Chef Services: A Personalized, Healthy, gourmet-quality meal preparation service. Eliminate the stress in your life. Savor the food you want, when you desire it. Book Today, SavorLife.com.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES Earn additional income in 3 days per month delivering Natural Awakenings near your home! Must be available for 3 days at the end of the month and have your own transportation. Need reliable, trustworthy people who could use a little extra cash. No calls please. Email Doug@ MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com. Clear Sky Medical, a leading edge preventive and functional medicine clinic is looking for a Physician Assistant. This person should be willing to actively engage and participate in a busy practice with different providers, be highly professional with patients, be a good team player and be coachable. Knowledge/interest in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and anti-aging medicine and in a combination of holistic/ functional medicine is highly preferred. Position may be part or full time. A minimum of two years’ experience and basic computer skills are necessary. Eligible applicants may send an application letter, CV and two reference letters to betterhealth@clearskymedical.com
FOR RENT Professional Office Space for Rent: Office space available in a suite with shared waiting room: Counseling or Bodywork. Santa Fe and Hampden area. Call 303-908-6437 for more information.
PSYCHIC MEDIUM “Thank you, Kaitlyn, for an incredible session. You are a truly gifted psychic.” ~ Jen Goldsworthy UK. Kaitlyn 303-952-0198. In person or Phone Consultations.
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
CREATIVE LIFE CENTER Marcia Chadly and Eva Morrell Boulder/Louisville 303-635-0691 info@CreativeLifeCenter.org www.CreativeLifeCenter.org
CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. Now Board Certified in Anti-Aging. See full listing under PHYSICIAN or see ad page 3.
RED TAIL WELLNESS CENTERS IAN HOLLAMAN, DC 4520 North Broadway, Boulder 303-882-8447 www.RedTailWellnessCenters.com Are you tired, foggy-brained, gaining weight for no reason, have elevated cholesterol and other symptoms of thyroid disease, but your thyroid levels are “normal?” Go beyond the “traditional” standard of care to Ian Hollaman, DC, who focuses on difficult and chronic cases such as elevated glucose and cholesterol, thyroid disorders, and novel solutions to pain and injuries with proficiency in multiple modalities such as Applied Kinesiology, Functional Medicine. Chiropractic and Nutrition. See ad page 15.
RED TAIL WELLNESS CENTERS KAREN HOLLAMAN, DC, LMT 4520 North Broadway, Boulder 303-882-8447 www.RedTailWellnessCenters.com
Find the “You” you love! Renew spirit, body, and life while enjoying the community at Creative Life Center classes and events. Explore: Contemplative Art, Qigong, SoulCollage®, Labyrinth, Body Energy, Advent, Visioning the New Year and More. Visit our website for more information and to register.
Women, are you looking for a different standard of care for you and your children? I was given a second chance at life because of a holistic chiropractor’s understanding of how the body heals itself when given the proper support. I offer women and children the same hope and care I had been generously given. If you or your family struggles with health issues please contact the Red Tail Wellness Center so I can help you take flight again and let your health soar. See ad page 15.
NATURAL SKINCARE CLINIC Jessica Fanning, Medical Esthetician, Laser Specialist & Healing Diets Coach 720 14th St., Golden, CO 80401 720-340-2263 www.NaturalSkincareClinic.com At the Natural Skincare Clinic in downtown Golden, we believe the journey of well-being begins and ends with the treatment of body, spirit and mind in a relaxing and nurturing environment. We provide skin, body and holistic nutrition therapies that are safe, effective and detoxifying without compromising their eco-friendly roots. Treatments include: facials, waxing, clinical skincare such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, sun spot removal, facial vein therapy as well as holistic nutrition. Jessica specializes in anti-aging, teen and adult acne treatments. COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTS.
INTEGRATIVE HEALTH NATHAN DALEY, MD. Dr. Daley is Colorado’s only physician with double board certification in integrative/holistic medicine and preventive medicine, and has trained with Dr. Andrew Weil. See full listing under PHYSICIAN: BOARD CERTIFIED HOLISTIC. See ad page 10.
NATHAN DALEY, MD. Dr. Daley is Colorado’s only physician with double board certification in integrative/holistic medicine and preventive medicine, and has trained with Dr. Andrew Weil. See full listing under PHYSICIAN: BOARD CERTIFIED HOLISTIC. See ad page 10.
KIDS: LEARNING/ BEHAVIOR DISORDERS BRAIN BALANCE ACHIEVEMENT CENTERS 303-278-1780, Golden 303-800-1625 Highlands Ranch (University and C-470) Ages 4-17 BrainBalanceColorado.com A learning disorder is like a weed, you have to get to the root of the matter! At Brain Balance Centers, we tackle your child’s learning, behavioral or developmental challenge head on- with a unique, drug-free, whole-child approach that goes beyond symptoms to address root causes. Whether it’s reading, writing, math or just a problem of focus....every child deserves the opportunity to reach their fullest academic and social potential. Stop in or call to learn more about how the Brain Balance Program can help your child succeed. Now open in Highlands Ranch. Free 1/2 hour consultation and tour. See ad page 2.
MASSAGE IN TOUCH MASSAGE THERAPY WITH BRENNA WITT, LMT Kittredge Village, 26030 Hwy. 74, Kittredge 303-526-0038 theintouchmassage@gmail.com Do you have sore muscles, an injury with persistent pain or just need to relax? Allow your mind and body to melt into my capable hands at In Touch Massage Therapy, located on scenic Hwy 74, just minutes from Evergreen.. Enjoy your fully customized massage with Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue and/or Hot Stone while listening to the soothing sounds of Bear Creek and bird songs outside the window. New client special! $45 for an hour; $65 for 1.5 hours or the package: buy 5 and get the 6th free! Gift Certificates are available. Call or email for your massage today!
CLEAR SKY MEDICAL WITH KATIA I. MEIER, M.D. Panorama Falls 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 www.ClearSkyMedical.com Now Board Certified in Anti-Aging. Feel your best with Dr Katia Meier, Board Certified Holistic MD specializing in whole body health inside and out for children and adults. Customized approaches to Healthy Aging, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy, Nutritional analysis and Therapy, Medical Aesthetics and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments, Homeopathy, Herbology, Naturopathic Medicine, Personalized Detoxification Programs, Medical Weight Loss for men and women. Treating all ages and most insurance welcomed. Make your appointment today. See ad page 3.
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT THE ASPEN PROGRAM FOR PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Explore Your Potential! Karen Fox, Ph.D., Director 303-942-0646 www. A s p e n P ro g ra m .co m We are all psychic! Improve your innate psychic abilities to make better decisions for your life or to become a professional. Take the classes you are drawn to or get a certificate in Psychic (Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Claircognizant+), Medical Intuitive, or Spirit Medium. We have a variety of classes and instructors.
NUTRITION CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. Now Board Certified in Anti-Aging. See listing under PHYSICIAN or see ad page 3.
PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE NATHAN DALEY, MD. Dr. Daley is Colorado’s only physician with double board certification in integrative/holistic medicine and preventive medicine, and has trained with Dr. Andrew Weil. See full listing under PHYSICIAN: BOARD CERTIFIED HOLISTIC. See ad page 10.
NATHAN DALEY, MD, MPH 225 Union Blvd. #400, Lakewood 303-462-5344 www.nathandaleymd.com Dr. Daley, who trained with Dr Andrew Weil, is Colorado’s only double board-certified physician in integrative/holistic medicine and preventive medicine. He specializes in disease prevention and chronic complaints while creating individualized programs combining: cutting-edge nutrition, exercise techniques used by elite athletes, sleep optimization, mind-body, stress-management, environment, lifestyle modification, herbal/nutraceutical supplements, Ayurveda, bioidentical hormones, pharmaceuticals, motivational interviewing, advanced labs and referral to both complementary and conventional specialists as needed. See ad page 10.
NEW! PSYCHIC CHANNELED READINGS NANCY MCCLEARY 303-519-0355 / www.nancymccleary.com Nancy has a special gift of tapping into your Higher Self, Guides & Angels. From there she channels loving and compassionate wisdom that will help you improve any area of your life. Readings are conducted over the phone. “Awaken the Magic in Your Life.” Other services include Aura Photography, Cards of Destiny & Career/ Life Purpose Readings. Visit her web site for testimonials and more information.
RECONNECTIVE PRACTITIONER LOVEJOY THERAPY WITH ALEX LOVEJOY, MA, CHT. 1800 30th St. Suite 307, Boulder 303-808-6075 / www.lovejoytherapy.com These sessions allow for one to attune and come into harmony with the new frequencies. It is ‘off the body’ yet it affects one’s DNA and reconnects one to their essence. Alex Lovejoy has trained in the healing arts for 20 years. This work has profoundly shifted Alex’s inner connection with the Divine and produced deep healing experiences with her human and animal clients.
natural awakenings
November 2013
SOLAR GOLDEN SOLAR 614 10th Street, Golden 720-278-5253 www.GoldenSolar.net A solar system for your home or business has never been so affordable and painless! You know solar is good for the environment, but it’s also great on your wallet! Hedge yourself against ever-increasing electricity rates and inflation. Clean, quiet, maintenance free, reduce pollution and CO2 emissions. Increase your property’s value. Colorado owned and operated with master electricians and professional installers. Respectful, clean and quick work. Solar incentives, tax credits and rebates available – ask us today! Buy or lease options. Installation guaranteed for 10 years. See ad page 9.
INNER CONNECTION INSTITUTE CHURCH OF INFINITE SPIRIT Main Office: inside Balanced Body Center 975 Lincoln St, Ste 202, Denver Denver: 303-282-9439 Wheat Ridge: 303-257-4797 www.Innerconnection.org Create the life you desire through our easy, effective, supportive techniques. A non-denominational, spiritual sanctuary offering clairvoyant reading and healing services, meditation classes, psychic development programs, ministerial services, and ordination programs. Locations in Denver and Wheat Ridge. Free aura clearing and chakra balancing in Wheat Ridge every Saturday 1:00 - 2:00pm. Free open channel clinic in Denver at the Rocky Mtn Miracle Center on the 2nd Fridays of the month at 7pm. Spiritual Services on 1st Sundays at RMMC, 1:30pm. Everyone Welcome! Call for more information. 303282-9439. See ad page 13.
RENEE ELLIS, MA CMT Psychotherapy, Intuitive Counseling Past Life Therapy, Energy Healing Located in Central Denver 720-984-9575 www.liveyourknowing.com Are you dealing with changes in relationships or career, grief and loss, finding and stepping on your life path, or healing from a health challenge? Renee specializes in helping women dealing with life transitions to find clarity, movement, freedom, energy and intuitive perspective. Renee is a unique guide who weaves together traditional counseling techniques with intuitive abilities, energy healing, personalized Bach Flower Essence formulas and past life therapy without regression. Individual sessions and classes available. Free 30-minute clarity consultation.
SPIRITUAL RETREAT & CONFERENCE CENTER SUNRISE RANCH 100 Sunrise Ranch Road, Loveland 970-679-4200 www.SunriseRanch.org Home for leaders & people who are committed to the spiritual regeneration of humanity. Our programs & events are meeting the evolving needs of our world and empower personal transformation. Concert venue & conference facilities for leadingedge organizations; opportunities to participate in our 350-acre organic farm and ranch; & connection with like-minded people in this multifaceted spiritual community. See the Calendar for events. See ad page 18.
Rev. Lisa Giroux Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified NOW, Spirit Guide, Akashic Records and Prayer practitioner 719-839-0461 Lisa@lisagiroux.com www.LisaGiroux.com FB/reikiwithlisa Make the shift toward more self awareness and spiritual growth with my private phone coaching programs. Learn simple ways to cultivate more well being and peace of mind with my foundation program “the Simplicity of Spirituality” teachings. Peace on Earth begins with Peace of Mind. Namaste. Book one phone session/get one 1/2 price!
Denver/Boulder Mile High Edition
BEYOND THERAPY WITH PATRICIA BENNETT, RN, LPC Office: 1539 S Broadway Bldg A, Denver 720-519-8457 www.ReflectedSpirit.com When life gets the best of you, rely on a trusted confidant to help you through. Patricia is that one person with the right talents and life skills (wife, grandmother, sister, survivor): a Licensed Psychotherapist, RN, Qigong, Tai Chi, somatic worker and intuitive: a healer. Also: monthly workshops teaching you how to heal and empower yourself.
NEW! TRANSFORMATION AWAKEN HIGHER BRAIN LIVING® CENTER-LITTLETON with Kent Johnson / 303-907-3468 2100 W Littleton Blvd, #248, Littleton
NEW IN COLORADO: From your first session, you experience an energy surge through the connective tissue of your body, loosening the grip of your fear-based “survival” brain as this energy shifts into your prefrontal cortex. As your stress plunges, you rediscover your inner Joy, Passion and Purpose - YOUR intended purpose! This gentle-touch technique is so consistent and predictable that we guarantee it. 1st step: See a LIVE demonstration - email KentJ@HigherBrainLiving.com for a video clip and schedule.
Tell’em You Saw It In Natural Awakenings!
Natural Iodine Supplementation A Must for Most Americans
e all need iodine, yet most of us don’t get enough of it through our diet. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that iodine deficiency in the developed world has increased fourfold in the past 40 years and now affects nearly three-quarters of all adults. Numerous U.S. practicing physicians quoted widely in the media estimate that the incidence of hypothyroidism in our adult population may be between 30 and 70 percent. Thus, we can’t efficiently produce the thyroid hormones that serve as chemical messengers triggering nearly every bodily function. The presence or absence of iodine affects our every cell.
Natural Awakenings Detoxifed Iodine is 100 percent natural, raw iodine in an ethyl alcohol solution. We thank all those that are benefiting from this product and enthusiastically telling us their great results. H Available only at NAWebstore.com I My wife, who suffered from extreme fatigue and other symptoms, saw a dramatic increase in energy after just a few days of taking the natural iodine drops. Now if she misses a day, she’ll end up falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon, like she used to do before taking the iodine. It works! ~ Aaron My doctor told me that I had a hypothyroid condition, prescribed medication and was happy with the follow-up test results, yet I noticed no positive effects on my overall wellbeing. Within two weeks of using the Natural Awakenings Detoxified Iodine, I had more energy, felt more awake and enjoyed clearer thinking and greater peace of mind. People even comment that I look younger. I am a fan! ~ Larry
Be Aware of Hypothyroidism Symptoms Low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, is the most recognized and obvious indicator of low iodine intake because the thyroid gland contains more concentrated iodine than other organs. Symptoms can range from extreme fatigue and weight gain to depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, fibrocystic breasts and a variety of skin and hair problems. Hypothyroidism can further cause infertility, joint pain, heart disease and stroke. Low iodine levels also have been associated with breast and thyroid cancers. In children, insufficient iodine has been strongly linked with mental retardation,
deafness, attention deficient and hyperactivity disorder and impaired growth, according to studies by Boston University, China’s Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and France’s National Academy of Medicine. The answer is simple: Taking the right kind of iodine in the right dosage can rebalance thyroid function and restore health to the thyroid and the whole body.
Reasons Behind Iodine Deficiency Radiation: Almost everyone is routinely exposed to iodine-depleting radiation emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi, microwave ovens and other electronic devices. Iodized table salt: The human body cannot utilize the iodine added to this product. Low-sodium diets: Failure to use healthy salts to fulfill sodium requirements, plus over-
use of zero-nutrient table salt in foods, leads to iodine depletion. Bromine: This toxic chemical overrides iodine’s abilities to nourish the thyroid, adrenal and other hormone-producing glands. A known carcinogen, it is used as an anticaking ingredient found in almost all baked goods, unless the ingredients specifically cite unbromated flour. Iodine-depleted soils: Due to poor farming techniques, iodine and other minerals in soil have declined, so most foods today are devoid of naturally occurring iodine. Proper iodine supplementation with a high-quality product like Natural Awakenings Detoxified Iodine can prevent harm by protecting the thyroid and other endocrine glands and restoring proper hormone production.
A Few Drops Can Change Your Life! You could feel better, lose weight or increase energy and mental clarity with a few drops of Natural Awakenings DETOXIFIED IODINE daily in water or on your skin when used as directed. o An essential component of the thyroid, A iiodine replacement has been reported tto give relief from: t %FQSFTTJPO t 'JCSPNZBMHJB t )ZQPUIZSPJEJTN t 3BEJBUJPO
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